What to do if your charter flight is delayed. Passengers' rights to free meals

Flight delay compensation

If your flight is delayed, you should know the following basic rights and actions:

1. Passengers on charter and scheduled flights have the same rights. The carrier is equally liable to the passenger for the delay of both a charter and a regular flight.

2. You have the right to reliable and accurate information. Contact a representative of the airline operating the flight (most carriers have representative offices or designated counters at almost all major Russian airports) or, if you are flying from a small airport where there is no official airline representative, the airport information desk. In any case, they must explain to you why and how much the flight departure is delayed.

If the responsible persons of the air carrier or airport refuse to understand you, then you can remind them that in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 72 of the Federal Aviation Regulations “General rules for the air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (hereinafter referred to as FAP), regular flights are operated in accordance with the aircraft schedule generated by the carrier and published in the computer database of aircraft schedules, and charter flights - in accordance with the charter flight plan (schedule) .

At the same time, paragraph 73 of the FAR defines the information requirements for each regular flight, which the published aircraft schedule must meet. In the event of a change in the aircraft schedule, the carrier must take possible measures to inform passengers with whom an air transportation agreement has been concluded about the change in the aircraft schedule in any available way (clause 74 of the FAP).

Information about the delay or cancellation of the flight, as well as the reasons for the delay or cancellation of the flight, is communicated to passengers by the carrier or the organization carrying out airport activities (service organization) directly at the airport in visual and/or acoustic form (clause 92 of the FAP).

3. You have the right to request that a representative of the airline or employees of the airport of departure/destination put a note on the ticket about the flight delay. It is necessary if you later write a claim to the carrier or sue him. Ask the airline/airport representative to write down the exact time of the actual departure by hand and certify with a stamp (this can be done upon boarding or re-check-in - this is carried out in cases where tourists were accommodated in a hotel during a flight delay).

4. In case of any delay in flight departure, the air carrier, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 99. FAP, is obliged to organize the following services for passengers free of charge:

1) provide a mother and child room to a passenger with a child under 7 years of age;

2) organize luggage storage.

4.1. If the flight delay is more than two hours:

1) 2 phone calls or 2 emails;

2) soft drinks.

4.2. If the flight delay is more than four hours:

1) hot meals; At the same time, they should feed hot food every 6 hours during the day and every 8 hours at night.

4.3. If the flight delay is more than six hours:

1) accommodation in a hotel (if waiting for departure more than 6 hours at night and more than 8 hours during the day);

2) organize delivery by transport from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided without charging an additional fee.

It is customary to accommodate passengers in the hotels closest to the airport. You do not have the right to be placed in a double room with strangers. If the conditions are not at all satisfactory, you have the right to choose a hotel yourself and wait for departure there, having previously agreed with airport representatives that you will be notified of the departure time. In this case, pay for the room yourself. And after returning home (or arriving at the resort), you will need to write an official request to the main office of the airline demanding a refund of part of the amount spent.

5. If the airline, in order to reduce the time of delay to a minimum and possible claims to zero, sends you on a different route or flight of another company, then this must be carried out exclusively at the expense of the airline or the airport, there can be no talk of any additional payments in this case .

6. If, due to a flight delay, your trip has become shorter, you have the right to demand a refund from the tour operator for all paid but unused services: a night in a hotel, a missed excursion, etc. As a rule, claims are made after returning from vacation. At the same time, one must keep in mind that tour operators willingly offer compensation right on the spot: an additional excursion, full board instead of breakfast, etc.

7. In accordance with the provisions of Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, for delay in delivering a passenger to the destination, the carrier must pay a fine in the amount of twenty-five percent of the minimum wage established by federal law for each hour of delay, but not more than fifty percent of the carriage charge.

Tourists should take into account that a fine cannot be collected if the change in flight departure time was due to force majeure, the elimination of an aircraft malfunction that threatens the life or health of the aircraft’s passengers, or other circumstances beyond the control of the carrier.

According to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 401 of the Civil Code, circumstances of force majeure do not include violation of obligations on the part of the debtor's counterparties, the absence on the market of goods necessary for fulfillment, the debtor's lack of necessary funds (for example, to pay for fuel), and the carrier has the right to cancel or delay the flight specified on the ticket, change the type of aircraft, change the transportation route only if required by flight safety and/or aviation security conditions, as well as at the request of government authorities in accordance with their competence.

