Rolling vacation pros and cons. Pros and cons of administrative leave

According to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any woman before going on maternity leave has the right to receive annual paid leave.

At the same time, an employee in a state of pregnancy has the right to provide such rest, regardless of the length of service and the length of time worked with this employer. However, this provision of legislation is not always implemented in practice, and the reason for this, as a rule, is the legal ignorance of the employee.

○ How long do you pay for maternity leave:

As I said above, the Labor Code of Russia contains an unambiguous norm in interpretation: a woman, before going on maternity leave, can apply for the provision of annual paid leave... At the same time, the length of service, namely the length of time worked for a given employer, does not matter.

In other words, pregnant women are entitled to leave before the decree, regardless of whether the employer wants it or not, as well as whether the lady has worked in the organization for more than 6 months.

It should be noted that the date of the start of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth will be considered the date of issue on maternity leave. The linking of annual paid leave to the beginning of parental leave will be incorrect here.

○ What is Leave in Advance?

So, we have established that pregnant a woman has the right to claim leave regardless of the time she has worked. This means that before going on maternity leave, a maximum length of leave can be granted - from 28 days in general, and up to 56 daysif the position of the employee provides for an increased duration of annual paid leave.

It will also not matter that the employee has already taken leave for the current year. In this case, the woman has the right to demand the so-called leave in advance - that is, annual leave, which will be counted in subsequent periods after the end of the decree.

When applying for a vacation in advance, you should consider the following features:

  • If you receive vacation in advance and in full, then after you leave the decree, you can apply for annual paid vacation only with the onset of the next working year.
  • If, after the end of parental leave, you decide to end your employment relationship with your employer, you may be withheld or charged compensation for the previously paid vacation pay.

○ How many days is leave before the decree? How to calculate?

There are several options for the length of vacation that can be granted before going on maternity leave. It should be borne in mind that at will and by mutual agreement with the employer, a woman can apply for any of the options.

  1. Vacation in advance, of any length. The maximum period of such a complete vacation is 28 days, or more if the conditions and nature of work imply an extended vacation.
  2. Leave for hours worked prior to the start of parental leave. I note that the period of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth should also be taken into account as hours worked.

The billing year starts from the date of the beginning of the employment relationship, that is, from the date you entered the job. But this is only a general rule, a more detailed and accurate calculation of the duration of the annual leave for the hours worked can be claimed from the personnel department of the organization.

○ Should I take maternity leave? Pros and cons.

Considering the question of whether it is worth taking a vacation before maternity leave, I recommend considering the following.

Thus, labor legislation provides for the obligation to grant a woman, at her request, leave, either before going on maternity leave, or after it ends. If you take your vacation in advance, you won't have to apply for a vacation after the end of the decree.

Situations are different, and many women prefer to leave part of their vacation "in reserve" in order to be able to hedge against the closure of kindergarten, illness of the child and other unforeseen situations.

On the other hand, a vacation before maternity leave will allow you to spend more time in the fresh air, to get more pleasant emotions, also with the advantage of vacation pay and payments relying on vacation.

Thus, the decision on the need for leave before decree should be made independently, taking into account the state of health, well-being, material benefits.

○ Step-by-step instructions: How to take maternity leave?

In order to issue an annual paid vacation before going on maternity leave, I can recommend the following sequence of actions.

  1. Decide for yourself how long you want the vacation, taking into account the specifics of providing the vacation in advance.
  2. Try to agree with the head of the organization or immediate supervisor on the length of your vacation and when it starts. Keep in mind that the manager also needs to redistribute the workload on employees, transfer your authority to another employee. If the manager protests against your decision to leave, remind him of the content of Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and mention your right to apply to the State Labor Inspectorate if the employer does not comply with the guarantees of labor legislation.
  3. Write a vacation application in accordance with the rules in force in the organization. Let me remind you that it is advisable to write a statement at least 14 days before the start date of your vacation.
  4. Get a vacation order and vacation pay.

○ The approximate content of a vacation application before decree.

The sample application for leave before decree is not much different from the standard for the provision of annual paid leave. The text of the application must contain:

  • The name of the head of the organization.
  • Information about the applicant, his position.
  • Request for annual paid leave.
  • The length of the vacation in calendar days.
  • Request for payment of material assistance and other due payments.
  • Reference to article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Date and signature of the applicant.

