Black sand beach saint kitts and nevis. Saint Kitts and Nevis - a Caribbean paradise for you

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a fabulous state in the Caribbean region, located on two islands - Nevis and Saint Kitts. Saint Kitts and Nevis is the embodiment of all the benefits that the tropics can give - amazing beaches, majestic mountains, amazing nature. Tropical birds and huge butterflies give the islands a special flavor, while avocados, bananas, mangoes and other exotic fruits grow in the jungle.

There are monkeys in the forests, but there are no dangerous predators on the islands. Compared to other islands in the Caribbean, Saint Kitts and Nevis has a higher quality of life. When moving to Saint Kitts and Nevis, one should not be afraid of the language barrier: knowledge of English is enough to communicate with locals who speak this language fluently. In addition, in everyday life, the locals also use the Creole language, which is a mixture of words from Spanish, French, English, as well as words of the Indians. It should be noted and such an important fact for a comfortable and safe living as a low crime rate in the state.

The favorable climate of the islands creates the most comfortable conditions for life - there are no significant changes in the weather here. In summer, the temperature, as a rule, does not rise above 30 degrees, and at night it does not drop below 18. A distinctive feature of the islands is the magnificent beaches. In Saint Kitts (southeastern outskirts) you can enjoy relaxing on golden beaches, and most of the coast is covered with volcanic sand. The beaches of the island of Nevis also meet all expectations of a tropical vacation. The coast is reliably protected from storms, so the sea is always clean and calm.

However, the most beautiful mountain landscapes and unique beaches are far from all that these unique islands have to offer: there are many interesting sights here. For example, in Basseterre (the capital of the state) there is Independence Square, as well as the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. These places really deserve a visit. In Charlestown (Nevis) there is an interesting Museum named after Admiral of the British Army Horatio Nelson.

The islands attract divers from different parts of the world - an incredible number of exotic fish, as well as many ships sunk near the islands, amaze the imagination. Of particular note are the underwater caves on the west coast of Nevis, ideal for speleosnorkeling. The islands have all the conditions for tennis, horse riding and golf. However, this is not a complete list of entertainment. For example, St. Kitts is home to several festivals, including Carnival, which takes place at the end of December. During it, the festival of Calypso music, the most interesting costume parades, and dance competitions are certainly organized. Nevis also hosts various cultural events, in particular, dedicated to Hamilton's birthday. The June Music Festival brings the best salsa and jazz performers to the islands. Lovers of nightclubs will have a great time in the establishments located on the islands. The cuisine of the islands combines the traditions of different countries, which, combined with the addition of national flavor, make it unique.

The islands are ready to offer all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay of children: amusement parks appear (Adventure Park, Scenic Railway St Kitts, etc.), new options for outdoor activities. Both Saint Kitts and Nevis are home to both public and private schools. Due to the significant increase in the number of Europeans choosing Saint Kitts and Nevis as their permanent residence, the number of schools has increased significantly. Moreover, private schools are equipped with modern equipment designed for teaching children both in classrooms and in the fresh air. Higher education is also well developed in the state, and there are also pedagogical and technical colleges.

The level of medical care should be noted separately: it is quite high here. There are three public hospitals in Saint Kitts, and one on the island of Nevis. In addition, there are several private clinics in the country. Government hospitals have the necessary diagnostic equipment and can offer a standard set of medical services and urgent emergency care. In emergency situations, transportation to the mainland is carried out.

The business climate of the state is characterized as very favorable: Saint Kitts and Nevis is an excellent option for investment. The country has a strong economy and stable political system, and starting a business is quite easy here. Obtaining citizenship of this unique island-state opens up a lot of opportunities, and it is quite simple to become a citizen of the countries: since 1984, Saint Kitts and Nevis has been implementing the economic citizenship program, which is the oldest in the world. There are two options for acquiring citizenship: investment in the Sugar Fund (SIDF) and investment in real estate (objects from the list approved by the government). To obtain citizenship through the Sugar Fund Irrevocable Contribution (SIDF), a deposit of US $ 250,000 per individual applicant is required; for a family with up to 3 dependents, the contribution is US $ 300,000, up to 5 - US $ 350,000, up to 7 - US $ 450,000. Additional contribution for a dependent is US $ 50,000, over 18 - US $ 75,000. The second option for obtaining citizenship involves the acquisition of real estate in the amount of $ 400,000. In addition, additional fees and taxes are required: the main applicant and dependents (over 18 years of age) - US $ 50,000, spouse, and also dependents under the age of 18 - US $ 25,000. More information on obtaining

When the opportunity arises to go on vacation, we often choose similar places, hotels and countries. If you are a seeker of adventure and new sensations, then you definitely need something bright and unusual. The islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis can definitely become one of the options. This is a wonderful country in the Caribbean with great weather, delicious food and sunny emotions. I was lucky to visit here more than once.

This is a wonderful place with its own traditions, flavor and unusual sights. In this article I will tell you which places in this country will definitely surprise you!

