What errors are allowed in electronic tickets? Our railway Help When purchasing a train ticket, I made a mistake in the information

Anyone can make a typo in documents. But sometimes such a mistake can turn into big troubles, especially if it crept into your train ticket.

Today you can purchase train tickets at the station ticket office or online. Whether the operator entered incorrect information or you yourself made a typo when ordering a ticket does not matter. As a result, you have an incorrectly issued travel document. What to do in such a situation? Does such a ticket remain valid or lose its validity?

Differences between domestic and international flights

If you buy a ticket to an international destination, there should not be even minimal errors in it. According to Russian Railways instructions, a passenger has no right to travel on a foreign route with an incorrectly issued travel document. It does not matter who made the mistake - you or the railway ticket office operator. They simply won't let you on the train.

A ticket for a foreign route must not contain errors.

Travel rules within the country are not so strict. Errors are allowed on tickets, but no more than by one letter or number. If you indicate Alexandrovich instead of Alekseevich in the “Patronymic” column, you will not be able to use such a travel card.

On domestic railway flights, one error is allowed in the ticket.

How to correct errors in a train ticket?

The cashier does not have the right to make an error on a similar document with correct data. The easiest way out of the situation is to return the outdated travel pass and purchase a new one. You will not save your seat in the carriage, because when a vacant seat appears in the online booking system, it can be “intercepted” by other users. Another disadvantage is that you will have to pay extra to purchase a new travel document, since a certain amount is withheld for returning the previous one.

It is not possible to replace an incorrect ticket with a correct one.

There is only one way to avoid such troubles - by carefully checking the information on travel documents.

If you purchased your voucher online, please review your details carefully before completing your purchase. If you have any doubts, you can ask another person to check the correctness of the entered information.

If a mistake was made by the railway station operator, inform him about it without leaving the ticket office. Only in this case will the railway admit that the inaccuracy was its fault, and the cashier will issue you a new ticket with the correct data.

How to return travel documents issued with errors?

A train ticket containing errors in the passenger's personal data does not correspond to his identity card. However, you can still get your money back: visit the station ticket office and write a corresponding application. The money will be returned in cash or transferred to the card within 30 days.

The method of returning money depends on the method of purchase: if you paid in cash - it will be returned through the cash register, by bank transfer - it will be transferred to the same account.

Information to check

Once you receive your train ticket, be sure to check:

  • your personal data;
  • travel start date;
  • composition number.

Remember that the passenger is responsible for incorrect execution of the travel document. Only if the cashier's mistake was noticed immediately will you be able to exchange it for free.

Do not leave the box office until you have checked your tickets.

Inattention to seemingly insignificant details is often the cause of many problems in our lives. Even at school, the teacher persistently demands to concentrate and do the work without mistakes, but, unfortunately, they are constant companions of our daily affairs, and sometimes seriously interfere with this very work being accomplished.

Buying a ticket at the ticket office at the station

The cashier at the station misspelled your last name. What to do? Is it possible to somehow correct the typo or just ignore it and travel with an incorrectly issued ticket?

If you do not have to cross the Russian border, then you will be allowed to board if no more than one letter in your last name, initials and no more than one digit in the document number on the basis of which the ticket was issued is incorrect. You will not be placed on a train going abroad with such a travel document. Therefore, there is only one option - to change the incorrectly issued ticket. It will be accepted at the cash desk, despite the fact that, on a formal basis, it does not correspond to the document of the person delivering it. Therefore, you will need to write a return application. The money will either be given in cash or transferred to your account (depending on how you paid). The same procedure will apply if there is more than one typo on the ticket. In a number of situations, instead of initials, the full name and patronymic are indicated (in compartment cars, SV, etc.). An incorrectly specified middle name, for example, is not considered a typo. The ticket must be exchanged, since if the conductor notices a discrepancy upon boarding, you will not be allowed on the train.

There is one not very pleasant problem in some cases associated with returning a ticket. After you have returned your ticket, the place you are interested in is entered into the system, and some time passes before you can see it again. What’s even worse is that somewhere in another part of the country they will have time to buy it before you. If there are enough seats on the train, the problem disappears. But if there are few places, you obviously won’t like the result of the return.

A separate case is when you noticed an error immediately at the checkout. The cashier can draw up an appropriate act, which will confirm the guilt of the railway, and there will be no need to make a refund. This procedure is valid for all types of passenger transport, including international trains. There is no risk of losing your place in this case. In addition, the cashier can cancel an incorrectly issued ticket and replace it with the correct one.

When purchasing an e-ticket

Responsibility for incorrect execution of a travel document rests entirely with you. When purchasing an electronic ticket, you enter your personal information yourself. Please check everything carefully before making payment. After payment, corrections cannot be made. “For the correctness of the travel details and personal data, the person placing the order bears full responsibility,” says one of the Rules for the carriage of passengers, and notifications are available directly at the ticket offices at stations.

In case of an error when entering document numbers and other personal data, the passenger will not be able to obtain a boarding pass (travel document) at the ticket office and travel on the train

Therefore, the right decision in any case would be to check the ticket immediately after it is issued. This won’t take much time, but there will be clearly fewer unpleasant consequences. And in order to avoid problems of incorrect information, it is necessary to clarify possible ways to correct the situation directly with the carrier. Since everything changes over time, first-hand information in this case is very relevant. Perhaps in the future, if your data was once entered correctly into the database, when you purchase again, they will automatically appear in the correct form in full, as soon as you enter the passport numbers.

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600 price

the issue is resolved

Problem with train ticket

Hello. I bought 4 train tickets for my family via the Internet. I printed out the tickets at the terminal at the station. I found an error in the date of birth on the ticket for the child (a 4-digit error) (does not affect the cost of the ticket). I contacted the cashier (and then...

