What to buy in Hainan, nightlife, nightclubs Hainan Sanya. Nightlife in Dadonghai Nightclubs in Dadonghai

When the beaches are empty and twilight falls on the city, resort life does not subside. An enchanting night is coming! At night, Sanya simply transforms - life at the resort begins to boil with might and main. This is truly a celebration of life and it is waiting for you!

Nightclubs Sanya

As mentioned above, nightlife in Sanya is very popular among tourists, and thanks to this it continues to develop and keep up with the times. Fans of nightlife will clearly feel at ease: you can brighten up your beach holiday by visiting Sanya discos, or, for example, by attending a concert in a nightclub. There's certainly no shortage of entertainment here! Among the safest and most popular clubs, it is worth noting the Huangchao Club in the Sanya Guoxi Hotel and the Lidu Club located in the Sanya Maintint Hotel. You can also try your luck on one of the busiest streets of the resort, located between the center of Sanya on Yuyala and Daduhay Bay.

Sanya Restaurants

If nightclubs with noisy discos are not your thing, then restaurants open especially for you at night in Sanya. There you and your significant other can have a romantic dinner in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere and admire the beauty of the night.

Among such places, Coffee Time Restaurant, located in Lanhai Garden on Bin Hai Road, is especially attractive. Here you can enjoy a cup of coffee with a beautiful view of the night sea.

Fans of nightlife can brighten up the boring clubs of their hometown thanks to the incendiary discos in Sanya. The nightlife here deserves the most sincere praise and is the best option for those who want to take a break from Khabarovsk clubs. Well, you can do this thanks to a trip to Sanya from the Pegas Touristik company!

When: In November every year

Location: The race takes place in all cities and districts of Hainan Island. The direction of the race is counterclockwise.


Only teams can take part in the race. One team can be represented from each country.

Watching the event: You can watch the event at different points on the island.

The Hainan Island Cycling Tour has been held in November every year since 2006. Hainan Island has been called the bright pearl of the South China Sea and East Hawaii. This is an international competition, an important event in the world of cycling, which attracts the attention of the world community.


1. This is a high-quality international event in the world of cycling. The Hainan Island Tour cycling race was upgraded in 2009 from continental level 2.2, 2.1 to level 2.HC.

2. The Hainan Island Cycling Tour attracts the attention of sports fans around the world. For example, 20 teams participated in the 2009 Hainan Island Tour Cycling Race, including the Chinese National Team, the Danish National Team, the German National Team, the GIANT Asia Racing Team, the Hong Kong National Team, the Japanese National Team, and Jelly Belly Pro. Cycling Team, Malaysian national team, Petrochemical Tabriz Cycling Team, Polish national team, Swiss national team, Trek-Marco Polo Cycling and Ukrainian national team.

3. This race is held in one of the best places for recreation - on Hainan Island. Hainan Island is a classic tropical island offering its visitors golden sands, warm seas, gentle waves and coastal resorts. Besides watching the Hainan Island Tour cycling race, you can enjoy the fresh air, sea breeze, relaxing on the beautiful sand surrounded by palm trees and the great atmosphere of the island.

4. The race takes place in 18 cities and districts of Hainan Island. The direction of the race is counterclockwise. The total race distance was increased in 2009 from 900 kilometers to 1,429.7 kilometers.

Tropical fruits of Hainan Island

Hainan Island is located in a tropical zone, so there are many different types of tropical fruits. Some of the fruit types are rarely seen in other parts of China. For many tourists who come to Hainan Island, tasting tropical fruits becomes no less important part of their vacation than enjoying the picturesque scenery and relaxing on the shore.

Nightlife on Hainan Island

The entertainment industry on Hainan Island is experiencing rapid development. Nightlife on the island is rich and varied. Throughout the island there are a large number of bars, coffee shops, discos, nightclubs and massage parlors.

