The world's largest bear. What is the largest bear in the world The largest grizzly bear

To date, the largest bear in the world is the Kodiak. Moreover, it is also the largest land-dwelling predator. Kodiak lives on the islands of the archipelago of the same name, located off the southern coast of Alaska. The weight of these brown giants often reaches a ton, and the height at the withers is 1.6 meters. This one does not feed on big game at all, as one might think. The basis of its diet is berries, herbs, roots, carrion and fish. Despite its impressive size, kodiak is endangered. To date, its population has about three thousand individuals. The reason for this reduction in numbers was a man who uncontrollably exterminated these beautiful ones. Since 1941, Kodiak has been under state protection. Only 160 individuals are allowed to shoot per year.


Bears living in Alaska and Canada, as a rule, are somewhat smaller than Kodiaks, however, there are real giants among them. From the Latin language, the name of this species is like a "terrible bear", and some individuals fully justify this. The basis of the grizzly diet is plant foods, but about 10% prefer a meat diet. Living near the village, they can hunt cattle and sometimes people. This bear is not a man and fiercely enters into battle, from which it is not so easy for people to get out alive. However, with the invention of weapons, man began to prevail over a terrible opponent. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the grizzly population declined so much that they had to be taken under protection. Today, these bears, whose length was 4.3 meters. In the stomach of a huge animal, which was recognized as the largest grizzly in the world, the remains of two people were found, which he had eaten in the last 72 hours.

Polar bear

The polar bear is another predator of impressive size, which can be up to three meters long and weigh tons. The polar bear eats exclusively meat, which is necessary for him to survive in the polar regions of the northern hemisphere of the earth. Fortunately, its main diet is marine animals such as seals and walruses, as well as fish, and it rarely attacks people.

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Speaking of such an animal as a bear, it can be called calm, funny and friendly at the same time, and at the same time very dangerous, bloodthirsty and strong. It is probably difficult to find another animal in nature in which these opposite qualities that people attribute to it would equally coexist. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the bear equally loves to eat sweet honey, fragrant berries and freshly caught forest dwellers, and it also happened that representatives of this species of mammals attacked people.

The biggest bear

Speaking of types, we can say that the biggest bear in the world today it is a subspecies of brown bears called kodiak(lat. Ursus arctos middendorffi). His place of residence is the archipelago of the same name near the southern coast of Alaska.

On land, the Kodiak is considered one of the largest predators, at the same time, today it is an endangered species. These animals are close relatives of the grizzly; they moved from Alaska itself to these islands about twelve thousand years ago. After the onset of global warming, which caused sea levels to rise, the Kodiaks became isolated from the mainland and now live only in the Kodiak archipelago. This species lives only here. After the bears were taken under the protection of the National Reserve, their population began to grow: today there are about three thousand individuals.

kodiak reaches three meters in length and has a weight of almost half a ton; sometimes among adult males there are representatives weighing more than one ton. These bears differ in that they have strong limbs, a large head and a muscular body. They prefer to live alone and are omnivores, although they are classified as predators. In addition to fish, the diet of kodiaks includes nuts, grass, berries, and roots. These animals rarely hunt animals, preferring fish to them.

Kodiak competes with grizzly, which also reaches three meters in height, but is slightly inferior to it in weight - up to 700 kilograms. A giant grizzly eater was shot dead in Alaska in 2009 by a Forest Service employee. According to the contents of the stomach of a huge beast, it was revealed that over the past day he had eaten at least two people. The growth of the giant was 4.3 meters: an ordinary person would only get to the bottom of his stomach.

To date, grizzlies are considered not only one of the largest, after Kodiaks, bears, but also the most dangerous. This confirms the above case and also their name - ursus horribilis, which means "terrible bear" in translation. On average, adult grizzlies weigh about half a ton, and if such an animal stands on its hind legs, it will be three meters tall, which, of course, is not the limit. For a long time, grizzlies have been the masters of mountains and forests on the American continent. These terrible predators did not know any rivals, except, of course, each other. This gives even today the right to such creatures to be very self-confident and often attack not only cattle, but also people. In other words, meeting with such a colossus in the forest is a guaranteed attack of the beast.

To defeat a grizzly among any Indian tribe has always been considered a real feat, and this was done by at least six or eight adult warriors armed with spears, arrows and stone axes - there were no firearms then. Today, even after several non-lethal shots, the grizzly will continue the attack - in this case, only a well-aimed headshot can save, as happened with the mentioned cannibal animal. Thus, even a hundred or two hundred years after the development of America by Europeans, sometimes it was not always clear who was hunting whom and who was attacking whom - a bear against a person or vice versa.

