G Feodosia. Rest in Feodosia - expanse for both children and adults

The early names are Kefe, Kaffa and Ardabda, and these are only the most common. The city dates back to the 6th century BC, founded by the Greeks. Earlier periods are simply not studied, but one of the suggestions is that the Greek city was based on more ancient remains of people, but there is no actual evidence yet.
The city of Feodosia is located in the southeast of the Crimea, from the southwest it is covered by the slopes of the Tebe-Oba ridge. The climate is steppe turning into subtropical.

Geographic coordinates of Feodosia on the map of Crimea GPS N 45.0488, E 35.3791

The population of the city is about 70 thousand people, over the past year it has increased by 1.3%. The climate of Feodosia is sub-tropical turning into temperate.

The name of the city of Theodosia (Theodosia) translates as “God's gift”, the name of the city disappeared several times from the historical map, due to the transition of the city from the Greeks to the Genoese, the Ottomans. In 1804, as part of the Russian Empire, the city was returned to its historical name, which we know to this day.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 36 km 2, the city is located in the sea area of \u200b\u200bthe Feodosiya Gulf, the depth of the bay is from 20 to 30 meters and has a circular circulation of water, which is why the coastal waters are relatively clean and always suitable for swimming.

In addition to the tourist component of the city, the city is interesting for its port part, the depth of the bay is ideally designed for navigation, oil tankers enter the port without any problems, and therefore one of the largest oil bases in Crimea is located there.
In the current history, the city was given a new breath by the construction of a ferry across the Kerch Strait, the route will pass through Feodosia. Therefore, the hotel sector expects a new influx of visitors.
There are several directions of movement from Feodosia by sea transport, these are excursions to Karadag or along the entire coast of the South Coast, or high-speed catamaran Sochi-1 and Sochi-2. Any of the above trips will provide an unforgettable experience.

Very well developed. The city is developed in all directions, recreation, tourism, medicine, bars, clubs and restaurants. You can stay in the city or in its coastal part in hotels, hotels and in the private sector, the offer of the latter in Feodosia is presented in abundance. Prices for accommodation in Feodosia are very democratic, although they will differ greatly from the level of service.
There are many shops in the city of Feodosia, but perhaps the most interface is the local markets. Almost all products grown in Crimea, vegetables and fruits, meat and milk, and much more are presented on the markets. The quality and taste of products, especially in the mountainous part of the Crimea, will greatly delight you. Prices for products will be very different, in the course of the market, in the middle of the market and at the end, plus you can bargain for every penny.

In the summer season, there are many small shops with wine on tap throughout the city; it is not entirely desirable to buy wine in such places. If you want good wine, it is better to buy it in a glass bottle with an excise stamp, this 100% precaution will give you the opportunity to enjoy good wine without the consequences that could spoil your vacation in Crimea.

The city has about 6 squares and the same number of parks and squares, the embankment in Feodosia is one of the best in Crimea, and the beaches are famous not only in the Crimea, but also beyond its borders.
Feodosia city in its history has more than 26 centuries, historical horizons cover most of the studied part of human history, Feodosia as a map of this history. Before World War II, there was a memorable place in the city at every step, but the consequences of the war destroyed or partially destroyed most of the attractions. Heavy battles were fought by the Red Army in the Feodosia region and the consequences of these events can still be observed in the Genoese fortress.
City infrastructure
The city of Feodosia is included in the top ten obligatory The centuries-old history and favorable climate make it one of the most interesting places on earth.

Feodosia on the map of Crimea

Basic moments

Feodosia is one of the oldest cities on the Black Sea coast. In the Middle Ages, it was called Kaffa. Trade flourished here, and there was the largest slave market in the region.

For several decades, the Crimean city has had the status of a climatic resort, and local health resorts receive guests all year round. For sanatorium treatment in Feodosia come those who have problems with the respiratory system, digestive system, metabolic disorders, gynecological and urinary diseases. Ionized sea air, salt caves, healing silt mud, mineral waters, massage and other physiotherapy procedures help to get rid of ailments.

Most travelers come to Feodosia during the swimming season, from late May to early October. Tourists are attracted by the developed infrastructure, the possibility of inexpensive accommodation in the private sector, good sandy beaches, as well as many historical and natural attractions.

The beauty of Feodosia has long attracted representatives of creative professions. In the city you can visit the art gallery. I.K.Aivazovsky, the Museum of Money, the Museum of Hang Gliding, as well as the memorial museums of Alexander Grin and sisters Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev. The Feodosia Museum of Antiquities is considered one of the best specialized museums in Russia.

In Feodosia, not only beach holidays and excursions are popular. During the high tourist season, the city hosts many colorful festivals dedicated to fish food, unconventional fashion, winemaking, aeronautics, bicycles and jazz music. These holidays gather guests not only from other Crimean cities, but also from abroad.

History of Feodosia

The settlement on the shores of the bay was founded in the 6th century BC by colonists who came from the Greek city of Miletus. Later Theodosia became part of the powerful Bosporus kingdom, which was destroyed by the Huns in the 4th century AD.

In the following centuries, the city passed from hand to hand many times. At first, the Alans lived in it, then the Byzantine Empire began to control the coast, and behind it - the Khazars. Until the 13th century, the coastal settlement was small and was part of the Golden Horde, and at the beginning of the 14th century it was bought by the Genoese.

In those days, Theodosia was called Kaffa. The new owners managed to build a thriving port city, through which active trade between East and West was conducted. The largest slave market on the Black Sea existed in Kaffa. In addition to slaves, spices, gold and jewelry were traded here. By the 15th century, the coastal city owned by the Genoese had grown so large that it surpassed Constantinople in size. It had a multi-ethnic population, but there were most Armenians in Kaffa.

In 1475, the entire Crimean coast was captured by the Ottoman Turks, who made the city one of the main ports on the peninsula. At this time it was often called Kucuk-Istanbul or Little Istanbul.

In the 1770s, the Russian Empire began to own the city, and it received the name "Feodosia". For over a century, the settlement was small. But since the end of the 19th century, after the creation of an industrial port here and the appearance of a railway, the situation has changed.

