Restore electronic boarding ticket ticket. Restore electronic plane ticket

Recently, most travelers buy tickets and book a housing over the Internet. It is very convenient and practical - you do not need to stand at the box office, spend time and money for movement around the city. But sometimes it happens that the air ticket purchased on the net is no longer needed - the trip has to be canceled or transferred. How to pass a ticket purchased via the Internet?

In most cases, the ticket purchased via the Internet is surrendered by the same scheme as the usual. But only if you bought it without a note "Non Ref" (non-refundable - permanent). Most often, tickets with such a margin are sold on Lookes or belong to the cheapest even in economy class. If it is indicated Non Ref, then you will not return money.

If you have a full-fledged ticket, the return of funds is possible. Conditions from different airlines may differ - look for them on official carrier sites. But everyone has one principle - the sooner you refer to the return of funds, the easier it will be the process.

Note:usually, the more expensive than the ticket, the easier it is to pass it. That is, in 95% of cases you will not have any problems with the return of the business class. Penalties for this procedure can either be absent anymore, or be several times less than when returning Losuce.

Tickets purchased on promotions, sale or special rates, are not refundable. But you are most likely allowed to exchange it to another flight. Some carriers generally take refund on the day of sale. If you are late - then only transfer of the flight to another date. Therefore, carefully learn the conditions before purchasing.

When is the best to take a ticket?

The sooner you decide to hand over an electronic ticket ticket, the better.

  1. After renting it over a day or more, you can count on a return of 100% of the cost (only the Commission is not refundable). Some carriers can fine customers for this procedure and keep various fees with them.
  2. Delivery to a ticket in less than 24 hours, you will receive 75% of the cost or deductible above.
  3. If you change your mind to fly on the last day, then try to apply four hours before the start of registration. In this case, you will be returned to the funds according to the second item of this list. If you are late, the fines will rise.

Note: If you have purchased a full-fledged ticket and are late for a flight (or you did not miss you a security service), then it can be returned after the aircraft departure. Often to pay a fine and make a flight transfer to a new date it turns out more profitable than to take a ticket and buy a new one.

Who will return the money?

We found out whether you can put the air tickets, now we will tell about the return procedure itself. You must apply for a return on returning to where the ticket was acquired (travel agency, air gun, carrier). The statement indicates:

  • flight number;
  • ticket number;
  • booking number;
  • departure date;
  • departure time.

This information is indicated in an email that comes when buying a ticket. Do not allow errors when filling, because if something is wrong, then you will have to write a second statement, and the first is canceled (accordingly it will be reckoned that you have ordered a return later).

Return Procedure

  1. As you bought a flight online, you don't need to go to the cashier to return it. Everything is done on the airline (or travel agency) website. You will need to fill out an application on the portal in the appropriate section and attach a photo of the passport (exactly what the ticket was bought). In some cases, scans are sent by email.
  2. You can also always personally contact representatives of the airline or travel agency with a request to return or transfer the date of the flight. Do not worry or shy - this is a standard procedure, it does not take much time. Every day, tickets for rent hundreds of passengers.
  3. If you have acquired a ticket through a travel agency, then the return of funds will be implemented first to its account, and only then to yours. Only the person who acquired a ticket can be submitted for a refund, or any other with a notarial power of attorney from the "host".

What time will the money come back?

This question is quite complicated - it all depends on when you decide to pass Aeroflot tickets purchased via the Internet, from the deadline for submitting the application and on payment method. Money can be returned to the following ways:

  1. Cash.
  2. On the electronic wallet.
  3. To the current account.
  4. On the bank card.

In order for you to return to your account or map as quickly as possible, you must specify:

  1. Identification code.
  2. The full name of the bank and the current account of the client.
  3. Bank identification code and correspondent account.

If the purchase paid through the electronic wallet, then provide:

  1. The last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient (exactly of whom the ticket was purchased).
  2. Wallet number.
  3. System type (Yandex Money, Webmoney, LiqPay, RBK Money, etc.).

Note:immediately after submitting an application for a refund you make your places and they will be redeemed by other participants in the system. Change and pick up the application will not work. Typically, this procedure takes from 10 to 90 days.

Is it possible to change the departure date?

