Batumi central boulevard. Illustrated magazine by Vladimir Dergachev "Landscapes of life

Batumi Boulevard runs along the beach and the entire central part of the city. It is the most popular holiday destination for both tourists and locals. There are a large number of restaurants, cafes, bars, small retail outlets, attractions, sports grounds, equipped places for recreation (with benches, hammocks, sun loungers) and art objects that are symbols and hallmarks of Batumi.

To date, the length of Batumi Boulevard is about 7 kilometers.

Along its entire length, the boulevard is planted with flowers, palm trees, shrubs, coniferous trees, bamboo, which makes it a very green and beautiful place. In addition, in addition to the beautiful view of the Black Sea and the mountain peaks on the horizon, which opens from the boulevard, in the evenings you can admire the colorful Batumi sunsets from here.

Old and new Batumi boulevard

Batumi boulevard is often divided into two parts: the old and the new boulevard, although in fact it is a single whole. As a rule, Batumi water park is designated as a conditional border: the boulevard to the south-west of it is called the new one, to the north-east - the old one.

The new boulevard is located in that part of the city, which is designated as New Batumi, it has been actively built up in recent years. The number of catering establishments here is still less than in the area of ​​the old Batumi Boulevard, however, in terms of grooming and ennoblement, the new boulevard is not far behind its counterpart in this. Throughout the boulevard is decorated with flowers, greenery, various sculptures, beautiful illuminated fountains, equipped with children's and sports grounds, as well as a special track for rollerblading and bicycles.

As a rule, there are fewer people on the new Batumi Boulevard, the atmosphere is calmer, which is conducive for secluded and romantic walks, small picnics, various sports, such as yoga and gymnastics. In addition, the new boulevard is considered the best place for wedding photo shoots.

Along a large part of the new boulevard, there is also Seaside Park, which contains a large number of famous and popular sculptures among tourists: the inscriptions Where and Liberte, "Slates on eggs", a labyrinth of desires, a playground with figures of famous cartoon characters and many sculptures with hearts.


It is believed that the idea of ​​​​creating a boulevard in Batumi belongs to Governor Smekalov, it was born almost 150 years ago, and construction began in 1881. Since then, the appearance of Batumi Boulevard has changed and improved all the time: first, German designers worked on the project, then their work was continued by the French gardener-decorator Mikhail D’Alphonse, very beloved and famous here. It is him that the locals consider the founder of the boulevard, so a bronze monument was erected here in his honor.

In 1934, a Greek-style colonnade (also called the Batumi Colonnade) was built to decorate the access to the sea, the architect of which is Bogdan Kirakosyan.

In 1977, the laying of the first stone of musical fountains took place, which appeared on Batumi Boulevard thanks to the architect Erkomaishvili. Since 2009, dancing fountains have been operating on Lake Ardagani, striking with their grace and beauty.

Throughout its history, the boulevard has been reconstructed many times: the surface was changed, new sculptures and monuments appeared. Today it is a modern and comfortable platform for walking, dates, meetings, sports and attracts a lot of visitors.

What is on the boulevard

Batumi Boulevard is a place where everyone can find something interesting for themselves, absolutely everyone comes here: local residents and guests of the city, adults and children, couples in love and groups of friends, athletes and photographers.

wonder park

In the north-eastern part of Batumi Boulevard there is Miracle Park, on the territory of which there are a number of famous sights of the city:

  • Statue of Ali and Nino is a masterpiece of modern art, representing the figures of two lovers (7 meters high) - a Muslim Azerbaijani Ali and a Christian Georgian Nino, moving towards each other. The sculpture symbolizes love, which blurs the lines between religions, contradictions, distances, differences and traditions.
  • alphabet tower is a modern structure that embodies the love of Georgians for their language: over its entire height, which is 130 meters, it is wrapped in ribbons with 33 letters of the Georgian alphabet, resembling DNA. At the top of the tower there is an observation terrace with excellent views of the sea and the city, as well as a revolving restaurant.
  • Lighthouse- the oldest building in the park, it was built back in 1863. The lighthouse has an octagonal stone tower and still orients sailors with its red light.

