Turkish conversational for beginners.

Turkey is a country that each of you knows firsthand. Every year more and more tourists come to Turkey to soak up the sun on the shores of the clean Black Sea. This is a unique state that is rich in historical monuments, has a huge cultural heritage, attracts with nightclubs, beaches and, of course, its world-famous markets. Here you will find both leisure to your liking and goods. However, both for one and for the second one will need at least a minimal knowledge of the Turkish language, because being in a foreign state you can accidentally get lost or get into some kind of emergency. In order for you not to feel a drop of discomfort during your stay in Turkey, we have compiled an excellent Russian-Turkish phrasebook.

Everyday phrases

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
How are you?nasilsiniz?n'asylsyn'yz?
Excellent thank youiyiyim sag oluni-‘i-yim, s’aolun
What is your name?adiniz ne?adyn'yz not?
My name is Mehmedadim mehmetad'im Mehmet
Nice to meet youmemnun oldummem'un old'um
Presenthediyenizhey'ne down
Thank you (you)sagol (sagolun)sa'ol (sao'lun)
You are welcomerica ederimry'ja ed'rim
Not worth itbir sey degilbir shey de'il
May I ask you…?bir sey sorabilir miyim?bir Shey Sorabi'lirmiyim
Can I smoke here?burada sigara icilir mi?borahda si'gar ichi'lir mi?
Can I sit here?buraya oturabilir miyimbura'ya oturabi'lirmiyim
No Unfortunatelyne yazik ki, hayirnot ya 'language ki' hayir
How are you (are you) doing (are you)?nasilsin (nasilsiniz)?nasyl'son (nasylsy'nyz)
How are you?isler nasil? / nasil gidiyor?ish'ler send? / send guide
Glad to see yousizi gormek ne hossi'zi gur'mek not hosh
you are welcomelutfenl'utfen
Thank you very muchcok tesekkurchok teshekk'ur edar'im
I'm sorryozur dilerimdealership
Excuse mepardonp'ardon
I do not understandanalamiyorumanl'amyorum
I do not speak Turkishturkce biliyorumt'yurkche bilmiyorum
I don't speak Turkish very wellturkcem iyi degilturkch'em iy'i de'il
Speak slower pleaseyavas konusabilir misinizyav'ash konushabil'ir, misin'iz
Repeat pleasetekrar edebilir misiniztekr'ar edabil'ir, misin'iz
Where is the exit?cikis nerede?chyk'ysh n'erede?
Who is it?kim o?kim oh?
When?ne zaman?ne zam'an?
How?nasil?n 'sent?
How many?… Ne kadar?... ne kad'ar?
I dont knowbilmiyorumbilmiyorum
Hello, what's your name?MERHABA ADINIZ NEDIR?m'er (x) aba, adyn'yz n'edir?
May I sit here?BURAYA OTURABILIR MIYIM?bora'ya oturabil'irmiyim?
Where do you live?NEREDE OTURUYORSUNUZ?n'erede otur'uersunuz?
This is my friendBU BENIM ARKADASIMboo ben'im arcadash'im
This is my wife / my husbandBU BENIM ESIMboo ben'im ash'im
I really like the food hereYEMEKLER COK LEZZETLIemekl'er chok lezzatl'y
I travel with my familyAILEMLE BIRLIKTEYIMfile'emle birlik'eyim
We are touristsBIZ TURISTIZbiz tur'istiz
Do you like to dance?DANSETMEYI SEVER MISINIZ?dansetmey'i sev'ermisiniz?
May I meet your friend?ARKADASINIZLA TANISABILIR MIYIM?arkadashyn'yzla tanishabil'irmiyim?
What's your phone number?TELEFON NUMARANIZ NEDIR?telef'on numaran'yz n'edir?
I had a great timeHARIKA ZAMAN GECIRDIMhaarik'a zam'an gechird'im
I have to callTELEFON ETMEM GEREKtelef'on etm'em ger'ek
I need to send a faxFAKS CEKMEM GEREKfax checkm ger'ek
Do you have a fax for me?BANA FAKS VAR MI?ban'a fax in'army?
Where is the computer here?BILGISA YAR NEREDE?bilgisay'ar n'erede?
I need to send an e-mailE-MAIL GONDERMEM GEREKim'ale gönderm'em ger'ek
Can I use the internet?INTERNET'E BAGLANABILIR MIYIM?internet'e baalanabil'irmiyim?
Do you have a website on the Internet?WEB SAYFANIZ VAR MI?web saifan'yz v'army?