Visa and border crossing

One of the pleasant surprises when it comes to obtaining a visa for Russians is the absence of this need. An agreement was signed between the islands and Russia, which allows you to cross the border and stay in the country without a visa for no more than 3 months. It is possible to extend the permit, for this it will be necessary to do the following:

  • apply to the Immigration Department with an application;
  • indicate the reason why you want to stay in the country for more than 3 months. The reason why you want to stay can be anything: extended vacation, wedding, etc. Some tourists even stay to live for permanent residence, so the country's authorities do not interfere with the extension of the stay of our travelers;
  • get a stamp in your passport to extend your stay. After your first permit expires, you can renew it for another 3 months. Therefore, Saint Kitts and Nevis is ready to receive tourists from our country for the next six months.

The renewal cost is 55 USD.

Border crossing

In most cases, the process of crossing the border is not difficult or problematic. Even if you are unlucky and you were asked to present documents, then of them you need to have the following with you:

  1. international passportvalid for at least 6 months after crossing the border.
  2. Medical insurance for the entire stay in the country.
  3. Booking confirmation hotel or other place where you intend to live.
  4. Statement from the bank about the availability of funds for living. By the way, for this country there is no honestly agreed minimum required amount of funds, so I advise you to take currency with you at the rate of 50 USD per day.
  5. Air ticket reversed.

In fact, most often border guards ask to show your passport and plane ticket, but even if you are asked to show something else, do not worry, because after reading this article, preparation for the trip will take only a few minutes and there will be no questions about the necessary documents.

With kids

If you are planning a trip with children, then you will need to additionally issue a few more documents:

  1. If the child leaves with only one of the parents or guardians, then notarized authorization to travel abroad from parents.
  2. Copies of passports parents.
  3. Original birth certificate and a copy of the passport if the child is 14 years old.

Import and export regulations

For import there are no restrictions to the country of foreign and local currency. When exportcurrency in cash over 10,000 USD, it must be declared.

Tourists over 18 are allowed import up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, as well as up to 950 ml of alcohol. Of course, it is forbidden to import drugs and weapons. When importing items with historical and artistic value, you must issue a special permit.

Leaving the country

It is important to note that when you leave the country by plane, you will need to pay airport tax (22 USD) and environmental tax (about 1.5 USD).

Individuals who stay in the country for less than 24 hours and children under 12 are exempt from these fees.

How to get there

Unfortunately, the lack of direct communication between the major cities of Russia and Saint Kitts and Nevis cannot be called a plus. But for real travelers and adventure lovers, I can tell you how to get to this beautiful state more convenient, faster and cheaper.

By plane

From Moscow to Saint Kitts

So, the fastest option for Muscovites is a flight from Sheremetyevo to New York with Aeroflot with a further transfer to, from where American Airlines operates a flight to St. Kitts Basseterre Robert Bradshaw International Airport (SKB). This option will take about 26 hours and cost 700 USD (42,000 RUB).

If you are considering the most budgetary flight, then I can suggest an option for 600 USD (36,000 RUB) with a flight from Sheremetyevo to New York airport, where you will need to transfer to a Delta flight to Sint Maarten. This is followed by a short flight to St. Kitts Airport, which will take only 30 minutes! Only 27 hours and you are on a beautiful island of vivid impressions and joy.

From Saint Petersburg to Saint Kitts

The fastest flight will be just 20 hours to Amsterdam by KLM, then to the already famous Princess Juliana airport on Sint Maarten, from where it is straight to the desired destination. There is only one drawback: this option will result in a pretty penny, you will have to pay about USD 1,300 (RUB 78,000) per person one way.

The cheapest option is a flight from St. Petersburg on exactly the same route as in the previous one, but 20 hours longer. The price of such flights is about 74,000 RUB.

How to get from the airport

The airport itself is in close proximity to the city center.

By car, the journey will take about 10-15 minutes. You can take a taxi, which costs about 5-8 USD for the whole journey, or rent a car from the Xpress Auto company located in the immediate vicinity of the airport. The cost of an economy class car is 35 USD per day or 175 USD per week. This amount does not include tax and insurance, they can be paid in the same office. You can leave a request by choosing the right car for you.

In addition to flying to the island of Saint Kitts, you can get to another island in this country - Nevis.

From Moscow to Nevis

The flight will cost 550 USD (33,000 RUB). It will take about 28 hours with connections in New York and San Juan. The following companies are at your service: Aeroflot, Delta and Seaborne. Such flights are operated only from Sheremetyevo airport throughout the year.

From St. Petersburg to Nevis

For Petersburgers there is a flight option in 40 hours and USD 1,260 (RUB 76,000). These flights are operated by Rossiya Airlines and AirFrance.

How to get from the airport

A taxi costs about 15-20 USD, car rental is possible at the Nevis Car Rental company right next to the airport. The cheapest option will cost 45 USD per day or 270 USD per week. On the company's website or you can make a reserve of a suitable car.

Nuances of transit

Tip: to fly to Saint Kitts and Nevis, you will need to issue an airport transit visa or France, depending on which country you fly to the islands through.

French Embassy in Moscow is located at Kazansky lane, 10.

It is also possible to get a visa in visa center.

In Moscow, it is located at 64 Prospekt Mira.

Consulate-General in St. Petersburg is located on Nevsky Prospekt, 12.

