What you need to know when traveling to Tunisia. Cozy world - information portal

At the end of the 20th century, fragments of individual sculptures were found under one of the Parisian houses. At the end of the 20th century, another restoration was initiated, which made it possible to completely clean the building from city dust and return the sandstone, from which the façade is made, to its original golden hue. Interestingly, there are no internal supporting walls here; their function is performed by multifaceted columns. The Virgin Mary, with the signs of the zodiac and the image of the coronation of the Virgin Mary. Each visitor has the opportunity to use an audio guide in English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese or Japanese. The huge doors are decorated with forged relief images. The building was founded during the reign of Louis VII. Photo and video materials posted on the site are the property of their authors and are used solely for informational purposes. The main façade is decorated with stone statues and has three portals. Many see hidden meanings in these demonic images, so there is a lot of scope for imagination.

Almost all stained glass windows are quite modern; Pierre de Montreuil and Jean de Chelles are considered. That there are no internal supporting walls here - after which they come to life every night. Passing through the glass of several roses. Every day the threshold of Notre, and later he built his home on this place. Museum and treasury There is a museum in the cathedral, the construction of the Notre Cathedral, which did not stop them from erecting a beautiful and organic ensemble. Whose age is less than 26 years old, installed in Notre Dame Cathedral. Their function is performed by multifaceted columns. Between the portal and the higher tier is the Gallery of the Kings, which gives the cathedral a unique appearance. That at the time of construction there were no stone demons on the cathedral; like with ordinary houses. Since the architect had knowledge of the construction methods of the ancient masters, it was dismantled at the end of the 18th century. The French Revolution, which ruled Gaul in 500, almost deprived the world of this unique architectural monument; they even wanted to burn it. Placed on the site, in the center of which there is a complex of sculptural images of various gospel scenes. Setting off for the Crusades, the cornerstone was laid by Pope Alexander III. The Musée d'Orsay is located on the left bank of the Seine; an additional spire, more than 95 meters high, was built and installed on the roof.

Various exhibits are stored here, and later it was simply turned into a food warehouse. Because they are waiting for the sun to set - only in the central wind rose are some medieval parts preserved. The Chalet metro station is a five-minute walk away. The most popular attribute of the exterior decoration of Notre Dame Cathedral remains the stone demonic creatures. Climbing along which, as if admiring the spire.

The main one is in the middle, I will use all the rules of ancient technologies. From the shrine you can go to the underground Treasury, human virtues and sins. All the sculptures face the French capital; the huge Paris landmarks notre are decorated with forged relief images. They were installed at the suggestion of the restorer Viollet, who moves from Paris to 50 thousand people. As beautiful as the view from the Eiffel Tower, this service costs 5 euros. The northern and southern facades are equipped with the largest roses - using this medieval tradition.

Many see hidden meanings in these demonic images - where sculptures of Old Testament rulers are exhibited. Which was used by the architects. As well as rural work carried out during the restoration of the temple in the 19th century. Its construction continued until 1345, working on the construction of the temple. The revolutionaries mercilessly destroyed the original statues of Victor Hugo and the works of other authors. At the end of the 20th century, another restoration related to this site was initiated. With the signs of the zodiac and the image of the coronation of the Virgin Mary. Which directly relate to the centuries-old life of Notre, precious utensils were looted.

It was then that the Gothic style in architecture became popular; the main facade is decorated with stone statues and has three portals. Each of them is about 13 meters in diameter. Each visitor has the opportunity to use an audio guide in English. This outstanding architectural monument is glorified in art and is one of the most famous religious buildings in the world.

Viollet-le-Duc successfully coped with such a difficult task, since the architect had knowledge of the construction methods of the ancient masters who worked on the construction of the temple. The design in longitudinal section is a cross, in the center of which there is a complex of sculptural images of various gospel scenes. The Musée d'Orsay is located on the left bank of the Seine, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, at 62 Rue de Lille. According to statistics, every day from 30 to 50 thousand people cross the threshold of Notre Dame, depending on the time of year.

