How many planes crash in a year. The worst plane crashes in the world Lee plane crashes

Ten years ago, a plane crash occurred in the skies over Germany, which killed 52 children and 19 adults - passengers and crew of a Tu-154 and a cargo Boeing-757, which collided as a result of a mistake by Swiss air traffic controllers.

On the night of July 1-2, 2002 in Germany in the area of ​​Lake Constance, a Russian passenger airliner Tu-154 of the Bashkir Airlines company, operating a charter flight from Moscow to Barcelona (Spain), and a Boeing-757 cargo plane of the international air transportation company DHL, flying from Bergamo (Italy) to Brussels (Belgium). On board the Tu-154 were 12 crew members and 57 passengers - 52 children and five adults. Most of the children were sent on vacation to Spain as a reward for excellent studies by the UNESCO Committee of Bashkiria. By a tragic accident, on the plane - Svetlana Kaloeva with 10-year-old Kostya and 4-year-old Diana, who flew to her husband, Vitaly Kaloev, in Spain, where he worked under a contract. The cargo Boeing was flown by two pilots.

From the collision, the Tu-154 fell apart in the air into several parts that fell in the vicinity of the German city of Überlingen.

The crash resulted in 52 children and 19 adults.

The tragedy occurred a few minutes after German air traffic controllers handed over escort of the Russian aircraft to Swiss colleagues from the SkyGuide air control center operating at one of the largest European airports, Zurich-Kloten (Switzerland).

That night, at the Skyguide air traffic control center, there was one controller on duty instead of the usual two - Peter Nielsen. He gave the Tu-154 crew a command to descend when the approaching aircraft could no longer occupy safe echelons.

The main equipment for telephone communication and automatic notification of the personnel of the center about the dangerous approach of aircraft was turned off. The main and backup telephone lines were not working. The dispatcher from the German city of Karlsruhe, who noticed the dangerous approach of the planes, tried 11 times to get through - and to no avail.

After the plane crash, Nielsen was suspended from work, and the Swiss investigating authorities launched a criminal investigation against Skyguide and its management.

February 24, 2004 Peter Nielsen in the Zurich suburb of Kloten by a Russian citizen Vitaly Kaloev, who lost his entire family in a plane crash over Lake Constance - his wife, daughter and son. On this day, Kaloev came to the dispatcher's house to show him photographs of his dead wife and children, but Nielsen pushed him away, and the photographs fell to the ground, which led to the loss of control over the grief-stricken man.

In October 2005, Kaloev was convicted of the murder and. In November 2007, he was released early and returned to his homeland, North Ossetia. In 2008, Vitaliy Kaloev in construction and architecture of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

Immediately after the disaster, the Swiss company Skyguide put all the blame on the Russian pilots, who, in their opinion, did not understand the instructions of the controller in English well.

In May 2004, the German Federal Aviation Accident Investigation Office issued a report on the results of the crash investigation.

Experts acknowledged that in the collision of a Tu-154 passenger airliner of Bashkir Airlines with a cargo Boeing from Skyguide.

The control center in Zurich did not notice in time the danger of two planes colliding at the same echelon. The crew of the Russian Tu-154 carried out the dispatcher's command to descend, despite the fact that the on-board flight safety system TIKAS required an urgent climb.

Only after the publication of the report, Skyguide admitted its mistakes and, two years after the disaster, its director Alain Rossier apologized to the families of the victims. On May 19, 2004, Swiss President Joseph Deiss sent an official letter of apology to Russian President Vladimir Putin for the plane crash over Lake Constance.

In December 2006, Skyguide director Alain Rossier.

In September 2007, the district court in Bülach, Switzerland, found four employees of the Skyguide air traffic control service guilty of criminal negligence that led to a plane crash over Lake Constance. In total, eight employees of the Swiss company appeared before the court. Defendants, shifting it to the murdered dispatcher Peter Nielsen.

Four Skyguide managers in manslaughter. Three of them were sentenced to probation, one to a fine. Four other defendants are acquitted.

The Skyguide company offered the families of the victims of the disaster certain compensation, provided that their claim was not considered in one of the US courts. Some of the families did not agree with this proposal, and at a meeting of the committee of parents of dead children in June 2004 in Ufa, in which 29 people took part, there was, including the payment of compensation, in court.

On July 1, 2004, it became known that lawsuits were filed in the US and Spanish courts against the Swiss air traffic control service Skyguide, who lost their relatives in a plane crash over Lake Constance.

In February 2010, the Federal Administrative Court of Switzerland opened a memorial complex dedicated to the victims of the crash.

