Features of organizing a family weekend tour. How to start a business of organizing individual tours? Weekend tour definition


tour recreational hike weekend

Tourism today is one of the growing and developing sectors in the global economy. It is the connecting link of world unity, a key path for socio-economic progress throughout the world.

At the moment, there is a quick way to identify more and more new tourist destinations.

Weekend tours are becoming more and more relevant. If the vacation is still far away, and the fatigue accumulated during work makes itself felt, then weekend tours are the best way to escape from workdays and plunge into a completely different world for a short period of time, add a little variety to everyday life, without leaving, with this, from important matters. This type of tourism includes trips with the whole family, with a group of friends, with colleagues, or even romantic walks with a loved one. Weekend tours are perfect to celebrate a birthday or company anniversary.

The increase in the load on a person during the working week, the desire to spend an interesting weekend makes weekend tours more and more popular. This is where the relevance of the topic we have chosen is expressed.

The purpose of the course work is to identify the essence and features of the weekend tours, in the organization of the development of this type of recreational trip.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks will be solved:

1.To reveal the essence of weekend tours;

2.Analyze the process of developing and preparing a program for a tourist trip;

.Describe the procedure for conducting a tourist trip;

.Distribute responsibilities in the tourist group;

.Indicate the main tourist documentation required for the tourist trip.

The object of the research is weekend tours.

The subject of this course work is the creation and technology of development of weekend tours.

The methodological basis of our work was the normative acts and documents in the field of tourism, the work of Russian and foreign researchers of tourism, data from information resources.

1. Theoretical aspects of weekend tours

.1 The essence of weekend tours

The main directions of tourism development were cognitive and recreational in nature; to a significant extent contributed to the enlightenment and spiritual enrichment of various strata of the population, contributed to the knowledge of the fatherland and the formation of national identity.

Recreational hikes were originally designed for business travelers who don't have time to spend on vacation. So, from 1890 to the October Revolution, a tourist infrastructure (transport network, restaurant and hotel industry) was formed, numerous travel agencies, clubs, bureaus, companies appeared. Two main components of the tourism market are being formed - elite tourism of the wealthy and excursion and recreational tourism of the intelligentsia.

In the modern pace of life, many have no time to make time for an excursion or tour. Tours that can be held on a weekend can be a great solution. These tours provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the main attractions in just one day and have a great weekend.

Weekend tours are 2-3 days rest, exciting, as a rule, only one working day - Friday.

Weekend tours have a different focus:

1.educational tourism - does not depend on the age of the participants, only on the range of their interests.

Cognitive tours are divided into:

· stationary tours (tourists stay in one city, tourist center);

· route tours (visiting several settlements, attractions, built in the form of a travel route);

· entertainment tours (entertainment during a tourist trip. The main programs are excursion and entertainment.

Entertainment tours can be:

· periodic or one-time - organized for holidays, during vacations or at traditional festivals;

· regular - tours to specially created places of permanent entertainment.);

2.Ecological tourism - includes both small educational tours for schoolchildren and regular tourist programs in national parks and reserves;

3.Business tourism - tourist trips for business purposes.

Despite the wide variety of types of tourism, recreational trips on weekends are in the greatest demand among the population.

1.2 Organization, preparation and conduct of recreational trips during the weekend

The important aspects of organizing and conducting recreational hikes are determined by the organizers of the hike (travel companies or leaders of amateur hikes), based on the goals and objectives set before the hike, safety requirements, the availability of organizational and material resources, etc. Thus, the very effectiveness of achieving the goals of each specific the campaign will dictate the basic requirements for its organization and conduct.

During the preparation of a recreational trip, tourists solve a number of organizational issues:

· Selection of the area for the hike;

· Development of a hiking route (route threads);

· Recruiting a marching group and distributing responsibilities in a marching group;

· Drawing up a travel schedule;

· Selection of the necessary camping equipment;

· Drawing up a marching diet and determining a marching diet;

· Registration of the necessary travel documentation (if necessary).

When choosing an area for a hike, consider:

· goals and objectives set before the campaign,

· the composition of a specific hiking group (age, health status, aspirations and wishes of the participants),

· the amount of free time that the participants of the trip have.

For recreational and health-improving trips, an area is selected that will best fulfill the tasks of health improvement, good rest for participants in the natural environment. Cognitive tasks can also be successfully combined with recreational tasks - expanding the horizons of the participants, their knowledge of nature, the cultural and historical heritage of their ancestors, etc. Usually such trips are made "in their native land" and pursue, among other things, local history goals.

In addition, the choice of the area is determined by the presence of targeted recreational and educational objects of visit that will arouse the greatest interest among the participants of the hike: local sections of the route with the most beautiful landscapes, picturesque lakes or groups of lakes; rivers, attractive forest areas (light pine forests, broad-leaved groves), etc.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike, there should be convenient points for approaching the beginning of the route and points of departure from the end of the route. The trekking area should have good "passability" - it is desirable that it include a dense enough network of forest, field paths and paths suitable for walking, cycling. In this case, the participants, while moving along the route, will not experience physical and emotional overload. In addition to these criteria, we note that the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike must contain a sufficient number of sources of clean water for catering; places convenient for organizing overnight stay and rest of tourists (including equipped tourist parking). The most common type of recreational trek is weekend trekking. Therefore, the limited hiking time also leaves an imprint on the choice of the hiking area: recreational areas are selected from among the participants close to the place of residence.

