State numbers ark what does it mean. Sell ​​beautiful license plates on a car

The car number contains certain information about its owner... It makes it possible to determine the region and the status of the car owner.

When buying, every motorist wants beautiful, memorable numbers for his vehicle. But they can be memorized not only by numbers, but also by letters.

Regular registration number contains three letters and three numbers in the main part... Still, more attention is paid to numbers.

But no less relevant is the question of what the letters on the license plates of Russian cars mean.

Symbols on license plates of a car or other vehicle are basic registration information, which is data about the region and type of transport necessary to identify the driver.

If at least one symbol is missing on the license plate, or the numbers cannot be read for some other reason, then the owner of the vehicle will incur an administrative penalty, a certain fine will be imposed on him.

The numbers are set in accordance with the rules road traffic, they contain the algorithm and the timing of the installation. The location for the location of the registration number is located on a substrate that is specially installed on the bumper.

Positioning in any other conspicuous place is considered a violation, which will result in a fine. It is important that the license plates are not upside down.

A regular number is conventionally divided into 2 parts. On the left are three letters and three numbers. First comes the letter, then three numbers, followed by the remaining two characters.

In accordance with GOST R 50577-93 - three letters in the number are the series, and the numbers are the number of the registration plate... Russian license plates use only 12 letters of the Russian alphabet.

These are exactly the letters that have an analogue in the Latin alphabet. Among them are A, B, E, K, M, H, O, P, C, T, U, X. On the right side there are also letters and numbers, but the letters are no longer Russian.

The numbers indicate the region of the Russian Federation where the car is registered, there can be 2 or 3... And the letters "RUS" in the number of the car mean belonging to the country in which it is registered.

These are all signs that are in a regular number. In addition to them, there is only a figure with the colors of the flag of the Russian Federation.

Registration plates can have one of 5 colors. Some of them talk about the privileges of the motorist and carry information about belonging to the subdivisions of the state structure.

In addition to the above, there are license plates that are used by people and organizations close to the government in the Russian Federation.

These numbers often give the car an edge on the road. FSB operational vehicles may have different state registration plates.

The decoding of license plates should be started with the series of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation - EKH99... It appeared instead of EKX77, and EKX177, was used when the summit was held in St. Petersburg, after which it was handed over to the warehouse.

The EKX97 series belongs to the FSO and other departments that have appropriate immunity.

FSB and Presidential Administration Vehicles

One part of the signs from the HKX77 series is used by the FSB, and the other was always wanted by wealthy people on their cars, so it was sold.

Cars from the Presidential Property Management Department use license plates from the AOO77, MOO77, BOO77 and SOO77 series.

A vehicle with a beacon indicates that a special postman from the State Security Service of the Russian Federation is moving on it. These cars have no advantages on the roads.

The series numbers AKR177, EKR177, VKR177 and KKR177 mean belonging to those close to the government. These cars used to have blue state license plates.

Members of the State Duma have EPE177 series numbers.

After the blue license plates were introduced, the Ministry of Internal Affairs partially sold the numbers AMR77, KMP77, BMR77, OMP77, MMP77, TMP77 and UMR77.

Only a few of them remained subordinate to this department.

РМР77 - license plates of the prosecutor's office. AMO77 series - almost completely used by the Moscow City Hall.

Decoding of thieves' license plates on a car distinguishes people who are in power and the corresponding state structures.

Such numbers as HAA99, CAA99, TAA99 and XAA99 are also considered thieves. Their main difference lies in the fact that both FSB or research institutes and a cool private trader should have these signs.

The numbers on the numbers play an important role. Nice numbers can be called those that have the same numbers.

The most popular and demanded are three sevens. After all, 7 is considered a lucky number. License plates are also popular, which begin with two zeros - 003, 002 and the like. And also mirrors, for example, 101, 202.

But they look very beautiful and stand out among a large number cars, vehicles, license plates of which contain three identical letters - TTT, UUU, XXX.

