Expert: “The rumor about a drop in domestic tourist flow comes from small TO. Travel companies are losing money due to the independence of tourists Tourist flow towards Asia

Tourists are increasingly interested in Russian regions, and the infrastructure of large tourist cities and popular places can already compete with Western leisure options. Domestic tourism in Russia will continue to grow, believes Dmitry Davydenko, chairman of the All-Russian Association of Tourists, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under Rosturizm.

TRN: Dmitry, do you agree with the opinion about the alleged decline in the internal one?

Dmitry Davydenko (D.D..): There is no recession! There is growth and redistribution of flows. Streams are redistributed from tour operators to other tour operators, from tour operators to independent travelers, from others. If, for example, the airport of Anapa shows a decrease in the flow, then this does not mean at all that the flow to Anapa has fallen, and, moreover, that the total has dropped. To estimate the drop or increase in the flow, it is necessary to take other data besides the airport data. We need data from Russian Railways, automobile, accommodation facilities. The growth of some companies in the Krasnodar Territory amounted to more than 50 percent in 2017.

The speculation for declining domestic tourists comes from non-league travel companies. And this is understandable. The fact is that large international tour operators have entered the domestic tourism market, which have already begun to bite off, and will soon eat all the tasty parts of the common pie and leave small operators without tourists.

These large operators were engaged in outbound tourism, and now rely on domestic tourism. And in the coming and next year, small companies will sag even more in domestic tourism due to the activity of large tour operators with a huge developed distribution system. They have their own planes, flights, and they put them on regional routes. Such companies have a lot of partners, more financial opportunities, including promotion. They can give a discount at the expense of blocks of rooms in hotels ... That is, they can make the product cheaper, which means they are more competitive.

TRN: What are the statistics on how actively domestic tourism is developing?

D.D.: Here are some numbers. According to Rosstat, in 2014, 38.4 million Russians used hotel services in Russia, in 2015 - 49.2 million, in 2016 - 54.28 million, and in 2017, according to preliminary data, more than 56.8 mln. These are figures, once again, for the inhabitants of Russia.

The growth of visits to our country by foreign tourists was also noted. In 2014, 4.6 million tourists from abroad were accommodated in Russian hotels, in 2015 - 5.6 million, in 2016 - 6.1 million, the preliminary figure in 2017 at the moment is 6.4 million. foreign tourists.

TRN: How actively is organized domestic tourism developing now?

D.D.: Consumers take different paths. Travel companies provide a fairly cheap flight that regular flights cannot provide. Therefore, a tour with a charter flight is cheaper. But we have a lot of car tourists and those who travel by train.

D.D.: Of course, the economic crisis has done its job. Tourism in general always actively reacts to political and economic changes in the country. When the dollar jumped, our international tourism dropped. Then the population got used to the situation, and foreign tourism began to grow again. Then, the closure of Turkey again strongly influenced the growth of domestic tourism. Egypt people quickly changed to Vietnam and Thailand. Of course, if Turkey returns as a full-fledged holiday destination, there will be an outflow of tourists. But all the same, the growth of the inner is already constant and it will not collapse.

The growth of interest in recreation is growing, which means that the economy is stabilizing, consumers trust the tourism industry.

In general, in general, we observe a trend of interest in Russian regions. There is no sharp jump yet, but we see interest. The best growth, to summarize, is shown by Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi and Crimea - beach and excursion tourism.

TRN: Don't you think that so far our domestic tourism is often more expensive than foreign travel? How affordable is the rest in Russia for the consumer now?

D.D.: If we compare beach tourism, then our Sochi is quite comparable with Turkey, Greece, Spain, Crimea.

As for unusual options for recreation, like, say, Baikal, then it is fair to compare it only with the same expensive extraordinary vacation in some interesting places abroad. Yes, the infrastructure on Lake Baikal is not yet developed, let's be honest. But the population will not go there en masse, this is a special tourism. There are severe frosts in winter, midges in summer. These places have their own tourist. And for him, of course, you need to create decent conditions.

As for our main excursion cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow, they are already creating powerful competition for Paris, Rome, London. We are showing good growth in sightseeing tourism.