After choosing the area of \u200b\u200bthe campaign, based on the available cartographic material and other information, a specific route of the campaign (route thread) is developed. The thread of the route, developed on the basis of the topographic map of the area of \u200b\u200bthe campaign, is the following sequence of landmarks:

· Starting point;

· pivot points for day crossings;

· places of tourist halts;

· Finish point.

In the case of marked routes, the route thread is not only marked on the map, but in one way or another marked (marked) on the ground.

The choice of the area for the hike and the development of the route are the defining tasks of the preparatory period.

When developing a route for a recreational hike, the following creative work with a topographic map and other information materials is performed:

· the required length of the route is determined (taking into account the composition of the group, the intended goals of the campaign);

· of all those present in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike, specific target recreational and educational objects of visit are selected;

· specific points of arrival (starting points of the route) and points of departure of the group from the route are determined that are convenient for reaching the intended recreational and educational objects of visit;

· places for organizing bivouacs and large halts are determined, which should satisfy to the maximum extent the tasks of safety, recreation and health improvement of participants, as well as the implementation of excursion and educational tasks;

· the tactical scheme of the route is determined (linear, circular, with sections of radial movement);

· the ways of achieving the planned main recreational and educational objects and points for organizing lunch breaks and bivouacs (group movement route) are determined;

· the route, due to the above actions, is divided into separate, feasible for the participants, day crossings of a certain length;

· on daytime crossings, reference points are outlined for accurate movement along the route (point, linear, areal).

At the preparatory stage, a schedule can be drawn up. In fact, with this document, the leader of the campaign answers the questions: what is the group doing and where is on certain dates and times of the campaign. In particular, it is the schedule that determines the date and time of arrival at the beginning of the route and departure from the final point of the route; the number, dates and places of organizing days and half-days on the route, dates of overnight stays at the designated points and the length of certain day crossings.

In addition, the schedule defines:

· visiting times and time spent on recreation at recreational facilities;

· time of excursions (museums, nature reserves, individual cultural, historical and natural monuments) and other recreational activities (competitions, games, beach and bathing holidays, etc.).

In general, there are no standard requirements established by regulatory documents for the organization and conduct of recreational trips, except for the case of trips with students. For hikes with students, the Ministry of Education has prepared a special "Instructions for organizing and conducting hikes with students." Neither this nor any other normative documents regulate the quantitative parameters of the recreational hike (the duration of the hike and the length of the route), the choice of the hike area, the recruiting of the hiking group, the choice of equipment and the order of meals for the participants in the hiking conditions, etc.

Hikes are carried out in accordance with the "Rules for organizing and conducting amateur hiking trips and travels in the territory of the Russian Federation."

Itinerary sheet or itinerary book (Appendix 1) is the most important tourist documents.

The main purpose of the documentation is to help ensure the safety of tourist travel. Itinerary documentation allows you to control the movement of groups on the route, makes group members in the process of preparing and submitting a report on the trip to analyze their actions, learn from their own mistakes and teach others.

The documentation may be decorated with the logo and name of the organization that ordered the forms. This especially applies to the route sheet, route book and control note.

Itinerary documentation must be provided for all travel organizations.

1.3 Distribution of responsibilities in the tourist group

The organization of a tourist trip certainly includes the acquisition of a group. A recreational hike group is formed on the basis of a community of interests and a desire to take part in a particular tourist event. In the case of weekend hikes and recreational and recreational hikes, the health condition of the participants can serve as a limitation (it should allow them to endure the physical activity of the hike). It is recommended to complete a group of participants of approximately the same age and social status (then common interests and ease of communication are achieved. At the same time, it is known from tourist practice that the effectiveness of managing a group and achieving the goals of the trip will be maximum if the group of tourists does not exceed 12-15 participants. In the case of more massive trips, it is advisable to divide the entire hiking group into "departments" with their own tourist guides (instructors).

In tourist groups, where the participants independently organize the trip, their functional responsibilities are distributed between them.

1.The team leader is the most experienced and respected tourist or trained instructor. He is responsible for everything that happens during the hike, including safety.

2.The food manager is responsible for the preparation of food, calorie content, variety, organizes the purchase of products, their packaging, and controls their consumption along the way.

.The duties of the deputy head or the supply manager for equipment include the selection and preparation of tents, stoves, other group and special equipment.

.A physician monitors the condition of tourists and, if necessary, provides medical assistance.

If the size of the group is sufficient, individual tourists are instructed to keep a diary of the hike, take photographs, assign a repairman, and in children and youth groups, a person responsible for the cultural program of the hike. All these responsibilities will allow tourists to spend more interesting time on the route and provide assistance to the leader.