The exception is thieves, they are not used by ordinary citizens. Any other similar numbers are not considered thieves. It's just that such license plates are not issued by the MREO, but are sold.

The prices for beautiful rooms are different - 3000 rubles and more. For this amount, you can buy the simplest mirrors or just an extraordinary simple number.

For example, you can hang the number 308 on a Peugeot 308 free of charge, but practice proves that no one will give it up just like that. The same is true for those who want to use the numbers that match the model on BMW.

The price of the same numbers starts from 15 thousand rubles, taking into account registration in the commercial MREO... In 2019, prices for identical letters have increased greatly, and together with beautiful numbers, they are practically unattainable for an average citizen.

But it should always be borne in mind that the presence of cool numbers will not eliminate all possible troubles. After all, the main role is played by the appropriate certificate.

It is best to always follow the traffic rules. Not only your own health and life depends on this, but also the lives of other people involved in road traffic.

Thus, the combination of license plates is based on the principle - 3 letters and three numbers... The letters on the numbers of the cars are deciphered as a series of the license plate, the numbers are the code of the region where the car is registered.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the meaning of some letters may differ dramatically in different regions of the country.

Does it exist in modern Russia the concept of "thieves" numbers?

Many car owners strive to buy a beautiful license plate for a car. The experience of motorists suggests that special, "thieves" numbers are a kind of message for traffic police officers, in which the special status of the car owner is encrypted. Time goes by, the privileged series of license plates are supplemented with new abbreviations, but such a service as the sale of license plates for cars is in constant demand.

Each car owner has his own motives to buy a "thieves" number of the privileged series. For some, the re-registration of numbers with beautiful identical numbers and letters of the series is primarily a whim, a desire to decorate their (usually expensive) car in this way. Others see practical benefits in beautiful license plates, because not every traffic police officer dares to stop such a car. And in the general city traffic flow, other road users try to avoid conflicts with the owners of "thieves" numbers. You never know who can be behind the wheel of a brand new Audi or an executive Mercedes with a beautiful number 777?

Almost all car owners know that getting a nice number on their car can only be done with some effort.

To do this, you must have either useful contacts in the relevant state power structures, or pay a tidy sum for the desired number. Both are not available to everyone.

And now let's figure out what messages to traffic police officers can hide behind a certain abbreviation of the license plate of a car.

What do the license plates mean?

First of all, let's answer right away - special series car numbers do exist and can be a source of information for traffic police officers about the status of their owner. Most of the special series numbers belong to the Presidential Administration, the Government, the mayor's office, law enforcement agencies and other state authorities. Deputies, senators, judges of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts ride on special numbers. A natural question arises: where can “mere mortals” get such numbers? The answer is simple: the numbers of many special series were partially released into free circulation, from where representatives of the business elite and famous people(to athletes, show business stars, etc.) The schemes for reissuing "thieves" numbers can be very diverse, including the purchase of a car with a beautiful license plate. You can find out how to reissue a number for your car in the "Registration" section.

We will decipher the special series of thieves' numbers

We will give examples of some of these series and describe what the abbreviations for special series, which are most often the subject of interest of car owners, mean:

· AAA- Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

· AMR97- the most prestigious part of the series of numbers * МР, which replaced the so-called "flag" numbers with a tricolor. Installed on cars of the Government, Presidential Administration, Federation Council, FSB, etc .;

· AMR77, KMP77, PMR77, OMP77, BMP77, MMP77, TMR77(and others * MP77) - partly owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies, various secret research institutes and other similar structures. Sometimes they are found on private cars, but not every "private trader" can get himself such a number. For these series, there is no information in the databases about the owners of numbers, so there is an opinion that some of these numbers were given to car owners undergoing witness protection programs;

· AKR177, WRC177, KKR177, EKR177- a special series of license plates assigned mainly to the service vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs structures. They replaced the blue service registration plates. Little familiar to most motorists, but they are well known to the traffic police and "work" well on the road;