To receive compensation, you must submit a claim to the airline, attaching copies of documents confirming your right to compensation. According to the provisions of Article 126 of the Air Code, a passenger has the right to file a claim against the carrier (the application can be submitted in person or sent by registered mail) within 6 months from the date of arrival - at the airline representative office at the airport of destination or departure. The carrier company is obliged to consider your claim within 30 days.

If the appeal was ignored or the culprits refused to compensate your expenses, you have the right to sue them. Claims against the carrier in accordance with the relevant rule on exclusive jurisdiction contained in Part 3 of Article 30 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation are brought to the court at the location of the carrier against which the claim was filed in the prescribed manner.

The statement of claim to the court will need to include copies of the air ticket with a note about the flight delay (cancellation), invoices for the expenses you incurred (for example, for hotel, meals, telephone calls), as well as your written claim to the carrier and the response of its representatives.

8. The fact of cancellation or delay of a flight due to the fault of the carrier, as well as failure by it to fulfill the duties assigned to it in accordance with paragraph 99. FAP for the appropriate service of passengers may, in the event of a culpable interruption in transportation, be grounds for passengers to present to the carrier a claim for compensation for moral damage due to the infliction of the corresponding physical and moral suffering (based on Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”). The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court and does not depend on the amount of compensation for property damage.

If a flight is delayed, the passenger has the right to refuse the flight, demand compensation for losses and moral damages, collect a fine from the carrier and receive free luggage storage services, provision of soft drinks, hot meals, etc.

Flight delay

A flight delay is a break in air transportation due to the fault of the carrier (airline) or a forced delay of an aircraft during departure and (or) in flight. The main reasons for flight delays may be technical malfunctions of the aircraft, bad weather conditions, or late arrival of the aircraft.

In case of a flight delay, the waiting time for flight departure begins from the time of departure of the flight indicated on the ticket (clause 99 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 N 82).

Passenger rights in case of flight delay

If a flight is delayed, the passenger has the following rights (clause 2 of article 108 of the RF CC; clause 227 of the Federal Aviation Regulations; clause 2 of article 13, article 15 of the Law of 02/07/1992 N 2300-1):

1) the right to refuse a flight. Such a refusal to transport is considered forced, and in this situation the carrier is obliged to return the cost of the air ticket even if the ticket was “non-refundable”;

2) the right to compensation for losses and compensation for moral damage. Thus, the passenger has the right to appeal to the carrier (airline) with a claim for compensation for losses that he incurred due to the flight delay (if, for example, pre-paid excursions were canceled, the passenger was late for the train, etc.).

The passenger must attach copies of documents confirming the losses incurred to the claim to the carrier. The claim is presented to the carrier at the airport of departure or at the airport of destination. For domestic air transportation, such a claim is made within six months from the date of flight delay (clause 4 of article 124, clause 4 of clause 1 of article 126 of the RF CC);

3) the right to collect a fine from the carrier for delay in delivering the passenger to the destination. Such a fine is set at 25% of the established minimum wage for each hour of delay, but not more than 50% of the cost of the air ticket, unless the carrier proves that the delay occurred due to force majeure, elimination of an aircraft malfunction that threatens the life or health of passengers, or other circumstances, independent of the carrier (Article 120 of the RF CC).

Reference. Minimum wage affecting the size of the fine

The amount of the fine established depending on the minimum wage is determined based on an amount equal to 100 rubles. (Art. 5Law of June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ).

During international air transportation, the carrier bears responsibility established by the relevant international treaties of the Russian Federation. Thus, in the case of transportation covered by the Montreal Convention, the carrier’s liability is limited to the amount of 4,150 special drawing rights (Article 3 of the RF CC; Article 19, paragraph 1 of Article 22, paragraph 1 of Article 23, Art. 55 of the Montreal Convention of May 28, 1999; paragraph 1 of the Law of April 3, 2017 N 52-FZ).

The carrier may also enter into an agreement with passengers to increase its liability compared to the above amounts. In this case, the amount of the carrier’s liability is determined on the basis of this agreement (Article 123 of the RF CC).