Hot Springs

There are countless hot springs on Hainan Island, more than 300 of which have been opened to the general public. Most of the hot springs on Hainan Island are medicinal mineral springs with excellent water quality and water temperatures reaching 80º C. There are a huge variety of hot springs on Hainan Island, which are specially designed for tourists to visit. These include ordinary hot springs for bathing, multifunctional health promotion centers and various water sports centers. The springs provide various services, such as massages and therapeutic procedures. While staying at the hot springs, you can play tennis and golf, and watch performances by artists from different countries. The most popular hot spring is Nantian. One of the reasons for the popularity of this place is the presence of a pool with fish that give massage. A visit to Nantian Spring costs 168 yuan. Every two hours a bus leaves from Yalong Bay and Dadonghai Bay to the source. Travel time is 45 minutes.

Visa to China

In order to increase the number of tourists from other countries to Hainan Province, which is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China, the government has proposed simplified visa conditions. Tourists arriving from 21 countries do not need a visa at all. Citizens of many other countries can obtain a visa on arrival in Sanya.

Visa on Arrival: Tourists arriving from any country that has diplomatic relations with China can obtain a Chinese visa upon arrival at Sanya Airport.

Visa-free regime: Since April 1, 2002, tourists who are citizens of 21 countries included in the special list have the right to clear customs control without a visa, provided that they stay in Hainan Province for less than 15 days as part of a group of at least than 5 people. The 21 countries are Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Holland, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, UK and USA.

Night club in Sanya where locals and tourists of the resort town like to hang out, make noise and drink, so to speak. There are not many such places here, and all the clubs are similar to each other, so there is no point in describing each club. I'll just give a short description about one of these that I visit.

Night club in Sanya

All Chinese clubs are similar to each other, so the clubs in Sanya are no different. The same theme, the same style of music - in one sense everything is the same. The club itself is smoky, the sound of dice at all the tables (the favorite game of the Chinese in the club). Those who were in the Chinese club, the guys will understand what I’m talking about, those who weren’t then have yet to see it.

When it comes to nightlife in Sanya, there is not much choice. Previously, there were many such establishments, now there are fewer and fewer bars, sometimes bars are built and opened, sometimes they quickly close.

I don’t know what the reason is, maybe competition, and all the time new clubs are not allowed to develop. I think there are only 2 clubs left in Sanya that you can still visit.

One of which I visit from time to time is M2 Night Club. During my time, this club changed its interior 2 times, apparently in order to attract and impress even more guests with its new design, and to change something in small ways. For example, replace sofas burned by cigarettes with new ones...

The club itself is not big, and is not at all similar to our Russian nightlife establishments. Entrance to the club is usually free, there is also no dress code, and what kind of dress code is there in a resort village?

Walking inside, you will notice that the club has practically only tables and in the corners around the entire perimeter there are something like VIP seats, tables with sofas. Further in the center there is a small bar counter, which for some reason is divided by a stage for dancers.

This stage also serves as a dance floor for guests. After drinking cocktails, everyone can shake their body to the music. Behind the bar counter, you won’t see any chairs, apparently they did this so that fellow visitors would not linger and prop up the bar counter, which already stands well without it, but would give way to others.

In general, there is a constant flow of visitors there. I came to the club and saw an empty seat near the bar, “filled it up” and you stand until the victorious, otherwise you’ll blink your eye and your place has already gone!) There’s no toilet, no toilet, you don’t want to... you stand there, drink and have fun) That’s why it’s better to go to the club not alone take your friends and WELCOME to the club in Sanya.

Night life

What about the menu choice... what I like here is that the club took into account the fact that the guests are not only Chinese but also Europeans. Yes, and I’ll say one thing, foreigners come here to relax more often than in any other nightlife establishment.

Every year there are more and more Russian tourists coming to Hainan Island to relax, so the club’s managers made the menu in Russian, so that it would be convenient for Russian comrades to explain what they want from the staff.

Well, if you don’t know where to start or want to book a table for a large group of friends, then for such situations the club has a manager for foreign guests. He himself is a foreigner, which is good, you don’t need to run around looking for him, as a rule, he always stands near the bar and uses his phone.

This is the very person you need. If you are a little confused at the sight of everything you saw in the club, he will help you, I’ll call him “The Caretaker of the Foreign Body” ;-) you can contact him with any question.

