Conclusion alcatraz. Alcatraz (prison): history

Just 2.5 km from San Francisco, there is a famous landmark of America - the famous Alcatraz prison, known to everyone from many films, TV series and games. The Scala Prison, sometimes called so, is located on a small rocky island in the middle of the San Francisco Bay. The island where Alcatraz is located belongs to the state of California, and belongs to the National Park "Golden Gate". Throughout its history, the territory of the island has been used as a fort, a prison, and more recently a museum. You can get to the museum island using a special ferry from San Francisco. About one million tourists visit Alcatraz Island every year.

The history of Alcatraz prison dates back to the time of the "Gold Rush" in California in 1848. In just three years, San Francisco's population increased from 500 to 35,000. Thousands of ships were in the bay. There was a need for a lighthouse that would help ships navigate in heavy fog. In 1853, a lighthouse was built on Alcatraz Island, the first in the entire western United States. But after 56 years it was dismantled. Instead, a new lighthouse was built in 1909. After 54 years, the lighthouse was modernized, which made it capable of operating in automatic mode without requiring round-the-clock maintenance.

Alcatraz in 1895


The harbor area of \u200b\u200bthe California coast was not sufficiently protected from external invasion. Therefore, there was a need to protect the bay. In 1850, US President Millard Fillmore commissioned the construction of a defensive fort on Alcatraz Island. In December 1859, the construction of the fortress was completed. On the territory of which there were about 110 guns. At the height of the Civil War (1861-1865), the military fort was considered the largest on the west side of the Mississippi River.

Cannons on Alcatraz Island with 15 inch cannonballs, 1868

Military prison

Beginning in 1861, the fortress on the island was also used as a military prison. This was facilitated by the favorable location of the mainland in the bay (more than 2 km before civilization), which was washed by icy water and had strong sea currents. Which created a powerful isolation from the outside world. Therefore, it was an ideal place for keeping prisoners of war. The number of prisoners increased greatly during the Spanish-American War in 1898. From 25 to 450 people. American prison Alcatraz became known for its austerity and was considered the first army prison with a long stay. Disciplinary measures in prison could be in the form of hard work, the constant wearing of a heavy chain, moving to a special solitary confinement cell, which was considered the most severe punishment. The isolation ward was practically without light, except for the cracks through which food was supplied, in fact it was bread and water. The temperature in the room was quite cold, but the blanket was only given out at night. Any kind of contact was prohibited. Therefore, staying in such a room seemed eternal, and some could not stand it and went crazy.

Prisoners of war in Alcatraz, 1902

Alcatraz Prison is receiving more and more civilian prisoners temporarily transferred from other locations. Especially after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906, when thousands of homes were destroyed and a massive looting began in the city.

Over time, discipline in the military prison diminished. For example, some inmates were allowed to perform various chores for families living on the island. A baseball field was even built in the late 1920s. Various boxing competitions were held, even attended by civilians from San Francisco. But in the end, the military authorities decided to completely abandon the prison due to the high costs of maintaining it. Therefore, in 1934, the prison was officially closed.

Federal maximum security prison

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the United States experienced the Great Depression, accompanied by riots and organized crime. For the sphere of influence, a war was fought between various mafia families and gangs. And, as a rule, ordinary citizens and policemen became victims. Officials received bribes, turning a blind eye to the lawlessness, and power in cities essentially belonged to gangsters.

For this reason, the US authorities reopened Alcatraz prison in 1934, but completely rebuilt the buildings on the island. So the wooden bars and bars were replaced with steel ones. Electricity was supplied to each cell. All unnecessary tunnels were walled up. Weapon rooms for the guards were built in the prison building. The most popular place, the prison canteen, was equipped with special tear gas tanks. After all, it was in this room that fights and various showdowns often occurred. Almost all doors had electrical sensors. The best security specialists (Robert Burge, and others) were involved in the project. And also James A. Johnston was appointed, known as the "chief of the golden rule." He was distinguished by his strict principles and a reformist approach to prisoners. Thus, the Alcatraz prison became a nightmare for the entire underworld and became the reason for various rumors and myths.

Prison cells in Alcatraz

Alcatraz prisoners and escape attempts

The most violent prisoners from other prisons were transferred to Alcatraz. It was impossible to get directly. Exceptions were made only for some gangsters, among which were: Al Capone and Machine Gun Kelly.

Alcatraz prisoners lived in separate cells. They had minimal privileges to receive medical care, water, food, clothing. They were forbidden to have any personal belongings or read newspapers. The Alcatraz prisoner needed to earn the opportunity to interact with visitors, visit the library and write letters. Moreover, all privileges were removed at the slightest violation of the rules of conduct in prison.

A typical day started at 6:30 in the morning. About 25 minutes were given to clean the cell, then the roll call proceeded. And at exactly 6:55 am everyone headed to the dining room. After breakfast for 20 minutes, prison work began. This daily rhythm in prison has not changed for several years.

