Dragon Age Inquisition Sands and Ruins. Whistling empty

Desert ruinsthis is a new combat location that developers introduced in March 2018. This location has a considerable utility for any level of players, thanks to awards that allow you to pump the skills of heroes with greater speed. Of course, the rewards themselves and their size depends on the depth of the desert ruins, as well as from the strength of your account. Just about this we will talk in today's article.

Desert ruins are in the Battle tab:

After pressing the icon opens the interface of desert ruins

Consider in more detail this interface:
  1. Help for Locations Desert Ruins
  2. Awards in desert ruins
  3. Passage of desert ruins with the team of friends or cooging teams and with a random team
  4. Button Creating a Team

1. Location Help Desert Ruins

When you press "?" This reference will appear:

1. Choose 10 different characters and 1 spell. Conquer desert ruins along with comrades.
2. In each round of 5 levels. At each level, a fixed number of opponents and buildings in 3 random locations. Plan an attack along with teammates to have time to destroy enemies and buildings until the time has ended.
3. Desert ruins are available all day without any limit.

1. After each round you get the chests: an elite chest (up to 5 times a day) or a regular chest. If the daily limit of elite chests reached, you will receive only ordinary chests. Come more levels in every round to get the best awards.
2. Elite chests contain 6 cards. Turn the cards to get a chance to win the fragments of the heroes and the stones of fate. The limit of the production of luxury chests is reset daily at 00:00 by server time.
3. Conventional chests contain volumes of different levels. For ordinary chests there is no daily limit to receive. 4. Awards in the form of items come to the game mailbox. Other awards are accrued immediately to the account.

2. Awards in desert ruins

Awards B.Elite chests Locations desert ruins

Awards B. Ordinary chests Locations desert ruins

Awards and their number in location desert ruins

(Depending on the strength and level of the dungeon of the desert ruins)

3. Buttons for the passage of desert ruins using the Friends or Exchange team and with a random command

If you want to pass desert ruins with friends or hilders you choose the appropriate icon

and enter the next menu

Where, after creating a command, select a specific friend or cooging ("Invite" button) send an invitation, and as soon as your friend or the treasury will accept it you click on the "Start" button (it will become active).

If you have no friends or guild, or some other reason, then you can pass desert ruins with a random team. It is enough for you to press the appropriate icon and you will automatically select the corresponding command

If you do not like the selected command you can always press the back button

4. Team Creating Button

Before starting the battle in the desert ruins, you need to create a command, To do this, press the "Command Creating" button.

After that you get into the command creation interface

Also, do not forget to choose a spell for desert ruins, as the outcome of the battle depends on it (by default you will always stand the magic "Update")

Spells for desert ruins

1. Update

2. Awakening

In the seventh task of the second act, we will have to find the blood of the curtain of the kullah, since one head for the revival of choradrim is clearly not enough.

We get this time the task We are from the curtain coole itself, this wizard can now be completely successful to communicate with us in the form of a spirit, because in the task of the Horadrim-traitor, we found his head in the endless sands of Kaldey. But the chorarma is not only difficult to kill, but also to return to life very problematic, so we go hiking for his blood.

We need to find in this location the entrance to the ancient drainage, this is an old part of the canalization of the city.

In fact, we study the oasis, counting on your own good luck and knowledge of the features of the Diablo 3 game, where often the necessary quest locations are located in some way through the experiencies. One way or another, but approach the large goal that they hide the ancient drain. Zoltun Kull himself will help open this castle.

You need to tell a little about the current sewer system, although nothing is difficult and this time does not offer the passage of this computer game. The passage we need flooded, so that it will be necessary to eliminate the cause of flooding. To do this, it will be necessary to overlap the valves in the Western and Eastern Wings of the system.

Along the way, we will meet the site of the projection of our favorite emperor Hakkana second, who will again help the good advice and tell a couple of legends about Belial. Allegedly, the guy managed to approach the rayster of that, under what kind of ladies, the Lord of Lies is now hidden. Although this relationship does not have a relationship to the current task, but the second act of Diablo 3 at this meeting will not end.

We start from the Western Channel, although there is no difference, naturally, no. You can pass Diablo 3 in any sequence here, you can start from the Eastern Channel, there will be no difference, because the sewage branch is symmetrical in its functions.

After a small stripping of the site, we pass in the Western flow regulator accordingly.

We twitch for the lever, a cross appears near the point of the task, and the part of the waterfall overlaps, although it is still impossible to go through the flooded passage in the center yet, you still have to deal with the eastern flow.

