Gardenia plaza 4 sharm el sheikh. Tours to Gardenia Plaza Resort

From reality to fairy tale.
Most likely, my review of the hotel is completely irrelevant, since I was there for a very, very long time, in April 2004. I indicated the date of the trip incorrectly (2012), because there is no year 2004, and the very first year is 2012. This trip left me with good fond memories. I read on the Internet that the hotel was created in 2001. It turns out that I arrived at almost a new hotel, but this is not the case: along with the new buildings, there were a lot of old ones. Fortunately, I got a new two-story building, there were eight rooms. Mine was on the 1st floor, with access to a green lawn. These buildings were lined up to form a street. There was a small pool at the end of each street. But nobody swam in these pools. Everything in this building was new: new furniture, a new bathroom, paintings on the walls. We ate in the old building. The dinners were in the open air, it was so romantic! There was live music in the lobby every evening - they played the violin. Yes, indeed, near the airport, planes flew constantly, but for the first time I saw such a number and variety of them: different in size and color. I must say that before this trip I was on a tourist voucher in Germany. But these are completely different countries! For me, Egypt was a fairy tale, so neither the distance from the beach, nor food, nor accommodation worried me. In addition, I did not understand then that the sea could be very close to the hotel. On the very first day of our stay, a woman came up to us for dinner and asked if anyone would like to go to Cairo. Check out tonight. I immediately agreed. There were only 5 Russians on the bus, the rest were young Italians, but there were two guides. We drove to Cairo along a completely deserted road. We arrived at about 7 am and went straight to the museum. That year they were still allowed to take photographs in the Cairo Egyptian Museum. My husband went the next year. They were forced to hand over all their photographs and other devices, and they searched everyone. Then we headed towards the pyramids! Believe it or not, I stood beside them with tears in my eyes. I was shocked, I touched eternity !!! As a 3rd or 4th grade student, I saw pyramids in filmstrips. And now I'm standing next to them !!! Then the gold shop, then lunch on the Nile pontoon at the restaurant. I liked the trip very much, only the Italians were tired, they were too noisy. After the trip, the beach days began. A mini bus drove us to the beach, sometimes we independently walked 2.5 km to the sea to meet the dawn. And what a beautiful Red Sea! What kind of fish are not there! By the way, there were two beaches, but one is very far away, few people went there. I was on it once. But this is not Naama hit! We were not taken there. And the beach, which is closer, is covered in corals. In Hurghada, they are looking for places where corals are, but here it is not necessary to look, how beautiful it is! Believe it or not, one day a small dolphin swam past me. He was noticed at sea long ago and the men rushed to him in a big heap. And he turned around and swam in my direction. I was, frankly, scared as the torpedo swam past me. I made friends with other women, then seven of us flew in alone, that is, without families. Every evening there was a free shuttle bus to the city in the Naama Bay area - this is the oldest resort area in Sharm El Sheikh, which is both a tourist and cultural center. The bus returned to the hotel at 12 at night. The main pride of Naama Bay is the promenade of the same name. sparkling with neon and lanterns. Thousands of tourists strolled along the avenue, the impression is that a huge column of demonstrators is moving. They are all so different, they spoke different languages, and their vacation on the Red Sea united them. I then thought: somewhere there is a war, international conflicts, but here there is peace and quiet, regardless of nationality, race. In a fish restaurant in the city I met a young man. He was from Uzbekistan, studied there in a madrasah, and worked part-time in the summer. He spoke Russian very well. The most interesting thing is that two years later I met him again there. In general, then I liked the trip. It was followed by two more: one to Hurghada, the other again to Sharm El Sheikh. But there are already other stories about this. Correctly they say, in order not to be disappointed, you need to understand what you are going for, what you are waiting for. I was delighted with the trip! But, I do not recommend the hotel, because my memories are very old, perhaps everything has changed.

