Aix en provence. Open the left menu aix-en-provence


Aix-en-Provence is called "the city of a thousand fountains". Particularly interesting are the Great Fountain on the Rotunda (1860) in the city center, the fountain connected to the hot spring (1734), the Fountain of the Four Dauphins (1667) and the Fountain of the Good King René, built in the 19th century. Even deciding to see all the sights, you will miss many of them during a tour of the old center of this entertaining city.

Cours Mirabeau is a wide avenue dividing the city into old and new; to the north of it there is a labyrinth of old streets and ancient buildings. It is in this direction that one should go. On the site of a Roman settlement, there is Boer Saint Sauveur, which stretches from the Cathedral of the Savior to the Italian-style town hall on the picturesque city hall square. The cathedral "summarizes" the history of Aix in one single building. Built in the 5th century. on a Roman foundation, this magnificent building was completed over the centuries in three different styles - Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque, and only in the 18th century the work was stopped. The archbishop's palace dates back to the 6th-17th centuries and now houses the Tapestry Museum and a cultural center.

Other attractions include the Clock Tower, a former 16th-century bell tower built on Roman foundations: an astronomical clock with four wooden statues can be seen high above the street, as well as the Four Seasons Fountain with a Roman column. The Plaza and Hotel d'Albert was built by a distinguished family from Aix in the 18th century and is truly enchanting (the fountain was built later).

Best time to visit

In June, for the free street music festival, or in July for the city's lyric arts festival, the weather is dry and hot, but the breeze brings coolness.

What to see

  • In the cathedral there is a magnificent triptych "Burning Bush", written around 1476 for King Rene. Admire the wood carvings. Church of St. Mary Magdalene - the former building of the 13th century monastery, rebuilt around 1700. Now it is a museum, which houses the works of local artists.
  • Simple and at the same time very beautiful 15th century fountain. Espeluk, transferred to the square near the Archbishop's Palace in 1756.
  • The famous Aix De Garson was built in 1792 - ask Ernest Hemingway or Paul Cézanne to show you the table.

The Aixa hot spring baths were built in 1705, but here you can also see the ruins of authentic Roman baths.

Aix-en-Provence is one of the central and "atmospheric" cities of Provence, which can be chosen as a base place, and from here make other trips and discover this entire beautiful region of France.

Aix-en-Provence is convenient to get to even without a car: it is located just 30 kilometers north of Marseille (the official capital of Provence) and its international airport. At the same time, you can leave for Aix-en-Provence directly from the Marseille airport.

How to get to Aix-en-Provence from Marseille airport 2019

Shuttle buses run between these two points all day long, from early morning to late evening, travel time from 32 to 35 minutes, one-way ticket price in 2019 - 8.60 euros (round trip - 13.80 euros ). At the Marseille airport, you need to get off at the bus platform number 1 (to the right of the exit from Terminal 1), in the same place at the ticket office buy a ticket to Aix (or from the driver). In Aix-en-Provence, the bus arrives at the bus station (Gareroutiere), which is located near the very center of the city (byAvenued` Europe reachto the "circle"SquareAnouarelSadateand further onAvenuedesBelgesto the "heart" of Aix - Boulevard Mirabeau with the famous "Rotunda" fountain).

Aix-en-Provence is a fairly large and lively city (about 143 thousand inhabitants), in which typically Provencal narrow streets, secluded squares with spreading plane trees and polyphonic markets are organically combined with buildings of modern architecture. An incredible number of educational institutions, some of which originated in the 15th century, give it dynamism. There are several universities and institutes, many colleges and lyceums, and Aix is \u200b\u200balso the center of several international educational programs. Thanks to this, the terraces of cafes and restaurants, parks and squares of the city are never empty, the streets are lively and full of youth.

In the summer here, as in all of Provence, it is very hot, and the winter is quite warm, dry and sunny (on average 300 sunny days a year), but do not forget about mistral - the piercing and devastating wind of this region, which greatly complicates the lives of locals and tourists traveling in Provence. Therefore, the best time for a trip is late spring or autumn, although the bulk of tourists go to Provence in the summer, in the deadly heat.

