Khzb Khovrinsky abandoned hospital Satanists. Khovrinskaya Hospital - the whole truth about Umbrella

Khovrino. In 1980, construction of a hospital began here, but it was suspended in 1985. Today, the so-called Khovrinskaya stands in its place, surrounded by a fence with barbed wire, frightening Muscovites and guests of the capital. It’s interesting that this unfinished building is successfully included in the top ten (!) most terrible buildings on the planet! Why? Let's find out soon!

Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital. History of origin

As you know, all buildings from the times of the USSR did not differ from each other in originality, but not the Khovrinsk hospital! differs from its “contemporaries” in its original design and very unusual layout: its bodies are arranged in such a way that a geometric figure in the form of a triangular cross is obtained. The hospital has three main wings. They are connected to each other in the center. Its side parts form three cozy courtyards. There are outbuildings there.

Since the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital is an unfinished building, in some places it has no interfloor partitions and ceilings, the internal walls are completely covered with graffiti, and the basements are flooded with water. By the way, this is why construction was frozen! The fact is that under the foundation of the future hospital they discovered and no funding was allocated for their drainage. They tried more than once to resume construction of this facility, but all in vain: the building was completely declared unfit for use. But why does this, so to speak, hospital scare people so much? What's going on inside its walls?

Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital. Legends


Native Muscovites call this place with the uncommon word “Umbrella”. Personally, I never understood what this meant, but now I understand everything. The fact is that from a bird's eye view, the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital resembles the logo of a biological hazard and a secret corporation from the well-known film “Resident Evil.” That is why the building was chosen by stalkers. But is it the stalkers? No, friends! And not even extreme tourists!

Legend one

For some time, members of the Nemostor sect lived in this building. The Satanists were in an unflooded basement, where complete darkness reigns, because there are no windows, and any sunlight is excluded! Satanist sectarians arranged themselves according to their activities: they built stairs, created their own sanctuary for the purpose of constant rites of the Black Mass.

It was during this period that quite a few attacks by sectarians on ordinary Muscovites were recorded. They say they kidnapped children, teenagers, homeless people and even pets! It must be assumed that the sectarians made a sacrifice to their Satan, burning people and animals in a large oven.

When these facts became known to law enforcement agencies, they hastened to restore order in Khovrinka. It became known that in the unflooded basements of the building there are as many as two satanic churches and two ritual ovens for the ritual of sacrifice! The riot police squad that arrived at the scene blew up the entrances to the basements, which, in turn, led to the collapse of the structure and complete flooding of the premises. It is believed that the sectarians who were in the basement at that moment died, and their dead bodies to this day float in the rotten and muddy water of Umbrella’s basements.

Legend two

After these events, the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital turned into the most favorite place for suicides, rapists and pedophiles! Dozens of people are settling scores with their own lives here. Even dogs and cats come here to die because they are looking for a secluded place. This is a well-known fact. Rapes happen here. Often young people choose this particular unfinished building as a place of solitude for sexual intimacy, etc. In addition, this “unfinished building” has its own god named Raf. It is believed that it is his amulet and sometimes saves people in trouble.

According to unconfirmed information, the “god named Raf” is a certain private security company that has taken control of this facility. In general, there is nothing for you and me to do there! Friends, I conjure you! Stay away from this "hospital"!

On October 17, the city authorities must select a contractor for the demolition of the most famous long-term construction in Moscow - the Khovrinskaya Hospital. Over the course of half a century (construction of the clinic began in 1980), the building has turned into one of the darkest urban legends. The capital’s “stalkers” even nicknamed Khovrinka “Umbrella.” This nickname is a direct reference to the name of the corporation that developed the “zombie virus” from the cult action movie “Resident Evil.”

Already on October 18, the history of the unfinished Khovrinskaya hospital may end. On this day, a contractor will be determined who will demolish the building. And by February 2019, the megaproject will disappear completely. The city authorities will allocate 919 million rubles for the work.

For forty years this dull and gray object towered over the area. Forty years is a long time. The hospital was popularly nicknamed KhZB, or “Khovrinka”. Naturally, such a giant could not help but acquire legends and secrets, its own myths and heroes. VM correspondents decided to find out why the object is famous.


