Agrigento beaches sicily Agrigento, Sicily

Agrigento. Sicily.

Had many names: Akragas - so called the city by the Greeks, Agrigentum - who came after the Romans, Kerkent the Arabs said Girgenti - Normans. And only in 1929 the city was officially named.
was founded by the Greeks from the island of Rhodes in 581 BC. Acragant (Akragas) - so the city was called by the Greeks, became one of the significant and prosperous cities of the ancient world. At the same time was built Valley of the Temples, and the city began to be called "The most beautiful city of mortals".
But in 406 BC. the city was besieged by the Carthaginians under the command of Hannibal, after a stubborn struggle and siege, the Carthaginians destroyed Akragant almost completely. This horrified the Greeks and caused a political crisis. Subsequently, the city was restored.
During the 2nd Punic War, Akragant came under the rule of Rome and received the name - Agrigentum (Agrigentum).
These were years of quiet history under the shadow of a prosperous Rome. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Agrigento was ruled by the barbarians, then the Byzantines and then the Normans. The Aragonese were replaced by the Spaniards, and in 1860 became part of the united Italy.
And only in 1929 the city was officially named.

Main attraction Agrigento - Valley of the Temples - an extensive archaeological park with Greek temples of the 6th and 5th centuries. BC, which are considered the best examples of the Doric style outside Greece and are protected by UNESCO.

Agrigento. Valley of the Temples.

Several temples have survived to this day. The best preserved temple - temple of Concord (tempio della Concordia), it was built in the 5th century. Rectangular at the base - 39.44 mx 16.91 m, with columns around the perimeter (6 x 13). In the 7th century, the temple was rebuilt into the Christian Church of Saints Peter and Paul. This helped him to survive so well to this day.

Temple of Concord. Agrigento. Sicily.

The tallest temple - temple of Hera or Juno Lacinia (tempio dei Hera Lacinia) - Doric temple 450 BC Diameter 38.15 mx 16.90 m, with 34 columns, 25 columns have survived to this day.
According to legend, in this temple was kept the famous painting depicting Juno, painted by the Greek painter Zeuxis. Moreover, for this picture, Zeuxis examined in the nude all the girls of ancient Agrigento and chose five of them to reproduce in the picture what each of them individually approved of.

Temple of Hera Lacinia. Agrigento.

Temple of Hercules (tempio di Eracle) was built in 510 BC. He personified the strength and power of Hercules, who was so loved in Sicily. The temple was huge 73.99 mx 27.79 m with 38 columns. But only 8 magnificent columns have survived to this day.

Temple of Hercules. Agrigento.

In another part of the park (the park is divided into two parts by a road) is temple of Jupiter (tempio di Zeus (Giove) Olimpico), built in 480-479. BC. by order of the tyrant Theron. It was the most magnificent and grandiose temple, surrounded by 38 half-columns of six and a half metro in a circle and decorated with giant Telamons seven and a half meters high that supported the temple. Now only ruins remain of the temple. A replica of one of the lying Telamons can be seen in the Valley near the temple ruins. And the original is kept in the National Archaeological Museum.
You can still see the ruins temple of the Dioscuri (tempio dei Dioscuri), Temple of Aesculapius (tempio di Escupalio), Temple of Ephesus or Volcano (tempio di Efesto)as well as the necropolises of early Christians.

Directions to the Valley of the Temples: from Agrigento train station, there is a bus to the La valle dei templi stop.
Valley of the Temples website -

The historical center, which was formed in the IX-XV centuries, is also interesting. and still has preserved its medieval buildings and special atmosphere.

Agrigento. Sicily.

Agrigento. Sicily.

Agrigento. Sicily.

Agrigento. Sicily.

On the dais is Cathedral of San Gerlando (piazza Don Minzoni), founded by Bishop Gerlando in the XI century. The cathedral looks a little strange. The bell tower, which was added in the 15th century, remained unfinished, the construction of the cathedral itself did not end either. Inside there is a wooden ceiling with beautiful paintings. The building of the cathedral has excellent acoustics.

Cathedral of San Gerlando.

Opposite located Episcopal Palace and Seminarybuilt in 1574 and building "Lucchesian Library".
Church of Santa Maria dei Greci (S. Maria dei Greci) (via Atenea) was erected on the ruins of a Doric temple of Athena in the 5th century BC, the ruins of which can be seen today.

Church of Santa Maria dei Greci.

It is worth paying attention to the famous ravine - via Bac Bac.