Services that a passenger has the right to receive at the airport if a flight is delayed

In addition to the above rights, if a flight is delayed, the passenger has the right to be provided free of charge by the carrier with additional services, namely (clause 99 of the Federal Aviation Rules):

1) to organize luggage storage;

2) provision of mother and child rooms to a passenger with a child under seven years of age;

3) provision of refreshments, as well as two phone calls or two emails when waiting for a flight to depart for more than two hours;

4) provision of hot meals when waiting for flight departure for more than four hours. If the flight is further delayed, meals will be provided every six hours during the day and every eight hours at night;

5) accommodation in a hotel when waiting for a flight departure for more than eight hours - during the day and more than six hours - at night, as well as delivery of passengers by transport from the airport to the hotel and back.

"Electronic magazine "ABC of Law", current as of 12/05/2018

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Hi all. Flight delays are quite common, especially recently. And, unfortunately, none of us are immune from it. According to statistics, up to 70% of flights in Russia are delayed. It may be delayed for various reasons: aircraft malfunction, bad weather conditions, delay on the previous flight, etc. How should passengers behave in such a situation? This is what we will talk about.

In this article:

Services that the airline is required to provide

Anyone experiencing a flight delay is entitled to certain services from the airline they are flying on. I don’t argue that sometimes they don’t behave very nicely and try in every possible way to avoid providing these services. This happens especially often in Russia. But you definitely need to know about your rights if you find yourself in such a situation.

1. Information

First of all, every passenger has the right to be provided with complete and most reliable information about the reasons for the delay or cancellation of the flight. Sometimes it happens that airline employees do not notify their passengers about the reasons and generally avoid contact with them in every possible way.

Why? Because if the flight was delayed due to the fault of the airline (and not due to weather conditions), each passenger has the right to demand monetary compensation for each hour of delay. But to do this, your ticket must have a mark that officially proves that there was a delay - I will tell you more about this below. Without this mark, you cannot count on any compensation.

2. Conditions for children

Waiting for a long time at the airport is quite painful, and even more so for a small child. That is why: a passenger with a child under seven years old is provided with a mother and child room. And this does not depend on the flight delay time. According to regulations, such rooms must be at every airport.

3. Luggage storage

In addition, the airline is obliged organize luggage storage in a storage room at your own expense, if necessary. So if you have too much luggage that you don’t want to spend time with, you can safely contact your airline’s staff.

All other compensation depends on the duration of the flight delay. So what are you entitled to under certain waiting times?

4. Communications and drinks

If your flight is delayed by more than 2 hours, you have the right to:

— make 2 phone calls or send 2 emails;

- get refreshments.

5. Hot meals

If your flight is delayed by more than 4 hours, you have the right to:

- get a hot meal. In addition, you have the right to receive it again every 6 hours during the day or 8 hours at night.

6. Hotel

If there is a delay of more than 6 hours at night and 8 hours during the day, you have the right to:

- get hotel accommodation. In addition, you should be transported to the hotel and back free of charge.

The above services are provided absolutely free of charge. They are established at the legislative level in a voluminous document entitled: “Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82, Moscow.” Therefore, do not be afraid to demand what is rightfully due to you.

How are services actually provided?

Sometimes it happens that passengers find themselves abandoned in the airport building. Employees avoid communicating with them, do not provide full information about the reasons for the flight delay, refuse to provide services and do not want to mark the flight delay on their tickets. Here, the passengers themselves have to take the initiative and try to find contact with airline representatives.

In addition, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not expect much from everything free, especially in Russia. And we have seen this from our own experience.

When our flight to Sheremetyevo was delayed for 3 hours, we were told that we could go to the designated place and receive coupons for soft drinks. When receiving coupons, we specifically clarified what drinks we could count on. We were assured that this list includes juices, sodas and just water. It sounded quite promising until we were given a choice: water with or without sparkling water.

I don’t know how things are with the provision of hot meals at Russian airports. But if the situation is similar, then I think that you can easily remain hungry. In contrast to this, in Frankfurt airport we were given coupons with a face value of 20 euros each. For this amount, even at the airport you can eat several times together.

But I'm not saying that airlines always don't want to take care of their customers. And if your flight is delayed, you will have to get what you are entitled to by law. I don't want to make anyone aggressive. Many airlines care about their customers and do everything they can to help. When our flight was delayed in Frankfurt, they not only provided us with food, but also took care of boarding us on another connecting flight. Since we didn’t catch our flight in time.

That evening, so that we would not have to spend the night at Pulkovo airport, the next flight was delayed by an hour. In addition, during the transfer, a company man met us, helped us quickly get our luggage, and put us in a minibus waiting for us to the other terminal. And when checking in for the flight, we were skipped in line. Therefore, I say a big thank you to Russia Airlines for taking care of delivery home so quickly.