At the train station

At customs

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Where is the customs?gumruk nerede?gyumr'uk n'erede?
Where is passport control?pasaport kontrolu nerede?passap'ort control n'erede?
Do you have something to declare?declare? deklare edecek birseyiniz var mi?deklar'e eddzh'ek bi (r) shayin'iz v'army?
I have nothing to declaredeklare edecek birseyim yokdeklar'e edj'ek bi (r) sha'im yok
I have things to declaredeklare edecek birseyim vardeklar'e edj'ek bi (r) she'im var
Where is the baggage claim area?bagaji nereden alabiliriz?luggage n'ereden alabil'iriz?
Where is the information?enformasion nerede?enformasyon n'erede?
I would like to…... istiyorum... ist'iyorum
I would like a window seatpenecere tarafinda oturmak istiyorumpenjer'e tarafind'a oturm'ak isst'iyorum
Are there flights to ...?... seferler var mi?... sefer’ler var are we?
When is the next flight?en yakin sefer ne zaman?en ya'kyn se'fer not za'man?
Is that a direct flight?bu sefer direk mi?will you sefer di'rek mi?
What is the exit for flight number ...?... numarali seferin cikis hangisi?... numara’ly sefe’rin chy’kysh ‘hangisi?
Can I take this bag with me?bu cantayi (valizi yanima alabilir miyim?bu chanta'yy (wal'zi) yany'ma alabi'lirmiyim?
You have excess baggagebagaj fazlasi varba'gazh fazla's var
How much should I pay for being overweight?bagaj fazlasi icin ne kadar odemeliyim?ba’gazh fazla’s i’chin not kadar ‘odem’liim?
Here is my…iste ...and’shte ...
I would like an aisle seatic tarafta oturmak istiyorumich taraft'a oturm'ak ist'iyorum
Where can I get a taxi?taksi, ye nereden binebilirim?taxi n'erede binabil'irim?
Where does the bus stop?otobis nerede duruyor?otobis nerede duruyor?
Where is the exit?cikis nerede?chyk'ysh n'erede?
Take me to this address, pleasebeni bu adrese goturun, lutfenben'i boo adress'e getyur'un l'utfen
How much is? (travel)ucret nedir?yudzhr'et n'edir?
Can you stop here?burada durabilir misiniz?bur (a) d'a durabil'irmisiniz?
Does this bus go to Mahmutlyar district?bu otobus maxmutlar'a gidiyor mu?will you otob'yus Makhmutlyar'a guide?
Alanya map pleasebir alanya haritasi. lutfenbir al'ania haritas'y l'utfen


Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Can you help me?BANA YARDIM EDER MISINIZ?ban'a yard'em ad'ermisiniz?
I lost my luggageBAGAJIMI KAYBETTIMluggage kaybett'im
I've lost my walletCUZDANIMI KAYBETTIMjuzdanym'y kaybett'im
I'm lostKAYBOLDUMkybold'um
I got robbedCUZDANIM CALINDIjuzdan'ym chalynd'y
I don't know where my baby isCOCUGUM KAYBOLDUchoju’um kaybold’u
I need a doctorDOKTORA IHTIYACIM VARdoctor'a ichtiyaj'im var
Call an ambulanceAMBULANS CAGIRINambul'yans chayr'yn
I am allergic to penicillinPENISILIN'E ALERJIM VARpenisilin'e alert'im var
I feel dizzyBASIM DONUYORbash'im den'yur
I'm sickMIDEM BULANIYORmiid'em bulan'yor
I have a pain in my armKOLUM AGRIYORkol'um aar'yor
I have a pain in my legBACAGIM AGRIYORbadja’ym aar’yor
I have a headacheBASIM AGRIYORbash'ym aar'yor