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Read the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation Do you want a truthful comment on this hotel from experienced tourists? Then there he is.
We travel to Egypt up to four times a year. We have been to different hotels, there is something to compare with. So that's it.
The area is large and quite green
There are slides
Three pools
There are also huge rooms in 105 squares, three-room, and smaller, one-room, but quite normal
Animation at the hotel
Half an hour of free billiards and gym per room
The simulator is good
Near the highway to Naama and the old town
All is not bad
Drinks from 10 to 24 hours no problem
New pier on the beach, stable. Wood.
A windless bay (almost) there are no waves
There is a toilet on the beach
Check-in to the rooms only after 14.00 (although this is the case in many hotels)
Check-out is strictly at 12.00 (otherwise the grandmother will be ripped off almost hourly)
Breakfast on the first day will not be fed and lunch-dinner on the last (current for the money)
Rooms are shabby, with rather broken-down fixtures
Huge queues in the canteen (at the same time there is a crush and swearing from any nationality, by the way, there are many Swedes)
There are no tablecloths on tables, as well as cloth napkins
Toothpicks? Probably somewhere, but, as in the joke, sorry, busy
Constant shortage of glasses, cups, spoons, salt shakers (pepper shakers in bulk, like old pepper shakers of any nations)
Little fruit
There are not enough places in the canteen, even with an additional floor
Any drinks - only one glass per hand (ONLY ONE)
In bars, drinks are almost under the supervision of the bartender (only drink in the bar, you can't even go to the pool)
Insolent staff. To all nations. (there was even a fight between the bartender and some girl with pools of blood and the police, the bartender threw a glass at the girl)
The rooms are cleaned exactly at the moment when you sleep or are doing something (and always at different times) And there are no DON'T DISTURB signs
Problem with delivery to the beach-back. The bus runs on a schedule like every hour, but this schedule is rather arbitrary (inshaallah)
There are not enough seats in buses (there are two of them). Accordingly crush --- swearing --- fighting (no kidding)
For beach-goers who did not fit into the buses, the bus may not come (then, in an hour or two, it will arrive, they themselves waited so)
The beach is now a solid construction site with mountains of garbage and sun loungers between these mountains.
There are really not enough sun beds, so sprint from the bus with all the same crush --- swearing --- fights (I won't say anything about umbrellas)
Bay bezrybno-bezkorralnaya (to the corals to the right on foot 15 minutes to break through the cordons of Coral Sea and Barona)
There is no entertainment on the beach, including aerobics-gymnastics-volleyball-soccer-buchi-games-dancing). There is nothing at all.
Animation stupidly no (can change). A stoned (no matter what) Russian boy walks around and, sometimes, some Arab crawls out. The biggest entertainment in the evenings is like a miss hotel (very lousy, there is something to compare) or cinema (cinema, maybe Arabic)
Slides are paid (4 bucks for a couple of hours on schedule).
That's probably all.
I will say right away that we did not take part in any swearing-crush-fights (from the outside it looks more interesting). If you are not bothered by the minuses, go boldly. True, on any Zabugrovsk sites, this hotel goes like a troika. So it should cost like a three. We paid $ 502 for two in a week. This, essno, with the flight and the ALL.
Enjoy your stay!

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Built: 2000 Renovated: 2012 Location: 3 km from the airport, 15 km from Naama Bay, 21 km from the Old City, in the bay Sharks bay on the second line from the sea (2 km). Consists of a main 2-storey building (reception only) and a complex of 2-storey buildings. There are 423 rooms in total. Total area: 70,000 m2. Beach: private sandy beach, 2 km from the hotel, near corals. Umbrellas, sun loungers, mattresses, towels - free of charge. There is a road between the hotel and the beach. There is a shuttle to the beach. The length of the beach is 150 m. Credit cards are accepted for payment: Visa, MasterCard. Pets allowed: no. Phone number: (2 069) 360 39 12-13 / 360 37 02. Address: Gardenia-Plaza, luxury resort, International Corp; 1, Gamal Ezz El Din, Egypt. The hotel offers all-inclusive meals. Breakfast (07: 00-10: 00), lunch (13: 00-15: 00) and dinner (19: 00-22: 00) in the main restaurant - buffet. Light snacks (11: 00-12: 00, 16: 00-17: 00) - at the fish restaurant. Local food and alcoholic drinks (mainly bar-restaurant, lobby) - free of charge. Freshly squeezed juices, bottled drinks, imported drinks, and mineral water in bottles - for a fee. All drinks are served in glasses. Alcoholic drinks are not served for breakfast and children under 18 years of age. Swimwear is not allowed for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. The opening and closing times of restaurants and bars are subject to change depending on the season and weather conditions.

Nearest airports
  • Sharm El Sheikh int. - 3 km
  • Hurghada int. - 103 km
  • Taba International - 186 km