Where to stay in Aix-en-Provence

Attractions Aix-en-Provence

This French city has preserved tangible traces of the Roman period. Before the Romans, Celtic-Ligurian tribes lived in these places for several centuries, then in 123 BC they were defeated by the Romans under the leadership of the Consul Gaius Sextius Calvin, and the city was named Aquae Sextiae in his honor. Aix's Roman heritage is not as grand as, for example, the world famous monuments in Avignon, Arles, Orange or Nimes, but there are, in particular, several archaeological sites. After the decline of the Roman Empire, Aix several times became the prey of various European tribes (Visigoths, Franks, pawnshops), later - the warlike Saracens, who often raided from the sea to the territory of modern Provence and the Cote d'Azur. The heyday of Aix-en-Provence began in the 12th century, under the rule of the Counts of Provence, and continued until the 15th century. In 1497 the city came under the rule of the French crown, and in 1501 Louis XII founded the Parliament of Provence here, which, however, did not go down in history as an important and useful institution. Parliament lasted until the French Revolution.

The most famous native and resident of Aix-en-Provence, endlessly revered in the city, is Paul Cezanne (1839-1906), a post-impressionist painter. There is a special route called "In the footsteps of Cézanne", a map with a detailed description can be obtained from the Aix Tourist Office. The route passes through the places of the famous artist - from the house where he was born to his resting place in the city cemetery Saint-Pierre. All fans of Cézanne's work should definitely look into his workshop (Atelier Cezanne), which is located some distance from the center, on a hill. It was here that the artist painted his paintings to the last. Opening hours of the Cezanne Workshop.

What else not to miss in Aix-en-Provence:

- Old cityalready mentioned by me Boulevard Mirabeau and many ancient fountains of Aix, giving the city its peculiar charm. Sometimes it is even figuratively called the city of a thousand fountains, and although this is a clear quantitative exaggeration, it is essentially true.

- Cathedral, or Cathedral of the Holy Savior (full name - Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur d "Aix-en-Provence), the main cathedral and residence of the Archbishop of Aix. It was built on the foundations of the Roman forum of the 1st century AD in the 12th century and was rebuilt and modified several times until the 19th century. It combines features of Romanesque, Gothic and Neo-Gothic architecture, as well as Romanesque columns and parts of the baptistery of a Christian church of the 6th century.The interior of the cathedral and the works stored in it are also of great interest.

- Square in front of the Hotel de Ville Aix, thermal water fountain and the oldest in town Terms of Sextuswhich are open to this day and provide modern thermal and spa treatments (although not all reviews about them are laudatory).

- Mazaran quarterlocated south of Boulevard Mirabeau, with luxurious 17th-18th and 19th century mansions of the local aristocracy, park Jourdan

One of the largest and most important museums - Granet Museumnamed for the native of Aix-en-Provence, artist and collector François Marius Granet, who donated his entire art collection to the city. The museum contains a rich collection of paintings (Degas, Gauguin, Cezanne, Renoir, Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, Bonnard, Leger and others), sculptures and ancient archaeological finds from the territory of Provence.

There is a mountain range near Aix-en-Provence Saint Victoire, so often featured on the canvases of artists working in Provence, primarily, naturally, Paul Cézanne. There are hiking and cycling trails around the 1,011-meter mountain and along it. From here there are wonderful views of the city, the nearby Provencal villages and the sea.

Elena Kurylenko

Aix-en-Provence photos

Aix-en-Provence is the most charming, sophisticated and aristocratic city of Provence - France. After driving only 30 km from the noisy Marseille, you will find yourself in another world in which the imposing atmosphere of bygone eras still reigns, and the paving stones of boulevards still remember the promenades of aristocrats and the sound of the wheels of luxurious carriages.

Aix-en-Provence owes its formation to the Romans, who discovered a thermal spring here, and flourishing to King Rene of Anjou. It was during the reign of "good Rene" that the city became the cultural capital of France, attracting artists, writers and actors.

Aix-en-Provence - a special atmosphere of aristocracy and comfort

If you look at the map of the city, then the exquisite and once majestic Aix-en-Provence are narrow, winding streets with rather rare buildings. Cobblestone squares prevail here, and magnificent fountains, the spray of which sparkle in the rays of the Mediterranean sun, delight the eye. Aix is \u200b\u200boften called "the city of one hundred and one fountains", the most original of which are located on Boulevard Mirabeau - its culmination is the majestic Rotunda fountain.

In the historic capital of Provence, which was once Aix-en-Provence, there are many colorful mansions, in the architecture of which you can see the strict features of classicism of the 17th century and the laid-back elegance of the Baroque. The history of almost all Aix villas is centuries old.