City walk

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Excuse me, where is ...?affedersiniz ... nerede?affed'ersinise ... n'erede?
Go ...... gidin... guide'in
Go straightduz gidinnozzle guide
Go thereo tarafa gidino taraf'a guide'in
Turn ...donun ...dong'un ...
Go backgeri donunher'y dong'yun
Turn leftsola sapinsol'a sap'yn
Turn rightsaga sapinsa'a sap'yn
At the end of the streetsokagin sonundasoka'eun sonund'a
On the cornerkosedekyoshed'e
First left turnilk soldailk sold'a
Second turn to the rightikinci sagdaikinj'i saad'a
It's nearby?yakin mi?yak'yn we?
It is far?uzak mi?how are we?
traffic lightisiktayyshykt'a
bus stopotobus duragiotob'yus stupid
Where is the bank located?BANKA NEREDE?b'anka n'erede?
I would like to change moneyBEN PARA BOZDURMAK ISTIYORUMben Par'a Bozdurm'ak East'iyorum
What is the exchange rate?KAMBIYO KURU NEDIR?kambiyo kur'u n'edir?
I would like in small billsUFAK PARA OLSUNuf'ak par'a ols'un
Where is the post office?POSTANE NEREDE?postaan'e n'erede?
I need postage stampsPUL, LUTFENpool, l'utfen
How much does it cost to ship?PUL NE KADAR?pool ne kad'ar?
Is there a movie theater nearby?yakinda sinema var mi?yakynd'a sin'ama v'army?
What are the attractive tourist spots here?turistik yerler nerede?tourist yerl'er n'erede?
Is there a museum nearby?yakinda muze var mi?yakynd'a muz'e v'army?
Where can you swim here?nerede yuzebilirim?n'erede yuzabil'irim?
Where can you go jogging here?nerede kosabilirim?n'erede koshabil'irim?
Where can you go to dance here?yakinda disko var mi?yakynd'a d'isko v'army?

In hotel

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
I would like a numberbos odaniz var mibosh odan'yz v'army
My surname…benim adim ...be'nim a'dym ...
a room has been booked for merezervasyonum varreserve'ionum var
For one personbir kisilikbir swarmed
For twoiki kisilikiki swarmed
I have booked earlierrezervasyonum varreserve'um var
For one nightbir gecelikbir gejel'ik
For two nightsIKI GECELIKiki gedzhel'ik
For a weekBIR HAFTALIKbir haftal'yk
Do you have another number?BASKA ODANIZ VAR MI?bashk'a odan'yz v'army?
With an en suite bathroom?TUVALETLI, BANYOLUtuveletl'i, banyel'u?
Internet access?INTERNETE BAGLANTILI MI?internet baalantylymy?
Is there a quieter room here?DAHA SAKIN ODANIZ VAR MI?dah'a saak'in odan'yz v'army?
Is there a larger room here?DAHA BUYUK ODANIZ VAR MI?dakh'a byyuk odan'yz v'army?
Is there a gym here?ANTREMAN ODASI VAR MI?antrem'an odas'y v'army?
Is there a pool here?HAVUZ VAR MI?hav'uz v'army?
Do you have a fax machine?FAKS MAKINESI NEREDE?fax makines'i n'erede?
How much does a room cost?ODANIN FIYAT NEDIR?oda'nyn fiya'ty not'dir?
Are there any discounts for children?COCUK INDIRIMI VAR MI?cho'juk indie'rimi var'my?
What is the room number?ODAMIN NUMARASI KAC?oda'myn numara's kach?
Which floor?HANGI KATA?‘Hangi kat’ta?
Room on ... floorODNIZ ... KATTADIRoda'nyz ... kat'tadyr
May I see the number?ODAYI GOREBILIR MIYIM?oda'yy gorebi'lirmiyim?
Is there a number ...?DAHA… ODALAR VAR MI?yes'ha ... oda'lar var are we?
I am leaving and would like to pay the billsAYRILIYORUM, HESABI ALABILIR MIYIMayryl'yorum, khesab'y alabil'irmiyim

Seasons of the day and years

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
What time is it now?SAAT KAC?sa'at quality?
midnightGECE YARICIgedzh'e yarys'y
It's one o'clock nowSAAT BIRsa'at bir
It's 2 pm nowSAAT IKIsa'at ik'i
It is now 5 hours 45 minutesSAAT DORTsa'at besh kyrkb'esh
It's 3 hours 30 minutes nowSAAT UC BUCUKsa'at yuch buch'uk
It is now 7 hours 3 minutesSAAT YADIYI UC GECIYORsa'at ediy'i yuch getch'iyor
day (after 12.00)OGLEDEN SONRAeiled'en sonr'a
MondayPAZARTESIgroove 'artesi
This MondayBU PAZARTESIboo paz'arthesi
Last weekGECEN HAFTAgetch'en haft'a
What's the date today?BUGUN AYIN KACI?boog'un ay'in kach'y?


Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
0 sifirsyf'yr
1 birbir
2 ikiuk'i
3 ucyuch
4 dortdirt
5 besbosh
6 altialt'y
7 yedifood
8 sekizsec's
9 dokuzdoc'uz
10 onit
11 on birhe is bir
12 on ikihe ik'i
20 yirmiy'irmi
30 otuzfrom'uz
40 kirkkyrk
50 elliell'ee
60 altmisa (l) tm'ysh
70 yetmisyet you
80 seksensex'en
90 doksandox'an
100 yuzskid
101 yuz biryuz bir
200 iki yuziki yuz
300 uc yuzyuch yuz
400 dort yuzdirt yuz
500 bes yuzdon't use
1 000 binbin

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
butcher shopKASAPcas'ap
men's clothingERKEK GIYIMIerk'ek giyim'i
women's clothingBAYAN GIYIMIba'yan giyim'i
I need a city mapSEHIR PLANI ISTIYORUMshekh'ir Plian'y East'iyorum
I would like a photographic filmFOTOGRAF MAKINEME FILM ISTIYORUMphotoor'af makinam'e film isst'iyorum
I would like itBUNU ISTIYORUMbun'u east'iyorum
When does the store close?DUKKAN SAAT KACTA KAPANIYOR?dukk'yan sa'at kakt'a kapan'yor?
When does the store open?DUKKAN SAAT KACTA ACILIYOR?dukk'yan sa'at kacht'a acyl'yor?
Email me this pleaseYAZAR MISINIZ LUTFENyaz'armysynyz l'utfen
How much is it?O NE KADAR?oh ne kad'ar?

To the restaurant and cafe

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Where is a good restaurant here?NEREDE IYI BIR LOKANTA VAR?n'erede iy'i bir lok'anta var?
Table for two pleaseIKI KISILIK BIR MASA LUFTENik'i kishil'ik bir mas'a, l'utfen
Menu, pleaseMENU, LUFTENmenu, l'utfen
main courseANA YEMEKan'a em'ek
I'd like a drinkBIRSEY ICMEK ISTIYORUMbirsh’ey ichm’ek is’yorum
A cup of tea pleaseBIR CAY LUFTENbir chai, l'utfen
coffee with milkSUTLU KAHVEsyutl'yu kahve'e
Vegetarian menu pleaseVEJETARYAN MENU LUTFENvezhetar'yan menu, l'utfen
It's allHEPSI BUhepsi boo
The check, pleaseHESAP LUTFENhes'ap, l'utfen
dinnerOGLE YEMEGIe-mail
dinnerAKSAM YEMEGIaksh'am emey'i
the spoonKASIKkash'yk
a cupFINCANfinj'yan
a bottle of wineBIR SISE SARAPbir shish'e shar'ap
ice cubesBUZbooze
porkDOMUZ ETIhouse'uz et'i
beefDANA ETIdan'a et'i
the juiceMEYVE SUYUmaeve su'yu
ice creamDONDURMAdondurm'a
One more, pleaseBIR TANE DAHA LUTFENbir tan'e dakh'a, l'utfen

The phrasebook has several topics, each of which has a translation and pronunciation of all kinds of necessary phrases.

Greetings is a list of words that will help you start communicating with the locals.

Standard phrases are the biggest topic, which has collected a lot of really necessary words that are often used in everyday life. These words will greatly simplify your communication with the Turks.

Station - a list of common phrases that will come in handy at the station.

Passport Control - Arriving in Turkey you will need to go through passport control. Thanks to this topic, you will complete this procedure in no time.

Orientation in the city - if this is your first time in this or that city in Turkey, you will definitely need the phrases that are collected in this topic. There is everything here to help you find your way around the city.

Hotel - don't know how to order room cleaning in Turkish and ask for breakfast? Do not understand what is required of you at the reception? Then rather open this topic, and you will find answers and suitable words.

Emergencies - if you get into some kind of trouble, open this topic without hesitation and look for words that are suitable for you in this situation.

Dates and Time - translation of words that denote date or exact time.

Shopping - using the Russian-Turkish phrasebook, which you can download from our website, you can easily make any purchases.

Restaurant - wanted to have a bite to eat in a restaurant but don't know how to order a dish in Turkish? Our section will help you to have a good time in the restaurant.

Numbers and Digits - Translation of numbers in Turkish.

Turkey is a country that each of you knows firsthand. Every year more and more tourists come to Turkey to soak up the sun on the shores of the clean Black Sea. This is a unique state that is rich in historical monuments, has a huge cultural heritage, attracts with nightclubs, beaches and, of course, its world-famous markets. Here you will find both leisure to your liking and goods. However, both for one and for the second one will need at least a minimal knowledge of the Turkish language, because being in a foreign state you can accidentally get lost or get into some kind of emergency. In order for you not to feel a drop of discomfort during your stay in Turkey, we have compiled an excellent Russian-Turkish phrasebook.

