What to visit in Montenegro. Sights of Montenegro worth seeing

Probably every tourist who travels to Montenegro for the first time asks the question: “What is interesting in this country?” Oh, believe me, Montenegro has many faces, there are attractions here for every taste. Do you want a relaxing holiday by the sea? Please, great beaches at your service. Do you want culture and communication? Montenegro has a lot of historical monuments and festivals. Are you a fan of outdoor activities? Then you will like rafting on the Tara River or rock climbing. But first things first.

Acquaintance with the country is usually started with a visit to the capital. We will not deviate from this rule. Welcome to Podgorica- the heart of Montenegro. The centuries-old history is embodied in architecture. A whole quarter remained from the Ottoman period - Stara Varosh, built up with mosques and replete with narrow winding streets. As signs of a new era - the water park and the beautiful Millennium Bridge. Tourists from Russia will be happy to take pictures next to the monument to V. Vysotsky. And on the banks of the Moraca River there is also a monument to A. Pushkin.

Scheme of the Montenegrin coast

1. Durmitor National Park

Durmitor National Park is located in the north-west of Montenegro and is one of the most untouched mountain ranges in Europe and at the moment, one of the most promising tourist destinations for outdoor activities in Europe. The main attractions of the park are 23 peaks up to 2,300 meters high, 17 glaciers and active, untouched nature in the heart of Europe.

2. City of Kotor

The charming city of Kotor is located on the shores of the southernmost fjord in Europe. The old town of Kotor "Stari Grad" is located under an ominous mountain, towering over the heads of the townspeople. The quaint squares, red-roofed houses and cobbled, winding streets of the old town are similar to the Gothic Venetian style, making the city of Kotor a tourist attraction in Montenegro.

3. City of Stari Bar (Stari Bar

Stari Bar, a city in the southeast of Montenegro, has seen better days. Now, these are the remains of its former grandeur, but the city has preserved a large number of popular cultural attractions in Montenegro.

For centuries the city has been dominated by the Roman Empire, the Serbs, the Venetians, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The city's main attractions include the 11th-century fortress, St. John's Church, well-preserved medieval houses, ancient olive groves and a beautiful Mediterranean landscape. Below Stari Bar is the town of Novy Bar, an important Montenegrin port.

4. Lovcen National Park (Lovcen National Park

Lovcen National Park covers the central and highest part of the Lovcen mountain range and covers an area of ​​62 sq. kilometers. In addition to the natural beauties of the Lovcen National Park, it was created to protect the rich historical, cultural and architectural heritage of Montenegro. On the mountain is the mausoleum of Petr Petrovich Negosh, a famous statesman and poet of Montenegro, who is considered a symbol of national identity in the country, the mountain is considered sacred.

(Lake Skadar

Lake Skadar is located only 7 km from the Adriatic coast, it is the largest reservoir of fresh water on the Balkan Peninsula. Surrounded by mountains, one third of the lake is in neighboring Albania. Skadar Lake is part of the largest national park in Montenegro.

6. Orthodox monastery Ostrog (Ostrog Monastry)

Ostrog is a functioning Orthodox monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which is located on a steep rock at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. The monastery was founded in the 17th century by Vasily Ostrozhsky and is a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians from all over the world. Now 12 monks live permanently in Ostrog.

7. City of Cetinje (Cetinje)

The city of Cetinje was officially known as the royal capital of Montenegro. And now it is a small town that has a huge historical heritage, founded in the 15th century, it was the center of Montenegrin life and is the cradle of Montenegrin culture. The main attraction of Cetinje is the National Museum of Montenegro.

8. City of Perast (perast)

A small calm city is located at the foot of Mount Elijah, opposite a narrow strait. The city of Perast is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List thanks to its impeccably preserved Venetian Gothic buildings.

9. Moraca Monastery

Moraca Monastery was built in 1252 by Prince Stefan, who was a representative of the Serbian medieval dynasty. By the end of the 14th century, the monastery was partially destroyed, but rebuilt in 1574. In the 18th century the monastery was attacked by the Turks. The monks were forced to fight with weapons in their hands. Thus, in 1877, the archimandrite of the monastery Mitrofan Pan led the battle against the Turks. As a result, he successfully repelled the attack of the enemies.

The monastery complex includes the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God and the small church of St. Nicholas. The Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God is famous for its rich wall paintings. One of the most famous works of sacred art, the 13th century frescoes dedicated to the prophet Elijah.

10. St Tryphon Cathedral

The cathedral was built in honor of Saint Tryphon, who was the patron and protector of the city of Kotor, on the site of an 8th century church. The Cathedral of Saint Tryphon is the largest and most beautiful building in the city.