During the Great Patriotic War, Feodosia was under fascist occupation. In the city, about 8 thousand residents were shot, and as a result of heavy fighting, part of the houses and streets were badly destroyed. Today Feodosia is developing as a major port and a popular seaside resort.

Geographical location and climate

Feodosia stands on the shores of the spacious Feodosia Gulf. At the entrance to it, the depth of the sea reaches 28 m, and this is quite enough for large dry cargo ships and tankers to enter the port of Feodosia. The bay has its own circular current, so the water off the coast is constantly renewed and never dirty.

Feodosia is separated from the steppe expanses by the Tepe-Oba mountain range. Hills and ridges rise to a height of about 300 m and close the coast from strong winds. Due to this, the climate of the Crimean resort is not similar to the steppe, but more reminiscent of the Mediterranean.

It is hot here in summer and almost never rains. In July and August, the average daily air temperatures are kept in the region of +26 ... + 28 ° С, and the water in the Black Sea warms up to +25 ... + 27 ° С. In winter, Feodosia is cooler than other Crimean resorts. There is snow for about three weeks, but constant snow cover does not happen every year, but only in the most severe winters.

The beaches of Feodosia

The beach strip in Feodosia and the surrounding area stretches for 17 km, and its width in some places reaches 200 m. One of the most popular is considered the kilometer-long beach "Kameshki", covered with a mixture of pebbles and sand. It has a width of 30-40 m and is well equipped for a comfortable stay. The beach has showers, toilets and storage rooms. You can rent sun loungers and umbrellas, rent pedal boats, catamarans and ride a banana boat.

On the promenade along the beach, there are many snack bars, cafes and souvenir shops, entertainment centers "Africa" \u200b\u200band Lunopark. Most tourists prefer to rest here, because on "Kameshki" there is a very gentle entrance to the water, and the seabed is sandy.

There is also a historical landmark near the beach. In the sea, opposite the "Kameshki", the wreck of the sunken ship "Jean Jaures" is visible. It was blown up by an enemy mine during the Great Patriotic War in 1942, 850 m from the coast. The crash killed 40 people, sank a lot of military equipment (vehicles and guns), but most of the sailors were rescued by the crews of the Kabardinets boat and the Gelendzhik minesweeper.

To the north of the "Kameshki" there is a paid Children's Beach. It is 300 m long, up to 70 m wide and covered with sand. The entrance to the sea is very gentle, and in shallow water the sea water gets very hot, which is why parents with small children like to relax on this beach. And to the north of the Children's Beach is the beach area of \u200b\u200bthe Ministry of Defense sanatorium.


The central place among other museum collections of the Crimean resort is occupied by the national art gallery, named after the famous marine painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (Aivazian). The artist was born and spent most of his life in Feodosia. The first exhibitions of his paintings were organized in the city in the middle of the 19th century.

Today, more than 400 works by Aivazovsky are exhibited in two buildings of the gallery, as well as over 12 thousand paintings dedicated to the sea, which were painted by other artists. The gallery welcomes guests every day from 10.00 to 16.30, and in the summer from 9.00 to 20.00 (Galereynaya St., 2 and 4).

There is a house not far from the art gallery, which is hard to miss, since the facade of the building looks like a romantic brigantine (10 Galereynaya st.). This is a memorial and literary museum of the author of the famous story "Scarlet Sails" Alexander Grin. Here the writer lived for 5 years, from 1924 to 1929, and wrote "Running on the Waves", as well as several short stories. Inside, the brigantine house looks unusual. Instead of boring museum halls, it is divided into cabins and holds. In addition to the writer's personal belongings, the museum displays nautical compasses, a steering wheel, models of sailing ships and old maps with which sailors sailed in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The Green Museum is open daily, except Mondays and Tuesdays, from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00.

The memorial museum of Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev appeared in Feodosia for a reason. Before the outbreak of the First World War, the sisters lived with their families in this city and loved it very much. The museum halls display the furnishings of the beginning of the last century, things and old photographs of the Tsvetaevs and their friends.

Money museums are open in several cities of Russia, however, the Feodosia numismatics collection is special. More than 30 thousand coins are kept here, the first of which were minted in the 7th century BC. For a long time on the territory of the coastal settlement there were mints - antique, Genoese, Crimean Tatar ... Researchers counted 14 periods of minting in Feodosia. In the museum you can see coins and banknotes from 200 countries of the world, samples of plastic cards, as well as "cash" souvenirs and handicrafts. The Museum of Money is located in the house number 12 on Green Street (former Kuibyshev) and receives visitors seven days a week from 10.00 to 18.00.

The same building houses another museum collection dedicated to the history of Crimean hang gliding. Free flights from the Uzun-Syrt and Klement'eva mountains began to be carried out since the 1930s. The first Russian aviators, glider pilots, hang gliders and paragliders trained near Feodosia. The halls of the museum display historical documents and photographs, models of aircraft, a simulator with a harness and rare collectible exhibits. The Museum of the History of Hang Gliding is open on any day except Monday, from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

In house number 11 on Aivazovsky Avenue, there is a local history museum, which is often called the "museum of antiquities". This is one of the oldest museums in Crimea, because the Feodosia collections were opened to visitors back in 1811. In the museum you can get acquainted with the nature of the Crimea, the geological features of the peninsula and the rich history of Feodosia. And in the open courtyard there are ancient tombstones, ablution bowls and stone slabs with inscriptions. The Museum of Local Lore is open from 10.00 to 17.00, except Tuesday. From June to September, it works seven days a week.

The rocky cape of St. Elijah closes the spacious Feodosia harbor, juts deep into the Black Sea, and from it you can clearly see all the coastal buildings. The way from the center of Feodosia to the extreme point of the cape takes only 10 minutes. Here, on the rocky shore, there is a local landmark - the high Ilyinsky lighthouse.

In ancient times, when there was no lighthouse yet, the ships that skirted the cape often perished. The tragic shipwrecks were caused by strong winds and storms. Everyone understood that a signal fire was needed for sailors, however, time passed, and they could not find money for the construction of the lighthouse.

In the 1890s, the family of State Councilor Rukavishnikov came to Feodosia for treatment. Their son was sick with tuberculosis, and his parents hoped that staying on the sunny peninsula would help him.