The old town - the more ancient part of Aix-en-Provence - is the "abode" of tourists, life is constantly boiling here. Fashionable boutiques and respectable restaurants, cozy cafes and souvenir shops. But one has only to cross the boulevard Mirabeau, and you will see a completely different Aix-en-Provence - pompous, imposing and aristocratic. The Mazaren Quarter is a place where celebrities, ministers and the highest aristocracy have built their mansions for centuries. Luxurious villas still hide the lives of their inhabitants behind high wrought-iron fences and lush vegetation.

Aix-en-Provence is the historical capital of Provence - the city where the great impressionist Paul Cezanne was born. Yes, the painter often visited Marseilles and Paris, he even lived there for a long time, but he was always attracted to Aix. Cezanne immortalized the landscapes of Provence in his canvases, the painter's favorite object is Mount Sainte-Victoire. The great artist considered Aix-en-Provence to be his inspiration - the town really makes even skeptics admire.

In the Mazarin quarter, next to the Cathedral of St. Jean of Maltese, whose grandeur is vividly conveyed even by photos, there is the Granet Museum, where you can see many of the paintings of the great Paul Cézanne. Tourists who come to Aix-en-Provence can also admire the works of other painters and sculptors - Jean Dominique Ingres, Anthony ven Dyck, Nicolas de Stael, Rembrandt.

Attractions Aix-en-Provence

Aix-en-Provence is worth visiting for more than just the reason to enjoy its unique, sophisticated atmosphere. The sights of Aix are worth seeing with your own eyes and taking hundreds of photos.

The "Pearl" of Aix-en-Provence is rightfully considered the Cathedral of Saint-Sauveur (Saint Savior), where you can contemplate the masterpiece of Provencal painting of the 15th century - the triptych "Burning Bush", written by Nicolas Frohmann. He ordered a picturesque masterpiece "good Rene", the monarch to whom Aix-en-Provence owes its heyday and transformation into the cultural center of France.

Old Aix, in the language of tourist guidebooks, is an "open air museum" - one big attraction. This part of Aix-en-Provence, clearly defined by boulevards, can be wandered for hours. The wonderful weather for which Aix is \u200b\u200bfamous makes it possible to walk at any time of the year. You don't have to think over the route, architectural monuments, picturesque fountains, colorful cafes - interesting objects will be found at every step.

Saturday, Thursday and Tuesday are the days when the center of Aix-en-Provence fills with markets. Farmers sell fruits and vegetables on the Place Richelm, Marseille Street turns into a huge "ocean", here you can buy any seafood and fish. The Place de Ville becomes a real plantation of flowers - in Aix-en-Provence, Flora's children are sold from all over France. A flea market opens on Place Verdun, where you can buy an antique for just a few euros. It is in Aix that many world-famous collectors replenish their collections.

Aix-en-Provence is an aristocratic city with ancient history and traditions, living a modern life. Music and art festivals are constantly held here, planning a trip to Aix, you will take a trip in time. The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, to which Aix-en-Provence belongs, is the most popular among tourists who come here hoping to "feel the true France." Want some fun? Just two hours on the highway, and you will be in Nice - the favorite resort of celebrities and bohemians.

Aix-en-Provence is a charming aristocratic town in the south of France, in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region, located between Marseille and the Luberon mountains, among the healing thermal springs. For many centuries, it has been and still is the cultural center of Provence with a huge number of festivals held here. Thanks to one of the oldest universities in France and the European Academy of Music, the city is filled with students and the atmosphere of a living creative laboratory reigns in it. A special charm of Aix-en-Provence is added by medieval stone-paved streets, luxurious palaces of the Provencal nobility, made in the style of the Italian Baroque of the 17th-18th centuries, graceful facades of old estates with sophisticated openwork wrought-iron balconies and a huge number of fountains. This southern French town is considered the center of antiques in Provence: in local flea markets and in numerous antique shops, collectors and lovers of antiquities from all over the world are constantly "digging" in search of relics.

Popular and balneological resorts of Aix-en-Provence, located in the valley of the Arc, at an altitude of 175 meters above sea level. Warm medicinal springs were discovered in this region by the Romans, and up to the present day, calcium bicarbonate waters with a temperature of about 36 ° C are used both for baths and for drinking, as an auxiliary treatment for diseases of the cardiovascular, excretory and musculoskeletal systems. Spa treatments with healing waters are offered not only in country health centers, but also in some hotels in the city itself.

  • Area: 186 km²;
  • Time zone: UTC + 1, UTC + 2 in summer;
  • Population: 141,200.

