Solomon Islands: general information. Where are the Solomon Islands located on the world map Bulk Islands in the Solomon Islands

Motto: “To Lead is to Serve
(To lead is to serve) "
Anthem: "God Save Solomon Islands" Independence date July 7, 1978 (from) official languages english Capital The largest city Form of government a constitutional monarchy Queen Elizabeth II Governor general David Wunagi Prime Minister Manasse Sogaware Territory 142nd in the world Total 28 450 km² % water surface 3,2 Population Assessment (2009) 515 870 people (170th) Density 18.13 people / km² GDP Total (2011) $ 840 million Per capita USD 1522 HDI (2018) ▲ 0.546 (lowest; 152nd place) Currency solomon Islands dollar (SBD) Internet domain .sb ISO Code SB IOC code SOL Telephone code +677 Time Zones +11 Car traffic left

This article is about the state. For the archipelago see Solomon Islands (archipelago).

Solomon islands (English Solomon Islands) is a state in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, occupying most of the archipelago of the same name, as well as some other island groups. It consists of 992 islands, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 28,450 km² (land - 28,400 km²). The capital of the Solomon Islands is a city.


Solomon islands

The state occupies most of the archipelago of the same name in the Pacific Ocean, to the east of the island. Largest islands: Guadalcanal, Santa Isabel, Malaita, San Cristobal, Choiseul, New Georgia. It also occupies the island groups of Duff, Santa Cruz, Swallow and the Bellona, \u200b\u200bRennell Islands, etc.

The islands are mainly of volcanic origin; active volcanoes. The highest point of the country is Popomanaseu Peak on Guadalcanal with a height of 2335 meters. Short high-water rivers.

The climate is subequatorial and very humid. Average monthly temperatures are between 26 and 28 ° C. Precipitation from 2300 to 7500 mm per year. From May to October, the southeast trade wind prevails, from December to March, the northwest equatorial monsoon.

Most of the islands are covered with evergreen forests (palms, ficuses, etc.); in the driest places - savannas; along the banks - mangroves. Fauna: rats, bats, crocodiles, snakes, giant frogs; birds - wild pigeons, parrots, etc.


The Solomon Islands is located in a seismically dangerous region where earthquakes are frequent. In January 2010, an earthquake occurred, the magnitude of the tremors of which was 7.2, the tremors provoked the appearance of a tsunami with a maximum wave height of 2.5 meters. In total, about a thousand people were left homeless. On April 23, 2011, an earthquake with a quake of 6.9 was noted. On February 6, 2013 there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0.

History and etymology

Main article: Chronological table for the history of the Solomon Islands

The first settlers speaking Papuan languages \u200b\u200bbegan arriving in the Solomon Islands around 3000 BC. e. Speakers of Austronesian languages \u200b\u200b- about 4000 years ago. They brought with them cultural elements such as canoes with an outrigger. Between approximately 1200 and 800 BC. e. the ancestors of the Polynesians (people of the Lapita culture) from the Bismarck archipelago, who know pottery, came to the Islands.

The Solomon Islands were discovered in 1568 by the Spanish navigator A. Mendanha de Neira, who exchanged gold from the local residents and named these islands Solomon after the legendary biblical king Solomon, comparing them with "The Golden Land of Solomon"... Founded in 1595 by Mendanha by order of King Philip II on the island of Santa Cruz, the Spanish colony did not last long and was soon abandoned due to conflicts with the warlike natives.

For the next century and a half, the islands were not visited by Europeans. They were re-discovered by the Englishman F. Carteret in 1767.

Since the mid-1840s, Catholic and Protestant missionaries have repeatedly tried to settle in the Solomon Islands, but they failed for a long time: many of them were killed by the aborigines.

The development of the Solomon Islands by Europeans began only in the 1860s, when the first white traders began to gain a foothold there. The natives tried to kill these traders, but they, unlike the missionaries, managed to organize their defenses.

In 1893, Britain declared its protectorate over the Solomon Islands. From 1907, English entrepreneurs began to establish coconut plantations in the British Solomon Islands. From the beginning of the 20th century, missionaries reappeared on the islands, converting the natives to Christianity.

During the Second World War, part of the islands were occupied by the Japanese. From 1942 to 1945, bloody battles were fought on the islands between the Japanese and the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition (Australia and), which ended in victory for the latter.

In July 1978, the Solomon Islands gained independence from. Peter Kenilorea became the first prime minister.

Since 1998, tribal tensions have sharply increased in the Solomon Islands, reaching the point of armed clashes. As a result, on June 5, 2000, a coup took place in the country, Prime Minister Bartholomew Ulufaalu was arrested, then resigned, giving way to Manassa Sogavara.

In June 2003, Prime Minister Allan Kemakeza asked Australia to restore law and order in the country. The following month, the military and police forces of Australia, and several countries (and others) arrived in the Solomon Islands - "Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands" (RAMSI), about 2,200 police and military in total. They restored order and disarmed the tribal militants.

One of two UN member states (2nd -) that have no diplomatic relations with Russia (not established).

Main article: Administrative divisions of the Solomon Islands

The territory of the Solomon Islands is divided into 9 provinces; the capital, located on the island of Guadalcanal, is allocated in a special administrative unit - the Capital Territory.


The population is 515 870 people. (2009 census).

Annual population growth - 2.3% (2009 census).

Fertility - 26.9 per 1000 (fertility - 3.4 births per woman)

The mortality rate is 3.7 per 1000.

The average life expectancy is 71 years for men, 76 years for women.

Ethnic composition: Melanesians - 95.3% (491 466 people), Polynesians - 3.1% (15 911 people), Micronesians - 1.2% (6446 people), Chinese - 0.1% (654 people). .), Europeans - 0.1% (721 people), others - 0.1% (672 people) (according to the 2009 census).

