Why can't you go to Australia? Some of the main reasons why you should not travel to Australia

Australia is one of the most remote countries in the world, but at the same time one of the most popular, especially among backpackers, and for good reason. Australia has something to offer even the most sophisticated traveler. Here are 10 reasons why travelers go to Australia:

Great Barrier Reef

One of the most famous reefs in the world, famous for its abundance of marine life and popular divers. When I was here, I saw turtles, sharks, beautiful fish, rare fish, even pooping fish (it looks as strange as it sounds). It's very beautiful, just unforgettable. You will see once and you will never forget - I promise. I think that's reason enough to visit the Great Barrier Reef and snorkel for a day or two. Because most dive in Cairns, I advise you to go diving in Port Douglas, underwater is also beautiful, and there are much fewer tourists.


This city is known for its opera house, harbour, beautiful bridge, magnificent parks, delicious cuisine, a wide range of free entertainment and waves so popular with surfers from all over the world. In Sydney, you can have a great rest and enjoy plenty of sunny weather. In Darling Harbor, you will find many good and cozy restaurants, and in the Chinese Garden of Friendship, a real paradise for lovers of a relaxing holiday.


I would not believe if I was told that an oval mountain stretching for 8 kilometers can be a breathtaking sight, but it's a fact! The wind did a good job on its shape - it seems as if the sand dunes are floating in soft waves on the surface of this mountain. The iron contained in the rock reflects the orange and red rays of light, turning the mountain into a more than worthy sight in the morning and evening. If you want, you can climb Uluru, but be aware that this is a sacred place for the natives. It is strange that they even allow tourists to climb it. You can take a mountain tour in the nearby town of Alice Springs.


Australians do a lot of things well, and their barbeque is, perhaps, generally unrivaled. In Australia, barbecue is a whole tradition, they have at least 3 barbecue pits in every park. I think nothing will make you fall in love with Australia like a warm night, a couple of bottles of excellent beer and a well-fried kangaroo skewers.


Australia is famous for its wine regions: Margaret River near Perth, Barossa Valley near Adelaide and Hunter Valley near Sydney. If you love wine, do not miss the chance to try the Australian winemaking masterpieces, on my own I would recommend Australian Shiraz (Syrah) and Pinot Noir. You can buy a day tour to any of the wine regions near major cities, or just buy some wine from a wine shop and head to the park for a barbecue.

Western Australia

If you are in doubt whether it is worth going to Australia, and if so, then where - start your trip from Western Australia. This is by far my favorite part of the country. It is very beautiful here, kilometers of white sandy beaches, where there is almost no soul, stretch to the very horizon. The eastern part of the country is the exact opposite, it is all built up and always full of tourists. Karijini National Park will easily give odds to the famous Kakadu and Litchfield. And Coral Bay and Ningaloo Reef are even better than Cairns and Great Barrier Reef.


Sydney and Melbourne are the most popular cities in Australia, but the city of Perth is not far behind these favorites. Here you will find beautiful beaches, one of the largest city parks in the world, surfing and the best Australian beer (LittleCreatures) in the neighboring town of Fremantle. Perth is a city of youth, there are a lot of them here, perhaps that is why the city has such a lively energy.


Although surfing was not invented in Australia, this country could rightfully be considered the mother of surfing, it has become so deeply rooted in the local culture. The best surfing, of course, is on the east coast, which is why it is so popular. There are a million places where you can catch a good wave. You can head straight to Sydney to places like Bondi Beach, but in my opinion the best place to catch waves is in Queensland. I personally think that Noosa is one of the best places to surf because here you will find waves for both beginners and professionals.

beautiful beaches

The country, whose coastline is 50,000 kilometers, has no chance of being left without beautiful beaches. On the east coast, the beaches are filled with vacationers, while the west coast is almost empty. In any case, there is always a good spot on the beach for you. My favorites are CoralBay, CableBeach, Noosa, Manly, and any beach in Perth.

dense jungle

One day I will stop traveling and settle down in some tropical place with such dense jungles. Perhaps that place will be Queensland. One of the oldest tropical forests in the world grows here (even dinosaurs were found along the way). Lots of great hiking spots, wildlife and beautiful birds (beware of crocodiles). Several beautiful rivers. So, if you want to escape from the whole world, head to the north of Australia to Cape Tribulation, there will be only you, the jungle and the ocean.

