How to get to the Thunder Island. Isle of Thunder: location history

Supported by the invading Zandalari trolls, he intends to reign over the continent. Brave heroes of the Alliance and Horde will be called upon to cope with the new threat, but they still have to take part in a terrible bloody war, provoked by the destruction of Theramore and the betrayal that split the Kirin Tor. Fighting a war on two fronts is not easy, and the Shado-Pan monks hope to enlist the support of both factions to tackle a more obvious and serious threat.

With the release of Update 5.2: Lord of Thunder, a new island will be added off the coast of Townlong Steppes, as well as many new daily quests, rare monsters, summoned bosses, treasure caches, and more. These daily quests will take you into the midst of an epic battle in which the Shado-Pan defenders of Pandaria and the heroes of Azeroth take on the mogu Emperor Lei Shen and the Zandalari trolls.

Where to begin?

First of all, we will tell you how to get to the island. Upon reaching level 90, players will be able to receive their first quest in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. There you will automatically receive the task "Thunder and Lightning". However, you can immediately visit the Shado-Pan garrison in Townlong Steppes and get down to business there. And then you hit the road. The journey is by no means a trifle, and although the easiest way to reach your destination is by air, flying has become unsafe. It will not be possible to travel by air on the island itself - of course, this is not very convenient for both warring parties. The portal leading from the Shado-Pan garrison to the Alliance and Horde footholds, where you can get the tasks of the corresponding faction, will open after you first appear on the island. Thus, you can always quickly return to the thick of the battle.

Back to battle

Just like with Ahn'Qiraj or the Isle of Quel'Danas, the efforts and successes of all players in the same game world will affect overall progress and allow you to unlock various new areas as you and your allies move further through the Isle of Thunder. ... You will be able to contribute to the course of hostilities by completing daily tasks that can be obtained in various interesting corners of the island. Once you are anchored on the shore, you can choose between PvP and PvE missions. Please note that when you select PvP missions, you will automatically switch to PvP mode. For each type of mission, players will receive their rewards and earn reputation with certain factions (depending on which side they are fighting on). If you haven't discovered any part of the island, don't worry. You can find out about all the events by taking part in the single player scenarios that will become available as you move around the island.

Who's in charge here?

At the head of the armies of the Horde and the Alliance, participating in the capture of the island, will be familiar to all characters. Warriors of both factions will be led by great heroes: Jaina Proudmoore will lead the Kirin Tor, and Lor Temar Theron will lead the Sunreaver forces. As you earn reputation with these factions, heroes will be able to get new capes, banners and a terrifying mount.

And that is not all!

On the island, you can not only complete tasks and earn reputation. You will have the opportunity to get hold of prey and deal with enemies.

  • Bosses you can summon yourself: From time to time, you will come across items with which you can summon a boss for a five-player battle. This should be good fun and a source of loot. Shan tse Ritual Stones can be obtained in the Isle of Thunder in various ways, and then combined to summon a boss.
  • Rare Chests: You may come across a rare chest that can be opened once a week. Shan tse ritual stones can be found in these chests and can be combined to summon a boss.
  • Rare bosses: You will be able to see new interesting and rare bosses in the game and (try to) defeat them. As in the case of rare chests, for defeating a rare boss you can get Shan tse ritual stones and many other great rewards.
  • Treasury of the Thunder King - treasure room: Who among us doesn't like good prey? You will have a chance to get the key with which you will open the treasury. It will become a real challenge for you in the high-speed collection of loot! You will have five minutes to break into one of the famous mogu treasures and take out Lei Shen's treasures. There may be serious obstacles on your way, but if you plan everything carefully, you can pretty much replenish your stocks of valuables. Plus, deep in the treasury, you'll find chests full of awesome new items.
  • Nalak, Lord of Thunder: After the Isle of Thunder is conquered, the gatekeeper of the Overlord's citadel will appear on it. This new world boss is similar to the Sha of Anger, so only the bravest heroes will be able to defeat him and get amazing loot.
  • Items for transmogrification: If you want to give your items a classic look, then you have a great opportunity for this. For defeating the Zandalari trolls, you can get "green" items that look exactly like the classic weapons of the trolls of the past.
  • New Lorewalker Scrolls: You can find new Lorewalker scrolls, and Lorewalker Cho will happily read new legends to you.
  • Island of giants: this is not the place for a carefree stroll! However, the most fearless heroes will have an excellent opportunity to meet new creatures and, if they are lucky, tame or capture them. On this fog-covered island full of dangers, a new world boss lives - Ondasta, a huge, scary devil.

