What is needed to build a mosque. Build yourself a home in paradise

The Sheikh Zayed Mosque was built not so long ago, in 2007, but already at the construction stage attracted attention. The mosque has become a Guinness Book of Records holder, as well as a place of pilgrimage for believers and an extremely popular tourist attraction. This revived fairy tale is a monument built in memory of a very real person, thanks to whom such a country as the United Arab Emirates appeared.

Construction history

The mosque was conceived and erected as a monument to the memory of the most revered person in the UAE - Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. It was during his reign that the scattered Bedouin principalities turned into one of the richest countries. Under the leadership of Sheikh Zayed, schools and hospitals were built, land plots were distributed. On his initiative, not only mosques, but also temples for believers of other religions began to be built in the UAE, and women received the right to work and education.

The idea of ​​building a mosque arose during the life of Sheikh Zayed, in the mid-1980s. It took almost 10 more years to decide on the construction site and the project.

Initially, the project competition was announced among the architects of the UAE, but gradually the best representatives of the profession from different countries joined it. The design of the mosque, as well as the construction site, was determined by Sheikh Zayed ibn Sultan Al Nahyan himself. The director of the grandiose project was the engineer Howlah Suleiman Al Suleimani.

By 2002, the main construction was completed, and finishing and interior work continued for another five years. The architecture of the majestic mosque combines the best examples of Muslim tradition and the achievements of modern art.

Many countries took part in the construction of the Sheikh Zayed Mosque. China and Italy became suppliers of the best varieties of marble, mosque carpets were woven in Iran, the best glass was brought from India and Greece, chandeliers were designed and assembled in Germany, Swarovski stones for them were produced in Austria, engineers arrived from America.

38 contractors and over 3,000 workers worked at the iconic construction site. 12 years have passed from the moment of laying the foundation to the opening of the mosque in 2007. And the following year, the mosque was opened to tourists who may not be Muslims. The only condition for non-believers is to respect the religion of Muslims and their shrines. To prevent visitors from breaking the rules, there are special signs with the rules at the entrance.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque in the Guinness Book of Records

At the time of the opening of the mosque, the main chandelier was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world. Even now it impresses with its splendor and size. The weight of the chandelier is almost 12 tons, the diameter is 10 meters and the height is 15 meters. The gold leaf and Swarovski stones that adorn the chandelier have turned an ordinary lighting fixture into a real work of art. Today it is considered the third largest in the world.

The second world record holder was a huge carpet located in the main prayer hall. It arrived in Abu Dhabi straight from Iran, where 1,200 craftsmen manually worked on its creation. A masterpiece weighing 47 tons was created at the Carpets of Iran company based on a drawing by Ali Khaliqi. In addition to weavers, 30 workers and 20 technicians were involved in the production process. One of the best examples of modern weaving covers an area of ​​5627 meters. It cost 30 million dirhams (over $8 million).

dazzling splendor

The Sheikh Zayed Mosque is impressive in its size, but the main thing is its dazzling luxury. It is visible from afar and immediately attracts attention with its amazing snow-white domes, of which there are 82. All of them are made in the same Moroccan style, the diameter of the main dome is almost 33, and its height is 85 meters. Four minarets complete the entire architectural composition, the height of each is 107 meters.

All this splendor can only be described in superlatives. Majestic columns, a stunning marble floor, amazing lighting - all this creates the impression of a fairy tale come to life.

The interior decoration used very expensive materials, including precious stones and gold leaf. The main prayer hall can accommodate up to 7,000 believers, and two rooms designed for women can accommodate 1,500 people at a time.

The Qibla wall, which tells Muslims where Mecca is, is illuminated with fiber optics. All 99 names of God mentioned in the Koran are written on it with the help of special calligraphy.

Muslim mosques traditionally look luxurious, their rich decoration is breathtaking. However, there are also completely different buildings - simple and ascetic. nothing distracts from prayer.

The closest a slave is to his Lord is when he is in prostration (soot) ". The mosque, or more correctly "masjid", translated from Arabic is the place where prostrations (soot) are performed. In other words, this is a place where people are given the opportunity to acquire the highest position that is possible in this world - closeness to their Lord.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The most beloved places of Allah in cities are the mosques, and the most hated places in them are the markets ».