We repeat our hike this time in the Eastern Channel, we are looking for an intently and carefully oriental flow regulator.

And here he, also activate the lever ..

We return to the ancient drain.

Despite the fact that I already want to go on the road, you need to listen to the side of the Zoltun Kulla. By the way, this character is quite a good interlocutor, it is a pity that the hero in Diablo III does not have a shadow of freedom of choice, and it would be interesting to get up on the gray side of the nephemes.

Go down to the flooded passage.

And almost immediately come back on a barrel that can speak. Naturally, monsters in the game are an ordinary environment, so I don't stop in detail on their destroy. But in barrel sits our future jeweler and a funny old man in one person.

We get acquainted with the Schenskie, he will soon join our caravan, although for this we will have to fulfill one task.

It is necessary to find a crucible, which is Shen Puppets and is looking for. Naturally, the enemies along the way will meet a lot, and at the end of the way, Geevin is awaiting us, which this tool of the jeweler and stole. But the crucible was not easy, and damned, so the unfortunate thief turned into a gloa and should be destroyed. We receive not only a crucible, but also a jeweler to the team. Shen will be able to improve the stones for us, extract them from items, in general, the team will be useful.

Now in the depths of the aqueduct, we need to find an ancient way, this location will be somewhat reminding the Dalgur Oasis. Next, you will need to reach the endless sands and find two artifacts there.

We need to find not just the blood of the curtain kullah, but as many as two bubbles of this liquid. Naturally, these items are hidden in different catacombs: the cave of the traitor and the tomb of the mercenar. By the way, in the same way, we opened the way to the flooded temple of the Nepholes in the first act, which was already successful. So we walk through the night endless sands and try to find the desired entrances. Meanwhile, the task of blood in the sands is already beginning to bother.

The tomb of the mercenar met me before, without thinking to the cave, more precisely the tomb.

We are waiting for cleaning and this small location almost completely, for which we will be awarded a bubble with a red liquid, which is the blood of the traitor's choradrim. Of particular difficulties in the passage of Diablo 3 is not observed at all, although mistakes and inattention should be avoided.

And again in the desert, and on the way. We continue to explore the yellow space at dusk that will never end. Perhaps this is the most real night. Remember, in Diablo 2 also stole the sun in the second act, as in the famous children's work.

The cave of the traitor was found, but the signature "level 1" does not inspire optimism. After all, it definitely indicates that there will be several levels, and our goal will be at the very bottom of the pyramid. But there is nothing to do anyway, so, squeaking in your heart, go down to the traitor's cave.

We clean the first level, our local goal - as soon as possible to find output to the second level. If this quest is already tired, and the power of the character allows, you can not destroy all the enemies, but collect them in groups. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to get into the environment with a sad outcome.

Actually, we repeat everything at the second level of the caves of the traitor, only now we are looking for the blood of the Kulla, and not exit to the third level.

The believed bubble with a muddy liquid in our hands, and therefore the task of "blood and sand" is fulfilled. Immediately we will get a new quest about the black stone of the soul, its passage is also available on the website www .. The same story ends, ends under the satisfied laughter of Zoltun Kulla.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bcollecting choradrim in parts is not new, but the Zoltun Cul himself is a little diversified gameplay, first of all, the original and loyal look at life. After all, the angels for the people of the Sanctuary are a little better demons, so the position of Kulla is clear. But the fact of the matter is that our nephill has no voting right, we can only follow the plan of developers.

Computer game in RPG genre, third part series Dragon Age.was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher performs Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for the Microsoft Windows platforms, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, XBox One. After the events of the first part of the world Tedasa Immersed in the bunch of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, at different points of the world, unusual faults open, allowing demons to penetrate the tedas. The main character gets a label and after the closure of several faults in Temple of Sacred Praha. Gets the management of the Inquisition to eradicate the emerging chaos.

Whistling empty

On this location, the Inquisitor needs to find out the reason for staying in the deserts of the Ventor (setting of sand and ruins) and after which, find and examine abandoned tombs and the tomb.

Gaps near the bay

Inquiry scouts were noticed by active gap in the area of \u200b\u200bthe camp in the bay, which the Bulletin should eliminate.

Sand and ruins

Ventorist detected in whistling empties. Inquisitor needs to be seen two hostile camps (near the canyon and north of the bay) to find out the reason for the stay of the Ventoria in this area. It is necessary to pay attention to documentationwho will be in hostile camps (cards are needed to perform the task of the fierce tomb).

After receiving information, the main character should go north to the north to examine the place that the Ventorics is called Watchtower. We rise to the mountain range and grab the next camp, also the main character receives information about the tomb in the statue and the Ventori camp in the east in the mountains.