We would not like to reveal all the secrets of the island, because it keeps many secrets, and you will have a lot of opportunities to test yourself in battle. All inhabitants of your game world and warriors of your faction hope that you will be able to seize the island and repel the new threat. Will you be able to withstand the tests of the Isle of Thunder? The return of the Thunder King is coming ...

* Daniel "Nethaera" Vanderlip is the World of Warcraft Community Manager. She has a real elite dinosaur at home. (Bearded agamas count too, right?)

You were probably wondering - what did the Horde and Alliance carry to the Isle of Thunder? What have they forgotten there and why are they ready to fight each other, trolls, mogu, saurok and a bunch of other incomprehensible creatures. The latest MTP build has added introductory chains that open the eyes to interesting things.

Upon entering the game, you will receive the Thunder and Lightning quest, which will take you to Townlong Steppes - there are two new scout camps for the Horde and Alliance. They are not at enmity with each other, but keep at a respectful distance. The Horde is ruled by Scout Captain Elsia, while the Alliance is ruled by Vereesa Windrunner.

We hand over the quest, get the task to get to the island and fly ... we fly ... we fly ...

And during the flight, the reason for the invasion of the Isle of the Thunder King begins to appear: a desire to help the Pandaren, who fear the return of the mogu empire. As we remember, both the Horde and the Alliance did not abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bluring the furry furries to their side. So incentive # 1 is to help the pandaren and hint who is their friend and who is their enemy.

The alliance enters from the eastern end of the island: they face fierce resistance from the Zandalari trolls.

The horde lands from the west and meets the mogu.

The expedition is led by Lortemar Theron. On the ships is the base of the Horde - here and Dezko, and quartermasters, and merchants, and blacksmiths.

Theron also took the Forsaken Plague Researcher with him. Its official mission is stated as “fighting saurok diseases”. But we know that Sylvanas will not miss her \u003d)

Archmage Aethas hints that it is not so simple:

I was also very pleased with the fanatical Elina Zaralae - a curious approach to life.

Okay, sending Ethas to hell (doesn't trust? \u003d), Lortemar Theron brings us up to date. So, the main goal of the Horde - namely, its part, led by Lortemar, obtaining a powerful source of magic from the Lord of Thunder. While Garrosh is playing war in Krasarang, the blood elves are preparing to rise in rebellion and need a decent weapon against Corcron and the Alliance. Moreover, the Alliance here is more of an annoying hindrance than a real threat.

Theron then dispatches to the aid of the Shado-Pan, who have already landed and fortified on the Isle of Thunder.

The Alliance, you guessed it, also has a base on ships. It is full of Kirin Tor mana demons, and the great mages themselves, including the Vargoth projection, are engaged in discussing plans for an invasion. There is Lalia too.

Dalvin Jakor philosophizes.

Alas, Jaina turns out to be less talkative, but she also sends players to help the Shado-Pan in the very depths of the island.

The Shado-pans are already conducting active hostilities on the island: they cut out the mogu one at a time, snatch out with whole detachments, and repulse the attack.

Tazhan Zhu is hiding in a cave under the waterfall - there is the headquarters of the Shado-Pan command. The rate is periodically run by trolls, including riding dinosaurs.