Literacy data for the population of Solomon Islands are not available.

Urban population - 19.7% (101 798 people) (2009 census).


Languages: English (official) - 1-2% of the population speaks it, one of the varieties of the Melanesian pidgin is used as the language of general communication - the pidgin of the Solomon Islands (neo-Solomon, Solomon pidgin), which is in fact a Creole language. There are 120 local languages \u200b\u200bin the country.


Religions: Church of Melanesia - 31.9% (164 639 people), Catholics - 19.6% (100 999 people), Evangelicals of the South Seas - 17.1% (88 395 people), Seventh-day Adventists - 11, 7% (60,506 people), one church - 10.1% (51,919 people), Christian fellowship church - 2.5% (13,153 people), other Christians - 4.4%, others - 2, 7% (14,076 people). (based on the 2009 census).

Approximately 97% of the population of the Solomon Islands is Christian. The largest Christian denominations: 31.9% of the population belongs to the Church of Melanesia, 19.6% belongs to the Roman Catholic Church, 17.1% to the South Seas Evangelical Church (Evangelical Church of the South Seas), 11.7% to Seventh-day Adventist churches, 10.1% to the United Church of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, 2.5% to the Christian fellowship. 2.9% of the population practice indigenous religious beliefs. There are approximately 350 Muslims (2007 data).


The political system of the Solomon Islands is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of the Solomon Islands and the head of state. Its power is exercised through the Governor General, who is elected by Parliament for a five-year term.

The parliament is unicameral, consists of 50 representatives, and is elected every four years. According to the results of the last elections (August 2010), there are 19 independent deputies and representatives of 12 political parties in parliament (the largest party has 13 deputies, the rest have from 3 to 1 deputies). Parliament may be dissolved early by a majority vote of its members.

Any citizen over the age of 21 has the right to participate in elections. The head of government is the prime minister, who is elected by Parliament and appoints other ministers. The Cabinet of Ministers consists of 20 people. Each ministry is headed by a minister, assisted by a Permanent Secretary who directs the ministry's employees.

Political parties in Solomon Islands are weak, parliamentary coalitions are extremely unstable. The government often receives votes of no confidence, resulting in frequent changes in government composition.

There are no military units as such in the Solomon Islands, although the police, numbering about 500 people, include a border guard unit. The police function as firefighters, assist in emergencies and conduct maritime patrols. The police are led by a commissioner appointed by the governor-general. The Commissioner is under the control of the Prime Minister.

On April 23, 2006, the inauguration ceremony of the new government, led by Snyder Reenie, took place. The new government is urged to step up the fight against corruption, which has sparked recent riots that have burned several metropolitan areas (most notably Chinatown) to the ground.
On the same day, a mass evacuation of ethnic Chinese from the country began, of which there were about 2 thousand before. It was they who became the main object of discontent of the indigenous population. Snyder Reenie, who previously served as Deputy Prime Minister, had close business contacts with the Chinese community and was largely dependent on it.

International relationships

See also: List of diplomatic missions of the Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands is a member of the UN, Commonwealth of Nations, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Pacific Islands Forum, International Monetary Fund and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

Relations with, which became tense due to the influx of refugees from about. Bougainville, after the revolt and attacks on the northern islands of the state by the persecutors of the rebels, were restored. The Bougainville Peace Agreement was reached in 1998, and border issues were settled between Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands in a 2004 agreement.


Main article: Economy of the Solomon Islands

The basis of the country's economy is agriculture, fishing, logging.

Three quarters of the employed are employed in agriculture, as well as in fishing and logging. The industrial sector (fish processing, timber) employs 5%, the service sector - 20%.

GDP per capita (in 2009) - $ 2.5 thousand (177th place in the world).

Cocoa, coconuts, rice, potatoes, vegetables and fruits are cultivated. Livestock is raised.

The country has large deposits of lead, zinc, nickel and gold, as well as bauxite and phosphates, but these are not being exploited.

International trade

Exports - $ 0.696 billion in 2017 - timber (68%), processed fish (7.5%), palm oil (4.1%), copra (2.7%), cocoa and coconut oil. The Solomon Islands includes in the top ten largest exporters of unprocessed timber (approx. 3.3% of the global volume)

The main buyers (in 2017) are China 66%, Italy 8.1%, the Philippines 4.4%.

Imports - $ 0.589 billion in 2017 - food (including rice - up to 6.9%), industrial goods, fuel (mainly oil products - 15%), chemical products.

The main suppliers (in 2017) are Australia 17%, New Zealand 13%, Singapore 13%, China 13%, Malaysia 12%.


The Solomon Islands has largely retained its former cultural identity.

The villages are dominated by traditional houses: light, rectangular huts on pillars with wicker walls and a gable roof made of palm leaves. However, in large settlements there are many European-type buildings.

In clothing, European elements have significantly supplanted the tradition, but some local residents continue to wear loincloths and short skirts.

In the spiritual culture of the islanders, tradition is also closely intertwined with modernity. Among the local population, folklore, original songs and dances, and applied arts are relatively well preserved, but modern culture is also being introduced.



The National Football Team made history by becoming the first team to defeat New Zealand and enter the 2006 FIFA World Cup qualifier playoffs. However, they were defeated 7-0 by Australia in their first playoff match.

Mini football

On June 14, 2008, the Solomon Islands national futsal team won the Oceania Championship and won the right to participate in the World Championship, which was held from September 30 to October 19, 2008 in. The Solomon Islands Beach Soccer team is considered the best team in Oceania and has participated in the last three World Cups.