Everyday phrases

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
How are you?nasilsiniz?n'asylsyn'yz?
Excellent thank youiyiyim sag oluni-‘i-yim, s’aolun
What is your name?adiniz ne?adyn'yz not?
My name is Mehmedadim mehmetad'im Mehmet
Nice to meet youmemnun oldummem'un old'um
Presenthediyenizhey'ne down
Thank you (you)sagol (sagolun)sa'ol (sao'lun)
You are welcomerica ederimry'ja ed'rim
Not worth itbir sey degilbir shey de'il
May I ask you…?bir sey sorabilir miyim?bir Shey Sorabi'lirmiyim
Can I smoke here?burada sigara icilir mi?borahda si'gar ichi'lir mi?
Can I sit here?buraya oturabilir miyimbura'ya oturabi'lirmiyim
No Unfortunatelyne yazik ki, hayirnot ya 'language ki' hayir
How are you (are you) doing (are you)?nasilsin (nasilsiniz)?nasyl'son (nasylsy'nyz)
How are you?isler nasil? / nasil gidiyor?ish'ler send? / send guide
Glad to see yousizi gormek ne hossi'zi gur'mek not hosh
you are welcomelutfenl'utfen
Thank you very muchcok tesekkurchok teshekk'ur edar'im
I'm sorryozur dilerimdealership
Excuse mepardonp'ardon
I do not understandanalamiyorumanl'amyorum
I do not speak Turkishturkce biliyorumt'yurkche bilmiyorum
I don't speak Turkish very wellturkcem iyi degilturkch'em iy'i de'il
Speak slower pleaseyavas konusabilir misinizyav'ash konushabil'ir, misin'iz
Repeat pleasetekrar edebilir misiniztekr'ar edabil'ir, misin'iz
Where is the exit?cikis nerede?chyk'ysh n'erede?
Who is it?kim o?kim oh?
When?ne zaman?ne zam'an?
How?nasil?n 'sent?
How many?… Ne kadar?... ne kad'ar?
I dont knowbilmiyorumbilmiyorum
Hello, what's your name?MERHABA ADINIZ NEDIR?m'er (x) aba, adyn'yz n'edir?
May I sit here?BURAYA OTURABILIR MIYIM?bora'ya oturabil'irmiyim?
Where do you live?NEREDE OTURUYORSUNUZ?n'erede otur'uersunuz?
This is my friendBU BENIM ARKADASIMboo ben'im arcadash'im
This is my wife / my husbandBU BENIM ESIMboo ben'im ash'im
I really like the food hereYEMEKLER COK LEZZETLIemekl'er chok lezzatl'y
I travel with my familyAILEMLE BIRLIKTEYIMfile'emle birlik'eyim
We are touristsBIZ TURISTIZbiz tur'istiz
Do you like to dance?DANSETMEYI SEVER MISINIZ?dansetmey'i sev'ermisiniz?
May I meet your friend?ARKADASINIZLA TANISABILIR MIYIM?arkadashyn'yzla tanishabil'irmiyim?
What's your phone number?TELEFON NUMARANIZ NEDIR?telef'on numaran'yz n'edir?
I had a great timeHARIKA ZAMAN GECIRDIMhaarik'a zam'an gechird'im
I have to callTELEFON ETMEM GEREKtelef'on etm'em ger'ek
I need to send a faxFAKS CEKMEM GEREKfax checkm ger'ek
Do you have a fax for me?BANA FAKS VAR MI?ban'a fax in'army?
Where is the computer here?BILGISA YAR NEREDE?bilgisay'ar n'erede?
I need to send an e-mailE-MAIL GONDERMEM GEREKim'ale gönderm'em ger'ek
Can I use the internet?INTERNET'E BAGLANABILIR MIYIM?internet'e baalanabil'irmiyim?
Do you have a website on the Internet?WEB SAYFANIZ VAR MI?web saifan'yz v'army?