Are you still wondering why you need to go to Australia? Are 10 reasons not enough for you? Sometimes I think I could come up with 365 reasons to visit this country (Vegemite chocolate spread would not be included in this list!). But after all, we are drawn to the country only for some specific reasons, the above 10 are those that pull me to Australia with violent force. If you have your own, write about them in the comments.

Australia is the leader in the number of deadly creatures per square meter of territory. Every year on this continent, many people die from poisons, bites, or are simply eaten by the local fauna.

Arachnophobes generally should not go to Australia. exceptionally poisonous, unprincipled, believe that they can live anywhere. An antidote was developed only in 1981. However, even with it, the chances of survival vary greatly. In addition, this spider is highly aggressive and does not take into account the size of the animal it attacks.

Another handsome man who sends light to almost everyone who touches him. This octopus is extremely beautiful, but releases a strong nerve poison. It stops the motor parts of the central nervous system, the heart and lungs. Given that it is found in the ocean, there is practically no chance of the victim surfacing to the surface. An antidote for the venom of the blue-ringed octopus has not yet been developed. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to touch everything bright and beautiful in Australia and the ocean near it with your hands.

Taipan McCoy

Attention, the leader among the poisonous. The poison in one serving from the taipan is enough for 100 adults. Although an antidote has been developed, it is almost never managed to be administered. The bitten person dies in about 5 minutes. This is provided that the person was healthy and strong.

A lot of divers come to dive and look at the coral reefs. And some of them go to the hospital after meeting this fish. She looks ugly, so it is not clear what thoughts push people to touch her. The most interesting thing in another, like puffer fish, with proper preparation, the wart is eaten in sushi.


A slug in a shell never evokes a sense of danger in our man. If we are talking about a garden snail, then everything is correct. But in Australia, molluscs of the cone family take revenge on people for all crushed slugs. They attack the victim with a special spike (harpoon), through which poison is injected. If a person is not taken to the hospital on time, then the chances of survival tend to zero. Therefore, collecting these shells for beads is highly discouraged.

This beautiful small spider sent many people to the next world. If you meet him in the house, it is better to burn everything and run away (just kidding). The poison causes problems with the central nervous system and provokes wild pain throughout the body. There is an antidote, but it does not relieve pain. The antidote just keeps you from dying.

Undoubtedly, Australia is one of the most beautiful countries. The Internet is replete with photographs of the mainland state, delighting typical tourists who are willing to come and admire the exotic places of a mysterious country washed by the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Stunning landscapes, iridescent beaches, ocean coastline and unusual animals - why not heaven on Earth? However, the reverse side of this country is a lot of dangers that await a person at every step. Residents of Australia know which places to avoid and how to behave in case of an emergency, but an inexperienced tourist can pay for carelessness with health or even life.

10. Crocodiles

Saltwater crocodile is the largest coastal predator in the country, and throughout the world. He feels quite comfortable close to the tourist Australian coasts. If a person meets this reptile, it will not be possible to avoid death - with a mass sometimes reaching 2 tons and a height of about 7 meters, the crocodile is still very agile and fast. According to statistics, about 40 people die every year from the teeth of combed crocodile in Australia. It is suspected that during the Second World War, these predators killed about a thousand Japanese soldiers.

9. Spiders

Most poisonous spiders live in Australia. They amaze not only with their large size and beautiful appearance, but also with dangerous bites. Spiders like the Black Widow and Atrax Robustus can even be found at home when you, for example, dine with your Australian friends. You will recognize the black widow by the red spot on the back. Its bite can cause lifelong mental deterioration if an antidote injection is not given within an hour of the bite. And Atrax Robustus can even kill a person.

8. Pythons

Snakes are everywhere in Australia. They crawl along beaches, forests, climb into human houses and even into cars. It is worth saying that Australian pythons do not attack a person unless absolutely necessary, except for the purpose of self-defense. But an ordinary tourist who went into the toilet and saw a snake crawling out of the drain may try to protect himself from shock or scream, which will frighten the python. The snake, in turn, will definitely attack, because it will think that you are going to kill it.

