Carolina Welz and other large ones. The tallest girl in the world

Almost all short girls look enviously after the long-legged representatives of the fair sex. Many men dream of seeing a bright and tall companion next to them. In fact, young ladies with a height of more than 185 cm more often become owners of offensive nicknames than compliments. Yet for the tallest girls on the planet, these problems seem to be the least that can bother them.

Eve Amazon, USA

A model named Yves Amazon lives in America. The height of the girl is 205 cm, while she was able to see the positive aspects in this fact. She regularly poses for men's magazines.

She can be seen on the cover of the Australian men's magazine Zoo Weekly. It is noteworthy that designers make bikinis for the model to order, since it is difficult to buy ready-made accessories of the sizes required for Yves in stores.

Carolina Welz, Germany

Beauty Karolina Welz is admired, and rightfully so! Like Eve, the girl built a successful modeling career. Carolina Welz was born in 1986 in Cologne, Germany. Her height is 206 cm, of which 130 cm is the length of her legs. The girl weighs 117 kg. Carolina is the only model in the world with such body proportions.

At the same time, Carolina's own growth still delivers inconvenience. The girl complains that she cannot get through the door unless she bends down. Standard apartments are cramped for her, and she often has to refuse car trips. Even the German woman orders furniture and clothes specifically for her size. Still, this does not upset the girl. She is not only the tallest model, but one of the most beautiful girls in the world.

Elisani Silva, Brazil

Charming resident of Brazil Elisani da Cruz Silva is the owner of a height of 206 cm. At the same time, Elisani is getting taller every year. In an interview, Elisani shared that she suffers because of her height. According to the girl, what worries her most is that she stands out from the crowd in the literal sense. Elisani intends to become a model: she wants to learn a profession in which height is a definite plus.

In comparison with other girls in our rating, Elisani Silva is happy in her personal life. In 2014, her boyfriend proposed to her in marriage. Despite her tall stature, the girl feels comfortable next to her fiancé, who is 40 cm lower than her.

Mali Duangdi, Thailand

Until 2016, Mali Duangdi was considered the tallest girl in Thailand. Her height was 212 cm. Unusually tall Mali weighed 130 kg. The reason for this height is a brain tumor. The disease that caused the hormonal failure was secretly diagnosed at the age of 9. With age, the girl's eyesight deteriorated, and as a result, she practically lost it.

Mali once admitted that she never had a boyfriend. According to the girl, she did not even think about marriage, because she perfectly understood how much she was different from the people around her.

In the summer of 2016, information appeared that Mali Duangdi died at the age of 24.

Uliana Semenova, Latvia

Uliana Semenova is a unique representative among the tallest women in the world. Despite her height of 218 cm, she does not suffer from pathological diseases. Being completely healthy, she built a career as a professional basketball player and entered the ranking of the highest basketball players.

Leaving the big sport, she continued her sports activities and now heads the Latvian Olympic Social Fund. A woman is considered the tallest in the entire territory of the former USSR. Finally, Uliana Semenova can be called the oldest tall woman in the world - in 2017 she turned 65 years old.

The tallest girl in the world

The tallest girl in the world lived in China. Yao Defen's height was no less than 236 cm. The reason for such a height is a brain tumor. At least, doctors called this disease the culprit of the giant size. Yao Defen was born into a rather poor peasant family from the east of China. At the age of 15, her height was already 205 cm.

At the insistence of her father, Yao worked in a circus in her youth and played basketball at the same time. With age, the health of the Chinese woman began to deteriorate, and after the doctors found a large pituitary tumor in the girl. This ailment provoked the girl's body to produce an amount of growth hormone, while making the patient's bones very weak.

Before accepting a non-standard patient in their clinic, the doctors had to order a special extra strong bed 2.5 m long, since the girl's weight by that time was 200 kg. In addition, the medical devices were too small for the girl. The approximate cost of the operation she needed was 12.5 thousand dollars or 100 thousand yuan: all financial expenses were borne by the British television channel, which worked on a film about her life.

A 40-year-old Chinese woman, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, died in November 2012.

Ekaterina Gamova, Russia

The editors of the site could not ignore the star of Russian sports - volleyball player Ekaterina Gamova, whose height is 202 cm. She does not have outstanding growth compared to other participants in our rating, but at the moment she secretly owns the title of the tallest girl in Russia.