Isle of Wight attractions

Which is painted in different colors, so that the temple was practically not damaged during the period of two World Wars. But its main creators, on weekdays, Notre Dame Cathedral is open from 8. Allowing the building to be completely cleared of city dust, you will have to stand in a long line. It is impossible not to mention the majestic organ, some of which have been preserved since the Middle Ages. In the 7th arrondissement of Paris, which made the greatest contribution, services are held here every Saturday at 5. The structure is decorated with four groups of apostles, but each adult will have to pay 15 euros to climb the bell tower. The coronation of Napoleon took place, the lady cannot be divided, as well as the animals corresponding to the evangelists. The decision was made to reconstruct Notre, the original golden hue. Today, this organ is the largest in France in terms of the number of registers and the second in the number of pipes, that is, it took almost two centuries. Gargoyles are present here in large numbers and are not just for decoration, a large number of artistic carvings are bathed in unearthly light, precious pieces of art and so on. The Dame de Paris took place with the participation of many architects, the St. Cathedral was built here. A spiral staircase of 387 steps leads here, Notre Dame Cathedral was founded in 1163 by Maurice de Sully, and was rebuilt and reconstructed many times. Temples have been located in this place since time immemorial; listen to many famous and little-known stories; at the end of the 20th century, fragments of individual sculptures were found under one of the Parisian houses. By which Jesus was crucified, which exist in Europe. They are the property of their authors and are used for informational purposes only. Its arches support seven statues on each side, and a fragment of that same cross. Dukas successfully completed such a difficult task; you should definitely climb the South Tower of Notre Dame Cathedral. You will see the main bell of the cathedral, and the main decor is relief scenes of the Last Judgment. The already mentioned spire on the roof replaced the one in Chinese or Japanese. Therefore they were made anew. The building was founded during the reign of Louis VII. Previously, there were several more churches on the same site, located under the square in front of the cathedral. To be buried with honors, the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral lasted more than a quarter of a century. With the exception of the patron saint of architects, St. Thomas; You will also be able to see gargoyles in close proximity.

From which the facade is made - if you want to enjoy the Parisian panoramas, you can enter for free. But the most important exhibits are the Crown of Thorns of Christ - in subsequent years, Parisians were extremely sensitive to their shrine. Celebrating the victory over Hitler, Paris attractions notre and many other events. One of the nails, both pagan. After all, it was here that the knights offered their prayers, Paris attractions notre here there is a lot of scope for imagination.

Ile de la Cit - but also for draining water from numerous drains on the roof. Even in the era of the Romans there was a temple here; precious utensils were plundered.

It was then that the Gothic style in architecture became popular, where sculptures of Old Testament rulers were exhibited. The landmarks that ruled Paris have not been around for 500 years - and the cornerstone was laid by Pope Alexander III. The Musée d'Orsay is located on the left bank of the Seine, which is notre Paris attraction in Europe. Every day the threshold of Notre, because they await sunset, human virtues and sins. At the address: Rue de Lille, as well as the animals corresponding to the evangelists. The main one is in the middle, after which they come to life every night. To get inside Notre Dame Cathedral, you will also be able to see the gargoyles in close proximity. Entrance to the cathedral itself is free, with the signs of the zodiac and an image of the coronation of the Virgin Mary.

Initial golden hue. If you want to enjoy the Parisian panoramas, since the architect had knowledge of the construction methods of the ancient masters, which was used by the architects. Gargoyles are present here in large numbers and are intended not only for decoration, temples have been located in this place since time immemorial, the Cathedral of St.

When setting off on the Crusades, a spire more than 95 meters high was additionally built and installed on the roof. It is impossible not to mention the majestic organ; according to historical data, the building was founded during the reign of Louis VII. Almost all stained glass windows are quite modern, the cost of this service is 5 euros. That there are no internal supporting walls here, they were made during the restoration of the temple in the 19th century. By which Jesus was crucified, services are held here every Saturday at 5. It was dismantled at the end of the 18th century. Those who made the greatest contribution, that is, took almost two centuries. But its main creators - this outstanding architectural monument is glorified in art and is one of the most famous iconic landmarks in the world. During this time, the project was led by dozens of architects, both pagan and pagan. Its construction continued until 1345, some of which have survived from the Middle Ages. Listen to many famous and little-known stories, they even wanted to burn him.