11. Castello Fortress

The fortress was built on the coastal cliffs adjacent to the city in the 16th century by the Venetians. The fortress was garrisoned and used to store oil and wine. Inside the Castello, visitors can see the work of ancient artists in the frescoes and mosaics on the walls. The fortress offers stunning views of the bay and the city of New Bar.

12. Olive tree (Old Olive Tree)

The Old Olive Tree, the symbol of the city of Bar, is the oldest tree in Europe, believed to be over 2000 years old. The olive tree is located in a picturesque park.

13. Budva Riviera

For most people, Montenegro doesn't immediately come to mind when considering Europe's ideal beach holiday destinations - but for those who do, it's the perfect getaway filled with sun, soft surf and soft sand. The Budva Riviera is the center of the tourism industry in Montenegro. Here you will find many bays and bays, caves, small islands and more than 20 beaches for every taste - not to mention the vibrant nightlife.

14. Kotor's Maritime Museum

The Maritime Museum of Kotor is one of the most popular cultural attractions in Montenegro, and an extremely attractive place to visit for tourists of all ages. Housed in a majestic baroque palace that used to belong to a noble family. The Maritime Museum proudly displays artifacts and documents chronicling Kotor's rich maritime heritage.

Mount Lovcen © depositphotos.com

There are places in Montenegro that can be called visiting cards of the country. To visit them means to say: "I was in Montenegro". We will tell you what should be on the must-see list in this pearl of the Adriatic.

  1. Sights of Montenegro - Tara Canyon

Tara Canyon © depositphotos.com

Tara Canyon is rocky mountains, deep gorges, waterfalls, rapid rapids surrounded by beautiful nature. The length of this natural miracle is 82 kilometers, in some places the depth reaches 1300 meters. Note to extreme sportsmen and those who chase records. Tara Canyon is the deepest canyon in all of Europe and is surpassed only by the American Grand Canyon in the world. The canyon is surrounded by the Sinyaevina and Durmitor mountains on one side, and Lyubishnia and Zlatni Bor on the other. Tara Canyon is part of the Durmitor Park and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This place is a paradise for rafting lovers. Also do not forget to cross the famous Dzhurdzhevich Bridge, which connects the north and south of Montenegro. It is the highest in the whole country, just imagine what views open from here.

  1. Sights of Montenegro - Lake Skadar

Skadar Lake © depositphotos.com

You are welcomed by the largest lake in the Balkans, which is located on the territory of Montenegro and Albania. 2/3 of the lake belongs to Montenegro. The area of ​​Lake Skadar is about 390 km². The natural reservoir is not only outstanding for its size. This is one of the few places in Europe that is a natural habitat for pelicans and large nesting birds. Moreover, there are many sights on the shores and islands of the lake - monasteries, fortresses, churches with tombs, monuments to those who lived and ruled here hundreds of years ago. And, of course, the surrounding landscapes of nature deserve special attention.

  1. Sights of Montenegro - Ostrog Monastery

Ostrog Monastery © depositphotos.com

The greatest shrine and landmark of Montenegro is the Ostrog Monastery. It is carved into the rock high in the mountains. The monastery was founded in the 17th century; the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog are kept here. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world walk from the Lower Monastery to the Upper Monastery in the hope of being cleansed of their sins. The old monk, who is also a tour guide, will tell you about the history of the monastery, the miracles and happy occasions that happened here. The Montenegrins themselves say that St. Basil has been watching them from the mountain all his life and waiting for them to return to their roots.

  1. Sights of Montenegro - the city of Kotor and the Bay of Kotor

The city of Kotor and the Bay of Kotor © depositphotos.com

Kotor is a famous resort on the Montenegrin Adriatic coast. The city is a vivid example of the architecture of medieval Mediterranean cities. Kotor has been preserved in a very good condition to this day. In 1979, Kotor was included in the UNESCO list. The city is located at the foot of Mount Lovcen, on the shores of the Bay of Kotor in the fjord, which is unique in its beauty throughout the Mediterranean. Kotor was founded during the Roman Empire, then it was known as Acrivia and was part of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Today Kotor attracts with its beauty and atmosphere. The symbol of the city is the Cathedral of St. Tryphon, which has preserved frescoes of the XIV century and a sacristy with the work of Venetian and Kotor jewelers. In the city it is also interesting to see the theater of Napoleon, the church of St. Anne, St. Luke, the church of St. Mary. Those who want to see the Bay of Kotor in all its glory should visit the beautiful coastal cities - Herceg Novi, Perast, Risan.