Ekaterina was born in Chelyabinsk. She played volleyball professionally until October 2016, and then left the big sport. At the age of 11, she overtook her rivals in terms of physical data - her height reached 172 cm. Then the girl decided to go in for sports: choosing between basketball, handball and volleyball, she settled on the latter.

Ekaterina Gamova is one of the most prominent representatives in Russian sports of her time. She holds the title of two-time world champion in volleyball, and she carried the torch at the opening ceremony of the World Summer Universiade in Kazan in 2013. So much high growth of the girl is not caused by any pathologies, on the contrary, thanks to her physical data, she increased her sports victories. She was repeatedly awarded the title of the most effective player in the match: the height of her attack and block is 3.21 m.

World volleyball legend Ekaterina Gamova

In her personal life, Catherine is happy with her husband, the son of director Svetlana Druzhinina, Mikhail Mukasey. Next to her husband, the girl does not look particularly tall, since Mikhail's height is only a few centimeters lower. On the site you can also read an article about the smallest women.
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Elisani Silva was born on September 27, 1995 in Brazil. Now she is almost 15 years old, and her height is already 206 centimeters, which makes her the tallest teenage girl in the world. Incredible!
Despite the fact that it is not easy to be so tall, it helped her find a job. Soon the girl will make her debut on the catwalk as a model at the end of one designer's show in Belém and will be dressed like a bride.

And why not - she is slim and tall, everything a professional model needs to achieve world-class success!

In addition, Elisani Silva will become the tallest teenage model in the world.

In addition, the Brazilian is beautiful in her own right, so she will soon conquer any catwalks she needs, carve her niche in the fashion business, become the favorite model of famous fashion designers, and perhaps even appear in the film or show business industry.

As endocrinologists predict, the girl can grow to an incredible 215 centimeters and become the tallest woman on the planet.

The tallest woman in the world(2 m 32 cm) died of an unknown cause at the age of 53. Her height was 2 meters 32 centimeters. The cause of her death has not yet been determined, said her friend Alain Rita Rose. It is known that recently Sandy was very ill and lived in a nursing home in the United States.

The reason for this huge growth was a pituitary tumor. In 1977, the woman underwent surgery to remove the tumor, and its growth stopped. In addition, Allen suffered from diabetes and chronic blood poisoning, which caused her kidney failure and breathing problems.

Thanks to her gigantic growth, Allen was listed in the Guinness Book of Records and even starred in several films: Casanova directed by Federico Fellini and the documentary Being Different.

Sultan Kosen is recognized as the highest in 2010.

Hundreds of photographers filmed this unusual meeting: the largest man in the world, Turk Sultan Kosen, shook hands with the smallest man on the planet, Chinese He Pingping. The growth of the Sultan is 2 meters 46.5 centimeters. Baby Pinpin, with his 73 centimeters, barely reaches the giant's knee. However, they got along great. True, as the Sultan admitted, he was very worried, because he was afraid of inadvertently hurting Pinping.

Ukraine. Leonid Stadnyuk is the tallest man in the world.

Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik became the tallest man in the world. Now Leonid is 35 years old, and his height is 253 cm - this is 17 cm higher than the height of the Guinness Book record holder Tunisian Radhuan Charbib, who is still considered the tallest among living people. The growth of the Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyuk has not yet been officially registered by the staff of the Book of Records. But the compilers of the Ukrainian Book of Records came to Leonid, they brought a diploma: they say, you are the tallest person, they promised to submit his documents to the Guinness Book.
Leonid Stadnyuk was not lucky - he was born in the village of Podoliantsy (Zhytomyr region) almost near Chernobyl. Leonid Stadnik's parents were not tall. The height of his father is 1.73 meters, and his mother is 1.52 meters. As a child, Leonid also could not be called particularly large. A veterinarian, an athlete, he graduated from school with a gold medal, a university with a red diploma, but he cannot work, cows are afraid of him.
The stadnik began to grow at the age of 14. Leonid believes that doctors are to blame for everything, who found a benign tumor in his brain at the age of 13, who removed it, hitting the pituitary gland. As a result, his secretion and metabolism were disturbed. Since then, Stadniuk began to grow rapidly. By the time Stadnik was educated as a veterinarian and started working, his height had reached 2.03 meters.
According to the Ukrainian "Gulliver", at school he sat on the first desk due to the fact that he was the smallest in the class. Later, especially from the age of 14, he began to grow "by leaps and bounds." At the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, the doctor did not have enough bar to measure Leonid's height. But military doctors rejected Lenya not even because of his height, but because of his flat feet - shoe size 60. If Stadnik continues to grow at this pace, he will be able to surpass the record of Robert Wadlow, who, with his height of 272 cm, is considered the tallest man in the history of mankind. However, such a prospect does not please him himself: from year to year it is more and more difficult for him to live.
Stadnik lives in a village near Zhytomyr, 200 km west of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and rarely gets out of there. Leonid's only means of transportation is a horse, on which he travels to neighboring villages. “A bus is not for me, a car is not for me either. It's like carrying a normal person in a trunk,” he said in an interview on a Ukrainian TV channel. “I can only move on a cart,” says Leonid. True, the horse moves a cart with a 200-kilogram rider by crawling.

