Where to go not skiing. Ski slopes Skiing in Shuvalov park

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Ski Track"Pargolovskaya ski track"

A small five-kilometer track, along which the traditional race of the same name takes place, is located almost within the city limits, a five-minute drive from the station. metro Prospekt Enlightenment. The route runs along the picturesque copses of the southern end of the Shuvalov forest park. A simple, in general, track with a maximum elevation difference of only 15 m, is replete with a large number of turns and is very convenient for coaches who can watch skiers from one point 3-4 times on each lap. About 50% of the route runs through open areas with little wind protection. The total climb on a 5-kilometer circle is 90 m or, on average, 18 m per kilometer. There are practically no difficult ascents and descents, the track is well suited for training children and beginner skiers. The distance from any point on the track to the starting town does not exceed 500 - 600 meters.

The track has a 2.5 km section with artificial lighting.

Additional Information

Changing rooms - information not available.

Car parking - there is no centralized car park


Everyone who buys skis always wonders where to go. In our city there are parks and squares where you can walk on the ski track in winter. However, if the soul asks for more, for example, a good prepared cross-country track, not far from St. Petersburg? I must say right away that we have very few such tracks, they can literally be counted on one hand. I'll tell you about some of them and hope that the list will continue to grow.

1. VIFK- Military Institute of Physical Culture.

The track is located in the northwest of Lake Khepojärvi. Start / finish on the territory of the VIFK camp, which is on the section of the road Toksovo - Nov. Toksovo, on the right, around the bend to Eagle Mountain. The track is "live", i.e. it is constantly being prepared and competitions are held on it. There is an illuminated section of 2 km, until 21.00, almost flat. The main distance is 5, under the classics and the skate, very hilly. As a rule, another 10 are rolled out for both types. From there, you can run around Khepojärvi along the flat track to the SKA track and return back along the lake or vice versa. The circle turns out to be 15. An excellent route for all skill levels. Very often under the snow on the lake. There is water (springs) in Khepojarvi, but this is not a crime, mainly in the area where it connects with Lake Tea. There is no rental or changing room. From the railway station. Kavgolovo 30-40 (~ 3 km) minutes on foot or by minibus to Eagle Mountain.


Located in the east of Toksovo.

It is necessary to turn right in front of the Kavgolovsky trampoline, the 1st fork to the left, the 2nd, on the descent, to the right and before entering the "Northern Slope" to the left until it stops. You can follow the sign to "Severny" and when you exit the road to it, turn right, that is, on the opposite side from "Snezhny". There "live" 5-ka, skate + classic, very hilly. There are exits to ski tracks around Lake Khepojärvi (see item 1) and to the “ring” between holiday village"Victoria", and the lake. School.

3. Eagle mountain

To the east of Maly Kavgolovskoye Lake, Start / Finish begins right next to the parking lot of the Eagle Mountain resort, where in the summer an asphalt skier jumps out onto a sandy volleyball field. 5, more amateur than sports. The hilly area is average. Closer VIFK to the train (station Kavgolovo, 20 min.). On the "Mountain" there are changing rooms, cafes, toilets.

4. Surf

Ski base "Priboy" in Zelenogorsk, 1 km from the railway station on the road to Ilyichevo, on the right. Leave the cars on the side of the road or at the cemetery, which is further along the road for another 1 km and in front of the white brick house to the right into the forest. The base has a ski rental, changing room, toilets. The track is "live" - ​​competitions are held regularly. There is absolutely even 2, and also marked 3, 5, 10, 15. All distances are prepared for the classics and the skate. Every kilometer there is a signpost of the distance traveled, and from the middle of the remaining one, it is at 15-ke. The track is moderately hilly. You can jump out along the ski tracks to Lake Shchuchye (beyond the 5 km mark, the fork is to the right) and Bol. Simagino (straight ahead at the 6 km mark). There is often an ice-hole on Shchuchye. From there you can go to the railway station. Komarovo past the Komarovsky (writers') cemetery.

5. LMZ

1 km south of the railway station Lembolovo, west of the railway. Distances 3, 5 and 10 km, flat near the Start / Finish and relief in the middle of the 10-ki.

6. Mozhaisk

Duderhof Heights - 1 km south of the railway station. Mozhaiskaya and to the left up the hill (mountain "Nut" 175 m) there is a children's ski school. At the top of the mountain there are 5 very relief and beautiful winds, with gorgeous views of St. Petersburg in clear weather. There are no locker rooms, toilets and other things, but sometimes an uncle comes up - the owner of the mountain and asks for fifty kopecks (for the whole season) This is the coach of this school and takes money for fuel for a snowmobile in order to "cut" the track.