  1. Sights of Montenegro - Budva

Budva © depositphotos.com

Budva is the main seaside resort of the region. In this city, Montenegro appears in all its beauty and diversity. The old city was destroyed by an earthquake in 1979, but has now been successfully restored. There are three museums, churches and a fortress, whose high ramparts frame the central square of the Old Town. Full of beautiful beaches surrounded by high mountains - heaven on earth. The main beach of Budva is also called the kingdom of pebbles, it starts 500 meters north of Mogren beach. The city does not sleep at night. In summer, numerous festivals take place here, most often in the fortress on an open-air stage. And this is only one hundredth of everything you can do and see in this beautiful resort town.

  1. Sights of Montenegro - Sveti Stefan and Petrovac

Saint Stephen and Petrovac © depositphotos.com

St. Stephen is located on the Budva Riviera, on a small rocky island, connected to the mainland by a thin sandy isthmus. The resort is named after the patron saint of Montenegro - St. Stephen. This resort is one of the most favorite places for royalty and celebrities. Sveti Stefan is famous for its 1170 meters long pink sand beaches, narrow streets, elegant buildings and picturesque churches. If the activity of St. Stephen begins to tire, you should go a few kilometers south to the town of Petrovac. It is located in a beautiful bay, surrounded by pine forests and olive groves, an ideal place for a romantic getaway in the lap of nature. There are many cafes, two sandy beaches - Petrovac and Lucice, a Venetian fortress and many churches with ancient icons.

  1. Sights of Montenegro - the city of Cetinje and Mount Lovcen

The city of Cetinje and Mount Lovcen © depositphotos.com

Cetinje is the historical and cultural capital of Montenegro. It is located at the foot of Lovcen mountain. The city began to grow in 1482. For most Montenegrins, Cetinje is a symbol of the nation and the whole country, created during the heroic struggle for freedom. Many historical events took place in Cetinje. It was this city that was the center of organized resistance to the Turks and the seat of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church. The oldest building in the city is the Vlaška church dating back to 1450. The name comes from the word "shepherds" (Vlasi). Cetinje, a museum town, has the best preserved collection of weapons in all of the Balkans. Pilgrims should definitely go to the monastery of Cetinje, where the relics of St. Peter of Cetinje, the right hand of John the Baptist and a particle of the Holy Cross are kept. In order not to miss the opportunity to see the city from a bird's eye view, it is worth climbing Mount Lovcen. The mountain has two peaks - Shtirovnik (1.749 m) and Jezerski vrh (1.657 m). On Shtirovnik there is a mausoleum of the Montenegrin poet and ruler Peter II Petrovich Negosh and the work of the famous sculptor Ivan Mestrovic.

Watch a video about the city of Kotor and the Bay of Kotor:

My TOP of the most beautiful and unusual places in Montenegro changes from year to year. I am immersed more and more in the country and fall in love like a first-grader girl. And these are not popular sights of Montenegro, on the contrary, they should have silence, picturesque pictures, authenticity in architecture, local residents unspoiled by mass tourism. In the summer, I advise everyone to escape for a couple of days from the noisy coast to the mountains, explore the trails, old settlements, mountain lakes ...

You can list the wild beauties of Montenegro for a long time ... but I will tell you about the most beautiful places for me personally, here my soul rests, and my eyes rejoice at the beauty 🏝🏡🌄🌅

1. Komovi Mountains

These mountains are hidden from the bustle of the city and tourists, Komovi does not sell any travel agency on the embankment of Budva or Herceg Novi, and that's great! And the mountains are a special world where you are finally left alone, you begin to hear yourself and your hidden desires, calm your nervous system, let go of the problems accumulated during the working week. And only then you begin to notice the beauty around, and nature fills you with positive energy.

in Montenegro they became a discovery for me last year, and if I have a couple of days off again, I will not hesitate to go to these 3 peaks, which are not inferior in beauty to the mountains of Durmitor or Prokletije. Total 170 km from Budva, and you feel the aroma of mountain herbs, hear the whistling of the wind, the murmur of streams, the singing of birds ... Near the mountain pass Treshnevik you will meet several places where you can rent a house or put up a tent nearby, I advise (their phone. +38267380532) or on the mountain pass, and if you are with a jeep, then stop at the very foot of the mountains in Katun Martinovica