In 1980, on the site of the former bed of the Likhoborka River, builders laid the foundation of the Khovrinskaya hospital. It was supposed to become one of the best medical centers in the Soviet Union, but... It didn’t work out. Construction proceeded at a rapid pace, so much so that already in 1985, furniture and medical equipment began to be imported into the finished hospital buildings. For reasons that to this day have not been precisely established, construction was suspended that same year, and in 1992 it was completely frozen.

For its time, the hospital building, made in the style of brutalism, a popular modernist style in architecture in those years, looked more than original: three long wings of the hospital with branches at the ends, diverging from the center in different directions, forming a three-rayed star. For many, this shape is reminiscent of the biohazard sign that formed the basis for the logo of the evil corporation Umbrella in the famous Resident Evil series of computer games. Its name became another unofficial name for the building.

“The architecture is completely determined by the functions of the building,” says Moscow historian Filipp Smirnov. — The fan-shaped divergence of the buildings was created in order to distribute patients entering the emergency room. In the courtyards, patients could calmly walk and gain health.

Today, there are many versions of why the potentially largest metropolitan medical center was not destined to accept a single patient: from those that seem quite plausible to absolutely mystical.

Financial issue

Construction stopped suddenly when furniture was already standing in some medical buildings and signs were hanging on office doors, which inevitably raised a lot of questions about the reason for this decision. The most plausible version is banal and, as always, comes down to funding.

“The hospital project was calculated very adequately and was one of the most breakthrough at that time,” says Smirnov. “There just wasn’t enough money to complete it.” Perhaps they didn’t calculate the strength.

Today this is the most possible option. Many experts are confident that changes were repeatedly made to the project, which required additional cash injections. Unfortunately, the Soviet state, busy with perestroika, did not have any extra money at that time. A similar fate befell many projects not only in Moscow and Russia, but also abroad. For example, the new Berlin Schönefeld Airport.

“The whole airport has been empty for several years, with information boards and runways,” says Moscow City Duma deputy Valery Telichenko. — The money ran out, the company went bankrupt, there was a crisis. Such projects are always based on financial issues.

Design errors

There is another, unofficial, version, even less intelligible than the previous one. It lies in the fact that the building designers made critical mistakes at the very beginning of construction. The fact is that the Khovrinka basements have been under water for a long time. Allegedly, during geological exploration and writing design estimates, they did not take into account the underground river - the same Likhoborka, which at one time was released into the collector.

The structure, erected in a wetland, is slowly but surely going under water. However, according to many construction experts, this version has the cause-and-effect relationships mixed up.

“I don’t think that in the case of the Khovrinskaya Hospital there was a mistake by the designers,” says Nikolai Shumakov, president of the Union of Moscow Architects. — The project begins with geology, it was probably done correctly, otherwise the project would not have passed the examination.

Damn place

Not a single unfinished building can do without mysticism. So “Khovrinka” was no exception.

- Damn place! - say lovers of hoaxes and simply dreamers when it comes to the Khovrinskaya hospital. What arguments are not given in defense of the theory of otherworldly intervention in the fate of the ill-fated hospital: the old cemetery at the base of the building, the dark rituals of Satanists, who have chosen this place since ancient times and do not want to give it up for a hospital.

- Naturally, there is nothing terrible in this place. The village of Khovrino has always been a wonderful place,” says Philip Smirnov. Be that as it may, no one was going to complete the building, and since then it has stood there, gloomy and abandoned, surrounded by dense forest and a fence with barbed wire. But not alone. Places like this always attract different people: rebellious teenagers, extreme sports enthusiasts and just urban tourists. But Khovrinka has become a kind of Mecca, largely because of the aura of mystery that surrounds it.

Myths and legends

A really considerable touch of mysticism has accumulated over the years. The most popular legend about the hospital is the satanic sect “Nemostor”, which allegedly lived in the basements of the building.

When construction stopped, the hospital was guarded by the military for some time, because the facility was considered strategic. However, this did not last long, and soon the military left the building. Then the homeless unfinished building was first chosen by the homeless and other marginalized sections of the population, and then, according to legend, by Satanists. It is believed that the sect arose back in 1984 in Moscow. It was founded by young townspeople who called themselves the Nemostor Interest Club, says Alexander Sitnikov, a programmer and collector of urban legends.

— There were rumors that members of the sect were fond of black magic, for which they killed animals and people! - says Alexander.

