The locomotive from Romashkovo tsyferov g.M. Gennady Tsyferov - The locomotive from Romashkovo: A Tale

The protagonist of Gennady Tsyferov's fairy tale "The Locomotive from Romashkovo" is one unusual locomotive. It differed from other steam locomotives in that it was often late. Once the station master sternly warned the locomotive that he would no longer tolerate delays. And the locomotive gave his word of honor that he would not be late.

But when he hit the road, he really wanted to stop, and, for example, talk to the foal. However, the locomotive remembered its promise and drove non-stop. However, when he heard a nightingale singing in the forest, he could not resist and stopped. The locomotive derailed and headed into the forest.

The passengers began to shout to him that they would be late, but the engine replied that if you do not listen to the nightingale singing, you can be late for the whole spring. And the passengers agreed with him. Until the morning they listened to the nightingale singing.

In the morning the locomotive took the passengers further, but soon it smelled the delicate scent of flowers and stopped again. Passengers again became indignant that they would not arrive on time. But the engine said that if you do not admire the first lilies of the valley, you can be late for the whole summer.

And again, the passengers agreed with the locomotive and gathered lilies of the valley all day. In the evening, the train set off. However, when the locomotive climbed the hill, it stopped again. Passengers began to ask unhappily what caused the stop, and the engine replied that if you do not look at the sunset, you can be late for life. And the passengers did not argue with the locomotive.

When the train brought passengers to the station, he thought they would complain about him. But the passengers did not do this, but said to the engine “Thank you!”.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bTsyferov's fairy tale "The Locomotive from Romashkovo" is that one should not always rush. The beauty of the world around you is worth your time. Of course, your official duties must be performed accurately and in a timely manner, and only occasionally allow small indulgences.

The tale teaches us to appreciate the beauty and not to rush unnecessarily.

The tale teaches us to observe nature, to catch its secrets and to admire this happiness. As a brilliant artist, nature knows how to achieve great effects with small means. You can't make you love nature, but you can help to love.

In the fairy tale, I liked the main character, a locomotive from Romashkovo, who knew how to see the beauty in the world around him and appreciate it.

What proverbs fit Tsyferov's fairy tale "The Locomotive from Romashkovo"?

If you miss an hour, you won't make up for the year.
The promise of fulfillment is appreciated.
Nature is a storehouse of beauty and health.

All the locomotives were like locomotives, and one was strange. He was late everywhere.

More than once the engine gave an honest, noble word: never look around again. However, the same thing started every time. And then one day the head of the station told him sternly: "If you are late again ... Then ..."

And they believed the strange little train for the last time.

Knock knock - he was driving along the road. I noticed the foal, wanted to talk, but remembered an honest, noble word and drove on. I drove a lot, you never know, but I never, never looked back. And suddenly a voice from the forest. Whew ... The engine sighed, thought again and headed into the forest.

And the passengers looked out the window and, noticing the forest, began to shout:

Disgrace, we'll be late.

Of course, - said the engine. - Still, you can come to the station later. But if we don't hear the first nightingale now, we'll be late for the whole spring, citizens.

Someone tried to object, but the smartest nodded: it seems he is right.

And all night long the whole train listened to the nightingale singing.

Disgrace, disgrace! the passengers shouted again. - We'll be late. We'll be late.

And again the locomotive answered:

Of course. Still, you can arrive at the station later. But if now we do not see the first lilies of the valley, we will be late for the whole summer, citizens.

Someone tried to object, but the smartest nodded: it seems he is right. Now we need to collect lilies of the valley.

And all day the whole train gathered the first lilies of the valley.

And now why are we standing? - passengers were surprised. - No flowers, no forest.

Sunset, - just said the locomotive. - Sunset. And if we do not see him, then maybe we will be late for life. After all, every sunset is unique in life, citizens.

And now no one argued. Silently and for a long time, the citizens watched the sunset behind the hill and were already calmly waiting for the locomotive whistle.

But finally, the station. Passengers got off the train. And the locomotive hid. "Now," he thought, "these strict uncles and aunts will go to the boss to complain."

However, the uncles and aunts for some reason smiled and said:

Engine, thanks!

And the head of the station was surprised a lot:

You’re three days late.

So what, said the passengers. - And they could be late for the whole summer, for the whole spring and for the whole life.

You, of course, understood the meaning of my tale. Sometimes you don't need to rush.

If you see beautiful, if you see good, stop.

