An example of a project of a developed excursion route. Drawing up a methodological development

Creating a new excursion on any topic is a complex process that requires the active participation of a whole team of employees. The content of the future excursion, its cognitive value are directly dependent on the knowledge of the methodologists and guides, their competence, the degree of their practical assimilation of the foundations of pedagogy and psychology, the ability to choose the most effective ways and techniques of influencing the audience.

An excursion is the result of two important processes: its preparation and conduct. They are interconnected, interdependent. It is impossible to ensure the high quality of the excursion with ill-considered preparation.

In the work on preparing a new excursion, two main directions can be distinguished:

 development of a new topic of the excursion (new in general or new only for this excursion institution);

 preparation of a beginner or already working guide for conducting a new excursion for him, but already previously developed and conducted in this institution.

The first direction is the process of creating a new excursion for an excursion institution.

The preparation of a new excursion is entrusted to the creative team.It includes from 3 to 7 people, and in some cases even more, depending on the complexity of the topic. Most of these are guides working in the institution. Often, specialists from various industries are invited as consultants - museum researchers, university and secondary school teachers, etc.

Usually, each of the members of the creative group is entrusted with the development of one of the sections, one of the sub-topics of the excursion, or one or more questions of the sub-topic. In order to control the work, the head of the creative group is selected.

Preparation of a new excursion goes through three main stages:

Preliminary work- selection of materials for a future excursion, their study (i.e., the process of accumulating knowledge on a given topic, defining the purpose and objectives of the excursion). At the same time, there is a selection of objects on which the excursion will be built.

The direct development of the excursion itself includes: drawing up an excursion route; processing of actual material; work on the content of the excursion, its main part, consisting of several main questions; control text writing; work on the method of conducting an excursion; selection of the most effective methodological techniques for showing and telling during the excursion; preparation of methodological development of a new excursion; the writing of individual texts by the guides.

The final step- reception (protection) of excursions on the route. Approval of a new excursion by the head of the excursion institution, admission of guides who have defended their topic to work on the route.

In its simplest form, the scheme of all excursions, regardless of the topic, type and form of conduct, is the same: introduction,main part,conclusion.

Introductionusually consists of two parts:

Organizational (acquaintance with the excursion group and instructing excursionists about safety rules on the way and behavior on the route);

 informational (a short message about the topic, the length and duration of the route, the time of departure and arrival back, sanitary stops and the place where the excursion ends).

Main partis based on specific excursion objects, a combination of show and story. Its content consists of several sub-topics, which should be disclosed on objects and united by the topic. The number of subtopics of an excursion is usually from 5 to 12. At the same time, it is important for creating an excursion to select objects in such a way that there are only those objects that would help to reveal the content of the topic of the excursion, and in a certain dosage in time and depending on the importance of a particular subtopic in this excursion.

Conclusion, like the introduction, is not associated with excursion objects. It should take 5-7 minutes in time and consist of two parts. The first- the summary of the main content of the excursion, a conclusion on the topic that realizes the purpose of the excursion. The second- information about other excursions that can expand and deepen this topic. The conclusion is just as important as the introduction and the main body.

It is very important that the tour is interesting enough. But it is equally important that it is not overloaded with the flow of information unnecessary for tourists, so that the way of presenting the material is not tedious, but would contribute to the best perception of it by one or another category of tourists. In this regard, the subject of the excursion must certainly be oriented towards a certain category of tourists (adults or children, youth, urban or rural residents, humanitarian workers, foreigners, etc.). Such accounting is called a differentiated approach to excursion services... It should take into account not only the interests, but also the goals of consumers. If an excursion is provided, for example, as part of a folklore tour, then the main emphasis in the story and display should be on the history, monuments, and national characteristics of the region. If the excursion is included in the program of a business tour, then attention should be paid to showing various business and social centers, etc. When organizing excursion services as part of a resort vacation, excursion walks with observation of natural landscapes, monuments, objects are attractive.

In the process of preparing a new excursion, a number of main stages can be distinguished, which are arranged in a certain order. Let's consider them in the sequence that has developed in the practice of the excursion institution.

For the first time the concept of "stages of preparation for an excursion" was introduced into everyday life in 1976. At the same time, fifteen stages were named:

1. Determination of the purpose and objectives of the excursion.

2. Choice of theme.

3. Selection of literature and compilation of bibliography.

4. Determination of the sources of excursion material. Acquaintance with the expositions and funds of museums on the topic.

5. Selection and study of excursion objects.

6. Drawing up the route of the excursion.

7. Detour or bypass route.

8. Preparation of the control text of the excursion.

9. Acquisition of the “guide portfolio”.

10. Determination of methodological techniques for conducting an excursion.

11. Determination of the excursion technique.

12. Drawing up a methodological development.

13. Drafting of individual texts.

14. Acceptance (delivery) of excursions.

15. Excursion approval.


Work on any new excursion begins with a clear definition of its purpose. This helps the authors of the excursion to conduct their work in a more organized way. The purpose of the excursion is what for the sake of which excursionists are shown monuments of history and culture and other objects. The guide's story is subject to the same ultimate goal. Let's name several goals: education of patriotism, love and respect for the Motherland, socially useful work, for other peoples; aesthetic education, as well as broadening one's horizons, obtaining additional knowledge in various fields of science and culture, etc. The objectives of the excursion are to achieve goals by revealing its theme.


Theme selectiondepends on potential demand, a specific order or the targeted creation of a specific subject of excursions. Each excursion should have its own clearly defined theme.

The topic is the core that unites all objects and sub-topics of the excursion into a single whole. The members of the creative group conduct the selection of objects when creating an excursion, constantly checking their materials with the topic. However, it is not enough to select an object according to a topic; it is necessary to find specific material on which this topic will be revealed with the greatest completeness and convincingness. The grouping of topics underlies the existing classification of excursions.


In the course of developing a new tour, a list of books, brochures, articles published in newspapers and magazines is compiled that reveal the topic. The purpose of the list is to determine the approximate boundaries of the upcoming work on the study of literary sources, to assist the guides in using the necessary factual and theoretical material when preparing the text. The list of literature is multiplied in several copies for the convenience of the group and those guides who in the future will be preparing to conduct excursions on this topic. The list includes the author, title, year of publication, as well as chapters, sections, pages. With a large number of literary sources, the list can be divided into two parts: "Basic literature" and "Additional literature".


In addition to publications in print, other sources may be used. The authors of the excursion make their list, which includes state archives, museums, newsreel documentaries and popular science films, which contain materials on the topic of the excursion. Memories of participants and eyewitnesses of historical events can be used as a source. However, when using memoir materials, care should be taken to avoid inaccuracies and bias. Only reliable, thoroughly verified facts and information should be selected for the story. Computer encyclopedias, including multimedia databases on laser disks (CD-ROM), can provide significant assistance in finding and organizing excursion material.


The excursion route is the most convenient route for the excursion group, contributing to the disclosure of the topic.It is built depending on the most correct sequence for a given excursion to inspect objects, the availability of sites for the location of the group, the need to ensure the safety of tourists. One of the objectives of the route is to facilitate the fullest disclosure of the topic.

The main requirements that must be taken into account by the planners of the route are organizing the display of objects in a logical sequence and providing a visual basis for the disclosure of the topic.

In the practice of excursion institutions, there are three options for building routes: chronological, thematic and thematic-chronological.

Excursions dedicated to the life and work of prominent people can serve as an example of a chronological route.

Excursions related to the disclosure of a specific topic in the life of the city (for example, "Arkhangelsk is under construction", "Literary suburbs", etc.) are organized according to the thematic principle.

All city sightseeing excursions are structured according to the thematic and chronological principle. The sequence of presentation of the material in chronology in such excursions is observed, as a rule, only with the disclosure of each subtopic.

Route development is a complex multistage procedure that requires a fairly high level of qualifications and is one of the main elements of the technology for creating a new excursion. When developing a bus route, one should be guided by the "Rules of the road", "Charter of road transport", "Rules for the carriage of passengers" and other departmental standards.

Objects, depending on their role in the excursion, can be used as the mainand additional.

The main objects undergo a deeper analysis, they reveal the sub-themes of the excursion.

The display of additional objects, as a rule, is carried out when the excursion group moves (transitions) and does not occupy a dominant position.

The route is built according to the principle of the most correct sequence of inspection of objects and is planned taking into account the following requirements:

- the display of objects should be carried out in a certain logical sequence, avoiding unnecessary repeated passes along the same section of the route (street, square, bridge, highway), ie, the so-called "loops";

- availability of the facility (site for its inspection);

- moving or transition between objects should not take 10-15 minutes, so that there are no too long pauses in the show and story;

- availability of comfortable stops, including sanitary and parking spaces for vehicles.

It is recommended to have several options for group movement at the time of the excursion. The need to change the route in some cases is caused by traffic jams, repair work on city highways. All this should be taken into account when creating various route options.

The development of the bus route ends with the coordination and approval of the passport and route scheme, calculation of the mileage and time of using vehicles.


Bypassing (bypassing) a routeis one of the important stages in the development of a new excursion theme. When organizing a detour (detour) of the route, the following tasks are set: 1) to get acquainted with the layout of the route, streets, squares along which the route is laid; 2) specify the place where the object is located, as well as the place of the expected stop of the excursion bus or pedestrian group; 3) master the approach by bus to objects or parking lots; 4) conduct the timing of the time required to display objects, their verbal characteristics and the movement of the bus (pedestrian group), as well as clarify the duration of the excursion in general; 5) check the expediency of using the intended display objects; 6) choose the best points for displaying objects and options for the location of the excursion group; 7) choose a method of acquaintance with the object; 8) for the safety of the movement of tourists along the route, identify potentially dangerous places and take measures.


The text is the material necessary for the full disclosure of all the sub-topics included in the tour. The text is designed to provide a thematic focus of the guide's story, it formulates a certain point of view on the facts and events that the tour is devoted to, and gives an objective assessment of the objects shown.

Requirements for the text: brevity, clarity of wording, the required amount of factual material, availability of information on the topic, full disclosure of the topic, literary language.

The text of the excursion is compiled by a creative group when developing a new topic and performs control functions. This means that each guide must build his story taking into account the requirements of this text (control text).

The control text in most cases contains a chronological presentation of the material. This text does not reflect the structure of the excursion and is not built in the itinerary sequence, with the distribution of the presented material by stops where the analysis of excursion objects takes place. The control text is carefully selected and verified by sources material, which is the basis for all excursions on this topic. Using the provisions and conclusions that are contained in the control text, the guide builds his own individual text.

Based on the test text, options for excursions on the same topic can be created, including for children and adults, for various groups of workers.

In order to facilitate the work on the creation of such options, the control text may include materials related to objects, subtopics and main issues that were not included in the route of this excursion.

In addition to materials for the guide's story, the control text includes materials that should make up the content of the introductory word and conclusion of the tour, as well as logical transitions. It should be easy to use. Quotes, figures and examples are accompanied by links to sources.


“Guide's portfolio” is the conventional name of a set of visual aids used during the excursion. These manuals are usually placed in a folder or small portfolio.

One of the tasks of the “guide portfolio” is to restore missing links when shown.In excursions, it often happens that not all the objects necessary for the disclosure of the topic have been preserved. For example, sightseers cannot see a historic building that has been destroyed over time; the village, destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, etc. Sometimes it becomes necessary to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe original form of the place where the building being examined (residential neighborhood) was built. For this purpose, for example, photographs of a village or a vacant lot, panoramas of the construction of an enterprise, a residential area are used. The task may also arise to show what will be at the inspected place in the near future. In this case, excursionists are shown projects of buildings, structures, monuments.

During excursions, it is necessary to show photographs of people who are related to this object or events associated with it (for example, portraits of members of the Wolfe family - friends of Alexander Pushkin - when conducting an excursion around the Pushkin Ring of the Upper Volga Region).

The excursion is made more convincing by the demonstration of copies of original documents, manuscripts, literary works, about which the guide tells.

And one more important task of visual aids on excursions - give a visual representation of the object(plants, minerals, mechanisms by showing genuine samples or their photographs, models, dummies).

The “guide's portfolio” includes photographs, geographical maps, diagrams, drawings, drawings, product samples, etc. Such “portfolios” are usually created for each topic. They are a constant companion of the guide and help to make any journey into the past and present more exciting and rewarding. The content of the "portfolio" is dictated by the topic of the excursion.

The visual aids of the “tour guide portfolio” should be user-friendly. Their number should not be large, since in this case the manuals will distract excursionists from examining genuine objects, scatter their attention.

The members of the creative group, preparing a new excursion, select from the visual materials at their disposal the most expressive ones that can help the guide in covering the topic. The method of demonstrating visual aids is tested on the route. Then the recommendations on the use of the materials of the "portfolio" are included in the methodological development.

Each exhibit included in the "portfolio" is accompanied by a leaflet with explanations or reference material. Sometimes explanations are glued to the back of the exhibit. This annotation serves as a source material for the guide when showing the exhibit to tourists.

The list of visual materials of a specific topic included in the “guide's portfolio” should be updated throughout the development of a new excursion topic.

Museums, exhibitions, archives provide great assistance in the selection of visual materials for the "portfolio" of excursion organizations.


The success of the excursion is in direct proportion to the methodological techniques of display and story used in it. The choice of this or that methodological method is dictated by the tasks set for the excursion, the information richness of a particular object.

The work of the creative team at this stage consists of several parts: selectionthe most effective methodological techniquesfor highlighting subtopics, methodological techniques that are recommended depending on the excursion audience (adults, children), the time of the excursion (winter, summer, day, evening), the characteristics of the show; identifying techniques for maintaining attentionexcursionists and activation of the process of perception of excursion material; making recommendationson the use of expressive means in the speech of the guide; selection of technical rulesconducting excursions. It is equally important to determine the technology for using methodological techniques.


The excursion technique unites all organizational issues of the excursion process. The authors of the bus excursion, for example, carefully think over when and where the excursionists go out to inspect the object, how the excursionists move between the objects, how and when the exhibits of the “tour guide's portfolio” are shown, etc. ... These instructions are also addressed to the bus driver. For example, where to put the bus, where you need to go slower to observe the object from the window. Separate instructions refer to excursionists (observance of safety rules on the street, getting off the bus, accommodation in the cabin). It is important to formulate recommendations on the use of breaks in the excursion; on observance of the time allotted for coverage of sub-topics, organization of answers to questions from tourists; on the technique of using the "portfolio" exhibits; about the order of laying wreaths, etc. No less important are the instructions about the place of the guide when showing objects, guiding the independent work of tourists on the route, conducting a story when the bus is moving.


Methodical development - a document that defines how to conduct a given excursion, how best to organize the display of monuments, what methodology and technique of conducting should be applied to make the excursion effective. The methodological development sets out the requirements of the excursion methodology, taking into account the characteristics of the objects on display and the content of the material presented. She disciplines the guide and must meet the following requirements: prompt the guide on the way to reveal the topic; equip him with the most effective methodological techniques of display and story; contain clear recommendations on the organization of the excursion; take into account the interests of a certain group of tourists (if there are excursion options); combine the show and the story into a single whole.

