You are beautiful, there is no doubt if you do m@net. You are beautiful, no doubt, if you do m@net The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights

In a fairy tale style, almost imitating, but expressing a counterthesis to the line of behavior of the magic mirror of that fairy tale :)))

You are beautiful, no doubt!
You are the cutest in the world
Queen of all planets!
The Wind yearns for you!
The sun is full of envy.
The moon bows low.
Even Eternity became wine
Wants to be so close to you
What intoxicates the whole world around.
Everyone's head is spinning
But they don’t know how to broadcast
Became like this. They want to get drunk!
Have fun around the world!
Eternity cannot end...
I'll sing to you about love -
You are more precious than anyone in the world...

All. I am your mirror! :)

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The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights Pushkin fairy tale with illustrations

The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights

The king and queen said goodbye
Prepared for the journey,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.

He waits and waits from morning until night,
Looks into the field, indian eyes
They got sick looking
From white dawn until night;

I can't see my dear friend!
He just sees: a blizzard is swirling,
Snow is falling on the fields,
The whole white earth.

Nine months pass
She doesn't take her eyes off the field.
Here on Christmas Eve at the very

God gives the queen a daughter.

Early in the morning the guest is welcome,
Day and night for so long

From afar at last
The Tsar Father returned.

She looked at him,
She sighed heavily,
I couldn’t stand the admiration
And she died at mass.

For a long time the king was inconsolable,
But what to do? and he was

The year has passed like an empty dream,
The king married someone else.

Tell the truth, young lady
There really was a queen:
Tall, slender, white,
And I took it with my mind and with everything;
But proud, brittle,
Willful and jealous.
She was given as a dowry
There was only one mirror;
The mirror had the following properties:
It can speak well.
She was alone with him
Good-natured, cheerful,
I joked with him kindly
And, showing off, she said:

“My light, mirror! Tell
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All rosy and white?”

And the mirror answered her:

“You, of course, no doubt;
You, queen, are the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter."

And the queen laughs
And shrug your shoulders
And wink your eyes,
And click your fingers,
And spin around, arms akimbo,
Looking proudly in the mirror.

1 Waste away - dry out, lose weight (decrepit).

3 Christmas Eve is the day before church holidays - Christmas and baptism.

4 Young woman - here: young wife.

6 Lomliva (from the verb to break) - that is, stubborn, capricious.

But the princess is young,
Silently blooming,
Meanwhile, I grew, grew,
Rose and blossomed,
White-faced, black-browed,
The character of such a meek one.
And the groom was found for her,
Prince Elisha.
The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word,
And the dowry is ready:
Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers.

Getting ready for a bachelorette party
Here is the queen, dressing up
In front of your mirror,
I exchanged words with him:

“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,
All rosy and white?”

What's the answer to the mirror?

“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter."

As the queen jumps away,
Yes, as soon as he waves his hand,
Yes, it will slam on the mirror,
It’s like stamping on a heel.
“Oh, you vile glass!
You are lying to me to spite me.
How can she compete with me?
I'll calm the stupidity in her.
Look how much she has grown!
And it’s no wonder that it’s white:
Mother belly sat
Yes, I just looked at the snow!
But tell me: how can she
Be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I am more beautiful than everyone else.
Go around our entire kingdom,
Even the whole world; I have no equal.
Is not it?" Mirror in response:

“But the princess is still sweeter,
Everything is more rosy and whiter.”

Nothing to do. She,
Full of black envy
Throwing the mirror under the bench,
She called Chernavka to her place
And punishes her
To his hay girl,
News to the princess in the depths of the forest
And, tying her up, alive
Leave it there under the pine tree
To be devoured by the wolves.

The devil can deal with a woman

There is no point in arguing. With the princess
Here Chernavka went into the forest
And brought me to such a distance,
What did the princess guess?
And I was scared to death,
And she prayed: “My life!
What, tell me, am I guilty of?
Don't ruin me, girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I will spare you."
The one who loves her in my soul,
Didn't kill, didn't tie up,
She let go and said:
“Don’t worry, God bless you.”
And she came home.
"What? - the queen told her, -
Where is the beautiful maiden?
- There, in the forest, there is one, -
She answers her. -
Her elbows are tightly tied;
Will fall into the claws of the beast,
She will have to endure less
It will be easier to die.

And the rumor began to ring:
The royal daughter is missing!
The poor king grieves for her.
Prince Elisha,
Having prayed earnestly to God,
Hitting the road
For a beautiful soul,
For the young bride.

But the bride is young,
Wandering in the forest until dawn,
Meanwhile everything went on and on
And I came across the tower.
The dog meets her, barking,
He came running and fell silent, playing;
She entered the gate
There is silence in the courtyard.
The dog runs after her, caressing her,
And the princess, getting close,
Went up to the porch
And she took the ring;
The door opened quietly,
And the princess found herself
In the bright upper room; all around
Carpeted benches
Under the saints there is an oak table,
Stove with tiled stove bench.
The girl sees what's here
Good people live;
You know, she won’t be offended!
Meanwhile, no one is visible.
The princess walked around the house,
I put everything away in order,
I lit a candle for God,
I lit the stove hot,
Climbed onto the floor
And she quietly lay down.

Lunch hour was approaching
There was a stomping sound in the yard:
Seven heroes enter
Seven ruddy barbels.
The elder said: “What

Everything is so clean and beautiful.
Someone was tidying up the mansion
Yes, he was waiting for the owners.
Who? Come out and show yourself
Make friends with us honestly.
If you are an old man,
You will be our uncle forever.
If you're a ruddy guy,
You will be called our brother.

If the old lady, be our mother,
So let's call it a name.
If the red maiden
Be our dear sister."