You made a typo when booking or purchasing an e-ticket, the cashier at the station made a mistake, or a friend took a ticket for you and gave your middle name incorrectly... Such situations are not at all uncommon. Is it possible to reissue an electronic ticket or board a train on a ticket with a mistake in the last name, what should I do and how to correct the situation?

  1. You cannot simply reissue a ticket. You can return it and get a new one. But until your free space gets into the system, time will pass. And immediately after this, the place can be bought by anyone from anywhere in the country. Catching him again is almost impossible. If there are other empty seats on your train, great, then you can simply return your train ticket and take another one for an empty seat. It’s more difficult if there are no or few places.
  2. You can board the train with a ticket with a typo in your personal data. But only if you do not cross the Russian border. “In case of minor discrepancies between the data of the passenger’s identity document and the data specified in the travel document ( no more than one letter in the last name, initials and no more than one digit in the number), the passenger is allowed to board for travel on a passenger train" (telegram of JSC Russian Railways No. 3/311 dated October 5, 2005 (TsLDV-2-59)).
  3. If you cross the border, you need to change your ticket. According to Russian Railways rules, you cannot board an international train with a ticket that contains errors or typos. In fact, this is insurance against troubles with border and customs services.
  4. You may return your train ticket with errors. If the number of discrepancies with the documents is more than acceptable, you can return the ticket (and they will accept it from you, although formally it does not correspond to the documents of the person submitting it). You will need to go to the ticket office at the station and write a corresponding application. The money will be given in cash or returned to your account, depending on how you purchased the ticket.
  5. ALWAYS check all the details on your ticket right away. Regardless of the place and method of purchase. This will take approximately one minute, but the inconvenience caused by undetected errors will be much longer.

If you are applying, check your last name, first name and patronymic (this is where mistakes often happen) and the number of your birth certificate or international passport. If there are errors in more than one letter and number, alas, you must return the ticket and take a new one.

Problematic points when there is an error in the Russian Railways electronic ticket

  • It will not be possible to pass off a completely incorrect middle name as a typo.
  • The date error cannot be corrected. You cannot “just replace” a train ticket. More details here.
  • If you are in another country (including Ukraine) at the ticket office at the station and immediately notice a typo, ask the cashier to draw up a report stating that the error was the fault of the railway. Then you will be able to avoid unnecessary questions and changing the ticket (especially since there may be no other free seats). Or the erroneous ticket will be canceled and the correct one will be issued instead.
  • Responsibility always lies with you (except in cases where a typo is discovered immediately when purchasing a ticket at the box office). If you buy a ticket online, you enter the data yourself. If you buy a ticket at the ticket office using your passport, you are required to check that all personal data on it is correct. Signs warn about this on notice boards at all stations, near most ticket offices, and there is a corresponding clause in the rules for the transportation of passengers.

The information is for reference only; it is better to check with the carrier for details (in Russia - JSC Russian Railways).

Modern technologies allow passengers to purchase train tickets not only at station ticket offices, but also electronically online. If, when issuing a train ticket in the traditional way, i.e. through a ticket office, the responsibility for ensuring that personal data is correctly indicated in the document is distributed between the cashier and the passenger, then in the case of an electronic ticket, the passenger can only rely on his own attentiveness.

Minor mistakes made during registration can subsequently cause a lot of inconvenience. In what cases can a ticket holder be denied boarding a train?

Issues of issuing train tickets are regulated by government document No. 473 dated December 19, 2013, which sets out the rights and obligations of both the ticket holder and persons involved in passenger and freight transportation by rail. Here, in particular, it is said that the travel document that the passenger receives must contain information about its owner.

You can buy a train ticket using a military ID

Information about the passenger is entered into the ticket based on the provided passport, military ID, or birth certificate. And most importantly, having received the ticket in hand, preferably immediately, without leaving the ticket office, the passenger must check that the personal data is filled out correctly, since the presence of errors in the name, surname or passport number can create problems when boarding the train.

If the cashier made a mistake

If a train travel document is purchased at a station ticket office, somewhere nearby there must be a stand where passengers are reminded of the need to check the correctness of the personal data indicated on the ticket immediately after receiving it in their hands. A citizen who discovers an error before leaving the cash register must immediately inform the cashier about it, who will draw up the appropriate act and issue a new ticket with the correct data, i.e. everything is quite simple.

You must check the correctness of the information on your ticket immediately, without leaving the ticket office.

Of course, there is no re-registration fee per person. If the error (or errors) were discovered later, for example, during landing, the problem will be somewhat more difficult to solve.

Firstly, the passenger should remember that one mistake in the spelling of the last name or first name (letter), as well as one mistake in the passport number (numerical) cannot be grounds for not allowing you to board the train: such a number of inaccuracies is permissible according to same document No. 473 dated December 19, 2013.

Can be downloaded on our website.

If there are more errors, you will have to go to the ticket office again and return the ticket. To return the ticket to the box office, you will need to write a corresponding application, after which the money will be compensated.

Can be downloaded here.

Secondly, the procedure for returning a ticket has a number of nuances: formally, the cashier may not take the ticket back because it does not match the passport data, but almost always accepts it, because the situation is too obvious.

If you return your ticket two hours or less before the departure of the train, you will only be entitled to a refund of the full fare.

One more thing: returning a ticket and issuing a new one may take some time, during which travel documents for your train continue to be sold and as a result there may not be any free seats left. This possibility should also be taken into account. Sometimes the patronymic name is indicated on the ticket along with the first and last name (for example, for a compartment or SV). It should be remembered that an incorrectly written middle name is considered an error.