Agrigento. Sicily.

Agrigento. Sicily.

On a cozy piazza Pirandello In the former monastery complex of the Dominicans, the City Municipality is located, next to the theater (18th century) Luigi Pirandello, as well as the City Museum.

From the point of view of transport accessibility, the southwestern coast of Sicily (conditionally, from Marsala to Cape Passero) is perhaps the least attractive and is inferior to the other two coasts: the north and east. And the tourist infrastructure in this part of the island is far from ideal. However, the local beaches are often no worse than, say, in San Vito lo Capo and Mondello or in Fontana Bianca and Lido di Noto. Moreover, just because of the relatively undeveloped transport and resort infrastructure, the southwestern coast is much less crowded, and therefore the beaches here, as a rule, are much more spacious. What else do you need for a secluded beach holiday? Maybe a car. Because moving around the south-west of Sicily without personal transport is very, very difficult in places. Fortunately, car rental is not a problem. This can be done immediately upon arrival: at the airports of Catania (see, for example), Palermo (see) or Trapani (see). It is also worth mentioning the Comiso airport, which is located near Ragusa. Ryanair and some other low-cost airlines fly here. This is the southernmost airport in Sicily, through which it is convenient to get to many seaside resorts, including places such as Marina di Ragusa, Pozzallo, etc. Of course, in Comiso there is also an opportunity to rent a car (see).

However, let's not forget about public transport. Many of the beaches on the southwest coast are easily accessible both by rail (see and by bus (links below).

For further convenience, we will divide the south-western coast into two parts: (it is more convenient to get here through Trapani and Palermo) and (it is better to go here through Comiso and Catania).

Usually Marsala (Marsala) considered as a destination for a short sightseeing trip. The city is really interesting. However, few people pay attention to the fact that in addition to historical sights in Marsala, there are also pretty good beaches. They are located far from the city center, but getting to them will not be difficult. For example, to the beach Lido Signorino from Marsala train station you can get by train in just 5 minutes (get off at the Terrenove stop, from where about 10-15 minutes walk to the beach). The Linea 9 city bus will also do (see for timetables). By car, as you might guess, getting to Lido Signorino is also easy (and no problems with parking!).

In fact, if you need a quiet, non-touristy place, then it is quite possible to settle here. The beach is sandy, the entrance to the water is shallow. There are several equipped beaches with sun loungers, umbrellas, bars, etc. You can stay in one of the small family hotels, such as the Suitebeach B&B (located right on the beach) or B&B Voglia di Mare (slightly away from the beach, but a few steps from the railway station). Another option is to rent a cottage or villa: see, for example, Terrazza dei Sogni or Villa Profumo di Mare.

By the way, about houses, villas and apartments. Having your own kitchen will be of great help if you like fresh seafood and do not mind cooking something yourself (Marsala has a wonderful fish market).

In addition, it is convenient to travel around the area from here: within an hour's drive (both by car and by train) not only the Old Town of Marsala, but also Trapani with the medieval village of Erice next door, and the town of Mazara del -Vallo (Mazara del Vallo), whose history goes back centuries, and Castelvetrano, where it is worth visiting, if only for the sake of the Church of San Domenico, and other interesting places that often slip out of sight of travelers.

In turn, the most convenient way to get to Marsala is via Trapani Airport (Aeroporto Vincenzo Florio Trapani-Birgi), which is connected to Marsala by direct bus service (it takes about half an hour, see It is also possible to get from Palermo to Marsala by bus (the journey takes a little more than two hours, see the schedule).

Let's go back to the seaside resorts.

The town mentioned above Mazara del Vallo (Mazara del Vallo)like Marsala, it is not deprived of beaches. The Madzar beaches themselves (they, again, are located at a distance from the historical center), may be not bad, but the adjacent territories (unlike the historical center) make a rather dull impression - spending all the time by the sea will be elementary boring. Therefore, it makes sense to focus on them only if you are in a car, or if a 30-40-minute walk is not a problem for you and the summer heat does not frighten you.

