Complaints of guests in the hotel Solving the problem administrator. Complaint of the hotel, hotel

We continue to answer important questions. The first materials and.

What inspectors can come? Who can make something from them? How can we repulse, what laws can they show?

You can come to you a representative of any supervisory authority. Statistically most often come the precinct, representatives of the FMS, fire inspection, tax. If you received a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, then anyone can come to the prosecutor. If representatives of the inspection bodies appeared on your threshold, you need to make a call to the body and clarify whether these are their representatives and what is the purpose of verification. Phone number and contact details Employees are obliged to provide you.

Everything, except for the FMS, is given from day to three to collect the necessary documents (so let's say if your legal entity is registered at another address, it is assumed that not all constituent documents are stored in the hostel). FMS check the direct management of migration reporting.

To the question, how to "give fire" to answer difficult. In our practice and the practice of our colleagues, we observed a fairly loyal and serious relationship of organs. If they came to you with a planned check - you will receive a deadline for eliminating and, most likely, will bypass without fines. If they came on a complaint - it is not bad for the reasons for the complaints have already been eliminated on the root, and you had a response story as everything was really.

If your business is serious and for a long time, get acquainted with the district, he will know with whom it deals with that you have a serious place and you are non-conflict, and you will not have problems. Usually, the precinct is aware of all planned checks. You can also view our video " Checks in the hostel", It will answer some questions.

No laws present to protect yourself, we should not. You do not have defense, but an equal dialogue. It is necessary to present your established document management:

a) accounting and tax reporting,

b) Migration reporting,

c) Documents legalizing your activities that include so many documents as soon as possible: and agreed plans and redevelopment, and compliance with fire, sanitary and other requirements for the premises. This list is limited to hotel requirements. In fact, you must match the hotel.

Until now, we have not come across lawlessness and pressure from the supervisory authorities. Tasks to close the hostel from any organs yet.

Another question is, if you survive the neighbors systemally, or you quarreled with local district. We can frankly say, you will save only compliance with hotel requirements and non-residential premises.

According to the open speech of the president, a small business can work without tax checks for 3 years. So if you opened a business for a year or two, and work quietly and without complaints, then you will not meet a single authorized representative during this time.


1 Explanation of the work of situational tasks on the discipline "Administrative Law" This practical work contains materials on the topic "Administrative Law". The tasks are compiled on the basis of real legal conflicts. Tasks include all the actual circumstances necessary to make a certain decision on the issue formulated in the text of the task. The conditions of tasks are formulated in such a way that it can be solved by relying on the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (COAP of the Russian Federation). It is necessary to make a solution to the task in the form of a judicial act, which contains logical arguments on a specific legal situation, with a mandatory indication of references to the necessary articles of the Codecha of the Russian Federation. An example of solving the task of the administrative law Citizen Krotov, being in a drunk, was obscenently expressed in the foyer of the cinema, insulted the spouses of Sviridov, when they made a remark to him, broke the glass doors, pushed a ticket with her, breaking her uniform. Qualify the actions of Krotov. Justify the answer to the norms of law. Solution: 1 stage In the task, we are talking about a violation of public order, so it is necessary to find the corresponding section-section in the Administrative Code II. A special part dedicated to offenses in various spheres of public life. Then read the title of chapters and find the necessary chapter 20. Administrative offenses encroaching on public order and public safety. Stage 2 Find the article necessary to solve the objective of the article. Small hooliganism. 3 stage in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "1. Small hooliganism, that is, a violation of public order, expressing an explicit disrespect for society, accompanied by obscene course in public places, offensive attacks to citizens, but equal to the destruction or damage to someone else's property - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative Arrest for up to fifteen days. ". The 4th stage of Krotov violated administrative law and is subject to punishment. The response of a solved problem can be represented as follows: the action of a krootovaya citizen should qualify as small hooliganism under Art "1. Merry hooliganism, that is, a violation of public order, expressing explicit disrespect for society, accompanied by obscene breaking in public places, offensive to citizens, and equals destruction or damage to someone else's property - 1

