Museum of stones in the village of Goncharka in the Republic of Adygea. Excursion to Goncharka, or when a dream comes true Rock Garden Goncharka village phone number contacts

A little less than ten years ago, as a young geography teacher and working at school for a very, very short time, together with the class we went to the village of Goncharka to see the Rock Garden. The excursion left an indelible impression, but... but there was not a single photograph left as a keepsake, and there was no time to look at anything then - all thoughts were only about the children, how they behave, what they do... And they they wanted to run, swim in the lake, scream, but they didn’t want to eat or obey...))))))
Since then, I dreamed of returning there and taking my time and looking around to see everything, having actually been on an excursion.
Well, dreams are meant to come true someday! Even if it’s 10 years later!

Here are the photographs of the guys that I and Irina Valerievna Kunichkina took on the trip, which served as the basis for writing a report about the trip on the class blog:

Alexey Vitalievich Kurlykin is an old friend of ours. He is a tour guide with a capital letter, because... he doesn’t let the kids get bored on the bus, telling the history and geography of the places we pass. So it is this time. He drew the children's attention to the rice paddies (fields flooded with water where Kuban rice is grown)...

Enterprises for the extraction of building materials and construction sites where these materials were used...

Sugar beet crops, for which the Republic of Adygea, through whose territory we passed, is famous...

And I paid attention to the sky. The clouds were beautiful, but there was concern that rain might ruin the trip. But there was a glimmer of hope inside that this would not happen, because the weather has loved me all these years, it has always been favorable!

And this is a landfill. It was here that all the garbage that remained from the preparation of Sochi for the Olympics was taken out. Local residents organized a lot of pickets until we all heard the words of the Governor of our region that the landfill would be closed and also reclaimed.

By the way, along the way, another secret was revealed - why there are so many trucks on this site.

The secret is simple - the road is being repaired.
And now, after two hours of travel, which flew by almost unnoticed, we are in Goncharka! The arboretum is located on a sloping foothill plain, in the forest-steppe belt. Average altitude above sea level = 200 m.

We weren’t even surprised who met us immediately at the entrance!))))

I purchased a small guide to the arboretum that will help explain the park.
Yu.N. Karpun. Goncharsky Arboretum named after P.V. Bukreev. Guide. Belorechensk, 2009

Goncharsky Dendrological Park named after. P.V. Bukreeva includes more than 300 species, varieties and garden forms of woody plants alone.

This is the largest arboretum collection in Adygea, the practical and scientific significance of which is difficult to overestimate. Many plants are unique in their own way. The thickest black soils lie here, in some places over two meters. During the occupation of the village of Goncharka (1942 - 1943), the Nazis transported it by train to Germany.

The possibilities for cultivating woody plants in the arboretum have no analogues in Russia. This is a kind of introductory center of the country. Only here can species from the arid Mediterranean and more than humid Japan, from the deserts of Central Asia and the Himalayan mountains be equally cultivated, and Siberian trees can grow next to trees from sunny Florida.
The main background of the vegetation of the arboretum is created by white-trunked birches. There are most of them here. Birch leaves emit so many volatile phytoncides that just being in a birch grove is healing. There are many pine trees of various types, domestic and foreign, in the arboretum; in summer they are not very noticeable, but in winter they make the arboretum green and elegant. There are juniper virginiana from the USA, yew berry, thuja folded from North America, pea cypress growing in Japan, metaxequoia glyptostrobus and ginkgo biloba, listed in the Red Book of the World, plane trees, chestnuts, red oak from the North American continent, Hungarian lilac, cercis Chinese, mountain ash, evergreen boxwood. This list goes on and on...

But still, most tourists go to the arboretum to look at ammonites.
The coastal part of the arboretum is decorated with giant miraculous sculptures - anthropogenic(humanoid) Jurassic sandstone nodules.
The British are proud that there is a place for recreation in the center of London - the famous Hyde Park. But it looks much more modest than the Goncharsky Arboretum. The London Arboretum does not have such landscape diversity or miraculous sculptures, which residents and guests of the village of Goncharka are proud of.
Since 1989, the coastal part of the park has been decorated with giant miraculous sculptures.
The story of their appearance is as follows. During the construction of the road to the mountainous regions of Adygea, uniquely shaped stones remained. The rich imagination of Peter Bukreev helped to see in these multi-ton blocks images of peoples whose history is connected with the history of ancient Adygea: Scythians, Sarmatians, Pechenegs, Meots and others.
This is the only park in the world that has such an unusual decoration. In 1991, in the center of Sosnovaya Polyana, a giant “Stone Flower” was erected from large multi-colored river boulders, a favorite place for visitors to the arboretum.