2. Prokletiye mountains and Grebae valley

Another wild place in Montenegro, where civilization has recently reached. The Prokletiye mountains were proclaimed a national park only in 2009, because of this they did not receive promotion, funds, or popularity among the mass tourist. The place still remains semi-wild, interesting for lovers of trekking, nature, and relaxation. Among the overhanging formidable cliffs of Prokletiye there are several valleys where sheep and cows graze, simple eco-katuns and restaurants were immediately erected. For example, on Booking you will find beautiful bungalows for 4 people, ask for a wood-burning stove

From Montenegro, I advise you to go to the Grebae valley through Albania ( on the map), the new transit road will captivate you with a beautiful canyon, picturesque serpentines, the mountain river Cievna and hospitable Albanians, be sure to take a break in Tamare village for a cup of coffee/beer. For Russians and Belarusians from April 1 to October 31, 2019, for Ukrainians and Kazakhs - all year round. And in the photo below - the peak of the Volushnitsa peak, where we went trekking last August ()

3. Poselani village on Skadar Lake

In past centuries, a village in the bays of Lake Skadar Poseljani was a rich place, nature rewarded it with a powerful waterfall, which helped to grind wheat and corn into flour for a huge region! The millstones of 14 mills were spinning here, because of which Montenegrins from all over the area arrived on donkeys or boats on the lake. A century ago, kafans, shops and even a kind of casino worked here. Now there is none of that. The earthquake of 1979 also changed the waterfall, and the Montenegrins no longer needed to live that primitive life with the factories built in Podgorica and tourism in Budva.

Again, tourism did not affect settlers because of an unimportant road ... The bus will not pass, only a passenger car. Local residents, of whom there are only a few, built at their own expense an asphalt road from the highway to the village, but closed it with a barrier. At the same time, they are waiting for tourists 🙂 The vicious circle can be broken by leaving the car on the upper track near the cypresses and going down on foot for 15 minutes to the waterfall. I advise you to take a swimsuit and refresh yourself in cold water in the hot summer.

I love the villagers for a real picture of the Montenegrin village, you can close your eyes and imagine donkeys on this bridge with sacks of flour. Or women at the waterfall doing laundry. But alas, everything has sunk into the past

4. Mountain pass Sedlo in Durmitor National Park

50 km connects the regional cities, but you will drive 1.5 - 2 hours due to winding serpentines, sheep and cows blocking your path. This road passes among the highest peaks of the Durmitor National Park, and will leave an indelible impression in your memory!

On a winding road it is impossible to pass a huge bus, so the usual excursion "Canyons" does not include trips ...

  • (not a convertible), if you are confident in your abilities, it is better to spend the night in Zabljak to enjoy the mountains -.
  • Buy the Grand Canyons tour, they take you in a minibus
  • I can recommend a good driver-guide who takes the Big Circle around Durmitor and the River Canyons, the cost of such an excursion is 200-250 euros, depending on the season, seats in the car.

5. Panorama of Sveti Stefan and Crvena Glavica beach

You can admire the island hotel from different points, but I like it - less known and hard to reach - at Saint Sava Church. There is an asphalt road, but in serpentines and gullies. They like to do wedding ceremonies or romantic photo shoots here. But we come for the sake of silence, contemplation on the red roofs of the Budva Riviera and islands in the sea. I especially like it in spring, late autumn with a bottle of wine and get high with a view of the live photo wallpaper. Details about this panoramic point -

And one of the favorite places in the Budva Riviera is located below this panorama - the bay with the beach of Crvena Glavica 🏜 It is often called Plaza Galija at a summer restaurant. The place is amazing in its beauty - red rocks, emerald sea, and in the evenings - marvelous sunsets! And also next to, but in the distance, even in summer with cafes and beach equipment there are few vacationers 💦

This one is one of my favorites. At the end of May, we were alone here, not counting the builders ... The pebbles are medium in size on the Galia beach, but I still like to climb the rocks on the right and just admire the sea

6. Piva Lake Canyon

Lake Piva is one of the most beautiful places in Montenegro. I advise you to visit in the morning or afternoon in sunny weather, then it will look like a blue mirror surface. This artificial lake of several branches appeared on the site of the flooded Piva River during Yugoslavia, when a dam was built. You can drive along its canyon if you are going to Scepan Polje for rafting on Tara, or by connecting with a visit to the national one. You can come to town Pluzhine, rent kayaks or a motorboat, just swim on the beach, dine with delicious homemade cuisine in Ethno-village "Izlazak", you can also stay with them overnight - on.

In autumn or after rain, the canyon of Lake Piva takes on a mystical appearance.