The mosque has been of great importance in the life of Muslims throughout Islamic history. It was both a place of worship, a source of faith strengthening, and a center of learning. In the mosque during the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions, the most important decisions were made, Sharia decisions were made there, and troops were sent from there to protect Islam from enemies, and guests and delegations were received in it.

The significance and role of the mosque is also evidenced by the fact that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) arrived in Medina, the first thing he chose was a place for the construction of a mosque. We know from history that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) released his camel at the command of Allah, and the place where the camel stopped was chosen for the construction of the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in Medina.

A sign of the revival of Islam in any locality is the position that the mosque occupies for its inhabitants. If there is no mosque at all in this area, then there is nothing to talk about. But it also happens that there is a mosque, and even quite extensive and beautiful, but it stands like a museum, which most residents only occasionally admire. The mosque must be alive, and the task of every Muslim is to revive the mosque in the area where he lives.

The Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): The mosques of Allah are revived by those who believe in Allah and the last day ... ».

From the verse we can conclude that the revival of mosques is a sign of a person's faith. After all, the Almighty himself testifies to this in the Holy Book.

What does the revival of the mosque mean?

First of all, the revitalization of the mosque is visiting it for worship and acquiring knowledge.

The hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) states: If you see a person who constantly goes to the mosque, then testify that he is a believer ».

In another hadith, it is reported that Allah Almighty Himself says (meaning): I am about to send a calamity on the inhabitants of the earth, and when I see them reviving the mosques and loving for My sake and repenting in the pre-dawn time, I take away the calamity from them. ».

Also, the revival of mosques is the help in its maintenance, be it help in cleaning, repair, payment for heat and electricity. The hadith says: "The mosque is the abode of every God-fearing." From this hadith, we can conclude that our attitude towards mosques is evidence of God-fearing. Is there a person among us who does not think about the convenience and comfort in his home?! What kind of piety can we talk about if we do not worry about mosques as well as about our homes.

Another way to revitalize mosques is to help with construction.

In an authentic hadith, which is transmitted in both collections, it says: Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, Allah will build the same in Paradise ". The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) informed us that even an inch of land in Paradise is better than the whole world. What can we say about the area in Paradise, equal to the area of ​​the whole mosque! But Allah, by His mercy, multiplies the reward for our deeds. Then the construction of mosques is not the best investment for our funds, if we are believers?! Today, in many places where Muslims live, there is a need to build or expand a mosque, and at the same time, Muslims in the same area have houses larger than many mosques. How far we are today from the path of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who, entering Medina, first of all set about building a mosque, and not mansions, as, unfortunately, many of us do.

Probably, some, having heard this sermon, will think with regret that they will not see the reward promised in this hadeeth, since they will never have sufficient funds to build an entire mosque. But the Almighty, praise be to Him, gave us the opportunity to earn a place in the best of the worlds even if we take only a feasible part in the construction of the mosque. The hadith says: Whoever builds a mosque the size of a partridge's nest and even smaller than that, Allah will build a house in Paradise ».

Is there anyone among us who would not be able to donate at least an amount sufficient for the purchase of several bricks for the construction of a mosque? After all, this may be enough to deserve, by the grace of Allah, a house in Paradise! Or, if our legs and arms are intact, can't we donate one day of our lives to provide all possible assistance during the construction?!

Earthly life goes by very quickly. We will not have time to look back, and we will find ourselves on the edge of the grave, and after that - Judgment Day. And, as reported in the hadith, on that day Allah will proclaim: Where are my neighbors? Where are my neighbors?! and then the angels will say: Oh our Lord! Who should be Your neighbors? And Allah will say: Where are those who revived the mosques? »

How happy will be those who are destined to answer this call of Allah! Hurry, O Muslims, to earn the right to be called neighbors of Allah, while we have this opportunity!

“Speak a good word to people if you have knowledge, experience and the Almighty has endowed you with wisdom”

holy hadith

The idea of ​​building belonged to me and my husband. We have been living in Kazan for a long time, and here on a visit, when we gathered with relatives, fellow countrymen, we often talked about the fact that it would be nice to build a mosque in the village of Singilyakh. After all, both my husband Minsafa and I are from the same village, grandmothers, great-grandmothers from his and from my side lie in the village cemetery.