And on both sides of the road to the pond there were large samples of rocks that make up this part of the Caucasus Mountains - a kind of open-air museum.

Huge stone sculptures, the author of which is nature itself, represent massive remains of sand lenses. Ammonites, belemnites , as well as fossilized cephalopod shells can be seen on most of them.
Amazing marine animals lived many millions of years ago, at a time when the entire Caucasus was the bottom of the Ancient Sarmatian Sea, formed as a result of the retreat of the Tethys Ocean.

In the arboretum there are pointed blocks with traces of processing that are very reminiscent menhirs - ancient megaliths.

They are, of course, not ancient artifacts and do not have great archaeological value, but they have great aesthetic appeal.

And here is the most “famous” ammonite, which was somehow stolen (they thought it was the shell of an ancient turtle), but was later recognized by the intended buyer and returned to the park.

While we were in the park, workers were landscaping the park in every possible way - dry trees were being cut down. But they weren’t just chopped, sawed down and carried away, no! Before our eyes, the trunk turned into “stools” and a table. And this, apparently, is the creation of children's hands!

And what an unusual pond we saw...

The lotuses were so beautiful that it was hard to believe that they were of natural origin... I checked - they were real!)))))

Rocks and fossils were scattered throughout the park.

The small structure looks like a well. At first I didn’t understand its purpose, and then I thought it was... for beauty (their dead wood).

How can you be in the park and not take a photo!))))
Meet Natalya Ivanovna Plukchi, history and social studies teacher at gymnasium No. 18, my friend and colleague, a regular participant in excursions. And our classes are friends - whenever possible we try to go on vacation with the kids!

And, of course, I didn’t stay away...

Bearing in mind that there were no photographs left from my last visit to the park, I decided that I would definitely save a few from this trip!

It was very difficult to pose: uneven surface, rocky cliff and lake behind and... heels...

To be honest, the photographs were quite expensive - my neck and arms were burned, because the Sun loves me very much. When I am within its reach in the summer, it’s as if there are no other people around... all the burning rays are just for me)))))

And this photo was taken on the outskirts of a birch grove, where we set up our temporary camp. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Denis Pavlovich Shevchenko, my kids’ physical education teacher, who constantly played various sports games with them, took sports equipment with him... After all, then it would not have been possible to be away from the children for even a minute...

It was here, on the trip, that I wanted to sum up the results of the competition that took place on the class blog not so long ago. Today's trip for its winner - Vanya Kunichkin - was completely free, because he became winner competition for the best article on our class blog and received a trip as a prize. Well done!!!

Nastya's article took 2nd place. She'll get two movie tickets!

And Sasha’s article became third, which means he gets a sweet prize and a winner’s diploma!

Are we tired? A little, but it was pleasant fatigue, because so many new things were learned, so much delicious food was eaten, so many conversations were had and songs were listened to)))))
And Krasnodar greeted us with a slightly cloudy sky.

But!!! While we were resting, not a single drop of rain fell, although it was raining in Goryachy Klyuch, where the parallel class went...

I think that the guys will be impressed for a long time!
The 2013-2014 academic year is over!
Hurray, vacation!

How did your school year end? Where were you, what did you see?

P.S. What would you call the sculptures signed in the photo with numbers 1 - 4? Let's exchange impressions?!