Methodological development is compiled for each topic of the excursion, including with a differentiated approach to the preparation and conduct of the excursion. In the variants of the methodological development, the age, professional and other interests of the tourists, the peculiarities of the methodology of its implementation, are reflected.

The methodological development is formalized as follows:

- the title page contains data: the name of the excursion institution, the name of the topic of the excursion, the type of excursion, the length of the route, the duration in academic hours, the composition of the excursionists, the names and positions of the authors, the date of approval of the excursion by the head of the excursion institution.

- on the next page, the purpose and objectives of the excursion, the route diagram indicating the objects and stops during the excursion are described.

Methodical development consists of three sections: introduction, main part and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion are not distributed among the columns. Here, for example, what the recommendations for a guide look like on the construction of an introduction to the methodological development of an excursion on the topic - "Tyumen - the gateway to Siberia": "First of all, you need to get to know the group, name the guide and driver, then remind the tourists the rules of behavior on the bus, warning them that they will be able to ask questions and share their impressions when the time is presented for this. In the informational part, it is necessary to name the topic, route, duration of the excursion, but it is advisable to do this in such a way as to arouse interest in the topic; attract the attention of sightseers, that is, this part of the introduction should be bright, emotional. It can begin with poems by AS Pushkin or a quote - a statement by the Decembrists about the untold riches of Siberia, the great future of this harsh land. " The landing place of the group is determined in working order together with the customer, the starting point of the excursion is determined by the methodological development.

The effectiveness of the methodological development depends on the correct filling of all seven columns. Development size - 6-12 typewritten pages. The length of the document depends on the number of excursion objects, the number of subtopics, the duration of the excursion in time and the length of the route.

In the column "Excursion route"is called the starting point of the excursion and the end of the subtopic.

In the column "Stops"those points of the route are called where the exit from the bus is provided; it is planned to inspect the object from the windows of the bus without excursionists leaving, or a stop on a walking tour is foreseen. You should not make such inaccurate entries as, for example: "Volga River Embankment" or "Central Square". It would be more correct to write: "The Volga River embankment near the monument to N. A. Nekrasov."

In the column "Display objects"list those memorable places, main and additional objects that are shown to the group at the stop, during the move or movement of the group to the next stop.

In a suburban excursion, the objects of display can be a whole city, village, urban-type settlement, and when traveling along the route, visible parts from a distance (a tall building, a tower, a bell tower, etc.). In a city tour, the objects of display can be a street or a square.

Column "Duration of the excursion".The time that is called in this column is the sum of the time spent on showing this object, the guide's story (the part when there is no show) and on the movement of sightseers along the route to the next stop. Here it is necessary to take into account the time spent on movement near the objects being examined and between objects.

Column "Name of subtopics and list of main questions"contains short notes. First of all, a subtopic is called, which is revealed on a given segment of the route, at a given segment of time, at the 3 objects listed in column. Here, the main questions are formulated, which are stated in the disclosure of the subtopic. For example, in a city sightseeing tour in Poltava, one of the subtopics is called “Poltava in the Northern War between Russia and Sweden”. The main issues that are covered in this sub-topic are “Swedes in Ukraine” and “Battle of Poltava”. The subtopic "New to the old city" reveals the main issues: "Housing construction in the city", "Development of culture and art", "Construction of a sports complex". The number of main questions included in the subtopic should not exceed five.

In the column "Organizational instructions"place recommendations on the movement of the group, ensuring the safety of sightseers on the route and meeting sanitary and hygienic requirements, rules of conduct for participants in the excursion in memorial places and at monuments of history and culture. It also sets out the requirements for excursionists for nature protection and fire safety rules. This column includes all questions that are included in the concept of "Technique of guiding an excursion." Here is an example of a recording: "The group is positioned in such a way that all tourists can see the entrance to the building." "At this stop, sightseers are given time to take pictures." In out-of-town excursions, this column includes instructions on sanitary stops, recommendations for the protection of nature, rules for the movement of tourists at stops, especially near highways in order to ensure their safety.

When conducting industrial excursions, visiting working shops, recommendations on safety precautions, excerpts from the instructions of the administration of the enterprise, mandatory rules of behavior for excursionists at the enterprise are given, places are called where pauses are made in the story and display.

Column "Methodological instructions"determines the direction of the entire document, formulates the basic requirements for a guide according to the method of conducting an excursion, gives instructions on the use of methodological techniques. For example, in the excursion “Memorial complex“ Khatyn ”on the object“ Defense line of the 100th rifle division ”, two methodological instructions are given:“ When revealing the subtopic, the method of verbal comparison is used, a certificate is given about the military potential of Nazi Germany at the time of its attack on the USSR ”and "The story of the battles is conducted using a methodological technique of visual reconstruction of the place where the hostilities took place."

It should indicate where and how the methodology is applied. This column also outlines a variant of a logical transition to the next subtopic, gives recommendations on showing materials of the "guide's portfolio", includes tips on using the movement of tourists relative to objects as a methodological technique (for example, object "," The tour guide should explain the terms ... "," When showing the battlefield, it is necessary to orient the sightseers ... ", etc.).


Excursion practice proceeds from the fact that the basis of the guide's story is an individual text, which determines the sequence and completeness of the presentation of thoughts, helps the guide to logically build his story. Each guide composes such a text independently. The reference text is the basis for the individual text.

All individual texts with a good control text will have identical content, but different turns of speech, different words, different sequence in the story, there may even be different facts confirming the same position. Naturally, all guides, being at the same object, will say the same thing.

You should not hide the control text from those who are developing a new excursion for themselves, because a creative group of the most trained guides worked on the control text, and the guide preparing a new topic for himself will not be able to achieve what was done before him by collective efforts. After the preliminary work of the guide on a new topic is completed (collection, study and primary processing of the material), he is allowed to familiarize himself with the control text. This will help him select material for the story, determine the optimal number of examples used to highlight the sub-topics, draw the right conclusions on the sub-topics of the excursion and in general. The reference to the control text, made on time, guarantees a higher level of preparation of the beginner for the excursion.

The main difference between the individual text and the control one is that it reflects the structure of the excursion and is built in full accordance with the methodological development of the excursion. The material is placed in the order in which the objects are shown, and has a clear division into parts. Each of them is dedicated to one of the sub-topics. The individual text compiled in accordance with these requirements is a story ready for "use". The individual text contains a full statement of what should be told during the excursion. When presenting the essence of historical events, there should be no abbreviations or assessments of their significance.

It is also not allowed to mention facts without their dating, references to sources. At the same time, the text of this type reflects the peculiarities of the "performer" speech. The guide's story consists, as it were, of separate parts tied to visual objects. These parts are combined by conclusions for each subtopic and logical transitions between subtopics (and objects). In an individual text, each subtopic is a separate story, suitable for use during the excursion.

When composing an individual text, its author should not forget about the logic of the sounding speech, about the fact that the word and the image (object) act, as a rule, on the feeling of sightseers synchronously. Striving for liveliness in the presentation of material on excursions should not lead to attempts to entertain tourists. When deciding on the combination of cognitive and entertaining elements on an excursion, the matter should be resolved according to the formula: maximum cognitive and minimum entertainment. The question of legends has a special place in the preparation of the excursion. Only legends can be used in excursions.

In terms of their content, both texts (control and individual) coincide. And this means that in the presence of a correctly composed test text, all the guides who have mastered this topic have “standard” excursions. They are the same in their content, coincide in the assessments of historical events and facts in the conclusions that they draw on individual sub-topics and on the topic as a whole.

While analyzing one and the same visual object, the guides show and tell the same thing. This is the meaning of the control text as a standard.

However, if the content is equal, the guides can use different turns of speech, can present the recommended facts, figures and examples in a different sequence. The individuality of the excursion lies in the fact that the guides leading an excursion on the same topic may have varying degrees of emotionality. They can, being at the same object, use different presentation techniques and forms of story. The same position can be disclosed in different examples. The text should be written in the first person and express your personality.

Storytelling and individual text

The success of the story depends on how close the individual text is to the generally accepted speech, how it takes into account the speech characteristics of that particular guide to whom this text belongs. "The degree of influence on our consciousness of various texts depends on many reasons and conditions (logic, evidence, novelty of the topic and information, psychological attitude of the author to influence or its absence, etc.)." However, speech, its properties, structure, features play an equally important role.

The individual texts of almost all guides on the same topic are characterized by similarities in the content and presentation of the material, in the assessment of historical events, facts and examples. However, the stories of all the guides are individual. How does the individuality of the guide find its expression? All guides, conducting excursions on the same topic, tell the same thing, but they speak differently. Their story is the same in content, but in form, use of vocabulary, and emotional level is different.

The method requires the guide to remember the significant difference between the speech of the lecturer and the guide when compiling an individual text.

During the excursion, the guide “rushes” objects that need to be shown to the group. The two or three hours allotted for the excursion, the stay of the tourists on their feet and in the open air, force the guide to speak briefly, clearly characterize the monuments in front of the group, and concisely talk about the events connected with them.

The duration of the story should not exceed the time that the monument is able to attract the attention of sightseers. Most often it is five to seven minutes. If this time is not observed, then no liveliness of the story, no methodological techniques can restore the attention of the tourists. It is not by chance that the term is used in the methodological literature "Object language"... One of the tasks of the guide is to make the object "speak".

The technique of using individual text

The guide, just like the lecturer, can use his individual text during the excursion. For ease of use, it is recommended that they transfer the content of the story to special cards, where brief information about the object, the main thoughts of the story, individual quotes, and historical dates are recorded. For each subtopic, several cards are filled out (usually according to the number of main questions).

Using the cards, the guide does not read their content during the excursion, but only by looking into them, he recalls the content of the story. If there is a significant break between objects during the excursion, the guide can look at the cards again, refresh the story material in his memory. Most often, cards are used as a synopsis of a story in preparation for an excursion. Exceptions are those cards on which quotations and large excerpts from works of art are entered, the content of which forms the basis of the literary montage technique. On excursions, they are read in full.

The card should be easy to use. A small size is recommended, about a quarter of a sheet of thick writing paper, suitable for long-term use. The cards have serial numbers and are added before the excursion, taking into account the sequence of the revealed subtopics.

The use of cards on the excursion is the right of every guide, but with the acquisition of experience, they no longer need it. The fact that the cards are at hand and can be used at the right time gives the guide confidence in his knowledge.

The presence of an individual text does not mean that all of it must be memorized and conveyed to the tourists word for word.

Logical transitions

The creators of the excursion are faced with the task of linking the content of all subtopics into a single whole. It is solved with the help logical transitions, which should be considered as an important, although not of independent importance, part of the excursion. Well-composed logical transitions give the excursion harmony, ensure consistency in the presentation of the material, and are a guarantee that the next subtopic will be perceived with interest.

Often in excursions, when moving from one subtopic to another, they use formal(constructive) transitions... A formal transition is a transition that is not related to the content of the excursion and is not a "bridge" from one part of the excursion to another. (For example, “Now let's go through the square”, “Now we will follow on with you”, “Let's examine another remarkable place”). However, one should not deny the legitimacy of using such transitions in general and consider them one of the mistakes in excursion work.

In those cases when the movement between objects takes a few seconds, such transitions are inevitable: (For example, "Now look here" or "Please pay attention to the monument located nearby"). Such transitions are inevitable when examining expositions in museums and at exhibitions, where halls, thematic sections and separate stands dedicated to various sub-themes are located close to each other. Constructive passage, not being a "transitional bridge" between sub-themes, directs excursionists to familiarize themselves with the next object.

More efficient logical transition linked to the theme of the excursion.Such a transition can begin before the group moves to the next stop, or it can end already at a stop near the object. The logical transition is dictated not so much by the features of the excursion object, but by the content of the excursion itself, the subtopic after which this transition is made.

The duration of a logical transition is usually equal in time to the movement (transition) of the group from object to object, but it can be longer or less.


In case of a positive assessment of the control text and methodological development of the excursion, as well as in the presence of a completed “guide's portfolio” and a route map, the date of acceptance (delivery) of a new excursion is assigned. Delivery of the excursion is entrusted to the head of the creative group. If he is absent due to illness or other valid reasons, one of the members of the creative group takes the tour. The heads of the excursion institution, methodological workers, members of the creative group and the methodological section, where the excursion was prepared, as well as heads of other sections, take part in the acceptance (delivery) of the excursion.

Acceptance (delivery) of the excursion is of a business nature, is carried out in the form of a creative discussion, exchange of views, identification of shortcomings. Participants in the excursion must be familiarized with its control text and methodological development, route diagram, content of the "guide's portfolio", list of used literature, etc.


With a positive conclusion about the control text and methodological development, as well as on the basis of calculating the cost and determining the rate of return of a new excursion, the head of the excursion institution issues an order approving a new excursion topic and a list of guides admitted to it.

Guides who took an active part in the development of the topic and listened to on the route or during the interview are allowed to work. The conclusion of the interview is made by the methodologist of the excursion-methodical department.

All other guides, who later independently prepared this topic, conduct a test excursion in the usual way. Tour guides (regardless of work experience) are allowed to conduct an excursion on a topic that is new to them only if they have an individual textafter listening and issuing the corresponding order.

2.3. Excursion route planning

Excursion route represents the most convenient route for the excursion group, contributing to the disclosure of the topic. It is built depending on the most correct sequence for a given excursion to inspect objects, the availability of sites for the location of the group, the need to ensure the safety of tourists. One of the objectives of the route is to facilitate the fullest disclosure of the topic.

The main requirements that must be taken into account by the planners of the route are the organization of the display of objects in a logical sequence and the provision of a visual basis for the disclosure of the topic.

In the practice of excursion institutions, there are three options for building routes: chronological, thematic and thematic-chronological.

Excursions dedicated to the life and work of prominent people can serve as an example of a chronological route.

Excursions related to the disclosure of a specific topic in the life of the city (for example, "Arkhangelsk is under construction", "Literary suburbs", etc.) are organized on a thematic basis.

All city sightseeing excursions are structured according to the thematic and chronological principle. The sequence of presentation of the material in chronology in such excursions is observed, as a rule, only with the disclosure of each subtopic.

Route development - a complex multi-stage procedure that requires a fairly high qualification and is one of the main elements of the technology for creating a new excursion. When developing a bus route, one should be guided by the "Traffic Rules", "Motor Transport Charter", "Passenger Carriage Rules" and other departmental standards.

Objects, depending on their role in the excursion, can be used as the main and additional.

The main objects are subjected to a deeper analysis, subtopics of the excursion are revealed on them.

The display of additional objects, as a rule, is carried out when the excursion group moves (transitions) and does not occupy a dominant position.

The route is built according to the principle of the most correct sequence of inspection of objects and is planned taking into account the following requirements:

Displaying objects should be carried out in a certain logical sequence, avoiding unnecessary repeated passes along the same section of the route (street, square, bridge, highway), that is, the so-called "loops";
- availability of the facility (site for its inspection);
- moving or transition between objects should not take 10-15 minutes, so that there are no too long pauses in the show and story;
- availability of comfortable stops, including sanitary and parking spaces for vehicles.