TRN: How do you assess the prospects for the development of domestic tourism this year?

D.D.: In 2018, we will see a significant increase in domestic tourism, given that Russia will host the FIFA World Cup. In addition to a million fans from abroad, we will also have a decent internal flow. I assume that the number of tourists in Russia will increase by at least 6 million people. Thus, if in 2017 the volume of the domestic tourism market was 56.8 million people, then this year we expect 62-63 million tourists.

The ended summer season was marked by a whole series of bankruptcies of tour operators, who suffered, according to them, due to a sharp drop in demand. At the same time, fewer Russians did not travel abroad, according to statistics collected by RBC. It's just that the number of independent tourists who do not use the services of travel agencies is growing every year.

Sales of tours since the beginning of the year fell by a quarter, explained in mid-July the reasons for the collapse of "Neva", one of the country's oldest tour operators, its CEO Maxim Pirogov. The sharply reduced demand was also indicated by the “Labyrinth”, which suspended its activity in August. It was easier for other tour operators who also admitted their financial insolvency last season: they could refer not only to the general unfavorable economic situation, but also to the scandalous withdrawal of other players from the market.

So, in September, "Southern Cross" announced that it could not fulfill its obligations to clients "due to a strong drop in demand for a tourist product against the backdrop of the bankruptcy of a number of major tour operators." As the president of Southern Cross Andrei Kuznetsov explained to RBC at the time, after the collapse of Labyrinth, the company found itself in a situation “when there are clients at the entrance who need to be sent on a paid vacation, and new ones who bring money do not appear”. “It's like all depositors take their money out of the bank at once,” Kuznetsov explained.

In August, after about 37 thousand clients of the “Neva” and “Labyrinth” alone could not take advantage of the already paid tours, and many of the approximately 33 thousand tourists who were abroad had to be evacuated home, tour sales fell by a quarter, the Association of Tour Operators stated Russia.

The decline in demand is also confirmed by tour retailers. From May to August, sales of tour packages decreased by about 20% compared to the same period last year, said RBC in the "Network of Last Minute Vouchers". In another agent network, Hot Tours, this drop was estimated at 14%.

But the available foreign statistics do not confirm the decrease in tourist flow from Russia this summer. The number of Russians who visited Turkey in June, according to the Ministry of Tourism of this country, increased by 17%, to 805.3 thousand people, in July - by 20%, to 805.4 thousand. Preliminary data for August also show growth, albeit not as large as in the previous summer months, - by 6%, to 776.6 thousand Russians.

Turkey is the most popular summer destination, with which no other country can match in terms of the number of tourists from Russia. Therefore, due to its colossal volumes, the increase in the Turkish direction more than compensates for the decrease in tourist flow to other countries.

But other popular beach destinations also saw growth. The Russian tourist flow from Russia to Cyprus, according to its statistical service, in June grew by 22%, to 118 thousand people, in July - by 21%, to 116.7 thousand, in August - by 12%, to 110, 7 thousand. In the first months of summer there was an increase in the Bulgarian direction: in June - by 14%, up to 152.3 thousand people, in July - by 1%, up to 150.7 thousand. In August there was already a fall by 6% , up to 132.6 thousand people.

True, in the more popular direction - Spanish - there was still a decline in tourist traffic. In June - by 14%, to 222 thousand Russians, in July - by only 2%, to 245.6 thousand, and in August - by 9%, to 260.1 thousand. In general, Europe is characterized by a decrease in Russian tourist flow. Since spring, the number of Russians visiting Germany, Finland, Czech Republic, Poland, Switzerland has been decreasing every month, according to the statistics of these countries.

Growth continued on most long-haul beach destinations this summer. Moreover, according to the results of this summer, Vietnam, which showed an increase of 10-36% depending on the month, became a more popular destination among the countries of Southeast Asia than Thailand. Vietnam in June-August was visited by 65.5 thousand Russians, Thailand - 50.7 thousand. After several months of decline in May-July, the tourist flow to the Indonesian island of Bali grew again.

