Luanda is the capital of which country. Luanda is the capital of which country Luanda is the capital of which

Luanda lies on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, at the confluence of the Kwanza River, in the northwest of Angola. Beyond the urban area, grassy and bushy savannas begin - a world of wildlife, where elephants, lions, leopards, zebras, antelopes, monkeys live in their natural environment. Despite active opposition to poaching by government agencies, the number of wild fauna is declining.

City `s history

Luanda has a history of over 400 years. Before the arrival of the European colonialists, there was no permanent settlement on the territory of the modern city, only temporary settlements of nomadic herders.
The city of Luanda was founded in 1575 by the Portuguese traveler and the first captain-governor of Portuguese Angola, Paulo Dias de Novais (circa 1510 - 1589). He also gave the name to the new city - São Paulo da Assumpshio de Luanda. The name combined the name of Dias de Novais himself and the word "Luanda", which the aborigines used to designate the location of the settlement. "Luanda" in the languages \u200b\u200bof local tribes meant the name of the cowrie shell, which was collected on the island opposite the new city and which from ancient times until the beginning of the 20th century. served as the local currency.
Immediately after the founding of the city, the Portuguese began to build a fortress: on a rocky promontory, they erected forts, one of which - San Miguel - is the best preserved to this day and was turned into the Museum of the Armed Forces of Angola.
At first, a hundred families of settlers and four hundred soldiers of the garrison of the fort settled in the city. Luanda quickly became a staging ground for Portuguese colonial expansion in southern Africa.
In 1641, the Portuguese authorities were forced to cede Luanda to the Dutch, who renamed it Fort Aardenburg, but seven years later the Portuguese returned the city to themselves.
For three centuries (from 1550 to 1836) Luanda was the largest center of the slave trade in southern Africa, and through it about 3 million Africans were exported to Brazil. In addition, the future capital of Angola until the 19th century. remained the largest base for the expansion of the Portuguese in the region.
In Luanda, the influence of the Brazilians was so strong that informally the city could be called a colony of Brazil, which itself was a Portuguese colony and gained independence only in 1822.
In 1836, the slave trade in Luanda was banned, but the city did not suffer economic collapse. In 1844, a seaport was opened here, and the export of palm and nut oil, valuable wood species, coffee, cotton and cocoa was gradually established. The city began to produce flour, tobacco, corned beef.
The colonial war of Portugal (1961-1974), provoked by the national liberation movement in the African colonies, practically did not affect Luanda. After the Carnation Revolution on April 25, 1974, when a bloodless military coup took place in Portugal, Angola gained independence, after which a long civil war began in the country. The development of the city practically stopped, the port froze. Most of the white Portuguese left the city.
After the end of the civil war in 2002, Luanda's economy began to skyrocket through the oil and diamond trade.
Today Luanda is developing through the efforts of people who have amassed a fortune through the diamond and oil trade.
Modern Luanda is not only the administrative center of Angola. As a result of centuries of conversion of the local population to Catholicism, Luanda became the Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Angola.
In terms of economic indicators, Luanda is far from poor. The region's natural resources provide a reliable income: Luanda exports diamonds, oil and fish. Food remains the main import item: in Luanda, almost all food products are imported.
The local industry processes agricultural products, produces soft drinks, tobacco and building materials.
In terms of plan, Luanda is divided into two parts: Baja de Luanda (lower city) - on the flat bank of a wide bay, protected from the surf by a sand bar (here is the port and business district), and Cidada Alta (upper city) - on a high terrace , where the residence of the government is located, the palaces of the archbishop and the former governor-general, old residential quarters with buildings in the Portuguese colonial style. Since the 1950s. Luanda expands in a semicircle inland. The city center is lined with houses of wealthy citizens, the suburbs - which in Luanda are called "mussekes" - are a chaotic squatter.
Currently, the city is actively being built up with new buildings belonging to the "New Angolans" - those who managed to get rich on the trade of natural resources: oil (produced on the coastal shelf near Luanda) and diamonds.
In 2008, Luanda was named the most expensive city in the world, surpassing even Tokyo, which has firmly held the title of the most expensive city in the world for many years. The reason is that in Luanda the prices for goods and services are incredibly high, and the infrastructure is still not put in order after thirty years of civil war. Most of the inhabitants of the outskirts of Luanda can hardly make ends meet.
Luanda has been hit hard by recent military conflicts. Nevertheless, some colonial-style buildings and mosaic sidewalks have survived here.


Although much in the city still reminds of the civil war, in Luanda, living conditions are comparatively more favorable than in the rest of Angola, so the local population has grown significantly in recent years. The modern inhabitants of the capital are mainly representatives of the Bantu peoples, but in communication with each other they use Portuguese, which has remained the state language in Angola and is gradually replacing other languages. Young people in Luanda speak primarily Portuguese.
Luanda has preserved traditions of musical culture and dance, which clearly trace a connection with the musical traditions of Brazil and the Caribbean islands. The Carnival of Victory and folklore contests are very popular in the city.

general information

Location: Southwest Africa.