It all depends on the airline and the cost of the ticket. In most cases, you can change the date by paying a small penalty. In business class or in tickets for the annual tariff, the Commission for the exchange is not taken.

That's all you need to know about how to return the electronic ticket ticket, bought via the Internet. We wish you pleasant flights!

Changes to plans, a sudden illness or the cancellation of the upcoming event - all this can cause the reason for you to rent a ticket purchased in advance. Since most people are buying tickets today online, you need to know the procedure for their return. How to pass a ticket purchased via the Internet? It is possible to return it quite simply, the main thing is to comply with some simple rules.

Conditions for passing air ticket

Do not doubt - you can return the ticket paid via the Internet, back the air carrier, but the amount of cash return for the ticket will depend on three factors:

  • Flight ticket rate;
  • Time period remaining before departure;
  • Reason for return.

The so-called "tariff" is a detailed description of the refund and exchange conditions with which you must read by buying a ticket via the Internet. Since most people when buying misses his mind, if necessary, return the tools spent, they simply do not know what to do. You can find the "tariff" of your ticket on the website of the airline. The return conditions for each company their own, however there are several general points:

  • The more expensive the ticket, the less the penalty for his return;
  • The sooner you contact the airline to return, the greater the amount will be refundable.

Tip: If you are late for your flight or for some reason you have detained the security service, you have the right to return bought via the Internet ticket and after departure of the aircraft. In this case, you can transfer flight - such a solution will be more profitable to return.

If more than a day left before departure, then often the airline holds only a small commission for the return, compensating for almost the full cost (especially in business class).

Article 108 of the Air Code of Russia is prescribed by the airline's duty to return the entire amount per ticket. However, the reservation "Precount term" gives companies the right to hold the commission or impose a fine if you take a ticket later than the deadline. The size of the commission or fine is determined by the carrier, but in law it is indicated that it should not be above 25%.

Until departure less than a day? Delivering a ticket, you hardly be able to return more than 75% of the elementary price. Try to have time to apply for at least 4 hours before registration for landing in order to be able to get at least part of the paid amount.

It is worth mentioning that there are tickets that are forbidden to pass back (Non Ref, Non Refundable). As a rule, the cheapest tickets purchased via the Internet in special conditions fall into this category. For such purchases, the company will not return money, but it can offer to transfer the departure date for a later date. Nevertheless, in the "Air Code of the Russian Federation" there is no definition of non-return tickets, so you can always fight for your rights in court.

The reason for which the electronic ticket is surrendered is important. If this is a forced step, and you can prove it with appropriate certificates, it is likely that the carrier will meet you towards you and pay the bulk of the cost, despite the proximity of the departure date.

Tip: If an intermediary fails to return money for a ticket to send the appropriate application with the application of the agent's letter directly to the airline. If the carrier will learn that the ticket "Non-return", you can write a letter to Rosaviatsiya with a printout of the electronic correspondence, which is important, to do this one day before the expected date of departure.

Electronic Ticket Return Procedure

Some believe that to pass the return procedure, you need to print a ticket purchased on the Internet and contact the airline office. We are in a hurry to delight you: everything is much easier.

You need to find on the airline ticket website for the return of tickets and fill it, or contact the intermediary who has been purchased from. If the special form failed to find, simply write an email to the address specified in the "Contacts" section. To fill in the return form you will need the following information:

  • Ticket data (document number, flight number, booking code, date and accurate departure time);
  • Scan passport;
  • A receipt confirming the purchase (suitable from the bank).

Traditionally, the airline will return the money to the same way as the purchase was paid - the amount will be credited to the same account in the bank or the same electronic wallet. The period of consideration of your application is likely to not exceed 10 days, but in some cases the company may take time and up to a month to find out all the circumstances.

So, you have an electronic air ticket that you want to return, before that you have never made a refund and now you have a question, how can this be done, and preferably with minimal, and if possible, and in general without any financial losses .

It is performed by the same scheme as the refund of a paper ticket. But before returning, you need to check one thing - is it possible to return your electronic air ticket. Look, whether there is no "Non Ref" on your flight. This mark means that your ticket is not refundable (Non refundable) and you will not be returned to your money. This mark is if there is, it is located in the "restrictions" column. Conditions for exchange and return can be found on the airline's website in the section of buying tickets. Each airline has its own refund rules in accordance with the current legislation of the country where it is located.

