Horse rental in the Perm region. Recreation center with horseback riding

One of the leisure options that our recreation center offers is horse riding. If you love these animals and have long dreamed of riding them, or are already an experienced rider, welcome to join us!

Horse ride at our base will turn into a real journey for you. "Karpovka" is located on the shore of the clean big lake and is surrounded by coniferous forest. The nearby horse base offers on-site riding as well as off-site trails if you're an experienced rider.

Horseback riding (Perm) at the Karpovka recreation center is carried out under the strict supervision of instructors. If you've never ridden before, the experienced staff will show you how to do it correctly and take care of your safety.

Horseback riding - recreation with health benefits

Horseback riding is not only exciting, but also very good for health. Doctors advise people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system to attend hippotherapy classes. And even if you are absolutely healthy, horseback riding will be useful for overall strengthening of the body. During horse riding, all major muscle groups work, and overall tone is normalized. Such walks help improve blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes in the body. And, besides, you will get a lot of positive emotions from communicating with this animal!

If you are interested in renting horses, call the contact number of the Karpovka base: 8-919-443-06-06. The manager will advise you on the cost of this service. We also offer you boat rentals for sailing on our clean pond.

You are offered a unique weekend recreation program: you will visit tourist base, take a steam bath in a Russian sauna and, most importantly, learn to ride and enjoy the ride in the saddle of thoroughbred horses!

Type Tour dates Direction Tour name Days Accommodation Price, rub
September 7
Perm region 1 1850 rub.
September 28
Perm region Horseback riding for 1 day + Picnic! 1 1850 rub.
October 19
Perm region Horseback riding for 1 day + Picnic! 1 1850 rub.

The recreation center is located in the village of Zyukaika. You will be able to see a quiet village that has preserved its originality and beauty! The air here is environmentally friendly and healthy, and the remoteness from civilization helps to take a break from pressing problems.

An excellent Russian bathhouse with brooms and a steam room awaits you, where you can steam as much as you want. The Russian bathhouse is a log house made of timber with a steam room and a dressing room. There is also a stove-stove on which you can add water to really create a lot of steam. The healing properties of the bath have been known for a long time: by taking a fair amount of steam, you can prevent the onset of a cold, and you can also speed up the treatment of a runny nose and various joint diseases. In addition, visiting the bathhouse is an excellent prevention against radiculitis.

Remember, a bathhouse is a place where you can relax both in a noisy company of friends and alone, relaxing and taking a break from everyday activities. Taking a steam bath is a very ancient tradition, dating back more than a dozen centuries. A special culture of bathing has developed in Rus', and Russian bathhouses are real masters of their craft. You will be served by a professional with whom you can consult and depending on individual characteristics determine how best to steam, how long it should take so as not to cause harm to your health.

After the bath, you will go to rest, and the next day a very eventful and exciting adventure awaits you - you will go on a horseback riding trip!

You can ride a horse even if you have never been in the saddle before: an experienced instructor will teach you the basics of controlling a dashing stallion and tell you about the tricks of control. It should be noted that horseback riding is a pleasant and healthy activity.

Horseback riding has long been the privilege of aristocrats; all wealthy people, back in the Middle Ages, were sure to teach this art to their children. And it’s not just about the prestige of this activity - it was already known then that communication with these animals has a beneficial effect on humans, it helps to calm down and concentrate. Therefore, many Lords preferred to relax by riding their black horses. After many centuries, this type of leisure has not lost its attractiveness - and today many people prefer this vacation.

It should also be noted that horse riding is good for health. The horse walks, observing a certain rhythm and regularity, which is very useful for the muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition, horse riding helps to form correct posture and calms even the most impulsive people. Pleasant peace combined with measured steps help protect the body from psychosomatic diseases. This is also facilitated by the location of the recreation center - during the trip you will visit a picturesque forest, on the river bank and on village streets.

The price includes: transport, accommodation (sleeping on bunk beds), 3 meals a day, horseback riding (1.5 hours), sauna, escort by a company employee, travel insurance.