In commercial tourist groups, which are organized either by tourist companies or by guides who organize active types of tourism, a hiking instructor acts as a leader. The distribution of responsibilities during the campaign is voluntary.

So, we note that tourism, which emerged and developed as an objective social need, gradually established itself as one of the important means of educating people. In its development, the formation of prerequisites for organized group (collective) hikes and travel is traced; approval of hiking as a means of education; the formation and subsequent development of tourism as a social and social phenomenon that successfully contributes to the complex solution of educational, educational, health-improving and sports problems.

2. Providing services for tourists as part of a recreational weekend trip

.1 Designing a model of a recreational hike for a weekend

When developing and designing a program for a recreational hike on a day off, it is necessary to rely on GOST R 50681-2010 “Tourist services. Designing tourist services "and other regulatory documents.

This standard establishes the procedure and rules for the design of tourism services, including those that make up this tourism product.

The weekend hiking program must fully comply with the requirements of this standard.

This standard is applied by legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership, by individual entrepreneurs that provide tourism services and / or services for the development of technical documents in the field of tourism.

In accordance with GOST R 50681-2010 “Tourist services. Designing Tourism Services ”we have created a model of a recreational hike within the framework of the weekend.

"Country of snow-white trails" - weekend ski trip.

In accordance with the provisions of GOST R 53522-2009 “Tourist and excursion services. Basic Provisions ", the activities of a tourist organization include the provision of tourist services of the following types:

· security services on tourist routes;

· provision of information materials, tourist schemes, route descriptions, natural obstacles;

· services for training special tourism skills;

· consulting services, including issues of organizing recreational trips and ensuring safety on tourist routes, etc.

.The purpose of a recreational trip: cognitive - health improvement;

.Duration of the recreational hike: 2 days;

.The length of the route of the recreational hike: 37 km (1 day - 21 km, 2 days - 16 km);

.Region where the recreational trip is held: Moscow region;

.The thread of the route of the recreational hike: Kalistovo - Lugovaya - Gerasimikha - Beklemishevo - Sboevo - Morozki;

.The starting point of the recreational trip: railway station "Kalistovo";

.The end point of the recreational trip: railway station "Morozki";

.The list of stops on the route: Lugovaya, Moscow, Beklemishevo, Sboevo;

.List of overnight stays: Moscow;

.Date of the recreational trip: 01.11.14 - 02.11.14;

.Number of people in the group: 9 people aged 40 to 50.

The itinerary of a recreational weekend hike consists of:

Day 1, Saturday, 01/11/14

: 40-meeting at the Komsomolskaya ring in the center of the hall.

After purchasing tickets, you need to get by train to the station "Kalistovo".

Arriving at your destination, you should check the serviceability of the equipment, and then start moving along the route.

During the hike, the instructor describes the life and habits of forest dwellers, tells interesting hunting stories.

: 00-stop for lunch near the village of Lugovaya. (Lunch includes soup "Solyanka", rye bread, jelly).

After a few kilometers of a leisurely path, there is a monastery "Sisterhood in the name of St. Ignatius of Stavropol".

The monastery provides accommodation in five standard rooms (the room includes a bathroom with toilet; two beds; color TV; air conditioning, free WI-FI) .After accommodation in the rooms, a tour of the monastery is provided. (Familiarization with the daily routine and life in the Sisterhood, visit to the icon-painting workshop of the Sisterhood, listening to poems and works of the sisters) The cost of the excursion is included in the price of the weekend recreational hike program.

At the courtyard prohibited: smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, swearing.

After the tour, dinner is provided at 19:00 (Dinner includes buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, lemon-honey kvass) and an entertainment program until 23:00 (Songs of nuns, reading poetry, teaching Russian folk dances, round dances).

Day 2, Sunday, 02/11/14

The day doesn't start too early.

: 00 - breakfast. (Breakfast includes tea, pancake cake)

: 00 - exit to the route of the hike.

The route passes along forest paths, fields, slopes, long gentle hills. In some places the route passes the villages.

: 00 - stop for lunch near the village of Beklemishevo (lunch includes chicken soup, rye bread, ham, sweets, tea).

: 00 - stop for a snack after passing the village of Sboevo. (Snacks include tea, chocolate, fresh apples).

19:30 - Arrival at the Morozki railway station.

The co-executor for accommodation, food and leisure activities for tourists is the Russian Orthodox Church "Sisterhood in the name of St. Ignatius of Stavropol" (Moscow). Agreements have been concluded with this co-contractor, guaranteeing the accuracy and timeliness of the provided tourist services. The organizer is the Tourist "ADVENTURE CLUB", on the website of which (# "justify"\u003e .2 Development of a route for a recreational hike

The choice of the hike area is based on the analysis of topographic maps, diagrams and other information documents containing information about excursion objects in the hike area, natural monuments, tourist sites, etc.

When choosing an area for any hike, one should, first of all, take into account the goals and objectives set for it. Accordingly, for recreational trips, an area is selected that will best fulfill the tasks of health improvement and good rest for participants in the natural environment. Cognitive tasks can also be successfully combined with recreational tasks - expanding the horizons of the participants, their knowledge of the geography and nature of their native land, the cultural and historical heritage of their ancestors, the traditional way of life of the local population, etc.