At first they operated somewhere in the Bitsevsky forest, where the symbols of the sect can allegedly still be found carved on tree trunks.

Later they settled in the KhZB, where it was convenient to lure unsuspecting passers-by and sacrifice them. Legend has it that the authorities did not tolerate the fanaticism at hand and decided to liquidate the sect. A special operation was carried out, during which all members of the satanic organization were driven into the basement and all possible entrances were collapsed.

“Because of the explosions, groundwater quickly began to flood the basements and buried all the Satanists forever,” says Sitnikov.

Today, the only reminders of the sect are the gloomy graffiti on the wall at the entrance to the basement. According to rumors, the huge Nemostor logo was painted by its participants, but most likely by local street artists prone to hoaxes.

In general, you should not believe in this legend - there is no documentary or historical information confirming the existence of any sects operating in the Khovrinskaya hospital.

Only one death at the facility is reliably known. In 2015, 16-year-old Muscovite Alexey Krayushkin fell into an elevator shaft. From unrequited love or by accident - it is not established. To this day, near this mine you can see a small memorial with memorial candles and photographs of the deceased. It was built by the boy’s friends, and they regularly come here to take care of the makeshift monument.

There is another legend according to which the medical complex was built as a cover for a secret laboratory located deep underground. It is believed that scientists there create and test viruses. As confirmation of this theory, various conspiracy theorists cite the fact that hot water is still supplied to the building. By the way, the legendary unfinished building was once chosen by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and industrial climbers. Here they regularly held their exercises. And in one of the partially flooded basements, frozen water created a kind of skating rink in winter, which was loved by many extreme sports enthusiasts and ordinary teenagers.

Muscovite Mikhail Bashkurov often visited the Khovrinsk hospital in his youth.

— Like many young people at that time, I was attracted to the topics of stalking, roofing, and visiting unfinished and abandoned buildings. Khovrinka has undoubtedly always been the most attractive abandoned place in Moscow. I went there alone or with friends, sometimes I even gave excursions for beginners,” says Mikhail. According to him, despite the status of a “haunted house,” most of the dark stories about the building are fiction.

— I am sure that there were no sects, black masses or other satanic rituals with sacrifices in the hospital. And there were no maniacs operating in the hospital. However, there were accidents. You shouldn’t think that it’s safe here and you can come here for a walk, like in some park. This is an old building that no one looks after. There are holes in the floor here, the elevator shafts are open, and something could collapse at any moment,” says Mikhail Bashkurov.

Scary surroundings

By 2017, part of the buildings of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital went under water several meters. In some places, the building's subsidence into the ground reaches 12 meters or more. Moreover, in the hospital itself there are gaping holes on the sides of the aisles, there are no railings on the stairs between floors, and the steps crumble at the slightest touch. Shards of bricks are scattered everywhere, and reinforcement pins protrude from the floor and walls. The same fittings swing under the gradually collapsing ceiling and at any moment threaten to fall on the heads of the few visitors. Illegal visitors.

To this day, new frightening messages are found on the walls in Khovrinka. The most famous graffiti that adorns its walls reads: “This hospital is a land of miracles, you entered it and disappeared.”

All this gave the object a truly frightening image. So much so that bloggers and journalists around the world often include it in their collections of the most terrible places on the planet.

Present and future

The city authorities have long wanted to put an end to the history of what seemed like an eternal unfinished project. However, they were hampered by the fact that the object was in federal ownership. After lengthy litigation, in 2009 the building was transferred to the city’s balance sheet. As is the case with other famous long-term construction projects, different options were offered: complete construction, rebuild or demolish.

At the end of 2016, the capital’s authorities decided to demolish the building and build housing in its place. The fact is that a building that is gradually going underground cannot be restored. Mosgosstroynadzor included the hospital in the list of facilities the construction of which is inappropriate. The examination showed that the overall readiness of the facility was 42 percent, and its wear and tear was 65 percent.

Dismantling will begin this year. According to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin, demolition will not be an easy task; after all, the building and the territory on which it is located are specific.

— These are hundreds of thousands of square meters of emergency real estate. After examining the building, we realized that we would have to use special demolition methods and equipment, and additional design and estimate documentation was required. There will be various dismantling systems with further disposal of materials from demolition,” Marat Khusnullin emphasized.

By 2020, it is planned to build a residential area on this site.