Horses are those animals that have been valued by humans since ancient times. It is enough to look into her intelligent and deep eyes, run your hand through her lush mane and feel the warmth of her calm breath to understand that these animals are not called noble for nothing. Horseback riding has been proven to promote calm and relieve stress. Regular interaction with horses accelerates the development of children and can even cure a number of ailments. If you are looking for a place to ride horses, then The Bymovskaya estate will become the best place.

Closer to nature, closer to happiness

Horseback riding at our estate is available to most guests. We provide both walks accompanied by experienced instructors who lead the horse by the bridle, and independent trips. It doesn't matter how tall you are or what your physical training– absolutely everyone can join in the joy of riding with the breeze on the back of a beautiful horse.

All animals in our stables are selected wisely. These are calm, kind and flexible representatives of their species, accustomed to riding people. They behave well with children, do not bite, do not try to kick or throw their rider off their back. Workers regularly clean the sides of the horses and comb their manes, so that horseback riding will leave only positive emotions.

Many of our visitors have already chosen their favorite animals and regularly visit them, improving their skills as riders. There are two mounts in our stable - Brass knuckles and Velvet. Kastet can take the whole family for a ride in a comfortable three-seater cart, and Velvet is well-trained and accustomed to walking under saddle.

Everything you need for a comfortable ride

Especially for the guests of our estate, we have provided complete equipment with everything necessary equipment. Moreover, we have thought out picturesque walking routes for you. Once you have basic riding skills, you can visit the Belgorod St. Nicholas Monastery, walk along forest paths and even climb the White Mountain. Horseback riding often goes to the Alexander Nevsky Temple.

The estate is located in such beautiful natural places, and in order to visit them all, horse rental becomes the best solution. Experienced instructors will answer all your questions related to proper skating techniques, after which they will show you interesting special capabilities from the arsenal of the masters.

After a successful walk, you can relax on the territory of our base. At your service - restaurant complex, hotel, baths. You can come relax with the whole family. Start the day with a horseback ride and end it in a gazebo with barbecue and hot tea. Such conditions are created for guests that many are drawn to return here again and again. And we are always glad to have guests, we can offer them nice prices and an ever-growing list of services. Discover our estate - it will become one of your favorite vacation spots in the Perm region.

Departure to a forest clearing.
Once Matvey Kazymov was driving through the forest. I saw a clearing. “So beautiful!” - he thought. “If only we could bring people here. Let him also admire and rejoice. I’ll set up a place for them here, for a barbecue, and I’ll cook mulled wine on the fire...” Matvey thought so and decided - so be it!
Now he takes his guests to this cherished clearing. And there are horses and treats and fresh air. Why not take a walk - then! Thank you!

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Route No. 1
With. Bym – White Mountain The route follows the route of Christian pilgrimage to the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery. Part of the path runs through virgin forest, almost untouched by man. On the way there are clean forest streams with water as clear as a mirror. The ascent up the slope of the White Mountain is carried out on foot.

Two horses are provided at your service: Brass knuckles (ger. eagle.rys.por) - in a cart for up to 3 passengers, Velvet (ger. Ch.v.por) - under saddle. The total number of people is 4. The duration of the journey in one direction is 1 hour.

There is a Temple of Alexander Nevsky in Bym. All Orthodox people gather there on holidays. And not only locals. Visitors come to worship the saints, light candles there, and talk to the priest.
Matvey Kazymov also often goes there and cares about the parish. He is a kind man, Orthodox. I advise everyone who visits Byma to stop by; Grace is there!

Horseback riding in Perm
After horseback riding, we invite you to visit our Estate, where you can relax from the road and enjoy the taste of wonderful home-cooked food! Especially for you, we will flood a real Russian bathhouse and fry kebabs! In one word – grace! Come and relax with us!

Order "Horse Riding"

If you want to order horseback riding, please provide your contact information and we will contact you.