In the Caribbean, negative dynamics was recorded in Mexico this summer. In June, the Russian tourist flow to this country decreased immediately by 47%, to 3.4 thousand people, in July - by 34%, to 3.7 thousand.Interest in vacations in Acapulco and other Mexican resorts practically stopped growing back in December 2013, the monthly growth was only 1-3%, with the exception of January, when the tourist flow increased by 7%, to 13.5 thousand people. But since May of this year, the flow of tourists to Cuba has finally begun to grow, which had been constantly decreasing since November 2012. Last June, the number of Russians who visited the island immediately increased by 33%, to 4.9 thousand people, in July - by 25%, to 4.4 thousand.In June and July, the flow of tourists to the Dominican Republic grew by 14 %, to 8.5 thousand Russians, and by 4%, to 8.3 thousand. In August, there was already a decrease by 5%, to 8.7 thousand.

The total tourist flow from Russia is indeed growing, but at the same time the number of tourists going on vacation through tour operators is decreasing, explains Vladimir Vorobiev, President of Natalie Tours. He admits that tour operators today can no longer ignore this factor.

Research into consumer preferences of Russians confirms that the number of independent tourists is increasing from year to year. According to Synovate Comcon, in the first half of 2010, 24.9% of residents of cities with a population of one million who traveled abroad at least once a year stated that they did not use the services of travel agencies, in the first half of 2012 there were already 28.8%. in the first half of 2014 - already 31.9%.

The number of independent tourists will continue to grow, especially after this summer season, which seriously undermined the credibility of the industry, says Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia. But, she notes, Western experience shows that tour operators can retain customers through additional services, for example, by offering tickets to concerts that are held near the resort, etc. In addition, a mass tourist is unlikely to refuse the services of tour operators when it comes to rest in a country with a different culture from the Western one, says Lomidze.

Moscow expects to receive 17.5 million tourists in 2016, said mayor Sergei Sobyanin on the presidium of the Moscow government.

“The tourism industry plays a significant role in the city's economy, we are close to the fact that the share of tourism consumption in the gross regional product will be about 500 billion rubles. This is a significant amount. It is good that every year the number of tourists is not decreasing, but increasing. Over the past year, the number of tourists increased by almost 500 thousand people, and, according to travel agencies, this flow will only grow, ”Sobyanin said.

A gradual increase in tourist traffic is associated with the holding of major sports competitions in the capital - the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship, which starts on May 6, and two football tournaments - the 2017 Confederations Cup and the 2018 World Championship.

In the next few years, the tourist flow will only increase. The authorities expect 18.4 million people to visit the capital in 2017, and 19.5 million people in 2018.

In 2015, 17.1 million tourists visited Moscow, most of whom are Russian citizens.

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For the first time in 15 years, Moscow took part with its stand in the international tourism exhibition EMMIT in Istanbul. According to Sergei Shpilko, Chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and Hotel Management, this is due to the fact that the number of international arrivals from Turkey through Moscow airports is growing dynamically even in the face of the crisis and economic sanctions. For 9 months of last year, this figure amounted to 116.9 thousand arrivals, an increase of 8.5%. At the same time, in terms of the number of international arrivals through the airports of the Moscow air zone, Turkey ranked third after China and Germany.

In Turkey, a middle class is actively developing, which is increasingly demanding travel for tourism purposes. Plus, the economic and cultural ties between our countries are generally developing positively, and tourism in this sense is no exception. Moreover, Moscow is increasingly adapting its hospitality industry to the needs of tourists from different countries. Non-profit organizations conduct voluntary certification of hotels for compliance with the needs of tourists, for example, Chinese ones - "Chinafriendly", as well as certification of hotels for compliance with "Halal" requirements. The first such certificate was received by the Aerostar hotel.

According to Lyubov Shiyan, Marketing Director of the Aerostar Hotel, who participated in the Moscow stand, “The Turkish market is strategically important for Moscow companies and hotels due to the changed political and economic situation. The exhibition is successful, there is a high interest in the work of the Moscow stand, and the atmosphere is very friendly. "

According to another participant of the exhibition, representative of the TariTour company Nikita Monakhov, the manager of the sales department of the TariTour company, “The Turkish market is one of the most promising at the moment. The number of tourists from Turkey visiting Moscow has grown. " Therefore, the company opened an office in Istanbul “TariTour“ Byhadyr ”.

