The necessary homemade products for fishing and tourism. Outdoors


If the big city is not yours, you love to travel or want to get started, then you may need some information on what you can do in extreme conditions to survive.

There are many ideas on how to craft things to help you travel.

You can make many useful tools with your own hands, and you can find out about some of them below.

1. Fast lighting of a fire for active tourism

In wet weather, you may have trouble lighting a fire. So as not to bother you, make blanks that will help you quickly and easily light a fire.

You will need:

Fuzzies (threads) sticking to clothes or cotton fiber

Egg carton

Old candle wax

1. Place the fiber in the egg holes.

2. Melt the wax from the candles.

3. Pour the melted wax onto the fibers in the carton.

4. Wait for everything to cool and dry.

5. Cut the blanks as shown in the image.

When ignited with a match or lighter, each of these blanks will burn for up to 20 minutes.

You will need:

Two identical plastic cans

Baking paper

Wire or rope to create a handle

Small Battery Powered Candle

Glue stick

Adhesive tape

Drill or awl

Super glue

1. Empty the jars of any debris and grease. You only need one jar lid.

2. Measure and cut three pieces of baking paper to fit inside the jar.

3. Glue the ends of all three pieces together to form a tube that fits comfortably into the jar.

4. Make a hole on opposite sides of one plastic lid (from the can).

5. Insert the wire into the holes and bend it to form a handle.

6. Make a large hole in the other cover. This time the holes are at the top.

7. Insert the candle inside the hole (there will be a switch outside). Secure the structure with glue.

8. Now glue the lid with the handle to the bottom of the can, and simply screw the top lid (with the candle) back onto the can.

3. What a tourist should do in the cold - a hand warmer

You will need:

Calcium Chloride (or something that contains it)

2 bags of different sizes with clasp

1. Put some calcium chloride into a large bag.

2. Put some water into a small bag.

3. Place the small bag inside the large one.

4. Upon contact with coolness, calcium chloride begins to heat up, and you have a comfortable hand warmer.

4. Wood stove from cans for outdoor activities and tourism

You will need:

2 cans (diameter approximately 7.5 and 10 cm)

Shears for cutting metal

Can opener

Screwdriver or awl


1. Cut the bottom of a large jar. Make holes in it to turn it into a ring.

2. Slip the ring onto the smaller can.

3. In a small jar, make several holes (top and bottom, large and small).

4. Insert the small jar into the large one.

5. Mobile cooker for extreme tourism lovers

You will need:

Small metal box

1. Cut the cardboard so that it fits comfortably in the tin box.

2. Melt the wax.

3. Fill the cardboard with wax. Fill so that there are no empty holes.

Done. It will burn long and hard.

6. What a tourist needs: odnor sachets of coffee

You will need:

Coffee filter paper

Dental floss

Measuring spoon

1. Place the filter papers in the measuring spoon.

2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of coffee.

3.Use dental floss to secure the coffee paper.

4. Cut off the excess (if the paper has a long tail).

5. Place all bags in a ziplock bag to keep them stored longer.

To brew coffee, use coffee bags in the same way as tea bags:

1. Place the bag in a cup and pour boiling water over ..

2. Wait a few minutes.

* Boiling water can be poured for free on the plane, airport, cafe and other places.

3. Before drinking coffee, take out the bag and throw it into the waste bin.

7. Very interesting ideas: mobile toilet paper holder

Toilet paper can get wet in the rain. But if you make such a holder, then you can get rid of this problem.

1. Prepare a wide plastic jar.

2. Remove the lid and put toilet paper inside.

3. Make holes at the top and bottom and insert the wire to make a handle.

4. Cut an oblong hole to push the paper through.

8. How to make an organic beetle repellent spray

You will need:

1 head of garlic

1 small onion

1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

1 liter of water

1 tablespoon olive liquid soap

1. Place the garlic and onion in a blender and blend until liquid.

2. Add 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of cayenne pepper to the contents.

3. Cover the mixture and let sit for 1 hour.

4. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and add 1 tbsp. l. olive soap.