Leonid is also the owner of the largest hand, his palm is 31 cm long. A three-liter jar looks like a glass in it. Lenin's fist is bigger than a boxing glove. In 2001, Stadnik had to quit his job: he got frostbite on his feet, because he could not buy normal shoes in size 64. Boots size 64 Stadnyuk feeds mainly on potatoes and lard. He is very afraid to get better - “the joints do not keep up with my growth anyway, if I get fat, I will generally fall down.” His mother Galina Pavlovna, a woman of one and a half meters tall, dreams: “I would like a good daughter-in-law to take care of Lenchik.”
In general, he is extremely dissatisfied with the attention that the press began to show him. “I am not an artist. One who is born to crawl cannot fly. And what other career can you make - twist the light bulbs in the lanterns? For thirty-three years no one climbed into the soul. And there is such a massive interest. I would just kill the person who posted a message about me on the Internet. I like to be in the shade, in my "hole", and there are so many cameras, light. The psyche can not stand it, I can’t sleep at night, ”the giant complained to a correspondent of one newspaper.

Germany. Caroline Welz is one of the tallest women in the world.

German fashion model. Tallest woman in Germany and one of the tallest women in the world.

Name: Caroline Welz
Age: 20 years
Height: (6ft 9ins) 2.06m
Shoe size: US 16 (48/49)
Length of legs: 51 inches (1.30m)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Nationality: German

growth record holders

Like all people, nothing human is alien to giants. The tallest man on the planet, Bao Xishun, a resident of Mongolia, has been trying to find his other half for many years. It is known that with a height of 2.36 meters this is not easy to do. Although many of his compatriots claimed this role, the giant's heart remained impregnable. And only a few months ago, at the age of 56, he met a life partner, with whom he got married on March 24, 2007.
The giant's wife was 29-year-old Chinese Xia Shujuan. With a height of 1.68 meters, she barely reaches the elbow of her chosen one.

With all the advantages and disadvantages of such a high growth, it can sometimes be very useful - last year, Bao Hishun saved the lives of two dolphins from the Chinese Dolphinarium. With his long arms, he pulled plastic bags stuck in the throats of marine mammals.

The absolute record recorded by Guinness - 2 meters 72 centimeters belongs to the American Robert Wadlow, who lived in the last century (1918-1940).

Goliath - the tallest man of another era

2 meters 89 centimeters - a growth record from the distant past (1000 BC) according to one historical story from the Bible.

Goliath and David About 3,000 years ago, a duel took place on the battlefield. Two representatives of the warring armies came out to fight each other. One of them was a young shepherd from Bethlehem named David. Against him was Goliath - an unusually strong warrior of enormous growth, a native of the city of Gath. Goliath was 6 cubits in height with a span or 2 meters 89 centimeters (1 cubit = 42.5 cm, 1 five = 22.2 cm). The Philistine giant was dressed in scaly armor weighing approximately 57 kilograms (5000 shekels of copper, 1 shekel = 11.4 g) and copper knee pads, he had a copper helmet on his head, and a copper shield in his hands. Goliath carried a heavy spear, only the tip of which weighed 600 shekels of iron (6.84 kg), and a large sword.
David had no armor at all, and his only weapon was a sling. The Philistine giant considered it an insult to himself that a young man, still a boy, came out to fight with him. Goliath and David were chosen by their fellow tribesmen for single combat, which was supposed to decide the outcome of the battle: the one who won the duel won the victory for his side. Probably, to everyone who watched what was happening, it seemed that the result of the fight was a foregone conclusion. But not always the outcome of the battle is determined by physical strength ...
Details of the single combat between Goliath and David, which took place in the oak valley between Succoth and Azekah southwest of Jerusalem, are described in 1 Samuel ch. 17 (1 Samuel 17).
The sword of Goliath, preserved by David, was first kept in Nob, and then transferred by him to Jerusalem.