Further, the railway goes away from the sea, and to get to the settlements located on the coast, the car will be even more useful. Although, of course, buses run in this area too (see

As for the beaches, here you should pay attention to the surroundings of the ancient city of Selinunte. Today Selinunte is an archaeological park with ruins of ancient temples and other antiquities. Nearby places such as Trishina (Triscina), Tre Fontane (Tre Fontane), Cartibubbo (Kartibubbo) - to the west, as well Marinella di Selinunte (Marinella di Selinunte) and Porto Palo (Porto Palo) - to the east. The closest thing to the archaeological park is Marinella di Selinunte - a convenient place to combine sightseeing with ancient sights with a beach holiday, since there are opportunities. In particular, it is worth considering the Eracle Hotel, located near both the entrance to the archaeological park and the beach. Do you want a hotel with its own beach? Then take a look at the Miramare Hotel, just outside the center of Marinella, but also close to the archaeological area. There are also apartments nearby (for example, the Case Vacanza Vivaldi complex) and other interesting options both in Marinella and Trishin, and in Tre Fontana, and so on on the list. If you prefer resort hotels with their own territory, beach infrastructure, full board and animation, then there are these: see, for example, Le Dune Resort, near Porto Palo. The beaches are sandy everywhere and, as a rule, wide enough, and the entrance to the water is shallow, which is perfect for children.

However, it is worth making a reservation. For the southwestern coast of Sicily, in general, and for the area under consideration - Valle del Belice - in particular, the following feature is characteristic: the sea here is quite unpredictable and at times (even in July and August) is much cooler than desired would be many tourists. On the surface, the sea warms up well, but either because of the winds, or because of currents, warm water mixes with cold water. It turns out a kind of layer cake: layers of warm water are interspersed with layers of cold water. Although the children splashing along the shore do not care.

Apparently, due to the same peculiarity, the southwest coast is well suited for wind, kite and just surfing. From this point of view, it is worth paying close attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe tourist village of Cartibubbo: see, in particular, Agriglamping WindResort, where you can not only stay, but also undergo the necessary training.

However, we will continue to move towards Agrigento. The next point to stop our gaze is Shakka (Sciacca)... It is more convenient to get here by car, but there are also buses: in particular, from Palermo (about 1 hour 40 minutes, see and from Trapani (about two hours, you can go directly from the airport, see www. This old town is located on a small hill: below is the port, and a little to the side of the port are the beaches. In principle, you can stay right here - somewhere not far from the port (that is, between the sea and the Old Town): see, for example, Hotel Aliai, a small townhouse Casa Corallo or the Tonnara di Sciacca apart-hotel (a little further away). Thus, you can always easily reach the beaches, and for a change, the historic center of Sciacca (15-20 minutes walk) is close at hand, where you can find local attractions (in particular, the Church of St. Margherita, Chiesa di Santa Margherita), and shops , and restaurants. This option is quite suitable for accommodation for several days in the "Sciacca + beach" format (plus, perhaps, thermal waters and therapeutic mud, which Sciacca also have). If you are interested in a longer vacation with an emphasis on the sea, then you should hardly be guided by city beaches. In this case, it makes sense to shift the focus of attention to the vicinity of Shakki.

There are villages to the west of Shakki San Marco (San Marco) and Maragani (Maragani)... Both places are non-touristy, but they are very popular among the locals, and therefore you can find here not only beaches (sandy in San Marco and sandy-rocky in Maragani), but also grocery stores, beach bars, pizzerias and even discos (in San Marco ). There is also a place to rent a sun lounger and umbrella, if this is important to you. In addition, next to San Marco is the cape of the same name, the territory of which is a nature reserve (Riserva Naturale di Capo San Marco), which is very favorable for outdoor walks (plus, if you wish, you can dive here with a mask). If we talk about where to live, then pay attention to the San Marco in Riva al Mare apartments, not far from the well-maintained beach, or the small hotel Maragani Beach with a cozy secluded private beach.

There are also many places to the east of Shakki that are quite suitable for a beach holiday: first of all, Sovareto (Sovareto), Lumiya (Lumia), San Jojo (San Giorgio) and Macauda (Makauda)... These places are chosen by large beach hotels, although for the most part the coast remains "wild", and equipped paid beaches are rare here. But there are many villas and apartments for rent: see, for example, the Case Bongiovi complex or the Makauda Beach apart-hotel (it would also be useful to scour sites like As for the beach hotels, they often do not meet the expectations of tourists: many of them are pretty dilapidated and require renovation. But there are also decent places. In particular, in Sovareto there is a huge tourist complex consisting of four club hotels - Alicudi, Lipari, Cala Regina and Torre del Barone (by the way, some Russian tour operators bring tourists here - you can look for tours). Not a bad option. But perhaps even better is the Verdura Resort located in the Macauda area, where there is a private beach, several restaurants, and opportunities for various sports, including golf, and a kids club, and a spacious pool, etc. etc. In a word, a great resort! True, by no means cheap. In addition, the hotel's sand and pebble beach will not be to everyone's taste. Therefore, it will be very convenient to have a car on hand - so you can visit many beautiful beaches located in the immediate vicinity, or at any time get out to the same Shakka.