Attempts to escape from Alcatraz prison

As stated earlier, escape from Alcatraz Prison was almost impossible. Nevertheless, in history there were a couple of attempts to escape from the strictest American prison at that time. Officially, there is no confirmation of a successful prison escape. Nevertheless, it was not possible to find five prisoners who were missing. Only 34 prisoners tried to escape from the island. Two of them drowned, seven were shot, five were missing, the rest were intercepted and returned. The most famous escape attempts were made in 1946 ("Battle of Alcatraz") and in 1962 (escape of Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers).

Alcatraz prison closure

Alcatraz Prison was closed on March 21, 1963 due to the high costs of the prison. It was necessary to bring food, clothing, etc. from the mainland. Periodically make repairs, which were estimated at $ 3-5 million. This is why Alcatraz was closed.

Alcatraz tour video

While the Vietnam War was underway and the hippie movement was booming, a couple of Indian tribes moved to live on the island of Alcatraz. According to the law on free movement, they were allowed to do this, but by a court decision in 1971, they were forced to leave Alcatraz. At the same time, leaving behind a lot of destruction and debris. Many buildings were damaged due to frequent fires, and most of the walls were painted, inscriptions that remain to this day.

In 1971, Alcatraz was added to the Golden Gate Park, making it a museum complex. And in 1973 the first tourists visited it.

The escape plan took months to prepare, carefully thought out, and perfect. An ordinary evening on June 11, 1962. Everything seemed ordinary. However, it was different for the three inmates. Frank Morris, John and Clarence Anglin decide on the impossible - to escape from the most secure prison in the United States of America.
This walled prison rises in San Francisco Bay two kilometers from the Western American metropolis. She instilled fear in even the toughest criminals. Those who violated public order ended up in jail, who violated the rules of the prison ended up in Alcatraz. Her nickname is "The Rock". Here sat the king of the underworld, Al Capone. This is the most famous prison in the world. Let's take a look inside?

Today, more than 50 years later, all the details of the legendary escape are known. The main question remained open: were the three prisoners really able to get to land that night? However, let's talk about everything in order.
In the 60s, the Alcatraz prison is considered the last refuge in the criminal world. This maximum security prison was created to collect all the "rotten eggs" in one basket.

Frank Lee Morris and his two accomplices John and Clarence Anglin are professional criminals and true escapees. From the very first days of their stay in the "Skala" they began to look for options and think over an unthinkable escape plan.

The main obstacle to freedom was, of course, the icy water in the San Francisco Bay. The situation was aggravated by a strong current. The distance from the island to the Californian metropolis is one and a half miles (2.4 kilometers).

In addition, it was necessary to get out of the main building of the prison, unnoticed to overcome the fence with barbed wire. But first I had to get out of the cells.

The task at first glance was unsolvable. Inside, there were three prisoners for one guard. The constant round-the-clock rounds made the task extremely difficult. It is impossible to dig, and to get out through the bars is also impossible. However, Frank Morris (with a high IQ) and his accomplices found a way out.
Finding that the concrete walls of the main building of the old building were no longer as strong, they decided to make their way through a 13 x 24 cm ventilation grill hole. To hide the traces of night work, they made models of the grates, which they attached to the wall. In addition, stacks of magazines, an accordion and other large items were used.

To prevent the escape from being noticed until the morning, the prisoners created stuffed animals from papier-mâché. Hair was taken out of the barber shop, paints could be obtained for painting.

Behind the rear wall of the chambers, there is a technical section-mine, where pipes go.

On it on the night of escape, the prisoners climbed to the upper floor of the building. There, through a ventilation hatch, which was opened with a homemade drill, they hit the roof.

We went down the drainpipes.

For several months, the future fugitives worked on life jackets and an inflatable raft. They made them from rain jackets and glue. They managed to obtain all the tools and materials thanks to contacts with prisoners in the kitchen, in workshops, etc.

Everything went perfectly and according to plan. Apart from the fact that initially four were going to escape, but one of the prisoners (Euler West) could not get out of the cell in time. Frank Morris, John and Clarence Anglin, once at the shore, inflated the raft with a converted accordion and sailed away.

No one has ever seen them again, they are considered missing. It was not possible to catch or find the bodies. Today, after half a century, they continue to look for them. In 1997, the FBI transferred the YUES case to the Marshals. They are in the United States looking for escaped criminals and return to prisons more than 100 thousand people annually.
Did the prisoners manage to swim across the San Francisco Bay? Found one paddle, two life jackets and a rubber bag with photographs, where's the raft? No bodies have been found. If they managed to get to the ground, why didn't professional criminals take up the old business? These and many other questions are still open.

Less than 12 months after this (successful) escape case, the federal prison was closed.

There were other attempts to escape, but they were all unsuccessful and ended in failure.

A few words about everyday life in prison.

The main principle in working with prisoners was de-personalization. Everyone became equal, whether it was a bank robber, a murderer, the brightest representative of organized crime in the United States, Al Capone, or the famous American gangster George Kelly Barnes (“Kelly Machine Gun”, English “Machine Gun”). This was not a penal colony. The main thing was not resocialization, but emotional disruption.

Sometimes the noise of the big city and the stunning views of San Francisco reached the island even more pressured the prisoners. Everyone dreamed of an escape. There were cases of riots and the taking of hostages - prison guards.