Visa Centeryou can find it on Bolshaya Raznochinnaya street, 16A.

Residents of other large cities in Russia can find visa office addresses at

By ferry

For those travelers who want to visit the island of Nevis, special ferries are organized from St. Kitts, such as Sea Bridge, Caribe Breeze, Caribe Queen and others. Travel between the two islands is very good and costs quite inexpensive - about 25 USD. The trip itself will take about 45 minutes of your time.


It is an archipelago of nine inhabited islands. The inhabitants of the island call Guadeloupe "Karuquera", which means "The island of beautiful waters." They are considered some of the best diving spots in the world.

Guadeloupe - beautiful white sand beaches, rainforest filled with wildlife. The best time to visit the archipelago is between December and May, when the weather is warm and dry. The rest of the year is usually hot and humid, especially between July and November.

How to get there: You can fly to this island from Saint Kitts and Nevis with Liat and Windward Island airlines for 300 USD. Travel time will be about 3 hours.

Top attractions

Such a small country is rich in magnificent sights. After existence as a colony of England and France, the authorities and residents of Saint Kitts and Nevis were able to preserve the beautiful architecture, which is the best fit for this place. I will tell you about the most interesting of the local beauties:


The best time to visit Saint Kitts and Nevis is may and Junewhen hotels drop their prices to lure travelers and the winter crowds dwindle.

The peak season falls on the period from December to April... At this time, namely in December, the carnival takes place. National Carnival of St. Keats and Nevis is the largest event in the life of the country, it is also known as the Sugar Mas (Sugar Mas). Throughout the period between Christmas and New Year, there are many processions and street performances in the streets.

You can meet traditional carnival characters while performing national dances. There are clowns, "baggy trousers", performers in unusual attire and, of course, Moko-Jumbies, who fearlessly dance on their stilts.

The parades are attended by troupes from all over the island, each dressed in bright colors, trying to surpass the other with their crazy dances. There is also a beauty contest, which for many tourists is the main spectacle at the carnival.

However, the most important event is the Calypso Music Competition, the winner of which can count on his works to be known throughout the West Indies. The performers fill their music with satire, humor and commentary on the island's public affairs, giving this competition a touch of creativity in music.

Information about the upcoming holiday can be found on this, but you need to check it closer to October for more recent details.

It is thanks to the festival november-January are considered the most touristy for the state. The crowds disperse during the summer months when the islands experience the Atlantic hurricane season.

The average temperature in Saint Kitts and Nevis ranges from + 25 ° C in January to + 28 ° C from June to October. It is never too cold here to go swimming: the water temperature rarely drops below +26 ° C, regardless of the season. Therefore, collect swimming trunks and ay-yes to the ocean!

Moving around the country

Car rental

If you prefer independent travel by car, you can book it through your tour operator, hotel or contact Avis St. Kitts by phone: 001 954 284 5331. You can also find out the prices for the car class of interest and dates on the website of the company's branch in St. Kitts or, for example,. I will describe for you the most important points for renting:

  • you need a driver's license to book a car international sample;
  • the required age to receive the keys - 25 years;
  • also need to get temporary driver's licenseeven if you have an international driving license. The permit costs 24 USD (62.50 XCD) and is valid for three months. If you want to purchase it for a year, then it will cost 45 USD (125 XCD). It can be obtained from a car rental agency;
  • in Saint Kitts left side trafficso be very careful;
  • buckle up all persons in the car are required to have seat belts;
  • prohibited driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs;
  • to receive child seat contact the rental company.

It is important to note that Saint Kitts and Nevis has the second highest price for petroleum products. Here they pay 11 USD for a liter of fuel, and for a liter of diesel fuel all 12 USD.


Many Chinese people use minibuses that operate on their own schedule. They have a green license plate and the cost of the trip is about 1 USD (2.70 XCD). Payment is made directly to the driver.

Since they don't work at night or leave to work on the beaches of the southeast, they are not as helpful to visitors unless you are heading to or from Buster. Opening hours are directly related to the ships that dock in the port. If arrival is expected at the port, the opening hours are extended from 06:00 to 18:00. If there is no ship, the minibuses start at 07:00 and end at 16:00.

The drivers of such transport are very experienced people - they operate the bus with such ease that you absolutely do not need to worry about safety while driving. Perhaps I can tell you one important detail: towhen you come to a stop, then repeat several times to the driver exactly where you are going to get. The fact is that there are a lot of passengers, and they all want to get to different parts of the island, therefore, based on the wishes of tourists, the drivers compose the shortest route for the trip so that each person spends no more than 20 minutes on the way.

When you decide to drive back, in the place where you were dropped off, you can find or wait for the exact same minibus to the original point of departure.


This is the most convenient way to travel around the country. The average price in the city is about 5-10 USD, and a tour of the island is 80 USD (216 XCD). It is not accepted here to take money for calling a car, so you pay only the amount for the trip.

The taxi car can be recognized by the well-known checkers on the roof. If you don't see a single car nearby, ask a local where you can find one and they will help you.

Tip: Always check if prices are in dollars or local currency.


Internet is available in most hotels and cafes. It is provided free of charge.