7. Bukumir Lake in the Kuchki Mountains

There are many mountain lakes of glacial origin in Montenegro, and they are much more interesting and sparsely populated than the accessible and touristic Skadar or Black Lake. In April, I am waiting for the snow to melt on the road and go to a fairy tale - to Bukumir lake in the Kuchki mountains. In summer, the picture will not be so picturesque, although trekking will be available due to a more pleasant climate, the routes in the mountains are marked. More about Bukumir Lake and the road to it.

8. Gorlo Gorlo Sokolovo

13. Canyon of the Mrtvitsa River

If you love wildlife and hiking, then go to. Here you can arrange a small hike, without elevation changes, suitable even for children, the walk time is from 1.5 to 5 hours round trip, depending on where ... You will see old bridges, a raging mountain river, a jungle of trees and moss! You can grab a bathing suit to freshen up!

And another recommendation of what to see nearby - stop on the way to take a picture on the suspension bridge, if you are with children - visit the contact zoo-shelter in Brezna, and believers will be interested in the Moraca monastery. The list of my favorite non-touristic and most beautiful places in Montenegro does not end there, explore the country not along the highways, turn off more often and walk along the marked trails!

Video - non-tourist Montenegro

It was hit by Bukumir Lake in Kuchkikh Gora and a hike to the Gorlo Sokolovo gorge

Montenegro has absorbed the culture, customs, traditions and creativity of various peoples for many centuries. Here Islam and the Orthodox religion, gothic and abstractionism, baroque and traces of the Romanesque presence are surprisingly harmoniously combined. A small country is a large vessel containing the monuments of distant times, the majestic beauty of the mountains and the comfort of green valleys.

What are the conveniences of independent trips around Montenegro

To visit a resort in Montenegro and not go on excursions - this does not happen. They are offered everywhere - in hotels and on the streets, to any part of the country, short and long. They are not cheap, and you find yourself limited to the scope of the tour and obliged to obey the group rules.

For about the same money, you can rent a car and go on your own to explore the places that interest you. Depending on the place of rest, you can lay one long route or plan daily “radial” trips to distant and nearby attractions.

In Montenegro, Russian is well understood even in the most remote corners, which makes independent travel easier.

If you ask a Montenegrin about the sights worth seeing in his country, he will confidently name the mountain Lovcen, Prison and Kotor mountain serpentine. Of course, the list of interesting places in Montenegro is not limited to this. There are also islands, temples and cities.

On your own by car, you need to go to the mountains, where the most interesting sights are located. Public transport does not go there, and the tour gives very little time for sightseeing.

Routes in Montenegro

If you are vacationing in Budva, then you can see its sights on your own and without a car. And they are worth it - the streets keep the spirit of the time old city, beckons the luxury and beauty of the island-hotel Sveti Stefan(you can go there by car). It is worth taking a walk to the observation deck on the citadel and a ride to the island Saint Nicholas. Visiting other regions of the country is convenient to plan separate routes.

Budva - Podgorica - Ostrog - Lovcen

If you leave Budva by car early in the morning, then you can drive to Ostrog along a more or less free serpentine, not crowded with tourist buses. It is more convenient to go to the monastery through the capital of the country - Podgorica, and not along the mountain road, but along the coast past Cetinje.

Along the way, you can admire the incredibly beautiful Skadar lake and visit. Its architecture is remarkable - the buildings are adjacent to the mountain, where its cave part goes. The faces of saints have been preserved in the caves since its very foundation.

The next stop is Ostrog. For Montenegrins, this is a holy place, and not only for them. Pilgrims from all over the Balkan Peninsula flock here. For Christianity, this is the third most important shrine after the Holy Sepulcher and Golgotha. The monastery consists of two parts - upper and lower. lower - church Holy Trinity It dates from the end of the 19th century.

Top part - mountain temple, which is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. It is carved into the rock on the site of a cave, which was chosen by hermit monks in the 17th century. The mountain temple can be reached on foot or by car.

The temple has a holy spring where you can quench your thirst and draw water. The upper temple includes two churches, you need to visit both of them to feel the special atmosphere of this place.

Be sure to bow to the relics of St. Basil and ask him for healing, the monks say that a miracle will definitely happen.

Between the lower and upper temples there is an observation deck where you can have a bite to eat. Next destination - Cetinje, a city that was once the capital of Montenegro. Today it is the cultural and historical center of the country. Here you must visit Novo-Tsetinsky Monastery, where the right hand of John the Baptist is kept and see the panorama of the city from Eagle cliff.

From Cetinje the path lies to the top of Mount Lovcen and to Mausoleum of Negosh. Lovcen is not only a mountain, but also a national reserve. First stop - at fortresses Goraja(late 19th century).