In 2004, at the scene of a tragedy in the German city of Überlingen in a plane crash, which is a torn necklace, the pearls of which scattered along the trajectory of the wreckage of two aircraft.

In 2006, in Zurich, opposite the Skyguide building, there was a spiral, on which 72 candles were installed in memory of 71 victims of a plane crash and a killed air traffic controller.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

In this post, I would like to tell you about the biggest and worst plane crashes in the history of world aviation. Most of the stories that are described below are really creepy. In general, it is hard to believe that all this is possible ... For some reason, in real life, not everything always ends with a happy ending, this is not a movie for you, Friends ...

In this context, I judged the most terrible disasters by the total number of victims in an air accident. The September 11 attacks in New York and Washington, in which thousands of civilians and passengers of the Boeing 767 and 757 aircraft hijacked by terrorists were injured, were not taken into account in the rating. Other information is also curious that from the 1970s to 2017, the number of disasters occurring has decreased by more than 3 times:

Plane crash in New York in 2009 with a happy ending

The article will be full of terrible disasters that claimed thousands of lives. I want to start such a tragic article with a rare case in world aviation. Thanks to the professionalism of the pilots, on January 15, 2009, 155 lives were saved. A US Airways Airbus A320 took off from New York Airport, but a few minutes later there were engine problems. Both engines were damaged and stopped due to the collision of the aircraft with a flock of birds. The pilots managed to land an almost uncontrollable car right into the Hudson. More than 1,000 people participated in saving the lives of passengers. Learn more about this terrible plane crash, but with a happy ending, from the video:

Plane crash in Tenerife - 1977

1. The largest and most tragic plane crash in the history of aviation occurred on March 27, 1977. On this tragic day on the Spanish island of Tenerife, 2 Boeing 747s of Pan Am and KLM collided on the runway. You can read more about the worst plane crash in which 583 people died.

Film about the plane crash in Tenerife:

Air accident in Japan - 1985

2. On August 12, 1985, a Japan Airlines Boeing 747 crashed near the famous Mount Fuji in Japan. The plane crash in Japan is the second after the tragedy in Tenerife in terms of the total number of victims, and the largest single-aircraft accident in the history of aviation. As a result of the crash of a Boeing 747, 520 people died, only 4 passengers of the ill-fated Japan Airlines flight managed to survive. As a result of the investigation of the plane crash in Japan, it was found that the main cause of the tragedy was the mistakes and negligence made during the repair of the aircraft, as a result of which, during the fatal flight, the Boeing 747 with tail number JA 8119 lost control and crashed.

Film detailing the horrific plane crash in Japan (in English):

Plane crash in Delhi - 1966

3. On November 12, 1996, two planes collided in the air over Delhi: an Il-76 of Kazakhstan Airlines and a Boeing 747 of Saudi Arabian Airlines. As a result of a misunderstanding by the crew of the Kazakhstani IL-76 of the air traffic controller's commands, the landing plane at a speed of 500 km / h crashed into the fuselage of a Boeing 747 flying to meet. In a plane crash on November 12, 1996 over Delhi, all 2 aircraft on board died - 349 people. In addition to the error of the IL-76 crew, one of the reasons for the accident was that both aircraft were not equipped with a collision avoidance system.

The first excerpt from the National Geographic film about the plane crash in Delhi (you can also find the rest on YouTube):

Turkish Airlines plane crash - 1974

4. The largest Turkish Airlines plane crash occurred on March 3, 1974 in France near Orly airport in Paris. The crash was a McDonnell Douglas DC-10 airliner. The cause of the largest air crash in the history of the DC-10 aircraft was an error in the design of the cargo compartment door, as a result of which the door was simply torn off during the flight, which led to the subsequent depressurization of the cabin. The airliner became completely uncontrollable and crashed in the woods near Paris. Turkish Airlines' McDonnell Douglas plane crash killed all 346 people on board.

Air India bombing - 1985

5. On June 23, 1985, over the Atlantic Ocean south of the coast of Ireland, extremists blew up an Air India Boeing 747 flying along the route Montreal (Canada) - London (Great Britain) - Delhi (India). As a result of the terrorist act (bomb explosion) on board the aircraft in the crash of flight No. 182, all 329 people were killed. Sikh extremists also planned to blow up another Air India aircraft, but the bomb explosion took place prematurely in the luggage compartment of Tokyo airport.