And the princess came down to them,
I gave honor to the owners,
She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, she apologized,
Somehow I went to visit them,
Even though I wasn’t invited.
Instantly, by their speech, they recognized
That the princess was received;
Sat in a corner
They brought a pie;
The glass was poured full,
It was served on a tray.
From green wine
She denied;
I just broke the pie,
Yes, I took a bite,
And get some rest from the road
I asked to go to bed.
They took the girl
Up into the bright room
And left alone
Going to bed.

Day after day goes by, flashing,
And the princess is young
Everything is in the forest, she’s not bored
Seven heroes.
Before dawn
Brothers in a friendly crowd
They go out for a walk,
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse your right hand,
Sorochina rushes to the field,
Or head off broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar,
Or chased out of the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian.

And she is the hostess
Meanwhile alone
He will clean and cook.
She won't contradict them
They won't contradict her.
So days go by.

Brothers dear girl
Loved it. To her room
Once, as soon as it was dawn,
All seven of them entered.
The elder said to her: “Maiden,
You know: you are a sister to all of us,
All seven of us, you
We all love for ourselves
We would all like to take you,
Yes, you can’t, for God’s sake
Make peace between us somehow:
Be one's wife
Other affectionate sister.
Why are you shaking your head?
Are you refusing us?
Are the goods not for the merchants?

1 Picking up - i.e. picking up, lifting up a long dress.

2 Under the saints - here: under the icons.

3 Polati - wide bunks for sleeping, arranged in huts under the ceiling.

“Oh, you guys are honest,
Brothers, you are my family, -
The princess tells them,
If I lie, may God command
I won't get out of this place alive.
What do i do? because I'm a bride.
For me you are all equal
All are daring, all are smart,
I love you all from the bottom of my heart;
But to another I am forever
Given away. I love everyone
Prince Elisha."

The brothers stood silently
Yes, they scratched their heads.
“Demand is not a sin. Forgive us, -
The elder said bowing, -

If so, I won’t mention it
About that." - “I’m not angry,”
She said quietly,
And my refusal is not my fault.”
The suitors bowed to her,
Slowly they moved away
And everything agrees again
They began to live and get along.

1 Svetlitsa - in the old days this was the name for a small bright room in the upper part of the house.

2 Sorochin - here: foe, enemy.

3 To rush - to throw him off his horse, to make him goblin.

4 Contradict, contradict - argue.

Meanwhile, the queen is evil,
Remembering the princess
I couldn't forgive her
And on the mirror
I sulked and got angry for a long time;
Finally had enough of him
And she followed him, and sat down
In front of him, I forgot my anger,
Started to show off again
And with a smile she said:
“Hello, mirror! Tell
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All rosy and white?”
And the mirror answered her:
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But he lives without any glory,
Among the green oak groves,
At the seven heroes
The one who is still dearer than you.”
And the queen flew in
To Chernavka: “How dare you
Fool me? and in what. »
She admitted everything:
Anyway. Evil queen
Threatening her with a slingshot
I put it down or not live,
Or destroy the princess.

Since the princess is young,
Waiting for my dear brothers,
She was spinning while sitting under the window.
Suddenly angrily under the porch
The dog barked and the girl
Sees: beggar blueberry
Walks around the yard with a stick
Driving the dog away. “Wait,
Grandma, wait a little, -
She shouts to her through the window, -
I'll threaten the dog myself
And I’ll bring you something.”
The blueberry answers her:
“Oh, you little girl!
The damned dog prevailed
Almost ate it to death.
Look how busy he is!
Come out to me." - The princess wants
I went out to her and took the bread,
But I just left the porch,
The dog is at her feet and barks,
And he won’t let me see the old woman;
Only the old woman will go to her,
He is angrier than the forest beast,
For an old woman. “What kind of miracle?
Apparently he didn't sleep well, -
The princess tells her: -
Well, catch it!” - and the bread flies.
The old woman caught the bread:
“Thank you,” she said. -
God bless you;
Here's to you, catch it!

1 Slingshot - in the old days people were punished by putting a wooden or iron collar with four ends (or “horns”) around their necks, which prevented the person from sleeping.

2 Chernitsa is a nun.

And to the princess a liquid,
Young, golden,
The apple is flying straight.
The dog will jump and squeal.
But the princess in both hands
Grab - caught. "For the sake of boredom
Eat an apple, my light.
Give thanks for lunch."
The old lady said,
She bowed and disappeared.
And from the princess to the porch
The dog runs into her face
He looks pitifully, howls menacingly,
It’s like a dog’s heart is aching,
As if he wants to tell her:
Give it up! - She caressed him,
Ruffles with a gentle hand;
“What, Sokolko, what’s wrong with you?
Lay down! - and entered the room,
The door was quietly locked,
I sat down under the window and grabbed some yarn.
Wait for the owners, and looked
It's all about the apple. It
Full of ripe juice,
So fresh and so fragrant
So ruddy and golden
It’s like it’s filled with honey!
The seeds are visible right through.
She wanted to wait
Before lunch; couldn't stand it
I took the apple in my hands,
She brought it to her scarlet lips,
Slowly bit through
And she swallowed a piece.
Suddenly she, my soul,
I staggered without breathing,
White hands dropped,
I dropped the ruddy fruit,
Eyes rolled back
And she's like that
She fell head on the bench
And she became quiet and motionless.