The national rugby team is in the IRB Top 100, but has never played in the rugby world championships.

see also

  • Solomon Islands literature


  1. World Atlas: The most detailed information / Project leaders: A. N. Bushnev, A. P. Pritvorov. - Moscow: AST, 2017 .-- P. 93 .-- 96 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-10261-4.
  2. HON. RICK HOU IS NEW PRIME MINISTER (unspecified) (unavailable link - history) ... National Parliament of Solomon Islands.16 November 2017. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  3. Population census (Recensement national de 2009).
  4. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Solomon Islands, 1970-2011
  5. Human Development Indices and Indicators (English). United Nations Development Program (2018). - Human Development Report on the website of the United Nations Development Program. Date of treatment September 14, 2018.
  7. Mount Popomanaseu, Solomon Islands (English). Retrieved May 6, 2012. Archived June 23, 2012.
  8. Kirch, Patrick Vinton. On the Road of the Winds: An Archaeological History of the Pacific Islands. - Berkley, California: University of California Press, 2002 .-- ISBN 0-520-23461-8.
  9. Census - Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (English). Date of treatment October 24, 2017.
  10. Solomon Islands National Statistical Office. Ministry of Finance and Treasury. 2009 POPULATION & HOUSING CENSUS. NATIONAL REPORT (Volume 2) (English) (pdf). Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (SINSO) P. 83 (2009). - Census of Population and Housing of the Solomon Islands (2009). Date of treatment October 25, 2017.
  11. Population Census of Solomon Islands (2009). Pacific Regional Statistics | Secretariat of the Pacific Community (unspecified) (unavailable link - history) ... Date of treatment October 24, 2017.
  12. International Religious Freedom Report 2007 (unspecified) (unavailable link)... Retrieved July 14, 2009. Archived January 19, 2012.
  13. CIA - The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency - Solomon Islands (English). Date of treatment October 24, 2017.
  14. Foreign trade of the Solomon Islands according to the directory
  15. World timber market


  • Oceania. Directory. - M.: Nauka, 1982.
  • B. Rubtsov Oceania. - M.: Nauka, 1991.

Solomon islands

General information

The Solomon Islands is an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, 1670 km long. Includes 992 islands (of which 347 are inhabited), 10 large volcanic and mountainous islands and 4 groups of small islands. The largest islands: Buka and Bougainville (part of the state of Papua New Guinea). The islands are located in an active seismic zone, earthquakes are frequent here, there are active volcanoes. Many islands are surrounded by coral reefs. Most of the Solomon Islands are volcanic peaks of the underwater ridge. Toric chains occupy almost all of their surface, only narrow lowlands stretch near the coast. The length of the coastline is 5,313 km.

The country is characterized by a hot climate with a long wet season (up to 8-10 months a year). Average monthly temperatures + 26 + 28 ° С. The amount of precipitation is over 2000 mm per year. There are severe hurricanes in the winter months.


For many centuries, life on the Solomon Islands, scattered by volcanic eruptions across the Pacific Ocean, was relatively quiet and peaceful. The tropical diversity of flora and fauna here was complemented by a diverse ethnic picture.

For Europeans, this island world was discovered by the Spaniards Alvaro Mendanha de Neira (1541-95) and Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa (1532-92). It was not then accepted to copy complex local names, so the islands were named Solomon, since the Spaniards thought that this was the legendary country of Ophir, where the treasures of King Solomon were hidden.

Mendanha in 1595 became the founder of the first colony on the islands, but at the same time he made a serious mistake: during the development of new lands, one of the local leaders was killed. After that, a war began with the natives, who were not previously aggressive. Mendanya soon died of a nervous strain, and his wife became the head of the colony, but was soon forced to flee with the remaining soldiers.

The next visit of Europeans to the islands took place in 1767. Englishman Philip Carteret (1733-1796), lost in the ocean expanses, came to the Solomon Islands.

However, the first European inhabitants began to move to the islands only in the middle of the 19th century. The first settlers were missionaries. An unenviable fate awaited them, they were eaten by the islanders: here cannibalism was part of the rituals. Moreover, human skulls were important sacred symbols and served as money until the beginning of the 20th century!

Realizing that more decisive people needed to penetrate the island, the Europeans changed their tactics. First, businessmen were entrenched here under the cover of soldiers, then in 1893 England declared its protectorate over the Solomon Islands, and only then it came to the missionaries.

During the Second World War (1939-45), part of the islands was occupied by the Japanese and large and very stubborn battles took place here. The most famous is the battle for the island of Guadalcanal, which began on August 7, 1942 and lasted until February 9, 1943. During the battle on land, on water and in the air, soldiers showed fierce tenacity, resulting in heavy losses on both sides. Many ships were sunk then and ended up at the bottom of the Silark Strait, which after these events began to be called Iron Bottom (From the English. "Iron Bottom"). The "graveyard" of ships remains there to this day and attracts divers from all over the world.

The US victory was of strategic importance. Although on some islands, Japanese troops continued to fight even after the surrender of their camp in 1945.

The post-war reality dictated change around the world. In July 1978, the Solomon Islands gained independence from Great Britain, remaining a member of the British Commonwealth. This organization brings together the former colonies. The English queen is symbolically considered the head of the Commonwealth, but the real power does not belong to her.

The young independent state has many problems. He is haunted by natural elements. In April 2007, a tsunami up to three meters high hit the islands, causing destruction and loss of life. Ethnic conflicts occur between the inhabitants of the islands. Low living standards remain the norm for the majority of the population. The Solomon Islands problem requires a truly Solomon wisdom to tackle difficult problems.

