Proof of paradise. Real experience neurosurgetext

"Reality without a curtain" Ziada Masry is a stunning book. Albert Einstein wrote that "reality is just an illusion, although very obsessive," and Zip Masry did everything to collect evidence for you. Each concept in the book relies on the previous one, and all the elements are folded into a single picture. Seeing the reality of the holistic in the energy and spiritual levels, you can take a fresh look at life, the world around, the universe and the meaning of being.

Excerpt from the chapter "Soul Path" read below.

The term "near-challenging experiences" (OSP) was proposed by Dr. Raymond Mudi in a very entertaining book. "Life after life". According to the definition of the formulated by the International Association of Research of the Occosimer States, OSP is what a person experienced by the episode of dying; The experience of people who were declared clinically dead, which were very close to the state of physical death or were in a situation where death is very likely or seems inevitable. Survivors such experience often claim that the term okolosmeneincorrect because it was precisely State of deathAnd not just close to her and indeed, many of them doctors announced clinically dead.

Confirmed by-catching experience survived without exaggeration of millions of people around the world, including such outstanding personality, like Carl Jung and George Lucas, - so we have an extensive expirational database, on the basis of which certain conclusions can be made. A huge number of OSP messages came from children who always suggest that they see how it is impossible more simply and unbiased.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the near-minded experience is accompanied by a feeling of love, joy, peace and bliss. Only a relatively small number of people report negative experiences associated with a sense of fear. At the same time, the OSP is invariably characterized as ultrasound - even more real than earthly life.

But what is the most interesting, in millions of certificates of accidental experience and reports on experiences in a state of hypnosis, as it turns out, much in common. And in those and in other cases, we are talking about the wrong state, about complete awareness (consciousness, however, abides outside the body, and sometimes even looks at it from above), the light tunnel (that is, the "mole hole" leading to another dimension), A meeting with already late favorite people, contact with the love of love with spiritual entities, the recharge of life, incredibly beautiful landscapes and a stunning sense of life destiny and universal knowledge.

Despite the obvious transforming effect, which such experiences usually have been on people, and irrefutable physical evidence of stay outside the body in a state of complete loss of consciousness or even clinical death (in particular, the experience of clinical death know what doctors, nurses and nurses also talked about Relatives, even if they were in another room; or spiritual conductors show them the events of the future, which in the future are accurately coming true), most doctors are still skeptical to OSP, considering their hallucinations produced by the brain in the temporary traumatic state of clinical death. However, the final proof that these experiences have not hallucinatory character, led Dr. Eben Alexander, documented his own OSP in an incredible book "The proof of paradise. Real neurosurgery experience.

Neurosurgeon Alexander before he himself survived the near-mercury experience, was a convinced skeptic. Many of his patients reported on deep OSP, but he all the time shouted from their experiences, writing them off on hallicinosis. But the doctor had to dramatically change his views when he, infected with a rare virus, fell into a few days. This case is interesting and allocated among others that this virus hit the brain, as a result of which Alexander this body was completely out of order, and the broken brain is not able to create even hallucinations. Therefore, if consciousness really was a product of brain activity, as many neurosurgeons believe, then in the situation of Dr. Alexander anythe experiences would be completely excluded. His brain could not produce thoughts, nor emotions, and, of course, all the electrical activity of the central nervous system, followed by observation throughout the week coma, did not show absolutely nothing. And nevertheless, what he worked was not at all "nothing".

Instead of not seeing and not to feel, the doctor became a member of extremely amazing events. He visited the next world and experienced incredible experiences - despite its brain was completely turned off. He could not all imagine it or see in a dream, since his brain, struck by a rare virus, was inactive. Since from the point of view of science, this circumstance eliminates any hallucinations, as well as suggestion and imagination, follows from this the only conclusion: Dr. Alexander stayed outside the body as a pure consciousness and the world he says about, and everything he saw, real 100%.

A member of a scientist if the facts outlined by it are extremely fascinating and revolutionaryin scientific relationship. It explicitly proves not only that we never lose consciousness, but also the fact that the awareness can take a variety of unique forms (Alexander writes that it was just a point of awareness in different time periods, devoid of ideas about himself and personal identity, which confirms Scientific position considered by us earlier: all in the universe endowed with awareness). In addition, it indicates the existence of a completely real world, which in the literal sense is a paradise.

The story of Dr. Alexander's doctor is especially interesting in that it, being a scientific confirmation of the near-minded experiences of other people and research of hypnotherapists, such as Newton, describes not just the spheres of life-between-lives, but, apparently, and the most real regional world of the highest beauty - and allows us to look into the striking area by the edge of physical existence.

In this book, Dr. Eben Alexander, Neurosurgeon with 25 years of experience, a professor who taught at Harvard Medical School and other major universities, shares his experience with the reader about his journey to the next world.