During the study of the last camp, the Inquisitor detects a letter for Ventor's masters (after stripping the terrain and reading the letter, the task will be completed).

Rales: Canyons

After creating a camp in the canyon, the main character will be to close the active gaps in the curtain.

Rales: Sand Rocks

After the base of the camp in the sandy cliffs (task Sand and ruinsThe place for the camp will be discovered during the Ventor's base examination in the East), the Bulletin will have to close the gaps in the area.

Bone fields

In the Ventortor camp in the west of whistling waste, you can detect a letter that contains information about the missing patrol on bone fields. In the marked area, we discover the abandoned wagon, we clean the area and complete the task.

Rales: Sun Nest

After the base of the camp on the grief of the Sun nest inquisitor, it is necessary to close the active gaps in the curtain.

Tomb of Firel

The main characters to be found in the desert abandoned tombFinding which will allow maps from the camps of red temples (the graves of only 5th). In order to gain access to the sweeset, the Inquisitor needs to be activated in the correct order. brazurn With dietary fire, in the event of a choice of the wrong sequence of the main characters, the demons attack (below are shown with the quotes of the plates in the required sequence).

In the grave next to the camp on the sandy cliffs (in 4 stoblov), the order of activation of the veil fire is as follows: 1 - "This is the story of Firel ...", 2 - "Koi despite the will of the Father ...", 3 - "for The halls were built pride ... ", 4 -" and with sorrow, halls were built ... ". Further, the Bulletin enters the tomb and receives a part of the key from the tomb of the firel.

The order of activation of the veil in tomb on the burial grounds (There is a tomb in the south-west of whistling waste): 1 - "Sons of Fairel erected a monument ...", 2 - "and they worked side by side ...", 3 - "But every rules in his own way ...", 4 - "and where one brother fell ...". We again receive information about the soblite of the firewood and the component of the key.

The grave in the canyon (the entrance to the canyon can be found in the appropriate camp): 1 - "after a long-year-old firel ...", 2 - "and hellorally burden ...", 3 - "forced both sons ...", 4 - "And the brothers swore ...".

Passage to the grave in a mountain fortress (At the nest of the Sun) will be chosen, but there is a workaround (it is necessary to climb the mountain and go a little south to the Ventor's camp). The order is as follows: 1 - "The sun looked out the sandy ocean ...", 2 - "But there was a stone in the sand ...", 3 - "took the firewood stone ...", 4 - "Ros and his teig ... ".

The tomb in the statue (located in the north of the wisdom, under the big statue of the column): 1 - "Firel, perfect ...", 2 - "hostility, which destroyed Taigi ...", 3 - "his own clan ...", 4 - "Upper World ...".

After receiving the components of the key, we go to the east of whistling waste, next to the entrance to the tomb there is a lair dragon (However, it can be circumvented, since your opponent is sleeping). The sandy potter has a vulnerability to cold, protected from fire magic (otherwise, the dragon tactics are not different from others). We get a sketch of runes against demons and complete the task.

The article is part of the cycle passage Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: Dragon Age Inquisition, Inquisition, Bulletin, Tag, Flaws, Cassandra Pentagast, Solas, Warrick, Leliana, Sweet Walkers, Breaks near Bay, Sand and Ruins, Groans: Canyons, Groans: Sandwalls, Bone Fields, Breaks: Nest Sun, Firel Tomb

I heard about the fusion of the three seas in Crete and the island of gramvus from many tourists that we visited here. And therefore, when I rested in Crete, the first thing I bought a tour of Gramvus Island, which is also called the fusion site of the three seas. Gramvus Island is a truly paradise place. Here you will discover the Azure Sea, pink sand and a bunch of legends.

If you are resting on Crete, you will definitely buy a tour of Gramvus Island. Why do you need to see Gramvus Island? You will learn about this in my note "Sea Walk to Gramvus Island".

About Gramvus Island

What is gramvus? Gramwix is \u200b\u200bthe islands of the north-western tip of Crete, where the three seas are connected: Ionian, Cretan and Mediterranean.

Gramvus Island is a legendary place. For example, on the island there is an action of the poem of Homer Odyssey.

A long time ago, the island of gramvus and the Balos Bay were a fault of pirates, Venetian nauticals and fighters for the independence of Crete. Gramvus Island is still famous for the Venetian fortress and ruins of buildings built by pirates and critical rebels. In the Bay of Balos, which is washes the shores of Gramvus Island, in the early 80s of the 20th century, the anchors of the Yacht "Britain", who held their honeymoon prince Charles and Princess Diana.