Solomon Islands landmarks

Honiara - the capital of the islands is located on the northern coast of Guadalcanal, in a vast bay between the Cape Esperance and Lunga Point peninsulas, in the very place that de Mendanha called in his time Puento Cruz. The small and rather picturesque seaport of Honiara originates from a tiny fishing village, whose name Naho-ni-Ara can be translated as "a place where east and southeast winds collide" (for local dialects such "flowery" names are generally very characteristic) ... The city is very young - most of its modern buildings were built immediately after the end of World War II, when it was necessary to find a place for the new capital of the archipelago (Tulagi was badly damaged during the fighting, and the place was not chosen for it very well). In 1952, Honiara officially became the capital of the Solomon Islands.

10 km from the capital are the most beautiful "double-sided" waterfalls Mataniko... Here the waters of the river of the same name break down from a high cliff right into a cave filled with graceful stalactites and stalagmites, and then disappear somewhere in the bowels of the island. Around you can find many fairly large and, importantly, clean water bodies suitable for swimming, and in the cave itself there is a vast population of swallows and bats. During the Second World War, this cave served as a shelter for the last soldiers of the Japanese garrison of Guadalcanal, and its surroundings became the scene of fierce battles (according to various estimates, from 400 to 600 soldiers of the imperial army found their death in the cave itself, literally resisting to the last bullet).

On the mountain Mount Austin towering american Memorial park with a detailed description of the battles for the island, as well as the Japanese Peace Memorial with its four white monoliths. From here, organized tours are organized to places whose names speak for themselves - to the shore of Iron Bottom Sound, to Bloody Ridge, Alligator Creek and Red Beach, to the Japanese memorial in Poha River and its Wilu Village Museum (also dedicated to the history of the battles for Guadalcanal), Cape Lunga Point and Tetere Bay.

Constantly cloud-shrouded volcanic savo island, lying in the Iron Bottom Sound, is a paradise for divers and fans of other outdoor activities. The almost complete lack of infrastructure is compensated by an abundance of sunken ships (this is where the famous Battle of Savo Island took place), a constantly smoking volcano crater and many practically boiling mineral springs, several ancient cult sites - megapods, as well as a living bird community and magnificent crystal-clear waters.

On florida island you can see the old headquarters of the British colonial administration with its hospital and headquarters, as well as the old Port Parvis, which first served as a base for the British Navy, and then for the Japanese Imperial Navy.

A anukha islet widely known for its white sandy shores.

The largest salt lagoon in the world - Marovo (covers approximately 150 by 96 km), located on the island of New Georgia to the north of Wangunu Island. This huge body of water with a narrow strip of coral beaches around the perimeter and amazingly blue water is a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Literally thousands of islands line the Marovo Lagoon, from tiny coral reefs to massive volcanic cliffs up to 1,600 meters high, many of which still show signs of active volcanic activity, but are quite accessible to visit. Lagoon Marovo - the best place to relax by the sea, is a unique combination of scenic beauty of wildlife and rich traditions of local residents (the shores of the lagoon are inhabited by two separate tribes - Marovo and Roviana). Noteworthy resorts are Matikuri Resort, Rogosakena Eco Resort and Uepi Island Resort, as well as a section of the traditional World Heritage village, considered the best tourist village in the country. Logging is limited here, in order to preserve the unique composition of flora and fauna inherent in this area, excellent conditions for sea fishing have been created (the lagoon is connected with the open sea by almost a hundred passages in the reefs, so the species composition of its inhabitants is more than impressive), and traditional crafts of local residents from wood and shells are widely known far beyond the borders of the country.

Rennell Island is considered the largest elevated atoll on the planet, but the main feature of its uniqueness is that it occupies almost the entire southern part of the elongated lake Tengano - the largest freshwater lake in the South Pacific Ocean (now its area is about 15.5 thousand hectares), which has a place for 200 islands, and for large bird colonies, and for many rare species of flora, primarily orchids. It is easy to guess that at the time of the formation of the island, the lake was a vast lagoon, which, as the surrounding land rose above the water, gradually freshened, although the water is still slightly brackish. Therefore, now here you can find completely unique species of the once sea fish, which by nature itself turned into freshwater (the only analogue is Lake Titicaca in the South American Andes). Due to its unique natural conditions and specific ecology, the eastern part of the island, together with Lake Tengano, was declared a National Wildlife Park (area of \u200b\u200b37 thousand hectares), subsequently included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Solomon Islands cuisine

Local cuisine is a blend of European traditions as well as Southeast Asian and Oceanian cuisine. The latter, by the way, is very simple and adapted to local conditions.

On the islands you will also find Polynesian and Melanesian traditions. They are reflected in the ubiquitous use of: yams, cassava sago (tapioca), taro, fish, meat roasted over charcoal, coconut.

All this is flavored with a small amount of spices. All countries in the region use an earth kiln called Umu. In addition, there are options for cooking and decorating dishes that came from outside.

Alcoholic drinks can be bought without any problem. They are produced locally and are also brought from Australia, China, Chile and New Zealand. Recommends to try local wine and beer.

The Solomon Islands is an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean located east of New Guinea, which is part of Melanesia. This archipelago is a state and has its own flag and coat of arms. The archipelago on the world map is shown in white, not far from the place where the main group is located, Bougainville, the largest of the constituents, is marked.

In contact with

Geographical position

The flag has its own designations. It depicts 4 colors:

  1. blue is water;
  2. green is fertile land;
  3. yellow is sunlight;
  4. white - 5 stars symbolizing the provinces of the country, over time their number has increased.

The coat of arms also has its own symbolism, but it is not so simple. If you are interested in the meaning of the coat of arms, you can find it by request “Coat of arms. Solomon islands. Wikipedia ". Also speaking about symbols, it can be noted that the state has its own motto.