The brothers went home at that time
They came back in a crowd
From a brave robbery.
To meet them, howling menacingly,
The dog runs to the yard
Shows them the way. “Not good! -
The brothers said: - sadness
We won’t pass.” They galloped up,
They entered and gasped. Having run in,
Dog at apple headlong
He rushed barking, got angry,
Swallowed it, fell down
And died. Got drunk
It was poison, you know.
Before the dead princess
Brothers in grief
Everyone hung their heads
And with the holy prayer
They lifted me from the bench, dressed me,
They wanted to bury her
And they changed their minds. She,
Like under the wing of a dream,
She lay so quiet and fresh,
That she just couldn’t breathe.
We waited three days, but she
Didn't rise from sleep.
Having performed a sad ritual,
Here they are in the crystal coffin
Young princess corpse
They laid it down - and in a crowd
They carried me to an empty mountain,
And at midnight
Her coffin to six pillars
On cast iron chains there
Screwed down carefully
And they fenced it off with bars;
And, before the dead sister
Having made a bow to the ground,
The elder said:

Suddenly went out, a victim of anger,
Your beauty is on earth;
Heaven will receive your spirit.
You were loved by us
And for the dear one we keep -
No one got it
Only one coffin."

On the same day the evil queen
Waiting for good news
Secretly I took a mirror
And she asked her question:
“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,
All rosy and white?”
And I heard in response:

“You, queen, no doubt,
You are the cutest in the world,
All blush and whiter."

For his bride
Prince Elisha
Meanwhile, he jumps around the world.
No way! He cries bitterly
And whoever he asks
His question is tricky for everyone;
Who laughs in his face,
Who would rather turn away;
To the red sun at last
Well done.
“Our sunshine! You

All year round in the sky, you drive
Winter with warm spring,
You see us all below you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Haven't you seen anywhere in the world
Are you young princess?
I am her groom." - “You are light

The red sun answered, -
I haven't seen the princess.
She is no longer alive.
Is it a month, my neighbor,
I met her somewhere
Or a trace of her was noticed.”

Dark Night Elisha
He waited in his anguish.
It's only been a month
He chased after him with a prayer.
“A month, a month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You rise in deep darkness,
Chubby, bright-eyed,
And, loving your custom,
The stars are looking at you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you young princess?
I am her groom." - “My brother,
The clear month answers, -
I have not seen the red maiden.
I stand on guard
Just in my turn.
Without me, the princess, apparently,
I ran." -

The prince answered.
The clear month continued:
"Wait a minute; about her, perhaps
The wind knows. He will help.
Now go to him
Don’t be sad, goodbye.”

Elisha, without losing heart,
He rushed to the wind, calling:
“Wind, wind! You are powerful
You are chasing flocks of clouds,
You stir the blue sea
Everywhere you blow in the open air,
You're not afraid of anyone
Except God alone.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you young princess?
I am her fiancé.” - “Wait,”
The wild wind answers,
There behind the quiet river
There is a high mountain
There is a deep hole in it;
In that hole, in the darkness

The crystal coffin is rocking
On chains between pillars.
No trace of anyone to be seen
Around that empty space;
Your bride is in that coffin.”

The wind ran away.
The prince began to cry
And he went to an empty place,
For a beautiful bride
Watch it again at least once.
Here he comes; and got up
The mountain in front of him is steep;
The country around her is empty;
There is a dark entrance under the mountain.
He's heading there quickly.
In front of him, in the darkness

The crystal coffin is rocking,
And in the crystal coffin
The princess sleeps in eternal sleep.
And about the coffin of the dear bride
He hit with all his might.

The coffin broke. Virgo suddenly
Alive. Looks around
With amazed eyes,
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
“How long have I been sleeping!”
And she rises from the grave.
Oh. and they both burst into tears.
He takes her in his hands
And brings light from darkness,
And, having a pleasant conversation,
They set off on their way back,
And the rumor is already trumpeting:
The royal daughter is alive!

At home idle at that time
The evil stepmother sat
In front of your mirror
And she talked to him.

Saying: “Am I the cutest of all,
All rosy and white?”

And I heard in response:

“You are beautiful, there are no words,
But the princess is still sweeter,
Everything is redder and whiter.”

The evil stepmother jumped up,
Breaking a mirror on the floor
I ran straight to the door
And I met the princess.
Then sadness took over her,
And the queen died.
They just buried her
The wedding was celebrated immediately,
And with his bride
Elisha got married;
And no one since the beginning of the world
I have never seen such a feast;
I was there, honey, drank beer,
Yes, he just wet his mustache.

Who is the cutest in the world? you are beautiful, no doubt!
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Poems with the name Milena

Milena, you are my love,
Your tender smile
Made me crazy and will drive you crazy
It will take me to love.
Milena, you are my dream,
You have both intelligence and beauty,
You are precious to me
I love you madly!

Milena, you are the most beautiful in the world!
I can’t compare you with anyone!
You are like a warm, southern, good wind,
You can caress everyone while running!
You can always find a word for everyone,
You will support and give good advice!
So happy birthday, honey!
And remember - there is no better person in the whole world!

Milena, you are incredible
Fell in love with you forever
It’s nice to be with you, my love,
I will never forget!
Believe me, you are the best in the world,
You are so beautiful my baby
My love for you is like the wind
Believe me, you won’t extinguish it.

Miracle girl Milena
She's beautiful, no doubt about it.
Interesting, multifaceted -
Light comes from you.
Happy birthday, our miracle!
Our eternal spring
Our sunny morning
The ideal of any dream.
You, Milenochka, are a joy
Our gray weekdays.
Like a hot lambada
You are circling in a whirlwind of passions.
You don't know the word "boredom" -
You don’t sit idle for a day,
Torment will not overtake you,
You will run away from her!

Milena, my dear,
I love you very much
When I first met -
I fell into the pool of your eyes.
You are beautiful, no doubt
Let the whole world know
That beauty is with me,
And I don't need another one.