Cellular communication is very well developed. International dialing country code: + 1-869. Local cellular operators:

  • CW Caribbean Cellula Cable & Wireless,
  • Caribbean Cellular,
  • Wireless Ventures Limited.

Roaming is available for all major Russian operators. But if you are planning a trip to Saint Kitts and Nevis for more than a month, then you should buy a SIM card from a local operator. In all other cases, you can get by with home roaming. I personally recommend using the Internet connection in a hotel or cafe, as this is the most beneficial option for a stay on the islands.

Interestingly, there are old-style payphones everywhere, where you can make an international call. Coins of 0.25 and 1 XCD are accepted here. At post offices, pharmacies, hotels and tourist centers, you can buy cards in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 XCD.

You can also call from the hotel room, however, the cost of such a call will be 10-15% higher.

Language and communication

The official language in the country is English. Most of the locals can easily tell and show you how and where to go, especially since the islands are small and all the sights are not so far from each other.

There is also the concept of the Saint Kita Creole language, but it was not recognized as an official language, although it is spoken by about 20,000 people. It is almost impossible and extremely rare to hear on the streets of cities, since it is distributed exclusively in very small villages.

Features of the mentality

The mentality is based on colonial British models and is aimed only at close friends and family members. For the local population, maintaining a family and home is a key point, but tourists and new travelers are always welcome here.

In the country, most people value their personal space. Touch is not what people expect from strangers. For a resident, it is most comfortable to have about 10 cm of space between him and the one with whom he is talking.

Food and drink

The food on the islands speaks volumes about an important part of their culture that is worth learning when visiting Saint Kitts and Nevis.


If you suddenly find that you are very hungry, then the most important problem in this matter will be the choice of the dish! Due to the insular position of the country, seafood is always easy to catch here. While lobsters are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, it is not difficult to catch them in the waters of St. Kitts. You can find this dish on almost every menu in any place, from a swanky restaurant to the most rusty beach hut. Alternatively, the local cuisine offers a wide variety of local fish. It is worth paying attention to shrimp on a leaf of a coconut tree, Mahi-Mahi fish and spicy perch.

Perhaps the best seafood dish you should definitely try is stewed fish... Cod is salted and stewed over low heat with the addition of bananas, coconut and breadfruit. This dish is served with pieces of sweet potato and vegetables.

Also, don't forget to try goat water - a national dish made from goat meat stewed in tomato sauce with green papaya, breadfruit and sometimes rum.

Since a small couple of islands do not have land to support a large agricultural industry, many products are imported from other islands in the Caribbean. While this makes the country's cuisine somewhat pricey, food imports ensure that you find just about anything you want, including western Indian food, along with St. Kitts and Nevis.

Here you will find places that serve Western Indian food alongside international ones. Fast food is also common - fried chicken and sandwiches as an option for those looking for a quick and cheap meal. Lunch at casual restaurants and beach grill bars cost around 10 and 25 USD.

The drinks


  • coffee and freshly squeezed fruit juices made from local produce are ideal pairings for leisure travelers;
  • if you want to try something special ask for a glass Fairling in the Basseterre and a local fruit punch will be served.


  • rumas in the rest of the Caribbean, it is the best choice for alcoholic beverages. The best rum here is Brinley Shipwreck. If you are a connoisseur of this vibrant drink, then I advise you to visit a rum tour to taste the best varieties and flavors.
  • worth trying national drinks Ting(sweet grapefruit drink) and Cane Spirits Rothschild(made from sugar cane).

5 dishes worth trying


In any country in the world, I acquired something interesting and memorable, because it is small and bright things that can then remind us of what impressions we experienced in this or that place. And I am sure that on the islands you can buy the most unusual souvenirs and make the best purchases!

What you need to know about shopping in this country

Local handicraft products, including leather goods (goatskin), a variety of baskets and fabrics, are good purchases here. Check out the Sea Island cottons store for something that will interest you. Store opening hours: Monday to Saturday - 08: 00-13: 00 and 13: 00-16: 00. Store information is also available.

If you want to buy souvenirs, it is best to look for them in small shops in the squares and streets. If you are looking for something larger or designer clothes, then I recommend shopping in the malls.

Best Cities for Shopping

Since St. Kitts is the most popular among tourists, most of the shops and centers are located here.

Shopping center in Buster:

Souvenirs and gifts

If you are looking for gifts for loved ones, you can visit Occasions... Here you will find souvenirs for every taste and color, as well as flowers for every occasion. For small souvenirs prices range around 5 USD, larger items such as gift baskets, flowers and dishes cost up to 50 USD. Visa and Mastercard are accepted here. Business hours of the business: from 08:00 to 20:00.

Pirana joe specializes in clothing, as well as a collection of whimsical souvenirs featuring the piranha Joe. Magnets, T-shirts, hats, cups and much more are available here. This place is quite popular among tourists, so here you can pay for your purchase with both cash and bank cards. Prices for most souvenirs are similar to many tourist shops - about USD 5 for small items and USD 20-25 for larger ones.

