Learning to fly on the shattered islands. A few words about Brawler's Guild Mages Tower Artifact Appearance

Received the title of Truth Seeker and accompanied the keeper. When Tyr was slain, Irgrim decided to hand over his artifact to the most worthy of the vrykul, but for thousands of years he had failed to find a suitable claimant. Irgrim took refuge in a sealed sanctuary, and waited for someone to enter and challenge him.

When the Burning Legion began their invasion of the Broken Isles, a paladin took up the search for the artifact, destined to become the new leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand. The hero was able to pass the tests, including the battle with Irgrim, and took possession of the ancient artifact.

Irgrim's Trials

After the fall of Tyr, Irgrim Truth-Seeker helped his brothers in Tirisfal adapt to life in the new world. Knowing that his kin had fled north, he went in search of them in order to hand over his weapons to the most worthy of them. Eventually the road took him to Stormheim, where he met powerful descendants of his race. Of these, he assembled a group of applicants.

Irgrim built an arena on a stone island. He announced to his brethren that he was looking for a successor, strong in body and spirit, with a heart devoid of vices. To be eligible to own his weapon, applicants had to pass tests. Many berserkers and dragonriders took up Irgrim's challenge, but they were all destroyed. For many years Irgrim spent his tests, and finally the stream of applicants dried up.

Irgrim was disappointed, but this did not break his will. He built the sanctuary of Tire and doomed himself to imprisonment, waiting fully armed for the true protector to appear. The charms installed at the entrance would incinerate with a cleansing flame anyone who tried to open the door. Only one whose heart is pure and whose will is strong could hold back the flame. It was such a warrior that Irgrim was waiting for.

The Gorvold saga

One of the most famous contenders for the Truth Guard was the vrykul Gorvold, who arrived in Stormheim from Northrend. But he, like everyone else, could not pass the test and was forced to return home. A saga was composed about his wanderings, which spread among the vrykul.

Gorvold Ironbrow was a great warrior, one of the few who proudly faced the dangers of days gone by. He won victory after victory thanks to his skill, as well as the powerful artifacts of antiquity that he collected. While wandering through the forbidden lands of the Storm Peaks, Gorvold learned of the shield that belonged to the warrior of Tyr. The shield became his obsession, and in search of this artifact, the warrior scoured the continent.

After exploring the forgotten battlefields in the north, Gorvold learned that the owner of the shield, along with a squad of Tyr, went south, fleeing the turmoil of the crumbling empire of the Titans. Gorvold built a mighty ship and sailed away. Gorvold was heading south, and neither storms nor sea monsters could force him to stray from the path. He crossed the continent, looking for the smallest clues to reconstruct the events of a battle long gone.

He discovered the vrykul who eked out the miserable existence of the exiles after Ymiron issued his edict. They did not dare to appear in the realm of the fallen guardian and his worst enemy, but they treated those places with reverence. Gorvold discovered that the trail did not end in these ruins, but continued. After the great battle, the defender of Tyr continued on his way. Gorvold did the same.

No one knows where Gorvold eventually got to or what he found. It is only known that he returned empty-handed, forever losing his mind from the failure that befell him. He only said that he could not pass the test of Irgrim. Since then, Gorvold has thrown himself into battle with a berserker fury. The once-skillful fighter was overcome by a reckless fury, and in the end he fell in battle, taking his secrets to the grave.


Source of information in this section - add-on Legion to World of Warcraft.

When Lord Maxwell Tyrosus asked the paladin to choose an artifact, the search for which the order would first engage in, the hero preferred the ancient shield created by Tyr. After the end of the Northrend campaign, Orik Pureheart decided to devote his life to studying Tyr's history. He found evidence that in ancient times Tyr forged a powerful shield. Now the Sunwalkers have joined the paladins, and there is a real opportunity to find the lost artifact. Tyrosus suggested that the hero contact Oric for details.

Orik stood nearby with Tahu the Wise Wind. The dwarf said that the source of information about the shield was the vrykul saga. Tyr once created a shield for his greatest warrior, and Tahu, able to speak to the spirits of the departed, could help question the protagonist of this saga. Orik was glad that the hero decided to join the search. The Vrykul Warrior's name was Gorvold, and he was buried on Barrier Hill in Howling Fjord. Tahu could find the grave he needed, and after a little ritual, the conversation would take place there.

Howling Fjord

The barrier hill was located in the southwestern part of the fjord. When the hero arrived, Tahu and Orik had already settled down by the fire at the edge of the hill. The dwarf handed the saga to the new assistant so that he could read it in person. In the saga, it was written that Gorvold went in search of the shield that belonged to the warrior of Tyr, and spent a lot of time on it. But he could not receive the shield, because he did not pass some test. After reading to the end, the hero asked Tahu to begin the ritual.