Speaking at the presentation of Moscow and Kazan, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey Abdurrahman Arydzhy said: “The number of tourists from Russia in 2014 was 4 million people. It's time for my compatriots to pay the debt of hospitality to the Russians, getting better acquainted with their sights and cultural values. "

Moscow, according to Sergei Shpilko, who spoke at the presentation, “has once again come up with proposals for a price-quality ratio, which are difficult to refuse, which at this stage is facilitated by a change in the ruble exchange rate”. Questions on the part of the Turkish tourist business concerned, first of all, the cost of transportation. But here, too, there are positive shifts. Since 2013, Pegasus has operated flights in Moscow according to the lowcost model of low cost flights, with ticket prices averaging $ 190. With the existing Moscow Weekends package offers on the market, it is quite possible to accommodate a stay in Moscow at an average of $ 300 per person.

This news has been read 1937 times.

Moscow has improved the quality of the hotel business. At the moment, the capital of Russia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The fact that Moscow has become a popular tourist destination , noted Sergei Sobyanin.

- We have come close to the fact that the share of tourism GRP will be about 500 billion rubles. This is a significant amount. It is good that every year the number of tourists is not decreasing, but increasing. Over the past year, their number increased by almost half a million people, and according to travel agencies, this flow will only grow. In 2016, Moscow expects to receive over 17.5 million tourists, - said Sergei Sobyanin.

On behalf of Sergei Sobyanin, an analysis of the Moscow tourism industry will be carried out in the coming months, as this direction is gradually gaining increasing popularity. For example, last year 17.1 million tourists visited Moscow and 17.1 million tourists. The number of tourists in percentage terms increased by 3.3 percent.

Most of all guests who come to admire the beauty of the capital are citizens of Russia. Ahead of the FIFA World Cup, the number of tourists is expected to increase in 2018.

World rating companies also note the popularity of the Russian capital among tourists. In particular, according to the Tripadvisor portal, Moscow ranks second among European countries and fifth in the world among the best developing tourist destinations.

In the ranking of the most popular cities on the planet by the total number of photos published by users of the social network “ Instagram ", the capital of Russia is in fourth place. Moscow left behind Los Angeles, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Barcelona on the list. Only Paris, New York and London overtook the Russian capital.

The overwhelming number of tourists who once came to Moscow make repeated trips. This fact speaks of an improvement in the quality of the hotel business in the capital.

According to the head of the relevant Department, Vladimir Chernikov, guests from abroad also highly appreciate the level of security in the Russian capital.

/ wednesday 27 April 2016 /

themes: Sobyanin Football

Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia. Last year, the capital was visited by 17.1 million tourists, most of whom are citizens of the country. Compared to 2014, the tourist flow increased by 3.3 percent.

The number of tourists is expected to grow due to major sporting events held in Moscow (2016 Ice Hockey World Championship, 2017 Confederations Cup, 2018 World Cup).

According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the tourism industry plays a significant role in the city's economy: “We are close to the fact that the share of tourism's GRP will be about 500 billion rubles. . . . . .

. . . . . It is ahead of Los Angeles, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbehind only Paris, New York and London.

The situation in Moscow has changed significantly in terms of the quality of services in the hospitality industry. However, most tourists want to return again.

According to the head of the specialized department, Vladimir Chernikov, this figure exceeds 92 percent of the total.

According to him, guests from abroad also highly appreciate the level of security in the Russian capital: "Foreign tourists arriving in Moscow say that you can safely walk here day, evening and night, which is also confirmed by statistics in the field of offenses related to tourists: their number is 0.1 percent of the total.".

At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, an analysis of the Moscow tourism industry will be carried out in the coming months.

. . . . . In recent years, the tourist flow to the city has grown by 3.3 percent. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this.