· EKH- belong to the FSO, FSB and vehicles of other departments with similar immunity;

· HKH77- belongs to the FSB of Russia, but some of the numbers turned out to be owned by private car owners;

· COO77- most of the series numbers belong to the fleet of the Constitutional Court;

· EPE177- partially belongs to the cars of the State Duma, the majority belongs to the United Russia party;

· AMO77, AMO99- the mayor's office of Moscow;

· AOO77, VOO77, MOO77, SOO77- a special series of car numbers assigned to the Administrative Department of the President;

· AAA, BBB, EEE, KKK, MMM, NNN, LLC, RRR, CCC, TTT, UUU, XXX- not only beautiful, but often informative series of license plates. Separate series belong to Spetsvyaz, FSB and other law enforcement agencies. So, the CCC series was issued to law enforcement agencies, often cars with numbers of this series can be found on the roads equipped with flashing beacons. The MMM77 series belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, similar numbers can often be found on the cars of the leaders of this structure. As mentioned above, the AAA special series numbers have a special status. Some of them belong to the Presidential Administration, some to the FSB. Almost openly, it is said that the license plates of the EEE, KKK, MMM, NNN, LLC, UUU, etc. series belong to private individuals who have "criminals" in the traffic police, FSO and other similar structures. In general, all beautiful numbers on cars with an abbreviation of three identical letters are regarded on the road as privileged ones and testifying to the special status of their owners.

Beautiful numbers on a car: a feasible dream and a bonus in karma

But not only a beautiful or significant series of car owners are attracted by "thieves" license plates. A spectacular number is another "fetish" for which many are ready to shell out a tidy sum. The favorites are combinations of the same numbers (especially cool if they match the region numbers) - 111 (three units), 222 (three deuces), 333 (three threes) 444 (three fours), 555 (three fives), 666 (three sixes), 777 (three sevens), 888 (three eights) 999 (three nines) and first serial numbers001 (it is clear that the owner claims to be the leader in everything, including on the road), 002 , 003 , 004 , 005 , 006 , 007 (specially for James Bond fans), 008 , 009 ... The most valuable in Russia are numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region with the following regions: 77 , 99 , 97 , 177 , 199 , 197 , 777 , 50 , 90 , 150 , 190 , 750 .

Beautiful, "thieves" numbers often have an aesthetic function and express the desire of the car owner to stand out in the stream of cars. On the other hand, the re-registration of thieves' numbers has a purely practical function. All car owners and traffic police officers are well aware that getting beautiful license plates is not at all easy. Wealthy businessmen and politicians have a special love for beautiful numbers. The preponderance of beautiful car numbers is practiced by pop stars or famous athletes. In any case (and every traffic police officer knows this from his own experience), a beautiful, "thug" number is evidence that its owner has connections in government agencies, special social status or financial capabilities (and often all taken together). Accordingly, there are also unspoken rules of relations with such car owners on the road, placing them in a privileged position.

Often our attention on the road is caught by "beautiful" license plates. They are usually called thieves, because getting this can hardly be called a fluke. Matching or mirrored letters and numbers, as well as combinations endowed with special meaning. Probably everyone was engaged in a kind of decoding of such "thieves" numbers, but in fact, many of them have a very specific background and can give a certain signal to traffic police officers and other participants in the movement. It is impossible to give an unambiguous decryption of all license plates, so the list contains the most common ones.


EKX77 - numbers allocated for vehicles of the Federal Security Service (FSO) of the Russian Federation. A common version of the decryption of such a set of letters is the story, once presented in the magazine "Autopilot". According to her, wanting to add a new one to the AAA series already assigned to the FSO, the head of the service, Yuri Krapivin, turned to Boris Yeltsin, who was then president of the Russian Federation. Together they chose EKH as an acronym for Yeltsin + Krapivin = Good. The official decoding is considered to be "a single Kremlin economy." There is another option that has taken root among the people - "I eat as I want." Now this series can be found infrequently.