Solomon Islands area

The state consists of 992 islands, which have many volcanoes in their area. They are in a seismic zone, and large islands are very mountainous... The archipelago, with an area of \u200b\u200b40.4 thousand square kilometers, consists of 10 large islands and 4 groups of small ones. Some of them still remain uninhabited.

Archipelago history

This archipelago was discovered by the traveler A. Melania de Nera. The islands were named Solomon, in honor of the country of Ofer, in which, according to legend, King Solomon hid his treasures.

In the 1860s. Europeans began to explore the entire territory. The natives, realizing this, destroyed everyone who set foot on their land. In 1893 the Solomon Islands became part of Great Britain. At the beginning of the 20th century, the British began to create the first coconut plantations on the territory of the islands. Then, a part was captured by the Japanese. And only in 1978, the Solomon Islands received independence.

The ethnic composition of the state is diverse: Melanesians (90%), Polynesians (3%), Micronesians (1.2%), the rest of the population is Europeans and Chinese.

Climate and nature

The climate in the Solomon Islands is subequatorial, very hot and humid. Winter comes from April to November. The temperature is + 24 - 27 ° C, and in summer, from December to March, it rises to + 26 - 32 ° C. The maximum amount of precipitation falls during the summer. Hurricanes are also common during the summer season. Honiara (capital of the Solomon Islands) has the least rainfall.

About 80% of the archipelago's area is located in dense tropical forests. Savannahs are typical for dry areas. There are mangrove forests and swamps on the coasts.

Vegetable the environment is made up of over 4500 plant species. 200 species of them are orchids. The fauna of the islands is also diverse: crocodiles, snakes, lizards, giant butterflies, turtles, many insects and many aquatic life. When you search (Solomon Islands photo), you will understand what beautiful nature we are talking about. The state is rich in precious metals such as gold, silver, copper, nickel. Therefore, this place attracts investors.

Solomon Islands vacation

If you decide to buy a tour to these islands, then you are definitely a connoisseur of living and natural nature and thrills. The islands attract attention for their lack of desire to create modern comforts. After all, being among the forests, in specially equipped dwellings, is truly paradise. Many tourists prefer to retire to villages where they can enjoy life, like the inhabitants of the islands.

One of these villages is Medana - Avenue, where there are buildings made of palm leaves and branches, and, having visited it, you can get acquainted with the rites and traditions of the archipelago.

For diversity rest, you can admire the Mataniko waterfall and visit the Marovo lagoon.

In the Internet sources you can find many photos related to these attractions.

For those who want to enjoy the ocean, time can be set aside for diving and snorkeling. A large number of ships sank in the ocean during the war. Diving even to a shallow depth, you can see the details of these ships.

Also for those who like fishing, these places will bring indescribable pleasure. The Solomon Archipelago is specially provided with a fish tour, this type of fishing tour is very popular, because fishing is provided in the most favorable places for marine life.

But in this state there is civilized a life. Travel usually starts from the capital, Honiara. It is in it that the modern world is concentrated.

The first thing to visit is Puento Cruz. According to the legend, the discoverer put a cross there as a symbol of discovery.

Then, it is worth visiting the not quite ordinary building of the National parliament, which has a conical shape and is the center of Honiara.

The old Government House now houses the National Museum. It contains all the culture and history of the islands. In the vicinity of the museum, you can walk in the park, which is rich in vegetation.

There is a library in the capital, the archive of which contains more than 600 thousand books.

A tour of the WWII museum will be very unusual and entertaining, due to the fact that it is not in a building, but on the street.

All comfortable hotels are located in Honiara. Some hotels are separate resorts and provide guide services. Despite the fact that the state has preserved its culture, you can see restaurants, nightclubs, bars, and other things here. But it is worth noting that holidays on the paradise islands are not quite cheap. The price for a hotel room varies from $ 30 to $ 400.

Archipelago is also famous for its holidays. These are: The military parade of the Day of the Spirits, which is held 8 weeks after Easter; as well as the birthday of the Queen. But the most memorable and beautiful celebration is the Western Seas Festival, during which canoe races, fishing competitions and various other competitions and contests are organized.

On these days, you can take pictures on photo celebrations, outfits of the inhabitants of the islands and the inhabitants of the local fauna.

Since Honiara is the center trade, then leaving home, you should buy souvenirs. There are a lot of them on the island. These are figurines and wooden magic balls. Forgetting to visit the Central Market, you can deprive yourself of fresh exotic fruits, seafood and vibrant tropical flowers. But it must be remembered that bargaining is not customary in the Solomon Islands, this is considered an offensive gesture for merchants.

Transport and nuances for vacationers

Another important factor in recreation is transport. Those who do not particularly like walking can take a taxi, its price is $ 1.5 per 1 km, and the price of public transport is $ 0.4. For the convenience of this type of movement, on the windshields, drivers put plates with route maps. Alternatively, you can purchase a map of the entire city or a specific area.

Vacationers who have chosen such a tour should remember:

  • it is not customary to leave a tip in a cafe, it is better to thank you with a nice smile and politely say "thank you"
  • pedestrians and drivers do not follow traffic rules, so you need to be very careful.
  • export of historical objects is prohibited.
  • it is worth buying medicines in advance, this may cause problems.
  • the currency that is imported into the territory must be declared.

Holidays in the Solomon Islands can be very enjoyable if you follow these rules.

The Solomon Islands is a state located in Melanesia, in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. It consists of 992 islands.

In 1568 the Spanish traveler A. Mendanha de Neira discovered these islands. The navigator managed to exchange a lot of gold from the local residents. And he gave the name to the Solomon Islands in honor of a magical land Ophirwhere, according to legend, King Solomon hid his treasures.