. . . . . - Sergei Sobyanin said. He also noted that the tourism industry plays a significant role in the city's economy, and now the amount of income from tourism is about 500 billion rubles.

According to the head of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism Vladimir Chernikov, the situation in Moscow has changed significantly in terms of the quality of services in the hospitality industry, and most tourists want to visit the city again. This figure exceeds 92 percent of the total.

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The capital can earn up to 500 billion rubles a year from tourists. There are all the prerequisites for this, said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.
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According to the mayor of the capital, the tourism industry plays a significant role in the city's economy.
"Over the past year, the number of tourists increased by almost half a million people. This year, over 17.5 million tourists will visit Moscow.", - said Sergei Sobyanin.
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According to Sergei Sobyanin, the quality of services in the hospitality industry has improved in Moscow. . . . . .
Moscow is waiting for new guests and is preparing for their arrival. According to forecasts, about 20 million tourists will come here in 2018. This is 15 percent more than last year.

Moscow is the most popular city for tourists in Russia. In 2015, the capital was visited by 17.1 million tourists, most of whom are citizens of our country. Compared to 2014, the increase in the tourist flow amounted to more than 500 thousand people (+ 3.3%).

Soon the number of tourists in Moscow will increase thanks to sports fans. Major sporting events will be held in the capital: the Ice Hockey World Championship in May this year, the 2017 Confederations Cup, the World Cup . . . . .

Large cultural events such as festivals are especially popular among tourists. Such as Travel to Christmas, “ Circle of Light ", Moscow Spring, "Russian field ", "Times and Epochs", Moscow Navruz... Tourists who come to the capital for mass events spend an average of 4.5 thousand rubles per day (for comparison, on average, tourists arriving in the capital for business purposes spend 4.1 thousand rubles a day; for cultural and educational purposes - 3.6 thousand rubles, while shopping tourists spend on average about 8 thousand rubles a day.

Moscow is preparing a new infrastructure for tourists, including pedestrian zones, bike paths, bike rental points, multilingual signs, parking for tourist buses, free WiFi hotspots, etc.

More than 2 thousand accredited guides and guides-translators work in the city, who lead excursions in 25 languages.

Last year on Red Square (in GUM), Triumfalnaya Square and in the Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye opened modern tourist information centers (TIC). This year it is planned to open such centers in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, at VDNKh, in the museum-reserve " Tsaritsyno ", as well as a mobile TIC near the VTB Arena ice palace.

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For reference. In 2015, 17.1 million tourists visited Moscow, most of whom are Russian citizens. . . . . .

Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia: in 2015, 17.1 million tourists visited the capital, most of them citizens of the Russian Federation. The growth of the tourist flow relative to 2014 is 3.3%.

. . . . . In the ranking of the most popular cities in the world in terms of the total number of photos posted by users of the social network Instagram, Moscow is in fourth place, ahead of Los Angeles, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Barcelona.

. . . . . And thanks to such major sporting events as the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship, the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the number of tourists will grow exponentially.

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In addition, Moscow has become much safer: the number of offenses related to tourists is 0.1% of the total.

One of the most popular and sought-after tourist destinations in Russia is Moscow. Russians from different regions are increasingly visiting the capital. In 2015, Moscow met about 17.1 million tourists, most of whom were citizens of the country. Compared to 2014, the capital's tourist flow increased by 3.3%.

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Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin believes that the tourism industry is one of the key industries in the Moscow economy.

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It should be noted that the world ratings also recognize the capital of Russia as one of the best tourist destinations. . . . . . It is known that a large number of tourists wish to re-visit the Mother See. . . . . . emphasizes that foreign guests give high marks to the high level of security in the Russian capital.

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In addition, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin instructed to conduct an analysis of the Moscow tourism industry in the coming months.

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Most tourists visiting the capital of Russia want to come here again

Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia. . . . . . This is also taken into account by the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the city of Moscow, whose key tasks are to increase the attractiveness of the city of Moscow as the largest center of Russian tourism; regulation of the hotel industry; development of interregional ties between the Moscow Government and authorities of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation; interaction with religious associations, national communities and diasporas. According to the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, the tourism industry plays a significant role in the city's economy. . . . . .

Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia, and this year the capital plans to receive over 17.5 million tourists, said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Thanks to the large sports competitions in the capital, an increase in the volume of tourist traffic is expected in the coming years, he said.

So, as Sergei Sobyanin specified, in 2015 the number of tourists increased by almost 500 thousand people: 17.1 million Russian and foreign tourists visited Moscow. According to travel agencies, this figure will continue to grow.

At the same time, not only the quantitative indicator of tourism development is increasing, but also the qualitative one. . . . . .

According to the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of Moscow, 92% of tourists have a desire to return to the capital of Russia. . . . . .

According to him, the indicators of the quality of services of the tourism industry, the level of safety and hospitality have significantly increased in Moscow recently.

Note that in recent years, Moscow has been paying special attention to tourism. Thus, the tradition of holding various festivals has been revived in the capital ("Travel to Christmas", "Moscow Summer", "Easter Gift", “Circle of light " and others), landscaped park areas, equipped observation decks and free Wi-Fi access points, created comfortable pedestrian zones and routes, bike rental points. Regular City Sightseeing bus routes run in the historical part of the capital; a Volunteer Tourist Center and modern tourist information centers were established on Red Square, Triumfalnaya Square and the Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye... Three more information centers - in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, at VDNKh and in the museum-reserve " Tsaritsyno " - planned to open in 2016.

In addition, the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of Moscow has prepared a calendar of tourist events for 2017-2018. with over 600 different events. The authorities of the capital expect that such events will ensure the development of event tourism in the city.

We add that in the near future, on behalf of the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, an analysis of the Moscow tourism industry will be carried out.

Press Service of the Department of Natural Resources

and environmental protection of Moscow

Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin

Tags: Mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin

. . . . . Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin stressed the importance of developing the tourism industry.

"The Moscow authorities are close to the indicator according to which the share of the gross product from tourism will be about 500 billion rubles. This is a significant figure.", - said Sergei Sobyanin.

According to the mayor, the number of tourists in Moscow is increasing from year to year. “The number of tourists in the capital is increasing from year to year and this is a good indicator. . . . . .

According to the data he has seen, Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia. . . . . . The first positions are occupied by Paris, New York and London.

The number of tourists who would like to return to Moscow again exceeds 92 percent of the total. . . . . .

Over the past few years, the flow of tourists to the First See has increased significantly. Over the past year alone, more than 17 million tourists have visited the Russian capital. These are not only foreign guests, but also citizens of our country. Since 2014, the number of tourists has grown by 3.3 percent.
Moscow will host the largest sports competitions of world significance. This is the Ice Hockey World Championship, which will start in the near future, the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, and the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The capital's authorities note that the flow of tourists will certainly increase.
Sergei Sobyanin, in this regard, noted the important role of tourism, which plays a positive role in the economy of Moscow. . . . . .
In recent years, Moscow has begun to occupy high positions in world rankings. . . . . .
It is Moscow that is currently ranked among the most popular cities in the world in terms of the total number of photos posted by users “ Instagram ", occupies one of the leading places.
The capital of Russia has dramatically improved the quality of services provided in the hospitality industry. According to various polls and questionnaires, the lion's share of guests want to come back here again.
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All tourists who come to Moscow are primarily concerned about the safety of their stay in the Russian capital. . . . . .

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the tourism industry has a positive effect on the economic situation in the city. In addition, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin recalled that a large influx of tourists to major sporting events is expected in Moscow.

. . . . . This is a significant amount, "said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

The mayor also noted that more than 17 million tourists visited the capital last year, most of whom are residents of Russia. The hotel business is actively developing in Moscow. The number of rooms is increasing, and the quality of service is also improving.

In addition, the transport accessibility of the main sports and cultural facilities is improving in Moscow. New objects of transport infrastructure are being created, as well as convenient navigation components.