It is recommended to have several options for group movement at the time of the excursion. The need to change the route in some cases is caused by traffic jams, repair work on city highways. All this should be taken into account when creating various route options.

The development of the bus route ends with the coordination and approval of the passport and route scheme, calculation of the mileage and time for using vehicles.

Bypassing (bypassing) a route

Bypassing (bypassing) a route is one of the important stages in the development of a new excursion theme. When organizing a detour (detour) of the route, the following tasks are set:

1) get acquainted with the layout of the route, streets, squares along which the route is laid;
2) specify the place where the object is located, as well as the place of the expected stop of the tour bus or pedestrian group;
3) master the bus access to objects or parking lots;
4) conduct the timing of the time required to show objects, their verbal characteristics and the movement of the bus (pedestrian group), as well as clarify the duration of the excursion in general;
5) check the expediency of using the intended display objects;
6) choose the best points for displaying objects and options for the location of the excursion group;
7) choose a method of acquaintance with the object;
8) for the safety of the movement of tourists along the route, identify potentially dangerous places and take measures.

Preparation of the control text of the excursion

The text is the material necessary for the full disclosure of all sub-topics included in the tour. The text is intended to provide a thematic focus of the guide's story, it formulates a certain point of view on the facts and events that the tour is devoted to, and gives an objective assessment of the objects shown.

Requirements for the text: brevity, clarity of wording, the required amount of factual material, availability of information on the topic, full disclosure of the topic, literary language.

The text of the excursion is compiled by a creative group when developing a new topic and performs control functions. This means that each guide must build his story, taking into account the requirements of this text (control text).

The control text in most cases contains a chronological presentation of the material. This text does not reflect the structure of the excursion and is not built in the itinerary sequence, with the distribution of the presented material by stops where the analysis of excursion objects takes place. The control text is carefully selected and verified from sources material, which is the basis for all excursions on this topic. Using the provisions and conclusions that are contained in the control text, the guide builds his own individual text.

Based on the test text, options for excursions on the same topic can be created, including for children and adults, for various groups of workers.

In order to facilitate the work on creating such options, the control text may include materials related to objects, subtopics and main issues that were not included in the route of this excursion.

In addition to materials for the guide's story, the control text includes materials that should make up the content of the introductory word and conclusion of the excursion, as well as logical transitions. It should be easy to use. Quotes, figures and examples are accompanied by links to sources.

Acquisition of the "guide portfolio"

"Tour guide's portfolio"- the conventional name of a set of visual aids used during the excursion. These aids are usually placed in a folder or a small portfolio.

One of the tasks of the "tour guide portfolio" is to restore the missing links in the show. In excursions, it often happens that not all the objects necessary for the disclosure of the topic have been preserved. For example, sightseers cannot see a historic building that has been destroyed over time; the village, destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, etc. Sometimes it becomes necessary to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe original form of the place where the building being examined was built (residential neighborhood). For this purpose, for example, photographs of a village or a vacant lot, panoramas of the construction of an enterprise, a residential area are used. The task may also arise to show what will happen in the surveyed place in the near future. In this case, excursionists are shown projects of buildings, structures, monuments.

During excursions, it is necessary to show photographs of people who are related to this object or events related to it (for example, portraits of members of the Wolfe family - friends of Alexander Pushkin - when conducting an excursion around the "Pushkin Ring of the Upper Volga Region").

The excursion is made more convincing by the demonstration of copies of original documents, manuscripts, literary works, about which the guide tells.

And one more important task of visual aids on excursions - give a visual representation of the object (plants, minerals, mechanisms by showing genuine samples or their photographs, models, dummies).

The "guide's portfolio" includes photographs, geographical maps, diagrams, drawings, pictures, product samples, etc. Such "portfolios" are usually created for each topic. They are a constant companion of the guide and help to make any journey into the past and present more exciting and rewarding. The content of the "portfolio" is dictated by the topic of the tour.

The visual aids of the "tour guide portfolio" should be user-friendly. Their number should not be large, since in this case the manuals will distract excursionists from examining genuine objects, scatter their attention.

The members of the creative group, preparing a new excursion, select from the visual materials at their disposal the most expressive ones that can help the guide in covering the topic. The method of demonstrating visual aids is tested on the route. Then the recommendations on the use of the materials of the "portfolio" are included in the methodological development.

Each exhibit included in the "portfolio" is accompanied by a leaflet with explanations or reference material. Sometimes explanations are glued to the back of the exhibit. This annotation serves as a source material for the guide when showing the exhibit to tourists.

The list of visual materials of a certain topic included in the "guide's portfolio" should be updated throughout the development of a new excursion topic.

Museums, exhibitions, archives provide great assistance in the selection of visual materials for the "portfolio" of excursion organizations.

Determination of methodological techniques for conducting an excursion

The success of the excursion is in direct proportion to the methodological techniques of demonstration and story used in it. The choice of this or that methodological method is dictated by the tasks set for the excursion, the information richness of a particular object.

The work of the creative group at this stage consists of several parts: selection of the most effective methodological techniques for highlighting subtopics, methodological techniques that are recommended depending on the excursion audience (adults, children), the time of the excursion (winter, summer, day, evening), features showing; determining the methods of preserving the attention of tourists and activating the process of perception of excursion material; development of recommendations on the use of expressive means in the speech of the guide; selection of the rules of excursion technique. It is equally important to determine the technology for using methodological techniques.

Definition of excursion techniques

The excursion technique unites all organizational issues of the excursion process. The authors of the bus excursion, for example, carefully think over when and where excursionists go out to inspect the object, how the excursionists move between the objects, how and when the exhibits of the "guide's portfolio" are shown, etc. The corresponding entries are made in the column of methodological development "Organizational instructions" ... These instructions are also addressed to the bus driver. For example, where to put the bus, where you need to go slower to observe the object from the window. Separate instructions refer to excursionists (observance of safety rules on the street, getting off the bus, accommodation in the cabin). It is important to formulate recommendations on the use of breaks in the excursion; on observance of the time allotted for coverage of sub-topics, organization of answers to questions from tourists; on the technique of using the "portfolio" exhibits; about the order of laying wreaths, etc. No less important are the instructions about the place of the guide when showing objects, guiding the independent work of tourists on the route, conducting a story while the bus is moving.

Drawing up a methodological development

Methodical development - a document that determines how to conduct a given excursion, how best to organize the display of monuments, what methodology and technique of conducting should be applied to make the excursion effective. The methodological development sets out the requirements of the excursion methodology, taking into account the characteristics of the objects on display and the content of the material presented. She disciplines the guide and must meet the following requirements: prompt the guide on the way to reveal the topic; equip him with the most effective methodological techniques of display and story; contain clear recommendations on the organization of the excursion; take into account the interests of a certain group of tourists (if there are excursion options); combine the show and the story into a single whole.

Methodological development is compiled for each topic of the excursion, including with a differentiated approach to the preparation and conduct of the excursion. In the variants of the methodological development, the age, professional and other interests of the tourists, the peculiarities of the methodology of its implementation, are reflected.

The methodological development is formalized as follows:

The title page contains data: the name of the excursion institution, the name of the topic of the excursion, the type of excursion, the length of the route, the duration in academic hours, the composition of the excursionists, the names and positions of the authors, the date of approval of the excursion by the head of the excursion institution.
- on the next page, the purpose and objectives of the excursion, the route diagram indicating the objects and stops during the excursion are described.

Methodical development consists of three sections: introduction, main part and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion are not distributed among the columns. For example, what the recommendations for a guide look like on the construction of an introduction to the methodological development of an excursion on the topic - "Tyumen - the gateway to Siberia": "First of all, you need to get to know the group, name the guide and driver, then remind the excursionists about the rules of behavior on the bus, warning them that they will be able to ask questions and share their impressions when the time is available for this. part of the introduction should be bright, emotional. It can begin with poems by AS Pushkin or a quote - the statement of the Decembrists about the untold riches of Siberia, the great future of this harsh land. " The landing place of the group is determined in working order together with the customer, the starting point of the excursion is determined by the methodological development.

Table 2.1

An example of a methodological development of an excursion

Route Stop Display objects Time Name of subtopics and list of main questions Organizational guidelines Methodical instructions
New Basmannaya st. - M. Razgulyay - Baumanskaya st. On the way New Basmannaya street; cathedral of st. Paul;
house number 16 on Novaya Basmannaya street, house number 2 on Spartakovskaya street
Subtopic I: Pushkin Moscow
1. Former German settlement -
one of the aristocratic districts of Moscow in the 18th-19th centuries.
2. New Basmannaya st. - corner of Pushkinskaya
The story is told in slow motion of the bus 1. Use the method of reporting, giving a description of the former German settlement. Observe the synchronicity of storytelling and showing objects located on different streets
2. Characterizing the appearance of the German settlement
the end of the 18th century, when the Pushkins settled here, use the layout and development of Novaya Basmannaya Street for display. Use
in the story, the names of the alleys along which the route passes, to characterize the past. Mention the surviving on the banks of the river. Yauza houses of nobles (Lefortovo Palace, Slobodskoy Palace, etc.)
Baumanskaya st., 8/10 Stop in the courtyard of the school. A.S. Pushkin number 353 School building them. A.S. Pushkin,
Memorial plaque
with a bas-relief of Pushkin the Child on the facade of the building
3. Place of birth of the poet
4. "My ancestry"
5. Childhood of the poet
Get the group out of the bus, bring
to the school building, stop at the memorial plaque. Then bring to the monument
A.S. Pushkin, placing the group so that the school yard, the monument, buildings to the left and right of it are visible
3. Verbal reconstruction of this corner of the German settlement at the end of the 18th century. Show: the relief of the school courtyard (the dried-up bed of the Kukuy stream), preserved wings (house 8), reminiscent of the Skvortsov estate,
where A.S. Pushkin was born.
Revealing questions 4, 5, cite excerpts from the works "My genealogy" and "Guests came to the dacha." Use the "guide's portfolio" (views of old Moscow, Lefortovo, portraits of relatives
A.S. Pushkin).
Variant of the logical transition of the topic:
"VL Pushkin - influenced the formation of the future poet's literary tastes"

The effectiveness of the methodological development depends on the correct filling of all seven columns. Development size - 6-12 typewritten pages. The length of the document depends on the number of excursion objects, the number of subtopics, the duration of the excursion in time and the length of the route.

In the column " Excursion route"is the starting point of the excursion and the end of the I subtopic.

In the column " Stops"those points of the route are called where the exit from the bus is envisaged; it is supposed to inspect the object from the windows of the bus without excursions coming out, or it is planned to stop on a walking tour. You should not make such inaccurate entries as, for example:" Volga River Embankment "or" Central Square ". write down: "The Volga river embankment near the monument to N. A. Nekrasov".

In the column " Display objects"list those memorable places, main and additional objects that are shown to the group at the stop, during the move or movement of the group to the next stop.

In a suburban excursion, the objects of display can be a whole city, village, urban-type settlement, and when traveling along the route, visible parts from a distance (a tall building, a tower, a bell tower, etc.). In a city tour, the objects of display can be a street or a square.

Count " Excursion duration". The time that is called in this column is the sum of the time spent on showing this object, the guide's story (the part when there is no show) and on the movement of excursionists along the route to the next stop. Here it is necessary to take into account the time spent on movement near the objects being inspected and between objects.

Count " Name of subtopics and list of main questions"contains short entries. First of all, a subtopic is called, which is revealed on a given segment of the route, at a given period of time, at the objects listed in column 3. Here they formulate the main questions that are set out in the disclosure of a subtopic. For example, in a city sightseeing tour in one of the subtopics is called “Poltava in the Northern War between Russia and Sweden.” The main issues that are covered in this sub-topic are “Swedes in Ukraine” and “Battle of Poltava.” The sub-topic “New Old Town” reveals the main issues: “Housing construction in the city "," Development of culture and art "," Construction of a sports complex. "The number of main issues included in the subtopic should not exceed five.

In the column " Organizational guidelines"place recommendations on the movement of the group, ensuring the safety of sightseers on the route and the fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements, the rules of conduct for the participants of the excursion in memorial sites and at monuments of history and culture. It also sets out the requirements for sightseers for nature protection and fire safety rules. In this column include all the questions that are included in the concept of "Technique of conducting an excursion." Here is an example of a recording: "The group is positioned so that all tourists can see the entrance to the building." "At this stop, tourists are given time to take pictures." In country excursions, this column include instructions on sanitary stops, recommendations for nature conservation, rules for the movement of tourists at stops, especially near highways in order to ensure their safety.

When conducting industrial excursions, visiting working shops, recommendations on safety precautions, excerpts from the instructions of the administration of the enterprise, mandatory rules of behavior for excursionists at the enterprise are given, places are called where pauses are made in the story and display.

Count " Methodical instructions"defines the direction of the entire document, formulates the basic requirements for the guide on the method of conducting the excursion, gives instructions on the use of methodological techniques. For example, in the excursion" Khatyn Memorial Complex "on the object" Defense Line of the 100th Infantry Division ", two methodological instructions are given:" When revealing the subtopic, a verbal comparison is used, a certificate is given about the military potential of Nazi Germany at the time of its attack on the USSR "and" The story of the battles is conducted using the methodological method of visual reconstruction of the place where the hostilities took place. "

It should indicate where and how the methodology is applied. This column also outlines a variant of the logical transition to the next subtopic, gives recommendations on showing materials of the "guide's portfolio", includes tips on using the movement of tourists relative to objects as a methodological technique (for example, "After observing the object and the story of the guide, tourists can independently continue their acquaintance with object "," The guide should explain the terms ... "," When showing the battlefield, it is necessary to orient the excursionists ... ", etc.).

Drawing up an individual text

Excursion practice proceeds from the fact that the basis of the guide's story is individual text, which determines the sequence and completeness of the presentation of thoughts, helps the guide to logically build his story. Each guide composes such a text independently. The reference text is the basis for the individual text.

All individual texts with a good control text will have identical content, but different turns of speech, different words, different sequence in the story, there may even be different facts confirming the same position. Naturally, all the guides, being at the same object, will say the same thing.

You should not hide the control text from those who are developing a new excursion for themselves, because a creative group of the most trained guides worked on the control text, and the guide preparing a new topic for himself will not be able to achieve what was done before him by collective efforts. After the preliminary work of the guide on a new topic is completed (collection, study and primary processing of the material), he is allowed to familiarize himself with the control text. This will help him select material for the story, determine the optimal number of examples used to highlight the sub-topics, draw the right conclusions on the sub-topics of the excursion and in general. The reference to the control text, made on time, guarantees a higher level of preparation of the beginner for the excursion.

The main difference between the individual text and the control one is that it reflects the structure of the excursion and is built in full accordance with the methodological development of the excursion. The material is placed in the order in which the objects are shown, and has a clear division into parts. Each of them is dedicated to one of the sub-topics. An individual text composed in accordance with these requirements is a story ready for "use". The individual text contains a full statement of what should be told during the excursion. When presenting the essence of historical events, there should be no abbreviations or assessments of their significance.