Tahu replied that he was mistaken in assessing the prescription of the events of the saga. It took him more time to prepare for the ritual. Tauren gave the hero an enchanted stone, attuned to the saga scroll. The hero had to walk through the vrykul graves and use a stone to find which one belongs to the author. Tahu clarified that the author's ancestors or descendants are not suitable. After several unsuccessful attempts, the hero found the required grave, and Orik and Tahu caught up with him.

The Seer began the ritual by asking Orik to focus all his will on the spirit. The ghost of Gorvold appeared before them, who said that he died to get rid of the shame. He asked why the guests were disturbing him, and Orik demanded to tell about the shield. Gorvold, forced to answer, revealed that he had found the shrine of the warrior Tyr in Stormheim. The vrykul was unable to enter, but tried again and again until the pain took over. In disgrace, he returned home and decided to wash it off with someone else's blood. Orik promised that he would finish what Gorvold had begun, and Tahu granted the vrykul deliverance by releasing him. When the ritual was over, the tauren said he was returning to the Netherlight Temple to inform the Conclave of his success. Orik decided to return to Dalaran and asked the hero to visit him there.

Upon meeting the hero in Dalaran, Orik stated that he had already heard about the island in Stormheim. It was rumored in the tavern that a great warrior had managed to infiltrate the tomb of the vrykul king. Orik was convinced that this was exactly what they were looking for, and offered to fly to the island astride Argent Crusade hippogryphs. Kato, a friend of the dwarf and a capable healer, was supposed to meet them right on the island. Orik warned that the shrine would be protected by Tyr's power, according to Gorvold's words.

Shattered Shield Island

When they reached Shattered Shield Island, the blood elf Kato was indeed waiting for them. Orik greeted his friend and stated that he felt the presence of the artifact. A vrykul woman emerged from the shrine, accompanied by a storm dragon. She shouted about the robbers and demanded that they get out of the sacred land. Orik, Kato, and the hero attacked her and the dragon. When they were victorious, the doors of the sanctuary were thrown open, revealing troops of ghostly defenders.

Making their way deeper into the shrine, they found ancient scrolls that told the story of Irgrim. When they reached the mysterious luminous door, Orik found an inscription on the sign that it was necessary to withstand the "gaze" of the door. The dwarf suggested that the hero try, and the door emitted fiery rays that tried to destroy the challenger. But the paladin, using his abilities, was able to endure the pain. The doors swung open and they entered the hall where the Truthguard Altar was located.

They were met by Irgrim the Seeker of Truth himself, who was the warrior of Tyr. He understood that the hero was able to open all the doors, and was ready to subject him to the last test. Irgrim waited a very long time for a worthy opponent and challenged the hero to battle to make sure that he had enough will, strength and stamina to wield a shield. Next to the ancient vrykul stood the ghostly figure of the runecaster Griselda.

The hero, accompanied by Oric and Kato, announced that he was ready to test Irgrim. A battle began, in which Irgrim was helped by Griselda, who summoned ice magic. Finally, the hero, together with his friends, was able to defeat the warrior Tyr, and Irgrim knelt down. He said that Tyr would choose the hero as his protector if he was alive, and passed on the Guardian of Truth. Irgrim wished that the power of the shield would help the paladin defend Azeroth from enemies. Along with the shield, the hero also received an ancient sword called the Keeper of the Oath. Irgrim added that he was tired and glad of the opportunity to transfer his post, after which he turned into a stone statue. Satisfied Orik and tired Kato returned to Dalaran to Maxwell Tyros, and the hero, clutching a new weapon, followed them.

The Broken Isles has a lot to admire: the dark beauties of Suramar, the flourishing lands of Val 'balls, the rocky highlands of Stormheim - a rich landscape filled with secrets ... and demons (we'll try to figure them out). Traveling through the Broken Isles and repelling the attacks of the Burning Legion, you could have missed a couple of important places.From dangerous mountain trails to remote remote islands - with our help you will find the most inaccessible places in legion expansion... Good luck, researchers!

Learning to Fly in the Broken Isles

Highmountain: The Iron Horn Enclave

Why is it difficult to get here?You will need to follow a narrow path leading to the very top of the mountain. It is quite easy to go astray, and the climbs are very steep. Make sure you have a secure vehicle and warm clothing. (Hint: there is a lot of snow.)