From this point of view, the most optimal areas for a recreational hike are areas with the greatest recreational potential. Territories with a pronounced recreational potential are territories that are not polluted by economic activity and contain large forests (light pine forests, broad-leaved forests); picturesque landscapes with a well-defined relief and observation points; hydrographic objects (rivers and lakes suitable for bathing and recreation). This is the aforementioned set of recreational resources and recreational and educational objects necessary for the formation of a tourist product. The very presence in such areas gives a person a huge charge of energy and, if the trip is accompanied by an ecological, local history excursion, it gives new knowledge to tourists about their land.

The recreational and health-improving hike provides for mandatory, but limited and calculated taking into account the gender, age of the hike participants, their state of health, physical activity. The movement of participants along the route should not lead to their excessive physical, mental fatigue, should cause them a feeling of slight pleasant fatigue and satisfaction from the physical work performed. Consequently, the area of \u200b\u200bthe recreational hike should be "convenient" for achieving the goals of recreation. Convenient ways of entry and exit of the tourist group (railway, automobile) should lead to it; it must contain a choice convenient, not tiresome for walking roads and trails. This is one of the conditions necessary for the formation of a recreational tourist product.

It is desirable that the trekking area also provide other opportunities for the best rest of the trekking participants. From the point of view of environmental protection and maximum comfort for participants in a recreational hike, an advantage is given to the hike area, which contains equipped places for tourists to sleep and rest. Moreover, such tourist camps are usually arranged in the most picturesque places suitable for recreation purposes with the presence of sources of clean water. The presence in the area of \u200b\u200bspecially equipped or suitable for equipment by the forces of a group of places for sleeping and rest tourists and a sufficient number of sources of clean water for catering.

When choosing an area for a recreational hike, an important factor is the amount of free time that the participants have, their potential material (financial) costs. Therefore, they try to choose the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a trip closer to the place of residence, reducing the time and material expenses for travel.

After choosing the area for the hike, according to the available cartographic material and other information, tourists develop a specific route for the hike (route thread).

Large lunch breaks should be planned in safe locations with clean water suitable for preparing hot meals. At the same time, one should try to choose stopping places that are not only suitable, but also potentially most suitable for a good rest. It can be a lake with the possibility of fishing and swimming in summer; a picturesque high bank of the river, a place suitable for holding recreational competitions, etc. It is convenient that the places for lunch breaks were planned next to the excursion or recreational facilities planned for visiting. If the hike passes through the territory of a national park, or other well-known recreational areas, tourist recreation centers can be specially equipped and marked on a tourist map. When developing a ski route, you do not need to "tie" the resting places to the water sources marked on the map. To organize stops, in this case, you should find woodlands on the map. Here tourists are provided with protection from the wind and firewood for stopping in winter conditions.

Based on the location in the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe target recreational facilities and convenient start and finish points of the hike, tourists determine the optimal tactical route planning scheme:

· linear - the route is not closed, it has different, remote from each other, start and finish points;

· roundabout - a single start and finish point;

· combined - a route that includes circular sections on a linear whole route or sections of radial movement (radial exits are carried out from the halt to the target objects with the subsequent return to the starting point along the same path. The use of radial traffic on the route allows tourists to effectively conduct sightseeing, enjoy more fully unique natural objects (they are not burdened with travel cargo, are not bound by narrow time frames)).

The main thing is that the chosen tactical scheme most satisfies the solution of the set recreational tasks on the route.

Based on the analysis of cartographic and other information, specific routes of movement to excursion, recreational facilities and places of rest are outlined. Forest, field (but not highways, motorways) roads are marked on the map, going in the right directions, other linear landmarks for movement (glades, river banks, etc.). In a recreational hike, preference should be given to forest or field roads marked on a topographic map, convenient for the movement of tourists, trails (if they are known to the head or described in special materials). It is necessary to limit the length of crossings on clearings and off-road.

In this way, a specific line of movement for a day hike is determined on the map. It is important that this line runs through the territories containing the recreational resources of the area.

Within the day's crossing, a series of reference points for movement should be outlined. These landmarks will be needed in order to confidently navigate and comply with the planned route.

Various landmarks of the area serve as reference points of the route:

· point (road intersections, individual buildings, bridges, etc.);

· linear (roads and clearings used for movement or crossed during movement, river banks, boundaries between forests and fields, etc.);

· areal (settlements, lakes, small forests).

In conclusion of the done "rough" work, you should evaluate the planned route as a whole:

· the suitability of the point of arrival at the start of the route and the point of departure;

· the attractiveness of the selected recreational and educational objects, the convenience and reliability of the chosen paths of movement to them;

· the consistency of the chosen tactical route scheme, places of organization of stops, etc.