The cocktail menu, I would say, is not very diverse, there are Chinese cocktails that didn’t fit into my head (what could it be?!), it’s a risk to try something unknown and I didn’t take it.

Coming to a bar and standing around all evening is also not an option, so I took simple cocktails, such as those well known to everyone (Gin-Tonic, White Russian, and the popular Long Island cocktail).

There are only standard cocktails, so I don’t think you’ll be sad if you don’t see your favorite, there’s still a choice. For those who do not drink alcohol, but love going to clubs, there is also an option to order citrus juices, coconut milk (by the way, very tasty) and carbonated drinks; in principle, they have no problems with this.

In addition to mixed drinks, you can order a bottle of something vigorous, and they will also give you a bowl of fruit to complement this choice. There is also beer, both a Chinese version and a foreign brand. You can order beer for 1 bottle or a whole bucket)))

Let me clarify here, in the sense that they will not bring you a bucket of beer with a straw, but about 12 bottles of beer will simply be thrown into the bucket. Here, if you made such an order, then do not be alarmed if they only take a few pieces out of the bucket; the waiters can take some out and put it on the table, and put the rest near the bar so that it does not disturb you or other visitors.

And also, they have this habit of opening all the bottles at once, if you don’t like this, just let the waiter know how many bottles you want to open first. About ordering and drinking, I think it’s enough and clear, you’ll already use all these skills when you visit the club.

What else can you say that is unusual, that would be unacceptable to do in our clubs? This is, for example, smoking, you can smoke in a Chinese club, no one will forbid you to do it, “Locomotives” everyone! All without exception.

I am a non-smoker and I cannot be without a break for fresh air; it is sometimes difficult to stand there and breathe cigarette smoke. I got tired of being in the club, went outside, took a breath of fresh air and came back.

The club also has a relaxation room (Chill out) where you can relax, sit on the sofas, or drink for about 10 minutes; this is what many Chinese do if they are already tired of drinking, took a short nap, gained strength, woke up and went on to walk with friends. This is normal, this is China!)

p.s. but I don’t recommend it! Otherwise, you will fall asleep on the sofa, you and your selfie with the Chinese will be circulating all over the Internet.

Evening at the club

The evening at the club is themed...

Here I mean not just a DJ spinning tracks, but there are also moments when dancers put on a show. The dancers are both Chinese and a group of foreign dancers who will show you their interesting performance.

In my opinion, the club is good! Coming to this club you can meet young people from different parts of the world. Some are local, and others, like many, simply decided to visit these “East Hawaiis”. It was here that I met new people; after a long conversation, someone became my friend.

I want to say this not only Russians, but also guys from countries such as Cuba, Ukraine, Africa, France, Italy, Jordan, Turkey, Portugal, and in general many friends with whom I keep in touch to this day.

Believe me, everyone living there is very friendly, and I am sure that you, like me, will be able to meet interesting people, which will make your stay on the island interesting in the future.

I would also like to highlight in this night establishment that when you come there you already have your favorite bartender, cheerful and always smiling at you, because it’s nice when the evening starts with a good mood! :)

Further, as for the music, I wouldn’t say that I like it, but some of the echoes of the “music tracks” can even be said to be good! Of course, there are annoying moments when people smoke nearby, music plays VERY MUCH, they push each other, sometimes it makes you angry, but don’t pay your attention to it.

Why? Yes, because a cheerful bartender smiles at you. And know, it seems to me that if you already came initially in a bad mood, then naturally you will already be enraged by everything around you!

Also, if you don’t want problems with the Chinese and the police, then you shouldn’t start fights even if one of the guests standing next to you was wrong! Right is wrong, if you are under alcohol, it is better not to enter into conflict, you are in a foreign country!

I have not encountered such problems, so the evenings went well in such establishments, and I wish the same for you.

Here is a short review I gave you in my article. Night club in Sanya although it is not famous for excellent cocktails or pleasant music, I think it’s possible to spend an evening with friends in this place)

Club address: 地址:三亚市榆亚大道时代海岸酒吧街

Have a great holiday!