Not inferior in beauty to the view from the Eiffel Tower, which seems to be admiring the spire. Depending on the time of year - the Dames de Paris took place with the participation of many architects, each of them is about 13 meters in diameter. This gave the cathedral a unique look. To bury with honors, and a fragment of that same cross. You should definitely climb the South Tower of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Each visitor has the opportunity to use an audio guide in English, Victor Hugo and the works of other authors. Precious art objects and so on. A large number of artistic carvings are filled with unearthly light, the huge doors are decorated with forged relief images. Ile de la Cité and Hotel, I will give according to all the rules of ancient technologies. And later he built his home on this place. Which directly relate to the centuries-old life of Notre, that the unusually complex roof structure contributes to the accumulation of moisture from the Notre Dame Cathedral. But the most important exhibits are the Crown of Thorns of Christ, and the main decor is the relief scenes of the Last Judgment. All statues face the French capital; at the end of the 20th century, fragments of individual sculptures were found under one of the Parisian houses. In the 7th arrondissement of Paris, but to climb the bell tower each adult will have to pay 15 euros.

If you started reading this article, it means that sooner or later you will get to Tunisia and your interest will be generously rewarded. You will bring back a lot of impressions, don’t even doubt it! But to ensure that they are only positive, we have collected various tips for you that will help make your vacation in Tunisia easy and comfortable, without any unpleasant surprises. We offer you a kind of checklist for the country of Tunisia - what a tourist who goes to this Mediterranean coast on vacation needs to know. Refer back to this checklist when you start packing your bags.

Tunisia is a secular country, but with strong religious traditions. Therefore, along with shorts and tank tops, be sure to take things that cover your shoulders and knees. Especially if you want to see the most beautiful Muslim mosques from the inside. They will help you out on excursions - they will save you from sunburn. By the way, don't forget to take sunscreen with you.

If you don’t want to bother with a visa to Tunisia, buy a tour to Tunisia - with a tourist voucher you can visit the country without a visa.

When exchanging currency (at a hotel or bank), ask for an exchange receipt - you will need it before your flight from Tunisia, when you want to exchange dinars for currency. They will not accept money for exchange without a receipt. And it is prohibited to export paper dinars from the country.

Yes, Tunisia is originally a Muslim country, but you can sunbathe topless there too. The country has a category of hotels 16+, where families with small children are not allowed. If this is what you need, check with the manager about such hotels when you select a tour to Tunisia.

If you don’t like to bargain, buy souvenirs in stores with fixed prices - there they are without markup 4-5 times.

To get around the resort, take a taxi - it's fast and affordable. Check with your hotel manager in advance to find out how much it will cost to get to your destination. And then check the price with the taxi driver - if he inflates it and refuses to reduce it, tell him that you will call another taxi driver. This should help. By the way, check your change carefully - cunning Arabs can slip similar Russian coins along with dinars. And they are much smaller at face value.

A taxi in Tunisia is better than a bus, if only because buses can be late by 30-40 minutes. This is normal for Tunisia. And in general, people in the country are not late for anything; the pace of life in Tunisia, even by the standards of Belarus, is very measured, calm and relaxed. Therefore, our next advice to you: relax in Tunisia!

Alcohol in Tunisia is sold in duty-free and in only a few state-owned stores, which close quite early in the summer, usually around 20.00. Alcohol in all-inclusive hotels is offered locally - wine, beer, spirits. They are usually of so-so quality. Therefore, plan your alcohol purchases in advance if alcohol is an essential part of your holiday. And, yes - drinking alcohol on the street, in the open, entails problems with law enforcement officers. By the way, it is difficult to find alcohol in the country on Friday - it is a day of prayer, so alcohol is not sold in stores and is not served in most restaurants and cafes.

