The volcano of the naked is famous for that. Hot lava lake in the crater of nyiragongo volcano in the congo

Why we went to the volcano and how we got to the start of the ascent, I have already told.
It remains to say a few words about the volcano itself and quickly climb up.

Nyiragongo is a volcano in the Virunga Mountains. It is located on the Congolese territory bordering Rwanda.
The main crater of the volcano is 200 meters deep and 2 km wide; there is a lake of seething lava, which in recent years is constantly active and does not fade.
It is believed to be the largest lava lake on our planet.
Nyiragongo's lava is unusually liquid and fluid. Such features are caused by a special chemical composition - it contains very little quartz. Thus, during an eruption, lava flows flowing along the slope of the volcano can reach speeds of 100 km / h.

Due to the turbulent situation in the region, armed rangers accompany everyone who wants to climb the volcano.
These are the beauties.

For our large group (as I wrote earlier, there were 20 people who wanted to climb that day) we were given three rangers with three guns.
Therefore, our multinational group did not have to worry about their safety.

One ranger walked in front, the second in the middle, the third covered the rear.

After listening to instructions and wishes for a good journey, we moved forward on this very path.

The path itself is not very difficult. However - to whom as well as I will write about it. But at least anyone can overcome it.

It takes 5-6 hours, 8 kilometers, the climb is 1500 meters.
Along the way there are 4 places with benches for rest.

And here, almost at the very beginning of the journey, one unpleasant feature of organized walks on this volcano became clear.

Seeing three escorts (plus porters and cooks, the most advanced of whom acted as assistants), we happily decided that now the group would split according to their strengths and interests.

Moreover, the forces were very different. And we had only one interest - to come before everyone else and while the people did not appreciate how much it was possible to descend into the crater.

When we saw three armed escorts and a crowd of assistants, we somehow didn’t think about how to solve the issue of giving a small bribe.
Therefore, I wanted to study this issue without a crowd of people, without attracting special attention.

But alas. The slowest participant in our ascent was put forward. And in response to my requests to provide us with one accompanying person, the main guide said that we would definitely do it, but only after three stops. Before that, everyone needs to stick together because a meeting with robbers is possible.

And we slowly puffed up.

Brave porters brought up the rear of our cavalcade. Take a look at our lovely trolley suitcase. I can imagine what the person carrying it was thinking.

Next to me were the guys who were discussing races in the mountains. So I stuck to them and, like a radio, I listened to the training of foreign colleagues.
Then we met a German who walks in the mountains, was on McKinley. He proudly showed me his sticks of the company of the same name. To which I replied that there is no such mountain now :)

Sasha, surprised, said:
- Wow, he knows both English and French.
“And I also know a little Russian,” he immediately replied modestly.
Then it turned out that in total he knows either 10 or more languages.

In general, it was fun and pleasant for us to walk.

The rest was even more pleasant. On vacation, the chef of each group gave out something tasty to his wards. That banana, then nuts.

Everything would be fine, but the leaden clouds on the horizon, which promised to turn into rain, were very embarrassing. Therefore, I really wanted to get there as quickly as possible to get wet less. But it couldn't be faster.

The rain soon fell. It got very wet. And with the climb it is also cold.
Well, I hoped that as usual - while you walk, it's not cold. And upstairs already put on dry warm clothes.
Alas, with "while you go" it did not work out very well.

Therefore, I whined most of all and constantly asked when it would be possible to split up and where the robbers were.
There were no robbers, so after three hours those wishing to go faster were finally allowed to fulfill their wishes.

Life has improved. The road has become more scenic. Finally managed to warm up, and the rain almost stopped.

The slopes of Nyiragongo are planted with my favorite senesia - funny plants that also grow on Kilimanjaro. What does it claim that it is endemic.

Meanwhile, the slope became steeper and steeper. And it was no longer so easy to walk.

From time to time I had to look very carefully where to put my foot.

But nevertheless, not even five hours had passed, and we had already reached the house, from which a small passage remained to the top of the crater.

The trek was small, but along a very steep slope. Those who could not go further could be carried on a stretcher.
By the way, from the very beginning they said that those who wish can get it from the very bottom for only $ 300.
This is the service.

From this house, the roofs of our houses, to which we were striving, were already visible.

It remains to carefully climb up the hill, not forgetting to admire the views.

The houses are getting closer. They are made of iron. Inside, there is room for exactly two mattresses and a little free space on the sides for things. The mattresses are good, upholstered with leatherette. Everything is clean and tidy. But it's very cold.

Smart people, of course, immediately went to occupy the houses and change their clothes.
But is it for this that we have passed half the world.
So whoever goes where, and we go to the crater.