A place for evening gatherings with friends

Sanya is a southern city where during the daytime weather residents prefer to hide in their offices or at home while tourists sunbathe by the sea. But when the sun sets, life on the streets of Sanya begins to boil with might and main. Therefore, a night walk is the best way to experience the real city, although you need to be prepared for noise, a lot of people and be careful with valuables and money!
In Sanya, as in any other resort city, dozens of nightclubs are available to tourists. It is safer to go to those built at hotels. For example, popular places among holidaymakers are the Lidu Club at the Sanya Maintint Hotel and the Huangchao Club at the Sanya Guoxi Hotel.
If you prefer a quiet, romantic evening and want to admire the beauty of the night, then you can go to Coffee Time Restaurant, located in Lanhai Garden on Bin Hai Road. This is a cozy place where you can enjoy a cup of exotic coffee overlooking the cooing sea. In addition, many coastal hotels host barbecues on the beach in the evenings.

●In the city center

Nightlife in the center of Sanya is developing by leaps and bounds, with new bars and clubs opening almost every week. The street of bars and discos is located between Daduhai Bay and the center of Sanya on Yuyalu (Yuya dadao,榆亚大道), it is one of the busiest streets in the city at night. Each bar has its own style and atmosphere, so you can try each one first and then stop at the one you like.

Mingjian Pub
Address: Yuya Dadao Street, Sanya
Opening hours: 20:00—02:00
Be there or be square

Opening hours: 20:00—02:00
Allen Story
Address: Yuya Dadao Street, Sanya
Opening hours: 20:00—3:00
Lan Kuai Fong
Address: Yuya Dadao Street, Sanya
Opening hours: 20:00—3:00
Tomorrow's dream
Address: Yuya Dadao Street, Sanya
Opening hours: 20:00—3:00
Noah's Ark
Address: Yuya Dadao Street, Sanya
Opening hours: 20:00—3:00

Street of bars and discos Xihexi
This street is a kind of “cradle” of nightlife in Sanya, because it was here that the first bars once appeared. The friendly atmosphere, country music and a large selection of establishments attract traveling foreigners to this street.
Versailles Restaurant & KTV
Address: Hexi Lu Street, Sanya
Opening hours:10:00—02:00
A four-story entertainment complex with a restaurant, karaoke, supermarket and souvenir shop.

Nightlife in Yalongwai Bay

Discos in Yalongwai Bay can be found in any hotel, and in the local tourist “village” there are bars and entertainment shows in the evenings.

View lounge of Sanya Marriott Resort & Spa
Opening hours: 10:00—1:00
Hilton Bar D" or
Opening hours: 8:00—1:00
Sheraton Nightclub & Wine Bar
Opening hours: 21:00—2:00
Holiday Inn Beach Pub
Opening hours: 8:00—23:30
Gloria Resort Beach Bar
Opening hours: 10:00—22:00

Nightlife in Dadonghai Bay

To plunge into the nightlife in Dadonghai, just go outside the hotel: cafes, bars, discos are found at every turn. The owners and managers of many establishments are foreigners.

Dadonghai Beach Bar Street
Address: Dadonghai Beach, Sanya
Sky Bar
Address: 4 Lanhai Haoyuan Road, Dadonghai, Sanya
Dolphin Sports Bar & Grill
Address: 99, Yuya Street, opposite Across City Hotel
Sanya Royal International Clubhouse
Address: Rendezvous Baohong Hotel, 18, Haiyun Lu Road, Dadonghai, Sanya
Opening hours: 18:00—02:00

Nightlife in Sanya Bay

Bars in Sanya Bay are designed for relaxed holidaymakers; here you will not see young people having a blast with heavy music or unbridled fun. Most prefer lounge bars on the coast and in gardens, where you can feel the sea breeze and admire the stars.

Sanya Bay Bar & Restaurant Street
Address: Sanya Bay, Sanya City
Narada Sanya Resort & Spa Paulaner Draft Beer
Address: Sanya Bay, Sanya City