— This is a very interesting site, taking into account the fact that the transport problem in this area has actually been solved. Firstly, the Khovrino metro station of the same name opened, and secondly, a section of the North-Eastern Expressway will pass there,” explained Marat Khusnullin.

Today, opinions are emerging in the information space that with the demolition of Khovrinka, an entire era of tens of years will pass. There are also people who, in a fit of nostalgia, are categorically against this demolition. However, this is the natural end of this story, and soon the place that was originally intended to serve people will finally begin to be useful. This is eagerly awaited not only by city authorities, ambulance workers and police officers, but also by local residents who have been tired for many years of the dubious proximity to the frightening “ghost hospital”.


Andrey Bochkarev, head of the Moscow Construction Department:

— In fact, the demolition of the Khovrinskaya hospital is a rather complex process that can take about six months. The whole difficulty lies in the height of the building, as well as its configuration and existing utility networks located nearby. At the same time, the hospital dismantling project has already passed an examination. The building will begin to be dismantled soon. It is planned to use 26 units of special equipment and 45 specialists during the demolition of the main building of the hospital and all its annexes. The demolition of the hospital structures will be carried out using a powerful excavator with a 54-meter boom and hydraulic shears. In total, 417.2 million rubles were allocated from the city budget for hydrogeological and geodetic research, as well as the development of the project.

Khovrinskaya Hospital is not the only unfinished building in Moscow

Business center "Zenith". This 22-story high-rise building is popularly called “Blue Tooth”, or “Crystal”, because of the blue mirror glass. Construction of the building began in 1991, but in 1995, when the project was almost ready, construction was frozen. It's all about property disputes and lack of funding. In 2016, it was decided to complete the high-rise building. It is planned to begin reconstruction by the end of this year.

Television center on Shabolovka. The construction of the television complex was stopped at the finishing stage back in 1996 due to a change in developer. Options for a comprehensive reconstruction of the building are currently being developed.

Oceanarium on Poklonnaya Hill. The largest aquarium in Europe, with an area of ​​23 thousand meters, was planned to be built in 2006. They wanted to place more than 6 thousand exhibitions in 11 million liters of water and the longest transparent underwater tunnel in Europe. In 2008, construction was frozen due to an economic dispute.

Alexey Khoroshilov, Andrey Belyak

Hulls on top and biohazard sign The most truthful article about the Khovrinsky hospital. There are places in our country that are so overgrown with terrible legends, fairy tales and stories that the real truth is no longer so easy to extract. The Khovrinsky abandoned hospital is one of these places; during its short history it has become a cult building and was even named after the famous corporation from the Resident Evil series. The informal community began to call the Khovrinsk hospital Umbrella, because of the biohazard sign, which the location of the buildings resembles. If you want to know everything about this unfinished building, read the article.

Having studied the topic of this article in detail, I discovered so many myths that later I had to break each section into two parts: truth and legend.

The beginning of a nightmare

How did this epic with the mysterious abandoned hospital begin? In 1980, the Moscow authorities came up with a good idea to build a hospital complex with 1,300 beds, which would have all the modern equipment, and the patients would be provided with first-class care. Well, we wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Several architects took on the creation of the project at once: I. Ya. Yadrov, A. Saukke, I. Kosnikova, K. Knyazeva, A. Moiseenko, N. Pokrovskaya. The Khovrinsky abandoned hospital was supposed to become a wonderful example of brutalism, which was already gaining momentum in England and Europe. Brutalism is an architectural style that maneuvers between aesthetics and practicality in the post-war era.
This is how the famous Khovrinka form was born, which in its body structure resembles the sign of a biohazard when viewed from above. At that time, no one even thought about it.
Construction began in 1980 and stopped in 1985.

Legend: At the moment there are two legends about the suspension of construction of the hospital. They say that the building began to be erected in an abandoned cemetery, after filling the area with a layer of concrete. The cemetery was abandoned in the 60s and everyone gradually forgot about it.
The second legend says that at the construction site there were the remains of a church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God.

Is it true: there was no cemetery, and certainly no church at the construction site. And there was a landfill and a small river or even a stream flowed - Likhobrodka. The swamp was drained, but many mistakes were made in this process, which led to flooding of the basements even at the level of construction of the first floors. It soon became clear that the geological error could no longer be corrected, and there was no point in completing the construction of the Khovrinsky hospital - it would collapse after some time of operation. Now the building is slowly going under water, the first floors are already flooded.