According to the standard procedure, the application must be endorsed by the head of the organization, on the basis of which the personnel department prepares a vacation order, and the accounting department calculates the due payments.

○ Answers to frequently asked questions of visitors:

✔ Is additional leave for pregnant women before maternity leave?

If your labor duties and working conditions provide for the provision of additional leave along with the main one, lasting 28 days, then you have the right to use all the days of additional leave before going on maternity leave.

Please note that it is prohibited by labor law to replace additional leave with monetary compensation for non-use.

In the summer you want to escape from the city, you want to admire nature and breathe the sea air. All this is great and every year you went on vacation, went on excursions or sunbathed on the beach. And more recently, you have a long-awaited toddler. And I want to rest, and the child is still small.

The question is, should you take your child with you on vacation at sea / in the mountains or leave him at home with grandmothers or are there other options?

Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of the types of recreation (with and without a child). And you yourself decide, based on your personal family situation, what you should do.

After all, each concept of "rest" is understood in its own way. Someone wants to take a break from family, from children, to take care of themselves. Someone takes a break from the bustle of the city, from work and bosses with their family.

If you leave your child at home and go on vacation with your husband, then


  • you can arrange yourself a second honeymoon;
  • do what you want and in the amount that you want. Whether it's sunbathing, sleeping, swimming, walking, cycling and so on.
  • you can go to any corner of the planet without worrying about the child's acclimatization.

Minus. One only, but very significant.

  • Constant worries about how the child, whether he ate, slept, got sick, and so on. Plus remorse that they left their child at home, while basking in the sun yourself.

If you are taking your child with you on vacation, then


  • you have the opportunity to enjoy the company and communication with your own child. After all, usually all parents are very busy - work, cooking, washing, cleaning, sleeping. And so in a circle. There is no time for live real communication, joint walks and hikes. You can walk along the seashore together, build sand castles or conquer mountain peaks.

It is better to think in advance about what you will be doing on site. Where will you go in case of bad weather. What sights you want to visit. Just remember that you are with your child, and it would be good to plan your vacation without prejudice to the interests of either the parents or the child.

  • you have the opportunity to improve the health of the child;
  • vacation together is your child's best memories.

Difficulties or disadvantages of traveling with a small child.

Acclimatization. The body must get used to new living conditions. Try to choose a place to stay so that there is no big difference in climate. Acclimatization manifests itself through general malaise. It is advised to rest with the child for at least 3 weeks.

You also need to remember that together with the child you need to take clothes for different weather for the child, toys, medicines and a pot (for children under five).

During vacation, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child to avoid heatstroke ().

Also an unpleasant problem is intestinal infection, which is expressed through vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. It is observed if you take a sip of sea water or do not follow the rules of hygiene. Smecta, linex and rehydron (or tour) must be in your travel kit. About what medicines should be taken on the road with the child.

Activities on the road. Regardless of whether you are flying by plane, traveling by train or using your own vehicle, you need to think in advance about what to do with your child on the road.

At what age to take a child on vacation?

Someone thinks that you can take a child on vacation only from three years old.

I disagree with them.

Last year we rested in the mountains with the whole family. The son was almost three years old at that time, the daughter was 2 months old. Who cares, a report on a trip to the mountains. So, it was much easier with my daughter. After all, the main thing for her was that her mother was nearby, who would feed her, put her to bed and change her clothes. It's harder with my son. He needed to be entertained on the road, persuaded and negotiated. But despite some moments, the rest was 100% successful. The son tells where he was and what he saw. And asks for another trip

And the year before last we flew, which was 1 year and 9 months old. A family rested with us, their daughter was 1 year and 5 months old. Yes, of course, this is not the same as relaxing together. But we were in the mood for a family vacation, we knew what to expect and what not to expect from such a vacation.

So, at what age to take children with you on vacation is up to you. And do not listen to those who are afraid that you will ruin your vacation. But do not expect something like a "honeymoon" from the rest. Evaluate your capabilities, think over everything in advance. And you will succeed.

Council. So that you can sometimes retire during your vacation, it is better to go on vacation for two families with children. In this case, the children can be supervised one by one. Or take grandparents with you, who can replace you for a while.

Resting with a child is sometimes difficult, but watching how your child discovers something new for himself, how dad carries his son on his shoulders, and he tells something inspired how dad teaches his son to swim or carries a sleeping daughter to the crib ... I think you get what I mean.

With the advent of children, life does not end ... but a new one begins. Even more interesting and happy, but completely different. Real life.