Fire on a Saudi Arabian Airlines plane - 1980

6. On August 19, 1980, a Saudi Arabian Airlines Lockheed L-1011-200 TriStar on flight 163 from Riyadh to Jeddah caught fire after taking off from Riyadh International Airport. 7 minutes after departure, a fire broke out in the cargo compartment of the aircraft, and the crew decided to return and make an emergency landing at Riyadh airport. As a result of numerous crew errors after a successful landing, all passengers of flight No. 163 died from poisoning by poisonous gases caused by fire. In total, 301 people died in this tragic and terrible plane crash, no one managed to get out of the cabin of the burning Lockheed plane ...

Iranian airliner shot down by US missile - 1988

7. On July 3, 1988, the American cruiser Vincennes mistakenly shot down an Iranian Airbus A300 airliner with 290 people on board over the Persian Gulf. Subsequently, in 1996, the US paid Iran $61.8 million in compensation for 248 deaths, at the rate of $300,000 for each able-bodied victim and $150,000 for each dependent.

American Airlines plane crash - 1979

8. On May 25, 1979, the worst plane crash in US history occurred when an American Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-10 crashed 31 seconds after taking off from Chicago International Airport. The causes of the terrible tragedy were errors in pilot training and DC-10 repair technology. As a result of a terrible plane crash in Chicago, 271 people on board were killed, as well as 2 residents were killed when the plane crashed to the ground on the trailer parking next to the airport. But there could be many more victims ...

Watch a video of the worst plane crash in US history. Only in English, but very detailed.

1988 Libyan terrorist bombing of a Pan Am plane

9. On December 21, 1988, a Pan Am Boeing 747 flying from London to New York was blown up by Libyan terrorists over the Scottish city of Lockerbie. The plane crash over Lockerbie killed 270 people.

Korean Airlines crash - 1983

10. On September 1, 1983, a Korean Airlines Boeing 747 was shot down by a Soviet fighter-interceptor in the airspace of the USSR over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The incident occurred due to a strong deviation of the New York-Seoul flight and its intrusion into the closed airspace of the USSR. As a result, a Boeing with 246 passengers on board and 23 crew members was shot down by 2 Soviet R-98 missiles.

11. In 2016, a TU-154 aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Defense crashed, killing 100 people (92 passengers and 8 crew members).

12. 2017 has been a relatively quiet year. In Kyrgyzstan, due to fog, a passenger Boeing-747 crashed while landing, falling on residential buildings. 37 people died.

Man has always dreamed of flying into the sky. Ancient Greek myths tell that Daedalus and his son Icarus took off into the sky with the help of wings that were made of feathers, wax and thread.

And the greatest scientist, inventor and artist Leonardo do Vinci once created sketches of an unusual aircraft. He had to use the strength of human muscles to fly into the endless sky.

People have been trying to create such flying machines for a long time. And they created...

History of world air crashes

The very first flights in the sky began at the end of the 19th century. It was then that the statistics of world air crashes began. In the process of development of flights on airplanes (cargo, passenger), air crashes of the world began to occur more and more often. The statistics of their crashes grew incredibly until 1970. And it is the 70s that are the peak of terrible tragedies in the sky.

In the future, due to the growth of modern technologies, the improvement of aviation technology and the tightening of requirements and rules for flight safety, by the 80s, a decrease in the number of accidents with aircraft began to occur. There is a dynamic decrease in the number of air crashes from 616, with 15,689 deaths, in the 70s to more than 300 accidents with 8,000 deaths in the 2000s.

Air crashes of the world, their geography

Geographically, in this terribly sad statistics of disasters, the United States ranks. According to well-known information from the Aviation Safety Network, from 1945 to the present day, a huge number of passenger aircraft have crashed in this country - more than 630. More than 9,000 people have died in these accidents.

Russia, unfortunately, occupies the second place in this statistics. Since 1945, more than 200 catastrophes in the sky have occurred on the territory of the USSR of those times and modern Russia. At the same time, more than 5,000 people died.

3rd place - for Colombia.

The smallest number of air crashes - in Ecuador.

Statistics on the distribution of air crashes in recent years by country

In 1977, the world record for the number of victims in a plane crash was set. In the Tenerife area, two Boeing 747 airliners of the well-known Pan-America and KLM airlines unexpectedly collided. Then the victims were 583 people.

The total number of air crashes in the world is steadily increasing.

The most dangerous airline in the world, according to Actual Security (Swedish magazine), is the Soviet Aeroflot. According to them, the statistics of air crashes in the world shows that there are more than 18 crashes per 1 million Aeroflot flights. The second place in this sad list is occupied by the airlines of Taiwan - more than 11 accidents per million departures. Third place belongs to Egypt (more than 11), then - India (more than 10), Turkey, China, Philippines, South Korea and Poland - more than 6 accidents on 41 million flights. The safest is the South-West company (America). For 1 million 800 thousand flights of airliners of this company, not a single disaster happened.