Abstract of GCD No. 15. Retelling of the tale by G. Tsyferov."Little train"

Using reference subject pictures and presentation

Lexical topic: LAND TRANSPORT

Program tasks: teach children to retell the text with visual support in the form of a series of subject pictures, observing the integrity, coherence, fluency and volume;

to activate and expand the vocabulary of children on the topic;

develop the ability to answer the teacher's questions with a complete answer;

to educate children in the aesthetic perception of literary works

Equipment: audio recording of G. Tsyferov's story "The Engine", object pictures with the image of a steam engine, the head of the station, a foal, a nightingale, lilies of the valley, sunset, a cartoon and a presentation of a fairy tale.

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment.

The game "Who controls what."

The driver controls the train. The pilot drives ... The driver drives ... The captain drives ... The astronaut drives ... The cyclist drives ...

2. Finger gymnastics.

Kachu, (turn the "wheel")

I'm flying

At full speed.

I myself am a chauffeur (bend their fingers.)

And the motor itself.

I press (, press right

On the pedal with your hand on the "pedal", turn the steering wheel again).

And the car

Rushing into the distance.

3. Topic announcement.

Speech therapist: Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the train, which paid attention to everything unusual and beautiful and taught this to others.

Listening to an audio recording based on G. Tsyferov's story "The Engine" followed by a detailed discussion *.

Who is this story about?

What happened to the train all the time?

What did he promise to the stationmaster?

Who was the first one he met on his way? What did he do?

Why did the locomotive turn into the forest?

What did the passengers say to this?

And what did the locomotive say?

What did the passengers and the train do all night in


Where did the locomotive turn next?

What did the passengers say?

And what did the engine say to them?

What did the passengers and the train in the grove do all day?

Why did the locomotive stop on the hill?

Why didn't the passengers argue with the train anymore?

Why did the train get scared at the station?

Why did the uncles and aunts say “thank you” to the engine?

Why sometimes you shouldn't rush and rush?

4. Watching the cartoonwith the installation to retell.

The speech therapist reads the story again, the children listen carefully.

Then the content is remembered and object pictures-support are pasted.

5. Physical education

Chug - chug! Chug - chug! (Children run after each other with their hands

The train is racing at full speed. on the shoulders of the one in front. First child

The locomotive is puffing. makes circular movements with his arms bent

I'm in a hurry! - buzzes. - in the elbows, and pronounces the words of the locomotive.)

I'm in a hurry! I'm in a hurry!

I'm in a hurry!

6. Children's stories accompanied by presentation (no sound) and reference pictures.

The speech therapist asks the children to independently compose a retelling of the story.

After discussing the first retelling, the speech therapist invites the children to compose several more stories.

7 ... Summarizing.

Speech therapist (sums up):Why did the station master scold the engine all the time? Why did the passengers thank the locomotive? Why is it sometimes not necessary to hurry and rush, but it is worth stopping?

The work of children is assessed, the most active are encouraged by the suns.

Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov

The locomotive from Romashkov

Fairy tales


Who is stronger than whom, who is more terrible - this is what the animals argued about all day yesterday.

At first they thought: the BIGGEST SNAIL is the worst, all the stronger.

Then they decided: no, the worst of all, the stronger of all is the BEETLE-ROGACHOK.

After the bug-stag of all the worst, all the stronger - GOAT.

Behind the goat - BARAN - KICK INTO THE DRUM.

Behind a ram with a drum - BULL - TICK HORNS.

Behind the bull is the RHINO-HORN.

And behind the rhinoceros, and behind the rhinoceros, the FANGED ELEPHANT is the worst, of all.

So the animals said to the elephant:

You, elephant, are the strongest! You, elephant, the most terrible!

But the elephant was offended.

Of course, ”he nodded,“ I am the strongest. But am I the worst and most evil? Not true!

Elephants are kind.

Please, please, do not frighten anyone with me.

I really love all the little ones!


Do you know where river steamers live in winter?

They grieve in quiet bays and harbors about a good summer.

And then one day such a steamer was so sad that he forgot how to hum.

Summer has come. But the steamer did not remember how to hum. He swam along the shore, met a puppy and asked:

No, said the puppy. - I bark. Want me to teach you? BOW-WOW!

What are you, what are you! If I say "GAV-GAV!", All the passengers will scatter.

Do you know how to buzz?

No, - said the pig, - I can grunt. Want me to teach you? HRY-HRY!

What are you, what are you ?! - the steamer was frightened. - If I say "HRY-HRY!", All the passengers will laugh.

They never taught him a puppy and a piglet to hum. The steamer began to ask the others.