2 entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative arrest for a period of up to fifteen days. " By decision of the Court, Krotov will suffer punishment. Option 1 When finished the work, and leaving home, the hotel complex's laundry worker did not de-energized the laundry room. Watchman, whose duties include checking the premises for its dealers, was lazy and did not checked the laundry. At night there was a fire. The hotel was damage to 10 million rubles. No harm done. Who and how will it be punished? On the grocery warehouse hotels in sanitary inspection found overdue products? Who and how will it be punished? Specify articles. Guests of the hotel complained to Rospotrebnadzor to the discrepancy between the stated level of comfort and the cost of living with real conditions. Prosecutor's check confirmed this circumstance. Who and how will it be punished? Specify articles. When checking the EMERCOM surveillance cameras for the external perimeter of the hotel, it turned out that half of them did not work. Who and how will it be punished? Specify articles. Option 2 After the repeated requirements of the fire safety inspector, eliminate flaws, a fire occurred in the hotel. The man died. Who and how will it be punished? Specify articles. In the kitchen, a small hotel broke a fridge for meat storage. In order not to throw away the spoiled product from it prepared food and fed guests. Several guests were taken to the hospital (nausea, vomiting). One of the guests died. When checking the wine wine was proved. Who and how will it be punished? Specify articles. Militia officers in order to prosecute citizen A., who committed an administrative offense, attempted to penetrate the residential premises belonging to a citizen M. Last refused to fulfill the requirement of employees 2

3 militia, motivating the refusal by the fact that the home is inviolable. Are the actions of police officers and a citizen of M.? Police officers detained the serviceman of S., who is in a state of intoxication, and sent it to the medical detox. Are the actions of police officers? Option 3 After the official warning of developers by order of the head of the city administration, authorized on the economic organizations eliminated the commercially built garages. In addition, the head of the administration presented the requirement to developers about the payment of work performed. Is the disposal of the head of the city administration? The rector of the university issued an order in which it was indicated that for violation of the rules of fire safety on students, a fine of 50 rubles is imposed. Is the order of the University of Rector? Conscription S. Challenge from the Military Commissariat. He was supposed to appear in the draft board to verify the documents within three days from the date of receipt of the notification of the call. But the Conscriputor of S. did not appear in the draft board at the specified period and was fined the military commissioner in the amount of 1/5 minimum wage. Are the actions of the Military Commissioner? Citizen Z., being drunk, passed railways in an unidentified place. The arrows of the militarized security demanded that a citizen of Z. returned, but he did not comply with the requirement. Citizen Z. was taken to the linear department of the internal affairs, where the protocol on malicious disobedience was compiled. The judge for this offense subjected the Citizen Z. Administrative Arrest for a period of five days. Is the judge's decision legally? Option 4 Citizen M. committed small hooliganism. The soldier O., who was on the place of misconduct, amounted to the Protocol on the offense and sent it to the District Court. The judge fined a citizen M. Is the actions of the named participants of production? 3.

4 In the duty part of the ROVD, a university student was delivered to the University of F., detained in the hostel room, where he cut the alcoholic beverages. As witnessing witness, the student F. came to him in a room with a bottle of vodka, shouted loudly, he quit, offered a witness to drink with him. In response, this was the police officers. In the room of the duty part of the ROVD F. behaved unclosed, I refused to answer the questions of police officers. According to the facts, a protocol on an administrative offense was compiled and sent to the head of the ROVD. F. student was found guilty of making small hooliganism and malicious disobedience to police officers. The head of the ROVD issued a decree, which was appointed administrative punishment in the form of an administrative arrest for a period of 15 days. The decision was appealed to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. Is the decision of the Department of ROVD? What decision should the head of the Department of Internal Affairs? The District Administrative Commission considered the case of small hooliganism, perfect by the Kostokov servicemen, and issued a decree on his arrest for 15 days using the village on the physical work on the improvement of the village. Is the Administrative Commission legally? The head of the Department of Internal Affairs was delivered by the Government of the imposition of a fine on Citizen Vavilov, for drinking alcoholic beverages in a public place. Vavilov Penalty did not pay the city, the decision was sent by the bailiff, to initiate the enforcement and forced penalty. Is the head of the ATS? Option 5 The head of the ATS on the citizen Smirnov is an administrative penalty for violating the rules of hunting. In the form of an additional punishment, he had a confiscated hunting weapon. Smirnov appealed to the court with a complaint about the unlawful confiscation of weapons, referring to the fact that he is a professional hunter, and for him hunting the only source of livelihood. Give a legal analysis of this situation. The People's Heal of Anastasia was attracted to administrative responsibility and was imposed on her a fine of the head of the ROVD in the amount of 5,000 rubles for being engaged in traditional medicine without a corresponding healer diploma. The healer appealed against the actions of the Chief of the ROVD to the court. Is the decision of the Department of ROVD on the imposition of a fine, who is entitled to consider this category of affairs? Would the situation change, if such a healer activity caused harm to the health of at least one person? Citizen Smirnov, while drunk, ruled the VAZ car belonging to him for violating the rules of passing a pedestrian transition He was 4