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The hotel fund in Moscow is well balanced in terms of affordability - about 75% of rooms belong to the economy segment (economy class, hostels, mini-hotels), 25% are business class. According to the 2016 3 *** hotel cost index (Europe 3-star Traveler Index-2016), Moscow hotels rank 19th among 56 European cities (a higher place means a lower cost of living). Thus, the cost of living in a Moscow hotel is quite affordable for economy-class tourists (a similar cost of "three-star" hotels has developed, for example, in Prague). . . . . .

. . . . . Such an order was given by the head of the city Sergei Sobyanin. . . . . .

Last year, 17.1 million tourists visited Moscow, and according to a study by the agency "Market Guide" their number will increase by 2.5 percent this year (to 17.5 million people), by 8 percent in the next (to 18.4 million), and in 2018 by 15% (to 19.5 million).

. . . . . So, last year the share of tourist consumption in Moscow's GRP amounted to more than 4 percent, or about 457 billion rubles, which is 11.5% more than in 2014.

Earlier newspaper “ Kakhovka " wrote about strengthening the position of the capital in the Tripadvisor rating. . . . . . The city also ranked fourth in terms of the number of photos posted on Instagramm. It was overtaken only by Paris, New York and London.

In addition, a hotel complex is being developed in Moscow. This year, the city is planning to open seven hotels of world hotel brands and two hotels near airports, and in the past, 23 hotels opened their doors. Earlier, the newspaper of the Zyuzino district wrote about the visit of Sergei Sobyanin to the new hotel "ibis Moscow Dynamo" on Leningradsky Prospekt.

Modern Moscow, without false modesty, is the most impressive and safest metropolis in Europe. The Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin summed up the results of the capital's tourism of past years and outlined plans for the future.

Moscow is attracting more and more tourists, both from the regions and from abroad. For the convenience of the guests of the capital, new pedestrian zones are being created, numerous city parks are being transformed, and new tourist routes are being opened. The city has a multilingual call center and a special tourist police around the clock.

. . . . . I am glad that every year the number of tourists does not decrease, but increases, and according to travel agencies, this flow will only grow. . . . . .

The hotel industry is one of the basic sectors of the Moscow economy. Sergei Sobyanin stressed that among the 25 best hotels according to Trip Advisor Traveler Choice-2016 there are 9 hotels from Moscow. At the same time, the mayor noted that over the past 5 years, 35 new hotels have been built or reconstructed in Moscow. Investors plan to build several dozen more hotels in the next 3 years. All fans who are going to come to Moscow for the FIFA World Cup will be able to find a place for themselves to their taste and budget.

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At a meeting of the Moscow Government Presidium, chaired by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin yesterday, one of the agenda items was the preparation of the capital for the summer tourist season. Reports on this issue were presented by the heads of relevant city departments, including the head of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism Vladimir Chernikov.

Opening the discussion of the issue, Sergei Sobyanin, in particular, noted the importance of tourism development for the Moscow economy. . . . . .

(According to the Moscow Government, the share of the oil and gas complex in the total volume of revenues to the city budget is about 4-5%.)

In turn, V. Chernikov in his report noted the growth of the tourist flow (in 2015 the capital was visited by 17.1 million tourists) and the reasons for the growing popularity of the Moscow destination. . . . . .

Summing up the discussion, Sergei Sobyanin instructed the responsible departments to engage in a serious analysis of the situation in the tourism sector. “We need to analyze the situation, it is sometimes non-standard, because, for example, we have another large region around Moscow - the Moscow region. A large number of people live not in hotels, but in hostels or apartments that are rented out. We have enough of these flows too. we hardly see, and after a serious analysis, our ideas about how our tourist flows are developing, what volume and what priorities may change. This work must be done in the next few months and given such serious analysis. "- said the mayor, addressing the meeting participants.

Moscow remains attractive to tourists. Over the past two years, the tourist flow has grown by more than 3%. . . . . .

The improvement in Moscow's position is confirmed by the world ratings. . . . . .

It is expected that major sporting events to be held in the capital in 2016-2018 will contribute to an increase in tourist traffic. Among them are the Ice Hockey World Championship, the Confederations Football Cup, the World Football Championship, which will be held in Moscow.

. . . . . Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin instructed to conduct an analysis of the city's tourism industry in the coming months.

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