Milena is full of sensitivity
She will give you kindness.
People trust her without a doubt
Adversity, joy, mood swings.
Caring and faithful to your neighbor,
In business she is diligent, agile and smart;
Her imagination will not let her down.
She will find a worthy solution to everything.
Let Milena by his side
Troubles and sadness are often avoided;
All accomplishments will be completed successfully,
There will be good luck and admiration for life!

You, Milena, are simply amazing!
So unusual, so smart,
All your whims are forgiven,
I want you to be next to me.
I love you madly, honey,
I'm proud of you with all my heart,
Always smiling, beautiful,
Please always be with me.

Milena, dear friend!
Rejoice and rejoice, bloom!
And blizzards and blizzards are not scary,
And problems along the way!
Success and luck in everything,
Health, bright bright days!
And not only on your birthday
You are a queen for your friends!

Milena, you are my gift,
Why did you deserve this?
This is just unreal -
You're so perfect
There are no other people like me in the world
I would not have found or met,
You are my angel, so beautiful
I'm just scared without you!

Mila, Darling, Milena.
I hear the words from my heart.
That is my soul and heart.
Collecting names.

My soul likes Milena.
Dear to my heart.
They just don't care about me.
Who is dear to my heart?

I will say one thing, dear ones.
The root of the word is the same.
Those names are golden.
And I haven’t forgotten about you.

There is tenderness smoldering in that name.
Not an Earthly Deity.
Let that name be written into eternity.
After all, it found you all.

Share fate and conquer.
After all, you have been given a sign.
Be always, always beautiful.
There is no other way.

We, Milena, congratulate
On this holiday we welcome you!
We wish you very honestly
More sparkle in your eyes!
Let them sparkle with light
From enchanting love!
And let the troubles pass,
And the victories are all yours!

Milena's sea is knee-deep
And neither the storm nor the wind are scary.
After all, because you are Milena,
More beautiful than anyone in this world.
I wish you all earthly blessings,
To admire only: - Ah!
So that there is no trouble with you
And stay young.

Grandfather will say: “Darling”
Mommy will say: “Milena.”
Daddy will say: "Beautiful"
Mommy again: “Milena.”
Brother will add: “Cheerful”
And mommy immediately: “Milena.”
Grandma will say again: “Darling”
And everything around her harmonizes:
“Our dear Milena!”

Milena, so many words, without ellipses! –
I want to say this from the bottom of my heart today!
Because your name is a precious stone,
Can't help but leave you indifferent.

May it be on your birthday, the most fabulous of days,
You will be happy with your friends.
Let the smile sparkle in your eyes -
And a sunny bunny sparkles in her hair.

Let all the joy fall at your feet,
You conquer the top of the pedestal,
May your dreams certainly come true,
And let beauty be where you are!

Give love to everyone around you,
Let only goodness circle above you,
Good luck, glory and spiritual blessings -
You deserve it, after all!

Milena, good friend,
Caring, affectionate mother!
Sedin, don’t let the blizzard touch you
And let there be joy ahead!
And your birthday is like a ray of sunshine
Will warm all your friends with its warmth!
And this day will suddenly become the best,
Let it always be the best day!

Happy Holidays, Milena,
Always remain incomparable
Beautiful, smart, cheerful,
Loved by everyone and very sweet!

We wish Milena to be cheerful, lively,
So that the boys can all talk about love vying with each other!
May you be dazzlingly sweet like a Goddess,
So that beauty does not fade, but blooms even more strongly,
Let us wish you a life of joy, without offense and without hassle,
So that happiness increases day after day, year after year!

My daughter Milena
The best in the world!
There is no dearer person
To me on the whole planet!

My daughter Milena
I love you the most!
And without being ashamed about it
I tell everyone!

Dear Milena,
You are my soul!
Most dear,
I love you!

Whatever happens,
Know that you are not alone!
I will not leave you

I'll cover you
I'll save you from troubles
What can I do in life?
I will help you!

It's a pity that dads are around
You don't have it.
But it's always nearby
You have mom!

Dear Milenochka,
Grow up, be healthy!
And my own mother,
Don't forget yours.

Milenka, Milenochka,
Little girl,
Beautiful girl
We all really like it;
The mouth is chattering,
The nose is a snub nose,
Diamond eyes,
Eavesdropping ears,
Legs run and run,
They're running along the path
They run to mommy
To mommy and daddy.

Milena, happy birthday!
You are as always beautiful and gentle!
And every year I understand more,
I need you like air, dear!
I can't imagine myself without you
And my whole world is filled only with you!
And I have no doubt - I know for sure
That you were sent to me by fate!

Dance reggae on a cart
Wear Uggs in your neighborhood,
Jump from a helicopter with a parachute,
Feel how cool it is
To be different from everyone else, Milena,
So that even the sea is knee-deep,
And the mountains are only shoulder-deep,
Let the feelings be hot,
Let new desires appear,
And on your birthday, everything comes true!

I wish you, Milena, good luck and happiness,
May your life be as beautiful as in a fairy tale,
Let your eyes shine pure and clear,
May the days not pass in vain,
Just be cheerful, smiling, sweet,
Then the trouble will pass by!
May your life become brighter than before
Health, mutual love and hope.

Happy Birthday, Milena,
Let your dreams lead you to the land of dreams,
The tables are set there in your honor
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Let the glasses be filled with wine,
Let the songs and laughter flow,
At this festive table
Radiant success awaits you!
Let the fairies circle around
Fulfilling your wishes,
And you dance, have fun,
To the sounds of the waltz of love!