5 stopped by a traffic police officer. What administrative coercion measures should be taken to Smirnov. The Polish fishing vessel Delta-4 received a license for the extraction of marine organisms on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation. During the inspection, it was found that a group of scientists conducted by the study of marine organisms without a license is on the vessel. The representative of the Russian country demanded the immediate termination of research and their results. But the head of the scientific group said that the scientific research conducted cannot be attributed to the continental shelf research, as they concern only the structure of marine organisms, but not their migration. What violations allow the Polish country? five

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Sample Application by the World Judge of G. ^ Applicant: Plot (Full name and address) The victim: (Full name / address, age, information about work, marital status, document certifying personality)

In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 2.1. Administrative offense with an administrative offense recognized an unlawful, guilty effect.

1. Articles of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Article 2.1. Administrative offense 1. The administrative offense recognizes the illegal, guilty effect (inaction) of the physical or legal

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Municipal state institutional institution Secondary school 9 p. Rosovka of the Mineralovodsky district of the conversation for the prevention of offenses among minors "Types of Law

The memorial "on the offense and responsibility" of the administrative offense is recognized as an informative, guilty action (inaction) of a physical or legal entity for which

Administrative and criminal liability of minors and their parents a memo for parents and students' administrative responsibility of juveniles. According to Article 2.3. Code of administrative

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Prosecutor's Office of the Chelyabinsk Region Prosecutor's Office of the Krasnoarmeysky District Administrative responsibility of minors administrative responsibility is subject to a person who has reached the administrative

Administrative responsibility of juvenile administrative offenses recognizes the illegal, guilty effect (inaction) of a physical or legal person, for which the Code of the Russian Federation

"Administrative and criminal liability of minors" Memo for parents and students Nizhnevartovsk, 2016 criminal liability minors carry from 14 years. Criminal responsibility

The responsibility of juvenile minors under certain conditions carry criminal, administrative, material responsibility. Criminal responsibility is subject to a person who has achieved

The responsibility of juvenile minors under certain conditions is criminal, administrative and other responsibility. Criminal liability of minors carry from 14 years. Criminal

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It is necessary to know: according to the pages of the Codex of the Republic of Belarus on administrative offenses, administrative responsibility of minors. Article 4.6. Responsibility of juvenile. one.

Administrative and criminal liability of minors and their parents a memo for parents and students of the administrative responsibility of minors and their parents in accordance with Article 2.3. Code

In accordance with the Federal Law of June 19, 2004, 54-ФЗ: "On meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and pickets" and federal law of 08.06.2012 N 65-FZ "On Amendments to the Code

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Memo for teachers, parents and minors Administrative responsibility of parents and minors an administrative offense recognized an unlawful, guilty action (inaction)

Utem 21U. Administrative punishments and the procedure for applying the main form of administrative responsibility is administrative punishment. Administrative punishment is the established

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1 Can Cases on Administrative Offenses of Minors aged 16 to 18 to be considered at meetings of the Commission on Minors and the protection of their rights in the absence of their parents?

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You are a minor, but, like any citizen, you have rights and obligations and carry legal responsibility for your actions before the state and other people. This responsibility depends on your

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Commission on Minors and the protection of their rights of the Kirovsky district Volgograd foundations of attraction to the administrative responsibility Volgograd, 2015 - CDN and ZP Chairman of the Commission, Deputy

Writes blogger Elena Plikov:

Tell me, are you truth change the bed linen every day? And bath towels? Not? Hm strange.

And on the second floor rising exclusively on the elevator? And for breakfast require boards and meat?

Do you think I have a spring exacerbation of quiet schizophrenia? Not. Did not guess.

I just read reviews about hotels, for I do training a trip and slowly awesome. I will make a reservation immediately, I do not seek hotels in 5 *, I do not consider the super-duper-suite numbers. No, I look the usual tourist versions of 2-3-4 * without complaints about luxury. And every time, choosing hotels and reading reviews, I understand that by paying for 2 *, the tourist wants the service to be the same as in 5 * and preferably as in the presidential suite.