And so it happened. The boy recovered from the healing Crimean air and daily walks by the sea. His mother Evdokia Nikolaevna was so happy about the imminent recovery of her son that in 1899 she built a lighthouse on Ilyinsky Cape using her own funds. On it was installed the latest optical device for those times, made by Swedish craftsmen, and a sonorous signal bell was placed next to it.

During the Great Patriotic War, the building of the lighthouse was destroyed, but in the 1950s it was rebuilt. Nowadays, both tourists and residents of the city like to come to the Ilyinsky lighthouse, since near it you can take beautiful photographs of rocky cliffs and the Feodosia coast.

Genoese fortress and towers

On the territory of the modern resort, several medieval buildings have been preserved, erected in the days when Feodosia was named Kaffa. The most significant of them is the old Genoese fortress on Port Street. It is located in the southern part of Feodosia, not far from the seashore and has the status of a historical and architectural reserve.

The defensive structures were built in the XIV century in order to protect the possessions of the Genoese Republic on the Crimean Peninsula. The citadel was considered one of the largest in Europe. It covered an area of \u200b\u200b70 hectares and had a double ring of stone walls, the height of which reached 11 m. In addition to powerful walls, the fortress included more than 30 high towers and an earthen moat dug along the perimeter.

The Genoese citadel was built of limestone slabs, bonded with mortar. The quality of the masonry, made by medieval builders, turned out to be so high that the fortress withstood the test of time and has been perfectly preserved to this day.

Today you can see a half-kilometer fragment of the southern wall with the towers of Crisco and St. Clement, the remains of the moat, the pylons of the entrance gate and part of the western wall. And not far from the ancient citadel, there are several Armenian temples of the XIV century, Turkish baths and an old single-arch Turkish bridge.

In different parts of Feodosia, there are several medieval towers, which in Genoese times were part of a common defensive line. In the east of the ancient city there is a rectangular two-tiered Dock Tower, which served as the sea gate of medieval Kaffa and guarded its port part. On the eastern wall of the Dock Tower, you can see a stone slab on which the coats of arms of the Genoese consuls are carved.

If you walk about 0.5 km to the south from the ruins of the Genoese fortress, you can find yourself near the medieval tower of Giovani de Skaffa, built, like the main citadel, in the XIV century. In former times, the thickness of the walls of the round tower reached 2.5 m, and the garrison guarding it could take water from an underground well. The main building is still waiting for its researchers, and today it stands one-third covered with earth.

Another Genoese building is located 0.6 km east of the tower of Giovani de Scaffa - Thomas Tower, which was used as an arsenal. Time did not spare the building, and only a semicircular base remained from it.

The northernmost tower of the medieval citadel is located near the seashore, not far from the city railway station of Feodosia. In the second half of the 15th century, these lands were seized by the Ottoman Turks and they fortified the tower with a stone bastion. Three walls and an expressive jagged end have survived from the Tower of Constantine. The thickness of the masonry at the base of the tower is up to 2 m.

Fountains and old cottages

In 2004, in the green Jubilee Park, near the Fedodosia railway station, a fountain "Good genius" was opened. It is dedicated to IK Aivazovsky, a native of Feodosia. At 110 meters from it, closer to the railway tracks, there is another fountain, built according to the project and financed by the artist himself. This beautiful architectural monument has an interesting history.

Century after century, the city grew, and the surrounding forests were cut down for construction needs. The thoughtless destruction of trees led to the fact that already from the middle of the 19th century, the inhabitants of Feodosia were constantly experiencing a shortage of drinking water. The problem was so acute that high-quality water had to be delivered from Sevastopol in barrels by sea.

Aivazovsky was born in Feodosia, and on the territory of his family estate there was a deep Subash spring. In the fall of 1887, the artist decided to donate the water of the spring to Theodosians. At his expense, a metal pipeline was built, through which 50 thousand buckets of water were supplied daily to an equipped fountain in the city center. The artist created the project of the fountain with his own hand.

In the northern part of Feodosia, on the long Aivazovsky Avenue, there are several old dachas built at the beginning of the last century in the Art Nouveau style. Today they have the status of historical and architectural monuments. Among other buildings, the beautiful architectural ensemble of Stamboli Palace (house no. 47) stands out. In the 1910s, the picturesque house was occupied by the Karaite family of Joseph Stamboli, who was involved in the development of the tobacco industry in the Feodosia region. During the Great Patriotic War, the Germans set up a hospital in the palace, where wounded soldiers were treated, and now there is a restaurant and hotel complex.

The house "Otrada" is located in the house number 29 on Aivazovsky Avenue. The Moorish-Spanish building was built in 1914 according to the project of the famous Crimean architect Nikolai Krasnov. "Joy" is good for its exquisite stucco molding, austere windows and columns with Ionic capitals.

Nearby, at number 33, there is the Milos summer cottage, made in the traditions of Greek architecture. In addition to the main building, in the old dacha you can see a light rotunda and an elegant fence. Today one of the buildings of the Voskhod sanatorium is located here. And another Feodosia sanatorium - "Volna" - today occupies the intricate buildings of the old summer cottages "Villa" (house No. 35) and "Flora" (house No. 37).

Zemskaya Street in Feodosia

The nearest airport to Feodosia is located 120 km from the city, in Simferopol. It is a large international terminal that receives regular flights from many cities in Russia and from abroad. From Simferopol airport to Feodosia on the P23 highway, you can come by taxi in one and a half to two hours. The trip by regular buses "Simferopol - Kerch" and "Simferopol - Feodosia" or by minibuses will take from 2 to 2.5 hours.

There are two ways to get to Feodosia by train through the territory of Russia. The first option: take a ticket on the direct train "Moscow - Feodosia", which reaches the Kerch Strait and is transported across the strait. This route is convenient because passengers do not need to get off, and the train will be in place in 23.5-26 hours. The second option: use the service of Russian Railways "Unified Ticket", that is, by train to get to Krasnodar or Anapa, and then by bus through Kerch Strait to get to Feodosia.

From the Moscow metro station "Novoyasenevskaya" once a day there is a direct bus to Feodosia. It takes 23-25 \u200b\u200bhours from Moscow to the resort town.