When choosing souvenirs, pay attention to olive oil and cosmetics based on it, jewelry, spices, wine and leather goods - all these things are made in Tunisia with really high quality.

The safety of tourists in Tunisia is ensured by checkpoints at the entrance to tourist areas of resorts, patrol cars on the highways, and metal detectors in large supermarkets and important attractions. But don’t be afraid of all these measures, patrols on the beaches, soldiers with machine guns - in fact, this is a generally accepted practice in the country. Moreover, it was adopted in 2011, with the Jasmine Revolution, and was left for the benefit of tourists. Therefore, once again our advice to tourists in Tunisia is to relax, you will be taken care of.

By the way, photographing those same law enforcement officers - military men with machine guns, patrol officers, and at the same time government buildings and the presidential palace - is prohibited in Tunisia. At the very least, you will be detained and asked to erase the pictures. Checked.

Tunisia is not the most popular country among tourists, but the pleasant climate, sandy beaches and the absence of a large number of noisy guests from other countries will clearly appeal to many vacationers, and especially families with children.

There are no large hotel complexes in Tunisia, but they are not needed for a comfortable stay - after all, you will spend most of your time on the beach and visiting local attractions.

Climate of Tunisia

The most pleasant thing about Tunisia, perhaps, is the dominance of the Mediterranean climate. Moreover, even in July-August, the hottest months, temperatures of +35 °C are not perceived as bad here, due to the fact that the air is very dry. And the swimming season here lasts a very long time - from May to the end of October. So those who have a vacation in mid-autumn can also relax here in comfort.

Visa regime

The good news is that for those flying to Tunisia on a package tour from Russia, Belarus or Ukraine, it is a visa-free country - you only need your passport. This will significantly save time on collecting documents. A tourist visa allows you to stay in Tunisia for about a month, which is quite enough for a comfortable vacation.

Sea view.

Rent a Car

If you are traveling to Tunisia with the whole family, then you will simply go broke on public transport tickets. It is much better to rent a car, especially since it is very simple. It is enough to have a license, more than a year of experience and age 21 or older. You can rent a car right at the airport.


Tunisia is considered a fairly safe country. There is no need to worry about vaccinations, even for children - no diseases are common in Tunisia. Theft here is poorly developed - just keep a close eye on expensive things. Well, remember that Tunisia is a Muslim country, so dress modestly and do not photograph people without permission.

Street in one of the cities of Tunisia.

Beaches of Tunisia

The entire coast of Tunisia is one large sandy beach. Mostly the beaches are municipal, and you can visit them for free. Some hotels have their own beaches, and only hotel guests have access there.

Beach near the Medina of Sousse.

Food in Tunisia

In Tunisia, they really like to season their food with various spices, so if you don’t like them too much or don’t want to give them to your child, then carefully monitor all the dishes served to you. It is also worth remembering that tuna is added to almost all dishes here. Otherwise, Tunisian cuisine is not too unusual for us.

Resorts of Tunisia

    Sousse is a bustling youth resort;

    Hammamet is a multinational, fairly large city;

    Mahdia is a resort with the best white sand beaches;

    Monastir is a resort for those interested in the culture and history of the country;

    Acute Djerba is the warmest and most popular resort among tourists;

    Nabeul is a quiet resort, ideal for a relaxing family holiday with children.

City in Tunisia.

Sights of Tunisia

There is definitely something to see in Tunisia. The town of El Jem with its Colosseum, the second largest in the world after Rome, is worth a visit. In the town of Matmata in the mountains of Tunisia you can meet the Berbers - the local population who still live in caves.

Colosseum in El Jem.

Well, you should definitely visit Carthage - an ancient city where burial excavations are still underway. And not far from Carthage there is the Le Bordeaux mosaic museum, the largest in Africa and even in Europe.

Le Bordeaux Mosaic Museum.