You could shave once a week, cut your hair once a month.

In the dining room, they usually gave the same thing, namely pasta.

In the gift shop, you can now buy mugs that are similar in shape and type to the original.

There were rooms where prisoners worked.

There was a library.

You could play a musical instrument one day a week.


And even knit ...

The prisoners played chess / checkers. Talking with the neighbors in the cell, we made moves.

With distant cameras it was possible to talk through the "toilet" connection. When the water was drained by both negotiators, the pipe was free for some time.

Whoever violated the order was expected by a number of special measures. The mere mention of the “D” block inspired terror and fear in the prisoners.

There were long-term detention cells. You could walk once a week.

And also the so-called "holes". Like punishment cells - a prison in a prison.

There was practically no light in the "holes", there was no heating. The prisoners were kept there for a long time. In order not to go crazy, one of the prisoners (according to his stories) tore off a button, tossed it up, made several turns and in the dark, blindly began to look for it on the floor with his hands. And so over and over again, until he washed his hands and could not feel them. In one of the special cells there was no light at all and prisoners were placed there only in their underwear.

There were also ultra-long-term isolation chambers. Prisoners (serial killers, etc.) spent years in such solitary confinement and had no “outlet to the world”.

Meeting room.

In the premises of the guards and the prison administration.

More photos from the buildings.

In a nutshell, what was on the island before the maximum security prison, built in 1933. Initially, there was a lighthouse on the island. During the gold rush in the mid-nineteenth century, the San Francisco Bay was overrun with ships. The need arose to protect the bay, so a fort was built here with more than a hundred guns.

Later, a military prison was established on the island.
The Federal High Security Prison was closed in 1963. In the late 60s, the island was occupied by the Indians, in accordance with the law on the possibility of their free resettlement.

Later all were dispersed.

Since 1971 Alcatraz is a museum complex, it was opened for tourists.

Alcatraz on the geographical map of the world is a small island located in the San Francisco Bay. Another name is Rock (The Rock).

The island has an interesting history. At one time its territory was used as a defensive fort, a little later a military prison was located on it, and then its building turned into a super-protected prison, where especially dangerous criminals were kept, as well as those who in the past tried to escape from the previous place of detention.

The island currently houses a museum. You can get to it by ferry that runs from San Francisco.

When was the island discovered?

The first traveler to enter the San Francisco Bay was the Spaniard Juan Manuel de Ayala. Together with his team, he visited there in 1775 and made a map of the bay. He also gave one of the three islands located there the name La Isla de Los Alcatrases. Translated from Spanish, it means "Pelican Island". According to some researchers, this name could have been given because of the abundance of these birds on this piece of land. However, according to ornithologists, there are no colonies of pelicans on the island or nearby. This area is a favorite spot for cormorants and other large water birds.

In 1828, the English geographer Captain Frederick Beachy made a mistake. When drawing up his map, he transferred from the Spanish documents the name of the island, given by Juan Manuel de Ayala, to the neighboring one. This area is now known as the site of the famous prison called Island Alcatrazes. Further, in 1851, the name of the island was somewhat abbreviated by the topographic service. This place became known as Alcatraz.

Construction of a lighthouse

In 1848, gold deposits were discovered in California. This fact led to the fact that thousands of ships came to the San Francisco Bay. This created an urgent need for the construction of a lighthouse. The first of them was installed and began to work in the summer of 1853 on the island of Alcatraz. Three years later, a bell was installed on this lighthouse, used during heavy fog.

In 1909, construction of a prison began on the island. The first lighthouse, which served for 56 years, was dismantled. The second similar structure was installed on Alcatraz on 1.12.1909, not far from the prison building. In 1963 this lighthouse was modified. Having become autonomous and automatic, it no longer required round-the-clock service.


The gold rush that arose in these places led to the need to protect the bay. That is why the construction of the fort began on the island in 1850 by a decree issued by the President of the United States. Long-range guns were installed on the territory of this defensive structure, the number of which exceeded 110 units. A little later, the fort began to be used to house prisoners within its walls. However, in 1909, by order of the army command, the structure was demolished to the ground. By 1912 a new building was erected for criminals.

Military prison

The location of Alcatraz Island ensures its natural isolation from the land. After all, it is located in the very middle of the San Francisco Bay and is surrounded by icy water, as well as powerful sea currents. All this contributed to the fact that the island began to be considered by the leadership of the US Army as an ideal place for keeping prisoners of war. The first of these entered the Alcatraz prison in 1861. They were people from various states captured during the Civil War. In 1898, the United States took part in hostilities with the Spaniards. This war led to an increase in the number of prisoners who also ended up in Alcatraz prison. So, from 26 people it increased to 450.

The history of Alcatraz prison began to develop in a slightly different direction after the earthquake that happened in 1906. Natural disaster destroyed most of San Francisco, forcing the authorities to relocate several hundred civilian prisoners to the island. This was done primarily for security reasons.

In 1912, the Alcatraz prison was expanded. An impressive building was erected on the island. By 1920, this three-story building was almost completely "populated" by prisoners.