For the next two centuries, Europeans did not come here. Only in 1767 the islands were rediscovered by the Englishman F. Carteret.

Since the 1860s. Europeans began to actively develop the territory of the Solomon Islands. The aborigines quickly realized the danger posed by the white man and killed every European who set foot on their land. That is why the Solomon Islands at that time had a reputation as the most hostile islands in the Pacific.

In 1893, the islands fell under British rule. And since the beginning of the 20th century, the British have created the first plantations of coconut trees here.

During World War II, part of the islands were captured by the Japanese. For a long time bloody battles were fought here, many warships sank.

The Solomon Islands gained independence only in 1978.

The ethnic composition of the islands' population is heterogeneous. The majority are Melanesians (more than 90%), followed by Polynesians (3%), Micronesians (1.2%), Europeans and Chinese.

Holidays in the Solomon Islands are suitable primarily for those who want to enjoy the untouched nature of this region, as well as for extremists, lovers of diving, snorkeling and fishing.



478,000 people

Population density

17 people / km²



christianity (97%)

Form of government

a constitutional monarchy

solomon Islands dollar


International dialing code

Domain zone


Climate and weather

The climate of the Solomon Islands is subequatorial, very humid and hot. The thermometer does not drop below +21 ° C in winter, while in summer the temperature often exceeds +30 ° C. Winter falls here in April - November. This is the dry season, which is characterized by cool (+ 23 ... + 27 ° C) weather. The time from December to March is called the wet season. The air temperature reaches its maximum, and the humidity rises to 90%. Rainfall varies depending on the region of the archipelago.

Hurricane winds are possible during the summer, but they are not as destructive here as east of the Solomon Islands.

The most favorable time to travel to the Solomon Islands is June - December. At this time, there is no sweltering heat, in addition, various festivals and celebrations are held in June-August.


About 80% of the islands' territory is covered with dense equatorial forests (ficuses, palms); for dry places savannas are characteristic; mangrove forests and swamps grow on the coasts.

The flora of the Solomon Islands is represented by more than 4,500 species of plants, among which there are more than 200 species of orchids alone. You can often find sumai, nalato, hibiscus.

The fauna of the islands is also diverse: crocodiles, snakes, lizards, rats, bats, parrots, wild pigeons and others. Rare giant butterflies can often be seen here. The coastal waters are home to green turtles, tuna, dolphins, barracuda, sharks and many more species of fish.

The Solomon Islands are also rich in minerals: silver, gold, copper, nickel.

In the east about. Rennell with the support of UNESCO, a National Wildlife Park was created.

The Solomon Islands are of volcanic origin. The highest point in the country is the peak Popomanaseu (about. Guadalcanal). Its height reaches 2335 meters.


The Solomon Islands attract tourists, first of all, for their naturalness, lack of desire to create something specifically for tourists. Here they offer relaxation in natural conditions, and for this the islands are valuable for the traveler.

Traveling around the islands usually starts from the capital of the state - Honiara... There is a place called Point cruise... According to legend, a Spaniard first landed here Mendanaand installed a cross to commemorate the discovery of the island.

It will also be interesting to visit the National Museum, Parliament, Botanical Gardens, colorful Chinatown.

The famous waterfalls are located just a few kilometers from the capital. Mataniko... Water falls into a cave filled with stalagmites and stalactites, after which it hides in the bowels of the island.

A trip to the lagoon will be unforgettable Marovo... The best tourist village in the country is located here - World Heritage... The state, trying to preserve the unique flora and fauna of this place, limited the logging. Local residents receive their main income from tourism.

Village Nusambaruku (about. Guizot)Is an example of a traditional isolated village. It consists of several buildings, which are located high on piles. You can get to the village only by boat or along a narrow dam.

Islands Anarvon are located 280 km from the capital. This is a group of 100 islands, none of which is permanently inhabited, and many of them protrude only 20-30 cm above the sea, but this place is known for being home to the rarest sea turtles. A nature reserve was organized here: several dozen specially trained people monitor the safety of the lives of turtles and accompany tourists.

The western province is famous for the beauty and wealth of the underwater world. Fans of extreme sports and water sports flock here. The most comfortable resorts are also located here.

The lagoon can rightfully be called the pearl of the Western province Marovo... It is the largest salt lagoon in the world (150 by 96 kilometers). Thousands of islands and coral reefs surround the lagoon.

Almost the entire southern part about. Rennell occupies the lake Tengano... It is the largest freshwater lake in the Pacific region. The lake and the surrounding area form the National Wildlife Park, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


The Solomon Islands cuisine is a kind of mixture of culinary traditions of Southeast Asia, Europe and Oceania. It is characterized by the use of yam and taro leaves, tapioca (obtained from the roots of the cassava plant), coconut. Local chefs mix ingredients in random order and often get new, unique dishes.

Food is often cooked in special earth ovens called umu. Meat and fish are usually roasted on charcoal with a small addition of spices.

Besides Melanesian and Polynesian, European and Asian dishes are excellently prepared here. Moreover, they do not differ at all from similar dishes prepared in Beijing or London.

Honiara has several European, Chinese and even Japanese restaurants. All of them are popular with tourists and locals.

The selection of drinks here is huge: local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, as well as wines and beer imported from Chile, China, New Zealand.


The Solomon Islands has a poorly developed tourist infrastructure. Comfortable accommodation is provided only on the largest islands of the archipelago: Guadalcanal, Ueli, Mangalonga, Guizo.

Hotels on these islands are something like resort complexes, where tennis courts, swimming pools, playgrounds are located. It could be a few colorful eco-huts or bungalows.

Prices range from $ 30-150 per day.