7. Pargolovskaya ski track

A small three-kilometer track, located almost within the city limits, a five-minute drive from the station. metro Prospekt Enlightenment. The route runs along the picturesque copses of the southern end of the Shuvalov forest park. A simple, in general, track with a maximum elevation difference of only 15 m, is replete with a large number of turns and is very convenient for coaches who can watch skiers from one point 3-4 times on each lap.

About 50% of the route runs through open areas with little wind protection. The total climb on a 3-kilometer circle is 90 m or, on average, 18 m per kilometer. There are practically no difficult ascents and descents, the track is well suited for training children and beginner skiers. The distance from any point on the track to the starting town does not exceed 500-600 meters.

Travel by buses and minibuses in the direction of Pargolovo / Sertolovo. From st. metro Ozerki, etc. Enlightenment is available a large number of routes providing a 5-10 minute interval of movement, both on weekends and on weekdays.

Travel time is 10 minutes. The stop is opposite Lenta on Vyborgskoe highway (not far from the turn to Kamenka). Poklonnaya mountain in the same 10 minutes.

8. Blue cottage

The ski track of the MOO STC "Monolit", known among skiers as "Golubaya Dacha", is located in the vicinity of the village of Suoranda, 6 km from the western outskirts of the city, the Rzhevka-Porokhovyh region. The main part of the trail runs on a forested slope adjacent to an open hilly area.

The track, in general, has a "playful" character with an alternation of relatively gentle ascents and descents, and in the area from the sixth to the eleventh kilometers there are rather heavy long ascents with a rise in altitude up to 30-40 meters. The start and finish sections pass through an open area, practically unprotected from the wind. The rest of the route is sheltered from the wind by a forest. The total length of the track is 15 km, the presence of sidetracks allows races to be held at almost any distance. The total climb is 255 meters, that is, about 17 meters per kilometer, which allows the track to be classified as medium difficulty.

In the area of ​​the track there are walking trails, one of which connects the area with the Okhta forest park in Porokhovy, which allows you to ski right on the outskirts of the city and after 30-40 minutes (7-8 km) reach the foot of the Koltush Upland, on the slope of which the track is located ...

9. Dynamo ski track pos. Toksovo, pos. Kavgolovo

Ski track "Dynamo" passes through the territory of the Kavgolovsky forest park in the immediate vicinity of the square. Kavgolovo. The trail runs in a park forest and is reliably sheltered from wind and snowfall by century-old spruce trees. A relatively uncomplicated 5-kilometer distance with a total climb of 120 m (an average of 24 m per kilometer) is used only for small-scale competitions. However, due to its convenient location and good protection from adverse weather conditions, this track is very convenient for training.

A significant number of sports centers located in the area, as well as the proximity of the Eagle Mountain ski complex create good conditions for changing clothes and resting after training.

In the area of ​​mass skiing there are a large number of walking trails, and on weekends you will meet skiers-tourists and outdoor enthusiasts on the trail.

The easiest way to get to l / w "Dynamo" is by electric train from Finland Station to Kavgolovo square (direction Sosnovo / Priozersk, interval 30 - 40 minutes on weekends, travel time 45 - 50 minutes). You can also take buses and by route taxis from st. metro station Grazhdansky pr. and Prosveshcheniya ave. to the stop "Toksovo, center" or "Tramplin".

Electric trains from Finland Station in the direction of Sosnovo / Priozersk run on weekends with an interval of 30 - 40 minutes. Vehicle owners can get to the village. Toksovo as through the railway crossing at pl. Murino, and along the route of Kultury ave. - Bugry - Kuzmolovo - Toksovo, following the signs in the direction of the Eagle Mountain ski complex. Here you can either park your car near the Tramplin bus stop, or drive directly to the starting town via ski resort"Eagle Mountain" and the training base of the RGAFK im. Lesgaft, and further along a low-quality road past pl. Kavgolovo through the l / w "Stroitel", which will add about 4 km.

Command L-BIKE expresses gratitude for the materials provided to Anatoly Chaika and Vasily Madshus.

Epiphany frosts have come to St. Petersburg, which means that there is an excellent opportunity to spend your free time with health benefits. In the city and its environs there are many places where you can ski and leisurely ride, enjoying the views of the winter forest, or vice versa - zip off the descent, blowing frosty air over your face. the site has compiled an overview of comfortable cross-country skiing areas.