Illegal residents of Khovrinka

Perhaps this is where the fun begins. Very often people attribute mystery to some places, given by nature, they say there are magnetic fields, old cemeteries and aliens driving saucers at night. However, in most cases, the bloody history of a place is created by the people themselves - this was the case this time too. In the late 80s, the abandoned Khovrinskaya hospital attracted a sect of Satanists to its depths. They called themselves Nemostor and were the first to begin the bloody history of this place.
These guys settled in a tunnel that connected the main buildings of the hospital with the morgue. They placed various paraphernalia and altars there, wrote “Ave Satan” on the walls in broken English, and began organizing rituals and orgies. At first they killed domestic animals, dogs and cats, and then switched to people.

The famous wall with the autograph of a now deceased sect

Legend: In the early 90s, law enforcement agencies found out about the murders, riot police took the tunnels by storm and, with the help of an explosion, flooded the tunnels along with numerous sectarians.

Is it true: It is unknown how many human casualties the abandoned Khovrinsk hospital actually received at that time. For example, numerous corpses of dogs and cats with tied paws were found in the tunnels, but nothing was reported about the found corpses of people. The riot police did not blow up the tunnel, so the legend about the “decaying corpses of Satanists” remains just a legend. The police used shots in the air and light and smoke grenades to drive the sectarians out of their hideout. Several people were detained. By the way, some sectarians returned and placed their altar on the 5th floor.

After Nemostor ceased to exist, Khovrinka was chosen by all and sundry. Here you can meet a drug addict, a homeless person, a photographer and a stalker.

Real dangers

Despite many myths, the real danger of this place is beyond doubt. Around 2004, a group of some thugs settled in the hospital and robbed and killed people. The police received statements about found bodies and missing people. Over the course of 4 years, 17 bodies were found on the territory of Khovrinka. And these are just the remains found.

Is it true: There was only one suicide. It was committed by a young man named Alexey Krayushkin. He jumped down the elevator shaft and death occurred instantly. The guy’s friends built a whole memorial for him with inscriptions and flowers.

Legend: There are many traps in the hospital set by criminals and Satanists. Hence there are many accidental deaths.

Is it true: The abandoned Khovrinskaya hospital was not completed. Sometimes you can come across the statement that they even managed to bring furniture and equipment here, and almost the first patients were moved in, but this is a lie. See for yourself, there are no frames, no interior decoration, no door jambs. The hospital has NEVER been in use. And the morgue never worked. Hence the real dangers of this place - multiple holes in damp concrete, reinforcement sticking out of the floor and ceiling. Elevator shafts, not fenced off by anything, and staircases, crumbling right under your feet. All these factors, multiplied by the darkness of the corridors and the temperature in the blood of travelers, give rise to many accidents. At the moment, there are more than twenty of them registered.

The modern look of Khovrinka

Legend: Due to the increasing incidence of suicides and robberies, the authorities assigned a private security company detachment with dogs to guard the territory.

Is it true: You can actually find security at the site. But this is not a private security company. These are just local scumbags, guys getting together and drinking cheap alcoholic drinks. Many of them are in camouflage, some have walkie-talkies. They gather so that the main entrance to the hospital can be seen from the balcony. To prevent anything from happening to you, all you have to do is donate 150 rubles to them, and they will not only let you in, but will even take you on a tour of the “famous places.” they will show a memorial site of suicide, a piece of a flooded tunnel of the Nemostor sect, a dead dog with tied paws, and so on.

At the moment, the authorities want to demolish the hospital and this project, according to preliminary estimates, will cost about 1 billion rubles. Then it is planned to sell the area and rebuild a residential area there. It’s not entirely clear who would want to live in it, but Moscow is a cramped city and there’s always not enough space.


Dear readers of my blog! I am very glad that you read the article to the end, and I hope now you understand that the abandoned Khovrinskaya hospital is a bloated accordion. No mystical events have ever happened here. The hospital was not functioning, so there is no talk of ghosts of patients. As for the dangers, there are no more of them here than late at night in the middle of garages somewhere in southern Butovo.

Read about the killing fields in Cambodia, and know who invented the most terrible execution in history.

Are you interested in historical figures? Read the whole truth about the bloodthirsty Vlad the Impaler or Dracula.