We arrived in May 1990 in the village, stayed with distant relatives. These are spouses Gabdulahad efende and Zharia khanum. We talked with the villagers. They expressed their desire to take on the construction with the whole world, if at the initial stage there is help from the Mufti.

Son Talgat, as promised, helped in many ways: money, iron, in acquiring a crescent with balls. The frame for the minaret was made from the corners at the factory, good people helped the Muslims and not only them. In the same place, in the workshops, boards for the roof, ceiling, and minaret cladding were prepared. Sheathed the minaret with boards, upholstered with iron with white, galvanized minaret and dome my husband Minsafa. He participated in all the works, from digging the ground for the foundation to finishing. Fellow villagers, relatives, the husband of daughter Ilyas, his friend Nariman helped a lot.

Talgat's friend Umar al-Sijini, the former chief auditor of banks in Saudi Arabia, contributed two thousand dollars.

The construction was carried out according to the project sent by the hazrat mufti. Mosques have already been built according to this project. The villagers went and looked at the finished building, they liked it.

The carpet for the premises of the mosque was bought jointly - my husband and I, our daughter and the hazrat mufti helped.

They brought the coating on the eve of the opening, and all night the mufti-khazrat, my husband, Gabdulakhad, my brother Rinat Galeev covered the floors.

I remember how they went to the regional center of Laishevo for a building permit. Opened a construction account. Thanks for the help to our fellow villager Akhmetvaliev Khadiulla. He lives in Kazan, chairman of the Azimov mosque, with extensive experience in the repair and restoration of the mosque. Twenty” had existed in the village for a long time, it only remained to formalize the mutawalliat legally. We started construction, appointed Gabdulahad Efende as chairman and treasurer. Many thanks to the villagers, everyone carried sadaqa to the mosque as much as they could.

Our village is old. Once the missionaries tried to baptize everyone en masse. Everyone disagreed, people were driven into the lake by force. Some were not afraid - they dived deep and swam out at the other side of the lake. Those who disobeyed were caught, beaten with rods in the place of execution. Among them was my husband's great-great-grandfather - Gabdrakhman babay.

In the 21st century, already called the "century of nanotechnology", building a mosque is not an easy task. We need a lot of material resources and, of course, the land on which it will stand. In order for a building where people pray to be considered a mosque and it was possible to perform namaz-takhiyat (a prayer of greeting) in it, it is necessary that the land on which it was built be transferred to the mosque - in other words, that it be a waqf.

In many regions of the world, there are not enough functioning mosques and there is an urgent need to build new ones, as well as to expand old ones.

Such a need arose in the village of Tarumovka in the Republic of Dagestan. But the construction of a mosque in this settlement differs from the usual model for the construction of temples. A creative approach to the construction of mosques was proposed by a resident of this settlement, Kharsmagomed Ashtaev. He decided to divide his own land plot into "conventional units" of 0.5 square meters each - and offered to buy these "conventional units" to everyone with subsequent transfer to the mosque as a waqf. And the money for land units goes to the construction of the mosque. It turns out that a person does not just donate funds for construction, but allocates land for a mosque and becomes an accomplice in the construction of God's temple - for which he receives a huge reward! With each owner who buys a "conditional unit" of land, a written Agreement is concluded - an agreement, which stipulates the condition that the buyer will then allocate it for the construction of a mosque. After that, he is given a Certificate stating that he gave the land (waqf) for the mosque. One of the first "conventional units" of land was bought by relatives, friends and acquaintances of Harsmagomed Ashtaev. More and more people are joining this process. Everyone wants to allocate land, albeit a small one, so that a mosque can be built on it. The mosque itself, according to the plan, will be very beautiful, two-story, with a minaret and is designed for approximately 2,500 thousand people.

The procedure and all financial matters have full transparency, as everything is official and documented accordingly. Moreover, anyone has the opportunity to find out what exactly each penny is spent on. The full report is publicly announced and will be posted on the mosque's website. For this, the site of the future mosque is being specially created.

But the innovative ideas of the inhabitants of Tarumovka do not end there, it is still planned to broadcast the construction of the mosque online. Special cameras will film the construction process and on the Internet, anyone will be able to follow how each brick is being laid in the future mosque.