Then a series of large, mostly "wild" beaches begins (for example, piana Grande beach, Spiaggia di Piana Grande), which stretch right up to the place Eraclea Minoa (Eraclea Minoa)... This place, I must say, although small, but quite interesting. Available: a beautiful sandy beach, separated from the resort village by a coniferous forest, a picturesque cliff and an archaeological zone. There are also some accommodation options for tourists: see, for example, the Eraclea Minoa Village camping (in fact, this is not just a camping, it offers both apartments and rooms) or the B&B Eraclea Minoa Mare guest house. Plus a decent beach restaurant.

From here to the village Sikuliana Marina (Siculiana Marina) again, there are "wild", only now sandy beaches. The places are not at all touristy and very beautiful (pay attention, in particular, to torre Salsa beach, Spiaggia di Torre Salsa - here it is on the map). But you can only get here by car, and you can't go everywhere. Sikuliana Marina is an island of civilization. There is also a beach, several restaurants, and some accommodation options such as Resort Sole Mediterraneo and Miky Holiday Home. In the summer (especially on weekends, since mostly locals come here) the local beach is quite crowded, but it is not difficult to find a free spot. In addition, if you are by car (otherwise it’s hardly worth going here), you can always go to the surrounding “wild” (like the aforementioned Torre Salsa) or, let's say, “semi-wild” (like Giallonardo, Spiaggia di Giallonardo) beaches.

Finally, we cannot fail to mention two more places that are already very close to Agrigento. It - Lido Rossello (Lido Rossello) and Punta Grande (Punta Grande), two resort villages with good sandy beaches, between which you can find one of the most impressive natural attractions in Sicily. We are talking about the so-called Turkish staircase (aka Scala dei Turchi, Scala dei Turchi). Lido Rossello Beach offers a breathtaking view of this dazzling white ledge cliff. If you wish, you can even walk to the “stairs” from here (many people do this, despite the ban of local authorities). Punta Grande is also within walking distance of the Turkish stairs (as far as we know, there are no prohibitive signs on this side; walk 15-20 minutes). Accordingly, if you want to combine a visit to this attraction with a beach holiday, then it makes sense to stay in one of these places: see, for example, the Case Vacanze Baia aparthotel in Lido Rossello or the small guest house B&B Mammaliturchi in Punta Grande. The disadvantages of the considered resorts include their popularity. In summer, the local beaches, to put it mildly, are not empty. Nevertheless, you can always find a more or less secluded place.

If we talk about transport, then it is more convenient to go here by car. However, fortunately for "horseless" travelers, there are buses from Agrigento to Realmonte (Realmonte, about 20 minutes' journey, see, from where it is within easy reach of Lido Rossello (about 3.5 km away): you can even walk on foot , or arrange a transfer with the hotel / owner of the apartment, or take a taxi. In approximately the same way, you can reach the village of Punta Grande: first by bus from Agrigento to Porto Empedocle (drive about 25 minutes, see, and from there to your destination. It is also worth mentioning that Realmonte can be reached by direct bus from Trapani airport (see), and Porto Empedocle from Catania (see, Palermo (see and Comiso airports (see ibid.). In all cases, the journey will take about three hours.

By the way, there are beaches in Porto Empedocle (Porto Empedocle), from where, by and large, it is also possible to walk to the Turkish stairs. If you walk along the sea through Punta Grande, the road will take about an hour. Alternatively, you can stop somewhere halfway between Porto Empedocle and Punta Grande. There are, among other things, a couple of good four-star hotels in the area: Hotel Villa Romana and Hotel Riviera Palace. Both are a stone's throw from the Azure Beach (Lido Azzurro) and are suitable for both car travelers and those who travel without a car (it is possible to order a transfer to the hotel, say, from Agrigento, which is both convenient and relatively inexpensive).

In Agrigento itself, there is no sea or beaches. However, the coast is not far away. In addition, Agrigento is the largest transport hub in this part of Sicily (there is a railway station - about two hours' drive from Palermo, with trains running almost every hour). Agrigento is convenient to use as a staging post on the way to nearby resorts (by the way, for more details on where to stay in Agrigento, read the corresponding article). In addition, the Valley of the Temples, the Turkish Stairs and other iconic landmarks are nearby.