At the train station

At customs

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Where is the customs?gumruk nerede?gyumr'uk n'erede?
Where is passport control?pasaport kontrolu nerede?passap'ort control n'erede?
Do you have something to declare?declare? deklare edecek birseyiniz var mi?deklar'e eddzh'ek bi (r) shayin'iz v'army?
I have nothing to declaredeklare edecek birseyim yokdeklar'e edj'ek bi (r) sha'im yok
I have things to declaredeklare edecek birseyim vardeklar'e edj'ek bi (r) she'im var
Where is the baggage claim area?bagaji nereden alabiliriz?luggage n'ereden alabil'iriz?
Where is the information?enformasion nerede?enformasyon n'erede?
I would like to…... istiyorum... ist'iyorum
I would like a window seatpenecere tarafinda oturmak istiyorumpenjer'e tarafind'a oturm'ak isst'iyorum
Are there flights to ...?... seferler var mi?... sefer’ler var are we?
When is the next flight?en yakin sefer ne zaman?en ya'kyn se'fer not za'man?
Is that a direct flight?bu sefer direk mi?will you sefer di'rek mi?
What is the exit for flight number ...?... numarali seferin cikis hangisi?... numara’ly sefe’rin chy’kysh ‘hangisi?
Can I take this bag with me?bu cantayi (valizi yanima alabilir miyim?bu chanta'yy (wal'zi) yany'ma alabi'lirmiyim?
You have excess baggagebagaj fazlasi varba'gazh fazla's var
How much should I pay for being overweight?bagaj fazlasi icin ne kadar odemeliyim?ba’gazh fazla’s i’chin not kadar ‘odem’liim?
Here is my…iste ...and’shte ...
I would like an aisle seatic tarafta oturmak istiyorumich taraft'a oturm'ak ist'iyorum
Where can I get a taxi?taksi, ye nereden binebilirim?taxi n'erede binabil'irim?
Where does the bus stop?otobis nerede duruyor?otobis nerede duruyor?
Where is the exit?cikis nerede?chyk'ysh n'erede?
Take me to this address, pleasebeni bu adrese goturun, lutfenben'i boo adress'e getyur'un l'utfen
How much is? (travel)ucret nedir?yudzhr'et n'edir?
Can you stop here?burada durabilir misiniz?bur (a) d'a durabil'irmisiniz?
Does this bus go to Mahmutlyar district?bu otobus maxmutlar'a gidiyor mu?will you otob'yus Makhmutlyar'a guide?
Alanya map pleasebir alanya haritasi. lutfenbir al'ania haritas'y l'utfen


Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Can you help me?BANA YARDIM EDER MISINIZ?ban'a yard'em ad'ermisiniz?
I lost my luggageBAGAJIMI KAYBETTIMluggage kaybett'im
I've lost my walletCUZDANIMI KAYBETTIMjuzdanym'y kaybett'im
I'm lostKAYBOLDUMkybold'um
I got robbedCUZDANIM CALINDIjuzdan'ym chalynd'y
I don't know where my baby isCOCUGUM KAYBOLDUchoju’um kaybold’u
I need a doctorDOKTORA IHTIYACIM VARdoctor'a ichtiyaj'im var
Call an ambulanceAMBULANS CAGIRINambul'yans chayr'yn
I am allergic to penicillinPENISILIN'E ALERJIM VARpenisilin'e alert'im var
I feel dizzyBASIM DONUYORbash'im den'yur
I'm sickMIDEM BULANIYORmiid'em bulan'yor
I have a pain in my armKOLUM AGRIYORkol'um aar'yor
I have a pain in my legBACAGIM AGRIYORbadja’ym aar’yor
I have a headacheBASIM AGRIYORbash'ym aar'yor

City walk

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Excuse me, where is ...?affedersiniz ... nerede?affed'ersinise ... n'erede?
Go ...... gidin... guide'in
Go straightduz gidinnozzle guide
Go thereo tarafa gidino taraf'a guide'in
Turn ...donun ...dong'un ...
Go backgeri donunher'y dong'yun
Turn leftsola sapinsol'a sap'yn
Turn rightsaga sapinsa'a sap'yn
At the end of the streetsokagin sonundasoka'eun sonund'a
On the cornerkosedekyoshed'e
First left turnilk soldailk sold'a
Second turn to the rightikinci sagdaikinj'i saad'a
It's nearby?yakin mi?yak'yn we?
It is far?uzak mi?how are we?
traffic lightisiktayyshykt'a
bus stopotobus duragiotob'yus stupid
Where is the bank located?BANKA NEREDE?b'anka n'erede?
I would like to change moneyBEN PARA BOZDURMAK ISTIYORUMben Par'a Bozdurm'ak East'iyorum
What is the exchange rate?KAMBIYO KURU NEDIR?kambiyo kur'u n'edir?
I would like in small billsUFAK PARA OLSUNuf'ak par'a ols'un
Where is the post office?POSTANE NEREDE?postaan'e n'erede?
I need postage stampsPUL, LUTFENpool, l'utfen
How much does it cost to ship?PUL NE KADAR?pool ne kad'ar?
Is there a movie theater nearby?yakinda sinema var mi?yakynd'a sin'ama v'army?
What are the attractive tourist spots here?turistik yerler nerede?tourist yerl'er n'erede?
Is there a museum nearby?yakinda muze var mi?yakynd'a muz'e v'army?
Where can you swim here?nerede yuzebilirim?n'erede yuzabil'irim?
Where can you go jogging here?nerede kosabilirim?n'erede koshabil'irim?
Where can you go to dance here?yakinda disko var mi?yakynd'a d'isko v'army?