EKH 99, EKH 97, EKH 177, SKA77 - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

ХКХ77 - partly FSB license plate, partly sold out.

SAS77 - now not found, once belonged to the FSB.

AOO77, VOO77, MOO77, SOO77 - typical for cars that are assigned to the Office of the President.

KOO77 - Constitutional Court, private traders.

AMP97 - the series was formed as a result of the fight against a large number of special signals. These thieves' license plates were issued to cars for which, regardless of ownership, the right to use blue lights was retained (with the exception of AAAFL). So, part of the series belongs to the FSB, part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and part of other structures, for example, the presidential administration.

AKR177, VKR177, EKR177, KKR177 - were also issued to those who fell under the cancellation of the use of blue car flashing lights. Of the last two episodes, probably something went to private traders.

EPE177 - about 300 numbers served as a replacement for the "flags" of the State Duma. Popular decoding - "United Russia is going".

OOO77, 99, 97, 177, 199 - now for the most part private traders and merchants.

CCC77 - the series distinguishes cars of the Courier Service, the Center for Special Communications, the Ministry of Communications and structures "close" to them, and can also be used on personal vehicles. The popularly known decoding of such thieves' numbers is “three seeds”.

CCC99 are mostly private traders.

CCC97 - GCC and Private.

MMM77, 99 - now - private traders, before the appearance of blue car numbers - the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

AAA77, 99, 97, 177, 199 are now private traders with a high probability.

XXX99 - private traders, FSB.

KKK99 are private traders.

ННН99 - may be at the employees of the tax police, the State Tax Committee, private traders.

Other identical letters are simply "nice" license plates. You can figure out the decryption yourself.

AMM77 is a series for personal car thieves and service bosses of the traffic police in the capital, earlier it was intended for cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

* ММ77 - before the blue license plates appeared, it was used by the Moscow police.

AMR77 - previously only cars of the Central Administrative Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and now private cars of management and ordinary citizens.

KMP77 - simple thieves' numbers.

MMR77 - private traders, a little FSB.

PMR77 - the series corresponds to the vehicles of the Ministry of Justice.

ТМР77 - vehicles of the Department of Law Enforcement in closed territories and restricted facilities, including cosmonauts and private traders, unavailable in the database.

AMO77 - Moscow administration, private traders. Initially, these license plates had one more feature: there was no tricolor, and the letters rus were three-dimensional.

AMO99, 97 - thieves private traders, including those directly related to the Moscow administration.

NAA99, TAA99, CAA99, XAA99 - "closed" in the bases of the series (POPIZ - upon written request).

EPE177 - deputies of the Federal Assembly, private traders (popular decoding - "United Russia Goes").

SKO199 - Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

Identical letters and numbers 177 are thieves, extremely common near the traffic police building on Sadovaya-Samotechnaya.

Any "round" numbers, especially the first tens with two zeros at the beginning (001-009) or the end (100, 200, ..., 900), with three identical numbers (111, 222, ..., 999), the most prestigious thug combinations are 77777 or 99999, where all digits, including the area code, are the same.


AAA54 - the first hundred numbers belong to the presidential envoy, then - thieves.

ННН54 - cars of the Novosibirsk city hall, administration Novosibirsk region and the regional council. Among the townspeople, the popular decryption is "Do not touch the Novosibirsk Bosses". It is interesting that the armored cars of one of the commercial banks also use NNN numbers, but Kemerovo ones.

ASK54 - FSB in the Novosibirsk region, after the 200th - thieves.

ANO54 is an old series for the administration of the Novosibirsk region (used before the introduction of "NNN").

RRR54 MOP54 - "Morozov" numbers, this decoding is associated with their introduction by the former head of the UGIBDD Peter Morozov.

NSO54 - thug "Yakovlevskaya" series, got its name thanks to the former head of UGIBDD Vitaly Yakovlev.

MPO54 - When it was forbidden to use the letter D in the license plate series, the old MVD54 was replaced. With the arrival of the head of the UGIBDD S.V. Shtelmakh was replaced again. The following decoding prevailed among the people: "Cops Disappointed, It's a shame."