Before checking in, be sure to check the presence of mosquito nets in the room: the local insects can be dangerous.

IN Honiare, right on the beach, is the country's most modern and prestigious hotel - Heritage Park... To fully enjoy the nature of the Pacific coast, you can rent an apartment at the hotel. An excellent double room will cost you $ 300 per night.

Outside the capital and other large cities, it is possible to stay right in the homes of local residents. In this case, the payment is agreed in advance (focus on the amount of about $ 12-20 per day). Housing is often paid for with food.

Entertainment and recreation

The underwater world of the Solomon Islands literally attracts extreme lovers from all over the world. Sunken ships and planes, coral reefs, a variety of underwater inhabitants allow you to fully enjoy diving and snorkeling.

The area is good for snorkeling about. Guadalcanal... About 50 huge warships are buried in the waters here. In most cases, they are located at a depth to which scuba diving is prohibited. However, the transparency of the water and the features of the bottom topography allow you to see the details without deep diving.

Isle Savo called a paradise for divers. The volcanic island is constantly shrouded in clouds. There are no comfortable conditions for tourists, but all this is more than compensated by the abundance of sunken ships, many hot mineral springs, and crystal clear water.

The most picturesque reefs can be seen near the lagoon Marovo, nearby islands Tawanipuluand Arnavon.

Diving in the Solomon Islands is not cheap. One dive will have to pay from $ 50-70.

Another way to spend time on the islands is fishing. The waters here are famous for the variety of fish and marine animals. Some travel agencies organize whole fish tours to Lola island, to the lagoons Marovo and Vona-Vona.

Those wishing to get acquainted with the strange and charming rituals of local residents simply need to visit the vicinity of the city Auki (100 km from Honiara). Here you will witness the most dangerous ritual Shark challenge... Local sorcerers somehow manage to put the shark to sleep right in the water, and then manually raise it to the surface.

Center of cultural life of the state - Honiara... On the second Friday of June, the Queen's Birthday is celebrated here. The celebration is accompanied by a police parade, dancing and sporting events. On July 7, the whole country celebrates Independence Day.

If you are in the Solomon Islands in mid-December, you can take part in the Western Seas Festival. During this time, numerous fishermen competitions, canoe races and other competitions take place.

There are many good hiking trails in the Solomon Islands. Trekking enthusiasts will be delighted with the walking routes organized from Honiara to the Falls Mataniko, from Guizot before Titian.


Large shops and supermarkets are concentrated in the capital of the Solomon Islands. The prices for imported goods are very high.

When buying food, pay close attention to the shelf life: often the goods sail for a long time from Singapore, China and other countries and spoil on the way.

The prices in the shops of the islands are not regulated by the state, so do not be surprised if the cost of the same goods in neighboring shops differs significantly.

Be sure to visit the country's colorful markets. Here you can buy all kinds of vegetables and tropical fruits, fresh fish, shells, handicrafts. Markets are open throughout the week. Remember that bargaining is not welcome here.

As a souvenir from the Solomon Islands, you can bring home handmade wooden figurines that symbolize peace and tranquility.

Ritual wooden balls are very popular among tourists. According to legend, with their help you can call the spirit of a deceased ancestor and ask for advice.

Local hand-painted wooden masks are also unusual. They, according to beliefs, give strength and dexterity to their owner, protect from evil spirits.

Brooches, keychains, beads, bracelets made of shells and corals will be a good gift.

Some goods (especially handicrafts) are charged at two different prices: the first is for local residents, the second is for tourists.


international Airport Henderson Field is located 11 km from the capital and is named after a US major who died in the battle of Midway... For the runway, which later became an airport, there were heated battles between the Japanese and the Americans. The airport is small, but it has everything you need: a taxi, car rental, an ATM and an exchange office. There are also about 30 small airports on the islands that serve local flights.

Only 2% of all roads in the Solomon Islands are paved. Most of the roads are owned by private plantation owners.

The most common transport that allows you to move from island to island is the ferry, or, as the locals call it, water taxi. You will get a lot of impressions from the sea trip. In most cases, sea transport does not obey any timetable, the fare is quite low.

The most convenient way to get around in Honiara is by taxi. You can "vote" on the street or call him in advance. The taxi fare is $ 1.5 per kilometer.

There are few buses in the capital, the more common mode of transport here are minibuses, the ticket price is $ 0.4.

You can also rent a car. But drivers should be especially careful: the roads outside Honiara are in dire condition.


In the Solomon Islands, cellular standard GSM 900... The communication level is not very high yet. The only mobile operator Solomon Telekom provides good reception only in the area of \u200b\u200bHoniara, Auki, Guizo. In other areas, coverage is partial.

While on the islands, you can either buy a SIM card from a local operator or rent a phone.

There are about 300 payphones in the country, and almost all of them are concentrated in Honiara, near banks, large shops and hotels. To use a payphone, you need to buy a prepaid card. It is sold in shops, kiosks, communication salons.

If you need to make an international call, it is better to use the services Solomon Telekom... The company's offices work around the clock and are located in the capital, in many provincial centers, in all major hotels.

Internet connection is available in Honiara and in some provinces. There is a whole network of Internet cafes in the capital. The Wi-Fi network has just begun to develop. Test points are open only in Honiara and Guizot.


Residents of the Solomon Islands are quite friendly towards tourists. Theft is rare here, but beware of pickpockets in crowded areas. Do not leave valuables and documents unattended, do not visit isolated areas alone.

It is recommended to visit picturesque local settlements only with experienced guides who will tell you about certain peculiarities of local traditions. To avoid misunderstandings and grievances on the part of Aboriginal people, it is necessary to obtain consent before visiting their home.