I still never got around to writing about it. Almost a year has passed. But better late than never.
And so, Goncharka is a unique little-known place in Adygea that deserves attention. Full name - Goncharsky Dendrological Park named after. Bukreev Petr Vasilievich. Brief information from the Internet:

“The Dendrological Park named after P. V. Bukreev was created with the aim of preserving and enhancing the collection of plants and a section of the park landscape. Initially it consisted of five separate recreation areas classified as natural monuments of local significance. During its existence, it has turned into an extensive arboretum, the collection fund of which contains about 300 species and cultivars of woody and herbaceous plants - introduced species, most of which were successfully acclimatized for the first time in the Goncharsky Arboretum. Collection of the dendrological park named after. V.P. Bukreeva is the most significant in the North-West Caucasus.
The arboretum is a rich base for the mass reproduction and introduction of valuable plant species into the green construction of the region. Unique in its architecture and landscape-aesthetic significance, it has been successfully used for educational, environmental and educational purposes for many years, and is a landmark of the republic.
The arboretum is located on a sloping foothill plain, in the forest-steppe belt. The average altitude above sea level is 200 m.
The soil cover is represented by leached drained chernozems.
The hydraulic network is formed by small streams and beams on which ponds are built. The total area occupied by water bodies here exceeds that under land. The arboretum includes 5 ponds and areas of adjacent land, on which the arboretum is laid out. The core of the park is the territory of the former natural monument “Central Recreation Area”, where plant collections are concentrated and an original park landscape decorated with fossils has been created.”

Pyotr Vasilyevich Bukreev was the chairman of the state farm of medicinal herbs and the main inspirer of the creation of this park. Goncharka contains a collection of very strange-looking, mysterious ancient boulders. During the construction of roads around the village of Abadzekhskaya, these stones came across by chance here and there, and Pyotr Bukreev brought them to the park to create stunning, unique compositions. These amazing rocks and organic fossils come in bizarre shapes; It’s interesting to look at them and guess in them either human figures, or unknown animals, or phallic symbols. They seem not to be simple stones, but the creation of unearthly authors. These are mystery stones. There is a feeling of the presence of something supernatural. It’s as if these stones and compositions from them were created by aliens from other worlds, encrypting hidden messages in them that need to be unraveled.
There are many different types of trees planted in the park, including rare and exotic ones. There's a lot to see for botanists. I didn’t try to remember the names of all the plants that the guide told us about, but she told us with great enthusiasm and love for her work. It is worth coming there, of course, in the warm season, starting in April. Meetings, picnics and various events are allowed in the park. Naturally, you need to keep clean and not leave trash behind.

This is simply a wonderful place to relax. Unfortunately, the photographs do not convey the amazing energy of this park, which can well be called a place of power. There you can simply admire nature, breathe the cleanest air and meditate in silence. This place is truly empowering. The more you are there, the better you feel. My group and I spent almost the entire day there, and I didn’t feel tired or hungry. The air itself is such that you want to preserve it in a jar and take it with you as a souvenir.
People love to write fairy tales and believe in them, so this place has already acquired legends. Some boulders have been attributed mystical powers, especially the large "phalluses". These “phalluses” are said to bring good luck in love and healing from illnesses. Therefore, women try to hug them and make a wish.
I recommend everyone to provide financial support to the guardians of this park so that they continue to take care of this beautiful island of nature. Everything there is based on the pure enthusiasm of caring people.
If you don’t have enough sun right now, I advise you to look at all the photos, it will become warmer)))
For more than 40 photographs taken in the park in May 2012, see

The Museum of Stones is one of the most amazing places in picturesque Adygea. What is so amazing about the Stone Museum?

Museum of Stones - history of origin

The Rock Museum (rock garden) is located in the village of Goncharka in the Republic of Adygea, 30 km from Maykop. Located in an ancient dendrological park, the museum of stones surprises its guests with unique sculptures that seem to come to life against the backdrop of green trees, bright flowers and crystal ponds.

The Museum of Stones appeared relatively recently, in the mid-eighties of the twentieth century, during the construction of a mountain road to the Black Sea. As a result of multiple blasting operations, a large number of stones from various rocks were formed. Subsequently, they became the most important exhibits of the museum.

Once in the museum of stones, you are transported to a good old fairy tale, where you are greeted by your favorite characters skillfully carved from stone. Big and small, kind and menacing, they all keep ancient secrets that you can touch.