Confessions to the woman you love in your own words - texts of wishes

You are my sweet, gentle and most beautiful woman in the world. Every time I fall in love with you more when you see your beautiful eyes, I hear your ringing laugh, I kiss your lips, sweet as honey. I always feel so good and comfortable with you. I love you, I love you with sincere and pure love. I want to always be by your side and I promise to make you, my sunshine, the happiest in the world. For your sake, I am ready for any test. My bright flame of love will never fade. I am grateful to fate for such a wonderful gift. I love you, my beloved.

The most beautiful woman in the world is you, my beloved. My love is always with you, like a shadow. It is big, beautiful, it has neither end nor edge. I simply cannot keep my feelings secret, and I confess to you, my dear, that I love you. For me you are like the radiance of the day and like a light in the night. I love you more than anyone in the world. You alone found the key to my heart, you alone give me tenderness, affection and care. I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world, believe me. I live and breathe you, my precious.

I am the happiest person on earth. And this is your merit, my beloved woman. You are like the light in my window, like a warm ray of sunshine that always warms me. I'll tell you the three most important words in the world. I love you. You lit love in my heart, and it flares up more and more every day. You are my soulmate, the kindest, sweetest and most gentle. When you are next to me, the world becomes brighter and kinder. My love will be like a talisman for you. Always be with me, my happiness.

The most important thing in the world is love. This is the most powerful feeling. Each of us experienced excitement and embarrassment when meeting our beloved. Today I’m a little worried because I want to confess my love to you, my only woman. I'm just inspired by love for you. Every minute my thoughts are occupied only with you. I really want to be with you all my life. We are so suitable for each other, and apparently fate helped us meet for a reason. I love you tenderly, reverently and strongly. Only with you will I be happy.

I am simply incredibly lucky because I have the most beautiful woman on the entire planet. You are my goddess, my joy and my reward. I want to always be with you, protect you and love you. May this captivity of love in which I find myself remain with me for the rest of my life. With you I fly like a bird, my joy simply has no end. A woman like you is an ideal, it’s everyone’s dream. But I was the luckiest one. You filled my whole life. My love for you is limitless. Always shine on me, my brightest and most beautiful woman.

My beloved woman, my whole life is filled with you. My love is the strongest and most devoted. For your sake, I am ready to do anything, I can fulfill your cherished desire, as long as you are always with me. Your angelic character pleasantly surprises me, your kind soul gives me hope that we will be together with you all our lives. Only next to you will I be happy. I value your ringing voice and your silence, your joyful laughter and your charm. I am larger than life, my desired and only woman.

My beloved and most beautiful woman in the world, I am so glad that I call you mine. You are everything that is in my life, you are just my guardian angel. How good I feel with you, how comfortable I feel. I am the happiest person in the world. I love you devotedly, sincerely and tenderly. You are the woman of my dreams, everything connected with you is my life. I always feel your breath, and my soul is always full only of you. I am ready to carry you in my arms all my life, to love you like no one has ever loved. Be my soulmate forever.

I am so grateful to fate for giving me you. You are the dream of my life. Every minute spent with you is a holiday for me. You are my light in a cat, my ray of warmth, my charm. There is no one more beautiful and kinder than you on the whole earth. I will do everything to make you happy, you will swim in the ocean of my love all your life. I am so lucky to have you, my beloved, gentle, kind. I will fulfill all your cherished desires, just be always with me, my only one. Love for you inspires me and helps me live.

I often ask myself the question, what would I have done if I had not met you, my beloved? And I answer right away, this simply would not happen. After all, you are destined for me by fate, and fate, as you know, cannot be circumvented. Today I confess my love to you, my beloved, there is simply no point in hiding my feelings anymore. For me, you are everything in my life, you are my soulmate. I love you sincerely, tenderly and fervently, and I so hope for reciprocity. I love you and I want to always be only with you, my one and only.

I have been incredibly lucky in my life; I met the love I had been looking for for so long. This is love, you are my one and only. The most beautiful flower cannot compare with your beauty. You are the most important person in my life. I will give up all my previous hobbies and habits, if only you were near, my love. My whole life now depends on you, my sunshine. You are the only one with whom I want to live my whole life. I love you, my charm. You are my guardian angel, beloved and unique.

You are beautiful, no doubt about it. I fell in love with you the first time, and now I have lost peace and sleep. When you are near, my heart is filled with joy and warmth. I want to always be next to you, look into your beautiful eyes, listen to your ringing laughter, kiss your sweet lips, and talk about your love. you are the most tender, the most beautiful, the best in the world. I love and adore you. May my love always be a talisman for you. Darling, you are my life. I simply can’t imagine myself without you.

You are the dearest and most important person for me. Only with you I learned what happiness is. You inspire me to do everything good, only with you, my beloved, I am happy. Every minute spent with you is already a holiday. I love you sincerely, tenderly, I simply cannot live without you. My love is ready to overcome all obstacles, if only you were nearby, my beloved. I'm sure that we are two halves of one big thing, loving heart. I adore and idolize you, and I am one hundred percent sure of my feelings.

How many songs have been sung about love, how many poems have been read. And everyone has a completely different declaration of love. But every confession comes from the depths of the heart. So my feelings can no longer sit locked up, I, like a bird, release them into the wild. May my wings of love carry us throughout life. For me, you are the most tender, the kindest, the most beautiful, and simply mine. I value our relationship and will make you the happiest woman on the entire planet. You are my dream, my ideal, my inspiration. I love you, my joy.

You are the most beautiful, sweetest woman in the world. You always have an open soul and a simply angelic character. You have only positive traits. Everything about you is dear to me: your ringing voice, your silence and your tender kiss. I love you, my dear, and I want to be only with you all my life. You, with a ray of affection, lit a love in my heart that is flaring up more and more. You are the most beloved and most important mistress of my heart. You are simply my beloved woman, only with you I will always be happy.