Pier Batumi

The central pier of Batumi is the longest and most visited on the coast. There are cafes and restaurants on both sides of it, and at the end there is a disco bar. Nearby there are various attractions, playground. The pier is a great place to eat with a beautiful view of the sea, dance and listen to live music.


Fountains are an integral part of Batumi Boulevard. There are enough of them here. They dance to the music, glow, shimmer, attracting the attention of passers-by, especially at night.

One of the oldest fountains of Batumi Boulevard - color-musical - is located at the main entrance to the embankment. Another, more modern dancing fountain, which is also called the Lights of Evening Batumi, is located on Lake Ardagani. It impresses with its beauty and special effects: the water constantly changes patterns, moves to the rhythm of the music, glows in different colors, and the surface of the lake reflects the picture and increases the volume of the ongoing light-water dance.

sports entertainment

Along the entire Batumi Boulevard there is a wide variety of sports facilities, including: several sandy fields for playing football and volleyball, open areas equipped with exercise equipment, bike rentals, roller skates, scooters, segways and other vehicles.

At any time of the year, but especially in summer, with its proximity to the sea and good equipment, the boulevard attracts a large number of sports fans: people come here to run, ride a bike, do aerobics, gymnastics and yoga, play volleyball and much more.

Colonnade marking the entrance to Batumi Boulevard - panorama on Google Maps

How to get to Batumi Boulevard

Since the boulevard runs along the entire central part of Batumi, it is convenient to get here from almost any part of the city. This can also be done on foot, just moving towards the sea.

From public transport, you can get by buses and fixed-route taxis, for example, passing through the stops "University" or "Service Center for Household Appliances".

If you plan to come by private car, then you can focus on such streets as Rustaveli Avenue, Sheriff Khimshiashvili, Lekha and Maria Kachinsky - they all go along the boulevard.

In addition, you can get to Batumi Boulevard by taxi, especially since their services are very developed in the city. To call a car, you can use, for example, mobile applications of such companies as Yandex.Taxi, Gett, Maxim.

Video: Batumi Boulevard from a bird's eye view


The new boulevard in Batumi is another wonder of the world! Incredibly long and divinely beautiful! These are not big words - this is the truth.

The new boulevard arose on the site of the old embankment in Batumi and became the longest embankment in Europe. Its length is 15 km! It starts in the Park of Miracles and stretches beyond the Batumi airport, up to the border with Turkey. The new boulevard is located along the coastline, so from any point on it you will get to the beach.

The construction of the new boulevard began during the presidency of M. Saakashvili, along with other transformations in the city, such as the restoration of the buildings of the old part of Batumi, the launch of the Batumi Velo project, and the development of the city's infrastructure.

Walking along the New Boulevard, all the charm of Batumi nature opens up to your eyes: the gentle sea, mighty mountains, palm trees and an immense amount of beautiful flowers.

Palm trees have been planted on the embankment in Batumi, bike paths, signs, pump rooms and water taps have been made. In summer, shops and ice cream kiosks open. To contemplate the seascape, there are special comfortable stationary sunbeds. In Batumi, the sun sets into the sea, so the sunset is simply unforgettable! If during a walk along the boulevard you want to sit down to rest, there are benches every five meters. Even at the height of the season in the evening there is a free place.

New Boulevard is a favorite place for people leading an active lifestyle. There is running, rollerblading and cycling all year round. Note to single girls: you should look for a handsome Batumi millionaire not in restaurants and casinos, but on Novy Boulevard during a daily run. Fields for playing football and basketball were built. Near the central pier of Batumi on New Boulevard there is a cool playground!

The new boulevard in Batumi is decorated with original sculptures.