Start at Thunder Totem, head north and climb the hill. At its top, turn sharply to the right, thereby avoiding a fight with monsters, and move along the right bank of the river. There will be a wooden bridge over the river to the left. Cross it, take to the right and go uphill along the path. You will pass under the flags, and the snow-covered road itself will twist left and right. In some areas, the passages will be very narrow and the inclines will be steep. But it is still necessary to continue the path upward until you come to the observation point next to the abyss. Your gaze will see a wooden bridge, which clearly needs repair. Take your courage and walk carefully over it. Once on the other side, take a little to the left and start descending. After a while, you will need to turn sharply to the right and follow the rocky road to a small village. Turn left and after climbing over the source, go up the path. Probably, now you are pretty tired and cold, but the air path is open! Click on the green exclamation point and be glad that you have the opportunity to comfortably descend from the summit by air. Congratulations! You have found the Iron Horn Enclave!

Highmountain: Shooter's Refuge

Why is it difficult to get here? This is the mainstay of the hunter class, and if your character belongs to another class, you will be teleported from here just a few seconds after you open this area. Apparently, hunters don't like guests very much.

To find the Shooter's Refuge, take the Nesingwary Air Trail. Turn right, climb the hill, and continue up and left past the Pine Rock Hollow Catchers and the Black Hoof Hills. Before you will be the entrance to the cave. Turn right and continue climbing. On the left you will see a river. Cross it and take the road that leads up the hill to the Shooter's Refuge. Characters who are not hunters will automatically teleport to the Nesingwary Air Trail. And yet the result was worth it! You have found a place where hunters gather ... to be alone.

Stormheim: Rock of the Watcher

Why is it difficult to get here? This is an island, so you have to swim. You also have to climb high cliffs. Nothing special.

Begin your journey with the aerial trail in Storm Foothills, heading east towards the cliffs. Cross the Storm's End and then turn left. On the way to the easternmost point of the cliffs, you will see a narrow, steep path that leads to the shore. A group of young sharks will swim in the water, however, fortunately, they are well-fed and not aggressive. You can swim by yourself or summon a water vehicle. Swim to the island on the right and you will reach Watcher's Rock. Congratulations! You have found a small island. Have you forgotten the flag?

Stormheim: Shattered Shield Isle

Why is it difficult to get here? Not everyone likes to swim (see above).

Pull away from Watcher Rock and head for the eastern shore of Shattered Shield Island. The point of the aerial trail is right on the shore. If you want to explore the island, then you can avoid meeting with groups of elite monsters using hooks. Always be on your guard: this is a dangerous place for those who lack courage (or good equipment). It even appears here

Brawler's Guild is reopening the doors for brawlers from around the world who want to see others and show themselves! In order to start the battles, you need to get the Bloody Invitation. It will allow all the characters in your account to get into the guild, and you can get it in several ways:

  • In world quest chests.
  • Knock out in dungeons.
  • Obtain from elite opponents, the vrykul, on Shattered Shield Island in Stormheim.

As before, in the brawler's guild you will need to fight bosses, defeat them and, thereby, increase your rank in order to open access to the next bosses and valuable rewards. After all, the best always goes to the winner! The list of opponents has been expanded, a lot of new challenges have appeared, so you will definitely not be bored!

Also, now the guild has its own currency - brawler's gold. You can get it for victories in fights and completing various tasks. It is for this gold that you will buy flasks, potions and other specialized goods. For example, one of the innovations - "Bloodstained Angel Statuette", which will set up your own small graveyard within the guild, so now the devil knows where you won't have to run from! And here are other products:

  • Free drink voucher - after a good fight you should have a good drink, hehe!
  • Bag of Dice - Gives you the opportunity to fight a RANDOM boss. It can be both the boss of the initial ranks and the strongest and most dangerous opponents! From which, by the way, you can get ... drum roll ... Shirts!
  • Secret room lease - gives you access to your own room. Why is a good question :)
  • The gambling addict's contract is an interesting contraption! This item allows you to place bets on battles! Now, while waiting for your turn, you will not just be bored! Place your bets and if you win, earn more Brawler's Gold!

Another innovation is group battles. Some Showdown Cards will appear, which will allow all players in line to step on the "sand of the arena" and fight monstrous opponents! They are scary, dangerous and angry! Just listen to the name of one of these fights - Penguin Invasion ... I have goosebumps!
Showdown Cards will be available for Fighting Gold.

And of course, there will be new rewards! Well, who would risk their lives just like that?

  • Brawler's Majestic Basilisk is a new mount that you can buy if you reach the highest ranks. Basilisks have existed in WoW since the classic era, but only now will you be able to ride them!
  • Powerful fighter's shock glove - this item will be able to transport you to the guild's territory from anywhere in the world.
  • New battle pet - well, where without animals :)
  • Shirts and achievements, of course.

At the moment this is all news, but personally, my fists are already itching and I want to kick someone on the first number! And if it doesn’t work ... Well, I’ll buy a Bloodstained Angel Figurine ...