The red foal said: "IGO-GO-GO!" And the green frog - "KVA-KVA-KVA!"

The steamer was completely depressed. He buried his nose in the shore and snuffled. And suddenly he sees: a little boy is sitting on a hillock and is sad.

What happened to you? - asked the steamer.

Why, - the boy nodded, - I'm small, and everyone, everyone teaches me. And I can't teach anyone.

But if you cannot teach anyone anything, then I have no need to ask you ...

The steamer let out a thoughtful cloud of smoke and was about to sail on, when suddenly he heard:


Something seems to be buzzing? - he said.

Yes, - answered the boy, - when I am sad, I always play my pipe.

I think I remembered! - the steamer was delighted.

What do you remember? - the boy was surprised.

I know how to hum! Doo-doo-doo-oo! You taught me!

And the sad boy laughed merrily.

And the steamer hummed throughout the river:


And all the boys and steamers on the river answered him:

DU-U-U-U-U !!!


Oh, how hot it was that day! The flowers wilted from the heat, the grass turned yellow. The frog thought and thought, took the bucket and went somewhere.

In the meadow he met a cow.

Do you want me to give you some milk? the cow asked.

In the clearing he met a goat.

Do you want me to give you some milk? the goat asked.

No, the frog croaked again and went even further.

The frog walked for a long time, waving a bucket.

Finally, he saw the blue mountains. Fluffy white clouds lived on their tops.

The frog called the smallest cloud and said to him:

Give me a little milk, please!

The cloud didn't answer, only sighed loudly. The frog looked into the bucket, and there - boole, boole! - milk!

The frog returned home and says:

And I brought cloudy milk!

What kind of cloudy milk is this? It's just blue rain. Who will drink it?

How who, - answered the frog, - and the little flowers?

And he gave the flowers and grass to drink with steamed cloudy milk. There is still an ant left.


There was an elephant in the world.

It was a very good baby elephant. Only the trouble is: he did not know what to do, who to be. So the little elephant was sitting at the window, sniffing and thinking, thinking ...

One day it started raining outside.

Ooh! - said the wet fox, seeing the elephant in the window. - What a big-eared! Yes, with such ears, he may well be an umbrella!

The baby elephant was delighted and became a large umbrella. Foxes, rabbits, and hedgehogs - all hid under his big ears from the rain.

But then the rain ended, and the baby elephant became sad again, because he did not know who he should be after all. And again he sat down at the window and began to think.

A bunny was running by.

Oh! What a lovely long nose! - he said to the elephant. - You could very well be a watering can!

The kind elephant was delighted and became a watering can. He watered flowers, grass, trees. And when there was nothing more to water, he was very sad ...

The sun went down into the sunset, the stars were lit. The night has come.

All the hedgehogs, all the foxes, all the hares went to bed. Only the elephant did not sleep: he kept thinking and thinking, who should he be?

And suddenly he saw fire.

"Fire!" - thought the elephant. He remembered how recently he had been a watering can, ran to the river, got more water and immediately put out three coals and a burning stump.

The animals woke up, saw the baby elephant, thanked him for putting out the fire, and made him a forest firefighter.

The baby elephant was very proud.

Now he wears a golden helmet and makes sure that there is no fire in the forest.

Sometimes he allows the bunny and the fox to launch boats in a helmet.

Lonely donkey

In the forest, in a forest house, lived a lonely donkey. He had no friends. And then one day the lonely donkey got very bored.

He was so bored, bored - and suddenly hears:

Pee, hello! - A little mouse got out from under the floor.

I am a mouse, - he squeaked again, and then said: - I came because you miss.

And then, of course, they became friends.

The donkey was very pleased. And he said to everyone in the forest:

And I have a friend!

What is this friend? - asked the angry bear cub. - Probably something small?

The lonely donkey thought and said:

No, my friend is a big elephant.

Big elephant? Of course, no one believed him. And so all the animals soon gathered at the donkey's house. They said:

Well, show us your friend!

The lone donkey was about to say that his friend had gone mushrooming.

But then a mouse came out and answered:


Ha ha! - the guests laughed. “If it's a big elephant, then a lone donkey is just a big deceiver.

And the donkey - a big deceiver - at first blushed. And then he smiled:

No, it's still an elephant, just not a simple one, but a magical one. Now he has become small. The big house is cramped. Even the nose has to be hidden in a pipe.

It looks like the truth, - the angry bear nodded, glancing at the pipe. - But I would not want to be small.

He didn't want to be small either, ”said the donkey. - But he loves me very much and wants to live always with me.