And there...
Here it is - boiling, gurgling.

True, at first it was very cloudy and not very visible. Therefore, having checked in on the crater, with a clear conscience, we went to look for a free house and warm ourselves, so that later in the evening, when everything was stretched out and visibility became much better, to enjoy the spectacle to the fullest.

Well, and see how to go down there, of course. We did not abandon this idea, despite all the difficulties. And a suitcase full of ropes and equipment stood exactly in the middle of the camp and waited in the wings.

Well, in conclusion - about the complexity of the ascent.
My opinion is very subjective. But fortunately, almost all the participants of our ascent were not too lazy and wrote their impressions, which Misha korostelev collected in my magazine.

Well, I'll carry it off. It's not just about lifting. There is also about overcoming ourselves and all sorts of amazing discoveries, for the sake of which we fly to the ends of the world.

As for the difficulty of the climb. This is definitely not an easy walk, but also not some difficult ascent. It is difficult for someone, very difficult for someone, for someone it is a real test of his willpower. There is no turning back, only forward. I am firmly convinced that every healthy, but even absolutely not athletic person can climb.
It is important to have good shoes, dry clothes in case of rain, and a warm sleeping bag.

Olya K:
"I and my son climbed for almost 5.5 hours. 8 kilometers. It was hard for me. Rest because of my condition, but this is the case when there is no way back - only forward. Half of the way we walked in tropical rain. So this is not just a walk.
the next day the descent is almost 4 hours "

"To begin with, for the unprepared and inexperienced climbing mountains is a very difficult ordeal. A quarter of the way runs through the jungle, the path in which is very washed out if it rains (now it is the rainy season) - as a result, wet feet and mud up to the knees.
The next two fourth paths are steeply upward over crumbling lava stones. The last part of the path is along very steep rocks, about 45 degrees upwards, which become very slippery in rainy conditions both uphill and especially downhill.
About half the way passed under the downpour, we were completely soaked. And if we began to climb at a temperature of about +20, then at the top at night it was no more than +3 - no fires were made, it was only possible to warm up from coals.
The fastest ones reached it in 5 hours, that is, this is the minimum - the maximum depends only on the physical capabilities of tourists.
In our case, it was impossible not to get there, although there were such thoughts))
The fact is that there was nowhere to go down - there was no accommodation for the unsuccessful below, a car with things on the other side of the border, of course there are no hotels in the nearest village, the population is not particularly friendly (rather the opposite) - even on the way, the group was guarded by three rangers with machine guns from local robbers.
Therefore - dirty, damp, tired, soaked through - but they had to go.
So this is a really hard climb with no chance to change your mind - not just a fun 4 hour hike. You need special clothing, footwear, attitude and fortitude. It would be nice to have physical training)) "

"Yes, it was hard. I have never climbed, and this path is not a walk, but an expedition. This should be taken into account for those who prefer easy tracking - this is not it at all. Yes, you got wet, frozen, tired, there may be consequences for health is small in the form of a cold, dislocation or droning legs) and on the way 20 times you ask yourself what kind of devil I am doing here voluntarily. When you sit with tea by the coals on the top, hiding in the house from the wind, or watch the lava splashing in the crater, remember the ascent, especially on the way back, and do not understand how you even managed to get there. all the weight that comes along the way, you feel strong, free, and damn happy, so the game is worth the candle if someone wants to test and strengthen their will (from the inexperienced, I mean). just walk along a flat path e in the forest - then, of course, not worth it "

Olya Rumyantseva (olly_ru):
"My look will be, so to speak, a professional on vacation :)
About 45 degree rocks - Yana exaggerated this, of course. There will be no 30 degrees on the last section of the slope, and this is not a rock, but a rather unpleasant trail with slippery stones.
In all other respects, perhaps I agree. Trekking cannot be called easy, but almost anyone can really go through it, even those who have not noticed such feats before. In terms of distance, it is only 8 kilometers.
But you definitely need good clothes, more importantly - good shoes, trekking poles. And a lot of dry and warm clothes are required to completely change clothes upstairs. Also, spare shoes will not hurt, so as not to walk upstairs in wet boots, since even the best boots get wet when walking on wet mud for a long time.
For the first three hours, the group walks at the pace of the slowest participant. So even if you walk fast, then stock up on warm clothes and waterproof capes (it was my mistake, I hoped that if we had 3 guides, they would let us split up, we could walk at our own pace and it would be warm).
At what it will be unclear who will be in the group before the start of the ascent, they unite everyone who goes to the volcano that day. We were not very lucky, as many as 20 people were walking. The first three hours walked in one crowd. Therefore, it turned out to be five hours. So it would be possible to pass 4 hours for sure. But you need to rely on clothes for the saddest option.
And it is also imperative to pack all things in waterproof bags and do not forget a warm sleeping bag.
Well, in any case, remember that an unforgettable sight awaits you upstairs, for which it is worth a little suffering. "