Basically, the return conditions are the same, the more expensive ticket you buy, the easier it is to pass it and more money when you return. And if the ticket is purchased at a special rate with restrictions, or by action (sale, special offers) or at the cheapest tariff, it will be possible only to exchange for a ticket to another flight. But there are significant differences, for example: return of electronic tickets Air Berlin (Eyre Berlin) is possible only on the day of booking, in the following days it is impossible to return the electronic ticket.

It should be noted that if less time remains before departure, the greater the amount of the airline commission and the less money you will receive ultimately

More than 1 day before departure, the full cost of the ticket is returned with the exception of fines and collection and commission of the payment system, provided it is included in the fare

In less than 1 day before departure, the amount of reimbursement is 75% of the cost of a ticket for deduction of fines, fees, as well as the payment system commissions

Request for urgent refund must be sent at least 4 hours before checking on the flight. After the start of registration, increased penalties for the return of electronic airflight begins

All conditions and rules for the return of electronic tickets are observed, and who will return the money to whom to contact?

And you need to go where you bought a ticket, i.e. If you bought an air ticket through the airline, you need to contact the airline if you bought a tourist agency through the tourist agency, if you need to contact the aircraft through the aircraft, etc. To make the return of electronic air tickets, you need to prepare the booking number, flight number, ticket number, date and departure time. All this data is taken from the letter, which is obtained on your address of the eletical mail after paid to the air ticket

1 To return the airfall, you need to fill out an electronic form for a refund of an electronic ticketside, to make a passport scan to which this electronic air ticket was decorated and using a special form on the site to send this set, or send a simple email to the elastic mail of the tourist agency where you made an electronic ticket.

2 Make a refund of the eletical air ticket can be directly in the Agency itself, at the place of your residence in such an event that the agency through which you made the air ticket has a representative office in your city

3 If the electronic air ticket was purchased through a travel company, then the return must be carried out exclusively through it

Notification on the refusal of air transport can be accepted only from the passenger specified in the flight, or on behalf of the person authorized by this passenger. But in this case, a notarized power of attorney will be needed.

A When will I return money for my electronic air ticket?

Dates in which funds will be returned depend on the payment method, the method of refunding money and the deadlines for submitting a return on return. Below are ways to return money for the refusal of the electronic ticket

- Money Return on Recruitment Account
- on electronic wallet
- on a bank card
- Cash

To return funds to the current account requires:
1 Full name or full name of the payment recipient
2 Taxpayer's Indentatory Number
3 Settlement account
4 Name of the Bank
5 Banking Indentation Code
6 Correspondent account

To return to the electronic wallet
2 Type of payment system (Webmoney, RBK Money, LiqPay, Yandex Money, etc.)
3 Electronic Wallet Number

To return to the bank card
1 order number

Remember: As soon as you confirm your consent to the refund, the places booked for transportation will automatically be charged with the booking system on all unused areas of the route. The inverse force does not have this action.

And finally, the most important rule that needs to be remembered when return of the electronic ticket - The earlier to make a refund of the electronic ticket, the more chances to avoid financial losses

Today, no one will not be surprised by purchases via the Internet, and you can buy everything: from real estate to food. This fact has not bypassed and purchase through websites and air tickets. But how to be if your flight breaks down due to unexpected circumstances. In this case, it will be necessary to return the acquired ticket, but how to implement it right?

If everything is clear with airars, it came up and passed, presenting documents confirming your personality, how to hand over an electronic ticket for a plane, bought via the Internet, correctly without visiting the aircraft.