Based on the scale of the map, it is necessary to carefully measure the length of all planned daytime crossings again; determine the total length of the route and compare it with the planned parameters for a specific group of tourists. If necessary, the necessary adjustments are made to the planned route, and the final line of the route is plotted on the map with a symbol (D) indicating the start, finish points and places of all field stops.

2.3 Determination of quality control methods, safety of projected tourist services

In accordance with GOST R 52113-2003 “Services to the population. The nomenclature of quality indicators ", this tour program fully meets the requirements of regulatory documents and consumers, a high indicator of the safety of life and health of participants in a recreational hike is determined, the compliance of which with the established requirements is the main condition for recognizing this service as quality.

Also, on the basis of the above standard, the analysis of draft documents for tourist services was carried out by specialists - representatives of the relevant functional divisions of the tourist organization. Independent experts were involved.

Analysis of draft documents is aimed at identifying and timely elimination of inconsistencies.

The approval of project documents for tourism services is carried out by the head of the tourism organization.

In the case of designing a service at the request of the customer, technical documents for the projected tourist services are agreed with the customer.

The changes and additions made to the design documents are approved by the head of the tourism organization and agreed with the customer, if the design was carried out at his request.

Analysis of the draft documents confirmed:

· compliance of the established characteristics of the projected service with the safety requirements for the life and health of tourists, as well as environmental protection;

· compliance of the requirements for the tourist service processes with the projected characteristics of the services;

· the effectiveness of quality control methods for tourist services and the objectivity of assessing their characteristics.

The tourist organization has entered into agreements with partners providing accommodation, catering and tourist safety services, as well as providing an entertainment and animation program for tourists.

The agreements were concluded with organizations that ensure the safety of tourists on the route. In accordance with GOST R 50644-2009 “Tourist services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists ", the safety of tourists is ensured through the implementation of a set of organizational, technical, diplomatic, financial, law enforcement and other measures aimed at reducing risks to an acceptable level by clearly delineating and fulfilling responsibilities by all participants in the process of providing tourist services and observing personal safety requirements.


Summing up, we note that tourism, which emerged and developed as an objective social need, gradually established itself as one of the important means of educating people. In its development, the formation of prerequisites for organized group (collective) hikes and travel is traced; approval of hiking as a means of education; the formation and subsequent development of tourism as a social and social phenomenon that successfully contributes to the complex solution of educational, educational, health-improving and sports problems.

The most relevant nowadays are weekend tours. Weekend tourism is a very broad concept that includes a wide variety of leisure activities.

An important component of weekend tours is the organization, preparation and conduct of hikes, the systematic implementation of which ensures the achievement of the set goals, the solution of educational, educational and sports tasks with the maximum health-improving effect and complete safety of the hike participants.

Before starting a hike in a tourist group, it is necessary to distribute the responsibilities of all participants.

Organization, preparation and, directly, the conduct of the trip is carried out on the basis of tourist documentation. The documentation helps to ensure the safety of tourists, allows you to control the movement of groups on the route, forces group members to analyze their actions in the process of preparing and submitting a travel report.

The process of designing tourism services consists of several stages.

The first stage of the design is the compilation of a tourist service model.

The second stage of designing a program of a recreational hike is to establish standardized characteristics / indicators for a given tourist service.

The choice of the hike area is based on the analysis of topographic maps, diagrams and other information documents containing information about excursion objects in the hike area, natural monuments, tourist sites, etc. Based on the analysis of cartographic and other information, specific routes of movement to excursion, recreational facilities and places of rest are outlined.

In this way, a specific line of movement for a day hike is determined on the map.

The third stage of the design of a weekend hike should contain in the documents regulating quality control, established methods and forms of control for compliance with the projected characteristics.

The result of the analysis of draft documents is the clarification of the content of technical documents for the projected tourist services.

In the course of writing the term paper, we determined the essence of recreational hikes, examined in detail the features of organizing and conducting weekend tours, compiled a model of a recreational hike tour within the weekend, corresponding to all regulatory documentation.

Thus, the goal of the course work, set by us, has been achieved.


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A weekend hike is the simplest form of active tourism , it is especially attractive to residents of cities and towns. Urbanization, movement of people within a limited space, lack of interpersonal communication and direct contact with the natural environment, all this leads to a person's isolation in their own world. One of the possible options for solving this most acute problem of our time can be weekend hikes.

This form of spending free time is especially important for children, because in the course of the campaign they have the opportunity to communicate, learn, prepare for work, they acquire social experience. In such trips, children will learn self-service, collectivism, discipline, responsibility.

Another distinctive feature of weekend hikes is the increased degree of freedom of action of the child in the team and direct contact with the natural environment, which keeps a storehouse of knowledge and unforgettable sensations. At every step, something new awaits him, something previously unknown, something that teaches and educates.

The weekend hike includes: preparatory stage, direct implementation and summing up of its results. All this constitutes the cycle of tourist activity.

The first part of the cycle consists of preparatory work:

    Selection of the area and development of the route. Drawing up a schedule of the trip.

    Acquisition of the group. Distribution of duties.

    Calculating the estimate of the trip. Compilation of the menu.

    Preparation of the trip documentation.