“Tracking was very likely not difficult, as Olga Rumyantseva says. But it seemed extremely difficult to me. The fact is that I lead an extremely inactive lifestyle: work nearby, car nearby, sports zero. Therefore, I was very tired after two hours of walking. (to the second stop) I was so tired that (due to the lack of experience and unsportsmanlike behavior in life) I thought that I would definitely not climb the top. However, thanks to Yana Selezneva (and the wish she made), with whom we telepathically last. Thanks to her support and the fact that I am not alone at the end, I found the strength to go further - forward and upward.
When I finally saw the last halt and the people at it, I realized that we were not so far behind the other Mzungu. Behind this halt there was a very steep (for me) slope, it seemed to me unreal, but people were cheerfully stomping on it and the summit did not seem so unattainable anymore.
In general, in the end, I was the last to climb, except for the porter and the guide with a gun.
For me, the slope of Nyrogongo was proof that I can do much more than I could previously imagine. This serious discovery allows us to take a broader look at the possibilities, from which I may be retreating, when I just have to stomp and stomp, I will do everything. I am very happy and pleased with myself that I climbed this volcano, it revealed something about me that I did not know about myself.
Everything and everything was written correctly about the equipment. I was poorly equipped, at least my boots did not fail and I didn’t squelch my socks for 6 hours. The rain took me by surprise: the raincoat was short and does not let out moisture. As a result, there is a bathhouse under it, and from it all the rain flows down onto the jeans, which in the end were through and through.
Thanks to everyone who traveled with me, I apologize to those whom I threw off the pace. Mikhail Korostelev and TeamTrip - thanks for the organization, I myself would never be able to drive myself out of my comfort zone. One can feel the rise of spirit and strength, the understanding of the wrong way of life pushes for changes. I hope that all this will not disappear in Moscow with its routine and I will nevertheless change something in the current lifestyle.
I will definitely go to the next trekking, but later and definitely much better prepared and equipped. "

And again Katya:
Life is made up of many things. From the choices you make, from the minutes that take shape in Time, memories, casual acquaintances, changing plans and trials in which you will recognize yourself anew. And sensations, of course. This is the feeling when you stand on the edge of a volcano crater, looking at the seething lava. Cold from the piercing wind, warm from a mug with hot tea in hand, tired of 6 hours of difficult ascent to a volcano 3500 meters high, enthusiastic about everything that happens around. To reach - done, for the first time with a sinking heart to look into the fiery bowels of the earth - done. But that's not all, because the day before the volcano is another adventure, an amazing acquaintance with the mountain gorillas of Uganda. When these powerful, plush, a little lazy animals are a meter away from you, and so you want to run your fingers into this wool. And even if it is not easy to get to them, through the jungle, blurred paths, but every breath in their company is worth reaching. And even when the male - the head of the family - menacingly steps on you with a roar, hinting that he also has personal space and should not violate it - it's not scary, and you immediately know what to do - just respect the boundaries. To pay tribute to nature - to communicate with this endangered species, because there are only about 700 of them left on the planet. Overcome yourself by climbing the Nyiragongo volcano in the Congo - and realize that you can do much more than you thought, and feel this feeling of freedom and delight at the top. This is life, this is where it is. And with this awareness, it is not so difficult to enter a new stage of life, knowing that you are something more than you are.

Nyiragongo volcano located in the Virunga National Park in Congo on the border with Rwanda. It is one of the most active volcanoes in Africa: 34 eruptions have been recorded since 1882, including many periods when activity has been continuous for many years.

The main crater of the volcano is 250 meters deep and 2 km wide, sometimes a lava lake forms in it. In terms of the amount of lava, the lake of Nyiragongo volcano is the largest of the lava lakes today. The depth in the lake largely depends on the activity of the volcano. The maximum observed level of lava in the crater reached 3250m.

Lava Nyiragongo is unusually liquid and fluid, such features are caused by a special chemical composition - it contains very little quartz. Thus, during an eruption, lava flows flowing along the slope of the volcano can reach a speed of 100 km / h.

Between 1894 and 1977, there was an active lava lake in the crater and on January 10, 1977, when the walls of the crater collapsed, a violent eruption occurred. It lasted about an hour and claimed 70 lives, wiping out nearby villages, and although it was impossible to determine the exact number of deaths, according to unofficial estimates, there were about several thousand.