Its case is unique. Struck by the sudden and inexplicable form of bacterial meningitis, he was miraculously healed after a seven-day coma. A highly educated medic with a huge practical experience, which before not only did not believe in the afterlife, but also did not allow her thoughts about her, tested his "I" to the Higher Worlds and collided there with such amazing phenomena and revelations, which, returning to earthly life , I found my duty of the scientist and the doctor to tell about them in the whole world.

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In this book, Dr. Eben Alexander, Neurosurgeon with 25 years of experience, a professor who taught at Harvard Medical School and other major universities, shares his experience with the reader about his journey to the next world. Its case is unique. Struck by the sudden and inexplicable form of bacterial meningitis, he was miraculously healed after a seven-day coma. A highly educated medic with a huge practical experience, which before not only did not believe in the afterlife, but also did not allow her thoughts about her, tested his "I" to the Higher Worlds and collided there with such amazing phenomena and revelations, which, returning to earthly life , I found my duty of the scientist and the doctor to tell about them in the whole world.

    Prologue 1.

    Chapter 1. Pain 3

    Chapter 2. Hospital 4

    Chapter 3. From nowhere now

    Chapter 4. Eben IV 5

    Chapter 5. Outdoor World 6

    Chapter 6. Anchor of Life 6

    Chapter 7. Flowing Melody and Gate 7

    Chapter 8. Israel 8

    Chapter 9. Shining Mentorticity 8

    Chapter 10. The only important 9

    Chapter 11. The end of the helix leading down 10

    Chapter 12. Shiny Mentorticity 12

    Chapter 13. Wednesday 13

    Chapter 14. Special type of clinical death 13

    Chapter 15. Dar of Memory Loss 13

    Chapter 16. Well 15

    Chapter 17. Status No. 1 15

    Chapter 18. Forget and remember 16

    Chapter 19. No means to hide 16

    Chapter 20. Completion 16

    Chapter 21. Rainbow 17

    Chapter 22 Six Persons 17

    Chapter 23. Last night. First morning 18.

    Chapter 24. Return 18

    Chapter 25. Not here 19

    Chapter 26. Distribution of News 19

    Chapter 27. Return home 19

    Chapter 28. Superraconductance 20

    Chapter 29. Common Experience 20

    Chapter 30. Return from death 21

    Chapter 31. Three camps 21

    Chapter 32. Visiting the Church 23

    Chapter 33. Mystery of Consciousness 23

    Chapter 34. Decisive dilemma 25

    Chapter 35. Photo 25

    Appendices 26.

    Bibliography 27.

    Notes 28.

Eben Alexander
Proof of paradise


A person must see things as they are, and not the way he wants to see them.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Little I often flew in a dream. This usually happened so. I dreamed, as if I stand at night in our yard and I look at the stars, and then suddenly separate from the ground and slowly climb up. The first few inches of lifting into the air occurred spontaneously, without any participation on my part. But soon I noticed that the higher the higher the flight depends on me, more precisely, from my state. If I strained and excited, it suddenly fell down, hardly hitting the Earth. But if I perceived the flight calmly, as something natural, it was rapidly carried out higher and higher in the starry sky.

Perhaps, in part because of these flights, in a dream, I developed a passionate love for aircraft and missiles - and in general to any aircraft that could again give me a feeling of an immense air space. When I was able to fly with my parents, then no matter how far the flight would be, it was impossible to tear away from the porthole. In September 1968, at the age of fourteen, I gave all my money earned by a haircut of the puddles, on the management of the glider, who led one guy named Gus Street at Strokerry Hill, a small "flight field", overgrown with grass, not far from My native town Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I still remember how excitedly my heart was excited when I pulled the dark-red round knob, which pulled the cable connecting me with the towing plane, and my glider rolled out on the take-off field. For the first time in life, I experienced an unforgettable feeling of complete independence and freedom. Most of my friends are for this and loved a mad ride on the car, but, in my opinion, nothing could compare with the delight from the flight at an altitude of a thousand feet.

In the 1970s, while attending the University of North Carolina College, I began to engage in parasitic sports. Our team seemed to me with something like a secret fraternity - because we had special knowledge that were not accessible to everyone else. The first jumps were given to me with great difficulty, I wrote me a real fear. But to the twelfth jump, when I stepped behind the aircraft door to fly in a free fall more than a thousand feet before I cut the parachute (it was my first protracted jump), I already felt confident. In college, I made 365 parachute jumps and flew more than three and a half hours in a free drop, performing acrobatic figures with twenty-five comrades in the air. And although in 1976 I stopped engaging, joyful and very living dreams about Skaydayving continued to dream.