So, what is most often tourists in hotels are unhappy? I immediately note that I take only Russian-speaking reviews, so that they did not talk about the difference in the mentality or the curvature of the translation.

Bed linen and bath towels do not change daily

That's when I see it, then I'm just trying to understand what people do with linen and towels, what do they require replacement after every night? And these are not beach hotels where the towel can be dragged to the beach and stain there, these are ordinary hotels in cities. Only one thought remains that on those sheets every night someone deprived of virginity, and floors wash towels.

Furniture is not particularly new

Well, here I partially agree if a bed with any movement creaks, as a wounded elephant, and the doors of the cabinet fall off, then a lot of unkind words fly to the hotel's owner. And if the furniture is not particularly new, but normal, then I do not see the reason for complaints.

The number in reality does not meet the fact that in the photos and in the description

A couple of times also hit this. What to do in such cases, I do not know. Of course, if you come to the hotel for a long time, then it is probably necessary to leave, and if 1-2 nights? How do you enter in such cases?

No kettle, refrigerator

If the refrigerator, I do not consider the first need for the hotel, the absence in the description of the kettle's number in 90% of cases - the reason is not to choose this hotel.

Do not update the used shampoos, shower gels, soap

He herself did not come across such, but in general, it is really interesting to save the hotel's economy or cant of maids?

Bad soundproofing

The most common complaint. Unfortunately, almost everywhere in the hotels of the economy and middle class, it is ideally heard that neighbors are made on top, on the side who passed along the corridor, and who takes a shower. I do not know how in the hotel luxury hotels, well, and the rest you just need to take with you earless if the sleep is sensitive.

Shoals with payment of accommodation

Reviews of the complaint about the fact that the hotel is managed twice, or even three times, make money for the hotel and seek a return accounting for Buking or other booking sites. I did not come across such, but with what they wrote off the amount more than necessary, faced in Athens. An attempt to solve everything in place was not crowned with success, because The manager of our hotel did not even listen. In this case, the error was only 12 euros and if the manager would recognize it, then I would not even refund. And so I had to connect bucking and money returned.

Inattention, rudeness of staff

For me, with today's realities, when not a tourist beats for the hotel, and the hotel for the tourist is generally nonsense, but for the first time, they themselves collided again in the same Athens.

I come in the morning for breakfast (he was included in the room rate), only covered the paradise, the manager comes (yes, the hotel with him is very "lucky"), asks our number and loudly starts to talk to us (so what would hear everything) that we don't They had the right to have breakfast, for breakfast is not included and we have to pay. I got a reservation showed. Uncle said, "I'll find out now," and went to myself. 10 minutes we stood stood and waited. Then they could not stand and went to him themselves. As a result, the manager saw us, grunted: "Eat, I was wrong," and all .. no apologies, nothing. It is clear that I never would ever recommend this hotel and described everything in the revocation.


You came to the hotel, and you were not waiting. The reasons may be different - from the technical failure, to the acuteness of the staff, but you are not easier from this? We hit this situation twice. In Spain, one of two rooms was busy, as it turned out, the administrator could not explain, because both armor shone well on the monitor screen. As a result, we were given the number of the following tourists, and where they settled them, I do not know. The second time in Lisbon, the owner of the mini-hotel simply said that he had forgotten about us and in general he had a bunch of affairs. We arrived in the evening, to search in an unfamiliar city The hotel no longer had the strength, as a result we slept on the semi-short attack, and our friends on some mattresses in a semi-chain.

Inaccurate topographic hotel binding

You promised that from the hotel to the city center - 5 minutes walk, but, apparently, they got very hot, because in 5 minutes you only reach the subway, on which it is still at 10, finally, to the desired point. You bought a hotel on the second line from the sea, but in the description they forgot to write that this second line is located one and a half kilometers from the beach.

This is the only moment that can be avoided before booking - it is only worth finding a hotel on the map and see how really it is conveniently located.

Well, the funniest and strange complaints from booking reviews:

- instead of the promised air conditioner offered a hairdryer

- found in the room of funny insects

- left the dog in the room, for some reason, the maid did not get cleared

Expert answer

These legal relations are governed by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490 (Ed. Dated 03/13/2013) "On approval of the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "On Consumer Protection".