A terrible story is known that happened in 1823 near Fort Kiowa, in the upper reaches of the Missouri River. Here was a small hunting expedition led by Captain Smith - right in the middle of an open meadow, he was suddenly attacked by an angry grizzly. First, the beast attacked the horse, pulled it up, and then grabbed the rider by the head. The handle of the knife, with which Smith tried to somehow defend himself, the bear chewed into chips, and then inflicted wounds on a man, practically removing his scalp and tearing off one ear with his incredible fangs. The animal was killed by a friendly volley of soldiers who came to the rescue, but everyone was at a loss - what to do with the captain, because. no one had any medicines or special medical skills. The victim himself was conscious: he asked to sew the skin with a needle and thread back to the head, including the half-torn ear. And so it was done; a few hours later, after a rest, the captain again managed to ride a horse. Smith was lucky - the grizzly did not inflict fatal wounds on him, which helped him recover quickly.

Time passed, the weapon became more perfect: screw rifling appeared in the barrels of guns, and the bullets became not round, but conical; breech-loading models appeared that made it possible to shoot several times in a row - all this allowed a person to behave with the rulers of the American continent much more boldly. The bears had a very hard time when farmers came to the North American prairies and began to actively cultivate the land here, simultaneously raising cattle. In order to protect him, bears began to be intensively shot - despite the fact that the latter attacked cows and sheep quite rarely. A considerable premium was relied on for the head of each killed grizzly: this spurred the hunters to organize real raids with packs of dogs; poisoned baits were also specially left in the forests.

As a result, the grizzlies were forced to retreat further and further into the forests of Canada, the mountain valleys, British Columbia and the Yukon. There was a time when there were only a few of these animals, and even they tried to behave as quietly and imperceptibly as possible. In the first ten years of the 20th century, there was not a single case of a grizzly attacking a person. At the same time, biologists and other scientists began to study these places, after which interesting facts came to light. In fact, grizzlies, like all bears, are almost vegetarians - in 90 percent they eat plant foods and small game. Only ten percent are carnivores, specialized in large-scale hunting. Just grizzly meat-eaters are the largest among their relatives.

One such hunter, most famous between 1869 and 1904, is a bear named Old Moses. For thirty-five years, no one could destroy him - he terrorized the vast territory of the state of Colorado. Here, during all this time, he killed about eight hundred heads of cattle - calves and other small animals do not count. Moses killed five people who unsuccessfully tried to end him. However, even this beast did not attack first, unless it was disturbed by shots. According to eyewitnesses, this miracle bear even had a certain sense of humor - he arranged real fun for gold diggers and just travelers. The animal imperceptibly sneaked up to the camp where the fire was burning and ran out with a roar for everyone to see, throwing everything on the way in different directions. The people, numb with fear, did not even try to shoot him, and Moses did not touch anyone. Having seen enough of the “ridiculous” picture, when frightened people screamed in fear and rushed to the trees to escape, the beast retired into the thicket.

Today, grizzlies live in such American national parks as Yellowstone, Mount McKinley and Glacier. These animals have been carefully guarded here for several decades, which has led to the fact that there are again cases of their attacks on people. However, even now the blame is on the people themselves, namely tourists. Hunting is not allowed here, and tourists, in turn, try to feed the animals. Bears quickly get used to it, lose their fear and appear near tourist tents and camps. In the event that the treat is not enough, these ferocious predators attack the people themselves. Everything is explained by the fact that the nature of the bear is quite complex and unpredictable - it is because of this that some individuals get along well in zoos and circuses, showing an example of good nature and affection, while others are terrible cannibals.

One of the largest predators on the planet today is also polar bear, or Ursus maritimus. These animals live in the circumpolar region, which is limited to the northern coasts of the continents. The body of a polar bear is somewhat different from a brown one - it is more elongated, the neck is long, the paws are short, thick and strong, the feet are wider and longer, and there are special swimming membranes between the fingers. The polar bear's head is narrower and more elongated, pointed in front, the mouth is much smaller, as is the tail - short, blunt and thick. The main difference here, of course, is the color of the coat - white, sometimes silvery or even yellowish. This color helps former bears to perfectly disguise themselves, guarding their prey.