Here's an interesting poem on the topic:

If your child
Under 16,
Forget even thinking about corals and seas.
There are sharks, there are gorillas,
There are big crocodiles
Sun, mountains, air, sea - not for small children!

If you are going on vacation
Take a break from the gray days
Then do not try to drag the child with you!
Leave your grandmother at home,
Among the dust and gasoline.
Your child will strengthen his health in the city.

If all the same tips
Aunts, grandmothers, girlfriends
They disobeyed, and you brought the child to the sea,
Hide in the house and sit
There are five or even ten days,
Your baby should adapt to this heat.

Go to rest with a child
It is possible only with a voucher.
And do not try to go on vacation as a “savage”!
It's very unreasonable
And dangerous and insane.
What if you have a great rest with “savages”? What then?

And of course baby
Do not let you near the sea.
He will catch a cold, freeze, even drown.
Let it lie and sunbathe
Doesn't bother mom and dad
The blacker his skin, the healthier the body.

And do not try to child
Show rapans, mussels.
He will not remember anything. And why is it to him?
Let him dig in the sand.
This is the best thing to do!
And she will study rapans, fish and seagulls at school!

Don't even try to think
Drag the child to the mountains!
Maybe he'll fall off the mountain, maybe even stuff his nose.
Well, why does he need paths?
Well, why does he need tracks?
Traveling with your child will only add to your hassle.

Finally, do not forget
These bad advice
And such advice is very clear to follow.
Otherwise your child
Will become strong, tanned,
Smart, dexterous and healthy children do not need this!

© Julia Kasparova

P.S. Do you have a rest with children together? At what age did you start taking children with you on vacation? What difficulties did you face?

P.P.S. If you are traveling by car, don't forget.

The legislation under administrative leave means the right of an employee or employee to additional rest without pay. As a rule, citizens use this norm in case of emergency to solve urgent household issues, or in the case when they need to take care of their own health or help loved ones.

But there are times when it becomes necessary to provide administrative leave at the initiative of the employer. It should be noted right away that not a single law gives the employer the right to arbitrarily decide and send employees to unpaid leave.

Remember, if the employer forcibly tries to send you on administrative unpaid leave, it is illegal and the employer may be held administratively liable for this.

Now about the cases when such a need may arise. Lack of orders, a decline in production, a decrease in the number of customers, "stagnation" in the market, all these become the reasons that can lead to a reduction in the number. But experienced managers know that in most cases these are seasonal phenomena, and therefore sending employees for this period on administrative leave at their own expense will save costs and save the team in the future.

Therefore, the employer can only offer his subordinates, as an option, such a way out of the current situation, thus preserving jobs.

What the employee gains and loses

According to the Labor Code, the duration of administrative leave without pay is established by agreement of the parties to the employment relationship. But there are some points here that should not be forgotten.

Granting administrative leave will give the employee more free time to deal with various urgent matters. You can even find another job during this period. Just remember, if the duration of such leave is more than 14 calendar days, your main leave from work will be shifted for the entire period that exceeds these days.

If during this period you get sick, then you will not be able to count on sick leave payment. The same applies to retirement experience. For the entire period of being on underpaid vacation, you will not be credited with retirement experience.

Remember, administrative leave for more than 14 calendar days can negatively affect your retirement record and other social guarantees.

Possible alternatives

Having weighed all the pros, as well as some of the cons, many are trying to find an alternative before writing an application for administrative leave.

The Labor Code provides for two options for solving the problem - this is the introduction of downtime at the enterprise, or the introduction of part-time work for a certain period (no more than six months).

But before introducing any of this, the employer is obliged to inform the employee in advance (two months in advance) about the change in the labor regime, and also to coordinate these issues with the trade union organization.

Remember, during downtime, the employee is subject to payment in the amount of at least 2/3 of his salary (tariff rate), and during part-time work - for the hours actually worked.

If the employee does not agree to such working conditions and does not accept the alternatives offered by the employer, he may be dismissed from the initiative of the latter. The established guarantees, as well as compensation and other payments in this case, remain with him.

Unpaid leave is synonymous with “administrative” leave or “self-paid leave”. Such leave is governed by Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The law contains only a few cases when vacation at one's own expense is granted for a certain number of days. This article also contains reasons that are valid a priori.
Such leave is given to an employee with his written application and if there is a valid reason. In addition to these 3 reasons, the question of the "degree of respect" will be decided by the employer himself.