How to get to the city

You can get to Aix-en-Provence from Marseille - it is here that the nearest international airport is located, from which auto express trains run regularly to the city. There is also a railway connection with the capital of France - it will take about 3 hours to travel by high-speed train from Paris to Aix-en-Provence.

A selection of profitable air tickets through Aviadiscounter (looking for both Aviasales + a selection of airline promotions and sales).

From where to where departure date Find a ticket

Brussels → Marseille

Nantes → Marseille

Palermo → Marseille

London → Marseille

Lille → Marseille

Rome → Marseille

Eindhoven → Marseille

Catania → Marseille

Olbia → Marseille

Strasbourg → Marseille

Split → Marseille

Warsaw → Marseille

Venice → Marseille

Vienna → Marseille

Lisbon → Marseille

Barcelona → Marseille

Bordeaux → Marseille

Berlin → Marseille

Valencia → Marseille

Malaga → Marseille

Biarritz → Marseille

Krakow → Marseille

St Petersburg → Marseille

Bucharest → Marseille

Nador → Marseille

Lua → Marseille

Tunis → Marseille

Naples → Marseille

Faro → Marseille

Kutaisi → Marseille

Milan → Marseille

Cologne → Marseille

Porto → Marseille

Prague → Marseille

Moscow → Marseille

Seville → Marseille

Madrid → Marseille

Lyon → Marseille

Fes → Marseille

Alicante → Marseille

Paris → Marseille

Duesseldorf → Marseille

Bologna → Marseille

Ibiza → Marseille

Yerevan → Marseille

Monastir → Marseille

Puerto Del Rosario → Marseille

Luxembourg → Marseille

Turin → Marseille

Algeria → Marseille

Toulouse → Marseille

Bastia → Marseille

Glasgow → Marseille

Nice → Marseille

Budapest → Marseille

Hamburg → Marseille

Dublin → Marseille

Alghero → Marseille

Geneva → Marseille

Marrakech → Marseille

Djerba → Marseille

Essueira → Marseille

Frankfurt → Marseille

Agadir → Marseille

Santander → Marseille

Mulhouse → Marseille

Belgrade → Marseille

Manchester → Marseille

Ajaccio → Marseille

Hannover → Marseille

Côte d'Azur beaches, ski resorts, many attractions, aromatic wine and excellent cuisine. This is just a small list of what awaits a tourist who stepped off the plane that landed at a French airport.

Introduction to France

France is a multitude of regions, each of which has its own distinctive history, a set of attractions and unique local cuisine. You can relax here both in winter and in summer. In the hot season, the Cote d'Azur awaits tourists, and in frosty weather the resorts of the French Alps are invited. France can be conditionally divided into two zones - excursion and resort:

  • The first should include almost the entire Ile-de-France region, the well-known Loire Valley, as well as many cities, among which are Paris, Strasbourg, Le Havre, Orleans, Rouen and dozens of others.
  • Leadership among beach resorts is occupied by the Cote d'Azur, followed by the island of Corsica and the Atlantic coast. In winter, they mainly go to the Three Valleys and Portes du Soleil.

Aix en provence

If you look at the climatic map of the cities of France, you will notice that mainly the temperate maritime climate reigns here. In the eastern regions, it is replaced by the continental, and on the Mediterranean coast - by the subtropical. Therefore, the weather in the regions differs - it is better to go to Paris in May or October, and June or September is suitable for visiting the French Riviera.

In Corsica, you can rest from May to October, but in August it will be quite hot. Alpine resorts are skiing starting in November, but most of the snow is here in February.

Note! The ideal time for a sightseeing trip to the cities of France is the high season, when all tourists travel to the Cote d'Azur. Yes, there are no crowds at the coastal resorts, but the provincial hotels are practically empty, so it will be very easy to rent a room

By the way, about prices in French cities - the algorithm of their formation defies any logic. And this applies to both real estate and products. Buying a loaf of bread in one store and going into another, standing across the street, you can see a completely different price. Bargaining is useless, this is only possible on the market. But this article will consider the nuances of rest not in the whole country, but only in one city called Aix-en-Provence (France).