Most of all I liked to jump closer in the late afternoon, when the sun began to go to the horizon. It is difficult to describe my feelings during such jumps: it seemed to me that I was getting closer and closer to what it is impossible to determine, but what I felt frantically. This mysterious "something" was not an enthusiastic feeling of complete loneliness, because we usually jumped with groups of five, six, ten or twelve people, constituting various figures in a free drop. And the harder and harder was the figure, the greater the delight of me covered me.

In 1975, the guys from the University of North Carolina and several friends from the center of parachute preparation were gathered to stay in group jumps with the construction of figures. During the penultimate jump from a light aircraft D-18 "Bichkraft" at an altitude of 10,500 feet we made a snowflake out of ten people. We managed to get together in this figure even before the mark of 7,000 feet, that is, we have been enjoyed flying in this figure in this figure, falling into the gap between the huge clouds, after which a 3,500 feet were cut off, devoted to each other and revealed parachutes.

By the time of our landing, the Sun stood very low, above the earth itself. But we quickly climbed into another plane and took off again, so we managed to capture the last rays of the sun and make another jump before his full sunset. This time, two newbies participated in the jump, which attempted for the first time to join the figure, that is, take care of her outside. Of course, the easiest way to be the main, base parachute, because he just needs to fly down, whereas the rest of the team members have to maneuver in the air to get to him and cling to it with their hands. Nevertheless, both novice rejoiced a difficult test, as we, already experienced parachutists: after all, tracing young guys, subsequently, together with them could perform jumps with even more complex figures.

From the group of six people who had to portray the star over the runway of a small airfield, located near the town of Roanok Rapids, North Carolina, I had to jump the last. In front of me was the guy named Chuck. He had extensive experience in air group acrobatics. At an altitude of 7,500 feet, we still covered the sun, but the street lights already glittered below. I always loved jumping at dusk, and this promised to be just wonderful.

I was to leave the plane about a second after Chuck, and to catch up with the rest, my fall should have passed very rapidly. I decided to dive into the air, as in the sea, down my head and in this position, the first seconds of seven are flying. This would allow me to fall almost a hundred miles per hour faster than my comrades, and to be on the same level with them immediately after they start to build a star.

Typically, during such jumps, descending to a height of 3,500 feet, all parachutists disclaim their arms and diverge as far as possible from each other. Then everyone swears with his hands, feeding the signal, which is ready to reveal his parachute, looks up to make sure that no one is not, and only then pulls over the exhaust cable.

Three, two, one ... march!

One after another plane left four parachutes, behind them and we are with Chuck. Flying down your head and gaining speed in a free fall, I shook that I see the sunset for the second time a day. Approaching the team, I was already going to slow down to slow down in the air, throwing hands to the sides - we had costumes with wings of a fabric from wrists to the hips, which created powerful resistance, completely revealed at high speed.

But I did not have to do this.

In this book, Dr. Eben Alexander, Neurosurgeon with 25 years of experience, a professor who taught at Harvard Medical School and other major universities, shares his experience with the reader about his journey to the next world.

Its case is unique. Struck by the sudden and inexplicable form of bacterial meningitis, he was miraculously healed after a seven-day coma. A highly educated medic with a huge practical experience, which before not only did not believe in the afterlife, but also did not allow her thoughts about her, tested his "I" to the Higher Worlds and collided there with such amazing phenomena and revelations, which, returning to earthly life , I found my duty of the scientist and the doctor to tell about them in the whole world.

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Little I often flew in a dream. This usually happened so. I dreamed, as if I stand at night in our yard and I look at the stars, and then suddenly separate from the ground and slowly climb up. The first few inches of lifting into the air occurred spontaneously, without any participation on my part. But soon I noticed that the higher the higher the flight depends on me, more precisely, from my state. If I strained and excited, it suddenly fell down, hardly hitting the Earth. But if I perceived the flight calmly, as something natural, it was rapidly carried out higher and higher in the starry sky.

Perhaps, in part because of these flights, in a dream, I developed a passionate love for aircraft and missiles - and in general to any aircraft that could again give me a feeling of an immense air space. When I was able to fly with my parents, then no matter how far the flight would be, it was impossible to tear away from the porthole. In September 1968, at the age of fourteen, I gave all my money earned by a haircut of the lulls, on the planning of the glider, which was conducted by one guy named Gus Street on Strozerry Hill, a small "flight field", overgrown with grass, not far from My native town Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I still remember how excitedly my heart was excited when I pulled the dark-red round knob, which pulled the cable connecting me with the towing plane, and my glider rolled out on the take-off field. For the first time in life, I experienced an unforgettable feeling of complete independence and freedom. Most of my friends are for this and loved a mad ride on the car, but, in my opinion, nothing could compare with the delight from the flight at an altitude of a thousand feet.