    Preparation of group and personal equipment. Purchase of food.

The second part of the cycle includes:

    Overcoming the planned route.

    Compliance with the marching mode of life.

    Self-service of the participants of the hike.

    Collection of cognitive and local lore material (photos, videos, etc.)

The third part of the cycle includes:

    Processing of the collected cognitive and local history material.

    Preparation of written reports, design of photo newspapers, etc.

    Discussion of the results of the trip.

Preparation for any hike begins with defining its goal, and although the main goal of a weekend hike is active rest in a natural environment, nevertheless, the goal of the route for the participants should be something interesting, special in terms of cognition of the surrounding world or getting aesthetic impressions of the beauty of the places visited.

The purpose of the weekend hike depends on the composition of the group and the tourist opportunities of the native land, the knowledge of which is necessary for everyone, regardless of age and profession. Visiting historical or natural monuments, picking mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs, observing flora and fauna, combined with games, competitions, contests, will make the weekend trip meaningful and memorable.

When developing a route for a weekend hike, the following important principles should be considered:

1. The hike must correspond to the preparedness of the leader and the readiness of the group to pass the planned route. You should not rush to include difficult obstacles in the route that present physical and psychological difficulties for travelers (large climbs, water obstacles, swampy or impassable areas, etc.).

2. The route should pass through the most beautiful places. The presence of interesting tourist sites will contribute to the emergence of positive emotional excitement, which in turn will relieve the accumulated fatigue. A difficult route through unattractive places will not contribute to the development of children's interest in tourism.

3. The route of the hike should teach and educate. Therefore, when developing the route of the hike, it is necessary to provide for everything that would contribute to the replenishment of the knowledge of children, their upbringing (variety of flora and fauna, places of military and labor glory, places of life and work of outstanding people), the development of self-service and self-sufficiency skills when performing bivvy work, firewood working by the fire.

4. The route of the hike should be designed so that its end point is located as close as possible to transport communications. Returning home after a hike for tired travelers should be short, so as not to spoil the positive experience of the hike.

You can go out on weekend hikes with overnight stays when participants have experience of out-of-town walks and long-distance weekend hikes without overnight stays.

In the preparation of a weekend hike with an overnight stay, participants should take an active part: prepare group and personal equipment for the hike, purchase food, ensure their safety and transportation.

The choice of a weekend hike area is based on an analysis of topographic maps, diagrams and other information documents containing information about excursion sites in the hike area, natural monuments, tourist sites, etc. From this point of view, the most optimal areas for a hike are territories with the greatest recreational potential.

These should be territories that are not contaminated by economic activity, containing significant forest areas (light pine forests, broad-leaved forests), picturesque landscapes with a well-defined relief and observation points, hydrographic objects (rivers and lakes suitable for swimming and recreation).

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike, there should be convenient starting and ending points of the trip from the point of view of the arrival and departure of the group by public or private transport. The area should contain a set of forest or field roads and trails that are comfortable, not tiresome for walking.

From the point of view of environmental preservation and maximum comfort for participants in a weekend hike, the advantage is given to the area that contains equipped places for tourists to sleep and rest. Moreover, such tourist sites are usually arranged in the most picturesque places suitable for recreational purposes with the presence of sources of clean water.

An important factor when choosing a weekend hike area is the amount of free time that the participants have and their potential material costs. The hiking area located as close as possible to the place of residence will reduce the time and financial costs of travel.

Protected natural areas with the possibility of holding tourist events - national parks - correspond best to the above criteria for choosing an area for weekend hikes. It is there that the development of tourist activities is as important a task as the preservation of natural recreational resources. On the territories of national parks, marked hiking routes are laid, there are interesting educational objects with the possibility of conducting excursions by qualified specialists, equipped tourist bivouacs and places for lunch breaks, etc.

After choosing the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike, according to the available cartographic material and other information, tourists develop a specific route of the hike (route thread). The line of the route, drawn on the topographic map of the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike, represents the following sequence of landmarks: the starting point, reference landmarks for day crossings, places of tourist bivouacs and the finish point.

The following creative work is done when developing the route of the hike:

    the required length of the route and the duration of the hike are determined (taking into account the composition of the group, the intended goals of the hike);

    from all those present in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike, specific target recreational and cognitive objects of visit are selected ("highlights" of the trip);

    the points of arrival and departure of the group from the route are determined convenient for reaching the intended recreational and educational objects of visit;

    places for the organization of bivouacs and large halts are determined, which should satisfy to the maximum extent the tasks of safety, recreation and health improvement of participants, as well as the implementation of excursion and educational tasks;

    the tactical scheme of the route is determined (linear, circular, with sections of radial movement);

    the ways of reaching the planned main recreational and educational objects and points of organizing lunch breaks and bivouacs (route of movement of the group) are determined;

    the route, due to the above actions, is divided into separate, feasible for the participants, day crossings of a certain length;

    on day crossings, reference points are outlined for accurate movement along the route (point, linear, areal).