Region Ile-de-France

A few words about hotels in Provence

This city is also called simply Aix (France). Provence is a popular region among tourists, so there are a lot of hotels here, but only a few are especially popular:

  • The true spirit of Provence can be experienced at Villa Gallici. Here you can feel real home comfort, service at the highest level, and the dishes prepared by the chef are beyond praise. Despite the fact that the hotel is located in the city center, there is no hustle and bustle of the city. The cheapest room as of September 2018 costs € 300 * per night.
  • The best advertisement for Le Pigonnet is its guests. At various times P. Picasso, L. Kravitz, K. Eastwood and Catherine Deneuve stayed here. There is everything for a luxurious holiday, and the highlight is a huge park. The minimum price for a room is 150 euros.
  • The Aparthotel Adagio Aix-en-Provence Center art hotel is not as luxurious as the five-star presented above, but it fully deserves its 4 stars. The room here is a fully equipped apartment with a bathroom and a kitchen where you can cook food. In the morning the guest will be served breakfast. The cost of the apartment is 100 euros.

Note! Another popular art hotel in Aix-en-Provence is the Appart'hotel Odalys Atrium. The cost for one night is 80 euros.

Other worthy hotels in Provence include the five-star Renaissance Aix-en-Provence and the four-star Les Lodges Sainte-Victoire and Hôtel de Gantès.

Five-star Renaissance Aix-en-Provence

Tourist route in the city of Aix-en-Provence

Tourists visiting Aix-en-Provence (France) will be offered several route options for an introductory excursion.

  • A number of historical routes.
  • A route related to the life and work of Paul Cézanne and his family.
  • Visit to the mansion, workshop and places where Cezanne painted.
  • Tour of the suburbs of Aix-en-Provence.

Note! The first three routes of the city of Aix-en-Provence can be both on foot and by transport. The latter is carried out only by car.

Sights of Aix-en-Provence worth visiting

You should start your walk in Provence from the so-called Old Town, located north of the main square, and Boulevard Mirabeau. Here is the Church of Saint Madeleine, which was painted by Van Lo and Rubens, as well as the preserved facade of the medieval town hall and the Cathedral of the Holy Savior, which was painted by Nicolas Froman himself in the 15th century.

Continuing your journey, you should take a look at the Archbishop's Palace of Ancier-Arsheves, which houses the Museum of the Tapestries of Beauvais and the Museum of the Old Town.

Note! Saint-Jean-de-Malte is the first Gothic-style church in Provence. Previously it belonged to the Order of the Hospitallers.

After seeing the sights of the Old City, you can return to Boulevard Mirabeau, where there are also many interesting things. For example, the creations of the sculptor Pierre-Jean David D'Angers, who lived in the 19th century. His statue of King Rene the Good is a real gem of the square. The Rotunda fountain is no less interesting creation.

To the south of the boulevard is the Mazaran quarter, where elite aristocratic houses were located four centuries ago. After passing to Saint-Jean-de-Malte square, you can get to the Granet Museum, where among the many exhibits you can find objects from the city of Antremont - the capital of the Ligurs and paintings by Marius Granet, after whom the museum is named.

Cultural Center La Cité du livre

In the former workshop of Cézanne, there is an Atelier, where you can look at the tools with which the master worked, as well as unfinished canvases. But the most impressive is the atmosphere in the room: it seems that now the artist himself will come in and continue to work on the next masterpiece.

Upon completion of the inspection of the workshop, you should look at la Place d'Albertas, after which you can safely go to the unique architectural museum complex, the Vasarely Foundation. The exhibition, collected by Victor Vasarely, includes his own works, thanks to which a new architectural and graphic style was developed.

All connoisseurs of contemporary art should visit the cultural center La Cité du livre of Provence, a mediatorial complex located in an abandoned but renovated match factory. Lovers of modern cinema and literature from all over France flock here to discuss new works. In addition, various exhibitions, performances, film screenings, lectures are held here. The traditional festival la Fête du livre is held in mid-autumn. But this is not the end of a walk through the sights and interesting places of Aix-en-Provence, because the surroundings of the city remained unexplored, which will be discussed below.

Other Notable Sites in Aix-en-Provence

There are no less attractions in the vicinity of Aix-en-Provence (France). Among the main ones, the following should be mentioned:

  • Mount Saint-Victoire, which Cézanne called his muse.
  • 14th century castle in Vovenargue, where the tomb of Pablo Picasso is located.
  • The 12th century Torone Monastery is located near the town of Kars.
  • Entrecasto is a village that seems to have emerged from the Middle Ages. All of it is a monument of the 11th century historical and architectural landscape.

Those wishing to try black truffles should visit the town of Op, and in the Var department, fans of eco-tourism are waiting. In short, there is entertainment for every taste in Provence, so a trip to its lands is guaranteed to bring a lot of pleasure and unforgettable impressions.

* Prices are valid for October 2018.