On one of the peaks of Lovcen - Jezerski vrh- located mausoleum ruler of Montenegro and poet Petar Negosh. There is also an observation deck from where a view of the second peak opens - Shtirovnik and, if you're lucky with the weather - on.

And the final part of the trip is an extreme descent along the Kotor serpentine. There are observation platforms on it, where under your feet there are clouds, and in the distance - as if cut off the tops of mountains.

Herceg Novi - Blue Cave - island-fort Mamula

Herceg Novi deserves a separate tour. It is green, noisy and cheerful. As in all European cities, the main attractions are concentrated in the Old Town:

  • Bellavista Square;
  • Cathedral of the Archangel Michael;
  • Towers of the old fortress - Bloody and Sentinel;
  • Old fortress wall.

You also need to visit embankment and in Park Hotel Boka. Not far from Herceg Novi is one of the most famous natural attractions of Montenegro -. Under the arches of the grotto, tourists ride on a boat. By the way, children will like such an excursion - at noon, when the rays of the sun penetrate the cave, it becomes a truly fabulous blue color.

And the final point of the trip - the island-fortress Mamula. She stands at the entrance to Bay of Kotor on the water border of Montenegro and Croatia. Once it could be an excellent outpost, but it was used as a prison. From the beach Zhanitsa or Mirishta you can rent a boat and explore the attraction on your own.

Kotor - Perast - Bay of Kotor

In a small Kotor impossible to get lost. In the ancient city, landscapes are reminiscent of Norwegian ones - fjords with emerald water, indented shores covered with greenery, a canyon and two mountains above the city - Lovcen and Orjen.

It is worth coming to Kotor in order to see the fortress Saint John and the Old Town - a monument of the Middle Ages, the best preserved of all that remained on the Adriatic.

Perast- a romantic place in which only about 300 people live today. Once a city of famous sailors and great Venetian and Russian captains, today it attracts tourists with its palaces (there are 17 of them preserved), the embankment and 16 churches.

And you can also climb the spiral staircase to the 55-meter bell tower of the Church of St. Nicholas. From there you have a fabulous view of the city. In the vicinity of Perast, there is an oyster farm where you can enjoy this delicacy.

Bay of Kotor you can go around the coast, or you can rent a boat and see it in all its glory from the sea. From Perast it is convenient to take a boat trip to the islands Mother of God on the reef and Saint George, moor near the village Lepetany and visit the narrowest section of the bay - the Verige Strait.

Tivat - Island of Flowers

Tivat located near Budva. This is a resort town not marked by special sights. Children there can be shown the botanical garden, take a walk to the medieval palace of Bucha in the city center, admire the beautiful embankment.

From the city along the narrow isthmus, you can drive by car by island of flowers(second name - Miholska Privalka). It owes its name to the huge number of flowering Mediterranean plants and palm trees. The island attracts tourists with a wonderful beach and a monastery. Archangel Michael. Only ruins remained of it, and in the new Trinity Church the relics of seventy monk-martyrs are kept.

Cities worth visiting

In Montenegro, everything is close. Having driven from Budva for several tens of kilometers, you can see the cities:

Montenegro is worth visiting even in its most remote corners.

Montenegro is a small, hospitable and surprisingly beautiful country. Sandy-pebbly and rocky beaches with crystal clear water, picturesque sea bays and unique lakes, high mountains and deep canyons, narrow streets of ancient cities and fortress walls of ancient fortifications. Everyone can find something interesting for themselves.

And to help travelers around Montenegro, we decided to compile the top places, in our opinion, must-see.

10 must-see places in Montenegro:

- This is a small resort village, famous for the island of the same name - the hallmark of Montenegro. It is hardly possible to find at least one guidebook, where this handsome island, connected by a man-made isthmus to the mainland, would not be captured. The entire territory of the island is occupied by a five-star hotel, which has been honored by the presence of many world celebrities. At the service of those who can not afford a hotel on the island, a village entirely consisting of three-, four-, five-story villas, immersed in subtropical greenery. In our opinion, there is no more picturesque and sparsely populated resort in Montenegro.

In Sveti Stefan, there is a beautiful free city beach - small pebbles on the shore and the almost complete absence of large stones in the water. Those who love wild beaches will like another beach located in the vicinity of Sveti Stefan (Crvena Glavica), so named because of the red rocks surrounding it. The highlight of the beach is a break in the rock protruding into the sea.

Fans of unhurried walks will surely like the one that separates Sveti Stefan from the neighboring village of Przhno.