As mentioned above, the length of the route is determined by the composition of the group. On the route of the hike, the most convenient and suitable points for lunch breaks and the organization of field camps for overnight stays (bivouacs) are outlined. Having determined the bivouac points in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike, the route will automatically split into a number of day crossings, which should be feasible for the participants and not cause excessive physical and mental fatigue in them.

Based on the location in the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe target recreational facilities and convenient start and finish points of the hike, tourists determine the optimal tactical route planning scheme: linear, circular, combined (with the inclusion of circular sections and sections of radial movement).

The linear route is not closed, and has different, distant from each other, start and finish points.

In the case of a circular (closed) route, a single start and finish point is assumed.

In hikes, a combined route scheme is often used with the inclusion of circular sections on a linear route as a whole or sections of radial movement. Radial exits are carried out from the places of the bivouac or halt to the target objects with a subsequent return to the starting point along the same path. The use of radial movement on the route allows tourists to effectively carry out sightseeing, more fully enjoy the unique natural objects, since they are not burdened with a hiking load and can cover considerable distances.

When choosing the optimal path of movement to the locations of the bivouacs and target objects along the route, forest, field roads (it is recommended to abandon movement on highways and highways), going in the right directions, other linear landmarks for movement (glades, river banks, etc.) etc.). It is necessary to limit the length of crossings on clearings and off-road. Overcoming obstacles is not the goal of a weekend hike. Thus, a specific line of movement is determined on the map for each day's crossing.

Within each day's crossing, a series of reference points for movement should be identified. These landmarks will be needed in order to confidently navigate and comply with the planned route. Various landmarks of the area serve as reference points of the route: point (road crossings, individual buildings, bridges, etc.); linear (roads and clearings used for movement or crossed during movement, river banks, boundaries between forests and fields, etc.); areal (settlements, lakes, small forests).

In conclusion, the planned route should be assessed as a whole: the remoteness of the starting and ending points of the route from transport highways, the attractiveness of the chosen recreational and educational facilities, the convenience and reliability of the chosen routes of movement to them, the consistency of the chosen tactical route scheme, the places where bivouacs are organized, etc.

Proceeding from the scale of the map, it is necessary once again to carefully (strictly along the line of the intended movement) measure the length of all planned day passages; determine the total length of the route and compare it with the planned parameters for a specific group of tourists. If necessary, the necessary adjustments are made to the planned route.

The next stage of preparation for the weekend hike is the collection of group equipment. This includes: food, plastic wrap, ax, saw, buckets or pots, ladle, matches, compass, route map, first aid kit, and sports equipment. All group equipment is distributed among the participants of the hike. Keep matches and the map in a plastic bag during the hike.

Such a set of equipment is necessary if you plan to cook hot food over a fire, and if you plan to have a buffet of products taken from home by all the participants in the hike, then there is no need for this. But the romance of travel involves smoke, fire and hot tea. In addition, a variety of situations can arise during hikes, including extreme ones: either it rained, then a participant rubbed his leg or his hand was burned, or even completely lost in an unfamiliar area ...

The following guidelines should be followed when choosing personal equipment.

They go on weekend hikes taking into account the season: in comfortable clothes (sports or trouser suits) and loose shoes (sneakers, sneakers, hiking boots). Shoes must be worn, otherwise scuffs and calluses on the feet are inevitable. It is also imperative to have woolen and cotton socks. Socks made of synthetic threads are unacceptable for hiking, as they do not provide adequate heat and air exchange when walking. Legs sweat quickly and calluses are possible.

A headgear made of synthetic fabric is also undesirable, as are fur hats for skiing and hiking. A headdress for summer hikes should be made of plain light-colored fabric, for autumn-winter hikes it should be made of woolen fabric of different thicknesses. Depending on the season and weather, woolen sweaters, windproof suits and spare cotton T-shirts are taken with them, although experienced tourists never rely on the mercy of nature, but rely only on themselves.

A backpack is an obligatory attribute of personal equipment. The use of sports bags is not advisable, since the design of the backpack is the most optimal to distribute the load along the body, which allows you to comfortably overcome the route.


The emergence and development of weekend tourism was associated with the needs of the population for recreation at the end of the working week.
Weekend tours were designed for business people who simply do not have enough time for vacation, who find it difficult to escape even for a week, let alone a full month vacation.
Weekend tours are becoming more and more popular among the population. With the help of such tours, it is possible to diversify the usual weekends, make them more original and memorable, have a great rest after working days and create an excellent mood for the following days.

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… ..… ..3
CHAPTER I. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of technologies for the development and organization of a weekend tour ……………………………………………… .6
1.1 The concept of free time, leisure, recreation and their place in human life ………………………………………………………………………… .6
1.2 The concept of weekend tourism and its content ……………… 16
Chapter 2. Weekend hike …………………………………………… ... 21
2.1 Types and classification ………………………………………… .. 21
2.2 Family tourism ……………………………………………… .. 24

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ........... 34
List of used and cited literature ………………. ………. … .36
Appendix 1 ……………………………………………………………… .... 42

Even if you have long ago decided on who and how will organize trips for you, when you are going on a weekend tour for the first time, you should reconsider your usual settings. Based on the goals of the express voyage, your budget and other important details, we will suggest the best option.