In hotel

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
I would like a numberbos odaniz var mibosh odan'yz v'army
My surname…benim adim ...be'nim a'dym ...
a room has been booked for merezervasyonum varreserve'ionum var
For one personbir kisilikbir swarmed
For twoiki kisilikiki swarmed
I have booked earlierrezervasyonum varreserve'um var
For one nightbir gecelikbir gejel'ik
For two nightsIKI GECELIKiki gedzhel'ik
For a weekBIR HAFTALIKbir haftal'yk
Do you have another number?BASKA ODANIZ VAR MI?bashk'a odan'yz v'army?
With an en suite bathroom?TUVALETLI, BANYOLUtuveletl'i, banyel'u?
Internet access?INTERNETE BAGLANTILI MI?internet baalantylymy?
Is there a quieter room here?DAHA SAKIN ODANIZ VAR MI?dah'a saak'in odan'yz v'army?
Is there a larger room here?DAHA BUYUK ODANIZ VAR MI?dakh'a byyuk odan'yz v'army?
Is there a gym here?ANTREMAN ODASI VAR MI?antrem'an odas'y v'army?
Is there a pool here?HAVUZ VAR MI?hav'uz v'army?
Do you have a fax machine?FAKS MAKINESI NEREDE?fax makines'i n'erede?
How much does a room cost?ODANIN FIYAT NEDIR?oda'nyn fiya'ty not'dir?
Are there any discounts for children?COCUK INDIRIMI VAR MI?cho'juk indie'rimi var'my?
What is the room number?ODAMIN NUMARASI KAC?oda'myn numara's kach?
Which floor?HANGI KATA?‘Hangi kat’ta?
Room on ... floorODNIZ ... KATTADIRoda'nyz ... kat'tadyr
May I see the number?ODAYI GOREBILIR MIYIM?oda'yy gorebi'lirmiyim?
Is there a number ...?DAHA… ODALAR VAR MI?yes'ha ... oda'lar var are we?
I am leaving and would like to pay the billsAYRILIYORUM, HESABI ALABILIR MIYIMayryl'yorum, khesab'y alabil'irmiyim

Seasons of the day and years

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
What time is it now?SAAT KAC?sa'at quality?
midnightGECE YARICIgedzh'e yarys'y
It's one o'clock nowSAAT BIRsa'at bir
It's 2 pm nowSAAT IKIsa'at ik'i
It is now 5 hours 45 minutesSAAT DORTsa'at besh kyrkb'esh
It's 3 hours 30 minutes nowSAAT UC BUCUKsa'at yuch buch'uk
It is now 7 hours 3 minutesSAAT YADIYI UC GECIYORsa'at ediy'i yuch getch'iyor
day (after 12.00)OGLEDEN SONRAeiled'en sonr'a
MondayPAZARTESIgroove 'artesi
This MondayBU PAZARTESIboo paz'arthesi
Last weekGECEN HAFTAgetch'en haft'a
What's the date today?BUGUN AYIN KACI?boog'un ay'in kach'y?


Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
0 sifirsyf'yr
1 birbir
2 ikiuk'i
3 ucyuch
4 dortdirt
5 besbosh
6 altialt'y
7 yedifood
8 sekizsec's
9 dokuzdoc'uz
10 onit
11 on birhe is bir
12 on ikihe ik'i
20 yirmiy'irmi
30 otuzfrom'uz
40 kirkkyrk
50 elliell'ee
60 altmisa (l) tm'ysh
70 yetmisyet you
80 seksensex'en
90 doksandox'an
100 yuzskid
101 yuz biryuz bir
200 iki yuziki yuz
300 uc yuzyuch yuz
400 dort yuzdirt yuz
500 bes yuzdon't use
1 000 binbin