I would especially like to note the Dancing Fountains on Lake Ardagani! They sing, dance and light up in different colors. Dancing fountains begin their performance after sunset. On the opposite side of the lake from New Boulevard there is a convenient square with benches for contemplating the show of the Dancing Fountains. They work all year round! There are also dancing fountains on the Old Boulevard in the city center; are called the historical fountain of Batumi.

With the most tender feelings, I remember my walks along the New Boulevard in Batumi. In any season, in any weather, walking along the boulevard is interesting.

On a hot summer day, you can ride along New Boulevard with a breeze on a four-seater bike with a roof that will protect you from the sun. The main thing is that it is correct! Check in advance At the height of the summer season, there are many entertainments on the New Boulevard in Batumi. Basically, they are all located in the part of the boulevard that belongs to the city center. There are summer cafes, nightclubs right on the seashore, an amusement park, multi-seat bicycles and children's cars for rent.

In the evening, multi-colored lights are lit, creating an incredibly romantic festive atmosphere! In some places on New Boulevard street musicians play, they are surrounded by young people, couples in love, children are dancing nearby.

In the off-season, New Boulevard is very peaceful. Here someone is jogging, cheerful young mothers are walking with children in strollers, lovers are walking in an embrace ... You feel like a person out of time, independent of circumstances. The heart is overflowing with joy. There is a steady feeling of contentment with oneself and one's own life. I just want to say: “Stop, a moment, you are beautiful!”.

From November to March, snow falls in the mountains and they become even more visible from the New Boulevard.

On rainy evenings, multi-colored lights reflect on the wet pavement of the boulevard, creating a fabulous atmosphere. If the sea is stormy, then its “growl” is heard, but it does not frighten, but bewitches. The most unusual sensations are born in the soul when you stand on the pier during a storm. The wind kicks up big waves that crash against the pier and splash in your face. You feel with all your being how the element rages under your feet. Not a soul around. It is worth closing your eyes, as soon as you dissolve in everything that happens. The feelings that are born at this moment in the soul give an understanding of the fragility of existence and open the door to great wisdom.

I love Batumi...

For myself, I decided that the name “New” boulevard does not come from the time of its construction, but from the fact that every walk along the boulevard is like for the first time, it always seems “new”. You will never get tired of walking along it and it is guaranteed that your mood will always rise.

Batumi Boulevard is a wonderful 7 kilometers of boat trips, harmony, relaxation, inspiration and entertainment. Absolutely everyone comes here: locals and tourists, adults and children, couples and groups of friends, athletes and photographers. Everything around contributes to a wonderful holiday, the entire embankment is dotted with benches, sun loungers and hammocks. In addition to the charming natural beauty of mountain views, combined with the bright greenery of various palm trees and the pleasant sound of the waves, the most popular and favorite sights of the city are collected on the boulevard. Statues of Ali and Nino, singing fountains, sculptures with hearts, the Alphabet Tower can rightfully be called the hallmarks of Batumi. Images of these places are on all Batumi souvenirs, advertisements and booklets. They, as a part of a beautiful, hospitable and unforgettable city, are taken home by happy tourists to different parts of the world in order to return again without fail. They take them away with them, leaving a piece of their soul in the warm city.

Information and historical background

The appearance of the boulevard has changed and improved for more than 100 years. Since 1884, the talented and famous French gardener-decorator Mikhail D'Alphonse has been working on the project, in whose memory a bronze monument was erected on the boulevard. Year after year, the embankment changed. In 1934, for a beautiful access to the sea, a Greek-style colonnade was built.