Ah, - all the animals sighed, - what a kind animal!

Saying goodbye, they left. Since then, no one in the forest has offended the little ones. Only everyone said:

Even the smallest can be a great friend. Even bigger than the biggest elephant!


There was a very small pig in the world. Each of this piglet offended, and the poor piglet did not know at all from whom to seek protection. And this piglet is so tired of being offended that one day he decided to go wherever his eyes would look.

He took the piggy sack, took the pipe and went. He walks through the woods, and in order not to be bored, he plays a pipe. But can you go far on four hooves?

The piglet walked all day and didn't even leave the forest. He sat down on a stump and sadly, sadly, blew out a pipe:

"Here I am
And why am I going? "

And only he said these words, as if behind a hemp: "Kva-kva!" Frog! The frog jumped on a stump and says:

And in fact, you stupid person, pig! So why go? Wouldn't it be better to sail in a boat?

The little pig thought, blew his pipe and said:

Oh, probably true!

He came here to the river and began to look for a boat. I looked, I looked, but there was no boat. And suddenly he sees a trough. In it the old woman rinsed the linen. Yes, she did. The pig plopped into the trough, hummed a pipe and swam.

First along the stream, then along the river, and then in the huge sea swam. It floats, then, on the sea. And the fish are surprised, laughing:

What is it? Like a steamer, since it's buzzing. But why, why does he have ears?

Eh! - said the whale. - Yes, probably just very smart. Just very polite. Other steamers simply blow their own horns. And this one also trumpets, but listens to others.

Gennady Tsyferov fairy tale "The locomotive from Romashkovo"

Genre: literary tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The locomotive from Romashkovo" and their characteristics

  1. Locomotive from Romashkovo. Small and very hardworking, but at the same time in love with the beauty of nature, romantic and gentle.
  2. Passengers. Busy and hurried people who realized that the beauty of nature can be more important than their work.
  3. Station master. Stern and important.
The plan for the retelling of the fairy tale "The Little Engine from Romashkovo"
  1. Last warning to the engine
  2. Nightingale singing
  3. The smell of lilies of the valley
  4. Sunset
  5. Thanks to passengers.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Locomotive from Romashkovo" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The locomotive from Romashkovo was not like everyone else, he was constantly late.
  2. The stationmaster gave him one last warning
  3. The train turns into the forest, listen to the nightingale singing
  4. The locomotive turns into the forest, to look at the first lilies of the valley
  5. The train watches the sunset and is three days late
  6. Passengers thank the locomotive.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "The Locomotive from Romashkovo"
You don't always need to rush so as not to be late somewhere. Sometimes you just have to stop and look at the good.

What the fairy tale "The Little Engine from Romashkovo" teaches
This tale teaches that the beauty of nature is much more important than any human deed. Teaches you how to see and appreciate this beauty. Teaches you to value every moment of being in nature.

Review of the fairy tale "Locomotive from Romashkovo"
This is a very kind fairy tale, the main character of which is a romantic locomotive in love with nature. I really liked the way the engine sighed, anticipating a scolding, but still turned off to admire the next miracle. And he managed to show the passengers such miracles that they forgot to think that they were in a hurry somewhere.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "The locomotive from Romashkovo"
Flowers do not bloom forever, and a person cannot be forever happy.
Flowers are not nice to those who have rotten eyes.
He who is not in a hurry, nothing will run away from him.

A summary, a short retelling of the tale "The locomotive from Romashkovo"
There lived a very strange little train, not like the others. He was constantly late somewhere and the head of the station scolded him for it. This time the head of the station gave the locomotive the last warning, and the locomotive honked its word of honor.
The locomotive went from Romashkovo. He saw the foal, but did not stop. And then suddenly he heard a nightingale singing in the forest, turned off the road, and went into the forest.
The passengers are indignant, they say they will be late, but the engine replied that if they do not hear the nightingale singing, they will be late for the whole spring.
All night long they listened to the nightingale singing, and then they drove on. And suddenly the engine smelled a sweet smell. He turned again into the forest, and the citizens were again indignant. But the engine said that if you didn't smell the lilies of the valley, you could be late for the whole summer.
And again the locomotive went ahead, but got up on the mountain and said that if you don't see the sunset now, you can be late for life.
But then the locomotive arrived at the station and hid, afraid that they would scold him now. And the citizens approach him, smile and thank him.
And the head of the station is surprised - how can it be, you were three days late. But the passengers answered that otherwise they could be late all summer, all spring, and even a whole life.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Locomotive from Romashkovo"