The history of Alcatraz prison allows us to judge it as a place that was distinguished by special severity towards violators. Here prisoners who did not obey discipline faced the most severe punishments. In the first army prison for long-term detention, offenders were sent to hard labor, and could also be placed in solitary confinement, providing them with a limited diet of bread and water. But the list of disciplinary sanctions was not limited to this either.

Alcatraz prisoners had an average age of 24. Most of them were serving sentences for desertion or some less serious misconduct. There were also those in Alcatraz prison who were sent here for a long period for physical violence and disobedience to commanders, murder or theft.

The military order forbade the people who were there to stay in the cell during the day. The only exceptions were special cases of compulsory detention. They also accommodated high-ranking servicemen who committed various disciplinary offenses. These inmates at Alcatraz Prison were able to move around rather freely. They were only forbidden to enter the premises for protection, which were on the level above.

But in general, despite the adoption of severe disciplinary measures against the criminals, the regime here could not be called strict. Most of the inmates did housework for those families who lived on the island where the Alcatraz prison is located. Some of them were sometimes trusted to look after the children. At times, prisoners used the vulnerable security organization to escape. However, the very place where the Alcatraz prison is located did not allow them to reach the mainland. Most of the fugitives were forced to return because of the icy water. Those who dared to get to the shore died in the bay from hypothermia.

Alcatraz prison (see photo below) gradually softened its rules.

By the late 1920s, inmates in it were allowed to set up a baseball field and even wear their own athletic uniforms. Boxing competitions were organized between the criminals in the evenings on Fridays. These duels were so popular that even civilians living in San Francisco gathered as spectators.

How many years did the military use Alcatraz as a prison? The Department of Defense closed it in 1934. This happened after 73 years of use due to the high costs associated with where the Alcatraz prison is located, as supplies were only carried out by boat transport from the shore. After that, the facilities located on the island were transferred to the Ministry of Justice.

Federal prison

A high spike in the crime rate was noted in the United States during the period from the late 1920s to the mid-1930s. This was facilitated by the Great Depression that arose in the country.

During this period, organized crime began to emerge in the form of individual gangs and mafia families, which unleashed a real war for spheres of influence. The victims in this battle were often law enforcement officers and civilians. Gangsters controlled power in the cities. The criminals gave bribes to officials to turn a blind eye to the lawlessness.

The government's response to the war unleashed by the gangsters was the decision to reopen the famous Alcatraz prison. Only now it has become federal.

A similar decision was made by the US government due to the fact that Alcatraz prison is located on an inaccessible island, and this allows you to isolate criminals from society, scaring those offenders who are still at large. Federal Prison Chief Sanford Bates and Attorney General Homer Cummings initiated the development of a prison renovation project. To this end, they invited Robert Burge, who at that time was considered the best expert in the field of security. His task was to draw up a new project for the prison. The reconstruction of the building was major. The entire building, except for the foundation, was destroyed, and then a new structure was built on this site.

Already in April 1934, where war criminals were housed in the Alcatraz prison, a building appeared with a new face and a new focus. So, if before the reconstruction the rods and gratings were made of wood, then after the redevelopment they became steel. Also, electricity appeared in each cell, and it was decided to completely brick up the service tunnels so that the prisoners could not hide in them and subsequently escape. Special weapons galleries have also appeared in the prison building. They were positioned above the level of the cells in order to protect the guards, who now carried their watch behind the iron bars.

The most vulnerable place for fights and fights has always been the prison canteen. That is why this Alcatraz room was equipped with containers filled with tear gas. Located on the ceiling, they were remotely controlled.

Guard towers were located along the perimeter of the prison building, in the most strategically appropriate areas. The door equipment has also changed. Electrical sensors were installed in them.

In total, there were 600 cells in the Alcatraz prison (the photo inside the building is presented below). At the same time, the building was divided into four blocks - B, C, F and D.

This made it possible to significantly expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe prison, which, before the reconstruction was carried out, could accommodate no more than 300 prisoners. The security measures introduced, combined with the icy waters of the bay surrounding the island, created an impregnable barrier even for those criminals who were considered incorrigible.


The new prison needed a new leader. The Federal Bureau of Prisons appointed James A. Johnston to this position. He was chosen for his strict principles and humane approach to the correction of criminals, which allowed them to return to society after their release. Johnston was also known for his reforms, which were carried out for the benefit of the prisoners. This man did not see the criminals as convicts, chained together. He believed that they should be introduced to such work, where they would feel respect and understand that their efforts will certainly be rewarded. The press wrote laudatory articles about Johnston, calling him "the chief of the golden rule."

Prior to his appointment at Alcatraz, the man served as director of San Quentin Prison. There he introduced a number of educational programs, which were very successful and had a beneficial effect on most of the prisoners. But at the same time, Johnston was an adherent of strict discipline. The rules he established were considered the strictest in the entire correctional system, and the penalties applied were the most severe. Johnston was personally present at the execution by hanging in San Quentin and knew exactly how best to deal with incorrigible criminals.