You can get to the Crimean resort by car through the territory of Ukraine and Russia. The first method is the shortest, but it involves crossing the border. The second option takes much more time and is laid along the M4 Don and P251 highways and through the ferry port Kavkaz - Krym port. A significant drawback of this route is the long queues for the ferry. From the ferry to the city, you need to drive another 120 km.

You can also sail to Feodosia by sea. Anapa and the Crimean city are connected by high-speed catamarans, which reach Feodosia in 3 hours.

For many people, in the summer, vacation in Feodosia is relevant. This wonderful Crimean city on the Black Sea coast has fascinated hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit it every year. What is so attractive about Theodosius? Description of the location, history of the city, its population, infrastructure, recreation conditions and other issues related to this resort will be the subject of this review.

Geographical location of Feodosia

Before we begin to describe the population of Feodosia and other aspects of the city's life, let's consider where it is located.

The city of Feodosia is located in the southeastern part of the Crimean Peninsula, on the Black Sea coast, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Feodosia Gulf. It is located just between the southern coast of the Crimea, being a kind of connecting link between them. The eastern part of the settlement is located on the seashore, and the western part is on the spurs of the Tepe-Oba ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

The climate in Feodosia is moderate, although sometimes signs of a subtropical appear, due to the close location to this climatic zone.

Legal status

The legal status of the city, like that of the whole Crimea, is ambiguous. According to Russian law (and in fact), this settlement is part of the Feodosia urban district, which, in turn, is part of the Republic of Crimea. In the south-west, this administrative entity borders on the urban district of Sudak, in the north - on the Kirovsky district, in the north-east - on the Leninsky district. The south and southeast are washed by the waters of the Black Sea. In addition, this urban district also includes several villages, the largest of which are the townships of Primorsky and Koktebel.

At the same time, according to Ukrainian legislation, Feodosia belongs to the city council of the same name, which is part of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and completely coincides with the boundaries of the city district. However, de facto Ukraine does not control these territories, so they are fully subject to Russian legislation.

City `s history

Feodosia has a very long history. It is one of the oldest in Russia as a whole. The first population of Feodosia is the Greeks. It was the Greek colonists from the city of Miletus in the VI century BC. e. founded this settlement. The name that the Greeks gave to the settlement they founded is translated from the ancient Greek language as "given by God." In the IV century BC. e. Theodosia was forced to submit to the most powerful Greek state in the Crimea - the Bosporus kingdom, which itself eventually recognized its dependence on the Roman Empire.

In the 4th century AD, the city was destroyed by hordes of Huns. The field of this, what remained of it, was settled by the Alans, calling the village Ardabda. The Roman Empire this time was able to regain control over Theodosia only after it was transformed into Byzantium, in the 5th century. True, the city then for some time passed into the hands of the Khazar Kaganate, but in the end it returned again under the sovereignty of the Byzantine Empire. However, the significance and size of the ancient times of Theodosia of that time was far away, and, in fact, it existed as an insignificant village.

In the XIII century, Theodosia was controlled by the Golden Horde, which sold the village to merchants from Genoa, retaining its supreme suzerainty over it. Since then, the city has become an outpost of this maritime republic. Now he began to be called Kafa. Since antiquity, the city has not experienced such a flourishing as under the Genoese. It was here that the temnik Mamai fled to hide from the anger of the Golden Horde after he was defeated by Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field. The population of Kapha at that time exceeded 70,000 people, and then it became more than in Constantinople. Most of the inhabitants of the city were Armenians. A branch of the Genoese bank was opened in the Cafe, and there was a theater.

Finally, in 1475, the Genoese were ousted from Kafa by the actively expanding Ottoman Empire. Now it has become a Turkish city. Although to the north of it were the lands of the Ottoman Sultan's vassal - the Crimean Khan, but Kafa was not part of the khanate, but was a direct part of the empire. During the Ottoman period, Kafa became one of the largest points of the slave trade, and a slave market was located here. During the Turkish period, the development of salt deposits near the city also developed. In addition, as under the Genoese, there was a large port here. Feodosia at that time was raided and plundered by the Zaporozhye Cossacks, for example, in 1616. Many prisoners were also freed during this expedition.

In 1771, during the next Russian-Turkish war, Kafa was captured by Russian troops. After the Kuchuk-Kainadzhi peace treaty, this city finally became part of the Russian Empire. Since 1787 it has become one of the settlements of the Tauride region. Since 1796, after an administrative reform, Kafa was incorporated into the Novorossiysk province. In 1798, she received the status of a free port for 30 years. Six years later, the Cafe returned its historical name - Feodosia.

This city was visited by many prominent personalities. In it he lived a significant part of his life, the famous painter Ivan Aivazovsky worked and died. The Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also visited Feodosia.

After the 1917 revolution, Crimea, and Feodosia in particular, became the last stronghold of the White Army under the leadership of Wrangel. After the occupation of the city by the Bolsheviks in 1920, a wave of red terror swept here. The population of Feodosia at this time in the city decreased significantly. The city, like the whole Crimea, was included in the RSFSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles were fought for Feodosia. It was finally liberated by the Red Army only in April 1944.

In 1954, like the entire Crimean region, Feodosia became part of the Ukrainian SSR. After Ukraine gained independence in 1991, the city remained a part of this state, first as part of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, then the Republic of Crimea, and then the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

In 2014, as a result of a referendum, Feodosia, like the entire Crimea, was annexed to the Russian Federation. Currently, the city is an administrative unit of the Republic of Crimea, which is part of the Russian Federation as a subject of the federation.

City population

It's time to find out how many people make up the population of Feodosia. Currently, 68.6 thousand people live here. This is the fifth largest city among all Crimean cities, excluding Sevastopol. Not so long ago, Theodosia ranked fourth in this indicator, but Yalta bypassed it.

The population density in the city is 1621.2 people / sq. km. For comparison, the population density in Simferopol is 3132.5 people / sq. km, in Kerch - 1379 people / sq. km, in Yalta - 4310.1 people / sq. km.

Population dynamics

Now let's find out how the demographics of Feodosia have changed over several decades. We will look at the population size of this city selectively for individual years from different periods of the relatively recent history of the city.