The height of such an animal reaches 1.6 meters, and the length is 2.8 meters, the weight is mainly about half a ton, rarely - one ton. Polar bears have large fangs up to five centimeters long. These animals are excellent swimmers. they often have to hunt for marine life - fish, seals, sea lions, etc. Like brown bears, polar bears do not have any enemies, unless, of course, you count humans. Polar bears are 100% predators, which helps them survive in the difficult conditions of severe frosts and eternal winter.

Master of the Arctic

The heaviest bear in the world is a polar bear, which weighed about 1002 kilograms, although there is a version that this is an exaggerated figure and the weight of the largest polar bear was "only" 900 kilograms. The span of the paws, provided that it rose on its hind legs, was 3 meters 38 centimeters, and the girth of the body was 1.5 meters. The polar bear belongs to the category of terrestrial predators. So, of these same predators, it is considered the largest - according to the Guinness Book of Records.

Polar bear weight

The weight of the average representative of this class reaches 600 kilograms, body length - up to 2 meters 60 centimeters, height at the withers - more than one and a half meters. Females are slightly smaller in size: only up to 300 kilograms and up to 2 meters in length. But despite such a large weight, polar bears are very mobile and agile; they swim well, they have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which saves them in the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

Polar bear fur

The polar bear is an inhabitant of the Arctic. In winter it is pure white, in summer - it "tans" a little - the coat turns slightly yellow from the sun. And in conditions of captivity, in zoos, microscopic algae start up in his coat, which give the coat a greenish tint. These individuals feed mainly on seals, ringed seals and bearded seals, after which they dive into the crevices between the ice floes. They also love to rob the warehouses of travelers and polar explorers and feast on their products.

The polar bear has a longer neck and flatter head than other bear species. They do not usually hibernate, except in pregnant females and in rare cases during the lack of food.

Weight of kodiaks

But it seems. that the Kodiak brown bear is trying to challenge the palm in terms of size among polar bears. The largest recorded weight of the Kodiak was 1134 kilograms, and its height in full growth reached 4 meters - this is the largest bear in the world (in size, but not in weight). There is a small “but” that does not allow the Kodiak brown bear to become a leader in terms of weight - it gains such weight only during hibernation, while the weight of an adult polar bear remains almost always unchanged.

The largest bear on the planet is known as the Kodiak. It is one of the subspecies of brown bears and is under state protection in most countries. In terms of its dimensions, this animal surpasses not only relatives, but even the “king of beasts”. The weight of an average male is more than 700 kilograms, and females - about 300 kilograms. At the same time, it should be noted that there were individuals of Kodiak, the mass of which exceeded the mark of one ton. When answering the question of which bear is the largest, one must take into account the nuance that in the summer these animals weigh about a third more than after hibernation. Be that as it may, there is no other terrestrial predator with such dimensions.

The animal has a compact and at the same time strong, muscular body with a short tail. It has a large head and long legs. The largest bear on the planet has a dark brown coat, which in some individuals is almost black. Despite the fact that the Kodiak is considered a predator, it eats a variety of foods. Most often, it becomes a fish that comes to spawn in local shallow rivers. In addition, the animal often consumes nuts, berries and various roots. As for hunting other animals, this happens only in exceptional cases.

By way of life, these animals are loners and never form herds. Only during the breeding season, which falls in the summer, pairs are formed. The female Kodiak usually gives birth every four years, usually in winter, from one to three cubs. They stay with her until the age of four. The largest brown bear is considered an adult when it is six years old. After weaning from their mother, small males try to get away from her, while females, on the contrary, tend to stay as close as possible. She, in turn, in case of danger, always comes to the rescue. In this regard, the survival rate for cubs is 56 and 80 percent, respectively.

The habitat of the predator is the islands of the Kodiak archipelago on the southern coast of Alaska. The largest bear is the main local attraction and attracts a large number of tourists every year. Currently, there are about three thousand individuals of this animal on the planet, so hunting for it is strictly limited by law. Shooting of Kodiaks is allowed, amounting to a maximum of 160 individuals per year.

In terms of size, only polar bears are almost as big as Kodiaks. They differ from their brown relatives only in the place of residence and the color of the fur. Moreover, this species tolerates severe frosts better, and the structure of their paws allows them to run faster on ice. The animal lives on the islands of the Arctic. Often the title of "the largest bear" is given to him. The predator feeds mainly on annelids and fish, which it can catch with its scent at a distance of up to six hundred meters. The animal is an excellent swimmer and can cover a distance of five hundred kilometers in a few days. Currently, about 27 thousand individuals of this animal remain on the planet, and hunting for it is strictly limited.