Mediterranean vegetation and specially brought rare plants grow on 18 hectares of the park, and there is also, perhaps, one of the most beautiful beaches in Montenegro - Queen's Beach, located in a cozy bay.


- one of the most ancient cities of the Adriatic. The first mention of it dates back to the 5th century BC. e. This is the main tourist resort of Montenegro. Unlike Sveti Stefan, Budva is more suitable for those who love noisy companies, nightclubs and discos until the morning. At the height of the season, life in this resort town does not stop for a second, and the streets are always full of people.

The main attraction of Budva is the Old Town - a labyrinth of narrow streets with cozy houses, surrounded by a fortress wall built back in the 15th century to protect against Turkish invasion.

There are four churches in the Old Town, two of which are over 1000 years old, and a medieval Citadel. The fortress walls of the Citadel offer the best views of the city and the sea.

The total length of the beaches of Budva and its environs is more than 11 kilometers. The most famous of them are Slavyansky (Slovenska plaža) - the most popular and longest in Budva and the beaches of Mogren I and Mogren II, lurking at the foot of steep cliffs about five hundred meters from the Old Town.

Three more wonderful beaches are located on the island of St. Nicholas, which is located about a kilometer from Budva. The island can be reached by one of the boats, in a large number plying back and forth.

Fans of sea walks can be recommended to go on a mini-cruise along the route Budva - Sveti Stefan with a stop on the way back to the island of St. Nicholas. This is a unique opportunity to see the coast of the Budva Riviera and the island of Sveti Stefan from the sea.

- a place of incredible beauty, where dark green mountains are reflected in the blue surface of the sea, and medieval towns are scattered along the banks. The bay consists of five bays - Hercegnovskovo, Tivatsky, Kotorsky, Morinsky and Risansky - named after nearby cities.

There are many ways to get to know the bay better. For example, rent a car and drive around the entire bay along the perimeter, stopping in each city in order to fully experience the measured and slow pace of life. After all, it seems that time in these towns has practically stopped and barely flows.

You can order a sea excursion and visit some of the islands in the bay. Of greatest interest is the man-made island of Gospa od Skrpela - the Mother of God on the Reef. In 1452, an icon of the Mother of God was discovered on the reef, which is the base of the island. For a long time, locals threw stones and sank ships at this place. This is how the island arose, and on it the church, which is still active today.

After the Virgin on the Reef, it makes sense to visit Perast, a tiny town that literally grows into the mountains hanging over the bay, as if taking its guests back to the times of the Venetian Empire. In Perast, there is a 55-meter bell tower of the Church of St. Nicholas - the highest on the coast. And earlier there was the famous maritime school of Marko Martinovich, where the midshipmen of Peter the Great studied.

The Bay of Kotor is a place that attracts lovers of a quiet and calm sea coast without strong waves. There are many excellent beaches in the Tivat and Hercegnov bays, where relaxation can be combined with medical procedures.

And, of course, the sights of the underwater world of the Bay of Kotor - caves and ships lying at the bottom, attract divers from all over the world like a magnet.


It is rightfully considered a pearl among the cities spread along the shores of the Boka Kotorska Bay. Its heart is the Old Town, whose narrow cobbled streets always have a medieval feel.

This feeling only intensifies when looking at the fortress wall 4.5 kilometers long and up to 20 meters high, encircling the city along the slopes of the Lovcen mountain range. Crowned by a powerful line of defense at an altitude of 280 meters above sea level, the fortress of St. John.

The fortress is open to everyone. 1400 steps along a narrow mountain path, and you are there. Despite the fact that the climb requires a lot of strength, the panoramic view of the city and the Bay of Kotor from the top is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Old Kotor is simply full of historical buildings - the Clock Tower, the Watchtower, the pillory, the Arsenal, the city gates, palaces and temples. There is a church of the XII century, notable for the fact that there are two altars - Catholic and Orthodox.

In addition to the rich cultural and historical heritage, Kotor is the center of the festival life of Montenegro, as well as the legislator of nightlife.


The city of Bar is underestimated by vacationers in Montenegro. Beach lovers most often go to the Budva Riviera, researchers of historical sights prefer Kotor. Meanwhile, this city has something to surprise the traveler.

In the vicinity of Novy Bar, which stretches along the Bar Bay, there are about 20 beaches for every taste. Sandy and pebbly, long and small secluded, which can only be reached from the sea.