Today, the eruptions of the Nyiragongo volcano are considered unprecedented, because no other volcano in the world has such steeply sloping walls and a lava lake with such a dangerous composition.

Another major eruption occurred in January 2002. Fortunately, however, people were warned of the danger. 400,000 people were evacuated. Yet many who had not heard of the impending eruption paid dearly for it. 147 people died during the eruption from suffocation and the effects of an earthquake caused by the activity of the volcano.

After 6 months, Nyiragongo erupted again. The volcano remains active to this day, and in June 2012, a team of scientists and intrepid explorers stepped onto the shore of a lava lake that boils deep in the crater of Nyiragongo. These pictures were taken by Oliver Grunewald during an expedition to the crater lake of Nyiragongo.

Climb on volcano nyiragongo, which is located in the Virunga mountains of the Republic of Congo, is the cherished dream of many travelers. Its top is a round crater, in the depth of which there is a boiling lava lake.

Volcano Nyiragongo (Africa) - description

Special daredevils spend the night at the foot, climb to the edge of the crater, walk on the frozen lava crust and even celebrate the New Year with. Sometimes the volcano is covered with clouds of steam, and it becomes impossible to see the lake.

The best time for impressions is the night, which turns red from the blazing magma. The sky is filled with scarlet paint for fifty kilometers. The fiery flashes of the lake dance on the surface, sometimes rising to a height of 30m. You can see how the bubbles explode and the basalt crusts sink. When the lake level rises, lava begins to pour over the edge, the walls of the crater shake and hum.

Nyiragongo and the largest lava lake in the world

This lava lake is considered the largest on the planet. The depth of Lake Nyiragon reaches 600 m, and the temperature of the lava reaches 1000 degrees. The volume is also impressive - 76 million m3.

The lake lives its own mysterious life, and very little admits volcanologists and seismologists. Meanwhile volcano nyiragongo- the most dangerous on the planet, and first of all for the inhabitants of the millionth city of Goma. A huge city spreads out at the foot of the volcano, as if protesting against its power and strength.

During the existence of the city, the volcano already erupted in 2002. Sometimes it is in an active phase for many years in a row, as can be seen from the frozen magma. Lava Nyiragongo is unusually fluid due to the fact that it contains little silicon and a lot of potassium. Its speed during the eruption is more than 70 km / h.

Gentle slopes and faults in them only increase the danger of convergence of incandescent streams. Gas streams are often ejected through side craters and cracks. There are such places even in the city itself.

One of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, Niyragongo has erupted at least 34 times since 1882 and is home to the world's largest lava lake. It is especially picturesque here at night when Mount Niyragongo boils and shines. Surely, this is the last place on Earth where you would like to live, but despite the constant threat of catastrophic fire death, the area at the foot of Mount Niyragongo is dotted with various settlements.

  • Nyiragongo Volcano brings together a completely unique combination of factors that volcanologists are trained on. The research of this geological miracle attracts specialists from all over the world.
  • While the volume of its lava lake can vary, the average amount of lava it contains makes it the largest regular lava lake in the world.
  • The lava produced by this volcano also has an extremely liquid consistency. This is due to the unusually high concentration of alkali-rich volcanic rocks.
  • Nyiragongo has a relatively steep slope. Combined with the liquid consistency of the lava and its proximity to human settlements, this makes it an extremely dangerous volcano.

Geological features of Nyiragongo

Nyiragongo is an excellent example of a stratovolcano.
It also remains very active and is considered one of the highest volcanoes, with an altitude of 3470 meters. In addition, the primary crater is almost 2 km in size. Its lava lake is another distinctive feature, with an average depth of 600 meters.

But the most important distinguishing feature of Nyiragongo is the composition of the lava. With an extremely high alkalinity ratio, lava flows rapidly over steep slopes. As a result, the speed of the flow along the slope reaches 100 km / h. Due to the combination of the slope and the viscosity of the lava, it is here that scientists have registered the fastest speed of the incandescent flow currently known to man.

Volcano Nyiragongo is located in Virunga National Park, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This place is located just 20 km from the nearest settlement. Volcanologists know little about the ancient history of eruptions, but the activity of the volcano in our time is well documented and studied. Since 1882, the volcano has erupted 34 times. In addition, some of these eruptions continued for many years. This volcano is overlapped by several old volcanoes among hundreds of small cones. Because of its unique hazards, Nyiragongo Volcano was named the Volcano of the Decade in 1991. In March 2016, the Goma Volcano Observatory discovered that a new nozzle had opened at the northeastern edge of the crater.