It is also not allowed to mention facts without their dating, references to sources. At the same time, this type of text reflects the peculiarities of the "performer" speech. The guide's story consists, as it were, of separate parts tied to visual objects. These parts are combined by conclusions for each subtopic and logical transitions between subtopics (and objects). In an individual text, each subtopic is a separate story, suitable for use during the excursion.

When composing an individual text, its author should not forget about the logic of the sounding speech, about the fact that the word and the image (object) act, as a rule, on the feeling of sightseers synchronously. Striving for liveliness in the presentation of material on excursions should not lead to attempts to entertain tourists. When deciding on the combination of cognitive and entertaining elements on an excursion, the matter should be resolved according to the formula: maximum cognitive and minimum entertainment. The question of legends has a special place in the preparation of the excursion. Only legends can be used in excursions.

In terms of their content, both texts (control and individual) coincide. And this means that in the presence of a correctly composed test text, all guides who have mastered this topic, excursions are "standard". They are the same in their content, coincide in the assessments of historical events and facts in the conclusions that they draw on individual sub-topics and on the topic as a whole.

While analyzing one and the same visual object, the guides show and tell the same thing. This is the meaning of the control text as a standard.

However, if the content is equal, the guides can use different turns of speech, can present the recommended facts, figures and examples in a different sequence. The individuality of the excursion lies in the fact that the guides leading an excursion on the same topic may have varying degrees of emotionality. They can, being at the same object, use different presentation techniques and forms of story. The same position can be disclosed in different examples. The text should be written in the first person and express your personality.

Storytelling and individual text

The success of the story depends on how close the individual text is to the generally accepted speech, how it takes into account the speech characteristics of that particular guide to whom this text belongs. "The degree of influence on our consciousness of various texts depends on many reasons and conditions (logic, evidence, novelty of the topic and information, psychological attitude of the author to influence or its absence, etc.)." However, speech, its properties, structure, features play an equally important role.

The individual texts of almost all guides on the same topic are characterized by similarities in the content and presentation of the material, in the assessment of historical events, facts and examples. However, the stories of all the guides are individual. How does the individuality of the guide find its expression? All guides, conducting excursions on the same topic, tell the same thing, but they speak differently. Their story is the same in content, but in form, use of vocabulary, and emotional level is different.

The method requires the guide to remember the significant difference between the speech of the lecturer and the guide when compiling an individual text.

During the excursion, the guide "hurries" objects that need to be shown to the group. The two or three hours allotted for the excursion, the stay of the tourists on their feet and in the open air, force the guide to speak briefly, clearly characterize the monuments in front of the group, and concisely talk about the events connected with them.

The duration of the story should not exceed the time that the monument is able to attract the attention of sightseers. Most often it is five to seven minutes. If this time is not observed, then no liveliness of the story, no methodological techniques can restore the attention of the tourists. It is not by chance that the term "object language" is used in the methodological literature. One of the tasks of the guide is to make the object "speak".

The technique of using individual text

The guide, just like the lecturer, can use his individual text during the excursion. For ease of use, it is recommended that they transfer the content of the story to special cards, where brief information about the object, the main thoughts of the story, individual quotes, and historical dates are recorded. For each subtopic, several cards are filled out (usually according to the number of main questions).

Using the cards, the guide does not read their content during the excursion, but only by looking into them, he recalls the content of the story. If there is a significant break between objects during the excursion, the guide can look at the cards again, refresh the story material in his memory. Most often, cards are used as a synopsis of a story in preparation for an excursion. Exceptions are those cards on which quotations and large excerpts from works of art are entered, the content of which forms the basis of the method of literary montage. On excursions, they are read in full.

The card should be easy to use. A small size is recommended, about a quarter of a sheet of thick writing paper, suitable for long-term use. The cards have serial numbers and are added before the excursion, taking into account the sequence of the revealed subtopics.

The use of cards on the excursion is the right of every guide, but with the acquisition of experience, they no longer need it. The fact that the cards are at hand and can be used at the right time gives the guide confidence in his knowledge.

The presence of an individual text does not mean that all of it must be memorized and conveyed to the tourists word for word.

Logical transitions

The creators of the excursion are faced with the task of linking the content of all subtopics into a single whole. It is solved with the help logical transitions, which should be considered as an important, although not of independent importance, part of the excursion. Well-composed logical transitions give the excursion harmony, ensure consistency in the presentation of the material, and are a guarantee that the next subtopic will be perceived with interest.

Often in excursions, when moving from one subtopic to another, they use formal (constructive) transitions... A formal transition is a transition that is not related to the content of the excursion and is not a "bridge" from one part of the excursion to another. (For example, "Now let's go through the square", "Now we will follow on with you", "Let's see another remarkable place"). However, one should not deny the legitimacy of using such transitions in general and consider them one of the mistakes in excursion work.

In those cases when the movement between objects takes a few seconds, such transitions are inevitable: (For example, "Now look here" or "Please pay attention to the monument located nearby"). Such transitions are inevitable when examining expositions in museums and at exhibitions, where halls, thematic sections and separate stands dedicated to various sub-themes are located close to each other. The constructive passage, not being a "transitional bridge" between the sub-themes, directs the tourists to familiarize themselves with the next object.

More efficient logical transition related to the theme of the excursion... Such a transition can begin before the group moves to the next stop, or it can end already at a stop near the object. The logical transition is dictated not so much by the features of the excursion object, but by the content of the excursion itself, the subtopic after which this transition is made.

The duration of a logical transition is usually equal in time to the movement (transition) of the group from object to object, but it can be longer or less.

Acceptance (delivery) of excursions

In case of a positive assessment of the control text and methodological development of the excursion, as well as in the presence of a complete "tour guide's portfolio" and a map-scheme of the route, the date of acceptance (delivery) of a new excursion is assigned. Delivery of the excursion is entrusted to the head of the creative group. If he is absent due to illness or other valid reasons, one of the members of the creative group takes the tour. The heads of the excursion institution, methodological workers, members of the creative group and the methodological section, where the excursion was prepared, as well as heads of other sections, take part in the acceptance (delivery) of the excursion.

Acceptance (delivery) of the excursion is of a business nature, is carried out in the form of a creative discussion, exchange of views, identification of shortcomings. Participants in the excursion must be familiarized with its control text and methodological development, route diagram, contents of the "guide's portfolio", list of used literature, etc.

Tour approval

With a positive conclusion about the control text and methodological development, as well as on the basis of calculating the cost and determining the rate of return of a new excursion, the head of the excursion institution issues an order approving a new excursion topic and a list of guides admitted to it.

Guides who took an active part in the development of the topic and listened to on the route or during the interview are allowed to work. The conclusion of the interview is made by the methodologist of the excursion-methodical department.

All other guides, who later independently prepared this topic, conduct a test excursion in the usual way. Tour guides (regardless of work experience) are allowed to conduct an excursion on a topic that is new to them only if they have an individual text after listening and issuing the corresponding order.


Mandatory documentation on the topic. Preparing a new excursion topic is a complex process. This work is considered complete when all the necessary documents have been prepared. Documentation on excursion topics is stored in the methodological office.

Table 2.2.

Documentation required for each topic

P / p No. Document's name Document content
1 List of related literature All books, brochures, articles that were used in the preparation of this excursion are listed
2 Cards (passports) of objects included in the route Information characterizing the excursion object. Type of the monument, its name, event with which it is associated, location, short description, authors and time of creation of the object, sources
3 Control text of the excursion Selected and verified by sources material that reveals the topic. The content of the text reveals sub-themes and main issues, serves as the basis for the introduction, conclusion, logical transitions
4 Individual texts of the guides The material presented by a specific guide in accordance with the methodological development, the structure of the excursion, its route. Gives the characteristics of objects and events
5 Route scheme (map) A separate sheet shows the path of the group. The beginning and end of the route, objects of display, places for their observation, stops for the group's exit to the objects are indicated
6 "Guide's portfolio" Folder with photographs, diagrams, maps, drawings, drawings, reproductions, copies of documents, samples of products of enterprises, other visual aids
7 Methodical development on the topic Guided tour recommendation. Methodological techniques of display and story are called, the sequence of demonstration of objects, visual aids, the technique of conducting an excursion, taking into account a differentiated approach to excursionists, is determined.
8 Tour materials Materials

Development of excursion routes on literary themes of the Vladimir region


The emergence and development of excursion work as an independent form of activity is attributed to the last decades of the XIX the beginning of the 20th century, although the origins of excursion work were formed much earlier.
Excursion work emerged as an independent profession in the XVIII ―XIX cc. influenced by the development of transport, the resort industry and the hotel business, primarily in Western Europe and Russia. It was the fashion for travel in the 19th century, which became widespread for the privileged strata of society, that dictated the emergence of a new profession. ― « guide "and" guide-translator ".
Intensification of excursion activities in the 19th century. was associated with the emergence of a number of organizations practicing excursion trips. The development of excursion activities was accompanied by the opening of historical, cultural and natural monuments, ensembles, museums, as well as various exhibitions. This was facilitated by the initiative activities of scientific societies.

The proliferation of excursions, mountain climbing, hiking and cycling, the desire of the Russian intelligentsia to use travel, movement and educational excursions to educate the people created the preconditions for uniting tourism and excursion lovers in various specialized organizations.

In the XX century. along with the development of the museum business and resort business, the work of tour guides acquired a fairly high status in society. During this period, the tourism industry developed, which acquired a worldwide scale. The development of exhibition work and the activation of the resort business in many countries of the world contribute to the development of tourism, which has taken a leading place in the national economy of many countries of the world.

Excursion it is the process of familiarization or study of any object of the socio-cultural environment with the help of a professionally trained specialist guide. In the modern sense, an excursion is always characterized by certain goals, time and place.

Currently, excursion activities perform a socially significant role, have their own history, professional staff, are distinguished by a variety of types of forms, themes.

Excursion - (lat. - a trip) - a collective or individual visit to attractions, for educational or cultural purposes, under the guidance of a guide.

Display and storytelling defines the specialty of the excursion. The specificity of the excursion method is in the primary display. Therefore, the essence of the tour is the organic and inseparable unity of the show with the story. The main features of the excursion are: length in time, the presence of an excursion group, the presence of a guide, inspection of excursion objects, a specific topic, the presence of goals and objectives, the development of the route.

The excursion assumes the acquisition of new impressions and new sensations by excursionists. Excursion activities include the activities of the participants of the excursion: the organizer of the excursion, sometimes, the group guide, the guide and excursionists. Accentuation it is the highlighting of features, any features that allow the guide to take into account the peculiarities of the group of tourists. The ability to express accentuation realizes the professional skills of a guide, taking into account the peculiarities of this group of tourists.

The relevance of our work lies in considering the cultural and educational value of conducting excursions on literary topics.

The purpose of the work is to develop a route "To V. Soloukhin's homeland". Achieving the goal involves solving a number of tasks:

) study the concept, subject and classification of the excursion;

) consider excursions on literary topics

) highlight the peculiarities of organizing excursions on the topic "Literary Vladimir".

) develop a route for an excursion reflecting the life and work of the Vladimir writer V.A. Soloukhin.

The object of the research is an excursion on literary topics.

The subject of research is the work of V.A. Soloukhin.

The work was written on the basis of books, articles, monographs on tourism, excursions, as well as the study of V.A. Soloukhin.

1. Theory of excursion development

1.1 Concept and subject of the tour

excursion literary solouhin

Excursion is a word derived from the Latin excursio. In Russian, it began to be used in the 19th century, meaning "run out, military raid", a little later - "sortie, trip". The following definitions of the term "excursion", presented in chronological order, will help to understand the change in the essence of the concept of excursion and lead to the realization of its modern interpretation.

The first interpretation of the term was given by V. Dahl in 1882: "An excursion is a sinking, a walk, going out in search of something, to collect herbs, etc." (Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. - M .: Russian language, 1980. - vol. 4. - P. 663).

"An excursion is one of the types of mass, cultural, educational, agitation and educational work, aimed at expanding and deepening the knowledge of the younger generation ..." (Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M., 1933. - v. 63. - P. 316).

“Excursion (Latin excursio - outing) is a collective trip or a walk somewhere. for scientific, educational or entertainment purposes "(definition given by D.N. Ushakov in 1935, see Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language / under the direction of D.N. Ushakov. - M. Astrel, 2007. - P. 901.)

“Excursion - visiting objects of interest (cultural monuments, museums, enterprises, localities, etc.), the form and method of acquiring knowledge. It is carried out, as a rule, collectively, under the guidance of a specialist guide "(Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M., 1978. - vol. 29. - P. 63).

“The excursion is a methodically thought-out display of sights, monuments of history and culture, which is based on the analysis of the objects in front of the sightseers' eyes, as well as a skillful story about the events associated with them ... The excursion is a visual process of human cognition of the surrounding world, built on pre-selected objects located in natural conditions or located in the premises of enterprises, laboratories, research institutes, etc. ... In a short form, the essence of the excursion can be defined as follows: excursion is the sum of knowledge in a specific form communicated to a group of people, and a certain system of actions for their transfer "(Emelyanov, BV Guidance: Textbook / BV Emelyanov. - 5th ed. - M .: Soviet sport, 2004. - S. 17, 21-22).

From the above definitions, it can be seen that over time there was not just a change, but an increase in the complexity of the goals, objectives, content and forms of excursions. If initially the excursion could be a simple walk, during which the search for medicinal berries and herbs was carried out, then later, during the excursions, they began to identify exhibits for local history museums, to raise the level of knowledge in various industries. Accordingly, the goals have also changed, if at first only practical tasks were set, gradually scientific general educational, cultural educational ones were added to them.

When considering the concept of "the essence of an excursion", it is necessary to bear in mind the conditionality of the excursion process by objective requirements. Each excursion is a special process of activity, the essence of which is determined by specific patterns (thematic, purposefulness, clarity, emotionality, activity, etc.).

During the excursion process, the guide helps excursionists to see the objects on the basis of which the topic is revealed (the first task), to hear the necessary information about these objects (the second task), to feel the greatness of the feat, the significance of the historical event (the third task), to master the practical skills of independent observation and analysis excursion objects (fourth task). In solving the latter problem, the formation of the ability to see plays an important role.

The material of the excursion, the professional skill of the guide in its presentation enable the excursionists to analyze and draw the necessary conclusions. The guide instills these skills in the course of showing and telling tourists. In this case, the authors of the excursion act as active assistants to the guide. The well-known theorist, critic and teacher A.V. Bakushinsky spoke about this: "The methodological development of the material, conditioned by the goal, all the tasks and the plan of the excursion, should be aimed at awakening the independence of perception and assessments." 1.

One of the objectives of the excursion is to develop the excursionists' attitude to the topic of the excursion, the activities of historical persons, events, facts, in general to the material of the excursion and to give it their own assessment.

Rate - means to make an idea of \u200b\u200bsomeone, something, to determine the meaning, character, role of someone or something, to recognize someone's merits, positive qualities.

Excursion evaluation - these are the conclusions of the excursionist, to which the guide leads him

Excursion attitude must be understood as: a certain view of the excursionist on the historical period to which the excursion is devoted; perception of any actions; understanding of the specific situation in which the writer, sculptor (artist) was creating his work.