In the 1970s, while attending the University of North Carolina College, I began to engage in parasitic sports. Our team seemed to me with something like a secret fraternity - because we had special knowledge that were not accessible to everyone else. The first jumps were given to me with great difficulty, I wrote me a real fear. But to the twelfth jump, when I stepped behind the aircraft door to fly in a free fall more than a thousand feet before I cut the parachute (it was my first protracted jump), I already felt confident. In college, I made 365 parachute jumps and flew more than three and a half hours in a free drop, performing acrobatic figures with twenty-five comrades in the air. And although in 1976 I stopped engaging, joyful and very living dreams about Skaydayving continued to dream.

Most of all I liked to jump closer in the late afternoon, when the sun began to go to the horizon. It is difficult to describe my feelings during such jumps: it seemed to me that I was getting closer and closer to what it is impossible to determine, but what I felt frantically. This mysterious "something" was not an enthusiastic feeling of complete loneliness, because we usually jumped with groups of five, six, ten or twelve people, constituting various figures in a free drop. And the harder and harder was the figure, the greater the delight of me covered me.

In 1975, the guys from the University of North Carolina and several friends from the center of parachute preparation were gathered to stay in group jumps with the construction of figures. During the penultimate jump from the light aircraft D-18 "Beachcraft" at an altitude of 10,500 feet we made a snowflake out of ten people. We managed to get together in this figure even before the mark of 7,000 feet, that is, we have been enjoyed flying in this figure in this figure, falling into the gap between the huge clouds, after which a 3,500 feet were cut off, devoted to each other and revealed parachutes.

By the time of our landing, the Sun stood very low, above the earth itself. But we quickly climbed into another plane and took off again, so we managed to capture the last rays of the sun and make another jump before his full sunset. This time, two newbies participated in the jump, which attempted for the first time to join the figure, that is, take care of her outside. Of course, the easiest way to be the main, base parachute, because he just needs to fly down, whereas the rest of the team members have to maneuver in the air to get to him and cling to it with their hands. Nevertheless, both novice rejoiced a difficult test, as we, already experienced parachutists: after all, tracing young guys, subsequently, together with them could perform jumps with even more complex figures.

From the group of six people who had to portray the star over the runway of a small airfield, located near the town of Roanok Rapids, North Carolina, I had to jump the last. In front of me was the guy named Chuck. He had extensive experience in air group acrobatics. At an altitude of 7,500 feet, we still covered the sun, but the street lights already glittered below. I always loved jumping at dusk, and this promised to be just wonderful.

I was to leave the plane about a second after Chuck, and to catch up with the rest, my fall should have passed very rapidly. I decided to dive into the air, as in the sea, down my head and in this position, the first seconds of seven are flying. This would allow me to fall almost a hundred miles per hour faster than my comrades, and to be on the same level with them immediately after they start to build a star.

Typically, during such jumps, descending to a height of 3,500 feet, all parachutists disclaim their arms and diverge as far as possible from each other. Then everyone swears with his hands, feeding the signal, which is ready to reveal his parachute, looks up to make sure that no one is not, and only then pulls over the exhaust cable.

Three, two, one ... march!

One after another plane left four parachutes, behind them and we are with Chuck. Flying down your head and gaining speed in a free fall, I shook that I see the sunset for the second time a day. Approaching the team, I was already going to slow down to slow down in the air, throwing hands to the sides - we had costumes with wings of a fabric from wrists to the hips, which created powerful resistance, completely revealed at high speed.

But I did not have to do this.

I am falling in the direction of the figure, I noticed that one of the guys is approaching her in a slop quickly. I do not know, perhaps, he was scared by a rapid descent into a narrow gap between the clouds, reminding that he at the speed of two hundred feet per second rushes towards the giant planet, poorly distinguishable in a thickening darkness. One way or another, but instead of joining the group slowly, he swirl flew to her. And the five remaining parachutists randomly scarked in the air. In addition, they were too close to each other.

This guy left a powerful turbulent trail. This airflow is very dangerous. It is worth the other parachutist to get into it, as the speed of his fall will rapidly increase, and he will stay in the one who is under it. This in turn will give a strong acceleration by both parachutists and throw them on the one who is even lower. In short, a terrible tragedy will happen.

Curved, I devoted from randomly falling group and maneuvering until it turned out to be directly over the "point", a magical point on Earth, we had to reveal parachutes and start a slow two-minute descent.

I turned my head and saw with relief that the rest of the jumpers are already moving away from each other. Among them was Chuck. But, to my surprise, he moved in my direction and soon hung right under me. Apparently, during an erratic fall, the group has passed a height of 2000 feet faster than chak expected. Or maybe he considered himself a lucky way, which may not comply with the established rules.