Operative intervention

A travel operator or agency is the easiest way to organize a short trip quickly, without serious costs and extra efforts. If you, in general, do not care where to go, just to be faster and cheaper, sit on your phone (or computer) and start methodically researching the market for weekend tours.

Operators usually get very cheap air tickets and great deals on hotels in popular resorts, so that they are able to form an inexpensive travel package. It will also include transfers from and to the airport. Taxis in developed countries are quite a serious expense item, and if you plan on 200-300 euros for a trip, the extra 50-70 euros for the trip to and from the hotel is quite an insulting waste.

Be sure to pay attention to "hot tours" and special offers from tour operators. This is a real chance to relax for $ 100-200. However, catching a tourist freebie is a laborious process. Make it a rule to browse the websites of major tour operators and thematic communities on the Internet at least twice a day, keep your passport, money and a suitcase ready - after all, you may have to go to the airport tomorrow.

So, let's list the advantages that friendship with a travel agency promises:

  • Spontaneity, - perhaps the most pleasant thing;
  • Cheapness - but only if you're lucky;
  • No effort on your part - absolutely all worries can be shifted onto the shoulders of the agent.

Where to go with a travel agency

To seaside resorts and popular European capitals - London, Paris, Prague, Helsinki. And also - on cruises and bus tours.

Yourself with a mustache!

If your goal is not trivial, uninteresting to most of your compatriots, and besides, it is also difficult to achieve - the travel agency will not help you. And if it helps, then for a very decent reward. So you have to either fork out or deal with organizational issues on your own.

The main rule for traveling under the motto "your own operator" is to do everything in advance. By planning a summer tour in early spring, you can book the most profitable hotels, guess with the purchase of an air ticket at some sale and have time to get a visa (sometimes it takes at least a month).

Looking for an inexpensive trip? - then forget about the countries located further than Austria and Germany. Inexpensive tickets to Berlin, Budapest, Warsaw, Vienna, Riga can be bought at sales or low-cost websites (here, however, there may be problems with tickets for specific dates). Hotels in these cities are also very cheap. And if the three of you are traveling, you may well get by with 10-15 euros per person per day.

    Job number:

    Year added:


    Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… ..3
    1. The relevance of the development and promotion of weekend tours ……… .5
    1.1. Definition, specifics of weekend tours ………………………… 5
    1.2. Formation of demand for weekend tours ………………………… 6
    1.3. Target audience of consumers of weekend tours ……………… 7
    2. Problems of the formation of weekend tours and the possibilities of their solution ………………………………………………………………………… ..9
    2.1. Problems in the formation of a service program for weekend tours …………………………………………………………………… 9
    2.2. Approaches to the formation of a service program for weekend tours …………………………………………………………………… .13
    2.3. Analysis of the offer of Russian tour operators for weekend tours …………………………………………………………………………….
    Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… 21

    Excerpt from work:

    Some theses from work on the topic Features of organizing weekend tours for residents of Moscow

    When exploring the possibility of tourist recreation, the emphasis should be on local residents. This is due to the fact that an increase in the standard of living and economic opportunities of a person, the development of transport infrastructure, the development of television and the Internet as information channels are increasingly contributing to the development of interest in domestic tourism, including weekend tours.
    It should be borne in mind that the most important indicator of the management efficiency of tourism enterprises is the satisfaction of the consumer - tourist, traveler. This indicator cannot be achieved without purposeful and modern management of tourism enterprises. Based on the foregoing, the issues related to the management of the subjects of the tourism industry, which include the development and design of tours, are highly relevant today.
    The aim of the work is to develop proposals for the development of weekend tours in Moscow.
    The object of work is weekend tours.
    The subject of work is demand analysis and development of a weekend tour.
    1. To analyze the relevance of the development and promotion of weekend tours.
    1. The relevance of the development and promotion of weekend tours

    1.1. Definition, specifics of weekend tours

    Very often weekends or long holidays, which Russia is famous for, confuse ordinary people. Everything that our beloved capital can offer us is already tired of the order, but I want something like that!
    But Russia is rich in regions that can fill our lives with bright and memorable adventures. And sometimes we do not even think about how to relax in its vastness. A weekend tour is a way out for those who are looking for adventure and want to rediscover Russia.
    Active weekend tours in Russia are short-term adventures. They will give strength for further work. For them, you can choose a certain type of active recreation and a closer area of \u200b\u200bour country.
    Such tours are good because they make it possible to change the annoying situation in a very short time. They are a great distraction from everyday work and allow you to feed on new experiences in just a couple of days. "Hurry to rest ..." - so often say, implying a long summer vacation abroad. But who said that you cannot have a rest in 2-3 days without leaving the country? Take a break from Friday to Sunday!
    Many Russian tourists choose such a vacation more than once or twice a year. They travel so regularly, changing regions, types and directions of outdoor activities. A two-day vacation is good for going out to nature with the whole family, does not require long fees and overcoming long distances.

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