5. Fill a spray bottle and use the contents to keep bugs away from your plants.

9. DIY compass

This craft can be done with your child, it is so simple.

You will need:

Plastic cover

Magnet (rod)

A piece of cork or foam

Some water

1. Use a knife to cut off a piece of champagne or wine cork.

2. Slide the needle along the magnet several times, but only in one direction. If you did this enough times, the needle will also become a magnet.

3. Pour water into the plastic cover.

4. Place the cut circle from the cork on the water and place the needle on top. Take your time, make sure that the needle lies flat.

Soon, the needle will begin to rotate slowly and its tip will begin to point north.

10. DIY snowshoes

11. DIY water filter

12. DIY hammock

At the end of last season, I tested the inflatable Term-a-rest Neoair xlite and loved it. Among the advantages, one can note high thermal insulation properties (R-value\u003e 3) with a low weight (350-460 g) and a huge plus for the comfort of sleep. Of course, it also has its drawbacks, but now is not about that. It is necessary to inflate this rug with the mouth, which is quite simple, but there are several nuances: First, the temperature of the air from the lungs is higher than that of the surrounding air and, therefore, after a while, the rug is inflated due to the compression of air during cooling. Secondly, moisture from the lungs enters the mat and there is deposited on the walls, reducing thermal insulation and increasing weight. I have no idea how to dry this rug, so I thought about the pump. On the American Internet, I found a very successful version of the ultralight pump for rugs. But, as usual, we do not have all the goods from the nearest supermarket, which by some miracle in their diameters and threads are ideal for tourist equipment (this is not the first time I have come across this). Therefore, I have modernized the design for our realities.

To make a pump for a rug, we need:

  • plastic bottle of lemonade - any
  • Trash bag, I used a 60 liter
  • A piece of rubber or neoprene ~ 3mm thick, better rubber, but I only had neoprene
  • Hacksaw with fine teeth - I used a hacksaw for metal
  • Narrow blade
  • Scissors
  • Sandpaper

Let's start (I apologize in advance for the quality of the photo - my daughter helped me to photograph, for her it was a debut :)). The first step is to saw off the neck of the bottle just below the ring on the neck. The safety ring that remains from the plug after the first unscrewing must also be removed. Carefully sand the saw cut or cut off the burrs with a knife.

The next move is to cut a hole in the plug with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the valve on the mat. An exact match is not needed here, the main thing is that the mat valve easily falls into the hole. It is convenient to do this operation with a short thin knife.

Next, a washer should be cut out of neoprene or rubber with an outer diameter equal to the diameter of the plug, and the inner diameter slightly less than the diameter of the mat valve. Our American colleagues are deprived of this step, because you can buy this washer from them in the plumbing department and it will perfectly match their bottles and rugs.

If made of rubber, then you can give a small allowance. I made from neoprene, so the first version of the hole turned out to be too large, the neoprene stretched and allowed air to pass through. I had to make a second option - a smaller one.

Now we need to make a chamber in which air will be injected. Any package is used for this. I took the "extra strong" garbage bags. The bottom corner of the bag must be cut off, so that the resulting hole could be pulled tightly over the neck of the bottle.

It remains to insert the rubber washer into the cork and screw it onto the neck with the bag.

If you made a gasket from rubber, this process ended, if from neoprene, like me, then you have to tinker a little more. The fact is that neoprene is much softer than rubber and when pumping air, the pump can fly off the valve. So for control, I put on another rubber band for money to hold the pump on the valve.

Now you can pump up. This is done by trapping air through the throat of the bag and then squeezing the bag itself (below there will be a video demonstrating how to do this). Remember to open the valve on the mat. There is no need to rush or damage the package. It pumps up pretty quickly. I tested it only at home, I wonder how this pump will behave in the forest, where the needles are raining and other weather conditions.