OOM54 - special series of the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate S.V. Shtelmakh.

MVU54 - numbers of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for NSO.

VVV54 - series of the head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Novosibirsk Region.

UVU54 - used by the police department and the traffic police.

UVO54 - Office of non-departmental security at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for NSO.

Other series of numbers with flashing lights

VMR - government, individuals, banks.

EEE - individuals who have cronies in the traffic police. It doesn't even need decoding, judging by the letters, the owners are happy.

KKH - FSB, FSO, etc.

KMM - firefighters and thieves.

OMR - government, banks, elected private traders.

SMM - police and part of the pull (SMM is usually deciphered as social media marketing, well, maybe one of them really works there).

SSS - FSO, FSB, government, individuals who have cronies in the traffic police.

UMR - government and private traders by pull.

UUU - exclusively thieves.

Decoding thieves' license plates will help you understand a little better what is happening on the road. Take advantage of the opportunity to re-register the car while keeping the numbers if you don’t want to part with your license plate when changing a car.

In the stream of cars, when city streets are stuck in a traffic jam due to the clumsiness of one of the drivers, motorists while away the time looking registration numbers neighboring transport. Many of us, noticing a lucky combination of numbers, are a little jealous of their owner, dreaming of seeing something similar on our high-speed friend. By the way, many are seriously puzzled by this issue, going to the local MREO with the desire to acquire the coveted set of beautiful letters and numbers.

I myself have a very skeptical frame of mind for this, but, having noticed a couple of "stylish" numbers, I decided to find out what they mean. It is noteworthy that for all 20 years spent on the country's highways, I never thought about how numbers are formed and assigned. Apparently, and my curiosity had come to "wake up", and I went in search of information, but this time across the vastness of the network.

What did the car number tell us about?

Today you rarely hear arguments among children about where the car came from. In my childhood, I often entered into such discussions with my courtyard comrades, and only a cheerful neighbor who worked at that time in the city taxi company could judge us. He thoughtfully unfolded the atlas of the motorist and, finding the desired region number, told us which of us was right, always praising us for curiosity. So, as a child, I learned that the license plate tells about the regional affiliation of vehicles.

But until now I haven’t thought about the numbers and letters, which today have three registration numbers on our registration numbers. An adult discovery for me was that these designations determine, along with the region, the status of the owner, for example, his professional affiliation to the special. services or law enforcement agencies.

How does a license plate work?

The current license plates have the following form - YXXXYY region code. In place of Y - letters of the Russian alphabet, in place of X - numbers from 0 to 9. By the way, not all letters are used, but only those that have similar characters in the Latin alphabet - these are A, B, E, M, K, H, O, R, S, Y, T, X.

The combination can be anything. And it seems that everyone is used to this, but often on the road you can find such a combination of symbols that even traffic police try not to slow down the owners of such cars, even if they commit a minor violation on the road.

If you list all the thieves' numbers in this article, then there will not be enough space, but I will try to tell you what I found out about the most used ones in Moscow and the capital region. Why Metropolitan Region? It's simple. The rest have their own numbers, quoted only by themselves. Also, let's leave aside just beautiful numbers that do not give any privileges to their owner, such as B123OP. It's just a nice number purchased from the traffic police.

So I begin

The most famous are numbers with the designation EKX97, officially owned by the FSO. According to legend, the series owes its origin to the dialogue between Krapivin (the then head of this organization) and Yeltsin (the president of the Russian Federation at that time). According to Krapivin, his service needed new letters for the numbers, as the old ones were not enough. After much deliberation, we decided that the EKH combination would be just right.

This gibberish supposedly means the following - Yeltsin + Krapivin = Good. Though official version sounds a little differently - the United Kremlin economy. And the people deciphered in their own way - food as I want. Or even more rudely - whoever I want.