The largest air crashes in the world by the number of victims

aircraft name

Year of disaster

Place of the disaster

Number of victims

Country, owner of the airliner

Causes of the disaster

Canary Islands

Netherlands, USA

Incorrect reception by the crew of the dispatcher's command

Insufficient quality repair of the airliner (technical problems)

Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia

Collision of two planes in the air

Opening the hatch in the cargo compartment


Terrorist act

Due to conditions of poor visibility, a collision with the ground



There was a loss of speed during takeoff


New Zealand

Fall to the ground

Unforeseen fire in the air

This table presents the worst air crashes in the world.

Description of some plane crashes

In March 1974, after opening the cargo hold, a French THY Turkish Airlines DC-10 crashed in a forest. In total - 346 dead.

In March 1977, a Boeing 747-206B (KLM) collided with a Boeing 747-121 (Pan Am) on the Canary Islands in Tenerife. 583 dead (worst air crash in the world).

In May 1979, due to damage to the hydraulic system, an American Airlines DC-10 crashed in the Chicago area. 273 people died.

In August 1980, after making an emergency landing, an L-1011-200 Tristar (Saudi) aircraft burned down in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh). 301 people died.

In June 1985, an Air India Boeing 747-237B was destroyed after a terrorist explosion. 329 people died.

In July 1988, by a ridiculous mistake, he was shot down by a military missile from the ship Vincennes (America) (Iran Air). It happened in the Persian Gulf. 290 people died.

In August 1985, a Boeing 747SR (Japan Airlines) crashed into a mountain in Tokyo. Surprisingly, only four survived. 520 people died.

In November 1996, another Boeing 747-168B (Saudi Arabian Airlines) collided with a Kazakh Il-76TD aircraft in Charkhi-Dadri (India). A total of 349 people died then.

In January 1996, an overloaded Ant-32 crashed into the city market of Kinshasa in Zaire. More than 297 dead. 4 people from the crew survived (total crew members 5).

More recently, on July 17, 2014, another terrible tragedy occurred on Ukrainian territory (60 kilometers from the border with Russia) - a Boeing 777 airliner (Malaysian Airlines) crashed (was shot down by the military). 295 passengers (including 80 children) and the entire crew (15 people) died. Until now, the true cause of the tragedy has not been officially clarified.

The death of heads of state in aviation accidents

Air crashes in the world occur in the most unexpected places, for various reasons, and people of various statuses in society die in them.

The leaders of all countries, as a rule, use airliners as transportation due to time savings. The most modern and, it would seem, very reliable in terms of safety of the court are used for this. However, an unforeseen failure of equipment or simply a human factor in these cases can cause aircraft crashes. Here are some plane crashes in the world in which the first government officials died:

In 2010 - Lech Kaczynski (President of Poland) with his wife, military people from the Polish high command and other political figures died in a Tu-154 crash near Smolensk.

In 2004, Boris Trajkovski (President of Macedonia) died in an accident in Bosnia.

In 2001, the Sudanese military leadership died in the south of the country.

In 1988, Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who was the president of Pakistan, died. The tragedy occurred over the city of Lahore, Pakistan (possibly as a result of a terrorist attack).

1986 - Samora Machel (President of Mozambique) died in South Africa in a plane crash.

In 1981, Jaime Roldos Aguilera, the President of Ecuador, died. The plane crashed in the Wairapunga mountains of Ecuador.

In 1969, René Barientos Ortuño died in Arc (Bolivia).

In 1966 - Abdul Salam Aref (President of Iraq) in southern Iraq.

In 1961, Dag Hammarskjöld (UN Secretary General) died in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia).

In 1957, Ramon Magsaysay died as a result of another disaster in the municipality of Balamban (Philippines).

Many more well-known names can be added to the lists of the dead from among the statesmen of small and large countries of the world. There are also mysterious plane crashes of the world among them, mainly those whose causes have not yet been clarified. These include the plane crash that occurred in Panama. In 1981, Omar Torrijos, the general, leader of Panama, died under mysterious circumstances.

Statistical data on Russian Airlines

Recently, when buying, almost all Russian airlines give preference to foreign (already used) aircraft, rather than new Russian ones. And as you know, the control of imported modern equipment equipped with electronics is very different from the control of domestic aircraft. Accordingly, the risk of occurrence, again, just a “human factor” increases.