The weight of the entire product was less than 20 grams, which is noticeably lower than the proprietary solution. The maintainability of such a pump is very high, if you are afraid that the package will burst, you can use two packages by inserting one into the other or take a spare one with you.

As a result of tests, it turned out that with my mouth I inflate the size L mat (196x63 cm) in 1 minute and 16 seconds and in 16 breaths, although my lung capacity is greater than the average. At the same time, I start to hyperventilate slightly. And with the help of a pump, I pumped up the same rug in 5 minutes and at the end the neoprene pad could no longer withstand the pressure and poisoned the air. I had to blow my mouth a couple more times. Apparently, it will be necessary to replace neoprene with rubber and repeat the experiment. Here is a video demonstrating how this pump works.

Summing up, we can say that the prototype turned out to be quite working, but in the end the pump cannot cope with the increased pressure, requiring final pumping by the mouth. There is still room for improvement here. But in general, I am satisfied with the preliminary result - I will test in the fields.

How to make a homemade barometer from a light bulb with your own hands.

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Searching for treasures using a metal detector, how to find treasures correctly, where you can find treasures in the ground.

Homemade skewer

How to make a homemade skewer for cooking on a grill or fire.

Homemade bowler hat

An easy way to make a camping bowler hat. Equipment for tourists.

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How to make a collapsible bath with your own hands

Fish in clay

Recipe on how to cook fish in clay

Homemade grill

Drawings of a homemade folding grill.

Tents in nature

A small note about tents and recreation in them in nature. What to take, how to rest and how not to freeze.

Kite Crazy Chicken

DIY Crazy Chicken Kite Making

CampCite Kite

Drawings and Description of CampCite Kite Making

How to make binoculars

Homemade binoculars, making homemade binoculars from scrap materials.

Portable bath

Mobile portable sauna that you can take with you on a fishing trip or just out into the countryside

DIY camping burner

Homemade camping burner made from cans. Easy to make in 20 minutes, works great, no worse than commercial burners.

For the trip to be successful and enjoyable, you need to get enough sleep. Mountaineering, hiking, hiking, cycling, moto or car tourism - in each case, special equipment and equipment is required. Every lover of active pastime is faced with the question of choosing a sleeping bag.

At the moment, there are many sleeping bags of various manufacturers, as well as their types and types, which makes the choice when buying an extremely problematic and time-consuming process. We will try to tell you in detail how to choose the right sleeping bag in order for your hiking trip or going out into nature turned out to be not only exciting, but also comfortable, safe for health.

How to choose the right travel backpack

Every novice tourist is faced with the need to choose a backpack. If you decide to go to wild places where there is no possibility at any time to buy something forgotten at home, then the backpack should contain everything that is necessary for an autonomous hike. Let's take a look at how to properly assemble a tourist backpack and analyze the main types for long-distance hikes.

In this article we will try to figure out how to choose the right travel backpack? What are the differences between urban and hiking, men's and women's backpacks? What nuances are important to pay attention to when choosing?

Methods for cleaning and disinfecting water in natural conditions using improvised means

If you need drinking water in the wild, finding fresh water is only half the battle. To be able to drink and cook food on it, the water must be purified and disinfected. And it is necessary to know for sure that any water before use must undergo purification, if necessary, and decontamination.

Water suitable for consumption or cooking must be absolutely clear, odorless, colorless and tasteless. Turbid water is a suspension of particles of various solids. Turbid natural water must always be pre-purified.

Which fishing hook is better and why

The fishing hook - although small, is the main part of the fishing tackle. But now there are many varieties of hooks. Which one is better and more correct to choose? It all depends on what kind of fish, what time of year and what baits you are going to fish with.
The most common are the following types of hooks: single, double, triple, with a long or short handguard, straight or curved, with a ring head or a spatula head in various combinations. The hook number (size) is the distance from the forend to the tip, measured in millimeters. The smallest hook is 2.5, the largest is 20, if you do not take into account the very exotic for huge fish and special tackle.