In general, Gramvus Island and Bay Bay is worth seeing at least once in life!

Start excursion to Gramvus Island

My journey to Gramvus Island began at my Lefkonikobeach Hotel in Rethymno. On a good air conditioner bus, we passed the famous resort places of Crete: Rethymnon, Claw, Chania, Platanias and many others. Finally, our bus arrived in Port Kisosmos, from where our ship to the island of gramvus was to be separated.

Port Kissamos is a very beautiful place. Especially, charming church, which costs right around the pier. A huge sea ferry "Gramvus" was already waiting for us to joke. The ferry is quite comfortable. There are toilets and bars. By the way, in the price of excursion to Gramvus Island, and this is 71 euros, and lunch that is issued to you on the marry ferry "Gramvus".

Time on the way from the port of Kisosmos to the island of gramvus is somewhere 45-50 minutes. During this time you will enjoy the most beautiful views of the northwestern tip of Crete.

Ruins of the Venetian Fortress on Gramvus Island

The first your stop on the excursion to the island of gramvus will be at the foot of the mountain, on which the ruins of the Venetian fortress are preserved. I note that it is not easy to get to the fortress. It is necessary to climb the slope of the mountain, which consists of sand and stones. Therefore, on the excursion to the island of gramvus, be sure to take with you comfortable sports shoes. It is difficult to rise, of course, especially when the sun is fries on top. But coming to the fortress, you will forget about your torment on the rise.

There is a legend that the famous Pirate Barbarossa visited this fortress. There is a lot of interesting things in the fortress: this is the real fortress walls, the church built by the Russians and a stunning view of the merging of the three seas! Of course, you will not see where it is the most merging of the three seas in Crete. On the whole horizon you will open the beautiful sea.

From the fortress you will see the sea ferry "Gramvusa", which is soared in the azure sea. In addition, inside the fortress you will make excellent photos. If you are difficult to climb the mountain, you can stay downstairs and relax on the beach.

Further, our path continued. Sea ferry "Gramvus" was very long served the beeps, unfortunately, tourists of all countries and peoples are not punctual. After 10-15 minutes of the walker, we found themselves in the Bay of Balos with its famous pink sand.

Bay Balos.

The Balos Bay provides a 2-hour shutdown for swimming. Here you can even rent umbrellas and lounge chairs. From myself I will note that yes, on the beach Bay Buckos is very beautiful. Very impressive pink sand, which is obtained due to the fact that the sea sharpens the surrounding reddish rocks. There are Bay Bay and White Sand Beach, as well as a natural pool with water temperature, sometimes reaching 30-32 degrees.

Description of location, as well as the map of the area with Astrariums, Okular, fragments, mosaics and many others can be viewed on the corresponding page:

You can get to the location after executing the task command "Let's stop the activity of Ventorics in the West" for 20 points of influence.

Tomb of Firel

So, we need to collect five parts of the key. Focusing the caves painted blue on the map above.

Next to the four pillar camp. It is necessary to light on the columns with text fragments, four lamps with curtain fire in a specific sequence. Standing face to entrance to the tomb - the long-range left, the near right, the near left, the far right. Inside, we find a mosaic fragment, in the chest part of the key.

Grave in the canyon with a merchant. We light the lamps in an order that corresponds to the meaning of history, knocked out on the columns (which is written: the near left, the near right, the long-right, long-distance left). From the chest take part of the key.

On the burial grounds we light the lamps on the same principle, standing face to the tomb, left, then a little back, then right, then closer to the tomb. Inside, we find a mosaic fragment, in the chest part of the key.

At the nest of the Sun, the main input is littered, climb on the way to the left of the entrance. There will be a descent. Inside the part of the gnome diary. Before descending below on the wall, refine the rune. Further down. Do not miss a fragment of a mosaic indoor with an elven artifact (strengthening veil). We go to the tomb (far right, near left, near right, long left). Inside, we find a mosaic fragment, in the chest part of the key.

The fifth tomb among the Orelian Colossus not far from the top camp. We light the lamps: the far left, the closest right, the far right, the near left. Inside, we find a mosaic fragment, in the chest part of the key.

The tomb itself is in the east map. There's a dragon's lair until he sleeps, you can get around it. Pick up the drawing of the rune and on this mission is over.

Sand and ruins

Search the Ventor's camps to indicate markers. Weiently focus on green points on the map above. After stripping the camp with the leader, we take a letter from the table to the master in which they talk about some kind of gnome drawings that they are looking for in the Gnome Tomb (Quest of the Firel Tomb).