Anyone can purchase a "conditional unit" of land - become a participant in the construction of a new temple on earth and deposit considerable capital into their Eternal account in the Other World. A list of participants in this action has been compiled - already now, in addition to residents of Tarumovka, people from different villages and cities of the Republic of Dagestan have entered there.

The first mosques

The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), not caring about his home, being a migrant, directed all his efforts, first of all, to the construction of mosques. The construction of mosques was such a significant thing for him.

“Whoever builds a mosque, even the size of a partridge’s nest, the Almighty will build a house in Paradise,” said the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), in his hadith. This is due to the fact that mosques are of great benefit, both to each person individually and to society as a whole.

The first mosques were built by the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi vasallam), together with his companions, from clay and they had no roof, and prayers were performed right on the ground.

In modern conditions, when Islam is spreading in the world at an accelerating pace, there is an urgent need for the construction of mosques and Islamic educational institutions (madrasas). Temples - religious buildings today are almost the only sources of morality and it is in them that they learn to be people. If it were not for their contribution to the moral education of the younger generation, we would have crime many times more than now.

What is Waqf?

Waqf- this is property that is inexhaustible during its use, given away for permitted purposes, without the right to conclude transactions, for example, purchase and sale transactions, exchange, etc.

Waqf is considered approved and demanded by Sharia. The basis for the emergence of this kind of property is the Koran and the Sunnah. God Almighty says in the Quran:

لَنْ تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّى تُنْفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ وَمَ ا تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهُ 92)

(meaning): “You will not receive a reward for good deeds (that is, you will not go to Paradise) until you spend from what you love. And whatever you spend, Allah is Aware of it.”(Sura Alyu Imran, verse 92).

Settlement account of the Tarumov mosque:

Branch of JSCB Elbin in the village of Tarumovka

368870. RD. With. Tarumovka, st. Soviet 90

BIC 048209755 Corr./account 30301810200140000895

OGRN 1020500001103 TIN 0541002446

KPP 053143001


Religious organization - Mosque with. Tarumovka

TIN 0531003433

Settlement account 40703810500140000015
Tel. 89285604717

Often in the news there are reports that new mosques are opening in different parts of Russia. And each of them has its own story, which often remains behind the scenes. We decided to talk about one such unusual story with the initiator and inspirer of the construction of a mosque in the small town of Soviet Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Fanziya Timeryanovna Karmanova(Nigmatzyanova). A Muslim woman who built a mosque with her own hands in the distant Siberian land, in the taiga region.

Few people know about this mosque. It looks rather modest: there are no lush decorations, no intricate patterns on the facade, no unusual design. However, there is one fact that makes this mosque unique compared to any other in the country. It was built by an elderly woman (she was 60 when she started construction, and is currently 67 years old). It took her six long years to complete her plan. This unusual woman, who by her deeds changed the opinion about Muslim women, thanks to her perseverance, hard work, dedication and, as they say, a real “male character”, is highly respected among the locals. I wonder if there is still such a woman in Russia?

– Fanzia Timeryanovna, tell us a little about yourself. It is interesting to learn the life story of the only woman in Russia who built the mosque.

- I was born after the war, in 1947, in Bashkortostan, in the Tatar village of Kuzbaevo, Buraevsky district. My dad was a participant in the Second World War, he traveled the whole war behind the wheel, he was a driver. And after he returned from the front, he also worked as a driver, married his mother, we were born, three children. Dad tragically died in a car accident. My mother was widowed at the age of 30, she was left alone with small children in her arms, she raised us on her own. Grandmothers helped her. Grandmothers were religious women practicing Muslims: they read the Koran, performed five prayers, never missed a prayer. As a child, I was brought up in the spirit of Islam, in the spirit of love and obedience to Allah. Then the communist ideology alienated people from God. And I, like many at that time, was far from Islam. And only at the age of 40 she again returned to her origins, to the true religion. The orphan life, probably, brought up in me perseverance, purposefulness, I graduated from a construction technical school, a civil engineer by profession and worked in my specialty.

– And how did you end up in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug?