Capital and largest city of the Republic of Angola, the administrative center of the province of Luanda.

Languages: Portuguese (official), Bantu languages \u200b\u200b(Kimbundu, Umbundu, Kikongo).

Ethnic composition: orimbundu, mbanda, bakongo, lunda, chokwe, ngantuela, kuanyama, Europeans, mestizo.

Religions: Catholicism, Protestantism (Baptists, Methodists and Congregationalists), Animism.
Currency unit: kwanza.
The most important airport: Luanda Cuatro de Fevereiro International Airport.


Area: 113 km 2 (agglomeration - 2418 km 2).

Population: 2,825,311 (agglomeration - more than 5 million) (2012).
Population density: 25,002.8 people / km 2 (agglomerations - 2068 people / km 2).

Poverty rate: 53%

Height above level: 6 m.

Climate and weather

Tropical. The influence of the cold Benguela current.

Average January temperature: + 25.5 ° C.

Average temperature in July: + 21 ° C.

Average annual rainfall: 323 mm.
Rainy season: March - April.
Relative humidity: 78,5%.


Administrative, commercial, industrial and transport center of Angola.

Minerals: oil and diamonds.

Industry: oil refining, food, tobacco, textile, construction materials production.

Sea port.

Services sector: tourist, transport, trade.


Historical: Fort San Miguel (Museum of the Armed Forces of Angola, XVII century), forts of San Pedro de Barcom and San Fernando de Penedas (XVI-XVII centuries), mausoleum of Antonio Agostinho Neto.
Cult: Jesuit church (XVI century), Temple of the Carmelites (about 1638), Church of the Nazareth Madonna (1664), Cathedral.
Cultural: University of Agostinho Neto, Monument to the African Peoples Fighting for Freedom, Museum of Angola, Museum of Dundu (Ethnographic), National Library, Municipal Library, Academy of Music, Institute of Education and Sociology of Angola, Monument to Peace, Museum of Slavery, Museum of San Pedro da Barra, National Anthropological Museum, National Museum of Natural History.
Architectural: former residence of the Governor-General, Archbishop's Palace, embankment.
Others: beaches of Mussulu, Ile, Belash, Korimba, the resort "County Bibala", the city stadium.

Curious facts

    In the building of Fort San Miguel, the Museum of the Armed Forces of Angola was opened, the decision to create which was made back in 1975, after the country gained independence.
    In the halls of the museum there are tanks, planes and other weapons that were used during the war of independence.

    Fort San Francisco do Pinedo in Luanda, built in 1765-1766, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Luanda artisans traditionally make ceremonial masks, figurines from various materials (ivory, stone, bronze, ceramics, wood), as well as dishes (straw, earthenware, wooden dishes, jugs, plates, vases).

    The Peace Monument in Luanda is a pretty battered infantry fighting vehicle with a huge white dove of peace attached to it.

    The word "Luanda" also means "tribute", "tax", "tax". The indigenous people of the Luandian lands paid tribute to the local leaders with the same cowrie shells.

    The mausoleum of the first President of Angola, Antonio Agostinho Neto (1922-1979), resembles a rocket ready for launch and mounted on a tomb with a hexagonal roof. The mausoleum is located on the ocean coast. Work on preparing the body for stay in the Angolan mausoleum was carried out in the laboratory at the Moscow mausoleum for three months.
    In 1992, at the request of the family of the deceased, the remains of the president were buried, and the construction of the mausoleum was never completed.

    Luanda has preserved the old Angolan tradition of making mushimbu - wind instruments from huge sea shells.

Population 2584 thousand people (2009). Ras-in-lo-ze-na on-be-re-zhye of the bayLu-an-da At-lan-ti-che-ocean. The starting point of the Lu-an-da railway - Ma-lan-zhe; av-to-do-ro-ha-mi co-uni-not-na with large-go-ro-da-mi countries, as well as go-ro-da-mi zapad- certain (Ma-ta-di, Kin-sha-sa) and southeastern (Col-ve-zi, Li-ka-si, Lu-boom-ba-shi) regions of De-mo- kra-tic Res-pub-li-ki Kon-go. Large sea port. Me-w-do-folk air-ro-port "4 feb-ra-la".

Os-no-va-na in 1575 port-to-gal-cem P. Dia-shem di No-vai-shem called São Pau-lu-de-Lu-an-da. Since 1627, the re-zi-den-tion of kolo-no-al-noi ad-mi-ni-st-ra-tion and the main support base of the port-tugal ex-pan-sii in An-go -le. In the 17th - mid-19th centuries, the center of ra-bo-to-gov-li. In 1844, the port of Luanda was opened for foreign countries; from the middle of the 19th century, one of the largest ports in the port-tugal colo-ni-al-yah-de-ni-yakhs. In the 1960s-1970s, it was the center of the national os-in-bo-ditional movement. Since 1975, the modern name, hundred-person-tsa not-for-vi-si-my An-go-ly.