Several gift shops in case you were unable to find suitable gifts in the previous locations:

  • Amina Craft Market,
  • Bay Side Souvenirs,
  • Caribbean Gifts & Liquors,
  • I Love St. Kitts,
  • Tropical World,
  • Karibhana.

What to bring from this country


The Caribbean is known primarily for its stunningly beautiful beaches, but also for its rum. Many islands throughout the region distill their local varieties and Saint Kitts and Nevis are no exception. Bring home a bottle of Brinley Gold rum. In addition to the traditional white varieties that you can find everywhere in the Caribbean, the Brinleys create rum infused with tropical flavors such as vanilla, coffee, mango and coconut. Tourists are allowed to bring home one and a half liters of rum. The approximate price for a bottle of this brand of rum is 30 USD.


If rum is not exactly what you need, then get Nevis honey. Pure and natural, it is made by the bees that hum between wild mango trees.

The peculiarity of this honey is that it is absolutely pure and never heats up during production. It is also unique due to the wild and tropical flowers found on the island, such as mango trees, Tamarind (Indian date) and Guinea (Tea tree) trees, which produce the characteristic nectar and pollen.

Each flower flavored honey is also unique. For example, Tamarind wild honey is darker than the purer honey grown from the flowers of the Guinea tree. Honey is collected once or twice a year, depending on the amount of rainfall.

The price of an average jar is 20 USD, and you can buy it at any gift shop.

Vacation with children

For your attention, I present the 5 best places to visit and relax in the country with children:

You can find other interesting places to visit with children on this website.


Saint Kitts and especially Nevis are generally safe and welcoming, but there are a few things to know before visiting the islands. More about them.

Popular types of scams

The most popular types of fraud in the country are:

  • Petty theft... Try to have as few bags and bags with you as possible so as not to attract the attention of petty thieves. Pay particular attention to the position of the wallet and the closed bag.
  • Car hacks... If you move by car, be sure to check if you have closed all windows and doors.
  • Sale of pirated products... Don't buy counterfeit or pirated goods. Most often, these are discs with various films, games and programs that are prohibited from copying, let alone selling. Many of them may be banned in our country and be extremist, but you definitely don't need problems with the law. Such things are most often sold by quiet but annoying guys in small corners near markets and tourist spots. Therefore, try to avoid such places.

5 things you definitely shouldn't do

  1. Walk in poorly lit areas at night.
  2. Leave jewelry and documents in the car and on the beaches of hotels.
  3. Take pictures of local residents without prior permission to shoot.
  4. Carry large amounts of cash.
  5. Touching stray animals on the streets.

5 things to do in this country

Nearby countries

Sint Maarten

This magnificent place is located in the heart of the Caribbean. Thousands upon thousands of tourists come here every year for the best beach holiday in the world. Nature does not skimp on the variety of beaches, and not only travelers, but also the local population rely on vivid impressions.

What a traveler needs: for residents of Russia, you must apply for a tourist visa at the Embassy or Visa Application Center of the Netherlands. If you already have a multivisa to the Schengen countries, then entry into the country is possible with this document.

How to get there: a flight from St. Kitts airport to take about 30 minutes and cost 120 USD. Flights are operated by Liat.

Puerto Rico

This country with its colonial architecture, tropical climate, varied landscapes and traditional cuisine captures more and more hearts of travelers around the world every year. Walk the streets of the cities and find colorful houses that seem to be laid high along the slopes, watch the locals dance in the parade on weekends and sell all kinds of products along the alleys on weekdays. Despite recent economic difficulties, it still dazzles everyone with its beauty. Find out why this little piece of Earth is worth the trip. You can find out a detailed story about the country in mine.

What a traveler needs: a tourist visa is required for Russians.

How to get there: the cheapest flight from Saint Kitts and Nevis to (capital of San Juan) will cost your wallet about 220 USD by Seaborne. The flight will take approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.


The country's official currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar, designated XCD. In circulation, bills of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 denominations are used.

Also, many places accept American dollars, but change is given in local currency.

Rate against the dollar: 1 USD \u003d 2.70 XCD.

Exchange and banks

Banks are open Monday through Thursday from 08:00 to 21:00 and on Fridays from 08:00 to 16:00. Each bank provides round-the-clock ATM services, where you can receive funds from Visa or Mastercard. I do not advise you to withdraw funds from ATMs that are not in banks. It is possible to exchange currency at the airport or at a bank branch, as it will be the safest.

All booking sites! Don't overpay. It !

Rent a Car - also aggregation of prices from all distributors, all in one place, let's go!

Anything to add?

Travel Notes Day 24

The state of Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts) and Nevis consists of two islands: Saint Kitts and Nevis. The first looks like a chicken leg, the second looks like a chicken egg.

Saint Kitts and Nevis is known for selling its citizenship for 20 years. Moreover, the distribution of passports with beautiful fish has been put on stream here. Unlike neighboring Antigua and Barbuda, which requires new citizens to stay in their new homeland for at least a week a year, to obtain citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis, you don't even need to come to the country. You pay money - and after 6 months your passport will be sent to you by mail. Everyone, you are a citizen! Especially for those who receive passports of this lovely island nation by mail, there is a world map on the first page of the document, on which an arrow shows where to look for your homeland.