Now the series has been canceled, although according to rumors the numbers are still in the FSO warehouses. In the regions, the series can sometimes be purchased for very big money, but be prepared to be constantly stopped for checking, since the gay people have a list of numbers related to the untouchables. The rest can be safely slowed down.

The most thieves are the AMR97 series. It is impossible to buy, you can still rent it, but for very, very big money. Cars with such numbers are owned by the government, the State Duma, the Federation Council and the leadership of the FSO, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the RF IC, the Prosecutor's Office of the RF. The numbers refer to the untouchable. They can only be braked with a special permit.

AMR77 - the series belongs to the Central Asia Ministry of Internal Affairs, but part of it is given to private traders, and it can be purchased. According to rumors, the price for such a number starts at one million rubles. And the closer the number is to the first hundred, the higher the cost.

ХКХ77 - the series previously belonged to the FSB. But most of it is given to private traders. Usually purchased by owners of executive class cars and SUVs.

MMM77 is a series for the official vehicles of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs. But a large part was given to private owners.

AOO77, VOO77, MOO77, SOO77 - most of these series are given to the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. But sometimes they are found on sale, of course, for the corresponding amount. According to rumors, they look great on cars similar to control cars.

Another series belonging to various ministries and the metropolitan administration is AMO. Occasionally found on sale at the appropriate price.

SKR197, 199. These numbers are assigned to the RF IC. Series 197 on sale cannot be found, if such a number is found in a private owner, then this is definitely a fake. And if he is slowed down, then he cannot avoid a good fine. But the 199 series, albeit rare, can be found on sale. As in all similar series, the closer to the first hundred, the more expensive.

CCC series. Special communication vehicles and similar organizations drive with code 77. Code 99 belongs to the tax authorities, GUIN and GOKHRAN. 97 - to various special services. If necessary, you can buy, especially well, according to rumors, they look on dark-colored sedans. It is on these that the representatives of the above services roll out.

OOO 77. FSB officers used to have such numbers. Now they were given to private traders. Usually presented to women along with the car.

ММР77, ВМР77 - various structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. Rooms are in demand, therefore, the price for them is not budgetary.

PMR77 - designed for justice. The popularity is not inferior to the above series, but the cost is much lower.

Well, let's not ignore one more series - EPE177. It is specially designed for United Russia. The people are called - United Russia is going. It has no special value, but you can buy it for show-off.

All of the above numbers are mainly used in Moscow, although they are also valuable in the regions. But they also have their own thieves' numbers, it is impossible to indicate all of them here.

Standing idle in traffic jams, drivers involuntarily begin to pay attention to various little things, trying to pass the time. Many people, for example, look at license plates. What can this or that combination of numbers and letters mean?

An ordinary Russian license plate consists of two sections: main and additional (on the right). In the latter, a two- or three-digit code is stamped by which one can easily determine from which region of the Russian Federation this or that car arrived (for example, the number 62 means that the car is from the Ryazan region), while the letters RUS mean the country where the car was registered.

License plate format

The main part of the number has the following form Y XXX YY, where X are numbers from 0 to 9, and Y are letters of the Russian alphabet. The latter, by the way, are not used by all, but only those that have analogs in the Latin alphabet, that is, A, B, E, M, K, H, O, P, C, Y, T, X.

On the road, you can see completely different combinations of letters and numbers, which is why many motorists mistakenly believe that license plates represent a random set of characters, but this is not the case.

In the process of registration Vehicle the numbers are issued in order (the only exceptions are special series, which will be discussed below), while the order of changing the characters here is slightly different (not from left to right). So, the numbers change from right to left, that is, following the T 359 OK number, T 360 OK will be issued.

The letters change only after the numbers, and first the first character changes, that is, after the number T 999 OK, the number Y 001 OK will be entered into circulation. Then the third letter is replaced and only then the second.

Correctly "reading" the state sign, you can determine the status of the owner of the car (for example, his affiliation with law enforcement agencies). It happens that traffic police officers, having seen a special number, do not slow down the driver even if he slightly violated the traffic rules.