In this process, an important role is played by the excursion material, its presentation by the guide, the “angle of view” of the event and its assessment by the guide, as well as the guide’s conviction that he is right. The main thing in this process is the problem of understanding. Most of the excursionists perceive the point of view of the guide, which becomes the basis for understanding the material and developing an attitude towards the subject of the display and story.

An excursion is a methodically thought-out show of sights, monuments of history and culture, which is based on the analysis of the objects in front of the sightseers, as well as a skillful story about the events associated with them.

Composition - construction, connection, compilation of separate parts into a whole. This term is associated with the concepts of "structure" and "construction".

Plot - an event or several events related to each other.

Fable - a chain of events about which the work tells. In the presentation of the plot, they distinguish composition, set, development of action, culmination, denouement.

Climax - the point, the moment of the highest tension in the development of plot action.

The excursion, being the work of specific authors, is built taking into account the requirements for a literary work and has its own plot, to which all excursion material is subordinated. A sightseeing tour, in terms of its objectives and form of conducting, is more complicated than travel excursion information or an instructor's conversation during a hiking trip. Thematic excursion, in comparison with the city sightseeing tour, is more complex in its structure, content, methodology.

The path of development of the excursion follows the Line of change in its essence. The excursion was originally a walk with practical tasks such as finding medicinal herbs. Then she faced scientific tasks, such as identifying exhibits for the local history museum. The search for new forms of self-education put forward a general educational goal for excursions. The desire to improve educational work, to make it more effective turned the excursion into one of the types of cultural and educational work.

Currently, the excursion acts as something complete, holistic, with its own specific functions and features, a kind of individual methodology. To a large extent, it has enriched itself in content, forms of conduct and methods of presenting the material and is characterized as an integral part of ideological and educational and cultural work. The goals, objectives and forms of excursions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

No. ObjectivesTasksForms1RestSearch for medicinal herbs, berries, mushrooms, fruitsWalk2EducationalChildren's mastering of knowledge on a school subject (botany, geography, history) Lesson outside the classroom3ScientificIdentification of exhibits for a museum of local loreExpedition4Cultural-educational travel in general educational travel on history, architecture, literature and other fieldsSightseeing multifaceted excursion6Cultural and educationalKnowledge acquisition combined with educationThematic excursion

So, the tour is a visual process of human cognition of the surrounding world, built on pre-selected objects located in natural conditions or located in the premises of enterprises, laboratories, research institutes, etc.

The objects are shown under the guidance of a qualified specialist - a guide. The process of perception of objects by excursionists is subordinated to the task of revealing a certain topic. The guide gives the audience a vision of the object, an assessment of the memorial place, an understanding of the historical event associated with this object. He is not indifferent to what the visitor sees, how he will understand and perceive what he has seen and heard. With his explanations, he brings tourists to the necessary conclusions and assessments, thereby achieving the desired effectiveness of the event.

The functions of the excursion are considered as its main features.

Scientific propaganda function... The excursion is based on the principles of propaganda, scientific approach, ideology, connection with life, clarity and persuasiveness. These principles express the essence of propaganda and make it possible to highlight the main thing in it.

The connection of theory with life... The material of the excursions should be linked with life, reality, the practice of economic and cultural development, with the changes that are taking place in Russia.

Information function... The excursion, in accordance with its theme, contains information on a specific section of knowledge: about the achievements of historical science, medicine, biology; about the discoveries of archaeologists; inventions, achievements in economic and cultural construction.

The function of organizing cultural activities... Leisure means that part of the non-working time that remains at the disposal of a person after a working day. A person spends this free time within a day, week, year at his own discretion on active creative or social activities, on-the-job study, amateur activities, and communication with friends.

Excursion to the function of expanding cultural and technical horizons... Each excursion helps to expand the horizons of a person. Its participants receive knowledge in history, art, architecture, literature, economics. Often, an excursion concretizes the knowledge of the tourists, helps them see what they knew from written sources, from school programs, from lectures.

An excursion is a synthesis of several forms of cultural and educational work. It can include as thematically embedded and methodically justified parts:

a) fragments from feature films, popular science or newsreel documentary in whole

b) speeches of participants or eyewitnesses of events, war veterans (1941-1945) in excursions on military-patriotic themes;

c) meeting with the leaders of industrial or agricultural enterprises, engineering and technical workers, leading workers in excursions on production topics;

d) listening to musical works dedicated to the life and work of composers, artists, musicians;

e) listening to speeches of statesmen and public figures in sound recordings, in excursions on historical and historical-revolutionary themes.

The function of the formation of human interests... The purpose of the excursion is to communicate the knowledge of the audience and arouse people's interest in a particular field of knowledge.

Each specific excursion can perform several functions at the same time. It depends on which group of tourists it is being held with. For children and youth, an excursion is a function of expanding the cultural and technical horizons; for adolescents choosing a profession - the function of forming interests; for foreign tourists - information function, etc.

Excursion signs

A sign is what makes objects and phenomena similar to each other or distinguishes from each other. Essential features are meant, i.e. those without which the subject, phenomenon, form of cultural and educational work cannot exist.

The excursion, like other forms of cultural and educational work (lecture, thematic evening, oral magazine, reader's conference), has its own characteristics in the organization and methodology. Its signs indicate similarities with other forms, or emphasize its fundamental difference from them.

Common features for all excursions are:

Length of time from one academic hour (45 minutes) to one day

Availability of sightseers (groups or individuals).

The presence of a guide conducting the excursion.

The movement of the participants of the excursion along a pre-compiled route.

Purposefulness of displaying objects, the presence of a specific theme.

Active activity of participants (observation, study, research of objects).

The absence of at least one of the above seven signs deprives you of the right to call the event an excursion.

In addition to these general features, each type of excursion has its own specific features:

at buses - a mandatory exit from the bus to view the monuments;

at the museum - acquaintance with the materials located on the stands;

at production facilities - demonstration of operating facilities (machines, units, mechanisms).

The meaning of the signs of the excursion lies in the fact that their correct understanding does not allow misinterpreting the essence of the excursion.

1.2 Rules for developing an excursion

By content excursions are divided into sightseeing (multifaceted, polythematic) and thematic.

Sightseeing excursionsare characterized by multiple themes and allow you to get a general and integral picture of the object in a short time. A city tour is based on showing various objects of the city: historical and cultural monuments, buildings and structures, places of significant events, natural objects, industrial and agricultural enterprises, etc. The story about the city is from the time of its origin to the present moment.

Almost all city sightseeing tours are similar in structure. Each of them contains several subtopics: the history of the city, characteristics of culture, science, education, industry. Choosing the main and obligatory subtopics is a difficult task for a guide. Differences between city sightseeing tours are due to the peculiarities of the cultural and historical development of the city. When preparing a city sightseeing tour, preference is given to those sub-topics that define the “face” of the city, and one of the sub-topics, due to its importance, necessarily becomes the leading one.

Another feature of sightseeing tours is that any of its subtopics, if necessary, can become a topic for an independent excursion.

Thematic excursions devoted to the disclosure of any one topic in the field of history, culture, nature management. Depending on one or another content aspect, a thematic excursion is traditionally referred to one of the types: historical, architectural and urban planning, art history, literary, natural history and industrial (technological). The first four types can be combined into a class of cultural and historical excursions.

Specifying each type, we can distinguish subtypes of city sightseeing tours. So, according to its content historical excursions subdivided into historical and regional studies; archaeological(showing material historical sources-excavations); ethnographic (telling about the manners and customs of different peoples); military history (held in places of military glory); historical and biographical(in places related to the life and work of famous people) .

Architectural and urban planning excursions divided into excursions showing the architectural appearance of the city; excursions showing architectural monuments of a certain historical period; excursions giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of an architect; excursions with a demonstration of examples of modern architecture; excursions introducing the planning and development of cities according to master plans; excursions to new buildings.

Art history excursions have the following subtopics: historical and theatrical, historical and musical, in places where folk arts and crafts exist, in places of life of artists, excursions to art galleries, exhibition halls, art museums, to the workshops of artists and sculptors.

Literary excursions

Natural history excursions are divided into botanical, zoological, hydrological, geological, excursions to unique natural monuments.

Industrial excursions can be production-historical, production-economic, production-technical and vocational-orientation for students.

It should be noted that thematic excursions of one type or another rarely exist in isolation, practice shows that the boundaries between them are blurred. Thus, historical material is used in architectural and urban planning, art history, literary, industrial excursions.

By the composition of participants first of all, there are excursions for adults and children, local residents and tourists (nonresident), urban population and rural, organized, homogeneous groups (at the request of institutions) and single, unfamiliar excursionists. On other grounds, you can build other classifications. For example, a distinction is made between excursions for students, professionals and the general public.

As a special contingent that requires special techniques and methods of conducting an excursion, one can indicate groups of religious pilgrims, young children, disabled people, the elderly, and "difficult" adolescents.

Depending on the composition of the group, changes are made to the content of the excursion, the methodology of its conduct and the duration. This approach to the preparation and conduct of excursions in the theory of excursion business is called differentiated.

By venue excursions are urban, suburban, museum, complex, combining elements of several types of excursions.

By way of travel distinguish between walking and transport excursions. The advantage of walking tours is that the guide himself sets the rhythm of movement (speed, duration of transitions and stops), which provides favorable conditions for showing and telling. However, the number of walking tours is limited by the short route length. The advantage of transport excursions is that they can include objects that are significantly distant from each other.

Among transport excursions, bus excursions are most common, which contain the action of two plans: display and analysis of excursion objects at stops, with the obligatory exit from the bus, and a story on the way, most often associated with the characteristics of memorable places, past which excursionists are passing by at the moment. The complexity of bus excursions is due to external factors that must be taken into account when conducting an excursion. These include traffic rules, unforeseen circumstances arising on the roads (traffic congestion, accidents, repair work), the speed of the bus and the correspondence between the story and the show, etc.

The duration of the excursion ranges from one academic hour (45 minutes) to four to five hours. There is an opinion that the duration of the excursion can be up to one day. A.V. Svyatoslavsky calls such long excursions tours and believes that they are split into several smaller excursions of different duration, and also include meal times, rest, buying souvenirs, sanitary stops, travel information. Let's dwell on the last element of long-distance excursions in more detail.

Travel information is transmitted to excursionists in a bus, following to objects that are significantly distant from the place where the group gathers: to another settlement, to a museum - a manor, a nature reserve, a memorial complex. Travel information involves both preparation for visiting objects at the final point of the route, and familiarization with the sights along the way, in addition, a general description of the terrain or region can be given. Travel information does not imply continuous speaking, it is recommended to arrange 15-20 minute breaks for the rest of the tourists and the guide.

In terms of their form, in addition to traditional excursions (survey and thematic), excursions are distinguished - walks, mainly on natural history topics, to the forest, to the park, to the lake, along the river. During excursions - walks, sightseeing is combined with rest.

In the 60-80s. In the twentieth century, there were excursions - extras, the participants of which simultaneously move along the route on 10 - 20 buses, each of which has a guide. Such excursions, in addition to inspecting objects, may include holding meetings at monuments, burial sites, meetings with heroes and participants in historical events, performances by participants in amateur art activities, participation in folk festivals and theatrical performances.

Excursion - a concert is dedicated to a musical theme with listening to music in the bus during a long excursion.

The excursion can be seen as a form of educational activity for different groups of tourists. From this point of view, stand out:

. excursion - lesson, which is a form of communication of knowledge in accordance with the curriculum of a particular educational institution;

. excursion - demonstration in the most visual form introduces the group to natural phenomena or production processes;

. test excursionis carried out at the final stage of individual work on the preparation and conduct of educational-thematic excursions and is a form of testing knowledge and skills of students in a tourist-local history association (circle).

Note that the division of excursions into clearly defined groups in practice is conditional, but necessary, since it is of great importance in the development of new excursion routes. Classification of excursions provides conditions for effective preparation of excursions, facilitates specialization, and provides a differential approach to serving different groups of excursionists.

The new excursion is the result of two complex interrelated processes: its preparation and conduct. The content and value of the new excursion is determined by the knowledge and competence of the methodologists and guides.

There are two main directions in the preparatory work:

1.development of a new topic for the excursion (meaning both new for this excursion institution, and new in general);

2.preparation of a guide (both beginner and experienced) for a new excursion for him.

The development is entrusted to a creative group (usually 3-7 people), which, as a rule, are guides working in the institution. Researchers from museums, university professors, etc. are invited as consultants. specialists from various industries. Each participant develops one section, one subtopic. A leader is selected who exercises control.

There are three main stages in the technology of preparing a new excursion.

1.Preliminary work. Includes selection and study of materials, selection of objects. (Study here should be understood as a process of accumulating knowledge on a given topic, determining the purpose and objectives of the excursion).

2.Direct development of the excursion itself, i.e. preparation of a route, work on the content, processing of factual material, compilation and writing of a control text, methodical work (work on a method of conducting an excursion, choosing the most effective methodological techniques for showing and telling during an excursion, preparing a methodological development of a new excursion), writing individual texts by guides ...

.The final part - the acceptance (protection) of the excursion on the route - is the approval of the new excursion by the head of the excursion institution, the admission of the guides who have defended their topic to work on the route.

If you draw up the simplest scheme that is suitable for any excursion, regardless of the topic, type and form of conduct, then it will be as follows:

). The introduction usually consists of two parts:

· organizational (acquaintance with the participants of the excursion, briefing the group about the safety rules and behavior on the route);

· informational (a short message is made about the topic, the duration and length of the route, the time of departure and arrival, as well as the place of arrival, sanitary stops).

). The main part is formed by a combination of show and story, built on specific excursion sites. The content of the main part consists of subtopics (usually from 5 to 12), which should be disclosed at the facilities and united by the main topic.

). Conclusion. Just like the introduction, it is not related to sightseeing objects. Consists of two parts and takes 5-7 minutes. The first part - the main content of the excursion is briefly formulated, a general conclusion on the topic is made. The second part - information about other excursions that can deepen the knowledge of the tourists on this topic.

When preparing a new excursion, it is necessary to be guided by a differentiated approach to excursion services, to focus on a certain category of excursionists. In an effort to make the tour interesting, it is important not to overload it with information. The way the material is presented doesn't have to be tedious. A prerequisite is to take into account not only the interests, but also the goals of consumers. When organizing an excursion as part of a business tour program, attention should be paid to showing public and business centers. If the excursion is conducted as part of a resort vacation, then walks, including water walks, with the observation of natural landscapes become attractive.

In the process of preparing a new excursion, from 1976 to the present day, 15 main stages are distinguished.

Stage th. Determination of the purpose and objectives of the excursion.

The goal is clearly defined, for the sake of which certain objects are shown to excursionists, for which the guide's story is subordinated. (Example of a goal: fostering patriotism, broadening one's horizons, etc.). The purpose of the excursion is to achieve the goal by revealing the topic.

Stage th. Choice of theme.