Fate gave me the most beautiful woman in the world. I am so happy, dear, with you. Your love warms like the sun, always burning as a guiding star. I dream only about you, my precious, and when you are next to me, I melt with happiness. Every day I start with the thought of you, I simply adore you, my sun. You are my soulmate, without whom I cannot imagine my life. You are my guardian angel, my happiness, my love. I love you and want to be only with you all my life, my treasure.

My kind, gentle and most beautiful woman in the world. My life with you is like a song, like a mountain stream; clean and fast. If you are nearby, everything around is in the brightest colors. The most beautiful flower cannot compare with your beauty, my beloved. There is only you in my heart. I am ready to fulfill your deepest desire, as long as you are happy. You are perfection itself, you gave me the radiance of the day and the light of the night. I want to give you the key to my heart, and I want you to keep it all your life.

My beloved woman, from our first meeting I fell in love with you like a boy. I am enchanted by your beautiful eyes, your radiant smile, your gentle voice. You are simply my destiny, my soulmate. I am so happy with you, and life seems fabulous. I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world, for your sake, my love, I am ready for anything. Your love, like a talisman, protects me. I cherish you, live you, breathe you and adore you, my only woman. Be with me all my life, my joy

My beloved woman, how good it is that I have you. I am incredibly lucky to have you by my side. You are like spring, bright and beautiful. I dry up without you, like a flower without water. I love you and want to be by your side all my life. You are my treasure, you are my joy, my dream. Only with you I understood what happiness is. I love you madly with all my soul, with all my heart. You are the most important person for me. I will do everything to make you happy. My life completely changed when I met you. I love you, I cherish you and I thank fate that such a miracle as you is next to me.

My beloved woman is nearby. What else is needed for happiness? Kind, gentle, sweet - you mean so much to me. How happy I am that I have you, how proud I am that next to me is such a beautiful, affectionate and beloved woman that one can only dream of. Every word of yours, every smile of yours is more valuable to me than any treasure. I am so grateful to fate for such a gift of life. I will love you all my life, because there is simply no other way. My love for you is pure and sincere, and I so hope for reciprocity.

For me you are like light in a window, like a ray of golden sun. Your divine smile, your tender eyes, and your sweet kiss attract me so much. I love you with every cell of my body. I love you like no one has ever loved. You are the most precious thing I have. You are the most tender, the most affectionate, the kindest. For your sake, I am ready to do anything, I will fulfill your cherished desire, just so that you are happy, my dear. Your appearance completely changed my life. I love you and will love you forever. You are simply my only woman.

Your eyes are like a big ocean, into which, when you look, you drown in love. I am so happy that I love you, my love. You are my pearl, you are my treasure. I promise to take care of you all my life, I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world. I am pleased to call you glorious, sweet, beloved, and most importantly, my only woman. I love you, and I am ready to repeat these words tirelessly. You are the main thing in my life, you are simply my life, my destiny, my woman, my charm.

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  • The Beatles and demography in the USSR When the famous phrase “We (in the USSR) don’t have sex!” was born on the Leningrad-Boston TV bridge, I remembered Yura Konovalov. We studied together in the third year of the evening institute. Thirty-three-year-old Yura was the oldest in the group. His last name suited him very well. Broad shoulders, a properly broken nose, a low forehead, eyes piercing from the depths. It would be unpleasant to accidentally encounter something like this in the evening on the narrow “Bank Bridge” near our institute. But Yura spoke in a quiet voice, stuttering slightly, and was an excellent student. During a break between lectures, Yura came up to me and started a conversation that surprised me. “Bor, I want to ask for advice.” You've probably seen my friend? I remembered that Yura was sometimes met after class by a plain-looking girl. Also in her thirties, she usually huddled in the corner of the locker room, looking down through her glasses. Her round face, with her hair tied at the back of her head and thick lenses, resembled the appearance of Nadezhda Krupskaya from a famous portrait. “Yes, I remember.” “So, we’ve known each other for two years.” Yura looked around, hesitated. “We’re still walking and talking.” . They had already completely started talking to each other, but they couldn’t go any further. To me, already married for the second time, the situation was known, but incomprehensible. I stood up proudly from my new status as a “family consultant” and remembered my own tricks from the book. “Yura, now we’ll carefully think through everything.” Do you have a player? - Yes! Radiola “Rigonda”! I winced. - Well, okay. I’ll ask a friend for an English Beatles record for you one evening. - How about I buy it from him? - Don’t interrupt. Buy - you don’t have enough money. You'd better buy a new needle for the radio. Necessarily! Do you have a room? - I have an apartment. - Well, you give it to me! He has an apartment, and... So: buy a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, I’ll give you a record, and you’ll invite her to listen to the Beatles. - Yes, we listened to different music. What to do next? - Yura, the Beatles are not just music for you. I scratched the back of my head. I wanted to understand the disposition. - Do you have a chair? - Of course, even two. We come, sit in chairs and talk. For two years, we either walk or sit in armchairs. - So, probably, the armchairs also come with a sofa? - Well, yes, and a sofa, of course. But somehow we can’t sit on the sofa, it’s uncomfortable, and there are chairs. - Wow! And now you do this: ask your neighbors to take the chairs for a few days, tell your girlfriend that you had to give them up for reupholstery. Yura began to rub his palms, his voice trembled. “New chairs?” In the constriction? She won't believe it. I spat. - You don’t need her to believe it! Just do as I say. The procedure is as follows: put on a record, pour wine, sit on the sofa, drink wine and you hug her. Can you hug?- I don’t know.- Well, or you’ll try... to undo some button there.- And she won’t be offended?- She’ll do everything herself!- Do you think?- I’m sure! I asked a friend who had a huge collection of records Beatles, give me one for a few days. With precautions, with instructions: how to wipe with a specially designed velvet cloth, how to insert a needle, how to remove it - “Yellow Submarine” was received in a thick, beautiful envelope. In the evening at the institute, I gave the envelope to Yura and duplicated the instructions. He added on his own: “If you scratch it, you’ll save on food for two months!” Did you buy a needle? - Yes, of course! Two days later Yura returned the record. He smiled contentedly. “Borya, thank you!” Everything worked out! - Well, you see how simple it is! The Beatles are like that. Didn’t you damage the record? Yura was embarrassed. “To be honest, we didn’t even take it out of the envelope, somehow everything went quickly.” But she played the main role? I invited Ira to listen to the Beatles! A couple of months later, I saw in the locker room how a gorgeous girl threw herself on Yura’s neck. Curled long curls, checkered short pleated flared skirt. Well, I think the boy got his hands on him. Our man! A minute later, Yura brought the girl to me. “Borya, I wanted to introduce you to Irina.” I told you about her. I peered into the smiling face. I didn’t know the scary words “makeup” then, much less “MakeUp,” but I realized that something had been done to my face. “Krupskaya” turned into a lively seductive aunt, with her eyes shining through the thin beautiful frames of her glasses. Her agile figure almost wrapped herself around Yura, clinging to him. There was no doubt about what they would do when they came home. Soon I transferred to another group, and Yura and I began to see each other rarely in the corridors. About a year later, he stopped me and, beaming, said: “Borya, Ira and I have a son!” I congratulated him. What was the boy’s name – can you guess? 2015.