The center of Luanda is divided into two parts - the Lower and the Upper city; built according to the type of port-tugal provincial cities, reflects in its ar-chitectural ob-ly-ke mainly the transition from the ba- rock-to-class-si-tsiz-mu. The lower city-clan ras-in-lo-wives along the on-shore-rezh-noy-li-va, og-ra-ni-chen from the south of the San-Mi-gel fort (1575), with -ve-ra - seaport; Upper city - on the rise to the south and east from the Lower city. So-kept-ni-lis churches: Ie-zu-it-skaya (1636); Ma-don-ny Na-za-ret-skoy (1664); No-sa-Sen-o-radus-Re-me-di-ush (1679); No-sa-Sen-o-radu-Kar-mu (1662-1689). In the 17th century, the forts of San Ped-ru-da-Bar-com and San-Fer-nan-do-di-Pe-ne-dash were built. In the 1950s-1970s, Luanda moved in a roundabout way into ma-te-ri-ka. Among the co-weapons of the 2nd half of the XX century - the building of the National Bank of An-go; mo-nu-ment na-ro-dam Af-ri-ki. At the beginning of the XXI century, hundreds of high buildings are being built.

Luanda is the center of science, education, and culture of An-go-ly. Among the scientific uch-re-zh-de-niy are research institutes: gid-ro-me-theo-rology and geophysics (1879), geo- geological services (1914), National Center for Documentation and Historical Research (1933), Medical Research (1955 ), ve-te-ri-nar-nary studies (1965), Cotton Center (1970), Institute for the Study of African and Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(1978), ne -da-go-gic and co-qi-al-research studies (1980). State University named after A. Ne-that (1962); among the not-go-su-dar-st-ven-zh universities - the Ka-lytic University (opened in 1999), the University named after J. Pia-same (2000), the University named after G. Se-me-do (2003), Not-for-vi-si-s-m An-go-ly University (2004), University named after O. Ri-ba-sha (2007), Technical University (2007).

Capital of Angola

Mu-ni-qi-pal-naya (1873) and na-tsio-nal-naya (1968) bib-lio-te-ki. National museums: natural history (1938), anthro-po-lo-gichesky (1976), slave-st-va (1997). Te-at-ral-nye and dance-tse-val-nye corpses: "Eling-ga", "Dan-sart", "Da-da-is-mo", etc. Since 2008, pro- dit-Xia Me-zh-du-folk fes-ti-val te-at-ra and arts.

The main business and industrial center of the country. In Luanda, the headquarters of the largest national companies (including te-le-com-mu-ni-ka-tsi-on -noy "Angola Tele-com", "Unitel" - li-de-ra in pre-do-tav-le-nii services-lug with-that-how-z, al-ma-zo-do-by- vayu-shche "Endiama", oil "Sonangol", airline company "Linhas Aéreas de Angola"). The seaport specializes in the export of oil (the total cargo turnover is about 30 million tons per year, incl. non-oil cargoes 6.6 million tons per year). The center of the agricultural region (the main product is a sugar beetroot, coffee, cotton, oil crops, pal-moe oil and nucleus; once-and-so-then-water-st-in). In Luanda, more than 1/2 of the production of An-goo's industry is produced. Pre-arrival of the food industry; production of clothing, footwear, si-gar, pl-st-mass and metal-lo-iz-de-li. Auto-collecting, cement-based (1.2 million tons of cement and 540 thousand tons of clinker per year) and oil-te-pe-re- ba-you-vayu-shch (capacity 40 thousand barrels per day) for water. Vos-sta-nav-li-va-xia st-le-li-tei-ny-vod (2010, with the participation of the Chinese “Chung Fong Holding Company”). Electricity supply of the city is being carried out by the hydroelectric power station "Cam-bambe" on the Kvan-za river (50 thousand kW).

In the vicinity of Luanda - oil-te-promys-ly.

Great Russian Encyclopedia (BDT)

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Tarasyutina Evgeniya Valerievna


Luanda - (port. Luanda) the capital of Angola, the largest political, cultural, financial and industrial center of the state.

Luanda occupies an advantageous position on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in the area where the Kwanza River flows into it. The climate in this zone is tropical, with an average annual precipitation of 250-500 mm, most of which falls in February-March. The warmest month of the year is March, at this time the mercury column of the thermometer rises to +30 degrees, in July the temperature drops to +16, which is largely due to the cooling effect of the Bengal Current.

In the vicinity of Luanda, grassy and shrub savannas have been preserved almost in their original form, and numerous palm trees grow here, the groves of which are thinning to the south of the capital. Outside the city, you can find such wild animals as elephants, lions, leopards, zebras, antelopes, monkeys, but their populations have sharply declined in recent years due to human poaching. In the coastal waters, various representatives of the aquatic fauna are found: whales, turtles, mollusks, several species of fish.

Luanda - the largest city in Angola, its population (with suburbs) is about 4.5 million.