In 1977, thanks to the architect Erkomaishvili, the first musical fountains appeared. Since 2009, everyone's favorite dancing fountains have been operating on Lake Ardagani. In 2011, Spanish architects pleasantly surprised us with their modern and extraordinary New Boulevard project.

wonder park

The Miracle Park is located at the beginning of the boulevard and covers such interesting sights as the statue of Ali and Nino, the Georgian Alphabet Tower, the Ferris wheel and the lighthouse. The park has a large area where young people ride bicycles, skateboards and rollerblades. Large-scale concerts and exhibitions are held on this square in the summer. Thanks to the magnificent illumination and lighting at night, the entire park is transformed and plays with colorful lights.

is a Batumi masterpiece of modern art. Since 2011, anyone who has been to Batumi at least once could not help but be interested in the statue of Ali and Nino in love. The heroes of the novel of the same name, Muslim-Azerbaijani Ali and Christian-Georgian Nino, inspired the Georgian artist-sculptor Tamara Kvesitadze to create this monument. The seven-meter moving statues symbolize eternal love, which blurs the lines between religions, contradictions, distances, differences and traditions. The figures of a man and a woman approach each other, then merge together and move away. This masterpiece enchants and leaves no one indifferent. Everyone who admires him thinks about something of his own: he rejoices, remembers, hopes, worries, waits, dreams and believes.

alphabet tower was built in the Miracle Park by Spanish architects. It demonstrates and thus has cultural significance. The 130-meter tower is visually very similar to the DNA helix. On the last floor of the tower there is a viewing terrace with a large viewing angle, offering beautiful views of the city, mountains, boulevard and the sea. You can use the elevator (8 GEL) or climb the stairs. In addition to the terrace, there is also a tourist information zone where you can use the services of an online guide and get as much information about Georgia as possible. At the top of the dome, you can relax and eat in the revolving restaurant. The restaurant makes a complete rotation in 60 minutes.

Ferris wheel located next to the Alphabet Tower, riding on it you can see wonderful panoramic views of the coast. A 10-minute trip costing 3 GEL will bring real pleasure and great pictures for memory. At night, the wheel, like the Alphabet Tower, is visible from almost everywhere within the city and beyond. Their bright lights can be seen even from.

Lighthouse is the oldest 20-meter structure in Wonderland Park (1867). In those years, there was no boulevard in this territory yet, the lighthouse towered over the cape, which goes into the sea. The octagonal stone tower still orients sailors with its red light.

PierPier Batumi

There is another meeting place on the hospitable crowded boulevard - the central pier Pier Batumi.

This pier is the longest on the coast, there are cozy cafes on both sides of it, and at the end there is a disco bar. Nearby there are modern attractions for different tastes and ages, a large playground with swings and a couple of boutiques that sell not only things for a beach wardrobe, but also various clothes, bags and shoes. In this large area, you can drink a cup of coffee while enjoying the surf, dance, listen to live music and taste well-cooked fish. Pier Batumi is located near the central musical fountain (GPS 41.656270, 41.633434).

Wedding Palace

Next to the central pier and the musical fountain there is such an amazing building as the Batumi Wedding Palace, which impresses with its architectural sophistication and originality. He entered the 10 most unusual wedding palaces in the world and is the smallest of them. Depending on the flight of fancy, the registry office resembles a shell, a human eye, a dolphin, etc. It fits well into the panorama of a musical fountain and is waiting for lovers around the clock. Tourists should not forget that a marriage concluded in this registry office will be valid only in Georgia.

Batumi is improving not only in tourism, but also does not forget about cultural development. In a small resort town there are enough places where you can appreciate the art:. Since 2013, in the center of the boulevard, not far from the central musical fountain, the renovated Summer Theater began to function, where various theatrical performances and concerts are held. Many years ago, the theater was damaged by a fire, but now it has been restored, respecting its old design. It has always been and will be the pride of the boulevard. The wooden building with interesting architecture has no windows, and its ceiling is originally presented as an imitation of the sky. Here you can get acquainted with both Georgian folklore and modern art.

bird nursery

It's no secret that communication with wildlife has a very positive effect. Such a rare, in the modern world, opportunity provides a zoo, located on the boulevard on the street. Ninoshvili (GPS 41.652456, 41.632495). A small cozy lake with majestic swans, funny pelicans and nimble guinea fowl complements the territory of important peacocks. It is very interesting to watch them, each bird lives its own life. Swans, for example, swim gracefully in pairs, and peacocks busily pace back and forth, waiting for mass attention to unfurl their bright, wonderful tail. There are also several large cages with a variety of noisy parrots. By the way, you can feed the birds.


