The navel of the Earth or Mount Parnassus is the home of Apollo. Parnassus is a sacred mountain! What is parnassus in ancient greece

The ancient Greeks believed that the navel of the Earth is located just 150 km northwest of Athens, on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. Today, the Navel of the Earth is located near the entrance to the Delphi Museum. The construction belongs to the Roman era, made in the form of a semicircular marble sculpture. Once it served as a mark of "zero coordinates" of the ancient universe. Hike to the Navel of the Earth is considered a must for any tour to Delphi. Visiting the museum will take a lot of time. Among the exhibits of the museum, the figure of a charioteer, cast in honor of the victory of Polisal, the ruler of the city of Gela, one of the winners of the Pythian games that took place here, makes a great impression. It is attributed to 475 BC. Here is the largest antique sculpture made of precious metals - the Silver Bull. According to experts, this is a gift from King Croesus to the oracle.

Apollo was revered in Delphi more than all other gods. We can say that Delphi is dedicated to the god Apollo. According to ancient Greek myth, Apollo became the most revered god in Delphi after he killed the monstrous Python, the son of Gaia (Earth). He guarded the entrance to his mother's temple. The symbol of Apollo is a dolphin, hence the name of the city - Delphi. One of the "residences" of Apollo was Parnassus. The retinue of Apollo consisted of nine muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. The Muses were considered patrons of the fine arts and sciences. Hence the second name of Parnassus - Mount Muses. All the Muses had the gift of prophecy.

For many centuries, Delphi has been visited by many pilgrims from all over Greece. The purpose of the pilgrimage was to hear the voice of the deity, who spoke through the oracle. The Oracle of Delphi spoke through Pythia, the priestesses of Apollo. They were chosen by the priests themselves among women over 50 years old. It was believed that Apollo himself endowed them with the ability to predict. The Pythians performed sacred rites in a special underground room, drank water from the Castal spring and chewed the leaves of laurel, the sacred tree of Apollo. After that, they fell into a trance and began to utter fragmentary obscure phrases. These obscure messages to people were deciphered by the priests. The answers have always been ambiguous. For this, Apollo was nicknamed Loxius, which means the Ambiguous. The sanctuary, as a place of pagan worship, was closed by Emperor Theodosius I the Great in 393 AD, after Christianity acquired the status of the state religion of ancient Rome.

One of the most beautiful and ancient buildings in Delphi is the tholos, a round building built of white and black marble. Archaeologists consider it part of the sanctuary of Athena and date it to the 4th century BC.

Amphitheater Delphi, it accommodated 5,000 people.

Fog over the mountains of Parnassus.

Video: "DELPHI. Delphi is the ancient navel of the earth. Greece". Part 1

Mount Parnassus on the map:

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What is Parnassus? For many years (and even centuries) this word has been synonymous with art and cultural figures. In ancient times, this was the name of the mountain, from which, in fact, it all began. Legendary and more prosaic details about her, we will present to you.

What is Parnassus?

The name Parnassus comes from pre-Greek times and, apparently, refers to the Hitto-Luvian languages. It is assumed that their word parnassas comes from the word "house" or "temple" and is interpreted as "the mountain where the god dwells."

At the same time, there is another version, according to which, the name is the Paleo-Balkan word "locust" - an epithet denoting Apollo. It was with this god, the patron of the arts, that the ancient Greeks connected the mountain. Subsequently, the term was transferred to the cultural figures themselves.

In the 19th century, the literary movement of the Parnassus school arose in France. It included Theophile Gauthier, Lecomte de Lisle, Georges Lecomte, Sully Prudhomme. Their work was close to Verlaine, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, and in Russia their poems were translated by Bryusov, Voloshin, Bunin, Zhukovsky, etc.

Mountain in Greece

Parnassus is one of the largest mountain ranges in mainland Greece and belongs to the large massif of Pindus. It is located in the central part of the country, and stretches from the top of Eta to the Gulf of Corinth. Geographically, it belongs to the nome (prefecture) of Phocis.

On the slopes of the mountain is the modern city of Delphi, as well as the ruins of the ancient village of the same name. Nearby are the villages of Itea and Arachova. The top of Mount Parnassus is bifurcated. The highest peak, Liakura, has a height of 2547 meters, the second peak, Tiforea, reaches 2395 meters.

The foothills and slopes of the mountain are covered with Mediterranean vegetation, which, with height, turns into coniferous forests and alpine meadows. Like most other massifs, this one is composed of limestone rocks and has bauxite deposits. Due to the peculiarities of the climate and the rather high altitude, the rocky peaks are steadily covered with snow from December to April. In winter, the ski center "Parnassus" opens here.

mountain myths

What is Parnassus? Ancient Greek shrine, the shrine of Dionysus, Themis and Gaia, the abode of Apollo and the nine muses. There are many myths associated with this mountain. Hellenic pilgrims visited it to pray to the gods and learn about the future, and ritual festivities were held near the Korikian cave.