In terms of beach resorts, the aforementioned Lido Rossello, Punta Grande and Porto Empedocle, as well as San Leone and Fumenaro, which can also be reached by public transport, are within half an hour's drive from Agrigento (see bus routes Linea 2 and Linea 3 at

San leone (San Leone) a typical resort town. Here you can find a pretty embankment, a small amusement park, a tourist port, discos, numerous restaurants, and rented villas, apartments, etc. The beaches in San Leone are sandy. There is a small beach in the center of the town (landmark - Hotel L "Approdo). A little further from the center, a series of beaches covered by breakwaters begins (here you can take a closer look, for example, at B&B Villa Adriana). Further the beaches stretch up to Fumenaro (Fiumenaro) and the adjacent town Lido di Cannatello (Lido di Cannatello), where, just like in San Leone, there are villas, apartments, and guest houses. If you prefer traditional hotel service, check out the Baia Di Ulisse Wellness & Spa and Residence Hotel Antica Perla.

Further afield, you can find a number of "wild" beaches, many of which are hidden in secluded coves between the rocks. The places are beautiful, but really wild and completely non-touristy. Here you feel like a real pioneer, but the presence of a car, as well as the spirit of adventurism, is strictly required. Islands of civilization - Marina di Palma, Ciotta and Torre di Gaffe.

Closer to Likat, comfortable beaches begin to meet again. From this point of view, it is worth paying attention to places such as Pisciotto (Pisciotto) and Mollarella (Mollarella)... Separately, we will mention the picturesque Rocca di San Nicola beach (Spiaggia della Rocca di San Nicola, here it is on the Google map). It is more convenient to get here by car, but in summer there is a seasonal Linea 5 bus from Likata (see for a schedule). Licata, in turn, can be reached by bus both from Agrigento (about an hour's drive, see, and from Comiso airport (just over an hour and a half, see ibid.), And from Catania (about two and a half hours drive, can be reached directly from the airport, see, and from Palermo (about three hours drive, see

Likata (Licata) is also worth considering for a beach holiday. The city is adjacent to a rather long sandy marianello beach (Spiaggia di Marianello), where there are also equipped areas, but there are enough free zones for everyone (the further from Likata, the more spacious). It is this beach that you should be guided by if you want to combine a visit to Likata with sun and sea baths. Nearby accommodation options are 10-15 minutes' walk from Marianello Beach, such as the Antica Dimora San Girolamo, Casa Vacanze Porto Marina and the 3-star Al Faro.

On the coast to the east of Likata and almost to Gela itself, there are also good sandy beaches. There are almost no paid areas here, but you can find such pleasant places with their own beach equipment, such as the B&B Valoroso Village and the Serenusa Village beach hotel. By the way, there are also seasonal buses running in this direction (Linea 4, see Another good resort hotel is located in the town Falconara (Falconara) - see Falconara Charming House Resort & Spa. And, finally, here we will mention the all-inclusive Sikania Resort & Spa hotel.

Approaching Dzhele, we note that until quite recently the sea here was completely unsuitable for swimming. The situation is gradually changing for the better, and Gela (Gela) begins to gain prominence not only as a center for the petrochemical industry, but also as a beach destination. For example, according to the Italian Ministry of Health (see - in the "Comune" field, indicate "Gela") now even in the city center (for example) it is quite possible to swim. Nevertheless, areas not suitable for swimming are still preserved in Dzhel (they can be found again at the link above). Thus, Gela can hardly be called a full-fledged beach resort. However, this city may well be used as an intermediate point on the way from the same Agrigento to Syracuse and Catania (or vice versa). There are not many accommodation options here, but those that exist (for example, the Aurora Residence apartment complex) are pleasantly pleased with their prices. In addition, Gela is one of the oldest cities in Sicily (in ancient times the city was called Gela), which is also interesting (in particular, it is worth visiting the local archaeological park).

Usually travelers bypass not only Gelu, but also the surrounding beaches, which does not prevent them from being popular among the local population. Beaches in places such as scenic Manfria (actually Manfria + Lido di Manfria) or worn out among greenhouses Marina di Akate (Marina di Acate)are quite crowded, although almost unknown to tourists.

Be that as it may, it is hardly worth going to this area specially if you plan to move around Sicily by public transport (despite the fact that you can get to Gela by bus and even by rail). But if you are traveling by car, then for a couple of days it is quite possible to drop in here in order to replenish the treasury of Sicilian impressions.

