Track schedule Mineral waters Caucasian. Train schedule Mineralnye Vody - Caucasian

Current timetable of Mineral water trains - Caucasian includes 2 trains (suburban trains, diesel engines) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, daytime. The most high-speed train (suburban train) is recommended, which is sent at 1,35 m from the mineral waters station and arrives at the Caucasian station at 17 am 25 m. If you need to take the same time on the way, it is worth choosing a number 6833/6219 in the schedule / Message Mineralnye Vody - Caucasian, in this case the trip will take 5 hours 10 m. Between the stations Mineralnye Vody and Caucasian, this electric train passing 40 stops. Among them are the glass factory (06.30), 1794 km of stoppoint (07.16), watershed (07.49), 1725 km stopping point (08.59), Kondonovo (09.50), 1627 km Stopping point (10.45), on which there is an opportunity to change the transplant other destinations. On this page you can always find out the schedule of Mineralnye Vody - Caucasian, including seasonal, summer and winter. Before planning a trip on the route Mineral Waters, Caucasian Familiarize yourself first with a schedule on our website, as well as specify this schedule at the nearest train station, as some operational changes are possible.
Mineral waters - Caucasian train tickets can be purchased at the ticket office of the nearest station.

This train schedule along the Caucasian - Mineralnye Water route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to clarify the schedule at the help desk.

Train schedule Caucasian - Mineralnye Vody

Currently, Caucasian Mineralnye Vody consists of flights in A quantity 23: Direct Trains - 0, Passing - 23. These are flights 034С, 061CH, 004M, 049A, 810С, 526С - The fastest of which 810C Rostov-main Kislovodsk, which overcomes Distance along the route Caucasian Mineralnye Waters for 0 d 2 h 52 min, the slower goes the train 526s Simferopol-Pass. Kislovodsk, departure at 10:20. The number of stops on the route Caucasian Mineral Waters ranges from 3 to 5, depending on the train schedule and averages 4. On the following path, the composition makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 55 minutes. From the Caucasian Station, trains are sent in the morning - 00:16, 02:16, 02:16 and in the afternoon - 17:39, 17:51, 19:28. All trains travel from Caucasian stations, and mineral waters arrive at the stations.

Timetable and trains Mineralnye Vody - Caucasian currently includes long-distance trains - 29, trains (suburban trains, diesel engines) - 2. The first train leaves from the mineral waters at night at night 07 m and arrives at the end station at 03 hours 28 m. The last train leaves from the mineral waters station at 23 h 10 m and arrives at night to the destination. In accordance with the schedule, the average time on the way from the point of departure of mineral waters to the arrival point Caucasian is 3 hours 32 m: The most fast train rides 2 h 47 m, the slower is located on the way 5 h 10 m.
Some trains from the mineral waters station to the Caucasian station run on individual days (have a special schedule of motion).
Trains following the route Mineralnye Vody - Caucasian pass through such stations and settlements as: Nevinnomysskaya.
Train and train schedule on the route Mineral Waters - CaucasianShown here, regularly updated and always available summer and winter schedules.
Buy train tickets Mineralnye Vody - Caucasian can be at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and on the train - only at the train station only.

Currently, the scoreboard timetable in the mineral waters - Caucasian consists of 237 long-distance trains. Trains are stopped at large stations (such as mineral waters, Caucasian), whose motion schedule can be found on our website. The average time on the way, which overcomes moving formulations between these stations is 3 h 30 min.

All trains can be divided into morning, daytime and night. The first passenger train, which is sent at night along the RZD Kislovodsk - Yekaterinburg at number 045s goes at 0 hours 7 minutes. From the mineral water station and at 3 o'clock 35 min. He arrives at the caucasian station. For example, the night train number number 367c follows from the mineral water station at 00:07:00 and comes to Perron at 03:35:00 at the Caucasian station. Night and last, in turn, far distance train goes at number 061c. Sends with mineral waters at 23 o'clock 10 minutes. And accordingly arrives at 2 hours 28 minutes. At the caucasian station.

On our site there is a correct online schedule on the direction of mineral waters - Caucasian at this time. Due to the possible changes in the schedule of travel of Russian Railways along the route Mineralnye Vody - Caucasian - we recommend contacting additional information in reference services of railway stations where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.