As in Antigua (the second word in the name of the country can be omitted), the passport of Saint Kitts (the second word in the name of the country can be omitted) gives you the right to ride without visas in Europe, Canada, England and other countries.

Citizenship is given in exchange for investment in the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund. It would be more correct to say: "We are selling you a beautiful passport with fish for $ 300,000." But there are romantics in St. Kitts, so they say: "You invest $ 300,000 in a fund for diversifying the sugar industry, we use this money to raise the country from its knees, and in gratitude we give you a passport with wonderful fish!" This does not change the essence, no one will return 300,000.

The second option is to buy real estate, here the entrance starts from 400,000, but for that kind of money there is no real estate for a long time. Therefore, you can buy a share in a villa, or save up a few million for a normal house by the sea. Judging by the number of construction projects on the island, there are many who want to buy citizenship. According to statistics from Henley Estates (, most of them are Russian and Chinese.

Unfortunately, no one says how much it costs to renounce this citizenship. You never know what. And then suddenly the entrance is a ruble, and the exit is two.

In the meantime, you are thinking whether you need a passport with fish, I suggest you see what your homeland looks like for $ 300,000.

01. Looks pretty.

02. To the left - the restless Atlantic Ocean, to the right - the calm Caribbean Sea. On the Atlantic there is a beach where turtles lay their eggs. The season will begin in a few weeks, and the beach will be cordoned off by police and animal rights activists so that no one will disturb the turtles.

03. Local residents.

04. Former volcano.


06. The island is actively being built up, according to feelings, every second building for new citizens.

07. It seems that money from the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund is not reaching everyone.

08. On the horizon - your beloved Sint Eustatius.

09. Capital

10. Saint Kitts and Nevis is a former British colony. In the very center of the capital, there is a clock that the locals call Big Ben. The clock has stopped long ago, as has the time here.

11. Although recently celebrated 30 years of independence. In honor of the holiday, the fountain in the central square was restored and painted. 3 beautiful nymphs after restoration became blacks. Interestingly, this is such a banter, or the locals have always seen black women in these sculptures?

12. For 30 years nothing has changed in the capital.

13. Aborigines cherish their colonial heritage.

14. Here is a telephone booth. The glasses were stolen, the phone has not worked for a long time, but the booth is regularly painted in the corporate red color.

15. The streets are very clean.

16. In general, the locals are very tidy. Everyone parks properly, no one throws garbage on the street.

17. Look what charming people live here.

18. Previously, the narrow-gauge railway served the plantations of sugar cane and cotton, now the train carries tourists around the island.

19. The boat brought bobbleheads.

20. No, look how clean!

21. Mother

22. Roads



25. In St. Kitts, everyone runs. You go in the morning, and there are herds of runners on the sides.

26. Volcano.

27. Along the roads monkeys sit in the trees.

28. Soon there will be villas here.


30. It has already been built up here. All this is real estate in exchange for citizenship.

31. To the second island, Nevis, take a boat 10 minutes. Once a year, a swim takes place between the islands.

32. Beaches on Nevis

33. There is also a volcano here.

34. Houses

35. One of the construction projects. The hotel will be here soon.

36. You can buy such a house for 600,000.

37. More precisely, this is not a house, but a hotel room. One bedroom inside.

38. Swimming pool on the terrace.


40. Outdoor amenities. They say that the Chinese really like these houses.

41. The most interesting thing is that, having bought this house, you will not be able to live in it. Since it is part of the hotel, the hotel will rent it and share the proceeds with you. Theoretically, you will return the investment in 10-20 years. You can live for free only a little more than a month a year. But 5 years after obtaining citizenship, you can sell the house to the next lover of passports with fish.

42. There will be villas here. The site is worth $ 2 million.

43. Here is a house, 500 square meters, worth $ 4,500,000 with a plot. They buy it in parts, usually 10 owners. Then each owner has 5 weeks a year when he can dispose of the house (live or rent it). All 10 receive citizenship.

44. Sentkits are somewhat similar to Russians. Christmas has already passed 3 weeks ago, and the whole city is decorated with cotton wool and penguins.

45. Apparently, they don't take off the decorations until spring, just like we don't throw out the tree.

46. \u200b\u200bLocal police officers have the same facial expressions as most of their Russian colleagues. "Do you have a cho? And if I find it?"

47. Kids


49. Reservation for tourists

50. The tree has sprouted through the fence.

51. By the way, Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest state in the Western Hemisphere both in area and in population.

The whole journey:
Day 1: San Francisco, USA
Day 2: Carmel Valley, USA
Day 3: Apple, Facebook, Google, USA
Day 4: 17 mile road, sunset in SF, USA
Day 5:

Do you want to be able to travel without visas to different countries? Are you in love with the Caribbean nature and want to settle down in a paradise island? Dreaming of enjoying ocean views in a warm climate? St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment is exactly what lovers of tropical nature and comfort need

Country portrait

Located on two islands in the Caribbean - Saint Kitts and Nevis.

  • Area - 261 sq. km.
  • The capital is Buster.
  • The average annual temperature is + 18-24 0С.
  • There is no rainy season.
  • The population is over 50 thousand people, mostly African Americans.
  • The official language is English.
  • The basis of the economy is tourism, agriculture.