Let's start from the end of the century before last. In 1897 the population of Feodosia was 24.1 thousand. After the revolution, this number dropped. So, in 1923, only 22.7 thousand people lived in the city. But by 1926, the population had increased and reached the level of 27.3 thousand people. The growth in the number of residents of Feodosia continued in the following years. So, in 1939, the number of inhabitants reached 45.0 thousand inhabitants, and in 1979 it was at the level of 76.4 thousand inhabitants. The maximum was reached after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. Then 86.4 thousand people lived in Feodosia. The city did not have such a large population either before or after that.

Further, the decline in the number of people living in Feodosia began. So, in 1998, the number of the city's population decreased to 80.9 thousand people. In 2008, it already amounted to 71.2 thousand people. A slight increase in the number of residents was observed only in 2015, when the number of residents increased from 69.0 thousand. (2014) to 69.1 thousand inhabitants. But in 2016, the demographic decline continued. The population decreased to 68.6 thousand inhabitants.

Thus, from 1992 to 2016, the overall decline in the population of the city of Feodosia amounted to 17.8 thousand people.

Ethnic composition

Now let's consider the ethnic composition of the population living in the city of Feodosia.

According to the 2014 census, the majority are Russians. Their share among all residents of the city is 79.4%. Ukrainians are in second place with a significant lag - 11.4%. This is followed by Belarusians and Crimean Tatars - 1% each.

It is noteworthy that during the 2001 census, when Feodosia was still Ukrainian, the number of Russians was smaller, and the number of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars was larger. Thus, the share of Russians was 72.2%, Ukrainians - 18.8%, and Crimean Tatars - 4.6%. Belarusians were also slightly more - 1.8%. However, this situation is quite expected. In Feodosia, many people have mixed ethnic origins, so some of them during the census ranked themselves as the titular nation.

Also, Tatars, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Greeks, Moldavians, Georgians and other peoples live in Feodosia. But the number of representatives of each of them does not exceed 1% of the total population of the city.

Religious denominations

There are many religious denominations in Feodosia, but the majority of believers are Orthodox Christianity.

The Crimean Tatar community, as well as the majority of representatives of ethnic groups such as Tatars and Azerbaijanis, profess Islam.

In addition, there is a Catholic community in Feodosia, as well as Christian communities of various Protestant denominations.

City administration

The body that governs the city is the Feodosia City Council, consisting of 28 deputies elected every five years. At the moment, the chairman of the city council is Svetlana Gevchuk.

The administration of Feodosia is the executive governing body. Its head is appointed by the city council from candidates who have passed a competitive selection. At the moment, the head of the city administration is Stanislav Krysin.

The administration of Feodosia has many specialized departments. Each of them is engaged in separate areas of work. Among the departments, the following should be highlighted: the department of youth and sports, the department of economics, the department of labor and social protection of the population. Feodosia largely depends on the quality of the city administration.

City economy

The economy of Feodosia is based on two pillars: tourism and sea transport.

According to the typology of resort areas, the city belongs to climatic and balneological resorts. The sea in Feodosia is very gentle and welcoming, but besides it, the city can provide travelers with wonderful healing springs. We will talk more about rest in Feodosia in a separate section.

But the main income of the city budget is tax revenues from the port. It is sea transportation that largely shapes the city's economy.

However, tourism and transportation, although the main ones, are far from the only types of activity in Feodosia. Trade is also very well developed in the city. This is one of the activities that Feodosia can be proud of. Prices for food and goods, however, as in any resort town, are overstated in the high season.

There are also manufacturing industries in Feodosia. There is a ship-mechanical, optical, juice, winery, as well as a building materials plant. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the production capacity of these enterprises decreased significantly.

Work in Feodosia

Considering that the city is a resort town, work here is seasonal. Of course, there are also enterprises that work all year round - factories, factories, a port, etc., but basically the jobs have been occupied for a long time, the staff turnover is relatively small, so you need to stand in a long "queue" to to get to such a place. The work in the port is especially prestigious, since the workers there receive rather high salaries.

But in the holiday season, there is more than enough work for both local residents and visitors. In the summer, work in Feodosia is represented mainly by vacancies in the field of trade, as well as job offers in various resort institutions: boarding houses, recreation centers, children's camps.

Leisure sphere

As mentioned above, recreation in Feodosia is one of the main sources of income for the city and its population. A huge number of sanitary and resort establishments are located on the territory of the urban district. Among them the most important are the following: "Feodosia", "Voskhod", "Ukraine", children's sanatorium "Volna", "Golden Beach". In each of these establishments, tourists can not only have a good rest and spend time, but also improve their health. In the treatment and prevention of diseases in the sanatoriums, mud and mineral therapy is used. Fortunately, Feodosia is surrounded by numerous mineral springs, and there are also deposits of healing mud.

But the majority of vacationers still prefer to stay in small hotels or rent an apartment or house in the private sector. This is not least due to the lower prices when renting an apartment from individuals. But in this case, the question arises: where is it better to rent an apartment in Feodosia? We will talk about this further.

Housing rent

Finding accommodation in Feodosia during the holiday season is a really big problem. In addition to the fact that all apartments and private houses, the owners of which accept vacationers, can be packed, so even in the high season prices for renting real estate bite painfully. Therefore, it is preferable to rent housing not in the city itself, but in resort villages that are part of the urban district of Feodosia, namely: Beregovoye, Koktebel and Primorskoye.

If you are young enough, and it is not difficult for you to walk a few kilometers to the sea, then for renting an apartment it is better to choose those streets of Feodosia and surrounding villages that are located far from the coast. Thus, you will kill several birds with one stone. Firstly, it is much easier to find housing far from the sea than on the coastal streets, secondly, rental prices are lower here, and thirdly, daily jogging from home to the sea has a positive effect on health and overall physical fitness.

General characteristics of Feodosia

Feodosia is one of the oldest cities not only in Crimea or Russia, but in Europe as a whole. Over the many centuries of its history, the city experienced both prosperity and decline: either it was one of the largest cultural and commercial centers, then its status dropped almost to the level of a village. Theodosia experienced several such ups and downs during its existence.

Now Feodosia is one of the most developed. But besides the tourism sector, sea trade is very well developed here. The Feodosia port remains one of the largest on the Crimean peninsula.