- Sovetsky - a city and a regional center (8 regional settlements) - multinational. It was formed in 1963 of the last century. In the 1960s and 1970s, people of different nationalities, including Tatars and Bashkirs, came to the Sovetsky District from all over Russia to raise the country's timber industry. I have been living in Sovietsky for more than 35 years. I came here with my husband, according to the distribution of the spouse at the place of work.

How did the idea to build a mosque come about?

- The city and district Sovetsky is 50 years old. During this time there was no mosque or religious organization. When we first moved here, I could hardly find a person who could read the verses of the Koran in the new house. Looking at me, both other Tatars and Bashkirs began to do this, then they revived the tradition of holding joint iftars, going to each other's majlis, inviting older people to read the Holy Koran. The people who arrived in the 1960s and 1970s had grown old, many were already over 80 years old, and they were in great need of spiritual fellowship. Already in 1990-2000, there was talk among the Muslim population about the need to build a mosque, as the most revered and sacred place for every Muslim. And there were no people willing to build it. Grandparents in 2005 asked me to organize the construction of a mosque with the following words: “We are already old, until we die, we would go to the mosque to pray, and no one will build it for us except you, all hope is on you.”

- And why did they put this hard work on you, on fragile women's shoulders?

- Perhaps there was no more active person in the city than me, even among men. They probably saw that I was very active, persistent, executive, and therefore they entrusted me. The Grand Mufti of Russia Talgat Tadjuddin gave his blessing for the construction of the mosque.

– Now the most interesting thing is the story of how the construction of the mosque went.

– I agreed and started working on documentation. First of all, in 2006, she created a public organization, registered it, and the charter prescribed "Construction of a mosque." It was necessary to register the land for a mosque. There were no problems with this, the land was allocated. The administration agreed to the meeting, although there was not a single Muslim among the officials at that time. Treated with understanding and respect. I am very grateful to them for this. Initially, GAZPROM provided charitable assistance by transferring 800 thousand rubles, Severavtodor gave 300 thousand. One million 200 thousand was given by LUKOIL at the end of construction (this money was spent on facing the mosque with white brick). No one has allocated any more large sums. It can be said that I collected the mosque literally bit by bit. She wrote to authorities, asked for building materials, money. I went to all major construction organizations, asked for building materials. One firm, where the director was a Russian person, singled out the foundation blocks and completed the installation of the foundation. Another, also Russian, gave slabs for the floor and blocked it on their own. The basement of the mosque was ready. The project of the mosque was developed according to my sketch. She built the mosque for six years. I only worked in the summer. During all this time, in order to organize work at the construction site (find workers, bring materials, etc.), there was no one next to me. I was both a foreman, and a foreman, and a supplier, sometimes an auxiliary worker, and a driver. I drive my own car. I even carried some building materials myself in my car (when I graduated from driving school, I was 55 years old) and my car and driver's license were very useful.

– How did people react to the fact that a mosque is being built by a woman?

– Many Muslims live here: Tatars, Bashkirs, Avars, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Tajiks, Uzbeks and other Muslims. And there were no people among them who wanted to build a mosque. They were just observers. What will be next? It was very hard, there were ill-wishers, envious people and gossips around me. Shed many tears. But Allah helped me not to give up and reach the end. She always turned to Allah Almighty, prayed a lot. I always felt His presence in difficult moments. I always say: “I am infinitely grateful to Allah Almighty, He blessed me and gave me such a fate. And helped me to walk this wonderful path. Only Allah alone supported me, gave me strength. Only with His help did it happen. I can’t speak without tears… It’s a miracle! In the 21st century, a small, fragile woman, already at an advanced age, built a mosque.

– What interesting moments connected with the construction of the mosque do you remember the most?

“A lot of amazing things have happened to me over the years. For example, I remember how Tajiks helped me, very religious guys, true Muslims. They often come in brigades to work in Sovetsky. When the foundation was installed, the floors were ready, it was necessary to build walls. There was no money to pay for the work. And it was at this moment that a brigade of Tajiks of 16 people came to help in the mosque, they had the intention to build walls for free. It was in the holy month of Ramadan. They worked, they came to the mosque on their only day off. Brick walls were erected. But many of them were fasting.