Depends on the purposeful creation of a specific subject of excursions, potential demand or a specific order. This stage is important because the topic unites all objects, sub-topics of the excursion into a single whole. It is in accordance with the theme that objects and specific material are selected.

Stage th. Selection of literature and compilation of bibliography.

When developing a new excursion, a list of books and articles covering the topic is compiled. Its purpose is to determine the approximate boundaries of the forthcoming work on the study of literary sources, to help the guides in the use of theoretical and factual material in the preparation of the text.

The list may include "main" and "additional" literature, it indicates standard bibliographic information. The list is multiplied in the amount necessary for the work of both the creative group and the guides.

Stage th. Identification of other sources of excursion material.

Acquaintance with expositions and funds of museums on the topic. A list is compiled, which includes state archives, museums, newsreels and documentaries, multimedia databases containing materials on the topic. The main selection criterion is the reliability of the information presented.

.3 Guided tours of literature

Among the diverse forms of functioning of a literary work, there is one extremely interesting, but neglected by modern literary criticism: a literary tour. The great experience of the theory of excursion business, accumulated in the 1920s, is not yet in demand. Such a socially and educationally significant and rich in possibilities phenomenon of the existence of literature as a literary excursion, it seems, has departed exclusively into the field of applied interests of the tourism business. Accordingly, the design of excursions is not theoretically meaningful and does not have any well-thought-out conceptual basis.

The heuristic and didactic possibilities of a literary excursion are still in little demand.

By projecting the text of the work into a real landscape, deploying it as a here and now a continuing event, a literary tour creates an irreplaceable effect of participation in the artistic world. Indeed, the effect of interaction between the literary text and the landscape turns out to be multifaceted. First, the perception of the literary text itself changes. The lines of a familiar piece, localized in the route, acquire the utmost concreteness. The excursionist, comparing the object and the author's associations generated by it, himself enters into the process of creative transformation of the area. Secondly, the semantics of everyday space is changing: familiar city streets, faceless, silent houses acquire an appearance, a voice, speak the language of literary legends. In the consciousness of the perceiver, mechanisms are triggered that transform the profane space into a cultural landscape saturated with meanings. And, finally, the processes of identification of the territory and self-identification of the person living on it are activated, the natural need to know and love their land deepens.

It is advisable to group literary excursions as follows:

Literary and biographical - pass in places that preserve the memory of the life and work of a certain writer;

Literary and artistic (poetical and textual);

Literary and regional studies - devoted to the study of a natural or anthropogenic, cultural complex with the help of literary works;

Literary and biographical excursions are held in places that keep the memory of the life and work of the writer, poet, playwright, etc. (for example, "AS Pushkin in Moscow and the Moscow Region", "Kuprin in St. Petersburg", etc.);

historical and literary, revealing certain periods in the development of Russian national literature (for example, "Literary Moscow of the 20s of the XX century", "Literary Eagle", etc.);

literary and artistic - these are poetical and textual excursions (for example, "White nights in St. Petersburg") or excursions to places that are reflected in the works of one or another writer (for example, "In the footsteps of M. Sholokhov's heroes", "Moscow in the work of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" "and others).

Conclusions. In this way, in a short form, the essence of an excursion can be defined as follows: an excursion is a sum of knowledge communicated to a group of people in a specific form, and a certain system of actions for their transfer.

Literary excursions subdivided into literary and biographical (according to the places that keep the memory of the life and work of the writer, poet, playwright); historical and literary (dedicated to certain periods of the development of Russian literature); literary and artistic (according to the places that were the scene of action in the works of one or another writer).

2. Development of an excursion "To V. Soloukhin's Homeland"

.1 General concept (text) of the excursion

The planned excursion is dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding Vladimir poet and prose writer Vladimir Soloukhin.

Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin (14.06.1924-4.04.1997), writer. Born in the village of Alepino, Vladimir Region, into a peasant family.

Born into a peasant family. His mother Stepanida Ivanovna knew by heart many poems by Nekrasov, Surikov, A.K. Tolstoy. This was reflected in the son, who thus encountered poetry at the age of four.

After graduating from school, in 1938-1942. studied at a technical school in Vladimir, received the specialty of a mechanic-instrumentalist.

The further fate of Vladimir Soloukhin developed in such a way that from 1942, after graduating from the technical school, he served in a military unit guarding the Kremlin, in 1945 he wandered into the classes of the Literary Association. It was possible to see Lugovsky, Tikhonov, Selvinsky, Antokolsky, Shchipachev, Kovalenkov conducting classes there, and Lukonin, Mezhirov, Gudzenko, Mikhail Lvov, Yulia Drunina, Nedogonov, Narovchatov, Pavel Shubin, and others participating in the classes. army, Vladimir Soloukhin began to seriously engage in literary activity.

In 1946, having published his first poems in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and realizing his vocation, he entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1951. After graduation, he worked as a traveling correspondent-essayist, wrote reports on trips around the country and abroad.

He worked as a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Molodaya Gvardiya" (1958-1981), a member of the editorial board, and then the editorial board of the magazine "Our Contemporary".

Soloukhin's poems were at first traditional in form, then his lyrics more and more approached prose, he abandoned rhyme and meter, dividing verses through syntactic parallels and repetitions of words and parts of a sentence. Soloukhin's prose, in its associative structure and the fact that the action in it often fades into the background, resembles the prose of K.G. Paustovsky (about whose work Soloukhin spoke with deep understanding); this prose combines journalistic documentary and an attitude towards natural lyrics, primordially peasant, based on his own observations of the life of collective farmers, and reflections on art topics, national-Russian admiration for the homeland and its cultural traditions, and topical criticism.

The first collection of poems "Rain in the Steppe" appeared in 1953. Critics noted in the verses "the subtle beauty of the image." The early lyrics reveal the desire to pose such problems as the Motherland, its historical past and present, man and nature. The author's civic position is revealed in verses containing reflections on the meaning of life, on the relationship between the poet and the people. This was followed by collections of poetry "Zhuravlikha" (1959), "Having flowers in his hands" (1962), "To live on earth" (1965), in which, over time, the author's desire for a philosophical understanding of life grew stronger.

In the 1950s. the first collections of his poems were published, in which, over time, the author's desire for a philosophical understanding of life increased more and more. During his trips around the country and foreign countries, he published reports and travel sketches in various publications. The book "Vladimirskie gorseloki" (1957) made Soloukhin's name famous. In 1958 he was introduced to the presidium of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR, in 1959 - even the Union of Writers of the USSR.

During the scandal surrounding the release in the West in 1957 of Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago and the award of the Nobel Prize (1958), Soloukhin was among those who condemned the poet, but, as Vladimir Alekseevich later explained, not for the sake of defending the communist regime, but since he did not consider the novel so talented (it is really difficult to call it such), he did not sympathize with Pasternak's unpatriotic worldview and did not want to be his defender in this matter.

Since 1951 he travels a lot around the country and foreign countries, publishing reports in various publications. The first separate book of essay prose, The Birth of Zernograd, was published in 1955; the next one - "The Golden Bottom" - in 1956. The book "Vladimir's Country Roads" (1957) attracted serious attention of readers and critics, receiving the most approving responses. In 1964 he published his autobiographical novel "Mother Stepmother". A special place in Soloukhin's work is occupied by his artistic and journalistic books Letters from the Russian Museum (1966) and Black Planks (1969). In 1964 - 81 he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Young Guard".

Living in Moscow, Soloukhin did not break ties with his native places, the people there. In 1965 a collection of poems "From a lyrical position" was published. In the 1970s, the books "Olepinsky Ponds" (1973) and "A Visit to 3 Vanki" (1975) were published. In the 1980s - "Time to collect stones" about Optina Hermitage (a monastery near Kozelsk) and a collection of stories and essays "The Disaster with Pigeons". The theme of Russian nature, the spiritual wealth of the people has always occupied the writer, wrote about the need to preserve and protect them.

The main theme of Soloukhin's work is the Russian village. Vladimir Soloukhin is a prominent representative of "village writers". In 1975, the magazine "Moscow" published the autobiographical story "Verdict", where the main character (on whose behalf the narration is being conducted) is diagnosed with cancer and undergoes a surgical operation. In the writer's legacy, a special place is occupied by autobiographical prose, in which the author comprehends the history of Russia in the 20th century ("The Last Step", "In the Light of Day", "Salt Lake", "Bowl"). In them, standing on Orthodox-nationalist positions, he sharply criticizes the atheistic, internationalist, liberal and communist worldview.

In June 1956, Soloukhin traveled on foot across the Vladimir land.

A feeling of love for the Motherland and pain for her fate are imbued with his stories "Vladimirskie gorseloki" (1957), "A drop of dew" (1960), "Laughter behind the left shoulder" (1984). They were written based on real impressions and brought him wide popularity. "Vladimirskie gorselki" - 40 diary entries made during a trip to the fatherland; "A drop of dew" is a portrait of the native village of Olepino, "projected onto the screen of the irrevocable childhood of an ordinary peasant boy." Soloukhin believed that as in a drop you can see the reflection of the world, so in the life of one village you can find something characteristic of all of Russia.

He was one of the first to raise the question of the plight of the peasants, ruined by socialist experiments. In the book "In the Light of Day" (1992) he showed the anti-Russian essence of the Jewish Bolsheviks, who deliberately starved the Russian people in order to force them to submit to their power. In the book "Salt Lake" (1994) he exposed the sadism and pathological cruelty of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the person of one of their brightest representatives A. Gaidar.

Soloukhin belongs to the merit of one of the founders of the social movement for the preservation of the national cultural heritage, historical monuments and memorable places.

A significant place after lyrical stories in Soloukhin's work was occupied by the sensationally polemical artistic and publicistic essays "Letters from the Russian Museum" (1966), "Black Planks" (1969) about ancient Russian art, in which Soloukhin raised the most acute problems of saving and restoring dying monuments antiquity. Reflecting on the role of modern man in the progressive development of life, Soloukhin posed and developed the problems of his interaction with the land, nature, culture, and the heritage of the past. Soloukhin's traditional theme of "respect for tradition" became the basis of the books "Time to Gather Stones" (1980) and "Continuation of Time (Letters from Different Places)" (1988). In the latter, the writer shared his thoughts on the sad fate of historical places associated with the names of prominent figures of Russian national culture (essays on the estate of G.R.Derzhavin - Zvanka, Blok's Shakhmatov, Optina Pustyn, associated with the names of Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy). Soloukhin called for an effective change in the existing situation in relation to the cultural heritage of the past - monuments of old architecture, painting, music. Soloukhina's "philosophy of patriotism" was formed in Black Planks, Letters from the Russian Museum, as well as in the Slavic Notebook (1965). The main idea of \u200b\u200bSoloukhin's fictional and journalistic books is the responsibility of a person for the preservation of spiritual wealth before future generations. Soloukhin was one of the founders of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, an active figure in the "Russian Club", and in the 90s - one of the leaders of the movement for the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

At the end of the 50s-60s, Soloukhin widely turned to the small genre, created the stories "A Girl at the Seaside", "Icy Peaks of Mankind", "Varvara Ivanovna" and others, which reflect current moral and ethical problems that explore the increasingly complex human connections in the modern world.

The autobiographical novel "Mother Stepmother" (1964) is the first experience in this genre. It is dedicated to the life of the post-war students. The main character is a village guy, sergeant Mitya Zinushkin, who is serving in the capital. He enters the Literary Institute, finds himself in an unusual environment. Traced the difficult process of getting used to the hero in the urban world, and the hero-poet. Cinderella's soul was looking for simplicity and naturalness in relationships. It was important for Soloukhin to show the birth of the artist in the hero.

In the early 60s, Soloukhin experienced a spiritual breakthrough: "... I ... began to see clearly and, more precisely, received his sight." The story of this "epiphany" is told by the writer in his novel "The Last Step (Confessions of Your Contemporary)" (1976-95). Soloukhin called his novel "the main book", which, according to him, was written in 1976 "without looking back" (that is, without self-censorship) and lay in the writer's desk for almost 20 years (one of the chapters of the novel entitled "Reading Lenin" was published by the German publishing house Posev in 1988). The entire novel was published in 1995. L. Leonov, who got acquainted with it in the manuscript, remarked: "In general, a man walks around Moscow with a hydrogen bomb in his briefcase and pretends that there is a bottle of cognac there." The "disgraced" work of Soloukhin is a confessional novel about the painful path of enlightenment of the Russian writer-nugget, about the fate of Russia in the 20th century, the essence of the Soviet system and the way of life in the era of "stagnation", about the fateful national issues "What is to be done?" and "Who is to blame?" The question of "Jewish dominance in Russia, of the striving of the Jewish leaders for world domination over humanity" is sharply raised. The pathos of "insight" is also noted for the acutely critical story "The Funeral of Stepanida Ivanovna" (1967, published in "Novy Mir" in 1987), and the story about childhood "Laughter behind the Left Shoulder" (1989), and the article "Obsession" (1991), a book about V.I. Lenin "In the Light of Day" (1992), the story "Salt Lake" - about the pathological cruelty of the Bolsheviks in the person of one of their brightest representatives A. Gaidar.

Soloukhin tried his hand at different genres: from the first poem "Rain in the Steppe" to "A Wreath of Sonnets" - a complex form of fifteen sonnets. The famous poems of Soloukhin "Men" and "Slogans of Jeanne d Ark "set to music. The writer believed that within the limits of his profession one must be able to solve any problems, as he solved them within the genre framework of a story, a short story, a lyric miniature (Pebbles in the Palm, 1977), a poem, a novel, a screenplay. In 1983-84, the publishing house "Khudozhestvennaya literatura" published the Collected Works of the writer in 4 volumes. In 1995 the release of the 10-volume collected works began. The memoirs "Chalice" were published posthumously.

V.A. Soloukhin during the "late perestroika" (the end of the 1980s) passed, in contrast to the semi-official speeches of the past, already from the standpoint of idealizing pre-revolutionary Russia. In his article “Reading Lenin,” Soloukhin was one of the first to openly express the idea that it is necessary to reconsider the view of the figure of Lenin in the history of Russia. During the years of "perestroika" the idea was popular that the crimes of the era of Stalin's rule were "a perversion of Lenin's principles," while Soloukhin substantiated the opposite thesis - that they are a natural continuation of Lenin's policy.

Vladimir Soloukhin traveled a lot, his works have been translated into foreign languages. He left a great poetic legacy, among which the poem "Three bird cherry days" stands out. In the last years of his life, the author read "Cherryomukha" from the stage at all literary and artistic events where he was invited.

Vladimir Alekseevich was an unusually friendly and by no means an arrogant author with whom it was easy to work. Goodwill was one of the hallmarks of his character. He was absolutely not envious, generous to those whom he sympathized with.