Prison life

The decision to serve the sentence in Alcatraz was not issued by the courts. The criminals came here from other prisons for their special "distinctions". Since Alcatraz was taken over by the Department of Justice, the rules have undergone fundamental changes. For example, each prisoner was assigned his own cell. In addition, the criminals enjoyed minimal privileges, which allowed them to receive food and water, clothing, medical and dental care. It was strictly forbidden to have personal belongings. Anyone who wished to communicate with visitors, borrow a book from the prison library or write a letter had to earn this right by impeccable behavior and work. At the same time, those criminals who were considered violators of discipline were not allowed to work. In case of the slightest offense, the privileges were immediately withdrawn.

Any media, including newspapers, were banned in Alcatraz. Letters written by prisoners were subject to correction by a prison officer.

Any governor who headed one of the federal prisons had the right to transfer prisoners to Alcatraz. Despite the prevailing opinion, not only gangsters were sent here. Contained in this prison on the island and those who represented a particular danger. For example, fugitives and rebels, as well as those who constantly sought to violate the regime, were sent from other prisons to Alcatraz. Of course, gangsters were also among the criminals on the island, but most of them, as a rule, were sentenced to death.

The prison day began with getting up at 6:30. Then, within 25 minutes, the prisoners had to clean up the cell, after which they had to go to the bars for roll call. At 6 hours 55 minutes, if everyone was in place, the doors were opened and the criminals were led into the dining room. They were given 20 minutes to eat. After that, the prisoners lined up and received prison jobs.

The whole life of these people turned into a monotonous routine cycle that did not undergo any changes over the years. The largest corridor, located in the building, was called "Broadway" by the prisoners, and the cells located along this passage, but only on the second tier, were the most desirable for them. They were warm, and no one walked past them.

Johnston, who was appointed to lead Alcatraz, had a policy of silence during his early days. Many prisoners regarded this as the most unbearable punishment. In this regard, they complained and demanded its cancellation. It was said that several of the criminals had even gone mad because of this policy. Later, this rule was abolished, which was one of the few changes to the content on the island.

The east wing of the prison was reserved for solitary confinement cells. The toilet in them was an ordinary hole, the drain of which was controlled by a guard. The criminals were placed in such cells without outer clothing, giving them a rather meager ration. The isolation ward doors had a narrow slot through which food was given to the prisoner. The cell was always closed, and the person in it was in the dark. They were placed in an isolation ward for 1-2 days. It was very cold in it. The mattress was issued only for the night. Being in this wing was considered the most severe punishment for bad behavior and serious violations. Every prisoner was afraid to get here.


Many dreamed of breaking free and leaving Alcatraz. However, this was almost impossible to do. The most successful escape attempt, which was probably crowned with success, was carried out in 1962 by the brothers John and Clarence Anglin. These criminals used a homemade drill with which they pried the cement out of the walls. Having carefully studied the schedule of the change of guards and other nuances, on 11/06/1962 the prisoners escaped through the service tunnel, which was located behind their cells. On the sleeping place of each of the criminals, they left a dummy body. The fugitives had bricked the hole in the tunnel from the inside. Such measures were necessary so that the guards became aware of their absence as late as possible.

Further, the criminals entered the roof through the ventilation system and went down the drainage channel. Having got out to the bay, they built a homemade raft, inflating rubber raincoats prepared in advance with a small accordion. According to the official version, the fugitives could not swim to the shore. However, their bodies were not found in the bay. There is also an unofficial version of what happened. According to many independent experts, the escape in 1962 was nevertheless successful, and the prisoners were free. The Mythbusters show was also interested in this story. Its organizers carried out their own investigation, the results of which convincingly proved the fact that the escape could well have been crowned with success.

Another, quite possibly, successful escape occurred on 16.12.1937. On this day, Theodore Cole and his friend Ralph Rowe (workers of the workshop where the iron was processed) took off the bars from the window and went to the waters of the bay during one of their shifts. However, on that day, a strong storm raged, and, judging by the official version, the fugitives drowned. However, their bodies were not found. Perhaps the criminals were carried out to sea. But until now, these fugitives are considered missing in the United States.

In total, from the beginning of its existence to the closure of the Alcatraz prison, there were 14 attempts to escape, in which 34 people took part. Moreover, two of them did it twice. As a result, seven of these criminals were shot dead by the guards, five, described above, went missing, two drowned, and the rest were returned to their cells.

Prison closure

The last prisoners left the inhospitable island on March 21, 1963. This is the closing date of Alcatraz prison. The decree on the termination of the activities of the legendary structure was signed by the US Attorney General (brother of John F. Kennedy, the then President of the United States).

Why was Alcatraz prison closed? The official version explained this decision by the too high costs that the government allocated for the maintenance of prisoners. After all, everything (food, water, fuel, etc.) was brought here from the mainland. In addition, the salt water gradually destroyed buildings, which required the prison to repair $ 3-5 million.

Alcatraz today

After the prison was officially closed, the country's government discussed various ways to use the island. One of these options was the placement of a UN monument on it.

In 1971, the island became part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and became a prison museum. Today Alcatraz is one of the main attractions of San Francisco and is very popular with tourists. Thousands of visitors come here every day by ferry, seeking to experience the exciting atmosphere of this prison.