The fountains of Batumi captivate the views of the guests of the boulevard, forcing them to stop and admire the real art. Thanks to the play of water and the light of fountains, night Batumi is transformed by grace and romance. Fountains sing, dance, blink, glow, shimmer, inviting everyone walking on the embankment. In the summer, they gather thousands of spectators.

An older fountain, the so-called color-musical fountain, is located in the middle of the boulevard at the central entrance of the embankment. If you go to it from the side of the city, then you need to head along the street. K. Gamsakhurdia. During the day, the fountain refreshes with coolness, sparkles with sunny splashes, and in the evening it turns into a cozy and sweet fairy tale. Here you can have a good time sitting on a bench, watching pictures of water dance and listening to good music.

The new dancing fountain is located on the street. Sh.Khimshiashvili (GPS 41.641155, 41.613833) and occupies one of the leading places in terms of attendance of tourist attractions. This fountain was installed and equipped by French specialists. It is better to walk along the sea along the boulevard to it. It will take about 30 minutes if you move from the center of the embankment. While walking, you can see many art installations, original monuments, sports grounds, breathe in the sea air or eat ice cream. You can also get there by bus (1, 1a, to the House of Justice).

The dancing fountain delights not only with new technologies and special effects. It is surrounded by a large water area of ​​Lake Ardagani, which mirrors the picture and increases the volume of the ongoing light-water dance. Water constantly changes patterns, intersects, maintains rhythm and musical climax, glows with iridescent color transitions. This fountain is also called the Lights of Evening Batumi and is compared with the best singing fountains in Europe. Musical compositions are selected for every taste and mood: Georgian national motifs, rock, classical, jazz, world pop hits, etc.

The fountain begins its life around 9 pm, depending on the season. And around 10 pm, tourists have the opportunity to see a chic 3D laser show, the canvas of which is water. The program of the show briefly tells with its water sketches about the history of Georgia and Batumi, designs the well-known "Swan Lake" and changes hundreds of different geometric patterns. In the summer, the fountain, without getting tired, pleases vacationers for 3-4 hours in a row.

sports entertainment

Those who love outdoor activities will be delighted with the variety and abundance of sports entertainment on the Batumi embankment. The boulevard has several sandy fields for playing football and volleyball. In the high season, you can find rentals of everything your heart desires: bicycles, tandems, scooters, scooters, roller skates, scooters and segways. For the convenience and comfort of the riders, there is a wide red bike path along the boulevard. On summer evenings, there are a lot of people who want to go in for sports and the embankment is seething with endless chaotic movement. This adds to the resort positive and good mood. Bicycle rental prices start from 2 GEL/hour. There are many rental points in all tourist places, but Batumi Velo bikes are more familiar and recognizable here. Their stations are located in different parts of the city, and their Info Center is located at the main entrance of the embankment and operates from morning until late evening. Here you can get free maps of the city, find out about the schedule of concerts and events, get important travel tips and information assistance. By paying 10 GEL for a bike rental card (6 GEL remains on the account), you can ride for your own pleasure without tying yourself to the place of departure and arrival.

By the way, for big fans of cycling and professionals, a trip to Batumi is a good opportunity to participate in mass sports races, which are held almost every week in the summer.

Resting on the boulevard, it is not necessary to spend money to participate in the sports life of the city. Going out to the coast, you can easily find a company for running. Many take places in the shade of coniferous trees for yoga and aerobics. Sports grounds are evenly distributed along the entire embankment, where you can come at any time of the day and give your body useful physical activity. What could be better for health than breathing fresh air, looking at the sea and working out at the same time on simulators?