I am quiet and kind. Love with friends

Drink, eat. Alone

I love to stay with poetry

That awaken in me

He considered himself primarily a poet. He asked to be represented as nothing more than a "poet and prose writer", with "poet" in the first place.
He wrote in the morning, every day, making as a rule: two pages a day, no more - no less. But he said that if he felt the approach of the birth of a verse, he immediately put aside everything he was working on at that moment: an essay, a story, a novel. "I wrote prose myself, but poetry - it always seemed to me, under someone's dictation," he admitted. This is how the wonderful poems "Hawk", "Arrow", "Once upon a time", and others appeared.
Vladimir Soloukhin died on April 4, 1997 in Moscow. The funeral service was held in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Vladimir Soloukhin was the first to receive a service in the church after its opening.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy said the following words about Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin:

“During the years of his life, the Lord judged Vladimir Alekseevich to do and survive a lot. However, in all life circumstances, he has always been an example of adherence to principles, honesty and loyalty to his vocation. He went through a long creative path full of many events and trials. Today V.A. Soloukhin is known as an outstanding writer of our time, who made his significant contribution to the treasury of world culture. The creation of highly artistic literary works, numerous performances in the Russian and foreign press, participation in many socially significant events, works on the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - these and other things Vladimir Alekseevich successfully carried out throughout his life. And, apparently, it was providential that his funeral service was performed in a recreated All-Russian shrine. With his ascetic service to art, his wise word and good deed, he, through the talent given from God, convincingly testified of his love for Russia, adherence to high Christian ideals and faith in the great spiritual strength of our people. Therefore, Vladimir Alekseevich has earned well-deserved authority and recognition, and his inspired work has invariably attracted and attracts the attention of the cultural community. May the Lord rest his soul in the Heavenly villages and make him an eternal memory. "

Buried Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin in his native village Alepin.

.2 Methodical development of the excursion "To the Homeland of V. Soloukhin"

Introduction. The guide covers the topic of the excursion, the main points that are planned to be visited during the excursion.

Subtopic 1. Years of study in Vladimir

Route. Golden Gate - building of the Aviation Mechanical College - Yurievets

Display object: task of the Aviation Mechanical College.

The technique used is a description, a story about the years of study of V. Soloukhin in Vladimir.

Logical transition: While studying in Vladimir, V. Soloukhin often came to his native village Alepino.

Subtopic 2. Childhood years of V. Soloukhin

Route: settlement Yuryevets - turn to Stavrovo.

Display object: Photos of S. Alepino, the house of the writer's parents. We use the event reconstruction technique.

Subtopic 3. Literary creativity of V. Soloukhin.

Route: turn to the item Stavrovo - s. Alepino.

Display objects: neighborhoods with. Alepino ("Vladimirskie gorselyki"). Photos.

Upon arrival in the village. Alepino we show the house where V. Soloukhin lived, we walk through the village. Next stop is the village cemetery, the place where the writer is buried (memorial).


Summing up the excursion, answering questions.

2.3 Route scheme

The excursion is designed for 4 hours (including 1 hour 20 minutes from the place of departure "Golden Gate" - the village of Alepino and back).

Departure from the item "Golden Gate" at 10.00.

Vladimir nature, so richly and generously covered in the works of Soloukhin.

The excursion ends at the Golden Gate of Vladimir.

During the entire excursion, the guide reads poetry or part of V. Soloukhin's prose, starting from early work (from the beginning of the tour) and ending with later works.

Conclusions. So, in the second chapter of the work, the excursion "To V. Soloukhin's Homeland" was developed. For this purpose, the biography of the writers was studied, the methodological development of the excursion was carried out, and the route scheme was developed.


As a result of the research carried out in the work, the following conclusions were made.

By themselves, judgments about the essence of the excursion are extremely "young".

For the first time the concept of "essence of excursion" was considered by the author of this textbook in 1976. 1... Then, in several editions prepared by the same author, the content of the concept was supplemented and a more complete interpretation was received in the textbook "Basics of Guidance" (1985).

Throughout the development of the excursion business, scientists and practitioners-excursionists, trying to comprehend the meaning of excursions, their place in human education, wrote a lot about their content, effectiveness, etc. On this issue, the authors did not come to a common opinion, but they cannot be denied that they were on the right track.

Excursions can concretize existing knowledge, give new ones, develop the ability to approach phenomena from the life of nature and people, enhance interest in what is being studied and cause feelings in the field of feelings.

While some direct the excursion primarily to ensure that it provides knowledge, others strive for it to help tourists develop the ability and skills to see works of art, natural phenomena, events from different areas of people's lives.

Skills development is another facet of the essence of excursion.

A wide range of objects of display, a multifaceted theme, a well-developed method of conducting excursions, professional skill of guides allow excursions to perform certain functions, each of which plays an important role in the upbringing and education of a person.

Any form of cultural and educational work has its own distinctive features. The main feature of the excursion is a high degree of clarity. Other signs are also important. They are not the same for different excursions (bus and walking, industrial and museum). However, it should be borne in mind that the above signs are required for any excursion.

The division of excursions into clearly defined groups in practice is somewhat arbitrary, but it is of great importance for the activities of excursion institutions. The correct classification of excursions provides conditions for better organization of the guide's work with clients, facilitates specialization, and creates the basis for the activities of methodological sections. Using the patterns of conducting excursions for a specific group helps to ensure that each excursion is prepared and effective. When developing new topics for excursions, the achievements of individual branches of knowledge are used with greater completeness and purposefulness.

The main task of the development of the subject of excursions is the fullest satisfaction of consumer demand for excursion services. To accomplish this task, the topic should be considered in three ways: as the topic of the excursion institution, which is built on the sum of the specialties of the guides; as a topic for a specific methodological section, built on the efforts of workers in one specialty (historical, literary, art history, natural history, etc.) and as a topic for a specific guide, which is based on the maximum use of his knowledge and experience, as a specialist in a particular industry.

The constant development of new interesting topics, the improvement of existing topics are one of the main reserves for the growth of the volume of excursion services provided to the consumer.

In terms of researching the biography of V.A. Soloukhin found out the following.

Soloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich (1924-1997), poet, prose writer. Born on June 14 in the village of Alepino, Vladimir Region, into a peasant family. After graduating from school, in 1938 - 42 he studied at an engineering school in Vladimir, received the specialty of a mechanic-instrumentalist. During the war, Soloukhin served in the special forces that guarded the Kremlin. In 1946, having published his first poems in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and realizing his vocation, he entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1951. The first collection of poems "Rain in the Steppe" appeared in 1953. This was followed by the poetry collections "Crane" (1959), "Having flowers in his hands" (1962), "Living on earth" (1965) , in which, over time, the author's desire for a philosophical understanding of life grew stronger. Since 1951 he travels a lot around the country and foreign countries, publishing reports in various publications. The first separate book of essay prose, The Birth of Zernograd, was published in 1955; the next one - "The Golden Bottom" - in 1956. The book "Vladimir's Country Roads" (1957) attracted serious attention of readers and critics, receiving the most approving responses. In 1964 he published his autobiographical novel "Mother Stepmother". A special place in Soloukhin's work is occupied by his artistic and journalistic books Letters from the Russian Museum (1966) and Black Planks (1969). In 1964 - 81 he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Young Guard". Living in Moscow, Soloukhin did not break ties with his native places, the people there. In 1965 a collection of poems "From a lyrical position" was published. In the 1970s, the books "Olepinsky Ponds" (1973) and "A Visit to 3 Vanki" (1975) were published. In the 1980s - "Time to collect stones" about Optina Hermitage (a monastery near Kozelsk) and a collection of stories and essays "The Disaster with Pigeons". The theme of Russian nature, the spiritual wealth of the people has always occupied the writer, wrote about the need to preserve and protect them. V. Soloukhin died on April 5, 1997 in Moscow.

List of used literature

1. Avdasheva SB., Rozanova N.M. Theory of the organization of industrial markets: Textbook. M., 2008.

Azar V.I., Tumanov S.Yu. Tourism market economy. M, 2012.

Actual problems of tourism development in Russia at the present stage and the tasks of the National Academy of Tourism / Ed. Yu.V. Kuznetsova and others - SPb., 2012.

Alyabyeva, R.V. Excursion methodology / R.V. Alyabyeva. M .: Academy, 2004. ― 385 from.

Emelyanov, B.V. Guidance / B.V. Emelyanov . ― M .: TsRIB Tourist, 1992. ― 375 from.

Bokov M.A. Strategic management of recreational enterprises in a transitional economy. SPb., 2011.

Zharkov, A.D. Excursion as a pedagogical process: guidelines / A.D. Zharkov . ― M .: TsRIB "Tourist", 2003. ― 39 from.

Bowman K. Fundamentals of Strategic Management / Per. from English. ed. L.G. Zaitseva, M.I. Sokolova. M., 2010.

Brimer Robert A. Fundamentals of Management in the Hospitality Industry. M., 2012.

Bukhalkov M.I. Intercompany planning: A textbook. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. M., 2010.

L.A. Golub Socio-economic statistics: Textbook. allowance. M., 2011.

Hotel and tourist business / Ed. HELL. Chudnovsky. M., 2008.

Efremova M.V. Fundamentals of tourism business technology: Textbook. allowance. - M., 2009.

Ivanov Yu.N. Economic statistics: Textbook. M., 2009.

Ilyina E.N. Fundamentals of tourist activity: Textbook. M., 2012.

Kabushkin N.I. Tourism Management: Textbook. manual for universities. Minsk, 2012.

Karpova G.A., Vodovoda A.V. The concept of sustainable tourism development and recreational activities in protected natural areas: Materials of the scientific and practical conference. SPb., 2010.

Levonevskaya, O.O. The skill of the guide / O.O. Levonevskaya . ― SPb .: Peter, 2006. ― 583 from.

V.A. Kvartalnov Strategic Management in Tourism: Modern Management Experience. M., 2010.

Krisovskaya, R.A. Excursion / R.A. Krisovskaya . ― Minsk: Higher School, 2005. ― 395 from.

V.A. Kvartalnov Tourism management: Tourism as an activity: Textbook. M., 2012.

F. Kotler, J. Bowen. Marketing: Hospitality and Tourism: Textbook for Universities / Per. from English. ed. R.B. Nozdrevoy M., 2008.

Cooper K, Fletcher D., Gilbert D. Tourism Economics: Theory and Practice. SPb., 2008.

L.I. Lopatnikov Economics and Mathematics Dictionary: Dictionary of Modern Economics. M., 2009.

Multivariate statistical analysis in economics / L.A. Soshnikov and others; Ed. V.N. Tomashevich. M., 2009.

Fundamentals of tourist activity: Textbook for tourist lyceums and colleges / Avt.-comp. E.N. Ilyin. M., 2012.

Papiryan G.A. International Economic Relations: Tourism Economics. M., 2012.

Papiryan G.A. Tourism Marketing. M., 2009.

Papiryan G.A. Management in the hospitality industry: Hotels and restaurants. M., 2010.

The development of tourism at the present stage and the tasks of the Academy of Tourism / Ed. Yu.V. Kuznetsova. - SPb., 2010.

Revinsky I.A., Romanova L.S. The company's behavior in the service market: Tourism and travel: Textbook. allowance. Novosibirsk, 2011.

Raikov, B.E. Methodology and technique of conducting excursions / B.E. Raikov . ― Moscow: Nauka, 2004. ― 186 from.

Russian Statistical Yearbook: Regions of Russia. M., 2011.

Saprunova V.B. Tourism: Evolution, structure, marketing. M., 2010.

V.S. Senin Organization of International Tourism: Textbook. M., 2012.

Dark Yu.V., Dark L.R. Tourism Economics: Textbook. M., 2010.

Proceedings of the Academy of Tourism: Sat. scientific papers. Issue 3, 4 / Ed. Yu.V. Kuznetsova, A.T. Kirilova, G.A. Karpova. SPb., 2012.

Unique territories in the cultural heritage and natural heritage of the regions: Sat. scientific papers. - M., 2010.

Walker John R. An Introduction to Hospitality. M., 2012.

Sustainable Tourism Planning: A Handbook for Local Planners. Madrid, 2009.

Usyskin G.S. Essays on Russian tourism. SPb., 2009.

Fedina, A.I. Guidance / A.I. Fedina . ― Krasnodar: Southern Institute of Management, 201 2. ― 211 p.

Shapoval, G.F. Tourism history / G.F. Shapoval . ― Minsk: Ecoperspective, 2011. 190 s.

Sholokhov, V.N. Organization and conduct of excursions / V.N. Sholokhov . ― M .: Profizdat, 2005. ― 87 from.

Economics of Modern Tourism / Ed. G.A. Karpova. M., 2011.

Yakovlev G.A. Economics and statistics of tourism: Textbook. allowance. M., 2009.

Grade 9 student Anastasia Taryncheva

Our city Bolgar today is a famous tourist city of Tatarstan. Places such as the Bulgarian Architectural Museum - Reserve, the White Mosque, the Bread Museum attract not only Russian, but also foreign tourists. But there are places in our area that the average tourist rarely visits. We are in our project, we offer to stay with us longer and visit places associated with the history, architecture and nature of our region.



State budgetary health-improving educational institution of a sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment, "Bulgarian sanatorium boarding school"

Design work on the topic:

"Development of a tourist route to the historical and natural sights of the Spassky district»

Grade 9 student Anastasia Taryncheva


Arinina Elena Khasiyatullovna

Geography teacher

bolgar - 2015

1.Introduction .. …………………………………………………………………………………… 2

2.Project methodology …………………………………………………… ......................... .......... 3

3.Tourism in Spassky district ………………………………………………………………… 4

4. Description of the route. ……………………………………………………………………… ..5

5.Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………… ..8

6.Literature used ………………………………………………………………… ... 9

1. Introduction.

Tourism, as one of the highly profitable sectors of the economy, has been recognized as the economic phenomenon of the century for its rapid pace of development.

In many countries, tourism plays a significant role in the formation of gross domestic product , enhancing the foreign trade balance , ensuring employment of the population and creating additional jobs, has a positive impact on such key sectors of the economy as transport and communications, construction, agriculture, culture, art, production of consumer goods and others.

The Republic of Tatarstan, including our Spassky district, has a rich historical and cultural heritage and natural and recreational resources that contribute to both the development of domestic tourism and the reception of foreign citizens. Taking into account the above factors, the tourism sector of the republic should be declared a priority area of \u200b\u200bthe national economy.

Objective of the project:

  • To contribute to the further formation of the modern tourism industry on the territory of the Spassky District as one of the leading branches of specialization.


  • Collection of information on the recreational resources of the Spassky District
  • Development of an excursion program for the Spassky district for several days with visits to places such as Rabiga - Kul, Suvar, s. Antonovka, Bulgar settlement and others.
  • Creation of the presentation "Development of a tourist route to the historical and natural sights of the Spassky region."

2. Methodology of the project.

Creating a new tour on any topic is a complex process.