Protection against mosquitoes, midges and other insects

In the warm season, almost all of us are annoyed by mosquitoes, midges and other insects. Especially for summer residents and lovers of outdoor recreation. Mosquitoes and midges annoy not only on the street, they buzz and bite in city apartments as well.

TO mosquito bites, most of us treat without special attention: unpleasant, of course, but not scary. However, do not forget that a banal mosquito can easily cause quite serious troubles or complications. Brushing the mosquito bite can lead to allergies or even infections. It should be emphasized that arbovirus diseases are transmitted through the saliva of mosquitoes, which after a few days can lead to fever or even encephalitis - inflammation of the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to fight mosquitoes without a twinge of conscience.

A tent is an obligatory attribute of any hike or just outdoor recreation. The question of choosing a tent is quite complicated and is determined by many different factors. It will not be difficult to buy a tent, since, today, there are a huge number of options on the market - tourist, expeditionary, camping and others. Each tent has certain parameters and features: size, weight, number of places, entrances and vestibules, quality of fittings and seams, water resistance, quality of impregnation and others. All this matters and affects the cost.

First you need to decide: for what purposes do you need a tent? Answer options can be reduced to three main ones:

Homemade rod or spinning rod holder

The oldest and most common "old-fashioned" way of a fishing rod support is a common spear, which fishermen cut right on the shore, from coastal trees, after which the stands are simply stuck into the ground or sand. But, in addition to the fact that it causes great harm to trees, such stands are not very comfortable, there is not always something to make on the shore and where to insert it (for example, a shore made of concrete slabs). Moreover, such supports can even damage the rod, especially when striking. It is much easier to make a simple device yourself - holder for a single rod or spinning rod, or group stand once and use for many years.

Trimmer Boat Motor

The idea of \u200b\u200ba lightweight outboard motor for a small boat, including a rubber one, is of interest to many fishermen and not only. A motor that could become an alternative to an electric motor with heavy and not cheap batteries and a short power reserve plus not the ability to recharge in nature is a dream for many. If we add the relatively low price and versatility, that is, the possibility of using it for other useful purposes, then the trimmer motor (brushcutters or lawn mowers - call it what you want) is not a very bad option. And if you already have a trimmer, it wouldn't be bad to use it as an engine for a boat.
Why a trimmer? Light, modern, "low drinking" motor with a built-in tank, with ready-made controls: throttle handle, starter. There is even a long "leg", what else is needed?

For a successful hunt, an animal or a bird must be called to the position of the hunter. The simplest and most common way is to imitate their forage or mating call with a decoy. We will not dwell on the need for decoys on the hunt, if you are here, then you understand this. Decoys are of two types: electronic and wind. A brass decoy creates a certain sound like a whistle. This is a whistle, it is not expensive, there are many ways to make such a decoy yourself, does not require power supply. This is where its merits end. There are not so many disadvantages, but they are very significant - it is difficult to find the identity of the sound of the decoy and the original, often it is not possible at all, one decoy - only one sound (one animal or bird), limited volume, and therefore the area of \u200b\u200baudibility, well, you need to blow - once or twice nothing, but the whole hunt ...

Auto hook for fishing rod, spinning with your own hands

Automatic catching is often used when fishing - it increases the catch, allows you to fish with a large number of tackle, allows you to do something else in parallel with fishing, and also realizes the opportunity to catch fish without being present at the time of the bite. Of course, you will not achieve 100% catch with a bite using auto-hooking, but even without it, the bite does not always end with fish in the cage. But with a good bite, there are often more chances of catching the fish when using the automatic hook than when manually hooking, when you can simply miss the optimal hook time. That's why fishing, there is anything. There are various auto-jumper schemes, all of them are easy to make, so it's not difficult to make them yourself, but you can also look in stores for the lazy. Further material for those who want make an auto-hooking for a fishing rod or spinning rod yourself.