A) as for funds - in paragraph 20 of the Rules it is indicated that the consumer is entitled to terminate the contract for the provision of services at any time, paying the Contractor part of the price proportional to the part of the service provided before receiving the notice of termination of the contract and submissive the Contractor to the Contractor In order to fulfill the contract, if they are not included in the specified part of the price of the service.

Thus, if the hotel leaves the previously specified period, the amount paid to them must be returned to it.

Moreover, the rules establish that these legal relations are governed by the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" - so, according to Art. 32 of the Consumer Protection Act - the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the work of the contract for the performance of work (provision of services) at any time, subject to payment by the Contractor who actually incurred by them related to the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement. That is, the performer is obliged to return prepayment minus actually incurred costs. Such expenses must be documented.

B) Regarding the methods and registration of the assessment of damage to harm - if the guest caused damage, the act on the damage of the property of the hotel (form No. 9-d) is drawn up. The assessment is carried out by the hotel itself, but it can be challenged. Moreover, in your case, not everything is so unambiguous - it was possible that your guilt was not, then Art. 211 GK.

C) Obviously, the behavior of the hotel administration caused you inconvenience. In this connection, it is appropriate to demand compensation for moral damage - p. 24. The rules "The Contractor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is responsible for the harm caused to life, health or consumer property due to the shortcomings in the provision of services, and also compensates for the moral damage caused to the consumer Violation of consumer rights. "

You need to submit to the Contractor (Hotel) a written claim in which all circumstances will be set out. If cash is not returned, moral harm is not compensated, after time, it is possible to complain to Rospotrebnadzor, or with a claim for the protection of consumer rights to court.

#Instagram is the key to the success of hotels?

Almost all hotels and Russian, foreign, are divided by their success, news, shares in social networks. Social networks are the place where the direct contact of the organization with customers can be maintained (potential or real). It is on Instagram that modern marketers make bets. Among the specialists even a new term - "Instagrammability" appeared. That is, on

New stores

How to cope with guest complaints in the hotel?

In life, unforeseen situations often arise, which can later grow into a conflict. Work in the hotel business involves the ability to solve any situations, without bringing them to conflict. Despite the fact that it is not always possible to prepare an employee of a hotel to freelance situations, he should clearly represent how to behave to satisfy the client's complaint and not spoil the hotel's image or the impression of a guest about the city. Whether it is a big hotel or mini-hotel, complaints should be solved equally.

Guest complaints can be divided into 4 types: complaints about equipment or furniture (air conditioning, lighting, water supply, elevator, etc.), on the attitude of the hotel staff, service, for unforeseen circumstances. Any of them can be solved for 4 steps.

Step 1

First of all, it is necessary to carefully listen to the guest, learn about all its claims and the reason for discontent. It is necessary to approach each problem with all seriousness and in no way say that the problem is insignificant (even if it is such). In no case do not take complaints to your account, because the guest does not blame you, but informs that something does not suit him in the hotel. Never argue with a guest and try to keep as much as a friendly facial expression. It happens that guests who have complained have been talking too emotionally. You, as an employee of the hotel, you need to keep calm and clearly detect the problem. If you are not able to solve the problem yourself, you need to inform about the head of the manager, after which the guest to report to the decision. Remember, in this case you are personally responsible, and it is from your behavior that the event is depends on.

Step 2.

Guest must be informed about the actions taken at each stage of the path. If you cannot contact the head, it is also necessary to inform: "Dear ***, I will inform about the current situation by the manager / manager and we solve the problem within 10 minutes." It is advisable to inform the manager in the presence of a guest.

Step 3.

The head or manager should contact the guest and report that they were informed about the current situation. The manager / manager must apologize and offer an alternative solution or a bonus from the hotel. Usually, as a bonus, guests are relocated to the room of an improved category with preservation of cost, providing a discount for accommodation, providing a free shuttle, providing free accommodation (if the problem is really global). If the problem has not been solved, it is necessary to report this to the Director-General.

After the report to the Director-General, the hotel administrator must learn from the guest whether the problem was solved, after which it was recorded in the magazine. The solution of any situation should take no more than 24 hours.

Unfortunately, these simple, it would seem at first glance, the rules are not always observed. But they would allow them to significantly increase the rating of hotels and hotel business in Russia as a whole.