Preparation of a new excursion goes through several steps:

  • Preliminary work - selection of materials for a future excursion, their study. At the same time, there is a selection of objects on which the excursion will be built.
  • The direct development of the excursion itself includes: drawing up an excursion route; processing of actual material; work on the content of the excursion, its main part, consisting of several main questions
  1. Determination of the purpose and objectives of the excursion - work on any new excursion begins with a clear definition of its purpose. This helps the authors of the excursion to conduct their work in a more organized way. The purpose of the excursion is what for the sake of which excursionists are shown monuments of history and culture and other objects.
  2. Selection of literature and compilation of bibliography - during the development of a new excursion, a list of books, brochures, articles published in newspapers and magazines is compiled that reveal the topic. The purpose of the list is to determine the approximate boundaries of the upcoming work on the study of literary sources, to assist the guides in using the necessary factual and theoretical material when preparing the text.
  3. The selection and study of excursion objects - the correct selection of objects, their number, the sequence of displaying affect the quality of the excursion. The objects can be:
  • memorable places associated with historical events in the life of our city, the development of society and the state;
  • buildings and structures, memorial monuments associated with the life and work of prominent personalities;
  • natural objects - forests, groves, parks, rivers, lakes, ponds, reserves and sanctuaries;
  • archeological monuments - fortified settlements, ancient sites, settlements, burial mounds, earthen ramparts, sanctuaries, etc.

To evaluate the objects that are included in the excursion, it is recommended to use the following criteria:

Cognitive value - the connection of the object with a specific historical event, with a specific era, life and work of a famous figure in science and culture, the artistic merits of the monument, the possibility of their use in the aesthetic education of the participants of the excursion

The fame of the object, its popularity among the population.

Unusual (exotic) object. This refers to the peculiarity, uniqueness of a monument of history and culture, buildings, structures. The uniqueness of the object may also be associated with some historical event, at the site of the installation of this monument, with a legend or historical event. Exotic can be natural.

The expressiveness of the object, that is, the external expressiveness of the object, its interaction with the background, the environment - buildings, structures, nature.

Preservation of the object. An assessment is made of the state of the object at the moment, its readiness to be shown to tourists.

The location of the object. When selecting objects, the distance to the monument, the convenience of access to it, the suitability of the road for vehicles, the possibility of bringing tourists to the object, the natural environment surrounding this object, the availability of a place suitable for the location of the group for observation should be taken into account.

A temporary restriction on the display of an object (by time of day, by days, months, seasons) is when visiting and inspecting the object is impossible due to poor visibility or seasonality

3. Tourism in the Spassky region.

The development of tourism in the Spassky municipal district should be considered not only the development of the Bulgarian State Museum-Reserve and the adjacent infrastructure, but the integrated development of the entire Spasskaya tourist zone and, in general, the development of tourism in Tatarstan.

The ancient city of Bolgar is one of the iconic objects of the tourist infrastructure of Tatarstan. Along with the island city of Sviyazhsk, it was included in the list of objects of historical and cultural heritage, developed with the participation of the Renaissance Foundation under the personal control of Rustam Minnikhanov and the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2014, the ancient city was visited by 285 thousand people, of which 2 thousand were foreign tourists.

One of the main events and results of five years of work of the Renaissance Foundation was the inclusion of Bolgar in the listUNESCO World Heritage Site

Bolgar is a city that is visited with excursions for only one day.

As a rule, tourists come to Tatarstan for a three-day tour and come to Bulgar for only one day. Perhaps partly because there are no established routes for a longer time,

although in addition to historical sites, the Spassky region has beautiful nature. Thus, perhaps, just and would like to attract to outdoor recreation in a beautiful and historically significant place. Why not?

Tourists will be able to come with families, and the infrastructure in our area is developing, currently under constructionnew modern hotel. .

In addition, our places are also pilgrims, so religious tourism can also be developed.

You have to understand that Bolgar has already gone beyond the one-day route. The exposition of the place is such that tourists can stay for two days or even more. The Volga water area and nature itself contribute to the creation of tourist hiking routes. That is, it is not only a cultural and educational visit, but also outdoor recreation and outdoor activities.

The only problem of Bolgar is the lack of accommodation, and, of course, if a functional hotel and entertainment complex is soon built there, then perhaps our project will become interesting, as it offers a longer and more interesting route.

4. Description of the route.

Description of the main display objects


So, our excursion starts from the most distant point of the route - the ancient city of Suvar. It was founded by a tribe of Suvars (Savirs, Suaz) on the river, which is now called the Dry Duck. It happened around the 9th century. And the flourishing of the city falls on the first half of the 10th century. Now, on the site of Suvar, the village of Kuznechikha is located.

Having founded the city, the inhabitants surrounded it with a high wooden wall, in front of which they dug deep ditches, poured ramparts, and in some places even in two rows. Remains of ramparts and ditches have survived to this day.

Soon after its founding, Suvar became a major center of craft and trade. Artisans from Suvar made beautiful, richly ornamented clay dishes with their skilful hands, which differed from those of potters from other places. There were also wonderful blacksmiths, builders, metallurgists, jewelers, gunsmiths and glassware makers in the city.

Bulgarian ceramics found in Suvar, in the Museum of the Blacksmith

Defensive moat of the Suvar settlement

The next point of our route is Antonovka - this is the name of the Abyss today, in honor of the leader of the Cretyan unrest that took place here Anton Sidorova... It is a fairly large village with over 700 inhabitants. The view of Antonovka opens from a high slope. The silhouettes of the squat houses are hidden behind the trees, but even from afar, an unusual building for a modern village stands out - a white tall building with columns. This is a former manor house, which, which is rare now, still houses a school. Probably, you will not find another such in the republic. Children every day go to study in a real castle, where everything breathes with unfading antiquity. The two-storey mansion, built in the lush baroque style, has retained its characteristic features - it was erected by visiting masters.

Monument to Anton - Petrov

The estate of the landowners Musins-Pushkins is an architectural monument of the 1st floor. 19 in

Our path continues, and ahead of us is the village of Kayuki. The name Alisha is inextricably linked with the history of our region.Abdullah Alish - our fellow countryman, a native of the village of Kayuki, Spassky district. In the libraries of the region, in the museum of local lore, in the Alisha museum in the village of Kayuki, there are many books, materials, exhibits, documents that help to reveal and appreciate Alisha's huge talent and heroic life. It is necessary to familiarize the population with them, especially schoolchildren and youth, and not only our region, republic, but also all corners of the world, all those who have at least once heard the name of Abdullah Alisha.

Bust A. Alisha

A. Alisha Museum in the village of Kayuki

There are places in the Spassky District that are distinguished by special natural beauty, richness of flora and fauna. The largest natural reserve in the republic in terms of area (about 18 thousand hectares) "Spassky" is a scattering of islands in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuibyshev reservoir. One of them was popularly called the Old Town - there was once the county Spassk. In these places there is an opportunity to develop ecological tourism, create ecological trails, in addition to historical ones, show tourists the unique habitats of animals and birds (within reason, of course, so as not to disturb them), for example, from a small observation deck. Install a telescope - and watch the white-tailed eagles right in the nest. And how romantic it is to walk along the ancient bridges, to touch the ground where Catherine the Great was. On the Old Town island, fragments of the ancient Spasskaya prison, a pedagogical school, remarkable archaeological and historical monuments have been preserved. Many people would come here to fish with a rod, but travel through the territory of the reserve is prohibited. This issue can be resolved by creating, for example, a special corridor. And so that a place for a fire was determined.

A nature reserve is an area in which certain species of animals and plants are protected; all people are allowed to visit. Among the notable inhabitants of the Old City is the steppe viper. It is in the reserve "Spassky" that its northernmost population in Europe is located

Water area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve "Spassky"

The next object of our attention isLake Rabigi or Rabiga kul. It is located on the outskirts of the city of Bolgar and is considered one of the most crystal clear and mysterious lakes in Tatarstan.The nature around the lake is picturesque, and the natural reservoir itself is considered not only a local attraction, but also a shrine for Muslims.There are many legends among the population of Tatarstan about the most beautiful lake, which is located along the line of ramparts to the west of the settlement. One of them tells about the daughter of a Bulgarian khan, who once went for a walk with her peers to the forest edge. There the girls turned into swans. The Khan went hunting, and having shot one of the swans, he recognized him as his beloved daughter. The khan cried all night, and soon at the very place where the khan's tears flowed, a lake was formed, the purest and deepest.Today this lake is one of the ancient monuments of the history of the Tatar people. Muslim pilgrims from all over the world come here to pray for the most intimate lake near the holy waters.

Lake Rabigi or Rabiga kul

The main attraction of the village at all times were lakes, thereforeour excursion continues again on the lake, in the village which is called “Three Lakes” The historical names of these lakes are recorded in the "List of inhabited places of the Kazan province" for 1859 - Atamanskoye, Chistoe and Kuryshevskoye. In Soviet times, the lakes began to be called Atamanskoe, Chistoe and Bezymyannoe - first in common parlance, and then in official documents.

In 1978, all three lakes were declared natural monuments of the Republic of Tatarstan and included in the cadastre of specially protected natural areas.

On the shore of the Chistye Lake there is a temple that looks like a majestic castle. This is one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in the Spassky region, which was built in 1771 at the expense of the landowner Lev Ivanovich Molostov.The temple is an architectural monument

5. Conclusion

Tourism as one of the most popular types of outdoor activities is an integral part of human life with his natural aspirations to discover and learn new regions, natural monuments, history and culture, customs and traditions of various peoples. The organization of active, meaningful recreation has become an important social task. Tourism is an important factor in improving a person's health, enhancing his creative activity, expanding his horizons.

Tourism is the most important means of education, which, due to its diversity and versatility, opens up wide opportunities for the practical preparation of a small citizen for a big life.

The development of this project is due to the desire to increase interest in the history and culture of Tatarstan. Arouse the interest of children and adults in the history of their small homeland through the organization of excursion routes to the historical monuments of their native land.

6. Used literature.

1. Abramov L. Spasskie legends. - Kazan: Around the city and villages, 2003 .-- 429 p.

2. Burdin E.A. Volga Atlantis: the tragedy of the great river. Ulyanovsk (Simbirsk) 2005-287

3. Taysin A.S. Geography of the Republic of Tatarstan. - Kazan: Magarif, 2000 .-- 223 p.

4. State register of protected areas in the Republic of Tajikistan. Second edition. - Kazan: Idel-Press, 2007 .-- 408.

5. Reserved places. - Kazan, Idel-Press, 2007.

6. Atlas Tar.tarika. - Kazan: Institute of History. Sh. Marjani AN

7. Republic of Tatarstan, Ministry of Education and Science.

8. I get to know the world. Geography. - Moscow: AST, 2005.

9. R.G. Fakhrutdinov History of the Tatar people and Tatarstan Kazan

Magarif Publishing House 1995

16.http: //

GDP is the total market value of the totalgoods and services produced in the economy for a certain period of time (usually a year). It is the main indicator of economic activity and economic activity in the country.

Creating a new excursion is a complex process that takes place in 3 stages: 1) preparatory; it includes the selection of materials for a future excursion, their study, selection of objects on which excursions will be built. 2) direct development of the excursion itself. It includes drawing up an excursion route, processing factual material, working on the content of the excursion and developing an individual text for excursions. 3) Final. This is a reception or defense of an excursion on a route. In its simplest form, the scheme of all excursions, regardless of the topic, type and form of conduct, is the same. Each excursion has an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. The introduction, as a rule, consists of 2 parts: -organizational (acquaintance with the group, instructing tourists about safety rules on the way, behavior on the route); - informational (a short message in 2-3 sentences about the topic of the route, its length, about the place of the beginning and end of the excursions). The main part is based on specific excursion objects, on a combination of show and story, its content includes several sub-topics, united into one topic, the number of sub-topics of excursions, as a rule, from 5 to 12. Selection of objects is especially important, so that they solved the main task of excursions.

The conclusion, like the introduction, is not connected with excursion objects, it should take 5-7 minutes. and consist of two parts: 1-summing up the main topic of excursions; 2 is information about another excursion and about the tour guide.

An excursion object is an object or phenomenon that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristic features of nature, the development of society, science, culture, art, etc. and arousing the interest of sightseers. The objects of excursions can be: 1) memorable places associated with historical events, the development of society and the state; 2) buildings and structures, memorial monuments associated with the life and work of prominent personalities, works of urban planning art, residential and public buildings, etc.; 3) natural objects: forests, parks, rivers, lakes, as well as individual trees, etc. .d .; 4) monuments of archeology, fortified settlements, ancient sites, settlements, barrows; 5) expositions of state and folk museums, art galleries, permanent and temporary exhibitions; 6) monuments of art - works of fine, decorative and applied art, sculpture, etc.

To assess the objects that are included in the excursion, it is recommended to use the following criteria: 1) cognitive value; 2) the popularity of the object; 3) the unusualness of the object; 4) expressiveness of the object; 5) the safety of the object; 6) the location of the object. The tour should not be overloaded with a large number of objects. The optimal duration of a city excursion is 2-3 academic hours. Tourists are interested in no more than 15-20 excursion objects. The excursion can include objects of the same group (for example, only temples), and objects of different groups. The set of objects depends on the theme of the excursion, its composition of the group. It is important to avoid monotony of visual objects. The selection of objects ends with drawing up a card (passport) for each of them. The cards are attached to the photo of the object, which reproduces its current and previous views. If the card is issued for an architectural or archaeological site, then there may be more photos. The route of the excursion is drawn between the objects.

The route of the excursion is the most convenient route for the excursion group, contributing to the disclosure of the topic.

There are 3 options for building a route: 1) chronological; 2) thematic; 3) thematic-chronological. Excursions dedicated to the activities of outstanding people can serve as an example of a chronological structure. Excursions related to the disclosure of a specific theme of city life (literary Kursk) are organized on a thematic basis. All city sightseeing excursions are structured according to the thematic and chronological principle. When developing a new excursion, both main and additional objects can be used. Additional objects are shown when moving and passing the excursion group. Moving or crossing should not take more than 5-10 minutes. Long pauses should not be allowed when showing and telling.

When designing a bus route, it is important to take into account the traffic pattern, mileage and travel time during rush hour.

Bypassing or detouring the guide's route is one of the important stages in the development of a new excursion theme. In this case, the guide gets acquainted with the layout of the streets, specifies the location of the object, finds the point where the group stops, finds points for showing, options for the location of groups, and potentially dangerous places.

On this basis, the text of the excursion is compiled. There are two types of texts: control and individual. The control is a carefully selected and verified (with links to sources) material set out in accordance with the requirements of scientific research for a full disclosure of the topic of the excursion. Performing control functions, it is a directive document for guides conducting excursions on this topic. On the basis of the control text, the guide independently compiles an individual text that reflects the structure of the excursion and is built in accordance with its route. The story, ready in form, is an individual text - the material presented in accordance with the structure, the route of the excursion, which gives a description of objects and events. Requirements for the text: brevity, clarity, expediency of factual material and literary language. The tour guide writes the text of the tour using quotes, numbers, examples, etc.

The object card and the text of the excursion make up the guide's portfolio. A guide's portfolio is a symbol for a set of visual aids used during a tour. He must restore the missing links at the show. Guide portfolios can be: photos, diagrams, models, product samples. The content of the "portfolio" depends on the topic of the excursion.

The last stage will be - acceptance (delivery) and approval of the excursion by the commission after familiarization with its text and methodological development, "guide's portfolio", technological map and route diagram of the route of the transport excursion, agreed with the traffic police. The excursion is accepted on the route or in the classroom and approved by the commission in accordance with the established procedure.