  1. Consultant. If on the web resource where you purchased a ticket, there is an online consultant with whom you can talk through chat, then, first of all, you can ask him what you do and how best to do with the benefit for yourself - that is, with minimal losses. Do not be afraid to indicate in the process of polling the email address, contact phone, if you are asked in the process of communication.
  2. Website phone. You can seek advice on the telephone number specified on the website, and what a fine is leaning to you for refund.
  3. Air carrier. You can also contact the air carrier office by calling the phone number for a detailed advice to hand over flights purchased via the Internet. In this case, you should specify the data of passengers, tickets from which you will return. It is worth only to clarify the commission of the air carrier and the size of the fine, which will be taken from the return of air tickets. Each carrier is individual, therefore it is worth paying attention to the commission.
  4. Travel agency. If the flight must be passed through the touristvice, then the ticket delivery is carried out through the travel agency and the airline agency, but in this case the tour will be canceled. It should be borne in mind that here the penalty will be higher, and in some cases a ticket simplicity cannot be returned. The latter is often indicated in the conditions of acquiring airflight from the agency. But the money is not returned immediately, but after a certain time.

Return air tickets correct

By purchasing a ticket via the Internet or in airars, carefully study all the terms and conditions of the agreement, and buy tickets only on web resources that are trusted.

It is worth noting that the copy of the electronic version of the ticket is not sent anywhere, since this will not play a special role.

Forced refund

There are cases when you urgently need to return the ticket. This happens only in the event that passengers emerge unforeseen life situations, there are plans, difficulties with well-being, etc. arise.

This option implies a ticket return, which is accompanied by the presentation of documents that will confirm the "weighty shift of the plans", for example, you were denied a visa, paper from the hospital about the necessary hospitalization and other force majeure.

For a forced return of air tickets, you must show the passport, the map number and document indicating the reasons for the return

To return electronic tickets, it is necessary to present a passport and purchase check, as well as specify all the necessary contact details.

If it happened so that you charge high commissions and fines, examine the contract during the purchase of a ticket.

If the Commission is charged above the specified, it is better to apply to the court to the court or complain to the airline.

Cases of return of the ticket

For health

If it happened so that you get to the hospital shortly before the flight is carried out, and, as a result, the flight is canceled, what to do?

To do this, you need to provide a certificate of hospitalization or any other document confirming the impossibility of the flight. This allows you to make a ticket refund with the smallest loss for you, as the refund will be equivalent to the forced.

If you received a refusal of a visa

The situation with refusal in a visa is typical, and often happens before departure. With the smallest loss for you, you can also return to you, for this it is necessary to have a passport, a card account and a document confirming the availability of a visa failure. Moreover, if a visa is delayed, you should take a delay help with which you can or pass them.

If the trouble happened to a close relative

You are allowed to make a urgent ticket refund or change the date of departure to another with the smallest expenses. This requires documents, as well as death certificate.

If the reason is completely different and not included in the list above the listed, the ticket refund is also possible, as well as reservation of departure to other dates, but in this case the fines will be charged several times more. To return or review a ticket, you need to take a passport with you, passport, visa (if necessary) and account number for transferring money company.

By purchasing a ticket via the Internet or in airars, carefully study all the terms and conditions of the agreement

Flight canceled or transferred it to an indefinite period

This option involves the return of the ticket without commissions. To return a ticket, you will need a passport and a ticket. If the electronic ticket, you can provide a certificate or purchase check.


Making purchases online or offline, remember that you always need to read contracts and all instructions that the company provides. If some nuances are incomprehensible to you, it is better to ask and check. You can also immediately ask a question about a possible sudden return ticket.

If the seller does not tell you what you need to do, either sews from questions, you should search for web resources with a good reputation for the sale of tickets or purchase in airars or agencies.

We describe how to hand over an electronic ticket ticket, bought via the Internet. After all, today shopping through the worldwide network has become very common practice. It saves us time, strength, and sometimes money. On various sites and portals you can find very favorable offers when searching for a suitable tour or flight.

But sometimes our plans change. Every day, hundreds of people pass purchased tickets back, as life makes their own adjustments and have to abandon the desired trip or transfer it to another time. What to do with the electronic document?

Types of tickets

On whether you can pass a ticket to the ticket to the cashier and return your money back, many factors affect. One of the main is a variety and conditions on which it is bought. So, airlines provide two main options:

  • Returns - those assume the opportunity to exchange or return to the cashier. Often, at the same time, it is necessary to pay a fine, but the fact itself remains unchanged - when plans change, you can compensate cash losses in full or partial volume.
  • Non-returnable - not subject to compensation of value in any amount, which is initially stipulated in the conditions of their acquisition. On such tickets, it is necessary to mark "Non Ref" or any other, denoting that the document cannot be changed back for money.