Restaurants, bars, cafes and clubs

A great evening pastime is definitely an important part of the holiday. And here the boulevard tries to serve its guests. The flow of tourists in the warm season is huge and visitors have completely different tastes. Someone wants to drink wine in a lounge bar by the sea, and someone wants a foamy club party with cool DJs and a pool. Fortunately, the nightlife of Batumi is not boring. It will be difficult for a tourist in a good mood not to go to one of the bars, restaurants or clubs. Walking along the night boulevard, the live sound of musical bands sounds everywhere, every restaurant smells of something very tasty, and clubs beckon with an incendiary beat of new popular tracks. In summer, many waterfront establishments hold concerts and festivals of famous popular singers, musicians and DJs.

Among the popular among tourists are the following clubs:

Mandarin is a beach resort and nightclub. Famous singers, rappers, bands and DJs come here to perform. This club always walks until the morning and does not let its guests fall asleep. GPS 41.656185, 41.641502.

Sector 26 is another beach club that hosts different parties all summer long. The music here will please you with a variety and high-quality mixes of DJs. There is a large swimming pool in the middle of the club. GPS 41.651275, 41.626064.

Soho is a lounge club whose European cuisine is highly praised. There is a relaxation area for daytime relaxation and a private beach. Electronic music is played during weekday nights, and incendiary popular melodies are played on weekends. GPS41.651838, 41.627089

Sun Remo is a large restaurant with excellent sea views and a terrace, located right on the pier. The emphasis of the cuisine here is on fish and meat, which are prepared for guests by excellent specialists in their field. There is always live music in the evening. GPS41.651838, 41.627089

Old Ship is not an ordinary building, but a real ship.

There are two floors, a common room, separate cabins, a summer terrace on the deck and a good assortment of Georgian dishes. GPS 41.656219, 41.635892

Kiramala is a very original upside down restaurant that draws a lot of attention from tourists. Georgian and European cuisine. GPS 41.638365, 41.610366

- a combination of stylish design, high-class live pianist playing and comfort. Delicious and pleasant restaurant. GPS 41.650736, 41.629551

These establishments are located along the boulevard and are within walking distance. The entrance price to the waterfront clubs starts from 10 GEL. In the daytime, noisy establishments calm down and become lounge-relaxation areas with sun loungers, umbrellas and comfortable sofas.

Modern sculptures

The art sculptures of the boulevard are absolutely unique, modern and positive. It should be noted metal structures with hearts scattered along the entire coast in various variations and are a distinctive feature of the boulevard and a favorite place for photography. They have already become a symbol of Batumi and have even taken their niche in printing products. It seems that this city in every possible way sets its guests in a romantic mood and reminds that love rules the world. There are also other popular installations: a huge electronic “@” sign, an unusual couple of lovers kissing on their knees, etc. The modern design of the embankment gives it a bright color and distinguishes it from many other resort embankments.

Vladimir Dergachev

The antique colonnades on Primorsky Boulevard, built in 1934 on the Black Sea coast, symbolized the entrance to the Embankment. During their construction, the coastline was much closer, so they harmoniously fit into the seascape. The colonnades are one of the hallmarks of Batumi.

Seaside Park-Boulevard stretches for 8 km along the Batumi beach, it consists of five parallel alleys separated by classic lawns. The Batumi seaside park was founded at the beginning of the 20th century on the site of a waste dump, and the coast was unsuitable for recreation. The project of the boulevard was developed by the famous German gardener Ressler, and another famous gardener D'Alfonso brought it to life. The contribution to the improvement of the garden was made by the Georgian gardener-decorator Iason Gordeziani, who took an active part in decorating the London Botanical Garden.

In the park you can relax, visit numerous cafes and clubs, there are also a large number of playgrounds and attractions for children. The famous singing fountains are adopted in the park, there are tennis courts. The park offers a beautiful view of the sea.