The glory of Alcatraz today is exploited in every possible way. Hotels with the same name are open in Germany and England. They offer their clients to be accommodated in a small room with all the amenities. Of course, such numbers can hardly be compared with the real Alcatraz.

In 1996, the movie "The Rock" was released in cinemas. This is a film about Alcatraz prison with Nicolas Cage, directed by the American director Michael Bay. The tape tells the viewer about the history of the abduction of missiles with lethal gas, which was carried out by a general of the elite US special forces with his subordinates. The military took the visitors of the former Alcatraz prison hostage and demanded that the money be transferred to the families of the soldiers killed during the undercover operations.

Alcatraz was the first military prison to hold the most famous criminals like Al Capone. It is located on a large rock that separates it from San Francisco by fast currents and predatory fish. No one has escaped from Alcatraz yet. For many years, the local population argued with the authorities regarding the island. The fact is that so much money was spent on the maintenance of criminals and guards, as if they lived not in a prison, but in an expensive hotel. In this regard, in 1963, Alcatraz was closed. Since 1969, the prison has been besieged by Indians. The siege against the American occupation of indigenous lands lasted for three years. In our time, this confrontation reminds of itself with drawings on the coast and exhibits of the national museum. After such a rich history, Alcatraz prison has become one of the city's main attractions.

Alcatraz prison for tourists

Tours of the prison are organized for everyone. The focus is on the camera of Al Capone and other criminals who have committed serious crimes. It was impossible to keep them in ordinary prisons, so they were sent here. Also, tourists will be given to listen to the recordings of the conversations of the guards or prisoners. You can even visit Alcatraz at night. There are so many tourists that it is better to buy tickets in a few weeks.

Prison history

In 1775, a Spanish scientist mapped a small island named Isla de Las Alcatraces because of the large number of pelicans that inhabit it. He then could not even imagine that in a few hundred years, this place would become famous as the most terrible prison in America. Alcatraz may be known to you from the movie Escape from Alcatraz.

In 1848, a gold mine was found in San Francisco. The real gold rush begins. In this regard, the number of residents is increasing dramatically. Seekers for precious metals come from both land and ocean. Over time, the authorities realized that they needed to somehow protect the city. The choice fell on the island. It had a very advantageous strategic position: it was located a couple of kilometers from the city, and the surrounding territory was clearly visible from it. In 1854, defenses and cannons were built on the island.

A defensive complex was formed together with two neighboring forts. In 1960, the first war criminal was brought to the island. From that moment on, the island's protective function begins to weaken. It must be said that the guns never had to be used. But as a prison, Alcatraz existed for 100 years. At the beginning of the 20th century, the fortification was demolished, retaining the basement for the construction of a new prison. For two years the criminals were building the prison. Its location near strong currents made the island difficult to access, so Alcatraz was soon used to keep prisoners. Every year there were more and more of them. In 1920, all buildings and buildings were completely filled with criminals.

Alcatraz became the first prison for the military, which was distinguished by severity and severe punishments for all guilty ones. It could have been hard work or moving to a punishment cell without any conveniences. And this is the smallest thing that could have happened. Most of the prisoners were military at the age of 24. As a rule, they were imprisoned for desertion or other minor crimes. But not without murderers, rapists and thieves. The prison order had its own characteristics. The criminals were not allowed to be in the cell during the day. Persons of higher positions could walk freely throughout the entire territory of the prison.

Despite the harsh measures of pressure, the Alcatraz regime was not so harsh. Most of the prisoners worked for families on the island. Some were even trusted to sit with children. There were cases when such a regime was used to escape. But no one succeeded. Having got out into the wild, the fugitives tried to swim across the sea, but the cold current prevented them from doing this. There was no choice and had to go back. True, then the fugitives immediately fell ill and died of hypothermia.

Over time, conditions in the prison began to improve. A baseball field was built by the prisoners. They were even allowed to wear special uniforms while playing. Boxing competitions were organized on Fridays. It was such an interesting sight that even civilians came to the prison to watch the fight.

In the 30s of the last century, the era of mafias and clans began. Whole families took over the districts, giving bribes to local authorities to turn a blind eye to the surrounding chaos. In this regard, the government decided to reopen the prison, making it federal. It was decided to reconstruct Alcatraz. For this, security expert Robert Burge was invited. He created a new, more modified building design. In 1934, Alcatraz got a new lease on life. Wooden rods were replaced with metal ones. All cells were supplied with electricity. The underground tunnels were destroyed in order to exclude any threat of escape. The canteens were equipped with tear gas cylinders in case of fights. The guard towers were moved to the best places for viewing. The number of prison cells was increased. Now there are about 600 of them. New penalties were introduced for the fugitives. Now the renovated prison needed new bosses. James Johnston was put in charge. He was known for his strict principles and humane attitude towards prisoners. He believed that criminals need to be introduced to work in order to be respected. According to him, this was the only way to correct a person. The press and officials praised him for such a responsible attitude towards the prison and its inhabitants. During his work, almost all prisoners worked. As a reward for their hard work, their term was reduced. Prior to Alcatraz, Johnston worked at San Quentin Prison. There he developed programs to improve the lives of prisoners. But, despite the good attitude towards the prisoners, he had a very tough character. If he was disobeyed, the punishment was the most severe. Johnston even attended the hanging at San Quentin several times. So this man knew how to behave in Alcatraz.