According to legend, Zeus, the head of the Olympian gods, decided to send a flood on sinful people. As in the biblical story, not everyone died. Deucalion and his wife managed to escape. On the advice of his father, he built an ark. On the ninth day of the voyage, the ship stopped on Mount Parnassus. Deucalion made a sacrifice to Zeus, and he allowed the human race to be revived.

Another story is connected with Apollo - the god of arts and healing, the patron of the muses. He killed the evil serpent Python, which wrapped nine rings around Parnassus and did not give its inhabitants peace of mind. Apollo fired about a hundred arrows at him, after which Gaia sent him into exile for 8 years. In honor of the god, an oracle was founded in Delphi, where a priestess or Pythia predicted the future.

Mountain and its environs

To see with your own eyes what Parnassus is, you can go along one of the walking routes. They start from Delphi and Arachova or from the southeastern slopes of the mountain. Along the marked paths you can reach the Korikian cave or Korikion Andron, dedicated to Pan. It is located at an altitude of 1370 meters, and it takes about 4 hours to walk to it.

Continuing the path, you can reach the top of Liakura. Tourists often stop for the night at the small farm of Kalivya, which is a forty-minute walk from the cave. The paths also lead upward from the side of the village of Titorei, located on the other side of the mountain. Dazzling landscapes open from the top, in good weather you can see the Peloponnese and Mount Olympus perfectly.

A significant part of the massif is the Parnassus National Park. Kefalonia firs grow here, foxes, wild boars, wolves, badgers, vultures and golden eagles are found. On one of the mountain slopes is the village of Arachova with interesting Greek architecture. The locals are famous for making handmade carpets.

Below, at the foot of the mountain is the village of Itea. It is located on the very shore of the bay, eight kilometers from Delphi. In the past it was a wealthy trading port, now it is a typical tourist town. Nearby are extensive olive groves, which guests of Itea love to visit.


The ancient city of Delphi, located on a sacred mountain in Greece, was considered not only the main place of divination, but also the "Navel of the Earth", which symbolized the omphalos stone. The city was considered a pan-Greek sanctuary, and the local oracle had an impact on political and religious life.

The ruins of Delphi are located at an altitude of 700 meters, nine kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth. The remains of the temple of Apollo and Athena, an amphitheater, a gymnasium and a stadium are still preserved here. Around the 6th century BC, the Pythian Games were held in the city - the second large-scale event after the Olympic ones.

Modern Delphi is located near the archaeological sites. It is a very small town that can be easily explored on foot. Of course, from a tourist point of view, it is of little interest; people stop there to see the ancient village and the mountain itself.

Parnassus (Mountain in Greece)

Name = Parnassus (mountain)
A photo:

Comments =
Height = 2457 m
Location = Delphi City, Greece
Coordinates = 38°31′58.80″ s. sh. 22°37′0.12″ E d.

Parnassus(_el. Παρνασσός, Παρνησός) is a sacred mountain in Greece (in Phokis), associated like Olympus, Helikon, Kieferon, with mythical tales and known for the location of the Delphic oracle on it.

Mount Parnassus was considered the center of the earth (_el. ὀμφᾰλός γῆς), just as Delphi was recognized as the religious center of the pan-Hellenic state.

In a broad sense, Parnassus means a mountain range starting from Eta and heading southeast, as the border of Locris and Boeotia with Phokis; this mountain range reaches the very Corinthian Sea, under the name Kirfis (now Sumalies). Its highest point is the Delphic Parnassus, with the peaks of Tiforei and Lykorea (now - Liokura, 2459 m), as a result of which it is called two-peaked. Parnassus is covered with forest, and its peaks are covered with snow. At the Delphic temple there were many gorges and cliffs; here was the well-known Castal spring (_el. ἡ Κασταλία), dedicated to Apollo and the Muses, as a result of which Parnassus itself was considered the seat of the Muses.

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  • Pythian games

See what "Parnassus (Mountain in Greece)" is in other dictionaries:

    Parnassus (mountain in Greece)- Parnassus (mountain) Height: 2457 m Location: Delphi city, Greece ... Wikipedia

    Parnassus (mountain)

    Parnassus (disambiguation)- Parnassus is a mountain in Greece, in mythology the residence of the muses, in ancient and European culture a symbol of poetry, poetic recognition (“took a place on the literary Parnassus”, etc.) Parnassus is the old name of Mount Sutro Mountain (English) in California Parnassus, … … Wikipedia

    PARNASSUS- a high mountain in Phocis, on which, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, Apollo, the god of art and the patron of the muses, lived. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. PARNAS mountain in Thessaly, considered by ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Parnassus- (ParnatsoV, Parnhso) a sacred mountain in Greece (in Phocis), associated like Olympus, Hedikon, Kiferon, with mythical tales and known for the location of the Pythian oracle on it. Mount P. was considered the center of the earth (omjaloV ghV), like that ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