For Melanesians, ownership is very important. A tree, flower or fruit in the vicinity of a settlement may well belong to one of the inhabitants. Therefore, in order not to provoke a conflict, do not tear anything without permission.

Be careful with your clothes: swimwear and shorts are only allowed on the beach, in other cases you need to hide your body as much as possible.

Local water can be hazardous to health, so eat only boiled or bottled water. Milk, meat, fish can be eaten only after heat treatment. Thoroughly wash vegetables, peel fruits.

The fauna of the islands is also fraught with danger. Scorpions, Javanese centipedes, blood-sucking insects, poisonous fish and snakes, some reptiles, forest ants can pose a threat not only to health, but also to life. To avoid meeting them, move around the islands (especially the jungle) only accompanied by an experienced guide.

Business climate

The economy of the Solomon Islands has been booming lately and offers good business opportunities in areas such as mining, tourism, agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

Resident companies (shareholders who have voting rights and are residents of the islands) pay 30% income tax from any source, regardless of their location. Non-resident companies are subject to 35% tax on income derived from the islands.

The property

Exotic nature, good climate, low prices explain the demand for real estate in the Solomon Islands. You will not see high-rise apartment buildings here. Most of the local population still lives in rural houses. Only in the capital there are chic modern buildings.

The law allows foreigners to buy real estate. But this requires documents confirming the legality of the transaction.

Buying real estate in the Solomon Islands is quite problematic. The fact is that 95% of all the land of the islands belongs to indigenous peoples. For a foreign investor to buy a house, for example, it is necessary to conduct long negotiations with members of various clans in order to find the owner of the land and negotiate a deal. Usually such negotiations take a lot of time and there is no guarantee that everything will work out in your favor. Community land is rarely sold. But it is possible to rent them for up to 75 years.

In the Solomon Islands, as in most other countries in Polynesia and Melanesia, it is not customary to leave a tip. According to local tradition, a tip is perceived as a gift and implies a return gift. Smiling and saying “thank you”, you will fully thank for the services rendered.

Currency can be exchanged at a bank, in large stores and restaurants, some hotels, special exchange bureaus. There are also exchange machines in the capital, which are located mainly near bank offices. In the provinces, the easiest way to exchange currency is at branches. National Bank of the Solomon Islands... They are located in shops and post offices.

In Honiara you can pay by credit card, in the provinces - only in cash.

Often, especially in the southern regions of the islands, US and Australian dollars are accepted for payment.

Jewelry and gold must be declared upon entry.

The export and import of items of historical value is prohibited: products from coral, skins of tropical animals, bird feathers, sea turtle shells.

When going on a trip, make sure that your first aid kit has all the necessary medicines. In the Solomon Islands, it can be difficult to acquire them.

Visa information

The Solomon Islands is an archipelago largely untouched by tourism. Quite a few people visit this poor country. But, despite this, they attract with the genuine naturalness of everything that you either have to see or visit.

Back in the 16th century, these islands were discovered by the Spaniard A. Medanya. It was the Spaniards who were of the opinion and put forward the assumption that in ancient times this archipelago belonged to Solomon, the biblical king. Hence the origin of the name. Already in the 20th century, Great Britain established its rule over the islands. But soon the Solomon Islands received internal self-government, and then independence.

This area attracts the fact that it has practically nothing that would have been artificially created in order to please tourists. Therefore, it will be very comfortable and interesting here, first of all, for those travelers who are looking for natural extraordinary

After all, every part of this small country will not disappoint its guests, as it has rightfully earned a reputation as the best place in the world, where, as if, nature itself has created all the conditions for fishing, snorkeling and diving. Here water and air are especially clean. And the flora and fauna will surprise any tourist with its diversity and beauty.

The Solomon Islands are quite where their own taboos exist. And all visitors should know about them. So, on the islands of Bu-su and Laulasi, taboo is red and black, since they are considered the colors of blood here. They should be avoided when choosing jewelry or clothing for the trip.

The life of the villages on the islands is still surrounded by certain taboos. The meaning of all is impossible to explain. But when visiting any localities, you need to be careful and limit your curiosity to the maximum. Since the term "taboo" here is given the meaning not only of prohibition, but also sacredness or holiness. And you shouldn't forget about it.

Apart from that, property rights are also very important here. Therefore, it is most likely that the flower, fruit or tree at the roadside belongs to someone. Since many islanders live off the fact that they sell what they grow, then, having picked the fruit, be prepared to leave the owner a decent compensation.

Visitors to the islands must be fully clothed. While the local residents' clothes may be different, or not at all. A woman should not be or stand higher than a man. It is also forbidden to swim under a canoe where women are. After all, after that it is subject to destruction. And for many residents it is the only means to get food.

The Solomon Islands has preserved a tradition in which, as in all world cultures, taboos are called upon to protect their society, playing the role of some kind of codes or moral precepts. Following them, it is not customary to punish uninitiated people. Although this category includes foreigners, it is nevertheless advisable to observe local customs.

For those who love a varied and eventful vacation, the Solomon Islands is the ideal option. Mainly because their entire territory consists of nine provinces, each of which has something to show even the most jaded visitor.

What are the provinces where the locals, despite the rapid development of civilization in general and the predominance of European elements in clothing in particular, continue to wear short skirts and

Not all resort islands, like the Solomon Islands, have retained to a large extent their primitive cultural appearance. All the villages are dominated by traditional houses. They are rectangular light huts with wicker walls on pillars and made of palm leaves.

Although buildings of the European type are found here, but only in large settlements. Tradition is also closely intertwined with modernity in the local population relatively well preserves applied arts, original dances and songs, folklore, however, modern culture is still being introduced.