    My throat hurts... - Did I have a cold or what? - No, damn it, I rubbed it!

    A nun and a prostitute are traveling in the compartment. The prostitute is wearing a beautiful dress, a gold chain and branded shoes. The nun looks at her and asks: - How much does this chain cost? - One night of love. - How much do these shoes cost? - Two nights of love. - And the dress, three? - Yes. In the monastery a nun is in her cell, they knock on her door... and she angrily: - You should come, Holy Father, with your caramels...

    The pedophile waylaid two girls near the school and said to one of them: “Let me touch your breasts.” And I’ll give you candy. The girl agreed. And he again: - Do you want another candy? And I’ll touch your ass. The girl agreed again. Pedophile: - Do you also want some candy? And I’m for you... Girl - to a friend: - While this fucks you, you’ll get diabetes.

    A young poet-composer comes to the Philharmonic. - You know, I wrote a song. - Very good, but what is it called? - (embarrassed) “Eh, E::: your mother” - Very good. Just throw out the “Eh” - it smacks of gypsyism.

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    Early morning in the village, an ordinary family of mother, son and father without legs,

    Early morning in the village, an ordinary family of mother, son and father without legs, which they lost in the war. The son is getting ready to hunt, takes a gun and a cartridge, then his dad crawls up to him and says:
    - Son, take me hunting, I really want to!
    - Dad, how can I take you, you don’t have legs, what good are you?
    - And you, son, put me in a backpack behind your back, and if we suddenly see a bear, you shoot at it - you won’t hit it, you turn your back, and I’ll kill it with one shot, you know it yourself - I shoot a squirrel in the eye from 100 meters! So we’ll bring the loot home, so we’ll have something to eat in the winter.
    The son thought and thought and said, “Okay, dad, let’s go.”
    They are walking through the forest, the father is sitting in a backpack, and then a bear meets them. The son shoots, misses, shoots again - misses again, turns his back, dad shoots - also waves, again - misses again. The bear is already rushing at them, well, the son will give it a try, and meanwhile the father is shouting - they say, quickly, they will catch up! They've been running for an hour, they have no strength, the son understands that he and his dad won't run that far - they'll both be lost, so he decided to throw off his backpack and runs on.
    He runs home all out of breath and says to his mother:
    - Mother, we no longer have a father... - with tears in his eyes.
    His mother calmly puts down the frying pan, turns to him and says:
    - How did you fuck me with your desire, then my dad came running 10 minutes ago in his arms and said that we no longer have a son!

    They invited a guy at work to a corporate party and allowed him to come

    They invited a man at work to a corporate party, they allowed him to come with his wives, the corporate party was themed - a masquerade, you had to come in costumes, with masks. No sooner said than done, they got ready just before going out, and his wife had a headache, she said, “Go without me, and I’ll lie down at home for now,” and she herself came up with a cunning plan - to follow the man, how he would behave at the masquerade, to pester Zinka from accounting or even get drunk. Before leaving, she changed her costume, came and saw her hubby - first dancing with one, then twirling the other, guard! She decided to check how far he would go, invited him to dance, they danced and whispered in his ear: - Maybe we can retire...
    They retired, did their business, and the wife quickly went home. Her husband arrived a little later, she decided to ask him:
    F - Well? How do you like your corporate party?!
    M - Yes, gray boredom, the men and I decided to go play poker, and before that Petrovich, our boss asked him to exchange suits with him, since he had dirty his, so he was lucky, can you imagine, some woman in the ass gave!

    Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying out, everyone has gathered

    Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying out, all the animals have gathered in the barnyard and are discussing their future fate.
    The bulls came out first and said: We must leave here while the hooves are still intact. The roof of the hangar is already leaking, it’s not raining, so we’re swimming like ducks. Next come the pigs: they haven’t eaten normal food for 100 years, the straw is all rotten, they give water once every three days. It’s impossible to live like this, you need to get out. All the other animals supported: Yes, yes, stop putting up with this and let’s go. One Sharik sits still, everyone asks him:
    - Sharik, why are you sitting?! Come with us!
    Sharik answers:
    - No, I won’t go with you, I have a prospect!
    - What is the prospect? You'll die of hunger here!
    - No, guys, I have a prospect here!
    - Well, what prospects do you have here, you’ll get sick, catch fleas and die alone here!
    - No guys, I have a prospect...
    - What kind of prospect is that?!?!?!
    - I heard here that the landlady told the owner “... if things continue like this, then we’ll suck Sharik all winter...”