Which country has the capital Luanda?

man. The ethnic composition of the capital is quite diverse: representatives of the African peoples of the Orimbundu, Mbanda, Bakongo, Lunda, Chokye, Ngantuela, Kuanyama, etc., as well as Europeans and a mixed Afro-European population live here. Capital residents of African descent use Portuguese for official negotiations, and among themselves, as a rule, in the Bantu languages \u200b\u200b(Kimbundu, Umbundu, Kikongo). Angolans of European and mixed descent speak Portuguese, which is the official language. Many residents of Luanda adhere to traditional local beliefs, and there are also Christians - Catholics and Protestants (Baptists, Methodists and Congregationalists).

The modern capital of Angola was founded by the Portuguese colonizer P. Dias de Novais in 1575 and was named São Paulo de Luanda (renamed Luanda in 1975). At the same time, the fortifications of San Miguel were erected on the rocky promontory overlooking the city. Already at the end of the XVI century. the new city became the center of the Portuguese colonial administration and the main base of the expansionist forces in Angola. In 1641, the Portuguese were forced to cede their outpost on the Atlantic coast to the Dutch, and after 7 years they returned their territories. In the period from the 17th to the 19th century, Luanda was one of the largest centers of the slave trade, from the territories controlled by the Portuguese through the port, about 3 million blacks were exported. In the 20th century, Luanda became the center of the national liberation struggle of the peoples of Angola, and there were frequent clashes between workers and Portuguese troops. In 1961, the leadership of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) organized the workers of Luanda to revolt. The armed uprising of the residents of the capital served as a signal for the start of the liberation war.

In April 1974, after a series of revolutionary uprisings, the Portuguese government agreed to grant independence to Angola. In November 1975, a new state appeared on the political map of the world - the People's Republic of Angola (since August 1992 - the Republic of Angola), the capital of which was Luanda. Since 1978, the largest populated areas of Angola have been repeatedly attacked by South Africa, which sought to prevent the spread of communist influence in the region and supported the National Union for the Complete Independence of Angola (UNITA). In 1991, an agreement on a peaceful settlement of the conflict was signed between representatives of the Angolan government and the opposing UNITA group in Lisbon. Nevertheless, the political situation in the region remains unstable, which prevents the rapid development of Angolan cities, including Luanda.

Republic of Angola

Luanda - history, sights, map, photo. Luanda today.

Luanda is the capital of Angola and one of the largest cities in the country. Luanda is located on the Atlantic coast. Population: 2 825 311 people (2012). Time zone: UTC + 1. Coordinates: 8 ° 50'00 ″ S sh. 13 ° 14'00 "in. d

The city was founded in 1575 by the colonizer Paulo Dias de Novais. The city was originally called São Paulo de Luanda. At the end of the 16th century, the city was the center of the colonial administration of Portugal. In 1641, the Dutch drove the Portuguese out of their outpost on the Atlantic coast for seven years.

In the 17th-19th centuries Luanda was a major center of the slave trade. About three million blacks were taken out through the port. In the twentieth century, the city became the center of the national liberation movement for the country's independence.

In 1961, civil war broke out in Luanda. In 1975, Angola gained independence. It was decided to simplify the name of the capital, so the name of São Paulo de Luanda was shortened to Luanda.

Luanda is the largest political, cultural, financial and industrial center of the state. In 2008, the capital of Angola was recognized as the most expensive city in the world. Two cinema tickets here will cost about $ 26, and the rent for a two-room apartment is $ 7,000. The city's economy is developing rapidly, new level hotels are being built like the Riviera Anapa hotel in Russia. The main export item is robusta coffee beans.

Luanda is a port city. Almost all the goods in the capital are imported. There is an international airport on the territory of the capital. Transportation by the city is provided by buses and taxis.

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Luanda landmarks
Luanda is a picturesque capital, divided into two parts: the Upper and the Lower City. Most of the local attractions are concentrated in the Lower City. Fort San Miguel is a colonial monument. Today the building houses a historical museum. Not far from the fort there are such old churches as: the Temple of the Madonna of Nazareth (1664), the Church of the Carmelites (1638), the Jesuit church (XVI century). Even the city sidewalks paved with mosaics deserve attention in the Lower Town.

The Upper Luanda is home to the Parliament, the Cathedral, the President's and Bishop's Palace.

The city's attractions include local beaches.

Luanda - Capital of Angola

Belash, Mussulu, Korimba, Ile are especially popular.

Literature lovers will undoubtedly be delighted with the collections of books collected in the National and Municipal Libraries.

Luanda has several interesting markets: Rocky Santeiro and Benfica, specializing in African art.

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More information: Angola


Geographical location and nature of Angola.

State in the southwest of Africa.