If you decide to spend your vacation in Crimea, then the best option would be to opt for Feodosia. Here the prices are much lower than at the resorts of the South Coast, for example, in Yalta, but the range of services and the level of enjoyment you will receive are practically the same.

After the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the Russian government made promises to comprehensively contribute to the modernization of the region's infrastructure, as well as to stimulate the development of the tourism business. Feodosia, as a direct part of the Crimea, can certainly count on investment inflows along with other resort towns in the region. So let's hope that this settlement will eventually become even more beautiful and attractive for vacationers.

Feodosia is located in the southeastern part of Crimea and includes the settlements of Beregovoe, Primorsky, Koktebel, Kurortnoye, Schebetovka, Ordzhonikidze. The city is a kind of border between the mountainous and steppe Crimea. The purest sea water, many kilometers of sandy beaches (including the wild beach on Sandy Beam behind the Primorsky village), pebble beaches of Feodosia, Koktebel, Ordzhonikidze - the choice is huge.

Panorama of the city. Photo by Alice @ (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/iks-d/)

The history of Feodosia goes back centuries: it is one of the most ancient cities on Earth. Back in the 6th century BC, the Greeks founded "God-given" (this is how the name of the city is translated into Russian). Up to the 4th century A.D. the Hellenes lived in Feodosia until it was occupied by the Huns. Since then, Theodosia has been conquered by various tribes, states and empires, experiencing ups and downs. Alans, Romans, Genoese, Khazars, Tatars of the Golden Horde, Turks lived here at different times, leaving their mark on the history and cultural heritage of the city.

In modern Feodosia, architectural monuments of the Middle Ages have been preserved: various defensive structures of the Genoese period (fortresses, towers, bridges, walls) of the 13th century, Christian churches of the 14-15th centuries. As part of the Italian Genoa, Theodosia was renamed Kafa, and in 1475 the city was conquered by the Turks, turning it into a major center of the slave trade. It was here that the captive Slavs were brought and sold in the Kefe markets (as the city was called in the Ottoman Empire). The famous Roksolana was sold in one of these markets. An interesting historical fact: the captive girls, who have overcome the difficult journey of hundreds of kilometers, were put in order here, giving a "marketable appearance", with local mineral waters and curative mud.

Climate and ecology of Feodosia

The climate of the city can be attributed to a kind of average between the steppe and subtropical: here, unlike the South Coast, lower temperatures in winter are possible. The average annual temperature is positive and is 12 degrees. Summers in Feodosiya are hot and dry (especially from mid-July to late August), winters are mild. Even if it snows, it doesn’t last long, there is constant snow cover in severe winters (not every year).

It is noteworthy that the annual number of hours of sunshine in Feodosia is even more than in Yalta.

A feature of the Feodosia region is its openness to strong winds from the north and east. And if in summer the winds help to withstand the heat, then in winter, given the high humidity of the air, the feeling is not the most pleasant.

The swimming season in Feodosia begins in May and sometimes lasts until November. However, very often the wind blows away warm water from the coast. In this case, you can observe the picture when in June the water temperature drops to 13-15 degrees. Saves the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, which is a stone's throw from Feodosia.

From the potentially dangerous enterprises, from the point of view of the ecology of the city, one can single out the Feodosia oil depot, located at the entrance to the city, as well as the Feodosia sea trade port, located in close proximity to the city embankment.

Commercial sea port. Photo by Alexxx (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/alexxx-malev/)

However, the current level of these enterprises gives hope for minimizing possible emissions of pollution into the water area. But still, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tank farm in the summer you can clearly smell the hydrogen sulfide. The rest of the enterprises, which significantly influenced the ecology of the city earlier, are currently not working.

Population of Feodosia

The population of the city is about 70 thousand people, and the whole of Big Feodosia - about 105 thousand. Since the mid-90s of the last century, the population has been constantly decreasing due to natural decline.

According to the latest census (2001), 72.2% of Russians lived in Feodosia, 18.8% of Ukrainians, and 4.6% of Crimean Tatars. There are also Belarusians, Armenians, Jews, Moldovans, Greeks, Georgians, Poles, Azerbaijanis and Germans.

Feodosia is a city of pensioners, which is connected, first of all, with the desire during the Soviet era of military personnel of pre-retirement age to transfer here and stay to live after retirement.

Parade of strollers on City Day. Photo by lelenka (http://kafanews.com/gallery.phtml?user\u003d122)

A large number of branches of all-union research institutes favorably influenced the development of the city's intelligentsia. Lovely smiling old men and women are found everywhere here. However, the decline of the economy and morality, since the 90s, affected the youth in the most deplorable way. It is not uncommon to meet lowered drug addicts and petty thieves scurrying through the streets in search of easy money.

Young people receive education mainly in Ukrainian universities (Kharkiv is the most popular, since the Feodosia-Moscow train runs through this city all year round), in Simferopol, as well as in local higher educational institutions (polytechnic college, ship mechanical college, among commercial universities the most the financial academy is popular).

Districts and real estate of Feodosia

In the city itself, several large areas can be distinguished: the center, Morsad, the Crimean massif, the Chelnokova street area, the Simferopol highway area, the Dynamo area, the Garnaev street area, the bus station, the Starshinov boulevard area.

Feodosia. In the city park. Photo by Janny (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/cola9/)

The closer the property is located to the sea and to the developed infrastructure of the city center, the more expensive its cost. The most prestigious apartments are mainly located in the city center and in the Dynamo area. Here the cost of 1 sq. m of housing will cost at least $ 1,000. However, most of the houses here belong to the "Khrushchov", i.e. small apartments. The number of new buildings in the central part of the city and coastal areas is small. The disadvantages of living in the city center include the fact that most of the courtyards in such houses are walk-throughs with all the ensuing consequences: constant uninvited guests of dubious appearance, garbage, etc.

Railway station in Feodosia. Photo by natalysha (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/natalysha/)

More comfortable layouts are located in the Crimean massif and along Starshinov Boulevard. The infrastructure is quite developed, but the remoteness from the sea and the central part of the city makes this housing a little less attractive. Here, the average cost of housing is $ 900.

In more distant areas from the center, you can find cheaper apartments.