Construction of the hospital began in 1980 and stopped in 1985. Initially, the hospital was designed for 1,300 beds and was supposed to be one of the best in Moscow. Since the suspension of construction, the building remains unfinished, which attracts many people. It is noteworthy that the exact reasons for the suspension of construction are unknown. According to one version, there was a lack of financial resources, according to another, unsatisfactory quality of construction, which could lead to the collapse of the building during operation.

Layout of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital.

The appearance of the building is original and rather atypical for an administrative building during the Soviet period. The hospital building is designed in the shape of a triangular cross with additional branches at the ends. The hospital has 2 buildings: the main building, shaped like a star, and the ophthalmology building, which was supposed to house a morgue and crematorium.

The name of the Khovrinskaya hospital.

The Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital has many names: KhZB, Khovrinka and even Umbrella. The name Umbrella was given to the hospital by stalkers who regularly try to enter the complex. The hospital acquired this nickname due to the similarity of its building shape to the logo of an ominous corporation from the series of popular computer games “Resident Evil.”

Plans for the use of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital.

Until 2009, the abandoned hospital building was the subject of a property dispute between the Moscow Property Department and the VPK-Technotex enterprise. Since 2009, the unfinished complex of buildings has been transferred to the ownership of the city of Moscow and, according to preliminary plans, should undergo demolition and subsequent construction of new buildings on the old site.

Interesting facts and rumors of the Khovrinsky abandoned hospital.

On one of the walls of the hospital it is written: “This hospital is a land of miracles, I entered it and disappeared there.”
- The abandoned building of the Khovrinskaya hospital has a bad criminal reputation. The rumors are confirmed by periodic attacks on curious people in the hospital, as well as accidents and suicides.
- Among the stalkers and diggers who have taken a fancy to the abandoned complex, there are legends that Satanists are operating in the building. The sect performs rituals and holds black masses. Later, rumors spread that authorities had taken measures to eliminate the sect from the abandoned building.

Moscow can finally get rid of one of the largest and darkest unfinished buildings - the Khovrinskaya Hospital, the demolition of which began on October 23, 2018. The abandoned building is planned to be demolished by the end of February 2019, and a residential complex will be built in its place. Back in 2017, the capital’s authorities decided to liquidate the once ambitious project at their own expense; no investors could be found. Over the course of three decades, the hospital became known as a place of massacres, the abode of Satanists, and even a top-secret laboratory. A RIAMO correspondent found out which stories are worth believing.

Khovrino Corporation

It's hard to imagine that this is not the setting for a horror film. For more than 30 years, a gloomy gray giant, the Khovrinskaya Abandoned Hospital (popularly known as KhZB), has been looking at Klinskaya Street through its empty window sockets. Residents of the Khovrino district avoid this building. Many consider it a source of evil and a gateway to the other world.

The Khovrinsk hospital was built in the form of a three-rayed star with six branches at the ends. If you look at the building from above, its shape resembles the international biohazard symbol developed in 1966 by the American company Dow Chemical. And after the release of the film “Resident Evil” in 2002, the name “Umbrella” was firmly assigned to the Khovrinsky hospital for its resemblance to the zombie corporation.

Damn construction site

Construction of the Khovrinskaya hospital began in 1980. The hospital was designed for 1,300 beds. For comparison, in the capital’s largest research institute, Sklifosovsky, there are just over 900 of them. Five years later, the building was almost ready to receive its first patients; furniture was brought into some buildings and signs were hung on the offices. The construction was suddenly stopped. According to one version, there was not enough money. According to another, the building began to go underground.

There is a legend that there used to be a church and a cemetery on the site of the KhZB, so the hospital is cursed. In fact, there were no buildings there, just a stream and a swamp. Either the architects did not take into account the unfavorable soil, unsuitable for the construction of an 11-story building, or the swamp was not properly drained, but the basements began to flood.

Secret laboratory

After construction stopped in 1985, the “strategic site” was guarded by the military. This fact became the basis for the birth of another myth - that there is some kind of secret morgue in the hospital building. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the hospital was no longer guarded. Then enterprising fellow citizens quickly carried out everything valuable, and the building was chosen by adventurers and bandits.

There is another legend circulating online about the purpose of the Khovrinskaya hospital. Rumor has it that a secret multi-level laboratory is located under the building, and the building itself serves for camouflage. Users explain their version by saying that hot water has been supplied to this deserted area for many years.