Country with the most expensive city in the world: Angola on the map

In the south it borders with Namibia (border length - 1,376 km), in the east - with Zaire (2,511 km) and Zambia (1,110 km), in the north - with Congo (201 km). In the west, Angola is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the border is 5,198 km, the length of the coastline is 1,600 km. Area - 1 246 700 km2. The main part of the country is occupied by the vast Angolan plateau with an average altitude of 1,000-1,500 m. The highest point of the plateau is Mount Moko (2,620 m). The western edge of the Angolan plateau descends steeply into a narrow coastal lowland. The width of the coastal plain is small, 50-100 km. Angola's rivers, such as the Congo, Zambezi, Kasai and others, originate in the mountains, forming numerous picturesque waterfalls. The bowels of the country are rich in oil, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, copper, gold, uranium.

Population of Angola.

The population is 10,069,501 (1995), the average awn is about 9 people per km2. The country is home to 11 popular political groups belonging to two main ethnic groups: Banngo and Western Bantu. The official language is Portuguese, and various Bantu dialects are spoken. Almost half of the population (47%) is adherents of pagan cults and Relia, 38% are Catholics, 15% are Protestants. The birth rate is 45 newborns per 1,000 people (1995). Mortality -18.1 deaths per 1,000 people (infant mortality rate - 142 deaths per 1,000 newborns). Average life expectancy: men - 44 years, women - 48 years (1995). The able-bodied population is 2 783 000 people.

Climate of Angola.

The climate in the interior regions of the country is equatorial-muscular, on the coast - dry, tropical trade winds. Precipitation is unevenly distributed: from 50 mm per year in the south to 1,500 mm per year in the central plateau, the rainy season lasts from May to August.

Flora of Angola.

Desert vegetation, characteristic of the extreme south of the country, is replaced to the north, first by a strip of savannas, and then by dense tropical forests. Palm trees grow in abundance on the Atlantic coast.

Fauna of Angola.

In Angola, there are almost all types of large animals found on the African continent: elephant, giraffe, rhinoceros, zebra, antelope, lion, hippopotamus, etc. Various species of birds nest in the country.

Government, political parties in Angola.

Full name - Republic of Angola. The state system is a republic. The country is divided into 18 provinces. The capital is Luanda. Angola gained independence on November 11, 1975 from Portugal. The constitution, adopted on November 11, 1975, was revised on January 7, 1978, August 11, 1980, and March 6, 1991. Legislation is based on the Portuguese civil law system and traditional laws. The national holiday is celebrated on November 11 - Independence Day. Executive power is vested in the president (head of state) and prime minister. Unicameral Parliament - National Assembly. More than 30 parties are registered, the most influential political parties are the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and the National Union for the Complete Independence of Angola (UNITA).

Economy, transport communications of Angola.

Agriculture is the main livelihood for the vast majority of the country's population. The most important industry is oil production, which accounts for about 60% of the GNP (in 1994 it was $ 6.1 billion, GNP per capita - $ 620). The monetary unit is a new kwanzaa (1 new kwanzaa is equal to 100 lei). The main export items of income in the country's budget are oil, liquefied gas, diamonds, coffee, fish and fish products. The main trade partners are the USA, CIS countries, Cuba, Portugal, Brazil. Developed industries such as oil, diamond, mining, food, tobacco, sugar. In agriculture, much attention is paid to export crops: coffee, sisal, grains, cotton, sugar cane, cassava, tobacco. The total length of railways is 3,189 km, roads have a total length of 73,828 km (8,577 km are paved roads) ... The main ports of the country are Luanda, Ngenza-Kabolo, Lo-bitu, Cabinda.

History of Angola.

Angola was discovered by the Portuguese in 1482, and by 1484 Portugal had taken over the entire coast of the country. The expansion of Portugal's influence inland began only in the 19th century. The Portuguese traveler Serpa Pinto, who explored the area between the Zambezi and Congo rivers and became governor of Mozambique in 1889, made a series of unsuccessful attempts to annex Angola to Mozambique. At the beginning of the 20th century. Angola became a Portuguese colony, in 1951 - an overseas territory, in 1955 - a province of Portugal. In 1961, a national liberation war began in the country, which led to the proclamation in 1975 of the independent People's Republic of Angola. The confrontation between the ruling People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, supported by the USSR, and UNITA, which found support from the United States, led to a civil war in which South Africa and Cuba were involved. In 1991, a peace agreement was signed between the warring parties, but after the victory of Dos Santos in the presidential elections, civil war broke out again in the country.

Angola landmarks.

Among the monuments of the architectural heritage of the past, the fort of the 16th century can be distinguished. in the city of Benguela, a fortress of the 17th century. San Miguel in Luanda. The capital also houses the Museum of Angola.

Angola's participation in international organizations.


* This information is valid until 2010.

Luanda was founded over four hundred years ago. Initially it had the name "Sao Paulo de Luanda", under which it existed for exactly 400 years. Luanda, the capital of Angola, began to be called only in 1975.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the settlement, founded by the Portuguese colonialist, acquired the status of a city, and at the end of the same century it began to be used as a base for the colonial administration.

More than 2.5 million blacks were taken out of the country through this African city between the 17th and 19th centuries.