Naturally, if the next flight was with another airline, we would not have been provided with such prompt assistance. And if the next flight was missed, the Russian airline would not bear any responsibility. Therefore, if you are flying with a transfer, it is better to fly with the same airline.

Financial compensation

If weather conditions have nothing to do with it, and the flight was delayed due to the fault of the airline, then you have every right to receive monetary compensation. Its size will depend on the flight delay time. In order to receive it, you need to have a mark (stamp with signatures) on your ticket about the flight delay; ask for it from an employee of your airline. Then, upon returning home, you need to write a claim to the airline. You can watch a short video where I show how to find contacts for filing claims.

You can download a sample claim here: https://yadi.sk/d/lmE24XiZa2xAG .

If an airline refuses to take care of its customers and provide the services they are entitled to by law, be sure to keep all receipts and receipts for payment for hotel and meals.

It is better to send the claim and copies of all receipts by registered mail with notification, then you will have confirmation in your hands that the air carrier has received your claim. Then he definitely won’t get away with it, he will have to answer it. If there is no reaction, you can safely go to court: all the evidence will be in your hands.

If a flight is delayed, passengers who have purchased a ticket have plenty of rights: obtaining information, comfortable conditions, food, hotels and compensation. Don’t forget about them, be sure to use them, and your flight delay will be as comfortable as possible. Be sure to read What to do if your luggage is lost? And that’s all for me, bye everyone!

Unfortunately, not all trips go smoothly. Flight delays occupy a special place on the list of popular difficulties among travelers. This happens not only on charter routes, but also on regular ones. What to do if there is a flight delay, what are airline passengers entitled to? What free services and compensation should they expect?

Possible reasons for delays

There is no need to explain that the reasons can be very different. Sometimes these data may differ even between airline and airport employees. To establish the cause, the courts make inquiries to various airport services. So these could be:

  1. Aircraft malfunctions.
  2. Weather.
  3. Vessel delay, etc.

Are you trying to figure out what passengers are entitled to if their flight is delayed? When the flight is delayed due to circumstances beyond the airline's control, then it will not be possible to claim financial compensation. But it should provide certain conveniences during the waiting process.

This is where the first difficulties await travelers; not many of them understand their rights, for example, what passengers are entitled to if their flight is delayed by 3 hours, and what airlines themselves are not profitable to offer. Therefore, the flag is in your hands, or, more precisely, the FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations).

Obligations of the carrier in the event of a flight delay

The first thing the airport/carrier must do in the event of a delay is to inform travelers about the schedule amendments and the reasons for them.

If passengers do not receive information, and it is impossible to find a company agent, then the Federal Air Transport Service and tour operators should be notified about the situation. The former manage the airline, and the latter are responsible to travelers for the services provided, since they have entered into an agreement with the carrier.

Ticket return

If, due to the fact that your flight is behind schedule, you decide not to wait for the ship to depart, but to travel with another airline or go home, then you have accordingly decided to terminate the air carriage agreement. It is forced, therefore, you can count on compensation in the amount of 100%.

Such refusals also include:

  1. Reorganization of the route by the carrier.
  2. The flight is not on schedule.
  3. Failed departure of a traveler due to the lack of a seat in the cabin corresponding to the date and flight indicated on the boarding ticket, due to a lengthy search by an airport employee, as a result of which no prohibited items and substances were found.
  4. Sudden illness of a passenger or his close relative with confirmation of this fact by a medical certificate.
  5. Failure to provide the traveler with a class of service corresponding to the purchased ticket.

In the event of a forced refusal, the airline puts a corresponding note on the ticket or issues a document explaining the circumstances of this refusal.

Travelers' rights when their flight is delayed

So, what do passengers have to do if their flight is delayed? Even if you don’t have to wait long, about 1 hour, you still shouldn’t leave the situation to chance. Immediately after receiving information about the delay, you should go to the reception desk and ask for detailed explanations. With such a slight delay, you are unlikely to receive an answer, since the employees themselves do not know what is going on, but the main purpose of the conversation is to put a stamp on the delay. It will become irrefutable evidence in subsequent proceedings.

The reasons for a delay may vary, but every traveler should have information about what passengers are entitled to in the event of a flight delay. The list of airline obligations includes:

  1. Travelers with children under 7 years of age must be provided with a pass to the mother and child room.
  2. Storage of luggage until departure.