Features: picturesque nature, a large national park, developed transport infrastructure, entertainment and tourism industries, holidays and carnivals.

Ranked 6th in the Global Citizenship Investment Program Index in the world.

Visa-free travel with 132 countries, including the UK and EU states.


Saint Kitts and Nevis is a federation of two islands with a total area of \u200b\u200bover 220 sq. km. The capital of the country is Buster. The city is located in Saint Kitts, home to over two thirds of the population. The characteristic landscape for both islands is small mountains, abundantly overgrown with forests. St. Kitts has an extinct volcano with a height of 1155 m. There is a beautiful lake in its crater. Almost a third of the territory of St. Kitts is a national park, protected by the state. Saint Kitts and Nevis are separated by a strait 3 km wide. The nature of Nevis is no less picturesque: tropical forests, a chain of rounded mountains, amazingly beautiful sunsets and suddenly flashing rainbows turn the island into a pearl of the Caribbean.

Saint Kitts and Nevis has a mild climate. There is no rainy season here, and the air temperature is practically constant and ranges from +18 0С to +24 0С.

The islands are famous for their beaches, coral reefs and comfortable coves. Saint Kitts and Nevis boasts not only beautiful natural surroundings but also a rich history. The names of Alexander Hamilton and Admiral Nelson are associated with them. Nevis even has a small Nelson Museum.

The islands have preserved ancient forts, ruins on ancient plantations, and the architecture itself bears distinct traces of colonial influence.

Political and economic structure

The state of Saint Kitts and Nevis gained independence in 1984, since then it has been part of the Commonwealth of Nations. The head of state is the British monarch, represented by the Governor General. Legislative power is vested in a parliament elected by the citizens of the state. Economic power is concentrated in the hands of the prime minister, who becomes the head of the political force that won the next parliamentary elections.

About 10-15 years ago, tourism and agriculture were the basis of the economy, but after the global crisis of 2008-2009. the tourism industry suffered serious losses. The government has focused on this sector. The result was five-star resort complexes.

Villas and bungalows with sea views, SPA hotels and golf clubs, apartments and studios with swimming pools, marinas and yacht clubs have attracted tourist flows from the USA and Europe to the country. Now the country is visited by about 700,000 people a year. The construction boom has revived the domestic economy, so now Saint Kitts and Nevis is an economically prosperous state. Construction is underway on both islands: on the active, populous Saint Kitts, and on the peaceful, calm and picturesque Nevis.

The investment citizenship program has been implemented here since 1984, since the beginning of the 2000s, the inflow of investments has been steadily growing, which makes it possible to implement serious development projects.
The climate, nature and infrastructure of the islands seem to many to be sufficient reason to decide to leave to live in Saint Kitts and Nevis or obtain citizenship.


The country has a system of optimized taxation, when capital gains from foreign operations are not taxed. This encourages investors with international business to place capital in the country and become tax residents. No income taxes, no gift or inheritance tax.

Main types of taxes in Saint Kitts and Nevis

Domestic Capital Gains Tax Charged on transactions with assets located in the country for less than one year from the date of purchase 20 %
Social security tax Paid by employees
Earning an annual income of C $ 1,000 to C $ 6,500 3,5 %
C $ 6,500 to C $ 8,000 10 %
More than 8000 12 %
Income tax for legal entities doing business within the country Paid by enterprises - residents of the country, operating on its territory 35 %
Individual transfer tax All individuals pay when transferring funds outside the country 10 %
Property tax Annual 0.2% of market value

The income received from the rental of real estate is not taxed. There is no capital gains tax on the sale of real estate.

Life in Saint Kitts and Nevis

A little more than 50 thousand people live in the country, of which almost 80% are in Saint Nevis. The indigenous population is dominated by African Americans. The official language is English. The currency is the Caribbean dollar, which is in circulation throughout the Caribbean.

The country, although it looks like an untouched tropical paradise, has a very developed infrastructure. The length of highways is over 1000 km. A narrow gauge railway runs along the coast of St. Kitts. Three large ports accept not only sailboats but also cruise ships. There are international airports on every island. Now in St. Kitts, the construction of a special terminal for receiving private aircraft is being completed.

Entertainment and cuisine

The locals love holidays, so during the year the islands host several obligatory colorful carnivals, mostly timed to coincide with Catholic celebrations. The developed resort infrastructure includes many sports clubs and facilities: golf and tennis courses, riding clubs, infrastructure for yachting, surfing and diving. The abundance of coral reefs and wrecks in these waters make diving especially exciting. There is plenty to do on land, too, from swimming pools and spas to excursions to the UNESCO Heritage National Park.

There are many places for families with children: water park, amusement park, paintball, adventure track, children's train tours with guides.

Nightlife takes place in clubs, bars and restaurants. There are many restaurants here. The cuisine of Saint Kitts and Nevis is a whimsical fusion of French, Spanish and local culinary traditions. It has a lot of vegetables and meat fried over an open fire, fish and seafood, and excellent desserts and delicacies are prepared from local fruits.