Work with guest complaints in the hotel

All hotels of any level and quality of service are facing complaints of guests. It may be just a negative feedback with good-natured guest comments in a plaintive book, and there may be loud claims of an angry client and a cry at a reception that smoothly turns into a fight. To avoid such negative moments in the well-established work of the hotel and management, and hotel administrators should be able to cope with similar situations and receive a maximum of useful to communicate with a conflicting guest.

In such a situation, to respond to a complaint or a guest's claim at the hotel, we advise strictly on the algorithm proposed by us. Then you save the time, and the nerves of the staff of employees, as well as the reputation of your hotel, which is directly related to your profit.

Algorithm of work with complaints of guests at the hotel

It is necessary to foresee all the client's objections in advance. It is necessary to collect all the objections of your guests to prepare a good response to them in advance, and the best way to eliminate all possible negative moments in your hotel.

  1. Do not change in the face and do not show the loss of interest in the client. If the guest objects, then he is interested in your services. He is ready to spend his time and nerves to make your service better, and your business is more successful. Use his review like a lesson. In our time, constructive criticism is the most expensive material and, few of the guests will spend your time to make your business better.
  2. Do not take guest objections as personal insult. All the offensive statements of the client belong not to you personally, but to the hotel service, the company that you represent.
  3. You must listen to the client completely. Let him completely speak and "release steam". Long, more than half an hour none of the customers will swear. It simply does not have enough strength in any normal person. Use the technique of "active hearing": do not argue, at the right moment, nod, ask clarifying questions. Be calm and calm.
  4. Do not strive to win over an opponent in the dispute. In any case, agree with the guest, and tell me that you understand his indignation very well.
  5. Determine the type of client's objection and the way to work with it. Highlight the moments with which you agree and disagree.
  6. People are very worried about complaints. But if you solve the problem according to the scheme - it will be easier. Save and time and nerves.
  7. Rehend to the complaint not as a complaint, but as a question. "Did you have a question? Well, we all clarified. " If it turned out that the client exposed you and revealed a mistake, be grateful to him.
  8. If you are to blame, apologize, compensate for the guest of the experience: resettlement to the best room, etc. The main thing is not to fall into stress and do not be like to someone who swears.
  9. Listen to the dissatisfied guest completely and make sure that no longer has the negative moments that are dissatisfied. It may be such questions: is there anything else that you do not suit or caused discontent? Is it possible to assume that everything else suits you?

Companies compiled complaints of tourists on hotels and sanatoriums of Russia

The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (Ator) analyzed complaints of Russians to domestic hotels, sanatoriums and other accommodation facilities. Attor, it is noted that about 75% of hotel reviews are positive, but about a third of them are ordered by the hotel rooms themselves. 25% of reviews are negative - on them and the rating of complaints of guests was compiled.

Russians, resting in hotels and sanatoriums across the country, complained about antisanitia, poor infrastructure, incompetent and ignorant personnel, on poor nutrition, noise, lack of Internet access and so on.

So, 17% of complaints related to dirty rooms - with cockroaches, clouds, mattresses in spots and ribbon bedding. Additionally, 8% of reviews contain complaints of poor cleaning in the rooms.

15% of users who left feedback complained about rudeness and rudeness from the hotel's employees. 9% of complaints related to the organization of nutrition: Tourists fed tastefully, monotonously, there were cases of poisoning, cockroaches came across. For unemployed equipment (air conditioners, phones, cranes, etc.) complained 8% of guests.

6% of guests noted the incomprehension of photographs and descriptions of the hotel with reality, and the same amount to the inconsistency of the price and quality of accommodation. 4% of the guests complained about the defeats from the hotel administration, another 4% - in vain waited the promised transfer and the same amount noted bad noise insulation in the rooms.

The quality of the Internet connection (or its absence) did not like 3% of users. In addition, the Russians complained that hotels do not correspond to the stated "stars", on bad animation and to theft.

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The hotel business is a fairly favorable direction, but it is necessary to take into account that all the rules of the SES for the hotel must be met, otherwise the institution risks losing a reputation or star.
The hotel may include a spa center, swimming pool, a sports room and other services. This somewhat complicates getting all the necessary permits, because it will have to receive paper for each type of activity carried out in the building.