In the last century, Luanda's role in the country's social life has changed dramatically. It became the center in which the main forces of the local population were located, which began an active struggle for independence from Portugal.

After Angola received the status of an independent state, Luanda became its capital.

In the late 1970s, South Africa came under attack from Luanda, prompted by the latter's desire to prevent the spread of communist influence in the region. A peace agreement was signed in 1991, but some political tensions are still felt.

Several years ago, the city was named the most expensive capital in the world.

It should be noted that representatives of various countries and cultures can be found in Luanda. It is inhabited not only by numerous African peoples, descendants of the Portuguese colonialists, but also by Europeans.

The languages \u200b\u200bused by the inhabitants of the city are quite diverse. Here you can hear not only speech in the officially adopted (Portuguese) language, but also the Bantu languages \u200b\u200band, thanks to the many workers and tourists from Europe, many European languages.

The main industries in the capital of Angola are oil refining, textiles and food.

The tourism business sector in Luanda is well developed. Here you can choose not only a relaxing holiday in the form of a sightseeing tour by land or water transport or a visit to the island of Mussulo with its beautiful beaches and the opportunity to retire, but also walk independently through the parks of the capital. There is a national park and an old fort not far from the city. The coffee plantations near Luanda are also noteworthy. Sports fans are advised to attend matches with the participation of the local basketball team, if possible.

Climate and weather

Luanda has a tropical climate. During the year, an average of about 410 millimeters of precipitation falls here, and their maximum amount occurs in February. Maximum annual temperature ( +30 ° C) is observed in March, and the minimum ( +16 ° C) falls on July.

Those who love to bask in the sun should better plan their vacation in Luanda in the first half of the year. Those wishing to explore the capital of this African country, without interrupting a visit to the beach and without risking sunstroke or sunburn, should visit it in July or August.


Not far from the Angolan capital, there are both grassy and shrub savannas. In addition, numerous palm groves can be seen here.

The fauna is quite diverse: elephants, monkeys, lions, antelopes, zebras and leopards coexist with each other. However, in recent years, the number of representatives of the animal world has significantly decreased, which is caused by the frequent attacks of poachers here.

Turtles, some species of fish and molluscs live along the coastline. If you are traveling by boat at sufficient depth, then you have a real chance to see a real whale.


The first thing that a traveler who first came to Luanda notices is its diverse architecture. Of particular interest to tourists are colonial-style buildings built using clay, wood and stone. On many of them you can see elements of the original African culture, represented by ornaments, images of animals, African masks. Striking examples of the colonial style are fortress of San Miguelas well as the university building.

In the central part of the capital there are jesuit Churchbuilt in the 16th century, Temple of the Carmelites, built around the middle of the 17th century, and church of the Madonna of Nazarethdating back to the second half of the 17th century. Many tourists are eager to take a look at the former residence of the Portuguese governor.

As you walk around Luanda, notice the mosaics that can be seen on the sidewalks in many parts of the city.

About 70 kilometers from Luanda there is a national park, where you can meet rare species of animals and representatives of the flora.

In Luanda itself, you can stroll through the numerous city parks.


Angolan cuisine is a fusion of African and Portuguese cuisines. The most important place in the diet of the inhabitants of the capital is occupied by dishes from legumes, as well as from rice and corn.

Locals often eat fish and chicken. Fruits and vegetables are also popular among the population. The most popular of them are guava, tomatoes, pineapples, bananas and grapes.

Those wishing to get a taste of the real Luanda cuisine should try fish and meat dishes with a hot pepper sauce. The local beer is worthy of special praise.

You should avoid buying food on the street - its quality is poor.


Luanda has a lot of hotels. One night in local hotels will cost you several hundred dollars. The most popular hotel in Luanda is the four-star Alvalade Hotel Luandalocated near the airport, as well as a five-star Alvalade Hotel Luandalocated in the heart of the city.

Renting a house in Luanda is not cheap. So, a month of living in a one-room apartment in the city costs about $ 7000 . Renting an apartment with several rooms will cost even more.

These prices are explained by the high inflation rate observed in the country.

Entertainment and recreation

Luanda, on the oceanfront, is a paradise for beach lovers. On the numerous beaches of the city, you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also go surfing.

Connoisseurs of cultural recreation can visit Academy of Musicwhere not only classical works are performed, but also music composed by local authors.

There are also several museums in Luanda. Most famous Historical Museum of Angola (he is - fortress of San Miguel), and Dundu Museum... Be sure to check out Slavery museum, where you can learn a lot of interesting things from the centuries-old history of this country. Also very curious Anthropological museumand Natural History Museum.


For souvenirs for friends and family, head to the southern part of the Angolan capital. The largest and most famous market in the country is located there - Futungoworking on Sundays. Here you can find everything: souvenirs made by craftsmen from different parts of Angola, ranging from amulets to wooden figurines, elaborately carved masks, furniture, clothing, shoes, fruits, as well as various imported goods.