Ski slope "SKA"

Location: Toksovo

The oldest ski track in the city, about 10 kilometers long, has a rather complex shape. Here you can find steep climbs and downhill slopes that will require good skiing and good health. The total climb is 400 meters.

In the past, the SKA ski track was the ape of international and all-Union (then - All-Russian) competitions, today it is a favorite place for many skiers.

Conditions: On the shore of Lake Khepojärvi there is a recreation complex "Northern Slope", where there are changing rooms and ski rental. You can get to the SKA ski slope by train, by shuttle bus from the Devyatkino metro station and by private car.

Ski track "Dynamo"

Location: Toksovo - Kavgolovo, the territory of the Kavgolovsky forest park

The relatively easy track with a distance of 5 kilometers is ideal for training. There are descents and ascents that will diversify your winter walk.

Conditions: At the Dynamo ski base, you can rent skis and "cheesecakes", as well as change clothes and leave personal belongings.

Skiing does not require special long-term training and is available to everyone. Photo: AiF / Evgeniya Savina

Ski track "Pargolovskaya ski track"

Location: st. metro station "Ozerki" - "Prospect Enlightenment"

A picturesque five-kilometer track is located in the southern part of the Shuvalov Park. The traditional race "Pargolovskaya ski track" is held here every year, after which the track got its name.

Conditions: The ski track is located within the city limits, a 5-10 minute drive from the Ozerki or Prospekt Prosvescheniya metro stations.

Ski track "Murinsky Park"

Location: st. metro station "Grazhdansky Prospekt" - "Academic"

Along Prospekt Lunacharskiy and Murinskiy brook there is a “wild” ski track, the length of which is 6 kilometers.

Currently, by order of the administration in Murinsky Park, a concept is being developed for the construction of a ski and biathlon track, which includes ski routes of various lengths, additional bridges and a biathlon shooting range for 15 athletes.

Conditions: There is no ski rental.

Ski track "Elagin Island"

Location: st. underground " Old village"-" Krestovsky Ostov ", TsPKiO im. CM. Kirov

You can go skiing and Finnish sleigh rides on Elagin Island, a favorite vacation spot for many Petersburgers. A skating rink will also appear here soon, the filling of which has already begun on the Big Square.

Conditions: Rental of skis, Finnish sledges and, very soon, skates.

Ski track LMZ

Location: Lembolovo

A wide ski trail with a total length of 10 kilometers passes through picturesque pine forests. The piste has a series of ascents and descents of varying difficulty. The steepest and most difficult climb is located in the area of ​​the sixth kilometer, and after the seventh, the trail goes downhill and ends with a two-kilometer stretch along the plain. The total climb is 200 meters.

Conditions: Ski rental, changing rooms, as well as the possibility of renting premises in the LMZ camp and other nearby camps.

On many slopes, skis can be rented. Photo: www.russianlook.com

VIFK ski slope

Location: Toksovo - Kavgolovo

The VIFK ski slope is one of the best: it is certified for all-Russian cross-country skiing. The ski track begins at the stadium of the Military Institute of Physical Education and passes through the area sheltered from the wind. Its length is 10 kilometers.

Conditions: The VIFK base can be reached on foot from the Kavgolovo platform in the direction of the Eagle Mountain ski complex.

Ski track "Yuntolovo"

Location: st. metro station "Komendantskiy prospect"

You can ski in a measured way in the Yuntolovsky reserve, which is not only a national but also an international natural heritage. Yuntolovo is the largest specially protected natural area in St. Petersburg. This is where the city ends and the forest begins.

The Yuntolovskaya Lyzhnya ski run has been held here for 11 years among the residents of the Primorsky District.

Conditions: There are no ski and cheesecake rental shops.

Ski track RGAFK im. Lesgaft

Location: Kavgolovo

The five-kilometer ski trail is located near the Eagle Mountain ski complex and the educational and training base of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture im. Lesgaft. In 2003, the World Cup in cross-country skiing was held here, thanks to which the general condition of the track was improved.

Conditions: Paid ski pass through the checkpoint, there is a parking lot.

Active recreation in nature in the winter forest gives amazing results. Photo: www.russianlook.com

Ski track "Priboy"

Location: Zelenogorsk

Not far from the base "Priboy" there is a ski track with a length of 17 kilometers. Her route passes through a picturesque coniferous forest and consists of a series of interesting ascents and descents. The total climb is 425 meters, which makes it a medium difficulty slope. At the end of the season, marathon races of 50 kilometers are traditionally held here.

Conditions: The ski lodge has a luggage room where you can leave your personal belongings. You can also rent skis here and rent a recreation room.