The Chelnoki array is not very popular due to many factors: remoteness from the city center, proximity to the city dump, poorly developed infrastructure. Housing prices here are about $ 700 per square meter.

Beregovoe is a settlement with a predominance of private low-rise buildings (there are several high-rise buildings, but they look like such savages, surrounded by private houses and boarding houses). The cost of housing in this case depends on the proximity of the land plot to the sea (on the first line, one hundred square meters can reach 15-20 thousand dollars) and the comfort of the house itself (here, as they say, there is no limit to perfection).

The undoubted advantage of the Coastal is the proximity of the sea, clean air. The disadvantages include: the proximity of the Kerch-Simferopol highway, weak infrastructure, lack of a central sewerage system.

Beregovoe. Photo by rusanova-kraevedenie (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/rusanova-kraevedenie/)


This working village, the main enterprise of which is the shipyard "More", has a fairly large multi-storey housing stock in its arsenal. An apartment here will cost an average of $ 800 per sq. m. A more economical option can be purchased in the area "Tower" (a former closed military town), here the cost of 1 sq. m. m is approximately $ 600.

The proximity of the sea, good infrastructure makes this village attractive enough for summer holidays. However, in winter it is "boring" here: there is a very weak sports and entertainment base.

The village of Primorsky. Photo by iris79 (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/iris79/)

Many people love Koktebel, so real estate is not cheap here. Expensive houses and boarding houses are slowly replacing old modest houses. There are also multi-storey new buildings offering 1 sq. m at a price of $ 850 (without finishing), and more expensive luxury apartments at a price of up to $ 2,000 per square.

A very popular village, both for recreation and for living. The disadvantages include bad roads in the off-center part of it, problems with water, the lack of a central sewerage system in private buildings.


There are few multi-storey buildings here, they are not very close to the sea. Cost of 1 sq. m will cost about $ 700-750.

The main problem of local residents of multi-storey buildings is poor water supply.


You can become a resident of this quiet, cozy village by purchasing housing at a cost of $ 1,000 per square meter. A cozy boathouse right on the seashore will cost more - from 1400 dollars per 1 sq.m.

Despite the very good location of the village (proximity to the city, beautiful mountain landscape, clean air), the problems here are the same as elsewhere: interruptions in water supply, weak social infrastructure.

Thus, the cost of housing in Feodosia is relatively high (despite the rather low income of the local population), which is naturally associated with the status of the city and its location: there are quite a few people who want to buy real estate in the resort town.

Infrastructure of the city of Feodosia

As for any city of Crimea, the issue of water supply is very relevant for Feodosia. And if for many modern cities of Ukraine a water cut-off for half a day is a disaster on a national scale, then in Crimea a planned and often unplanned lack of water for two or three days is a quite common phenomenon, especially in summer.

Moreover, if in Feodosia itself water is supplied around the clock, then the suburbs are less fortunate: here water is served on schedule. For example, in Primorskoye this schedule in winter looks like this: 2 hours in the morning, 1 hour at lunchtime and 2 hours in the evening. In the summer, the lunchtime water supply is cut off altogether. Many residents have adapted to this inconvenience by installing storage tanks for water in apartments or on roofs. There is no hot water either in the city or in the suburbs, so people use electric boilers or gas water heaters.

The roads in Feodosia on the central streets of the city are quite bearable, they are regularly repaired before the summer season. As for the less "lucky" outskirts of the city, everything is as usual here: no one "notices" potholes and holes.

There is a bus station in Feodosia: you can get to any Crimean city by rather comfortable minibuses.

Traffic jams for Feodosia are a rarity, but in summer such a picture can be often observed at the entrance to the city: on the Kerch-Simferopol highway, when a large flow of railway tanks goes towards the tank farm.

The railway station works all year round, but in summer there are much more trains, which is not very comfortable for the city embankment: the line runs 5-10 meters from it. Built over 100 years ago by the famous artist Aivazovsky, it was clearly not designed for such traffic in a quiet coastal town of that time. Many vacationers mark this fact as negative: few people like to lie on the beach to the sound of constantly arriving (departing) trains.

On the territory of Big Feodosia there are 23 schools, 11 of which are in Feodosia itself. There are specialized schools with in-depth study of French, English, mathematics.

At the moment, the issue with preschool institutions is acute: the gardens are overcrowded. This is primarily due to the fact that during the decline in the birth rate, starting in the late 90s, many gardens were closed and then sold to commercial establishments. Now the situation with the birth rate has improved, and there is nothing to build new gardens on.

Enterprises and work in Feodosia

The most "tasty" enterprises for potential applicants are the oil depot and the seaport. These two flagships are famous not only in the development of the city's economy, they are also among the hundred most profitable enterprises in Ukraine. It is both prestigious and profitable to get a job there: it has the highest salaries and good social conditions. However, not everyone can get there, the city is small and specialists are found among friends and relatives.

Commercial sea port. Photo by Fttuf (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/fttuf/)

The once thriving tobacco, hosiery, furniture and offset factories, factories: mechanical, state-owned optical, ship-mechanical, Stroydetal, a building materials combine, and the More plant, function at the very least. However, work for them is intermittent, from order to order.

The most demanded (judging by vacancies) work of sales representatives in alcohol, tobacco and food spheres. The number of vacancies increases with the onset of the summer season. additional points are opening, operating only in summer. The same applies to cooks, waiters, bartenders, vendors, maids, who are in great demand in summer. Work has to be done for days, almost seven days a week. However, during the off-season, many have to "tighten their belts" because finding a job can be difficult.

With the onset of autumn, the construction of private mini-hotels is intensified, which gives jobs to people with the appropriate qualifications.


Compared to the dashing nineties, modern Feodosia can be called a calm city in terms of criminals. Those who used to take money from businessmen in the bazaar and in cafes, put on business suits instead of leather jackets and went to power. Petty thieves and drug addicts remained on the street, spoiling the lives of themselves and people from "walker to walker".

However, in the summer, so-called "guest performers" come here with an influx of tourists. It is at this time that the number of thefts and murders increases.