Although even in the second case there are separate exceptions. For example, if any trouble occurred, the passenger fell ill or someone from relatives died, then when providing supporting documents, the airline undertakes to return part of the amount for the purchased ticket. A similar situation occurs when the flight is abolished due to the fault of airlines.

It is important to read all the rules and conditions affecting the ability to return or make any changes before making a payment. Often travel documents that cannot be returned are sold by the louctoros or within the framework of shares, with discounts and bonuses.

The type of ticket acquired - the economy class, the business class, the usual, children, etc. and, even at least each company exists their rules regarding the return of any travel documents, there is still such a pattern. What it is more expensive, the less problems arises and below fines on its exchange or return. For example, pass the ticket to the Aeroflot Economy Plane will be difficult.

When making a return, various airlines set fines. Therefore, the final amount of the paid payment will always be less than the full cost of the paid ticket. You need to calculate how much you lose money in each of the options to take a more correct solution.

Return time

From how many days before the flight you rent a ticket, there will also be much dependent. The carriers have their own rules on this account, and yet there are common patterns:

  1. If one or even more days left before departure, then the company is obliged to reimburse the full cost of the purchased ticket. In some cases, out of total, a fine is calculated in conditions.
  2. When returning the document in the last day, when it remains less than 24 hours to the flight, only 75% of the total cost is foreseen. And depending on the type of document, various commissions may be foreseen.
  3. When you try to pass a ticket for a few hours to get money much more difficult, and penalties are significantly increasing. Sometimes it makes sense to exchange a travel document at another departure time. The same concerns the situation if late for the flight on objective reasons.

Who to contact?

If you purchased a ticket to the ticket office, then in the same way and pass it. But what to do in case of online shopping? Then it is worth contacting that service, with the help of which fees happened. It may be:

Detailed procedure

When you try to pass a ticket through a regular cash register, it suffices to present it and your own documents confirming your identity. And what needs to be done to return the spent the amount through the company's website? Such a procedure is not more difficult than the purchase itself and takes a little time.

  1. Go to the official portal of the company, from which you purchased a plane ticket. Find a section or a special form where the application should be filled with a refund and money.
  2. Here, they are often asked to add a photo of the passenger, the scakopy of the passport and be sure to specify their contacts.
  3. It is important to enter all the required data in each window - flight number, ticket, date and departure time. Check the characters several times, as any errors will result in cancellation of the application and have to write again.
  4. With a forced return of the ticket on the fault of the airline or in case of force majeure, it is also necessary to send documents confirming the death of a relative, a passenger disease or a flight cancellation on objective reasons.
  5. Do not forget to indicate a way to return money and all the required details.

If for some reason the carrier does not return money for the return ticket, you need to apply to the court with the same package of documents by applying the corresponding claim.

What time frame can we expect payment?

Depending on the circumstances, the selected method of translation and the rules of the company this period is different. Today, any of the appropriate options is available:

  • cash - they need to come to the cashier;
  • electronic money - then be sure to write the name of the system and the wallet number;
  • at the current account or card of the bank - all details should be specified.

This procedure can take from week to three months. Each airline solves such questions in its own way. Sometimes it is possible to pay a little big commission, but get money back urgently. Then their refund is carried out within a few hours or days.

If you decide to return a ticket, but you still want to travel, then it makes sense to exchange at another departure time, which will be much cheaper and faster.

Video: Return of electronic air tickets.

When buying tickets online, especially for the first time, do not rush. Better adhere to such recommendations:

  1. Carefully read all the rules of the airline and remember the conditions on which you acquire a travel document.
  2. Take into account the class, cost, direction and other features of the ticket. For example, a business class suggests not only more convenient places and meals in the aircraft, but also a simple return or exchange procedure, the availability of changes, the absence of fines, etc.
  3. If any nuances are incomprehensible to you, it is better to clarify with an online consultant or by telephone, everything that seems doubtful.

When it is noticeable that the operator sends from questions, does not give clear answers or the resource has many negative reviews, it is better to find another, more reliable.