There are also categories of workers who are granted unpaid leave, regardless of whether they have a reason. Upon written application of such employees, the employer is obliged to provide them with leave for a certain number of days.

Vacation "at your own expense" has its pros and cons. This must be taken into account. The positive aspects of such a vacation include:

  • Free time with the employee for his own affairs;
  • The opportunity to earn extra money;
  • The opportunity to relax and do your hobby;
  • During such leave, the place of work is retained;
  • The employee does not decrease the average earnings, which is necessary for calculating various benefits and payments, since this period is excluded from the calculation of the average earnings;
  • This period is included in the calculation of maternity benefits;
  • The employee does not lose the right to use tax deductions.

But vacation at your own expense has more negative sides. It:

  • Lack of earnings;
  • If an employee exceeds 14 calendar days a year with such leave, then the start date of his calendar year will be "shifted" by the number of days in excess. This is stated in Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • If an employee falls ill during such a vacation, then the sick leave will not be paid to him;
  • The time spent on such leave is not included in the insurance period, which is necessary for calculating pensions. Since salaries are not paid for this period, contributions to the FIU are not made either. Consequently, the pension "does not grow".

Maximum term

The law does not specify the maximum period of unpaid leave. Its duration is limited by the employer's ability to release this employee for one period or another, and find him a substitute for this time.
But do not forget that in addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there are other Federal Laws that regulate the work of certain categories of workers.
So, for example, in part 15 of Art. 46 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" and Part 6 of Art. 21 of the Federal Law of 02.03.2007 No. 25-FZ "On municipal service in the Russian Federation" says that a civil or municipal employee can take a vacation at his own expense for no more than 1 year.

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that, without explaining the reasons, the following categories of employees are entitled to administrative leave:

  • Participants and veterans of the Second World War - up to 35 days on the move;
  • Old age pensioners who continue to work - up to 14 days a year;
  • People with disabilities who work - up to 60 days a year;
  • Other employees who are provided for by the Federal Law and local acts.

In a collective agreement or in a local act for the enterprise, the employer can allocate more workers to whom he will be obliged to provide such leave without giving reasons. For example, women with children under 14 years old.
Also in Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates 3 reasons that are valid, and in the presence of which the employer must give the employee 5 days of leave without pay. It:

  • Death of a close relative;
  • Own marriage registration;
  • Birth of a child.

Administrative leave, like the main one, in 2018 is measured in calendar days.

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that "vacation at their own expense" is provided to an employee at his written request. That is, the employer provides unpaid leave at the initiative of the employee, and its duration is achieved by agreement of the parties.
The agreement of the parties must be written, that is, it is enough to indicate the duration of the vacation in the application. For example, "I am asking you to grant me unpaid leave for a period of 7 calendar days for the reason ....".

Therefore, by agreement of the parties, the employee may be granted unpaid leave for more than 14 calendar days. But in Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that if the total unpaid leave of an employee during a working year exceeds 14 calendar days, then the start date of his working year is shifted by the number of such days. And the start date of the working year is necessary for the provision of annual leave and the calculation of vacation pay.

Unpaid leave initiated by the employer

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that vacation "at one's own expense" is possible only at the initiative of the employee and at his written request. Such leave is not possible at the initiative of the employer. An employer does not have the right to send his employee on administrative leave. This is a violation of labor laws.

However, in practice, everything is somewhat different. The employer can persuade the employee to write an application for such a vacation, motivating it by the fact that "the company has such a difficult financial situation, but we are not firing you!" This is called forced vacation.
Very often, unscrupulous employers hide behind such a simple "vacation". In Art. 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that idle time due to the fault of the employer is paid in the amount of 2/3 of the average salary of this employee. And the administrative leave is not paid. That is, the employer saves his money.

If the employer insists and sends his employee on unpaid leave at the initiative of the employer, his actions can be regarded as a violation of labor laws.
Responsibility for such violations is provided for in Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. To bring the employer to such responsibility, you must write a statement to the labor inspectorate at the employer's location, to the prosecutor's office or to the court. However, the employee is obliged to provide evidence of forced leave at the initiative of the employer.