I remember one more incident. At the very beginning, when there was still an empty place for the construction of a mosque, one Russian guy brought boards. Paid for shipping. He unloaded building materials and said: “Which place is good, and what will you build?” And I answer: "We will build a mosque." Then he took out the money that she paid him, and gave it back with the words: “And this is from me for the mosque.” I was confused, I said: “Are you a Tatar or what?” And he replies: “No, I'm Russian. And what difference does it make which church to help? Church, mosque - there is no difference. This is God's temple." When the building took on the shape of a mosque, people began to actively help. Helped whenever possible, regardless of their nationality and religion. The mosque was given the name "Nur", it is small, one-story, 17 by 15 meters. We still have to build amenity rooms and rooms for ablution. We still hope that there are kind people who can help. I am sure that with the help of Allah, the construction will be fully completed. During the construction of the mosque, all the canons of Islam were observed. The mosque looks towards Mecca, where the Muslim shrine - the Kaaba is located. The Kaaba serves as a landmark to which Muslims around the world turn their faces during prayer. The large hall is divided into two parts by a screen: male and female with separate entrances. The President of the Republic of Tatarstan also contributed to the construction of the mosque in Sovetskoye. I turned to Rustam Minnikhanov with a request to help us acquire the canonical symbols of Islam - two crescents, which should rise on the dome and minaret of the mosque. Their production and shipment from Kazan were organized by the World Congress of Tatars, with which our public organization actively cooperates.

Is the mosque already open?

Yes, thank God. The grand opening took place last year. A lot of people come here. The most important thing is that we now have a place to pray. In the mosque, five times a prayer, rites of naming, marriage (nikah) are performed during the day. The national-cultural Tatar-Bashkir center "Nur" operates at the mosque. We are engaged in the preservation of our traditions, we hold various events for the Muslim community. Now we have an imam - a young guy from Dagestan, Ramadan. We were all worried that he would not stay here for a long time, after all, the outback. But when he arrived, he said: “Wherever they send me, there I will work for the sake of Allah.” It struck me. I am glad that my work was not in vain, that Allah sent us such a decent, sincere, God-fearing imam. There are many Dagestanis in our city, Avars. I am very satisfied and grateful to them. There are lessons on the study of the Koran and Arabic writing. The mosque is always supervised, so I'm calm. I am no longer young, I want to devote myself completely to Allah, I have two granddaughters and I will try to educate them in the spirit of Islam, teach them the basics of religion, my native Tatar language. After all, thanks to my grandmothers, I also learned all this and fell in love with Islam with all my heart. Earlier, when I was interviewed, they often said that there is a certain wariness in society about the spread of Islam, the formation of diasporas, the opening of mosques. And it is clear why: sometimes extremists hide under it. My answer was: “We don’t have anything like that, and I hope we won’t have it. Our Muslims live in peace and harmony with all nationalities, there are mixed marriages. They have known each other for years. They are calm, responsive, friendly. True religion should unite us, strengthen peace, and not sow discord among us.

– What is your dream?

– I am infinitely grateful to everyone who helped me in this holy cause with building materials and money. May Allah Almighty keep and bless everyone! My dream is to visit Islamic countries where there are beautiful mosques, to read namaz there. Most of all I dream of making the Hajj, visiting the blessed Mecca and Medina. I'm not young anymore, can I?

Several times during the interview Fanziya Timeryanovna repeated: " All this is from Allah, it was He who helped me build a mosque, and He prepared such a fate for me and helped me go through this wonderful path. I am eternally grateful to Allah Almighty". The woman hospitably invited to visit, promised to arrange a tour of the mosque. And, probably, for the first time in my life, I sincerely wanted to get to this taiga region in order to meet this amazing woman.

One of the most meritorious deeds of Muslims is the construction of mosques. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about the value of this good deed: Blessed is he who builds a mosque and reads the Qur'an in it, standing or sitting. Such a person is incomparable with those who only watch the work, fearing to dust their clothes."(Imam al-Bukhari). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: Whoever builds a mosque, even the size of a partridge's nest, Allah will build a house in Paradise ».

We ask Allah to grant Paradise and build a palace in Paradise to this woman and to everyone who has helped her in any way and will continue to help! Amine!

Interviewed Maryam Tukhaeva



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