Old Bar, located 5 km from the New Bar, is an ancient fortress built on an elevated plateau, in fact, an open-air museum. A stone aqueduct from the times of the Turkish invasion, a unique Clock Tower, the 15th century Omerbasic Mosque and about 240 more ancient buildings covered with thickets and well preserved.

Unfortunately, we did not have time to visit the Bar. There was not enough time, although we planned.

Canyons of Montenegro

Montenegro is the richest country in Europe. The most famous of them are the canyons of the Tara and Moraca rivers. It is these natural monuments that are visited most often.

The canyon of the Tara River is the largest in Europe, in some places the height of the banks reaches 1300 meters, and the width does not exceed three, the length of the canyon is 80 km.

Tara is famous for another attraction - a unique engineering structure - the Dzhurdzhevich Bridge. This is an automobile arch bridge with a length of 370 meters and a height of about 160 meters, which offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding beauty.

Thrill-seekers will enjoy bungee jumping from the highest point of the bridge, the so-called bungee jumping, or rafting on Tara, which is characterized by a fast current and numerous rapids.

National parks Durmitor and Biogradska Gora

The Durmitor and Biogradska Gora parks adjoin the Tara River valley. Therefore, as a rule, excursion routes to the canyons of the Moraca and Tara rivers include a visit to one of them.

Our route passed through the Biogradska Gora park. This is a forest untouched by civilization, where many trees have been exchanged for the fourth hundred years. On the territory of the park there are several lakes of glacial origin, the largest of them is Biogradskoe - at an altitude of 1094 meters above sea level.

Durmitor is a natural reserve included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most frequently visited objects of the park are the Black Lake, around which you can walk, admiring the ancient forest, or ride a bike along specially laid paths, sit on a bench or rent a boat; Black Poda, a unique grove of black pines, many of which are almost five centuries old; An ice cave at an altitude of 2108 meters is a fabulous world of stalagmites and stalactites and others.

In addition, Durmitor is the center of mountain tourism in Montenegro. Fans of hiking (marked routes are laid out for them), caving and rock climbing will definitely like it here.

Skadar Lake

Skadar Lake is the largest freshwater body of water on the Balkan Peninsula, located on the territory of two states of Montenegro and Albania at once. In length, it stretches for 43 km, and at its widest point, the banks are separated from each other at a distance of 26 km. About 50 islands are scattered across the lake, and along the banks there are many ancient monasteries and fortresses. More than 260 species of birds live on the lake, including rare herons, pelicans, cormorants, and the waters are rich in fish - bleak, carp, eel, salmon, roach, in total about 40 items.

Skadar Lake can offer various types of recreation. You can fish and hunt, ride a boat or excursion boat and swim, visit monasteries and explore ancient fortresses, or simply enjoy the stunningly beautiful nature.

The Skadar Lake National Park was also not included in the list of places we visited. We hope next time we are in Montenegro, we will definitely visit this unique reserve.

Cetinje, Njegusi village and Lovcen National Park

It is the historical capital of Montenegro. Founded in 1482, it has become a historical and cultural heritage of the country. Here is the palace of the last Montenegrin king Nikola I and the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where his remains are buried. As well as the Cetinje Monastery, significant for the entire Orthodox world, with its shrines - the Hand of John the Baptist and a particle of the tree of the Life-Giving Cross.

The most revered ruler of Montenegro, the philosopher and poet Peter II Petrovich Njegosh (1830-1851), was born in the village of Njegusi. This small settlement, lost high in the mountains, is famous for its prosciutto and local cheese. Be sure to taste these national dishes in a village restaurant, we advise the curious to visit the production of prosciutto.

Peter II Petrovich Negosh is buried in a mausoleum on the top of the Lovcen mountain range. From the observation deck, located nearby, you can see the whole of Montenegro from the highest peaks of Durmitor to the blue of the Adriatic Sea.

Monastery Ostrog

Ostrog Monastery arose on the site of a natural cave right in a sheer cliff in the middle of the 17th century. Today it is a significant religious shrine not only for Orthodox believers, but also for representatives of other faiths. The relics of the wonderworker Vasily Ostrozhsky, the most revered saint in Montenegro, are kept in the monastery. Even during his lifetime, he earned the respect of many believers, and after his death, his relics began to work miracles - to heal seriously ill patients, to put in order the mind. That is why people from different countries strive to get into this monastery in the hope of being cured of illnesses and finding peace of mind.

Ostrog consists of a lower monastery of a later construction (XIX century) and an ancient upper part, where relics are stored, located in the rock and which is the main place of pilgrimage for tourists.

To date, Ostrog is a functioning monastery, in which twelve monks live, serving and telling visitors about this place.

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