Daily "Flight": the schedule of the attraction has been determined at Zaryadye. The painting "Flight over Russia" was presented in the Zaryadye park Tickets and prices

For two and a half years, the builders have accomplished a real feat - on the site of the concrete ruins of the Rossiya Hotel, they have created a unique natural landscape zone. In the photo: 4th year students of the Geological Prospecting University Angelina Pisarenko (in a down jacket) and Anastasia Bezgina (in a plaid jacket and a green hat)

Anton Gerdo, "Evening Moscow"

The film "Flight over Russia" was presented at the Media Center pavilion in Zaryadye Park. The presentation was attended by the head of the Moscow Department of Culture Alexander Kibovsky.

On National Unity Day, we will present the film "Flight over Russia". This new visual attraction of our city is a video about eight minutes long. It seemed to us important that everyone saw the amazing places that are UNESCO's natural heritage, - quotes the City News Agency "Moscow" address of Alexander Kibovsky.

In 2017, the "Flight over Moscow" attraction was opened. It was attended by over 350 thousand people. The virtual flight takes place over the Moscow Kremlin and Tverskaya Street.

From a bird's eye view, it is possible to look at the stone pillars of weathering Manpupuner in the Komi Republic, a unique landscape complex Lena Pillars in Yakutia. In addition, it is possible to jump from the dam of the largest in power Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named after Neporozhny.

We add that the video features Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi. The film also tells the audience about the Genoese fortress, located on a coral reef, the picturesque Gothic castle "Swallow's Nest" and the top of Mount Ai-Petri in the Crimea.

Zaryadye Park was opened in 2017

PHOTO: Alexander Kozhokhin, "Evening Moscow"

Thanks to panoramic aerial photography, a dynamic platform, movable seats and a 13-meter hemispherical screen, the illusion of flight is created. Muscovites will feel the effect of their presence through generators of wind, smoke and odors.

The idea of ​​the interactive park "Zaryadye" in the very center of Moscow has really been implemented: it is distinguished by a wealth of multimedia content and technological solutions. One of the content creators was the Red Square company, having solved several of the most difficult tasks of creating content of a new level at once. The creative team of the company took over the shooting of unique films with the effect of immersion "Flight over Moscow" and "Flight over Russia", took part in the scenario and technological development of the attraction "Time Machine", prepared the content of information kiosks and information screen systems for park visitors, as well as created a multimedia exposition at the Zaryadye underground museum.

The greatest response from visitors and specialists was received by "Flight over Moscow" - the first attraction film in Russia, allowing you to experience the feeling of a real flight. The effect is achieved with the help of unique video content interacting with a special movable platform on which the spectator seats are fixed. Spectators strap on like on an airplane, facing a 13-meter panoramic screen. The platform mimics the movements of the camera in the film, enhancing the first-person experience, while surround sound, splashing water and even various aromas complete the effect. Departing from the center of Moscow, spectators fly over Red Square, Victory Park, Crimean Bridge, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow City business complex, Luzhniki stadium, VDNKh and other picturesque places of the city. In addition to "Flight over Moscow" this year, visitors to the park will also see the film "Flight over Russia".

When preparing the video material for the film, the Red Square team managed to meet the record-breaking deadline of four shooting months in order to be in time for the park's opening. It was a time of difficult and intense work. In addition, the weather did not indulge in sunny days, so necessary for filming. The solution was technologies and equipment that were not previously used in Russia: special lenses for shooting and projection technologies. To ensure a high level of camera work, Max Pinner was specially invited to the team of the "Red Square", who shot "Flight over the world" for Disneyland.

During the official opening of the park, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and General Director of Channel One Konstantin Ernst attended the premiere screening of the film "Flight over Moscow".

Pavel Trekhleb, director of Zaryadye Park and an expert on the creation of theme parks, took an active part in the work of the project's creative team and commented on the cooperation: “The work with the Red Square media holding turned out to be really fruitful, but the most important thing is its results. "Flight over Moscow" has become a really large-scale and, I would even say, a grandiose project of the park, which is very popular among our guests. When you see glowing eyes and smiles on the faces of visitors to the media complex, as well as hear words of gratitude for the film, it gives strength to move on. Even native Muscovites, having visited the media complex, say that such a capital has not yet been seen. "

“Our team is always ready to take on projects with complex technological solutions and ambitious creative tasks. Years of experience in the field of multimedia content allows us to make projects that have not yet been in our country, and to carry them out in the shortest possible time. We are the first in Russia to release such a unique technical film as "Flight over Moscow". And right away at such an important facility, near Red Square. Zaryadye Park has become a kind of challenge for us, as it is in the center of attention of the whole country. We have done it with confidence and are proud of such a high quality of work in the field of multimedia, ”said Ilya Krivitsky, General Director of the Krasny Kvadrat Group.