As practice shows, it is practically impossible to bring an employer to justice on such grounds. It is possible to attract an employer only if there is evidence that the downtime at the enterprise is the fault of the management. That is, the management cannot provide its employees with work and sends them on "forced" leave.
The employer's fault may include:

  • Lack of funding;
  • Changes in market conditions;
  • Price changes;
  • Failure by counterparties to fulfill their obligations;
  • Other business risks for which the employer is responsible.

These grounds are listed in Art. 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If there is no evidence that the employer has taken all measures to prevent downtime, it will be almost impossible to find him guilty. Measures include, for example, sending letters to a counterparty asking them to pay bills.

Unpaid leave order

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that administrative leave is granted upon a written application from an employee. It is written in the name of the employer. It should contain the following information:

  • In the upper right corner, you must indicate information about the employer and the applicant:
    • The position of the employer's representative who has the right to sign such applications, and his full name. For example: "To the General Director of LLC AKBARS Vasnetsov II";
    • Position and name of the applicant. For example: "From the accountant Petrova P.P.";
  • Further in the center, you must write the word "Application";
  • Then the "body" of the statement. Here you need to indicate the main text, that is, a request to provide "leave without pay". Be sure to indicate the number of calendar days. For example, “for 17 calendar days from 15.10.2018 to 02.11.2018. Be sure to indicate the reason. For example, "in connection with their own marriage." If an employee is entitled to such leave without giving reasons, then there is no need to write this.
  • Then the date of application and the signature of the employee himself.

The application must be endorsed by the head of the structural unit where such an employee works. His signature suggests that. That he agrees with the period of absence of this employee, and there is someone to replace him.
Then the employer himself signs the application. After that, the application is submitted to the personnel department, where the order is prepared. If the enterprises are large, and the workflow is also large, then the application must be written in 2 copies, and submitted to the secretary. The application is registered properly, and the number of the incoming document and the date of registration of the application are put on one copy that remains with the employee.

The order is prepared on the official letterhead of the employer. If there is no such form, then you must indicate all information about the employer:

  • Its full name in accordance with the constituent documents, indicating the organizational and legal form;
  • Legal address and location address, if different;
  • Contact details.

Then comes the "body" of the order, in which you must specify:

  • Name and position of the applicant;
  • Leave period;
  • The reason for this leave.

The employee must put his signature on the order. This indicates that he is familiar with the order. Precisely familiarized, not agree. If the employee does not agree, then he put his signature and mark “disagree”.

For orders for any leave, there is a unified form number T-6 and T-6a. Every employer must adhere to this form.

Who is entitled to vacation without fail

The current legislative norms established a list of special categories of citizens who must be granted administrative leave without fail, regardless of the employer's desire and opinion. These categories include the following individuals:

  1. Participants of the Great Patriotic War. These persons are entitled to annual administrative leave, the maximum duration of which may be 35 calendar days.
  2. Employees who have already reached the retirement age established in the country, but still continue their professional activities - up to 14 days of rest annually.
  3. Employees who are close relatives of military personnel who died in the line of duty or who died from their wounds - 4 administrative days each year.
  4. Employees who have one or another group of disabilities - up to 60 days of rest annually.
  5. Employees in whose lives special circumstances have arisen, listed in the official list. Such circumstances include the wedding of a subordinate, the birth of a child with him, as well as the death of a close relative - up to 5 days of rest for each of the above events. It should be noted that the existence of such a circumstance must be proven by the employee in an official manner. To do this, he will need to provide his employer with the appropriate documentary evidence.
  6. Employees who are studying in parallel at the full-time faculty of an accredited educational institution. The exact length of administrative rest will depend on the immediate basis. For example, an employee may be given up to 160 days off to prepare for final exams, up to 15 days to pass midterm exams, etc.

It should be noted that the above list of special categories of staff is not exhaustive. Additional privileges for individuals can be established by the employer independently. For example, at the plant, to a special department of employees who constantly deal with dangerous or harmful working conditions, local acts may establish additional days of administrative rest. Often, such information is enshrined in documents such as a collective agreement, individual provisions and other local acts.

Vacation for two: the advantages and disadvantages of a joint vacation

So the long-awaited and so necessary summer vacation is approaching. Exhausted by the annual work, reports and tests, checks and audits, tormented by the demanding bosses and careless subordinates, the spouses sigh with relief, anticipating a pleasant and unforgettable leisure. Each couple has a reasonable question: to spend a vacation together or to relax separately?
Indeed, the time of vacations offers alternatives where to restore health that has been killed by labor and how to gain positive energy in order to carry out everyday worries with tripled energy. Each couple has a choice: to spend a well-deserved vacation together, enjoying communication with each other, or to go to the resort in splendid isolation, sending the faithful to plow the beds at their summer cottage. The purpose of our article is, with the advice of psychologists, to consider the pros and cons of a joint vacation for a typical married couple.