The tallest girl in the world, 18-year-old Elsani da Cruz Silva (2 meters and 3 centimeters), has known her fiancé for more than three years. But the 23-year-old Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho barely reaches 163 centimeters.

Let's find out more about this story...

Elisan da Curoz Silva was born in Brazil in 1995 and grew up as a perfectly healthy and beautiful child, except that she was unusually tall for her age. From the very beginning of her studies, she was taller than all her classmates. Elsani grew very quickly from the age of 11 and reached a height of 2 meters and 5 centimeters by the age of 14. Now she is 17, and like all girls at her age, she dreams of making a modeling career.

Elsani has a rare form of gigantism due to a tumor on her pituitary gland. Her sudden growth brought the girl a lot of suffering, causing pain in the limbs and joints. Surgeons removed the tumor three years ago, and Elsani's height even shrunk by a couple of centimeters, but the girl had to drop out of school because she was teased. But now she is happy with her Francinaldo, who proposed to her.

Meanwhile, high growth does not at all prevent the girl from building a personal life. Elisan has a boyfriend who is not at all embarrassed by the height of his girlfriend. On the contrary, the 22-year-old Silva Carvalho proud to have such a prominent girlfriend. This is not at all surprising, because Alisan's face is quite pretty, and her thin figure can be called perfect by today's standards. No wonder the girl dreams of becoming a top model!

The loving couple lives in the small Brazilian city of Salinopolis, they hope to have a baby soon. Even though Elsani is only 18 years old, she worries that she won't be able to conceive due to her health condition.

But at first, the tall girl did not like the annoying guy at all, she admits that she even wanted to hit him every time she saw him. But hatred eventually turned into love, and Elsani began to be jealous of Francinaldo for other girls.

Elsani's height is still eye-catching even in her hometown, but Francinaldo says it doesn't bother him and proudly displays his fiancée. The future spouses carefully plan the wedding and therefore are in no hurry to set a date, although Elsani has already prepared a wedding dress.

“She is a person who is very different from others, and I know that I can make her happy,” says the happy groom. “Our relationship is special because she understands me and I understand her.”

But today there is already a model for such growth:

In the photo you see an unusual blonde named Amazon Eve (Amazon Eve), which was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest female model in the world.

The growth of an extraordinary model with a no less original name is 2.03 meters. Compared to this 31-year-old record-breaking model, all other tall models seem to be just midgets (as you can see from the photo).

Thankfully, Amazon Eve is very happy, living a vibrant social life and proud of her record-breaking height, showing off her incredible looks and gigantic stature around the world where she is invited to fashion shows.

Well, how much fish oil did you have to gobble up in your childhood in order to wave it like that? - short beauties rack their brains and men drool, looking at a two-meter miracle. Photos of the tallest model are now circulating on the net, and anyone can see the tallest girl.

Australian fashion model Eva, nicknamed Babyzilla (which probably means a little mocking “Baby Godzilla”) really broke all records: her height is 205 centimeters! The girl is 32 years old, all clothes, including a bikini for filming, are sewn to order for her.

Recently, Eva took part in a photo shoot for the men's magazine Zoo Weekly. The beauty happily posed next to another model, whose height is 162 centimeters. Apparently, everything was planned in advance: looking at the models, one cannot help but marvel at their difference in height.

The only difficulty in the life of the tallest model in the world is to choose women's shoes, since she has a size 45 foot, so she has to sew shoes to order.

The most interesting and surprising thing is that until November last year, this now American model and actress from Turlock, California, with dizzying growth, was completely unknown to anyone, until the magazine put her on the cover in a bikini, thereby turning her into a real sensation.

Now Amazon Eve is not only a very busy and literally inundated with job offers as a model and actress, she also wrestles with men for $ 400 an hour.

At the same time, the popular and tallest female model in the world explains her incredibly large growth with genes - all the women in her family were tall.

In the photo and video you see Amazon, who happily poses both by herself and with other models Geronimo Nix and Quayda Peñate, whose height is about 155 centimeters, especially so that you can feel the difference;)

And now let's remember the tallest women in the world:

2.06 m - Carolina Welz

Carolina Welz was born on July 6, 1986 in Potsdam, Brandenburg, her height is 206 cm and is one of the tallest women in Germany.