"Land of Wonders"

The walls of the abandoned hospital are literally soaked with paint from hundreds of graffiti. One of the most famous inscriptions, which was recently painted over, read: “This hospital is a land of miracles, I went into it and disappeared there.” It is believed that the mystical building attracts suicides and takes 12 lives every month. In fact, in three decades, only one case has been officially recorded: in 2005, 16-year-old teenager Alexei Krayushkin climbed to the eighth floor and jumped down an elevator shaft because of unrequited love. On the second floor of the hospital there is an impromptu memorial to the young man. On the walls are words of farewell and sorrow.

Lost place

If stories about suicides are just legends, then dozens of deaths are facts based on police reports. The hospital that was supposed to save lives was much more likely to take them. Stacks of cases related to Klinskaya Street are still gathering dust on the desks of law enforcement officers. Unfenced elevator shafts, caved-in floors and protruding fittings - all these “traps,” as stalkers call them, have caused accidents. One of the latest occurred in July last year. The man fell into the mine, but, fortunately, survived.

Abandoned wards and deserted hospital corridors hid traces of crimes. So, on December 28, 2015, on the second floor of the main building, a security guard discovered the body of a hanged man. It was not suicide - the deceased's hands were tightly tied in front. The crime, like many others, remained unsolved.

Altar of Satanists

The six-pointed star, which the KhZB building resembles from above, is one of the symbols of Satanists. It is believed that the number of the beast “666” is encrypted in it. The walls of the Khovrinsky unfinished building are full of hexograms, pentagrams and other ominous signs. In the 90s, when the hospital turned into a passage yard, one of the floors was chosen by adherents of the Nemostor sect. They celebrated “black masses” with sacrifices. As another hospital legend says, at first they sacrificed animals, and then, feeling impunity, they went even further.

The Satanists were soon expelled from the Khovrinskaya hospital. They say there was a whole assault with flash-noise grenades, and special forces machine gunners. According to one version, the sectarians were shot, according to another, they were driven into an underground tunnel, into which water was then released. Be that as it may, in fact, the underground floors were long ago flooded with groundwater. For several years in winter, there was even an extreme skating rink in one of the halls.

animal cemetery

Another tragic story is connected with the Satanist sect. Local residents say that an elderly woman, having lost her dog, found it in one of the concrete halls of the KhZB. A tortured animal with bound paws lay on cracked slabs next to other dead animals. The pensioner went to the police. Officers conducted raids for several days, but failed to detain anyone. Then the woman decided to find the criminals alone, but she herself fell into one of the hospital “traps” and died.

The lost investor

They decided not to resuscitate the Khovrinsk hospital. In the early years, there was talk of a possible revival of the medical center. In 2004, information appeared that the hospital would be completed or rebuilt, but it soon became clear: the building, despite its high cost, could only be demolished.

However, old-timers in the area claim that the hospital allegedly does not want to be demolished. Only in 2009 was the conflict over ownership finally settled - the building was transferred to the Moscow Property Department.

At the same time, an investor appeared, ready to demolish the hospital in exchange for a plot of land. The authorities agreed, but suddenly the businessman disappeared under unclear circumstances.

In 2012, they tried to put the building up for auction, clearly overestimating its potential. No one wanted to spend 1.8 billion rubles on a doomed unfinished project with a bad reputation.

Residential complex Khovrino

Now the hospital is surrounded by a fence and guarded, but access to its territory is quite easy. This is evidenced by the number of videos made in hospital corridors. The stalkers who visited there say that this is an ordinary unfinished building, albeit a very dangerous one. Uninvited guests are more likely to be greeted not by ghosts, but by bars of rusty fittings.

In the last few years, they have either tried to sell the Khovrinskaya hospital or looked for money for demolition. The cost of the work was estimated at approximately 1 billion rubles. In 2015, the Moscow authorities finally decided to get rid of the gloomy Soviet legacy on their own. Initially, it was assumed that a new medical center should appear on the site of the abandoned hospital, but in the end it was decided to build a residential complex with an area of ​​almost 300 thousand square meters. However, it is likely that the bad reputation of HZB will spread to the new residential complex.

While the start of work is being delayed, people continue to die in the hospital, becoming victims of criminals and falling into “traps.”

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