Together with the Polyot media complex, the Time Machine media hall was created in the park. This is a cinema hall with a 360-degree screen, where surround sound, projections on walls and floors immerse the viewer in the center into the world of ancient Moscow. The Red Square team took an active part in the creation of the concept, scenario plan and development of the technological scheme of the equipment together with the specialists of the First Channel. Visitors to the attraction are transported into the past and become participants in the events of the history of Moscow from ancient times to the present day.

Another project has also been implemented in Zaryadye - the creation of content for information kiosks and media surfaces of the park. There are 19 information kiosks installed throughout the territory, which provide assistance with navigation and purchasing tickets. For them, within the framework of this project, unique software was developed, filled with information and cognitive content. During the first month of operation of self-service kiosks, users viewed more than 250 thousand pages with information about the park's facilities and events.

The park with its landscape zones, typical for different regions of Russia, represents the country in miniature. To complement this impression, during the expeditions unique and mesmerizing shots of animals, birds, fish, plants and landscapes were filmed. The quality of video content was strictly controlled, which made it possible to show videos on large screens with 4K resolution.

An interactive stand has also been developed - a video wall in the lobby of the media center with the ability to demonstrate 360-degree videos on it, as well as with other interactive content, for example, a historical panorama drawn by professional artists or an architectural kaleidoscope.

The historical panorama allows visitors to see not only the existing today, but also the lost buildings and structures located in the immediate vicinity of the park, and the architectural kaleidoscope will allow viewing the sights of Moscow from different angles using virtual 3D models.

Also noteworthy is the Moscow Preobrazhennaya infokiosk module - for its creation, Red Square, in collaboration with the State Historical Museum, created interactive collages showing how not only various buildings, but also entire districts of Moscow have changed over the years. The functionality of the info kiosks is planned to be supplemented by adding the ability to send video postcards, view and download excursion routes in Moscow and other useful functions.

"Red Square", together with experienced specialists from the "Historical Reconstruction" company, took part in the creation of the Zaryadye Underground Museum, built around a part of the Kitaygorodskaya wall discovered during excavations. The museum tells about the way of life in ancient Moscow. The company was faced with the task of providing a multimedia component of the exposition - projections, interactive installations, holograms - about 15 objects in total. Many of them are created for children to playfully introduce them to the history of the city. Children and adults will be able to “dress a merchant” or “find a treasure”, hear about the museum's exhibits from the lips of a merchant and an archer, who “came to life” thanks to projection technologies.

A 3D projection of a dress of that era, found during excavations, deserves special attention - it can now be viewed from all sides without fear of damaging the ancient exhibit. The complexity of the work consisted not only in the use of a variety of computer technologies, but also in the need for a special careful attitude to the finds of archaeologists.

Thanks to multimedia technologies, Zaryadye has become a new generation park and the largest technological park of such a high level in Russia.

The modern way of presenting information is significantly different from what we knew before. The attraction in "Flight over Moscow" delights even those who, it would seem, have seen everything. Many have previously seen interactive stands at exhibitions and museums, watched sightseeing tours about Moscow, but what the Zaryadye Media Center offers goes far beyond the bounds of fantasy. It is difficult to count how many Muscovites and guests of the capital have carried out the "Flight over Moscow", but even now, two years after the opening, the attraction does not lose its popularity.

"Flight over Moscow" is a kind of excursion where viewers can see the city from an unexpected angle. This is approximately how birds see it, and Zaryadye Park invites its guests to “fly over Moscow”.

How much does it cost to "fly over Moscow"

The Zaryadye media center is an information, tourist and entertainment complex of the park. It houses the Moscow Now exhibition, showcases, the Ice Cave, the Underground Museum, interactive stands, the Flight media complex, and much more. Here you will not see dusty photographs and moldy stuffed animals. Zaryadye is a state-of-the-art center that uses the latest advances in the IT industry, which takes educational excursions to a new level.

Usually we see Moscow from the bus window, in photographs, and what Zaryadye offers is new and fresh. "Flight over Moscow" is carried out in one of the halls of the media center. The capacity of the hall is 39 people, there are certain requirements for the physique of the viewer.

  • Children under 12 years old are not allowed unaccompanied by an adult;
  • Children under 120 cm are not allowed on the tour;
  • Adults over 136 kg and over 195 cm are not allowed.
These restrictions are related to the special design of the seats and the safety of the spectators. When planning an excursion with children to this particular attraction, make sure that their height corresponds to the specified parameters.

The chairs are fixed on a special platform, equipped with a mechanism for fixing the viewer in the chair, and it is the design of the chairs that forces the organizers to impose restrictions on height and weight.