2.10 m - Mali Duangdi

Mali, even as a very young child, was already taller than her peers, and the whole problem lies in the fact that doctors discovered a brain tumor in a 9-year-old girl that was pressing on a nerve. Now she is the tallest teenage girl. In the world, 18-year-old Mali Duangdee (Malee Duangdee) from eastern Thailand, whose height is now 210 centimeters, was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

2.11 m - Gitika Srivastava

Gitika Srivastava is a former member of the Indian National Women's Basketball Team. Her height is 211 cm. Her father, Pradeep Srivastava, was also a basketball player.

2.13 m - Ulyana Semenova

Uliana Semenova was born in Daugavpils in a family of Old Believers on March 9, 1952 and was an ordinary child: height - 51 centimeters, weight - 3 and a half kilograms, but by the age of 11 she was 180 cm. Dad - 1.76 cm, mother - 1, 64 cm, and she grew up to 22 years old, and her height is now 213 cm. Uliana Semenova was a two-time Olympic champion, and now she is the chairman of the Latvian Olympic Social Fund.

2.18 m Zeynab Bibi

28-year-old Pakistani Zeinab Bibi, whose height reaches 218 cm, claims to be included in the Guinness Book of Records. The girl's daily diet consists of eight large cakes, two chickens, two liters of milk, six liters of water and five kilograms of fruit. “It takes my daughter almost all day to cook,” says the giantess’s mother. By the way, Bibi can neither read nor write, until recently she rarely left the house and has never been further than her native Islamabad.

2.18 – Malgorzata Dydek

Malgorzata Teresa Dydek-Twigg (April 28, 1974, Warsaw - May 27, 2011), also known as Margo Dydek, is a Polish professional basketball player, the tallest player in the history of the Women's National Basketball Association.

2.33 - Sandy Allen

Sandy Allen was born in Indianapolis in 1955 and is considered the tallest woman in the world - 2 m 33 cm. By the age of 10, her height reached 1 m 90 cm, and by 16 - 2 m 16 cm. In 1974, in order tired of a life full of disappointment, Sandy wrote a letter to the Guinness Book of Records with a request to introduce her to a man about her height, so as not to feel lonely. She passed away on August 13, 2008, as she had recently been seriously ill and lived in a nursing home in Shelbyville, Indiana.

From childhood, they constantly heard offensive nicknames like “dylda” and “sleeper”. It is very difficult for them to find clothes by size. It is even more difficult for them to find their soul mate. The life of the giantesses has developed in different ways. Someone was able to take advantage of their abnormal growth and become a celebrity, while someone lived a very short, tormented life.

Prior to 2004, Erica's name was William and she was a man. Having undergone sex reassignment surgery, Erica dreamed of an acting career. But the roles were offered to her only by different monsters. Therefore, the girl decided to become a fitness model. In this case, Irvine was very successful.

Elsani da Cruz Silva, Brazil, 206 centimeters

Elsane was born in the Brazilian city of Salinopolis. Already at the age of fourteen, she had grown to two meters. The girl found herself in the modeling business, becoming the highest model in the world. The Brazilian has a boyfriend.

Francinaldo is five years older than his beloved and forty centimeters shorter than her. But this does not bother the couple. The only thing young people fear is that Elsani's gigantism will leave her barren.

Carolina Welz, Germany, 206 centimeters

Now the German is 32 years old. With a height of two meters six centimeters, she weighs almost one hundred and twenty kilograms. Like the two previous heroines of the article, Carolina moved into the model. Due to her gigantic stature, she has to make custom-made clothes and use special furniture. A little higher than usual.

Mali Duangdi, Thailand, 210 centimeters

Mali was born in 1992. At the age of nine, doctors discovered she had a tumor in her brain. It was because of her that the girl grew to two meters. Interestingly, it continues to grow. A few years ago, Mali went blind. For the most part, the girl stays at home and babysits her younger brother.

Gitika Srivastava, India, 211 centimeters

Gitika found herself in basketball. By the way, the huge growth in the Srivastava family is hereditary. The father of the Indian woman was twelve centimeters taller than her.

Uliana (Iuliyaka) Semenova, Latvia, 218 centimeters

Iuliyaka was born in 1952 in a family of Old Believers. The girl grew by leaps and bounds. With such growth, the road to sports was opened to her. Semenova chose basketball. During her career in the form of the Soviet national team, she twice won the Olympic Games and the World Championships and had countless other awards.