The criminal history of Feodosia was added to another entry in the summer of 2013, when the mayor of Feodosia, Alexander Barteniev, was shot at the entrance of his house. The killer was never found, the main version is a robbery. However, given the late mayor's criminal background and the city's business style, no one denied the possibility of contract killing. By the way, the murder of Barteniev is the fifth in a series of murders of Crimean mayors in recent years.

In March 2013, a resonant accident occurred in Feodosia: at high speed the driver of a "passenger car" (an SBU officer) rammed an ambulance that was hurrying to the hospital with a serious patient. The accident killed a doctor and a paramedic. The patient's father was severely injured. The SBU officer was found not guilty, the case was hushed up, and the killer, who was most likely simply drunk, was transferred to serve further in Simferopol.

In May 2008, Feodosia was stirred up by a loud incident: a 32-year-old driver, whose license was taken away and the car was sent to the penalty area, set fire to the local traffic police department. During the extinguishing of the fire, 8 traffic cops were injured, including the head of the traffic police, who received serious burns. The driver himself died on the spot. It is difficult to say whether the traffic cop was right when he took away the driver's license. However, police arbitrariness takes place in the city.

Attractions of Feodosia

Feodosia is rich in architectural monuments and natural beauties. With the advent of the railway in 1892, the city was actively developed by the elite of Tsarist Russia. Pushkin, Chekhov, Griboyedov, Gorky, Mandelstam have been here. The entire first line by the sea was built up with summer cottages, the most famous of them and perfectly preserved to this day is the Stamboli cottage.

Dacha Stamboli. Photo by Sergey Tarakin (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/tsb60-feo/)

The artist Aivazovsky lived and worked in Feodosia, an art gallery with his works is located opposite the central embankment of the city.

Feodosia. Art Gallery of I. Aivazovsky. Photo by Olga Chistyakova (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/chistyackova-olga/)

Another famous resident of Feodosia is Alexander Grin. The author spent his last 6 years of his life in this city. The house in which he settled is currently a museum.

A favorite place for tourists is the Genoese Citadel, which is still preserved on the Quarantine Hill. This structure, built in the 13th century by the Italians and serving to protect and defend the city, was used during the Ottoman Empire for a 40-day slave quarantine. And in tsarist Russia, Muslim pilgrims passing through Feodosia to Mecca were quarantined here.

Here on Quarantine is one of the most ancient churches - the Church of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, its construction dates back to the 14th century.

Temple in the name of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Iverskaya. Photo by Anna Kimova (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/annkimova/)

The fortification tower Barbican and the Tower of St. Constantine, built in the Ottoman period and perfectly preserved to this day, are of historical interest.

Tower of St. Constantine, Feodosia. Photo by Iris (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/fedorishcheva/)

And of course, speaking about Feodosia, one cannot fail to mention such a pearl as Koktebel. This is a special corner of Crimea with its own history and unique charm. The greatness of the beauty of this village fascinates even at the entrance to it, when the whole panorama opens with stunning beauty of mountains and bays. Modern summer Koktebel is strikingly different from the once bohemian village: a motley audience, crowds of people, noisy companies walking until the morning, a nudist beach very close to the main one, an embankment built up with countless tents, cafes, shops. But even such a "Shanghai" Koktebel does not scare away its many fans.

Koktebel. Photo by olgakrost7 (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/olgakrost7/)

On the territory of Koktebel there is a biological station with a dolphinarium, the Karadag reserve, the famous Koktebel wine and cognac factory, a water park, and Voloshin's house-museum.

Well, the main visiting card of the village, no doubt, is the extinct volcano Karadag and the famous rock - the Golden Gate.

If you have ever thought about where to go to the sea, then you must have heard about the beautiful Ukrainian resort city of Feodosia. Feodosia combines antiquity and modernity, which makes it the most attractive city for tourists.

Feodosia is a small city with a population of 70 thousand people, which is located on the Crimean peninsula. Feodosia is located in the southeastern part of the peninsula. The nature of this city is unique, it differs from the standard steppes of the South Crimea. Also, Feodosia is distinguished by its climate - severe winter winds, frost, autumn dry winds.

This contributes to the obstruction of the growth and existence of plants. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 35 sq. km. Feodosia is located in a hilly area, from which all visitors have the impression that this is a very small city. To get complete and reliable information about the size of the city, you need to climb one of the hills of Feodosia. The best view is from the so-called Mount Mithridates.

The most popular area of \u200b\u200bFeodosia is the microdistrict where the Stamboli dacha is located. The building itself is a gem and a visiting card not only of Feodosia itself, but of the entire Black Sea coast. Today in the building of the former summer house there is a chic restaurant, where dishes of several world cuisines are presented. This area is the most densely populated during summer holidays, since two large beaches of Feodosia - sandy and pebble - are within walking distance of the area.

If you go a little further, then there are also several sandy beaches that are not central. That is, there are many small but cozy cafes, restaurants, shops, stalls with cold drinks and ice cream, souvenirs and much more in the area.

Also, in the area there are several excursion bureaus that can tell about all the attractions of the peninsula. In addition, the boundaries of the district coincide with the central city embankment, where there are large entertainment centers, attractions and more, where you can spend your free time with fun and benefit. On the other side of the microdistrict is the central part of the city, where the main attractions of Feodosia are located. By the way, some of them date back to the 5th century BC.

The main attractions of Feodosia include the art gallery of Ivan Aivazovsky, the Green's house-museum, the money museum, tasting rooms, the hang-gliding museum and so on. By the way, there is a small house on the aforementioned Miridant hill, where the famous marine painter Aivazovsky lived. If you go a little further, where the art gallery of this famous artist is located, you can go to the sandy beach. This part of the city is the newest in Feodosia, although it was formed in 1894.

On the other hand, the district borders on the notorious Komsomolsk Park, which has playgrounds, attractions, summer cafes, shops, pharmacies, ATMs and other urban infrastructure.

The historic district of the city is also the most popular area for guests of the city, as this area is located on the seashore. Also, within walking distance from the area are the notorious mountains of Feodosia - these are the Tepe-Oba mountains. Lovers of excursions, history and antiquity often choose this area. In the so-called "old city" there are many fountains, bridges, walls of permitted buildings, towers and more. In general, from the interesting past of Feodosia, a huge number of various memorable objects have remained that will demonstrate the history of the development and formation of the city.