Among the largest bears, one can single out the Kodiak brown bear, grizzly bear, and polar bear. These are all animals of enormous weight and length. There is also a record holder among teddy bears.

The biggest teddy bear

The record holder teddy bear, recognized as the largest in the world, has been welcoming visitors to the museum of plush toys every day for almost twenty years, standing at the entrance. The museum was located in the city of Statford. All this time he was the subject of admiration for young visitors. The height of this toy is three meters thirty centimeters. It is difficult to imagine what the weight of this giant is.

Over the years, the exhibition has been visited by at least a million people. Unfortunately, in 2007 the museum was closed, and this bear, like the rest of the exhibits, was put up for sale.

Large polar bears

Polar bears have several other names - this is a polar bear, sea, northern and oshkuy. The polar bear is descended from the brown one. The largest specimens grow up to three or more meters and can weigh about eight hundred kilograms, however, this is a rarity. Usually the male is within the length of two - two and a half meters, its weight does not exceed half a ton.

Outwardly, the oshkuy and the brown bear have noticeable differences. The head of a polar bear is flat on an elongated neck, the ears are small. Wool is not only white, but also yellowish. Surprisingly, all polar bears have black skin. It is impossible to notice because of the dense coat.

Oshkuy lives in the northern hemisphere and feeds on walruses, seals, sea hares and other marine animals. To catch them, the bear hides in a shelter, and then stuns them with a blow to the head.

Polar bears have long been listed in the Red Book. The reason is that they breed slowly, and their cubs often become the prey of other predators. These bears are hunted by poachers. Every year they destroy at least two hundred individuals.

Huge kodiak bears

One of the subspecies of brown bears is the Kodiak. Among the predators of the planet, he is the largest. This is confirmed by its size. The height at the withers of an individual of this subspecies reaches one and a half meters, and the length is about four meters. The weight of the giant bear is also striking. So, the female weighs a quarter of a ton, and the adult male is almost four hundred and fifty kilograms. These parameters are average, while there are instances that reach a weight of one ton.

The habitat of this subspecies is Kodiak Island and the islands of the Kodiak archipelago, that is, where winter does not last long and there is always a lot of different food. Like other bears, kodiaks hibernate in winter. Their food is not only animals, these bears do not refuse carrion, they eat roots, berries and herbs. During the spawning period of salmon, kodiaks are happy to feast on them.

Animals mate in summer, and the development of a fertilized cell begins in autumn. No more than three cubs are born in January or February, when the female is in a state of hibernation. Children stay with their mother for the first three years of life.

Kodiaks are an endangered subspecies of brown bears. There are less than 3,000 of them left. However, according to official permission, one hundred and sixty individuals are shot annually.

The biggest grizzlies

Another large subspecies of the brown bear, considered the second largest after the Kodiak, is called the grizzly bear. Its habitat is Alaska and Canada. More recently, grizzlies could be found in Mexico. Outwardly, he is not particularly different from other brown bears. The only difference is the length of its claws, which can reach fifteen centimeters. It is for this reason that grizzlies never climb trees.

Some individuals weigh about a ton with a length of about four meters. From a distance, the grizzly appears slightly grayish, the reason is that, being brown, in some places it is covered with gray fur. While bears are small, their claws are still very small, which allows grizzlies to climb trees, destroy beehives and eat plant foods.

The main diet of an adult is animal food. Grizzly bears are great at catching fish. It is very dangerous for a person to meet this predator. He can deal a fatal blow with one blow of his paw. This subspecies of the brown bear and the polar bear are known to interbreed.

The biggest bear in the world

The largest bear in history is considered to be a giant short-faced cave bear that once lived in South America. He is known as Arctodus. According to scientists, such bears lived from about two million years ago to five hundred thousand years ago.

The mass of the giant predator reached two tons, and the growth was at least three and a half meters. The cave bear fed on lions, woolly rhinos, wolves, tigers, giant elks and deer. He had tremendous bite power.

In Argentina in 1935, the skeleton of a short-faced cave bear was found. According to a National Geographic statement, there is nothing in the world that even remotely resembles such a powerful predator.

In 2006, a huge man-eating grizzly was killed in Alaska. If he could stand on his hind legs, he would be about four meters and thirty centimeters tall. The weight of the bear turned out to be seven hundred twenty-six kilograms.

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