After joining the position of Johnston, the rules of detention changed. Now each of them had their own separate cell. A system of privileges was created for receiving food, medical assistance, clothing, etc. If the prisoner behaved well, he could even be allowed to communicate with prison guests and visit the library. At the slightest disobedience, all privileges were immediately taken away. Reading newspapers and other media was prohibited in the prison, and letters were corrected. Alcatraz prison was not where the courts were sentenced. Those who distinguished themselves were sent here. It was impossible to go to prison at will. The exception was Al Capone. He was an amazing person. The police chased him for three long years, and got caught for ordinary tax evasion. For a long time he was in prison in the city of Atlanta. Having bribed guards and bosses, he acquired another gang and at the same time led his mafia while sitting in prison. After his deed was revealed, and the criminal was transferred to Alcatraz. He came out already hunched over as an old man.

Another famous criminal was Robert Stroud, who had the nickname "birder". In fact, he did not raise animals and spent almost his entire life in a completely different prison. In 1909 he went to a Washington prison for a robbery. Having once killed a cellmate, he was transferred to a Kansas prison. In 1916, he kills a prison warden and Stroud is sentenced to death. But at the tearful request of the prisoner's mother, the death penalty is replaced by life imprisonment, and the criminal is sent to Alcatraz. Here he began to study birds and even created several educational books. He spent almost twenty years in prison.

In 1962, Alcatraz ceases to function. According to one version, this was due to the too expensive maintenance of prisoners. The prison also needed a $ 4 million renovation.

Jailbreak alcatraz

Escaping their prison is always the most interesting topic of conversation. There were many rumors about this. It was rumored that in the entire history 36 people tried to escape, but none of the escapes succeeded. And all because of the cold current in the San Francisco Bay. The distance seemed to be small, but it was unrealistic to swim across. All the more, it was impossible to escape by boats. When any ship approached, shelling began. There was also a rumor that bloodthirsty sharks were found in the bay. There was a lot of talk about a shark named Bruce who was lured by the guards.

Yet one prisoner was lucky and escaped. He got to the shore so exhausted that he immediately lost consciousness. In the morning he was found by a small child with his parents. They thought the man was trying to drown himself in the bay and called the police. The prisoner was immediately recognized and sent back.

In all 29 years of the existence of the federal prison of Alcatraz, not a single escape was made. True, until now, five of the prisoners are listed as missing, most likely they drowned.

The Alcatraz prison, the photo of which is located below, is now considered one of the most important attractions in the vicinity of San Francisco. It was built on the island of the same name. Despite the fact that the correctional facility was closed more than 50 years ago, about one million tourists visit it every year as a monument of American history.

Foundation history

Until 1861, Alcatraz Island was used as a lighthouse location for navigation in the bay. They testified to ships about the approach of rocky shores. In the sixties of the nineteenth century, during the civil war, this piece of land became a place where prisoners were sent. At the beginning of the twentieth century, they were replaced by representatives of the criminals. When their number exceeded 500 people, the US state authorities decided to build a large three-story detention center here. As a result, the Alcatraz prison was built. Its history testifies to the fact that the prisoners not only engaged in self-study and performed various chores, but even acquired their own baseball team. Be that as it may, despite the relatively comfortable conditions for prisoners compared to other institutions of this kind, in the fifties the prison had the status of a harsh colony.


When the Great Depression hit the United States, crime swept the country along with poverty. Bribery on the territory of the state flourished, and power, in fact, was seized by gangsters. In 1934, the government decided to transfer the prison to the balance of the Ministry of Justice. His officials were tasked with reforming Alcatraz. The prison was to be both an exemplary correctional institution and the worst prison on the planet. As a result, it was rebuilt, and the number of cells increased to 600. The colony then became the last refuge for crime bosses, murderers, robbers and even maniacs.


Any inmate's day in this prison began at 6:30. At this time, the cells were opened, and the prisoners went to breakfast in the dining room. In half an hour we started to work. At 11.40 there was a short lunch break. The criminals did all sorts of work up to 16.13. After supper, they were allowed to do their own business in their cells. The hang-up was announced at 21.30. Alcatraz is a prison that is famous for the tight control of prisoners. In particular, unscheduled cell searches could be carried out here at any time. During the day, the overseers arranged 13 roll calls.

Alcatraz's ill fame

Most of the criminals were very afraid of this correctional institution. Since the twenties of the last century, any dangerous gangster could be sure that if he was caught by law enforcement officers, he would definitely go here. Ordinary offenders were never sent to serve their sentences in Alcatraz by direct court decision. The prison was used as a place of confinement only for the so-called enemies of the state and especially dangerous criminals. The criminals knew that it was almost impossible to return alive from this place. This is due not only to the long terms of imprisonment, but also to the unrealistic nature of the escape.

There was a period in the history of the colony when prisoners were forbidden to make any sounds during their stay in the cell. Violation of this rule resulted in severe punishment. For many people, long hours in silence became a real psychological torture, so they went crazy.