The benefits of a joint holiday
One of the advantages of a vacation for two is the opportunity to save money from the family budget. Indeed, purchasing family tours is a great opportunity to save your hard-earned money. Accommodation in hotels and hotels, renting rooms at recreation centers or renting a room in the private sector for two people is much cheaper than renting a house for one person. In addition, most travel agencies make significant discounts on the purchase of family tours and vouchers.
An important advantage of a vacation for two is the saved nerves. After all, during a joint vacation, the partner does not get jealous from the thought that his soul mate is flirting with a more imposing gentleman somewhere. Spending a vacation together, the ladies no longer need to be nervous and worry that their faithful will get terribly drunk in her absence and leave the kettle that has been boiling for a long time not turned off. Or, in a state of drunken stupor, he will not get lost in a dense park, where he went hunting with his friends.

A joint vacation in a fashionable resort is a great chance for spouses to rediscover each other. A comfortable room, constantly clean and tidy, delicious breakfasts and dinners in a cozy restaurant save the couple from everyday worries and worries. Accordingly, there is no disagreement about who should cook borscht and who should take out the trash. Less topics for nagging, because there are no unwashed dishes and socks scattered around the apartment. More time for intimate conversations and conversations about the meaning of being.

The advantage of staying at a resort is the natural desire of a person to demonstrate himself in all his glory.
Respectable gentlemen on vacation refuse to walk in darned family shorts, donning fashionable shorts and T-shirts that favorably emphasize the cubes on the torso. Tortured housewives on vacation in the blink of an eye are transformed, flaunting in front of the public in new seductive short dresses, showing thin and tanned legs, shod in high-heeled shoes. Therefore, a vacation for two is an opportunity to discover a long-lost attraction in a partner.
Another advantage of joint recreation is the chance to stage more daring experiments. It is always easier to try yourself in a new role when a reliable companion is nearby. It's safer, not so scary, because there is a person nearby who will come to the rescue. Therefore, a vacation for two is an opportunity for new pleasures, joy and extreme: try diving, parachute flight, scooter riding. And it's easier for two people to pedal on a catamaran. And in the evening, you can arrange experiments in some Chinese restaurant, tasting strange-looking delicacies with the same chopsticks for two. Moreover, not only a camera, but also a person who can capture the pleasant moments of life is always at hand.

Joint rest has another significant plus - safety and convenience. Spending a vacation for two, you do not have to worry about the safety of valuables on the beach. The presence of a companion is a guarantee that a beautiful lady will not become the object of harassment by a drunken company. The presence of a husband is a guarantee that annoying aunts and uncles will not persistently offer to drink a bottle of cheap port. The spouse will always wake up on time without an alarm clock so as not to miss an interesting excursion. In case of malaise, the partner will always find an analgin tablet and find a doctor. And he will smear the back with a cream for a safe tan. And drives away for a refreshing cocktail. Needless to say about safety on the water: the husband will always be instead of a lifebuoy and will be able to help the lady floundering in the water.

Disadvantages of joint recreation
The main drawback of a vacation for two is disagreement and quarrels. Moreover, the expression of dissatisfaction and claims begins already during the planning of the vacation and subsequent fees. Conflicting and uncompromising spouses can argue over any little things: a place to stay, a way to get to the resort, a choice of housing. The process of packing up your suitcases may even resemble the Kulikovo battle, when a wife wins from her husband the right to take another, hundredth, evening dress.
Another disadvantage of a vacation for two is associated with the fact that any changes in a person's life, even pleasant ones, are enormous stress. When the usual atmosphere changes, the nervous system makes itself felt, splashing out indignation at a loved one. Moreover, any trip is fraught with many unpleasant surprises, and not everyone is able to maintain a stoic composure when, due to a careless companion, you are late for your flight. Therefore, a joint vacation is often "embellished" by quarrels and scandals of a married couple.