Taran approves of our dedication and issues a task - to collect 3 runestones, summon 3 champions of Lei Shen and defeat them. Reward - 150 OD \u003d)

  • The cunning Shado-pans cunningly accept the help of both the Horde and the Alliance, without taking sides.
  • Both the Alliance and Horde see each other, as well as the saurok, as temporary allies against the mogu of Lei Shen and the Zandalari. And as a means of obtaining great power.
  • Horde - preparing to overthrow Garrosh the tyrant and use the power of the Thunder King to guide civil war... Theron is apparently not interested in the alliance at all.
  • The Alliance is trying to prevent this, because then the whole world will fall under the crossfire and will not seem to anyone.

But neither the orcs, nor the elves, nor the people do not care about Pandaria itself, since the return of Lei Shen, according to Vereesa, will not affect the rest of Azeroth \u003d) Big politics, a lot of blood, betrayal and pompous speeches.

With the advent of WoW 5.2 update, players were able to feel the spirit of the ancient civilizations of Pandaria: mogu, Zandalari and many others. Many quests on this unusual continent are dedicated to fighting the echoes of the past. One of the most mysterious and threatening locations in this patch is located on a long forgotten island. In this article, we will look at how to get to the Isle of Thunder and how it can turn out for gamers.

Island history

Patch 5.2 for World of Warcraft players saw the opening of a new location in northwest Pandaria. Isle of Thunder, as it was named by the developers, was previously a mountain on the edge of the continent. After one of the most cruel mogu rulers, Lei Shen, died, the capital was moved from Thunder Mountain to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and the place itself was abandoned for many years. As a result of the disaster known as the "Great Sundering", the mountain sank under the water, leaving only its peak on the surface. It was she who became the haven of Lei Shen, who returned from oblivion.

The story doesn't end there. Players will have to unravel the secrets of the Isle of Thunder for a long time. Help will come from the factions united by the idea of \u200b\u200boverthrowing the rebellious Lei Shen: the Kirin Tor Army and the Sunreaver Troops. In addition, support will be provided by the Shando-Pan Onslaught Pandaren Order. Bloodthirsty Zandalari - trolls who have learned to enslave dinomancers and other bloodthirsty creatures - will fight on the side of the emperor who has risen from the dead.

Threat at every turn: what players will see on the island

Before getting to the Isle of Thunder, gamers should find out what to expect from this place. Firstly, in a relatively small area of \u200b\u200bthe island, a huge number of daily quests (more than 200!) Await them. Of course, it will be possible to receive them "dosed": 5-10 a day. It is worth noting that the developers paid attention to all areas of the game: PvP players can choose tasks in their direction, and fans of PvE battles will fight mobs as before.

Second, Shanze ritual stones can be obtained on the island. With their help, rare bosses can be summoned, for defeating which players will receive an appropriate reward. Incidentally, Thunder Island is overflowing with "rarniks" and other powerful creatures. Some mobs drop keys to Lei Shen's treasure. Having penetrated into it, the player runs the risk of being killed by multiple electrical discharges hitting next to the chests. But if he is lucky, he will come out very wealthy.

The third circumstance that makes Isle of Thunder rich in loot is the world boss Nalak. Guarding the gates of the citadel, behind the walls of which Lei Shen hides, but violently rushes at all who dared to disturb his peace. Nalak's stuffing is very diverse: mount, armor, cloaks and accessories for PvP sets. In addition, by attacking Nalak, the player will be able to complete the Wrathion quest to obtain the legendary cloak. Here is also the Throne of Thunder raid dungeon, from the bosses of which you can get the most relevant armor for all classes.

How to get to the Isle of Thunder: quest

The easiest way to get to Thunder Island is to get the Thunder and Lightning quest. It is given to all players who have reached level 90 in the game. Following the directions, the character must move to Townlong Steppes, located west of the Horde and Alliance shrines in Pandaria. It is there that the Shando-Pan garrison is located, aside from which there are portals to Thunder Island. It is impossible not to notice them, as several dragons with delicate reddish-pink wings hover next to them.

Are there routes to the island?

Many players have probably wondered if there are other ways to get to the Isle of Thunder, besides portals. Unfortunately, there are no direct air routes to this location. Only at the risk of dying in the waters of the ocean from fatigue, the player can go to the island on their own.