So, what is important for the hotel:

  • Finding into the building itself, namely, the reception, the guest, in addition to the internal interior, can appreciate the service primarily;
  • Also for people traveling with children, it is important. How it is organized and what exactly is served;
  • For connoisseurs of comfort, the stylistic foundation and interior are important;
  • And last or last or during stay in the hotel, a person has a chance to assess the sanitary and hygienic state. As far as it matches the standards.
Knowledge of the norms will come in handy not only to a businessman thinking to open its hotel, but also to guests to fully assess the level of the hotel complex.

SES Requirements for Hotel

To open your own hotel, as a rule, build a new building. For him, it is necessary to purchase a land plot, and in the construction of observance of sanitary requirements of the planning. In addition to residential premises, it is necessary to pay attention to the zones of reception, nutrition, leisure, and the wellness and sports area, medical, administrative and household. Depending on the size of the hotel, the number of rooms and volumes of zones is calculated.
When it happens that the finished buildings are redeemed, it is very important that they do not belong to the residential fund. This is a strictest violation of hotel requirements.
Requirements of the SES to the hotel are not limited to living and nutrition conditions. Many hotel complexes offer their salons, SPA centers and various recreation areas. For them, compliance with certain requirements.

Check SES Hotels

What moments are inspectors (or guests themselves) pay attention, first of all during verification:
  • The presence of the relevant inventory is registered in the sanitary rules, and it must comply with GOST;
  • The following item should be the point that cleaning should be made by the hotel staff, the focus is on appearance. Neatly tailored and clean form;
  • Each maid has its own trolley for transporting linen (both clean and dirty);
  • Cleaning should be made in the current mode, and when changing guests, general cleaning is carried out using disinfectants;
  • During cleaning itself, the staff is not entitled to get up on such surfaces as the table, chairs, sofas, chairs, beds and bedside tables;
  • For bathrooms in the rooms there is daily disinfection;
  • It is not allowed that the volume of hotel residential premises was less than 15 cubic meters (calculated per person);
  • The hotel must be equipped with hot and cold water supply;
  • For each number there is a ventilation system;
  • The organization of garbage disposal is made either on the floor or in a separate room.
The above items are able to check any hotel guestroom, and based on their conclusions or note violations.
If guests noticing the inconsistency and turn to Rospotrebnadzor, the check of the SES of the hotel is inevitable.

Very important item is the security of guests, so the presence of a good fire alarm is checked by an inspector among the first items.
An important factor in a comfortable stay, is the lack of pests, insects, unpleasant smell and mold in the premises of the hotel. Therefore, the SES contract with the hotel includes a requirement for the availability of contracts with sanitary services.

Dez Group provides services for disinfection, deratization, disinsection, destroying mold mushrooms and smell. An individual approach and a high level of quality of services provided will help without prejudice to the hotel's work, preventive work and eliminate pests in time. The competence of the Dz Group specialists is constantly increasing, and the work uses drugs that have passed laboratory research and having appropriate quality certificates.

Documents SES for the hotel

Prepare Documents SES for the hotel can companies that specialize in helping small and medium businesses. Lawyers support legal support and help accommodation and other papers.

For a hotel business, a production control program is provided, the relevant authorities are followed by compliance with its regulations.
According to the regulatory and legal acts and regulations registered in SanPiN, the Rospotrebnadzor is inspected.
So, what papers should be prepared for the opening of the hotel:

  • Contracts with laboratories for testing water quality, air, etc.;
  • Conclusions about the ergonomics of the space of numbers and jobs;
  • Removal and utilization of garbage according to the contract (MSW);
  • Contract for the disposal of mercury-containing waste (luminescent lamps);
  • Agreement for sanitary treatments according to graphics;
  • Journal of accounting for cleaning ventilation moves and servicing air conditioners;
  • Availability of a contract with a medical organization and medical books for all employees;
  • In the absence of its own laundry, a contract for laundry and forms of employees;
  • Meaning journals.
The conclusion of the SES for the hotel is issued on the basis of documents from fire and sanitary services.

SES permission for the hotel

How to get a resolution of the SES for the hotel?

To get the resolution of the SES for the hotel you need compulsory paper. They will be provided only after the relevant documents on the observance of fire safety and the installation of fire sensors will be prepared. It is also important to have documents from sanitary services to conduct all preventive measures.

Obtaining the resolution of the SES for the hotel is associated with a multitude of nuances, so it will not be superfluous to have a legally savvy person in the headquarters to avoid in the future misunderstandings and fines.