There is also a modern shopping center in Luanda - Belas Shopping Mallwhich is open from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Here you can buy clothes and shoes, as well as visit one of the eight cinemas, a restaurant complex. You can pay for goods in the shopping center either in cash or by credit card.


The Angolan capital has an international airport. Bus services in Luanda are not very developed. Locals prefer to move around the city on foot or use the services of fixed-route taxis, of which there are many. Route taxis also run in the suburbs. The cost of the trip is just under $ 0.5.

You can also call a taxi in Luanda. For one kilometer of the way you will have to pay an average of $ 3.

In addition, a railway runs through the capital. The cost of a ticket for the trip is low, about $ 1.

You can rent a car in the capital of Angola, but you should always remember about the deplorable state of the roads in the country. The cost of daily rent is $ 75-500, depending on the car.


Internet access in Angola is provided mainly in the city's hotels. Unlimited internet will cost you about $ 96 per month.

If you want to send a message to your relatives, then mail is at your service, from here you can call to another country.

Calls to a local operator's mobile phone cost about $ 1.50, international calls will cost several times more.


It should be noted that the overall crime rate in Luanda is relatively low. However, it is not recommended to leave personal belongings unattended here. When walking on the street, do not lose sight of your wallet, camera, mobile phone. In order to avoid troubles, it is better to deposit all valuables in the hotel safe.

Bring a bottle of drinking water with you when walking, as the local water is not drinkable.

Business climate

Luanda often hosts conferences and exhibitions dedicated to the oil industry. In addition, representatives from various countries gather in Luanda to consider various export issues for the various products produced in Angola.

The property

Housing costs in Luanda and Angola in general have reached incredible heights. So, renting a one-room apartment will cost at least $ 7,000 per month, prices for three-room apartments reach $ 20,000.

If you want to buy your own home in the capital, then get ready for the fact that the lowest price per square meter will be about $ 1300.

Book a hotel room in advance, as upon arrival it may turn out that the hotel has no available rooms, and you will have to search for other options in a hurry.

Always carry cash with you, as cashless payments are not always possible. It is best to buy kwanzaa here. In many places, payment in US dollars is also possible.

Try to avoid mosquito bites - there is a very high chance of getting malaria in Angola. Medical care costs a lot here.

Do not enter into conflicts with the local population and authorities, treat with understanding the document checks that tourists often undergo.

In Luanda, it is prohibited to photograph government offices, especially in the presence of local authorities. Violation of the ban can result in not only receiving a fine, but also arrest.

Luanda is the capital of Angola and one of the largest cities in the country. Luanda is located on the Atlantic coast. Population: 2 825 311 people (2012). Time zone: UTC + 1. Coordinates: 8 ° 50'00 ″ S sh. 13 ° 14'00 "in. d

History of Luanda

The city was founded in 1575 by the colonizer Paulo Dias de Novais. The city was originally called São Paulo de Luanda. At the end of the 16th century, the city was the center of the colonial administration of Portugal. In 1641, the Dutch drove the Portuguese out of their outpost on the Atlantic coast for seven years.

In the 17th-19th centuries Luanda was a major center of the slave trade. About three million blacks were taken out through the port. In the twentieth century, the city became the center of the national liberation movement for the country's independence.

In 1961, civil war broke out in Luanda. In 1975, Angola gained independence. It was decided to simplify the name of the capital, so the name of São Paulo de Luanda was shortened to Luanda.

Luanda today

Luanda is the largest political, cultural, financial and industrial center of the state. In 2008, the capital of Angola was recognized as the most expensive city in the world. Two cinema tickets here will cost about $ 26, and the rent for a two-room apartment is $ 7,000. The city's economy is developing rapidly, new level hotels are being built like the Riviera Anapa hotel in Russia. The main export item is robusta coffee beans.

Luanda is a port city. Almost all the goods in the capital are imported. There is an international airport on the territory of the capital. Transportation by the city is provided by buses and taxis.

Luanda Map

Luanda landmarks

Luanda is a picturesque capital, divided into two parts: the Upper and the Lower City. Most of the local attractions are concentrated in the Lower City. Fort San Miguel is a colonial monument. Today the building houses a historical museum. Not far from the fort there are such old churches as: the Temple of the Madonna of Nazareth (1664), the Church of the Carmelites (1638), the Jesuit church (XVI century). Even the city sidewalks paved with mosaics deserve attention in the Lower Town.

The Upper Luanda is home to the Parliament, the Cathedral, the President's and Bishop's Palace.

The city's attractions include local beaches. Belash, Mussulu, Korimba, Ile are especially popular.

Literature lovers will undoubtedly be delighted with the collections of books collected in the National and Municipal Libraries.

Luanda has several interesting markets: Rocky Santeiro and Benfica, specializing in African art.


The city of Luanda occupies an advantageous position on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in the area where the Kwanza River flows into it. The climate in this zone is tropical, the average annual rainfall is 250-500 mm, with most of them occurring in February-March. The warmest month of the year is March, at this time the mercury column of the thermometer rises to +30 degrees, in July the temperature drops to +16, which is largely due to the cooling effect of the Bengal Current.