Prisoner status

The American prison of Alcatraz was distinguished by the presence of separate rules related to the status of prisoners. Absolutely all prisoners had equal rights. An exception was not made even for the famous Al Capone, who did not receive any privileges upon arrival in this colony.

At the same time, the criminals were divided into groups depending on the degree of their danger. There were no common cells here, so the prisoners spent most of their time in complete solitude. Each of them was given the right to a roof over their heads, food (usually very primitive), uniform, monthly haircut and weekly shave. The opportunity to work, paint or play sports had to be earned. For malicious violators of the regime, bullies and fighters, a punishment cell was provided. However, there are legends that it was much more terrible for a prisoner to find himself in a cell, from which a view of the city opened. Freedom was so close that many of them went crazy.

Prison plan

All prisoners knew that it was unrealistic to escape from this colony. The reason for this was the well-thought-out plan of the Alcatraz prison. For the prisoners, a building was erected, the cells of which had heavy-duty gratings. All rooms were equipped with automation, and the kitchen even kept tear gas cylinders intended for use in unforeseen situations. There was no point in digging or tearing down the wall, since the cells were adjacent to one another.

Another interesting nuance was that there were, on average, three prisoners for each overseer here, which is several times less than in other similar institutions. A high wall with barbed wire at the top was erected around the territory of the colony. There is another feature that stood out and frightened all representatives of the criminals of the Alcatraz prison: an island in the San Francisco Bay is located at a distance of 1.5 miles (2.4 km) from the continent. The steep cliffs, together with the tides and violent winds constantly prevailing here, as well as the icy water and strong currents, made the probability of a successful escape in case of escape to zero. This is not surprising, since it is difficult even for a professional swimmer to cope with such natural conditions. It should also be noted that only warm water was constantly turned on in the showers of the prison. In this regard, the prisoner's body got used to the heat, so he would not have tolerated a possible swim in the cold bay.

Escape attempts

Over the thirty years of the existence of this correctional institution, 14 attempts to escape were recorded, which were organized by 34 criminals. Among them, seven people were shot by guards, two drowned, five were missing, and all the rest were returned to their cells. At the same time, one of the attempts remains the subject of much controversy even now. Some historians claim that it was successful, so it can be assumed that the Alcatraz prison was not that well thought out.

The escape attempt took place in 1962. Then Frank Morris, in collusion with the Anglin brothers, built a drill from a metal spoon, a coin and a vacuum motor. With her help, they gradually dug out pieces of concrete in order to dig a way to the previously unprotected service tunnel. After they succeeded, they made dummies of their bodies out of concrete and laid them in bed. Then the intruders walled up the holes on the back side, climbed onto the roof through the ventilation and went down to the sea through the drainpipe. After that, the criminals built a raft from rubber raincoats and sailed away. Further, their fate is unknown. According to the official version, they all drowned, and their bodies were carried far away by the current. At the same time, as the experiment in the program "Mythbusters" on the Discovery channel shows, such an escape is quite real. Moreover, one of the prison historians claims that a few months later, the Anglin brothers' relatives received a signed postcard from South America.

Alcatraz and cinema

Alcatraz Prison, which can be seen as an ominous backdrop for many television series filmed in the United States, has become the main theme for more than ten famous movies. The vast majority of art paintings describe the difficult fate of a prisoner who was imprisoned in the walls of this correctional institution. It is impossible not to mention the sci-fi series of the same name. The most famous film about Alcatraz was filmed in 1996. It received the name "The Rock", and it won its popularity and good box office primarily thanks to the film crew, headed by director Michael Bay, as well as the famous cast (the main role in the film was played by Sean Connery).

Speaking about the most believable works, it is necessary to mention the movie "Escape from Alcatraz" filmed in 1979. It tells about the most famous attempt to escape from here, which was discussed in more detail earlier.


March 21, 1963 for the residents of San Francisco was marked by the fact that Alcatraz was closed on that day. The prison was very expensive for the local authorities. This decision was connected with this. At that time, several options for the further use of the island were considered. In 1969, representatives of the Indians moved here, who promised to establish a cultural center for the Native American population. They painted the walls and started burning fires en masse, and the buildings were severely damaged. The state government expelled the Aborigines from here in the summer of 1971. After that, the former colony became part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Two years later, a museum was opened here. Its visitors are allowed to enter cells, handcuff themselves, walk around the courtyard or visit the library.

Today's state

The prison on the island of Alcatraz, located in the immediate vicinity of a large metropolis, has now gained high prestige among Americans. This is largely due to the legends, stories and various interesting facts associated with it. Every year on the first day of summer in San Francisco, a triathlon competition is held, which is called the Escape from Alcatraz. Its participants will have to overcome the bay, the water temperature in which rarely rises above 14 degrees, and then ride a bicycle 29 kilometers and run 13 kilometers. The competition is considered one of the most difficult and prestigious in the world.

In addition, basketball lines and hoops are installed inside the prison once a year. This is done for the final streetball stage, in which basketball players play one-on-one, and the losing participant leaves the court. It should be noted that the atmosphere during these competitions is fully consistent with the spirit of the harsh correctional institution.