After the spectators sit down and buckle up, the platform with the chairs rises above the floor, and a 13-meter hemispherical screen lights up. The tour begins.

It should be noted that viewers will see an unusual video. A parametric screen with a resolution of 4-K, supplemented by a multi-channel sound reinforcement system, climate control units and steam generators.

The video itself was shot by Channel One, using the same technologies as similar films for Disneyland in other theme parks around the world.

For 8 minutes of "Flight over Moscow", viewers will see the building of Moscow State University, and other attractions that are considered the hallmark of Moscow.

Flying over the fountains, viewers will feel the splashes of water on their faces, soaring up over the Sparrow Hills, and will see clouds floating nearby. The wind in your ears, the smell of leaves, hot asphalt, all this creates a complete feeling of flight.

In the final, spectators find themselves in the very epicenter of the fireworks over the night capital, and return to the ground.

The cost of the "Flight over Moscow" attraction is as high as in 8 minutes of flight, but after visiting, no one regrets the money spent.

  • Full adult ticket - 690 ₽ on a weekday, and 850 ₽ on a weekend;
  • Children from 14 to 18 years old (and students) - 345 ₽ on a weekday, and 425 ₽ on a day off;
  • Children under 14 years old - 130 ₽ on a weekday, and 160 ₽ on a day off.
A free visit is provided for a certain category of citizens, upon presentation of the relevant documents.

The feeling of flight is so real that pregnant women, people with epilepsy, with a sensitive vestibular apparatus and high blood pressure should be counted on. People under the influence of alcohol / drugs are not allowed on the attraction. Filming inside the hall is strictly prohibited, and all foreign objects should be left in the storage room of the Media Complex.

To be sure to get to Zaryadye Park for the "Flight over Moscow" attraction, you should go on a weekday to avoid huge queues. The attraction is very popular and the cost of the tickets does not scare anyone away. The start time of the attraction is "floating", since a similar attraction "Flight over Russia" has been launched in the same hall. For those who are not satisfied with "Flight over Moscow", they can fly over Russia, from East to West, and all in the same 7-8 minutes.

If you believe the reviews about the excursion "Flight over Moscow", there are no disappointed, except perhaps they complain for too short a time. Eight minutes of flight is not enough to see all of Moscow, but you don't have to choose. Let's hope that soon the Zaryadye Media Center will shoot new videos and create more such excursions, taking into account the wishes of citizens.

The media center in Zaryadye opened in 2017. There is a tourist information center, the Polet and Time Machine media complexes, an exhibition hall, and a souvenir shop. Each visitor can take advantage of interactive installations and attractions. In addition, there are information stands and a cultural and historical exposition "Moscow Now" in the park. In Zaryadye, you can perform "Flight over Russia". In the historical hall, films about Russia, protected areas and cultural monuments are shown.

Attraction "Flight over Moscow"

Flight is a special platform that simulates the movement of an airplane or helicopter. By broadcasting panoramic video, smells and effects, the viewer has a realistic feeling of soaring over Moscow. The film covers the main sights of the city: VDNKh, Gorky Park, the Moscow State University building on Vorobyovy Hills, the Kremlin, the Ostankino tower and other visiting cards of the capital.

Attraction "Flight over Russia"

"Flight over Russia" is a new format of the attraction already familiar to Muscovites. If during a trip over Moscow guests saw only the capital's sights, then while watching a new film, you can visit the main picturesque points of Russia - "visit" the Republic of Komi, Yakutia, Kamchatka, Sochi, Volgograd and other places.

Ticket prices and flight schedule at Zaryadye

Schedule of the attraction "Flight over Moscow" in the park "Zaryadye"
  • Monday: 17:30 - 19:30
  • Tuesday - Friday: 13:00 - 14:30 and 18:00 - 19:30
  • Saturday - Sunday: 12:45 - 14:45 and 17:45 - 19:45

  • Schedule of the attraction "Flight over Russia" in the park "Zaryadye"
  • Monday: 14:30 - 16:30
  • Tuesday - Friday: 10:30 - 12:00 and 15:30 - 17:00
  • Saturday - Sunday: 10:30 - 12:00 and 15:30 - 17:00

  • Ticket prices
  • Adult - 790 rubles
  • From 14 to 18 years old - 400 rubles
  • Up to 14 years old - 150 rubles (growth is strictly from 120 centimeters)
  • Attraction "Time Machine"

    The Time Machine attraction is a three-dimensional circular hall where an eight-minute film about the history of Zaryadye is shown. It turns out to be accessible and informative: the video was filmed for several months and even real horses were launched into the studio.

    The cost of tickets for the "Time Machine"
  • Adult - 600 rubles
  • From 14 to 18 years old - 300 rubles
  • From 12 to 14 years old - 150 rubles