Agree that it is much more convenient to wait for a rescheduled flight, freeing your hands from luggage, and settling in comfortable conditions with your children. The list of subsequent services included in the carrier's responsibilities depends on the duration of the delay.

Delay time

Depending on the waiting time, the passenger is provided with the following services:

  1. So, what do passengers have to do if their flight is delayed by 2 hours or more? An air passenger has the right to demand from the company the opportunity to make 2 phone calls at his expense to any city in the world and send 2 SMS.
  2. What else are entitled to passengers if their flight is delayed by 2 hours or more? The carrier must provide them with drinks of their choice in the required quantity.
  3. Passengers are provided with a hot meal if their flight is delayed by 5 hours or more. After this, feeding is carried out every 6 hours during the day and 8 at night.
  4. The flight was delayed for 6 hours, what do passengers have to do? After this time, all travelers must be provided with the following:
  • Hotel room before departure. Rest room is provided after 8 hours of flight delay during the day, after 6 hours - at night.
  • By car to the hotel and back.

Other compensation

All announced services must be provided to the passenger completely free of charge. There can be no justification in this case, since the air carrier must take care of passengers under all conditions. Well, if the flight was delayed due to the fault of the organization, then she will not be able to get away with a hot lunch and a hotel room. In addition to this, passengers are entitled to:

  1. Cash payment in the amount of 3% of the ticket price, multiplied by the number of hours of delay.
  2. Compensation in the amount of 0.25% of the minimum wage multiplied by the number of delayed departure hours.

In total, for a delayed flight, an air passenger will be able to return up to 50% of the ticket price (depending on the length of the wait). If the flight is never completed, then, without any doubt, the full price of the ticket will be refunded in addition to other compensation. All these amounts are valid on Russian territory; in EU countries the amount of payments is much higher. Depending on the departure time and distance, an air passenger who received a flight cancellation message from the carrier less than 2 weeks in advance can expect compensation in the amount of 600 euros.

Important information

If a flight is delayed for 14 hours, what do passengers have to do? With such a long-term flight delay, you should not wait long for the airline to pay for food and hotel. You can do everything yourself, the main thing is to save all payment documents (receipts, checks, etc.), since all the funds spent will then be returned, but, however, this will be done through the court.

Don’t know what passengers are entitled to if their flight is delayed by 5 hours or more? What to do if docking was expected? There is no need to worry about transplants. If you had a connecting flight, the carrier will in any case have to provide a seat on another aircraft en route to your destination. You won't have to pay a penny extra for your ticket, even if you are placed in business class. But if you purchased a business class ticket, and there are empty seats in economy, then you must insist on a refund of the difference!

The flight delay time is calculated based on the data indicated on the boarding ticket. The carrier, at its own discretion, may provide additional services during the delay, but they do not cancel the mandatory ones.

What to do if your charter flight is delayed

If you are going to make a claim, you will definitely need a certificate of flight delay/cancellation. The boarding receipt must be handwritten and stamped with the current departure time.

If mandatory services are not provided while waiting for a flight, purchase them yourself, but be sure to keep all receipts. Upon arrival, present them to the tour operator, his task is to deal with the charter carrier and demand compensation.

What you need to know about charter flight delays

Scheduled and charter air carriers share different types of responsibilities. In the latter case, all responsibility lies with the tour operator who chartered the ship, and not with the carrier itself.

If there is a flight delay, what do passengers have to do? The law states that, regardless of the reasons for changing the schedule, the carrier is obliged to provide the passenger with the necessary services specified above within the established time limits.

The main thing you need to do is get a stamp at the check-in counter about the delay of your flight. If there is one, then you will be able to return your own funds that could have been spent due to the fact that the carrier did not provide the necessary services or did so in violation of the established time frame.

Disputes regarding reimbursement of funds may go to court, but most often this does not happen; all claims are considered pre-trial. You can submit an application for compensation within 6 months from the date of the flight; the carrier/tour operator is obliged to consider it within 30 days.

Compensation payments for flight delays on Russian territory

The obligations of air carriers and the rights of travelers regarding the issue of receiving compensation for changing the departure time of a ship of a Russian carrier or a foreign organization that delayed a flight in Russia are regulated by the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

To receive payment for changing a flight, you need to put a stamp at the check-in counter and also obtain the appropriate certificate from an airline representative. Claims are accepted within six months from the date of flight delay.