7. Marble snail

These huge snails seem very cute and completely harmless to humans. However, in reality it is one of the most poisonous predators in Australia. During the day, the marble snail sleeps, burrowing into the sand. But at night she goes hunting. These snails love to eat fish. With the help of the poison that is released from the teeth, they paralyze the prey and immediately swallow it. A person who walks along the coast in the late evening or swims in the ocean at the same time may want to pet a snail. An aggressive mollusk will immediately attack in response, and if an antidote is not introduced in the next few hours, the bite may end in death for the tourist.

6 Dingo Dogs

The history of the life of this dog next to the Australians is very interesting and controversial. They say that earlier Dingoes were pets, but later they became feral. The Australians of the past centuries, in order to save their household from the attacks of these dogs, decided to build a fence that was equal to one third of the Chinese wall. Even today, fragments of this fence built by farmers can be seen. Dingoes walk in packs, and a person who meets such a crowd of dogs may not be very healthy.

5. Swarms of softies

When these huge beetles gather in a giant crowd, an unprepared tourist can simply grab a blow, because the sight looks simply terrifying. Thousands of huge beetles crawling around - a common phenomenon for the inhabitants of Australia, but not for the guests of the country. These beetles are predators, most often they attack smaller insects. However, if at least one such beetle clings to your leg or arm, then in addition to shock, you will experience severe pain and will hardly be able to unclench its tenacious jaws. Imagine what will happen if several representatives from a swarm of soft beetles try to bite you at once.

4. Giant earthworms and centipedes

When you first look at such worms, you can easily confuse them with snakes. These are such huge worms that their length reaches 3 or even 4 meters. They are absolutely harmless to humans, but look truly intimidating. A tourist from shock can try to kill such a creature, but in no case should this be done - these huge earthworms are carefully protected by the state. The Australian centipede or centipede can be poisonous to a person if he frightened her. Giant centipedes live in the tropics of Australia, the bite of which can be fatal.

3. Sharks

Shark fins are sometimes visible to the naked eye right from the beach. The attacks of these huge predators are reported daily in newspapers and magazines in Australia. Thousands of residents and tourists die from their teeth every year. Rest in certain areas is considered extreme due to the fact that sharks swim very close to the shore. And recently, these huge fish began to move even into the rivers. To increase circulation, some publications write that sharks specifically hunt people and swim ashore, but this is just a newspaper duck - sharks prefer to eat smaller fish and mammals.

2. Blue-ringed octopus

This octopus is distinguished by its rather small size and beautiful coloration in the form of blue rings. Locals call them "small and remote". These octopuses are very aggressive, it is advisable to bypass them. If a curious person comes up to take a closer look at an unusual color, an animal that has a very aggressive character will certainly attack. The poison of one such small octopus can kill up to 30 adult men.

1. Ticks

Incredible Facts

Do you want to visit Australia? With the provided list, we will not dissuade you, but at least warn you about danger, which can lie in wait on the green continent.

Australia is known for its scorching sun, amazing beaches and surfers, making it easy for people to forget about sharks, spiders, various insects and octopuses, which can be extremely dangerous to humans.

Australia is home to the most dangerous creatures on our planet.

shark attack

It is in Australia that shark attacks on people are the most frequent.

Coasts of Queensland and New South Walesrecognized as the most dangerous, because the largest population of white sharks lives here. During the hot period, these marine predators become the most aggressive.

Over the past 300 years, there have been 572 attacks and 153 deaths.

The danger of scolopendra

On the green continent you may encounter poisonous centipedes.

The largest centipedes of yellow, purple and red colors live here. They can reach a length 30 cm A bite from an Australian centipede in a healthy adult causes severe swelling.

Known even death from a centipede bite in the Philippines, where a seven-year-old child was bitten on the head by a centipede.

Spider Danger

On the green continent also live poisonous spiders, which are known for their uniqueness.

The most famous and dangerous of them is the Sydney leucoweb spider, found in the city of Sydney, the Australian state of Queensland and Fraser Island.

Several registered deaths among children bitten by this most dangerous spider in the world. True, it can kill a person I only male while the female of this species of spider is not capable of causing significant harm to humans.

poisonous octopus

The blue-ringed octopus, native to Australia, is one of most dangerous animals in the world. Moreover, it is found in coastal waters (including on the beaches). The annual number of victims from the bites of this species of octopus is several people.