So, Rossiya has 184 human lives, Vladivostok-Avia has 145, KrasAir has 29, and Tyumen Airlines has 5. victims: Transaero, Ural Airlines and Domodedovo Airlines.

Liner rating statistics

Liner model

Number of flights, million

Average deaths in disasters, %

Number of crashes

Boeing 737-300/400/5000

Airbus A320/319/321

Boeing 737-600/700/800/900

From the above information, we can conclude that the Boeing 777 is by far the most reliable type of airliner.

The main causes of air crashes

Every year, the black, terrifyingly tragic list of world air crashes is replenished. Quite often, the causes of these tragedies remain not fully understood. Air crashes in the world are very frequent and unpredictable. The investigation sometimes hits a dead end. Even the magical ones often cannot figure out the cause of some mid-air disasters.

The main causes of modern aviation disasters: technical problems (failure of technical devices, minor malfunctions), errors of air traffic controllers, pilots and other personnel (human factor), international terrorism, hostilities, ridiculous fatal accidents (military air defense errors, lightning storms, even collisions with birds, etc.).

The most important cause of the air crashes that have occurred is the very ill-fated human factor. In the practice of the whole world, it accounts for almost 70% of all aircraft crashes.

And yet, despite the fact that air crashes are terrible and each time cause a very painful reaction from the entire world community, aviation remains one of the most reliable and safe of all modes of transport in existence.

Statistics is an impartial science. It does not belittle or embellish the details. She presents the picture as it is. The statistics of crashes in Russia is one big disappointment in domestic aviation. When you start looking at the causes of plane crashes, you often come across the phrase “pilot error” or “crew error”.

It's right. The human factor leads among the causes in Russia and the world. What are the biggest air crashes in Russia over the past 10 years? Unfortunately, there are many. And if in the United States the statistics of crashes is falling, then in Russia it is only growing. What are the main reasons for this?

So, leading by a clear margin - human factor. Insufficient and unqualified training of pilots in many ways lead to such sad results.

Airbus A330-300 of the Aeroflot company.

Many experts note that old Soviet models are still being used, which should have been written off long ago.

Another reason is the greed of airlines, saving on the quality of aircraft maintenance and the purchase of new parts and equipment.

As a result, equipment wears out, parts are not replaced, and the aircraft becomes unusable. But it is not removed from service. There are cases when the plane flew to the point of complete wear and tear, up to the catastrophe!

List of largest air crashes in Russia

Over the past few years, Russia has had quite a few very sad disasters. One of the most recent is the crash of a Tupolev Tu-154 en route to Syria, December 25, 2016. This is the biggest accident in 2016.

TU-154 from Utair.

The causes of the crash have not yet been clarified, due to the difficulty in deciphering the black boxes. It is only known that the plane crashed into the Black Sea, taking with it the lives of all passengers and crew.

March 19 of the same year a FlyDubai plane crashed on its way to Rostov-on-Don from the UAE. All people died. The causes of the disaster are still being investigated, but so far only intermediate results have been announced.

That night there were difficult weather conditions, because of which the plane made two landings. After the second time, it began to decline sharply and simply collapsed on GDP.

Biggest disaster in 2013 the fall of the Boeing 737, near Kazan. All passengers and crew were killed. The accident also occurred during the landing approach.

The reason is negligence and failure by the crew to fulfill their duties, as well as their insufficient readiness for flights.

Aircraft TU-134.

Another terrible catastrophe that occurred on the territory of Karelia, death of TU-134 when landing. The plane hit trees and crashed. One of the reasons is poor visibility in foggy conditions. 47 people died, but 5 managed to survive.

Plane crash near Yaroslavl Yak-42 led to the death of the entire Lokomotiv hockey team. In this disaster only 1 person survived. On takeoff, the plane crashed into a radio beacon and crashed on the river bank. The reason was also the unpreparedness of the crew.

Monday - April 2, 2012 turned out to be the last day for most of the passengers and crew of Utair Flight 120. Only 10 managed to survive this disaster. The accident occurred after takeoff itself, after 42 seconds.

The reason was the failure of the PIC from anti-icing treatment, which led to a deterioration in the aerodynamic capabilities of the aircraft. Plus, the crew could not notice the stalling of the aircraft in time.

Which Russian planes crash more often?

In the article on our website, you can see that the second place in the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft in the world is IL-76, and the third - notorious - TU-154. TU-134 takes the sixth place.

Three models of Russian manufacturers were included in this list. It says something. However, for example, the same TU-154 was never decommissioned, as a result of which disasters continue to occur.