    The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And

    The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And at that moment his stomach began to twist, he simply had no strength to endure it anymore. They come into her apartment and the girl says:
    - Come in, don’t be shy, go into the room, and now I’ll go to the bathroom and powder my nose...
    It was somehow awkward for the guy to ask her ahead of her, so he decided to be patient, although he no longer had the strength to endure it. He walks into the room and looks - there’s a big dog sitting there. He took it and piled it in the room, and thinks that he will then blame everything on the dog, while he, contentedly, goes to the kitchen to drink tea.
    The girl with the bath comes out and asks him:
    D: Why don’t you go into the room?
    P: There’s a big dog there, I’m afraid of it.
    D: I found someone to be scared of, she’s plush...
    P: Wow, she gave a shit like a real one!

    The son comes up to his father and asks: - Dad, what is it?

    The son approaches his father and asks:
    - Dad, what is virtual reality?
    Dad, after thinking a little, says to his son:
    - Son, to give you an answer to this question, go to your mother, grandparents, and ask them if they could sleep with an African for 1 million dollars. He approaches his mother and asks:
    - Mom, could you sleep with an African for 1 million dollars?
    - Well, son, it’s not a tricky matter, and we need money, of course I could!
    Then he approaches his grandmother with the same question, and the grandmother answers him:
    - Of course, grandson! If I had a million dollars, I would live the same number of years!!!
    It’s grandfather’s turn, grandfather answers:
    - Well, actually, once doesn’t count, so of course - yes, with this million we would build a house by the sea, and finally leave my grandmother!
    The son returns to his father with the results, and the father says to him:
    - You see, son, in virtual reality we have three million dollars, but in real reality - 2 simple #tuts and one faggot!

    SHELTON'S DIET It is based on the principles of separate nutrition and classification of foods, which helps determine what, how and with what it is better to eat. Conventionally, Shelton divides all products into protein (protein) and starch. The first include: meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, milk, cheeses, eggs, legumes and nuts. The second includes bread and all flour products, cereals, potatoes, rice. Proper nutrition should be based on the following principles: – starchy foods are not combined with proteins and acidic fruits; – refined foods (flour, sugar, margarine) are excluded from the diet; – a break between meals of at least 4 hours; – carbohydrate and acidic foods cannot be combined in one meal. That is, bread, potatoes, peas, beans, beans, bananas, dates, etc. cannot be eaten with citrus fruits, pineapple, cranberries, tomatoes and other sour fruits; – concentrated protein and concentrated carbohydrate cannot be combined. That is, nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other protein foods are not eaten with bread, cereals, cakes, and sweet fruits; – two concentrated proteins of different types are not consumed together, since they require different digestive juices and their different concentrations; – fats do not combine with proteins. Cream, butter, sour cream, vegetable oil are not mixed with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other proteins, since fat when eating meat, eggs, nuts suppresses the secretion of gastric juices; – proteins and sour fruits are not compatible with good digestion. Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, sour plums, sour apples should not be eaten with meat, nuts, or eggs; – starch and sugar are not eaten at the same time. Jams, molasses, syrups, if consumed at one time, with cereals and potatoes, cause fermentation; – at one meal you can eat one product with a high concentration of starch, for example, you cannot eat bread and porridge together - one product will be absorbed, and the second will remain untouched in the stomach, causing fermentation, increased acidity of gastric juice, belching, etc. Product compatibility: Watermelon and all types of melons should be eaten separately. It is better to eat milk separately. Combine meat, poultry, fish with green, non-starchy vegetables - this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps them digest and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. The combination of animal proteins with strong alcohol precipitates pepsin, which is necessary for the digestion of animal proteins. Legumes (beans, peas, lentils), like starches, go well with fats, especially vegetable oil and sour cream, and as a source of vegetable protein - with herbs and starchy vegetables. Sugar and confectionery products should not be combined with any other food; all sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with various salads, regardless of their composition. Potatoes (it is better to boil them or bake them with the skins on) go well with vegetable salads. Sweet fruits (citrus fruits, pomegranates are considered sour, the rest - depending on the variety and taste) can be combined with milk and nuts in small quantities. You need to eat them at least 15–20 minutes before eating. Starchy vegetables (beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower) cannot be combined with sugar; other combinations are either good or acceptable. Cottage cheese and fermented milk products, being difficult to digest, are combined with homogeneous products (sour milk, sour cream, cheese, feta cheese). Eggs are good in combination with green and non-starchy vegetables (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets, lettuce, white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas). Radishes, rutabaga, radishes, young zucchini and turnips are “semi-starchy”, in combination they are close to green and non-starchy. Nuts are combined with vegetable and fruit salads. In purified form, due to the rapid oxidation of fat, it must be used immediately or frozen. Other food notes: Sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds are a source of protein, magnesium, and calcium. Due to rapid oxidation, they should be stored in the refrigerator. Choose butter and cream without preservatives, emulsifiers, heat treatment is not advisable. Choose young cheeses, like homemade cheese or feta cheese (requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt). Vegetable oils should ideally be first cold pressed. Store the bottle in the refrigerator. Dried fruits are healthy if prepared without being treated with sulfur dioxide. Choose unpolished, brown rice.