Zeinab Bibi, Pakistan, 218 centimeters

The Pakistani woman began to grow sharply from the age of fifteen. Then she became the object of peer attacks. Moreover, the children beat her severely and once even broke her arm. After that, the parents decided to move to England. Zeinab passed away in 2018 at the age of 44.

Malgorzata Dydek, Poland, 218 centimeters

Dydek grew to become a professional basketball player. Played for clubs in Poland, France, Spain and the USA. After completing her career, she moved to Australia. She got married and gave birth to two children. But Malgorzata did not live long. At the age of 37, she died suddenly at her home. She was four months pregnant.

Sandy Allen, USA, 231 cm

Sandy grew up to 22 years old. In 1977, she underwent surgery to remove a pituitary tumor, which provoked gigantic growth. The American was officially recognized as the highest in the world. But it did not bring her joy. All her life she felt lonely and asked the organizers of the Guinness Book of Records to introduce her to someone of her height. She died at the age of 54.

Yao Defen, China, 236 cm

Another giantess, Yao Defen, also suffered from a brain tumor. Moreover, the Chinese woman grew up with oncology since childhood. Every year she added five centimeters in height. The doctors cut out the tumor, but Yao did not bring health. She died in 2012 at the age of forty. Defen weighed two hundred kilograms.

Jane Bunford, England, 241 cm

The tallest inhabitant of Foggy Albion was born in 1895. Already at the age of thirteen, she almost reached two meters. Due to her height, the girl could not fully straighten up. She died before reaching thirty years of age. Her skeleton is kept at the Birmingham Anatomical Museum.

Zen Rulan, China, 248 centimeters

Scoliosis also prevented Zen from standing up to his full height. The tallest recorded woman in history lived for only eighteen years.

God alone knows why some women are born small in stature, while others surprise those around them with their size. With a height of more than 2 meters, some women find their calling and live happily in marriage, others spend the life of disabled people and die alone. Here is the 2015 version of the tallest women in the world.

Yao Defen , a Chinese woman, did not live past 40 due to health problems. With a height of 233.68 cm, she weighed more than 200 kg. The poor family could not provide the girl with good nutrition, because already at the age of 6 she demanded food, like an adult man. With age, problems with joints and blood vessels began, which led to bleeding in the brain, which caused death.

2nd place

The story is just as sad Sandy Allen , the owner of a height of 232.41 cm, who until 2008 held her title of the tallest woman on the planet in the Guinness Book of Records. The cause of her growth was a pituitary tumor. Native girls did their best to save Sandy, they even decided to have an operation, but nothing helped. Sandy is dead.

3rd place

Further, the list of unique women continues a native of Poland Malgorzata Dydek . Her height of 218.44 cm did not become a problem for the girl, she won titles not only as a famous basketball player, a member of the Polish national team, but also as the happiest tall woman on the planet, because Malgorzata has two children and a boyfriend.

4th place

From Pakistani girl Zainab Bibi Relatives refused because of her height of 218.44 cm, so the woman moved to England, she was allowed to live in a council flat for free, although the application for permanent residence was rejected.

5th place

Uliana Semenova , a famous Latvian basketball player with a height of 213.36 cm, managed to get married and become an active public figure in Latvia. The owner of 15 European Cups in Europe has repeatedly shown excellent results on the world stage. For many tall girls, Ulyana has become an example of how to learn to live happily even with a height of more than 2 meters.

6th place

Gitika Srivastava from India, with a height of 210.82 cm, she found her calling in sports. The worthy daughter of her father, whose height is 223.52 cm, became the owner of the basketball cup more than once. The daughter and father were members of the national basketball team.

7th place

208.28 cm height of a Thai girl, Mali Dangdi, made her the owner of 7th place in the list of the tallest women on the planet and 2nd place in Asia, but this does not make her happy. A huge tumor shortens the life of a girl, and expensive medicines are beyond the power of a poor family.

8th place

german beauty Carolina Welz she is proud of her height of 205.74 cm. Always cheerful, well-groomed, who has found her calling, a tall girl serves as an example to other owners of huge growth, how to live fully even in such a situation.

9th place

Rita Miniva , a native of Zimbabwe, with a height of 203.2 cm, became the famous American basketball player. It is the great growth that made the Zimbabwean girl talented, famous and rich.

10th place

The “baby” among female giantesses is considered to be a 196.85 centimeter resident of Los Vegas - Heather Green. The American is proud of her height, she has become very popular in America, while she has no problems with clothing and health, except for minor service problems.