The picture changes markedly as we move further south. For example, Scoglitti (Scoglitti) gives the impression of a typical resort town, where you can find not only good sandy beaches, but also numerous shops, restaurants, a small port, several discos and a pretty historic center. Of course, there are hotels, apartments, and other tourist accommodation facilities: see, for example, Sul Mare Al Gabbiano and B&B Marejada hotels (both practically in the center of Scoglitti), or the Mediterraneo Apartments complex (on the outskirts of the village).

Of no less interest from the point of view of beach recreation are Punta Bracchetto (Punta Braccetto), Torre di Mezzo (Torre di Mezzo), Punta Secco (Punta Secco) and of course Marina di Ragusa (Marina di Ragusa) Is a place renowned as one of the most prestigious beach resorts in the south of Sicily. True, you will not find fashionable five-star hotels here, but there are several good "fours": see, for example, a hotel located in the very center of the village and at the same time a stone's throw from the beach with the self-explanatory name Miramare (some of the rooms really open up beautiful sea \u200b\u200bviews). There are other options, including more budgetary ones, like the Appartamenti Sud Est apartment complex (about a five-minute walk from the beach).

By the way, the beaches here are sandy, with a convenient entrance to the water. In summer, the sea is generally calm and warm. The tourist infrastructure is well developed by the standards of southern Sicily. In a word, Marina di Ragusa is perfect for a measured beach holiday, which can always be diversified with trips around the surrounding area: to Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, etc.

At the same time, Marina di Ragusa is of interest not only for auto travelers, but also for those who travel by public transport. For example, you can get here directly from Catania (or even from Catania airport) - the journey takes about two and a half hours (see If you go from Ragusa, you can get there in just half an hour (see Comiso airport within an hour by bus (see schedule). There are other routes - the sites of bus companies were mentioned above, where you can find detailed information on this matter.

There are several other resort towns nearby, which also deserve attention. This, in particular, Playa Grande (Plaja Grande) and Donnalucata (Donnalucata)... Both are also quite suitable for a beach holiday, but it is better to go here by car. The Zafran Boutique Hotel in Donnalucat deserves a special mention. An excellent hotel (though not the cheapest). Further south are Sampieri (Sampieri) and Marina di Modica (Marina di Modica) - also good options with more than decent beaches.

Let's dwell in a little more detail on Pozzallo (Pozzallo)... This small town looks almost like a metropolis against the background of the above-mentioned villages. It's no joke to say that it even has its own train station (just over an hour's drive from Syracuse). By the way, there is a railway station in the aforementioned Sampieri, but it is located quite far from the village. In Pozzallo, everything is much more convenient - from the station to the sea just 10 minutes on foot. It is also worth noting that Pozzallo has a direct ferry connection with Malta, where it is quite possible to go on a one-day excursion (see, in order to save money it is better to buy tickets in advance). Moreover, since modern ferries cover the distance between Pozzallo and Malta in less than two hours, it becomes possible to create a non-trivial travel itinerary and get to Pozzallo in transit via Malta airport, rather than the traditional route via Catania or Comiso.

In summer, Pozzallo is a lively seaside resort - life is in full swing (especially on weekends), the quays and the center of the town are noisy and fun. Mainly Italians rest here, but tourists are not uncommon either. The beaches in Pozzallo are very, very decent (fine sand, calm clear sea, smooth entry into the water) and there are many accommodation options. Most of them are rented houses and apartments (see, for example, the Attico Fronte Mare penthouse with excellent sea views), as well as small guest houses (in particular, B&B Gioclora), but there are also hotels (for example, Hotel Villa Ada and Mare Nostrum Petit Hotel).

Pozzallo is perfect for the rest of the most varied categories of travelers - for families with children, and for young people, etc. If you do not like to sit in one place, but do not plan to rent a car, then in this case Pozzallo will be an excellent choice: you can really get to Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Noto, Syracuse and some other interesting places by rail or bus.

If you are looking for a more secluded place, it is better to rent a car. It is worth driving a few kilometers from Pozzallo, as the spacious and uncrowded beaches begin. From this point of view, the beach in the town deserves the closest attention. Santa Maria del Focallo (Santa Maria del Focallo) - long-long, sandy-sandy and in places completely deserted even in the height of the summer season. Take a look at Le Dune Residence, for example. Despite being adjacent to the large beachfront Hotel Club Marispica, it is very quiet and peaceful. There are, of course, other options nearby, including villas, apartments and guest houses.