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    PARNASSUS- 1. mountain in Greece a mountain in the northern part of the Gulf of Corinth in Greece, belonging to the Pinda mountain range. In Greek mythology, Parnassus was considered the home of the Muses and Apollo. In the classical era, Parnassus was located on the territory of Phokis, and in the southern ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    Parnassus- (Παρνασσός, Παρνησός) a sacred mountain in Greece (in Phocis), associated like Olympus, Helikon, Kieferon, with mythical tales and known for the location of the Pythian oracle on it. Mount P. was considered the center of the earth (όμφαλος γής), like ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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Parnassus (Delphi, Greece) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

  • Hot tours to Greece

In the center of Greece, 180 km northwest of Athens, are the mountain ranges of the legendary Parnassus. Its highest peaks rise near the famous Delphi. Impressive panoramas of spruce forests with alpine meadows, flat olive groves with villages, picturesque landscapes of gorges and mountains covered with snow caps open from here. In 1938, a national park was established here with an area of ​​almost 35 square meters. km. A lot of people come to the unique nature reserve of Parnassus and the architectural monuments of ancient Greek cities, just like thousands of years ago. In winter, sports enthusiasts enjoy skiing on the ski slopes of the resort, located 30 km from the village of Arachova.

Historical information and mythology

In ancient Greece, Parnassus was revered as a sacred mountain. According to Greek mythology, the god Apollo and his muses lived here. In its foothills, the cult temple of Apollo was built and the city of Delphi was founded, which became the center of the common Greek civilization.

People from all over Greece came here to hear the predictions of the Delphic oracles before making an important decision.

Parnassus is known for its Kastal spring, where, according to legend, the Muses bathed. Its waters had healing power, and after a sip of water and a bath in the Kastal spring, a person acquired a poetic gift and inspiration.

After the change of eras, military and natural disasters, the greatest temples of the Hellenic period were destroyed and forgotten. Only at the end of the 19th century did the archaeologists of the French Academy rediscover the remains of a once flourishing civilization. Now, by decision of UNESCO, they are included in the World Heritage of Culture.

What to watch

Now the ruins of ancient Delphi are an archaeological park created after excavations. His most significant monument, the temple of Apollo, occupied the central part of the complex. In the center of the temple was, according to legend, the "navel of the Earth" or omfal. Only a few Doric columns survive from the Sanctuary of Apollo.

Now the omfal is kept in the Archaeological Museum.

Before entering the sanctuary of Apollo, the ancient pilgrims made their first stop at the sacred Castal spring. In its waters, the ritual bathing of the servants of the temple, prophesying Pythia and priests took place. All pilgrims also had to bathe in the spring for spiritual cleansing.)

Today, next to the modern highway, you can see a road built in the 6th century BC. e. a bath called Lower Castalia. The second bath, Castalia Rocky, is carved into the rock 50 m higher and closer to the source.

Other objects of the park are no less interesting: the Delphic amphitheater, the tholos of Athena Pronoia, the treasury of Athens, etc.

Archaeological Museum at Delphi

The museum has one of the richest collections in Greece. Here exhibited exhibits found during excavations. For a better idea of ​​what the temple complex of Apollo looked like in ancient times, its reconstruction is presented.

Ski resort Parnassus

The ski resort "Parnassus" with modern lifts and high throughput (13,600 people per hour) is very popular with residents of Athens and tourists from all over the world. Trails of varying difficulty and length are suitable for skiers of all levels. The season is open from December to April.

Practical information

Regular buses run from Athens to Delphi or you can take a taxi. The trip will take approximately 3 hours.

You can stay for the night in the resort village of Arachova or in Delphi.

From the town of Delphi to the archaeological complex can be reached on foot in about 15 minutes.

There are two large ski centers on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. Ski Center "Parnassus" consists of two divisions, Kellaria and Fterolakka, which together represent the largest ski resort in Greece. Another small ski center is called Gerontovrahos and is located near Kellaria.

Sports and outdoor activities in Parnassus are the main motive among tourists who come here. Both ski resorts are still expanding and improving, in 1993 the first high-speed ski lift in Greece was installed here.

Today the ski centers operate with 14 lifts, a 4-seater cable car, a 4-seater high-speed chair lift, the maximum capacity of all lifts is about 5,000 people per hour. The ski center of Parnassus boasts 25 ski runs and about 12 ski runs, with a total length of 30 km (19 miles). The longest ski run is 4 km (approximately 2 miles).

The transport feature of Parnassus is the absence of any transport in the resort, except for ski buses. All vacationers move here with the help of specialized buses or on their own.

The resort of Parnassus is small and is a huge ski base. You can move between the nearest cities and resorts by buses that run along various most popular routes. Independent tourists choose a car as a means of transportation, which can be rented in Athens.

Also, motorcycles and bicycles often act as a means of transport here, but only in the summer. In winter, you can move between the resorts by car, bus or taxi.