As with most islands, prices are higher than on the mainland:

  • A bottle of wine - $ 14;
  • A pack of cigarettes - $ 12-14;
  • Lunch at a fast food restaurant - $ 7-8;
  • Dinner for two in a restaurant - $ 75-85 without alcohol;
  • A cup of cappuccino in a cafe - $ 3.5-4;
  • Cola can - $ 2.

In stores, prices differ little from those on other islands:

  • Chicken fillet - $ 8 per 1 kg;
  • Oranges - $ 3-4;
  • Milk - $ 3 per liter;
  • A movie ticket costs $ 5-6;
  • Unlimited Internet subscription fee - from $ 35 per month;
  • Public transport ticket for one trip - $ 1.5;
  • A liter of gasoline - about $ 3.

The country has a high standard of living, one of the highest in the Caribbean, with an average salary of $ 3-3.5 thousand per month, which stimulates immigration to Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The property

Resort real estate here is quite expensive, so to realize the dream of a villa with a pool and ocean views, you will need at least $ 800,000 - 1,000,000. The minimum investment contribution under the Citizenship by Investment program is $ 400,000 for Saint Kitts and Nevis. money can buy an apartment with 1-2 bedrooms, a small house in the coastal area or a share in the object.

Housing rent costs from $ 1000. For this money, you can rent a small house in the suburbs with two bedrooms. Renting the same house in the capital will be twice or three times more expensive.

Benefits of obtaining citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis

The investment citizenship program of Saint Kitts and Nevis is one of the oldest, it has been operating since 1984. Under the terms of the program, you can invest in real estate or pay a contribution to a government fund. What are the benefits of a Saint Kitts and Nevis passport?

  • Visa-free travel to 132 countries, including the UK, Schengen countries, Singapore, Hong Kong and other world centers of business and financial activity.
  • A returnable investment is possible in high class resort property.
  • The mild and dry climate makes living or resting here as pleasant and useful as possible.
  • A quick change of tax residence is possible.
  • You can register enterprises and conduct business with the received passport.
  • The result of participation in the program is full citizenship.
  • Money invested in real estate can be returned by selling it after five years (excluding capital gains tax).
  • There are no taxes on profits derived from commercial activities abroad.
  • Purchased real estate can be rented, donated or inherited.
  • Citizenship provides an "alternate airfield" in the event of a sudden change in the political or economic environment.
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis recognizes a second citizenship, so there is no need to file a waiver of the original.
  • There are no requirements for permanent residence, language, knowledge of history. There is no need for an interview.

We are the official representatives of the Citizenship by Investment program, so we will find an individual solution for you, taking into account your requirements, tasks and expectations.

The island of Nevis is formed by the slopes of the sleeping volcano Nevis (height - 985 m.) And is surrounded by coral reefs. Nevis owes its name to Columbus, who believed that the top of the volcano was covered with snow, and named the island "Our Lady of the Snow" - Nuestra Senhora de Las Nevis. In the 18th century, Nevis received the nickname "Queen of the Caribbean" as its sugar cane plantations brought untold riches to the British.

Today, agricultural land is dwindling, Nevis is taking on a natural landscape and transforming itself into a resort island with state-of-the-art infrastructure, stunning beaches, stunning diving opportunities, healing hot springs and picturesque rainforests that are home to monkeys, exotic birds and butterflies.

Unlike most of the neighboring islands, Nevis has managed to retain its identity and true Caribbean spirit. Here, the famous British military leader and pirate, Admiral Horatio Nelson, who married the daughter of a wealthy local planter, is still remembered and honored.

The island still has wooden buildings from the colonial era. The oldest house, dating back to 1740 and built from strong nearby ironwood, is located on the grounds of the Hermitage Hotel. More like a colonial village, this hotel is one of the island's attractions. For lovers of modern luxury, Nevis also offers the best - the only hotel in the Caribbean, the Four Seasons.

Beaches and diving in Nevis

Sandy, overgrown with coconut trees, Pinney Beach is considered the "king" of local beaches. It is located a few kilometers north of the capital, next to Fort Ashby. Quiet waters and picturesque surroundings attract tourists here, but the size of the beach allows everyone to preserve their personal space.

If it gets crowded, you can move even further north to the beaches of Kadesh Bay, Black Sand Beach, Kuali or the romantic Lovers Beach. Nisbet Beach, overlooking the Atlantic coastline, features more powerful waves, but still suitable for untrained swimmers. Most of the water sports centers are concentrated on this beach.

The Atlantic coast of Nevis is much worse developed for objective reasons. There are more turbulent waves, smaller reefs and strong ocean currents passing near the coast. Long Ot Bay, Hicks Cove, Eden Brown Bay, Huggins Bay and White Bay are not suitable for a comfortable and quiet family holiday, but can be a real boon for extreme surfers and windsurfers.

There are many picturesque places for snorkeling and diving in Nevis - almost the entire western coast is suitable for exploring the underwater world. Plus, the features of the relief of the southwestern part of the island make it possible to practice a rare type of scuba diving - speleosnorkeling. Caves and arches to sail through, volcanic formations and a 17th century sunken ship can all be found 12-15 meters deep in the "Devil" s Caves.