Despite the opportunity to save money on a joint vacation, a vacation for two has a downside to the coin. Staying at a spa is relaxing and takes control. The intoxicating sea air whispers to spend more, try something non-standard, do something original. Moreover, there is someone to appreciate the exploits of the resort. As a result, it turns out that a vacation for two pours into a very solid amount in comparison if I went to the resort alone and sipped "daiquiri" alone.
Another disadvantage of resting for two is the forced need to watch how the legitimate second half pays attention to the other macho and receives compliments from other Don Juans. At the same time, it should be understood that the surrounding gentlemen have a more attractive appearance and perfect proportions, while you can't hide your beer belly under a tight T-shirt.

The disadvantage of joint recreation is the lack of the opportunity to be in splendid isolation and calmly relax. Having gone on vacation together, you have to be constantly on the lookout: endlessly smearing the faithful with cream, adjusting his panama hat, bringing a bathing towel. Drink water for a hangover and feed with activated charcoal after tasting Okonomiyaki pizza. Listen to the same story for the hundredth time. And most importantly, you need to make sure that after two weeks of joint rest, he still gets out of the bar and at least ankle-deep into the refreshing ocean. In a word - going on vacation together, you can forget about peace and quiet.

Vacation for two or separate rest: prohibitions, restrictions, risks
Lack of common interests among the spouses will be prohibited for joint vacation. For example, my husband loves walking fifty-kilometer hikes with a heavy backpack over his shoulder. He loves to sing songs with a guitar around the campfire and have a "tourist breakfast" for dinner. He dreams of spending the night in a tent on the shore of the lake to the squeak of mosquitoes. On the contrary, his wife is a supporter of cultural and civilized recreation in a five-star hotel. Her wardrobe is simply full of expensive outfits that can only be worn when visiting the trendy Parisian restaurant Le Pre Catelan, where a dinner for two will cost $ 400. A joint vacation with such a married couple will certainly be spoiled by mutual reproaches and claims. Unless, of course, they do not have enough wisdom to compromise and organize leisure taking into account the interests of both parties.

Another limitation for spending a vacation together is the joint work of spouses. This is the situation when the husband and wife are engaged in the same business, so they spend 24 hours a day together. For such spouses, a vacation is the only opportunity to be alone and a chance to "miss" their faithful. However, there are also very pleasant exceptions, when partners love and understand each other so much that a minute spent without a companion stretches for eternity.
The main danger of rest in isolation is undoubtedly the sword of Damocles, which threatens to cut the bonds of Hymen - the likelihood of treason. Such fear is not alien to insecure people. Such persons should remember: betrayal occurs only if there is no true love, respect and understanding between partners in marriage. It should be borne in mind: if the subject is mentally ready for betrayal, then betrayal can occur at any opportunity, and not necessarily during vacation.

Another stumbling block during a joint vacation is the financial issue. It is likely that one of the spouses is used to relaxing at the resort in full and does not deny himself anything. The other partner, on the contrary, is economical and practical, who is not used to spending money on all sorts of resort nonsense. To avoid financial disagreements, it is advisable to determine in advance the amount that can be spent on recreational activities without prejudice to the family budget.
Which is better: a vacation for two or a separate vacation? American scientists are convinced that a joint vacation is harmful to marriage. Studies have shown that spouses most often end relationships after vacations together. Why? For many couples, vacationing together is an emotionally difficult period in which existing problems are exposed and exacerbated. And a vacation together deprives partners of illusions and hopes for resolving existing difficulties.

What should you do so that the vacation gives both spouses only positive emotions? Probably the best solution would be a healthy compromise: spend part of the vacation together, and leave the rest of the days to yourself. And in the end, make an unequivocal conclusion which leisure option suits you more.

There is another way out for those who are not ready for a separate vacation. You can spend your vacation in the same place, while each of the partners chooses activities that are pleasant and interesting to him. For example, an active and energetic husband is engaged in scuba diving or conquering mountain peaks, and his socialite tastes gourmet dishes in local restaurants and does sightseeing. And in the evening with a glass of champagne on the seashore, everyone shares their impressions.

Remember that a vacation for two is a litmus test that will reveal the true problems that exist between partners. A joint vacation will reveal those aspects in a relationship that are not noticed in everyday life. A vacation for two will show how much the spouses are interested in each other. Are they ready to hear and listen to their partner. Do they see someone other than themselves. Are they able to make compromises and can they make a mutually beneficial decision. It is from this point of view that a vacation for two is the best test of the strength of a relationship. Therefore, at the beginning of family life, and ideally during the dating period, it is advisable to go on a long journey before making Napoleonic plans.