The list of "thieves" numbers is wide enough, so it just doesn't make sense to list them all, but the most common of them are worth noting. For example, let's go over the state signs of Moscow and the metropolitan region as a whole, while note that each region has its own special numbers, which are quoted only within their territory, and after it they lose their privileges, becoming simply “beautiful”.

AMR, EKH, SKR, etc.

Perhaps the most privileged are the AMR 97 series numbers, which indicate that this car is at the disposal of the State Duma, the government, the Federation Council, the leadership of the FSO, the RF IC or the Prosecutor's Office of the RF. These numbers are considered "untouchable", that is, traffic police officers do not have the right to stop such cars without permission from above. It is impossible to buy them, and to rent them only for very big money.

The AMR 77 series officially belongs to the Central Asia Ministry of Internal Affairs, while individual numbers are given to individuals, which means they can be purchased, but the price "bites". According to rumors, they ask for them from 1 million rubles and more, and the closer the number to the first hundred, the higher its price.

Also privileged are numbers with the designation EKX 97, which indicate that this machine belongs to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSO). Rumor has it that these numbers were put into circulation after a dialogue between the ex-President of Russia Boris Yeltsin and the then head of the FSO Yu.V. Krapivin.

The latter turned to Yeltsin with a request to introduce new letters to the numbers, since the old ones were already in short supply. After joint deliberations, it was decided to use a combination of letters EKX, which, according to legend, is an abbreviation that stands for "Yeltsin + Krapivin = Good".

However, the official designation of the abbreviation sounds differently - "United Kremlin economy", while the people are walking another decoding - "I go wherever I want" (and its more obscene version). To date, the series of EKX numbers has already been canceled, although they can still be purchased in the regions, but this will require a substantial amount of money. But the purchase will not give any advantages.

Rather, on the contrary, the car owner should be prepared that he will often be stopped on the roads with a check. The latter is due to the fact that the traffic police know the list of actual "untouchable" numbers, but all the others are no longer such.

Also to the "written off" can be attributed to the series numbers ХКХ 77, which previously belonged to the FSB. Now most of them are at the disposal of private traders. They are in demand among the owners of SUVs and executive cars. Also, a considerable part of the series of numbers MMM 77, which is used to designate the official cars of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs, was given to private traders.

The SKR 197 and SKR 199 series are valid and are at the disposal of the RF IC, and the 197 series numbers are not sold, while the presence of such a number with a private person means only one thing - this is a fake, which means if a careless driver is slowed down on the road, then he will not be fined to avoid. But signs of the 199 series periodically become available for purchase, but they cost a lot.

Cars with a number from the CCC 77 series belong to special communications services and other similar organizations. In turn, the CCC 99 code refers to the tax, GOKHRAN and GUIN, and the CCC 97 code refers to various special services. It is possible to buy such a number, but again it is problematic.

Most of the series of AOO 77, BOO 77, MOO 77 and SOO 77 have been given to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. However, with a special desire and luck, you can buy them, but again for a fairly substantial amount.

No less remarkable on the road are car numbers of the AMO series. It belongs to the metropolitan administration and various ministries. From time to time such numbers appear on sale for the corresponding price.

The presence of numbers of the MMP 77 or VMR 77 series indicates that the car belongs to the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. They are also commercially available, but the buyer will have to fork out hard. Plus, it is worth mentioning the LLC 77 series. Earlier, FSB officers drove cars with such numbers, but now they can also be bought.

No less popular in Moscow and the adjacent territory are the numbers of the PMP 77 series, which were developed specifically for the justice sector. They are in great demand in the market, but the price for them is slightly lower than the series listed above.

EPE 177 series numbers, designed specifically for members of the United Russia party, are most often found in the capital. They are of no particular value and are freely available.

In addition to the above "thieves" numbers, there are simply "beautiful". The latter represent a meaningful selection of symbols and letters (for example, B 123 OP) and can be bought from the traffic police, but they do not give any privileges on the road.