Alternatively, consider Granelli (Granelli)... This is perhaps even more secluded than Santa Maria del Focallo.

It is impossible not to mention the picturesque beach located even further south. Carratois (Playa Carratois)where you can find several beach bars and restaurants, as well as rent a sun lounger and umbrella if you wish. If you live somewhere in the vicinity, then it is worth coming here at least for a few hours. There are some accommodation options in the immediate vicinity of the beach: see, for example, Casa Vacanze Carratois.

Finally, completing our review of the beaches of the southwest coast of Sicily, let's say a few words about the beach located on the edge of Capo Passero Isola delle Correnti (Isola delle Correnti)... This is the southernmost point of Sicily. In fact, this is why many tourists come here. The beach itself is not bad, but it is more of a place for a short half-day sightseeing trip. It is hardly worth staying here for a long time, unless you are interested in kitesurfing or windsurfing. From this point of view, Isola delle Correnti (as, by the way, and Carratois) looks very attractive. Be that as it may, many of the places discussed above (the same Santa Maria del Focallo or Pozzallo) are located much more conveniently, and the beaches there are at least no worse.

How to get to Agrigento

Agrigento is considered a beautiful historic town located on the southwest coast of Sicily. The bulk of tourists are attracted to Agrigento by the opportunity to see the so-called "Valley of the Temples", where many ancient sites and monuments have been preserved. Agrigento is considered a popular excursion destination from Palermo and Catania.

You can get to Agrigento from any Sicilian town, but most often, tourists come here from Palermo or Catania, two major cities on the island, which have international airports of arrival. Both Palermo and Catania can be reached from Russia by air. There are direct flights to Palermo, and there are flights to Catania with a transfer in Rome or Milan. The flight schedule can be found on the search engines Aviasales , Buruki and others. You can also get to Sicily by ferry from mainland Italy.

Palermo - Agrigento

The distance between Palermo and Agrigento is about 130 km in a straight line. There are several ways to get from Palermo to Agrigento: public transport (buses, trains), or car rental. Railway service runs daily between the cities at intervals of 1-2 times per hour throughout the day. Travel time from Palermo will be about 2 hours, and the fare is 10-11 euros one way. You can clarify the schedule and buy tickets online on the railway service .

About the same time you can get there by regular bus. Buses leave every 2 hours throughout the day. The first bus leaves at 8.15, the last one at 18.00. The fare is € 9 one way. The departure station in Palermo is Pizzetta Cairoli, the arrival station in Agrigento is Piazzetta Rosselli.

In order to travel around Sicily at your own pace and rhythm, you can rent a car in Palermo. Rental offices can be found both in the city itself and at the airport of arrival. To register a car for rent, you will need an international passport, an international driver's license, and a bank card to pay for services. You can book the required class of car in advance on special services , , and others. Palermo and Agrigento are linked by the SS121 and SS189 motorways. Estimated travel time is 2 hours.

Herbert Frank / View of the Valley of the Temples

Catania - Agrigento

The distance between Catania and Agrigento is 160 km. You can also get from one settlement to another by public transport or a rented car. However, only regional trains run between Catania and Agrigento, so the travel time will be around 4 hours. Trains leave once in the morning, several times in the afternoon and twice in the evening. The last train leaves at 17.32. The fare varies from 12 to 20 euros one way. You can clarify the schedule and buy tickets online on the railway service .

As for the buses, they run more often, almost every hour. Transportation is carried out by the bus company SAIS TRASPORTI. The fare is 13.4 euros one way and 22 euros both ways.

Much it will be faster to get by car. Catania and Agrigento are connected by the A19 and SS640 motorways. Travel time will be about 2 hours. You can rent a car both in Catania itself and at the airport of arrival. This option is quite popular among tourists traveling in Sicily. You can book the desired class of car in advance (before departure) on specialized services , , and others. Advance booking is especially important in the summer, when the influx of tourists to the island increases dramatically.