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
butcher shopKASAPcas'ap
men's clothingERKEK GIYIMIerk'ek giyim'i
women's clothingBAYAN GIYIMIba'yan giyim'i
I need a city mapSEHIR PLANI ISTIYORUMshekh'ir Plian'y East'iyorum
I would like a photographic filmFOTOGRAF MAKINEME FILM ISTIYORUMphotoor'af makinam'e film isst'iyorum
I would like itBUNU ISTIYORUMbun'u east'iyorum
When does the store close?DUKKAN SAAT KACTA KAPANIYOR?dukk'yan sa'at kakt'a kapan'yor?
When does the store open?DUKKAN SAAT KACTA ACILIYOR?dukk'yan sa'at kacht'a acyl'yor?
Email me this pleaseYAZAR MISINIZ LUTFENyaz'armysynyz l'utfen
How much is it?O NE KADAR?oh ne kad'ar?

To the restaurant and cafe

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Where is a good restaurant here?NEREDE IYI BIR LOKANTA VAR?n'erede iy'i bir lok'anta var?
Table for two pleaseIKI KISILIK BIR MASA LUFTENik'i kishil'ik bir mas'a, l'utfen
Menu, pleaseMENU, LUFTENmenu, l'utfen
main courseANA YEMEKan'a em'ek
I'd like a drinkBIRSEY ICMEK ISTIYORUMbirsh’ey ichm’ek is’yorum
A cup of tea pleaseBIR CAY LUFTENbir chai, l'utfen
coffee with milkSUTLU KAHVEsyutl'yu kahve'e
Vegetarian menu pleaseVEJETARYAN MENU LUTFENvezhetar'yan menu, l'utfen
It's allHEPSI BUhepsi boo
The check, pleaseHESAP LUTFENhes'ap, l'utfen
dinnerOGLE YEMEGIe-mail
dinnerAKSAM YEMEGIaksh'am emey'i
the spoonKASIKkash'yk
a cupFINCANfinj'yan
a bottle of wineBIR SISE SARAPbir shish'e shar'ap
ice cubesBUZbooze
porkDOMUZ ETIhouse'uz et'i
beefDANA ETIdan'a et'i
the juiceMEYVE SUYUmaeve su'yu
ice creamDONDURMAdondurm'a
One more, pleaseBIR TANE DAHA LUTFENbir tan'e dakh'a, l'utfen

The phrasebook has several topics, each of which has a translation and pronunciation of all kinds of necessary phrases.

Greetings is a list of words that will help you start communicating with the locals.

Standard phrases are the biggest topic, which has collected a lot of really necessary words that are often used in everyday life. These words will greatly simplify your communication with the Turks.

Station - a list of common phrases that will come in handy at the station.

Passport Control - Arriving in Turkey you will need to go through passport control. Thanks to this topic, you will complete this procedure in no time.

Orientation in the city - if this is your first time in this or that city in Turkey, you will definitely need the phrases that are collected in this topic. There is everything here to help you find your way around the city.

Hotel - don't know how to order room cleaning in Turkish and ask for breakfast? Do not understand what is required of you at the reception? Then rather open this topic, and you will find answers and suitable words.

Emergencies - if you get into some kind of trouble, open this topic without hesitation and look for words that are suitable for you in this situation.

Dates and Time - translation of words that denote date or exact time.

Shopping - using the Russian-Turkish phrasebook, which you can download from our website, you can easily make any purchases.

Restaurant - wanted to have a bite to eat in a restaurant but don't know how to order a dish in Turkish? Our section will help you to have a good time in the restaurant.

Numbers and Digits - Translation of numbers in Turkish.


For the average Russian, there are only a couple of places for relatively cheap and comfortable rest. One of these places is Turkey. If you are going to go on vacation to this particular country, then the following application may be useful to you. To communicate with the local population, at least at a primitive level, you can try using russian-Turkish phrasebook... Which contains the simplest phrases for a variety of situations. The application can be downloaded for free from our website. All information used to create the application is taken from open sources.


Everything in the application is done very simply and uncommon. There are 2 color modes: day and night. For the convenience of a tourist, all phrases are divided into categories and you can always find what you need in terms of content, starting from "specifying the time" and uploading "Turkish sayings". Only, probably for a Russian tourist, with the help of this application you can also learn to swear in Turkish.

The phrasebook provides a keyword search, which is very convenient. Suppose you are in a market or a store, and you need to ask "how much does it cost?" In this case, go to the search and type in the word "how much". The application will instantly find all phrases in which the given word is used.


The application contains the most basic phrases that you may need when visiting Turkey. All information is presented in an easy-to-read form. It's a pity that you can't add your own phrases, and there is no built-in translator. I hope this application is useful to you.