As a rule, a person is not aware of the danger posed by this cute animal. The bite of this octopus looks like small cut, therefore, doctors often do not even understand what is the cause of the disease in a person.

Poisonous snakes

There are about 100 species of snakes in Australia, and 9 from the bottom poisonous. Of these 9 venomous reptiles, the most venomous snake on the planet is ferocious snake(land taipan).

In winter, most snakes hibernate, but not Australian snakes, which continue to be aggressive.

Dangerous ticks

On the east coast of the green continent, you can find both non-poisonous ticks and a dangerous poisonous tick - shrub (paralytic) mite. Over the past century, the bites of this insect have killed 25 people.

In order to get on the victim, these mites climb onto the leaves of plants and wait for their owner.

Dangerous crocodiles

There are two types of crocodiles in Australia: fresh and salty(nautical). Crocodiles have a fairly wide diet, but the main product for them is meat.

It should be noted that annually worldwide dies about 2 500 people due to crocodile attacks.

Mosquito bite

Australian mosquitoes carry four diseases that have killed about 20,000 people. When mosquitoes bite, they can infect humans with a deadly disease through their saliva.

Distant Australia seems to many to be an earthly branch of paradise. It is invariably associated with year-round summer, gentle ocean, amazing animals... But those who have visited this country often assure that it is not worth going to Australia. Why is this happening? Maybe people walk on their heads there? Maybe the inhabitants of this country are unfriendly towards strangers? Or maybe there is no Australia at all? Some really believe that Australia does not exist.

After reviewing the advice of tourists and those who moved to this country for permanent residence, we will try to understand why you should not go to Australia, a photo of life in which they literally urge you to drop everything and go to this paradise on earth.


The official language of Australia is English. But if you own it, this does not mean that you can easily understand the locals. The Australian dialect is very different from the American and European variants.

And besides him, in Australia there are three hundred other languages ​​​​and dialects. This country is multinational, which, of course, is reflected in all spheres of life.


Speaking about why you should not go to Australia, many people focus on the high price level. Judging by the reviews, living in this country is very expensive.

The island economy of the country has a number of features. Everything that is produced in Australia itself is affordable, but imported goods usually cost several times more than in other countries.

Standard of living

Many tourists note that the high price of housing does not guarantee comfort at all. In apartments and houses that are rented, there are often problems with pipes and ventilation. Be prepared for the fact that there is no heating system as such. On cold nights, you will need to use heaters.

Apparently, the local population is rather indifferent to mold in bathrooms and cracks in windows. The logical indignation of visitors sometimes frankly surprises Australians.

Local mentality

One of the reasons why you should not go to Australia, many consider a peculiar local mentality. Australians are loyal to newcomers, but are not eager to get close and make friends with new neighbors. Everyone is used to living on their own.

Perhaps this is due to the overdeveloped bureaucracy. In the reviews, many migrants assure that it takes a huge amount of time to solve the simplest issue. Instances work slowly, provide services of poor quality, specialists are frankly too lazy to do the work.

Many note the low level of health care. Clinics equipped with the latest technology are ready to act in emergency cases. First aid at its best. But if it comes to a medical examination or a banal certificate, get ready for queues, dragging and endless wandering around the offices.

The notion that Australia is a country without crime is nothing more than a myth.


The growing ozone hole is doing its dirty work. This country ranks first in the world in skin cancer. The sun is merciless, so sunbathing at lunchtime, being outside without funds with a UF filter and walking in open clothes is not recommended here.

Speaking about why you should not go to Australia, it is necessary to mention the beaches. They are fenced with several tiers of nets so that the inhabitants of the sea cannot meet people. Swimming in unequipped areas is life-threatening.

Incredible Australian nature

Fauna strives to harm humans. Twenty-one of the twenty-five most dangerous snake species in the world live in Australia. Add to them huge insects, flying foxes, deadly jellyfish, crocodiles, sharks, spiders ... Why you should not go to Australia becomes clear without further ado.

Of course, our article does not at all call for limiting oneself in travelling. Discover new countries, enjoy the boundless beauty of our planet! But in some places, for example, in Australia, it is better not to go at random. It is advisable to use the offers of tour operators and resort to the services of experienced guides.