The claim statement must be accompanied by a stamped plane ticket and a certificate confirming this fact. In addition, if you paid for the services yourself, all payment documents must be attached (receipts for food, hotel, transportation, etc. during the delay). The claim must be sent by registered mail with an inventory by mail or delivered personally to the airline agents. Be sure to make a copy of the letter for yourself. If the request will be delivered to the representative personally, do not forget to take a receipt from him. A response should be expected within a month from the date of sending.

If the flight is delayed by a European airline or within the EU

If the flight schedule of an airline registered in the EU or at an airport in EU countries has changed, then what do passengers have to do if the flight is delayed by 3 hours, for example? In this case, passengers are paid compensation, which can only be refused for several reasons:

  1. Terrorist act.
  2. Synoptic conditions.
  3. Strike.
  4. Sabotage.

Atmospheric conditions are considered a reason for refusal only if all flights originating from that airport have been delayed.

To receive compensation, you need to study the regulations, and if your situation fits the provisions described there, then you can safely write a statement of claim addressed to the air carrier. You send a letter and wait for a response. If the carrier refuses to provide compensation, you can send a letter to the consumer protection society of the country from which the flight took place. If there is a refusal there, then file a claim in the court of the same country.

The amount of payment will depend on the duration of the delay, as well as the distance between the departure and arrival airports.

Another way

The second way to receive compensation is to seek help from the Compensair organization, which completely takes care of all the paperwork for collecting payment from the air carrier, from filling out the initial application to pre-trial work with local consumer protection authorities in EU countries and court proceedings. By the way, you can check the possibility of receiving compensation for a specific delayed flight on their website completely free of charge.

The service only charges a fee for the work done if the result is positive. You don’t have to pay anything, Compensair will transfer the amount to you minus the commission, usually its size is 25%.

If you fly often, you've probably experienced a flight delay at least once. But if a passenger is on his first flight and the flight is delayed for some reason, this can lead to panic. In this case, the passenger must remember his rights: if he arrives at the airport on time, but is unable to fly at the appointed time through no fault of his own, the carrier is obliged to reimburse him for all expenses.

Why is there a delay in plane departure?

The reasons for flight delays may depend on the carrier itself, or on other conditions. Among the most common are:

  • difficult weather conditions;
  • board malfunction;
  • technical problems at the airport;
  • force majeure situations in countries and cities where the aircraft is heading.

If a plane's departure is delayed due to weather conditions, unfortunately, airline personnel cannot always give a clear answer to the question of when the plane will be able to take off. No captain would risk the lives of dozens of passengers. Of course, people are worried and angry. But in this situation, it is important to understand that the flight is delayed because the carrier cares about your safety.

Usually the carrier has a spare plane in reserve in case of some kind of malfunction. If before departure it turns out that the plane is faulty, it is replaced with another one. But if the carrier does not have a reserve plane in its arsenal, it is entirely his fault, and the passenger has the right to demand compensation for the inconvenience caused.

The most common delays occur on charter flights.

Passenger rights in case of flight delay

When there is a change in departure time, this entails an increase in passenger costs. Some people go for a coffee or a stroll through the airport shops. But if the flight is postponed by several hours, you have to spend money on food and lodging, as well as on communication services - in order to calm worried relatives, reschedule a hotel reservation or an important meeting.

If there is a flight delay, the carrier company is obliged to cover the costs of the passengers. Usually people are offered:

  • hot meals - if the flight is delayed for several hours;
  • hotel accommodations - if the flight delay exceeds 8 hours during the day or 6 hours at night;
  • mother and child rooms - for passengers with children;
  • the right to use the telephone or the Internet;
  • compensation for the difference in price if the passenger decides to return or exchange the ticket.

Typically, an airline that values ​​its customers provides these services without unnecessary reminders. But in some cases, unpleasant situations for the passenger occur when the carrier decides to save money and refuses compensation. In this case, the passenger can file a claim with the airline management or go to court.

The sample claim for a flight delay is quite simple: the “header” indicates the name of the airline, as well as the passenger’s details. The text of the claim is written in free form. It is imperative to record here the ticket number, flight number, destination and departure time indicated in the travel document. At the request of the passenger, you can list the expenses that had to be incurred in connection with the current situation.

Airlines usually respond to passenger complaints. And if it comes to court, most disputes are resolved in favor of airline clients.