Marine Station on Primorsky Boulevard

The flags of Georgia and Adjara welcome the cruise ships that will call at the port during the summer season

In the meantime, Batumi fishermen are catching horse mackerel on the pier. Good bite.

A bike path stretches along the boulevard

One of the main attractions of the city is the famous city pebble beach "Batumi Beach". Its length is about 5 kilometers with a width of 30 to 55 meters. On the beach with a developed infrastructure, discos are organized in the evenings, where famous foreign DJs work.

Main entrance to the beach pier

Reminder to be careful when taking a sea bath

Numerous red hearts remind tourists that the beach season is also a time of love, sometimes short-term.

Among the sights of Primorsky Boulevard is the seven-meter sculptural group "Ali and Nino". The steel figures remind of the fate of two literary heroes in love, who either separated or reunited with each other, until one day they parted forever - Ali died in the war. The composition of a man and a woman was created by the Georgian sculptor Tamar Kvestidze under the influence of Kurban Said's novel "Ali and Nino". The statues are made of steel and every 10 minutes they begin to move towards each other, and then merge into a single sculpture, pass through each other, and then diverge again. It is most charming to watch this at night.

At the beginning of May, the sea has not yet warmed up, there are few tourists and bike rental on the boulevard is waiting for its customers.

Sheraton Batumi***** hotel tower and summer theater in Seaside Park

Peacock in Seaside Park welcomes visitors

Small business waiting for tourists

I see that Batumi is very popular this year. The photo album of Batumi has more views than the photo album of Malaysia! Well, it's time to write a short story about how we rested in Batumi. What I liked about this city and what surprised me. Hope my tips help someone.

Batumi met us with a bright summer sun and an unusually beautiful color of the sea! The color is turquoise, like the color of the ocean. The railway station is located on the seashore. We were met at the station by the kind owner of the apartment, Badri, and took us to the apartment. The road took 10-15 minutes.
We lived in a new building, but already inhabited. To the sea on foot 20 minutes. For us, this is actually nothing, because at home we regularly pass such distances, and even at our house it takes about 30 minutes to walk to the sea, so it’s no stranger. For residents of Batumi, this distance is apparently far. And what else do tourists do when they come to another city to relax? Don't sit at home. The owner suggested that you can get to the sea by bus for a small amount (I don’t remember how much) or by taxi for 2.5 GEL. We used the taxi service once when we were going to go to a restaurant to eat.

Where did you live

From a cramped room in Tbilisi, in which the whole apartment literally fit, we moved to the mansions! :) 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, spacious corridors and bathroom… When I booked this option, there were some doubts, because this accommodation has not yet had any reviews. Therefore, it remained only to rely on a miracle that everything would be fine. Let me tell you, we were not disappointed at all! The owner himself lives in this apartment with his family. During the holidays, they moved to another place, and they rent out their housing. When you get into a rented apartment, it is usually so uncomfortable there, something is missing from the kitchen appliances, everything is Spartan, just to survive. Of course, I'm not talking about luxury apartments, but about those that are accessible to the majority. Here you go. And here everything that is necessary for life was. Although it seemed strange that there was no corkscrew. How is it that there is no corkscrew for wine in wine Georgia? :) Well, we managed without him, of course. This apartment is suitable for a family with children or for a company. And for a reasonable price. For the same amount, we rented a room with the hostess in Tbilisi. The host Badri is a very sociable, kind and hospitable person. It seemed that he was our relative. He explained everything, showed, brought homemade wine. He suggested we go to the market. He even took a short break from work to help us buy cheap groceries. You might think I'm joking, but it's true! This is Georgian kindness and responsiveness!

About the city

We settled down a little and went to the sea. Take a walk, see what the Black Sea is like. We arrived at the dolphinarium. Near the dolphinarium there is a beautiful lake and a park. Frogs live there. We, like savages who came from the desert, even rejoiced at the frogs :) We didn’t walk much in the park, but we took some great photos.