Darold Massaro / Near Agrigento

Agrigento Accommodation

Agrigento is significantly removed from other tourist centers of Sicily, so tourists coming for sightseeing often stay in Agrigento longer than 1 day. All conditions have been created for this in Agrigento, and there is an opportunity to stay in accommodation for every taste. Bed and breakfast hotels are considered the most popular options. Also in demand are apartments, vacation homes, guest houses and, of course, standard hotels of various star categories. High marks from tourists on received the following accommodations in Agrigento:

Hotel Agrigento Home - the hotel is located in the city center and offers its guests rooms of various capacities, including family-type rooms. Free parking, a bar, free Wi-Fi are available on site. Breakfasts are paid additionally. The rooms are decorated in studio style, there is a dedicated kitchen area;

La Passeggiata di Girgenti - This bed and breakfast has a convenient location. You can stay in rooms of various sizes, each room has a coffee / tea maker. Breakfasts are included in the price. Wi-Fi is available free of charge throughout the hotel. Free public parking is available nearby;

Le Maioliche - the hotel is located near the city center, as well as railway and bus stations. It offers a relaxing terrace, parking and roomy rooms. Breakfasts are included in the price. The front desk provides tour desk and luggage storage services. Wi-Fi is free;

La Terrazza di Carolina - the hotel is located near the center and can offer its guests a terrace for relaxation, family rooms, free Wi-Fi, parking. Some rooms have a balcony overlooking the historic center. Breakfasts are included in the price. Wi-Fi is available in the hotel rooms free of charge;

B&B Sorahnia - Design House - the hotel has a picturesque location, the rooms offer views of the garden and mountains. Guests can stay in rooms of various sizes, some rooms have a terrace. Breakfast is included in the price. Wi-Fi is available free of charge throughout the hotel. Free private parking is also available.

Allie_Caulfield / Nature in the vicinity of Agrigento

Attractions Agrigento

Agrigento itself has a compact historical center, in which interest, above all, are Cathedral cities and church of Santa Maria dei Greci... Also a curious object is the local Archaeological Museum... But the main attraction for which people come to Agrigento from all over the island is the so-called Valley of the Templeslocated in the vicinity of the city.

The Valley of the Temples is an open-air archaeological museum. Here the ancient Greek temples of Juno-Lakinia and Concordiaas well as some other objects.

Eduardo M./ Valley of the Temples, Agrigento

The park-museum is open to visitors every day; in summer, the park's opening hours are extended so that tourists can admire the sights at sunset. You can buy tickets online or at the box office, but note that there are queues at the entrance to the park during the high season due to the popularity of this place.

If you want to combine sightseeing with swimming in the sea, then it is worth keeping in mind that Agrigento itself is not located on the coast, but a few kilometers from it. So, the nearest beach is located in the town San leone, here the beach is sandy and the coast is shallow. If you want to see more picturesque places, then go to the place Skala Dei Turchiwhere rocky shores go straight into the sea.

Herbert Frank / Valley of the Temples, Agrigento

To the south of the city lies a row of five Greek temples - a sight worthy of comparison with the Acropolis itself in Athens. Typically, the temples are subdivided into two zones: the eastern zone and the western zone, on each side of the main entrance and the road from the city center. Sometimes it gets unbearably hot in summer, and here a small shade, as well as olive trees along the ridge, saves from this. The entrance costs 8 euros, an additional fee is taken for an audio tour or a simple card (data as of November 2012).

The first temple to the east of the entrance is the Temple of Hercules (Italian Tempio di Ercole) - long, thin and only one third preserved. This is the oldest of the temples, built around the end of the 6th century BC. e. Of particular interest are the tracks left by the ancient carriages.

The path continues behind small hills at the edge of the mountain range - there is the Temple of Juno (Italian Tempio di Giunone). Partially destroyed, it gives an excellent view of the ridge below, leading to other temples.

To the west of the main entrance is the massive Temple of Jupiter (Italian Tempio di Giove), which was never completed, and now its structure can only be seen with great difficulty. The most notable is one of the huge stone statues that now lie on the ground.

Behind it is the small, ruined Temple of the Dioscuri (Italian Tempio di Dioscure).

Behind the small temple there is a small but interesting Tomb of Theron (Tomba di Terone).

To understand everything in context, it is worth visiting the Archaeological Museum (located halfway to the city center), as well as the nearby Hellenic-Roman quarter with several beautiful mosaics. VisitAgrigento offers daily tours of the Valley of the Temples, but an audio tour is available at the entrance to the temples. If you take the devices, you will be responsible for their safety and will have to return to the main entrance on the way back to return them.

To get to the Valley of the Temples by public transport, purchase a bus ticket

No. 1, 2 or 3 at the counter at the train station and take the bus to the square in front of the station.

Church of Santa Maria dei Greci (Italian Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Greci)

An interesting Norman church, built about a thousand years ago on the site of an ancient Greek temple. The entrance is free.