Flora and fauna

In the vicinity of Luanda, grassy and shrub savannas have been preserved almost in their original form, and numerous palm trees grow here, the groves of which are thinning to the south of the capital. Outside the city, you can find such wild animals as elephants, lions, leopards, zebras, antelopes, monkeys, but their populations have sharply declined in recent years due to human poaching. In the coastal waters, various representatives of the aquatic fauna are found: whales, turtles, mollusks, several species of fish.


Luanda for 2008 was recognized as the most expensive city in the world. The capital of Angola has bypassed Tokyo, according to a new study by London-based consulting firm ESA International. But Moscow dropped from 3rd to 6th place. The research was carried out in 270 cities around the world. Prices were taken into account for 125 goods and services. The main reasons were: high prices for goods and services in the city, as well as infrastructure destroyed by three decades of civil war. The profits of foreign companies in Angola from oil and diamond production create an increased demand for high-quality housing, expensive restaurants and cars, shoes and clothing.

Most Angolans live in extreme poverty. Almost all foodstuffs in the country are imported, so a liter of milk can cost $ 3, and renting a two-room apartment - $ 7,000 a month.


Luanda is the center of cultural development in Angola. There are several hundred elementary schools with an eight-year term of study, there are courses of preparation for admission to technical and pedagogical educational institutions that provide secondary education. Opened in 1976, Agostinho Neto University offers higher education. All schools and universities are taught in Portuguese. Since 1956, the Academy of Music has been operating in the city, the Museum of Angola, where a collection of natural history exhibits is presented, and the Dundu Museum, which houses historical and ethnographic monuments, function. Particularly noteworthy are the National and Municipal Libraries, which contain the works of the best African poets and writers, as well as masterpieces of world literature. Troupes of non-professional actors perform stage productions by local authors.

The capital preserves the best traditions of musical culture and dance, and contemporary popular music in Angola has a close connection with the musical traditions of Brazil and the Caribbean islands. In the city, the development of which began at the end of the 16th century, near the walls of the fortress castle of San Miguel (now the Historical Museum), there are many architectural attractions. From the 17th century, the walls of the forts of San Pedro da Barcom and San Fernando di Penedas remained here. In the architectural appearance of the central part of Luanda, built up like provincial Portuguese cities, the transition from Baroque to Classicism found expression. The main attractions of this part of the capital are the Jesuit Church (16th century), the Carmelite Temple (around 1638), the Church of the Madonna of Nazareth (1664) and others. City sidewalks are paved with delightful mosaics. In the 1950s-1970s, significant changes were made to the appearance of the capital: a semicircular building inland began, streets were planted with trees, parks and squares were planted within the city.

Population, language, religion

Luanda is the largest city in Angola, with a population (with suburbs) of about 4.5 million. The ethnic composition of the capital is quite diverse: representatives of African peoples live here, as well as Europeans and a mixed Afro-European population. Capital residents of African descent use Portuguese for official negotiations, and among themselves, as a rule, in the Bantu languages \u200b\u200b(Kimbundu, Umbundu, Kikongo). Angolans of European and mixed descent speak Portuguese, which is the official language. Many inhabitants of Luanda adhere to traditional local beliefs, there are also Christians - Catholics and Protestants.


The modern capital of Angola was founded by the Portuguese colonizer P. Dias de Novais in 1575 and was named São Paulo de Luanda (renamed Luanda in 1975). At the same time, the fortifications of San Miguel were erected on the rocky promontory overlooking the city. Already at the end of the 16th century. the new city became the center of the Portuguese colonial administration and the main base of the expansionist forces in Angola. In 1641, the Portuguese were forced to cede their outpost on the Atlantic coast to the Dutch, and after 7 years they returned their territories. In the period from the 17th to the 19th century, Luanda was one of the largest centers of the slave trade, from the territories controlled by the Portuguese through the port, about 3 million blacks were exported. In the 20th century, Luanda became the center of the national liberation struggle of the peoples of Angola, where workers often clashed with Portuguese troops. In 1961, the leadership of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) organized the workers of Luanda to revolt. The armed uprising of the residents of the capital served as a signal for the start of the liberation war. In April 1974, after a series of revolutionary uprisings, the Portuguese government agreed to grant independence to Angola. In November 1975, a new state appeared on the political map of the world - the People's Republic of Angola (since August 1992 - the Republic of Angola), the capital of which was Luanda. Since 1978, the largest populated areas of Angola have been repeatedly attacked by South Africa, which sought to prevent the spread of communist influence in the region and supported the National Union for the Complete Independence of Angola (UNITA). In 1991, an agreement on a peaceful settlement of the conflict was signed between representatives of the Angolan government and the opposing UNITA group in Lisbon. Nevertheless, the political situation in the region remains unstable, which prevents the rapid development of Angolan cities, including Luanda.