You are given the opportunity to visit a place where carved stone and lush greenery are one. Where the bright rays of the Adyghe sun, in a duet with reflections of colorful flowers, leave their imprints on the stone heroes. The Museum of Stones will give you and your loved ones a lot of bright emotions and positive impressions that will be remembered for a long time.

Museum of Stones - exhibits

But at the “stone” exhibition there are also more serious exhibits. Here you can see massive stone sculptures representing the remains of sand lenses. Belemnites, ammonites, and shells of cephalopods that existed thousands of years ago are visible on them. It is as if you are a spectator who has had the opportunity to observe the progress of evolution.

The sculptures in the Museum of Stones are located along picturesque alleys surrounded by unique plants collected from all over the world. Walking through the park, you will come across many reservoirs, near which there are recreation areas. And the crowns of centuries-old trees stretching over the water will protect you from the capricious sun.

Having visited the Museum of Stones once, you will want to come back here again and again, because the Museum of Stones has its own peculiarity. Here, in these stone prints, each person sees his own, bizarre images and imagines his own stories. Here time slows down and does not run like sand. After all, what is sand when an age-old stone appears on its path, behind which stands nature itself.

The Stone Museum is located in the village. Goncharka of the Giaginsky district of the Republic of Adygea.


In the spring of 1970, the dendrological park named after P.V. Bukreev began its history, then the Berezovaya recreation center was founded a few kilometers from the estate of the Giaginsky state farm (Goncharka village). Two years later, tree seedlings were planted in the Dalnyaya recreation area. And at the end of 1976, the first seedlings appeared on the outskirts of the village of Goncharka. Currently this is the core of the arboretum.

The villagers were skeptical about the initiatives of the director of the state farm, Pyotr Vasilyevich Bukreev. The years passed, the seedlings grew, changing the landscape, the interest of the population grew (excursions came).

On January 8, 1986, the executive committee of the Giaginsky District Council declared the above recreation areas State Natural Monuments, and accordingly a reserve regime was established. And on November 16, 1989, at the XII session of the botanical gardens of the North Caucasus, the recreation areas were given the status of the Giaginsky dendrological park, with subsequent inclusion in the regional Council of Botanical Gardens S.K.

The arboretum in Goncharka began with the planting of local tree species: spruce, pine, beech, hornbeam, oak. Later, the collection of trees was replenished with exotic plants brought from the Black Sea coast and from the Sochi Arboretum. Initially, the selection of species for the arboretum was spontaneous, but it was soon replaced by a scientifically based, orderly selection. In the dendrological park named after. Bukreeva P.V. An introduction nursery was created, where seedlings are prepared for planting in a permanent place.

Currently, about 350 species of various woody plants grow in the arboretum. Many of them are unique in their own way, and the fact that some of them grow in a given area does not at all fit into the classical ideas about the capabilities of these plants. Collection of the dendrological park named after P.V. Bukreev. the largest in the region, its scientific significance cannot be underestimated, but it is also difficult to overestimate.

Dendrological Park named after P.V. Bukreev consists of several sections: Dalniy, Berezovy and Central, which is available for walks and excursions. The area of ​​the Central site is about 20 hectares, only a third of it is occupied by plantings; the rest of the territory contains a pond with islands. This pond is a favorite vacation spot for tourists and local residents who come to the dendrological park to swim, fish, barbecue or play badminton, etc.

Recently, newlyweds have often come to the pond of the arboretum in Goncharka to take a walk or take great pictures for their wedding photo album.

The coastal part of the dendrological park named after. Bukreeva P.V. decorated with huge elongated and rounded stones. These stones are ammonites, huge mollusks that lived on the bottom of the ancient ocean.

Another attraction of the dendrological park named after P.V. Bukreev. are stone sculptures. According to legend, these sculptures are of alien origin, although for the most part this is fiction (but the sculptures are indeed miraculous!). Each stone has its own name: Sarmat, Meot, Scythian and Pecheneg.

In October 2000, the dendrological park named after. Bukreeva P.V. celebrated its 30th anniversary. In this regard, a scientific conference of botanists and botanical garden specialists was held in the village of Goncharka. At the conference, the problems and tasks of botanical gardens were discussed, and a lot was said about the inspirer and creator of such a miracle - Pyotr Vasilyevich Bukreev.