Balls 12 inches. What are the sizes of balls

The industry produces balls of various sizes. The manufacturer indicates the size of the balloons on the package. For example, they write that these balls are 5 "(five inches), or write that the balls are 30 cm or 12". Let's see what this means and how the size of the balls is determined.

The size of inflated balloons means the size of the diameter of the inflated balloon in the widest part, across the balloon, i.e. along the equator. The manufacturer indicates the maximum possible size of the inflated balloon. Of course, no one inflates balloons up to this size. In practice, the balloons are inflated to a size that is less than the maximum. The size of the balloons to be inflated depends on the characteristics of balloons from different manufacturers, and also depends on the purpose of the balloons.

For balloons of each manufacturer, and for each of their purposes, it is possible to determine the optimal size of the balloons to be inflated. Based on our experience with balls, we will allow ourselves to determine the optimal sizes for different balls

Optimal sizes of inflated balloons

Italian balls GEMAR (Jemar):

  • The 5 "balloons are inflated to a size of 10 cm.
  • Balls 10 "are inflated to a size of 20 - 21 cm.
  • 12 "balloons inflate to a size of 22 - 23 cm.

Colombian balls Sempertex (Sempertex)

  • Balls 5 "inflate to 11 cm.
  • 10 "balloons inflate to a size of 22 - 23 cm.
  • 12 "balloons inflate to a size of 25 - 26 cm.

Mexican balls GLOBOS PAYASO (Globos Piazzo)

  • The 5 "balloons are inflated to a size of 12 cm.
  • 12 "balloons inflate to a size of 27 - 28 cm.

Large (meter) 36 "balloons are inflated to a size of 80 - 85 cm.

By inflating air balloons to the optimum size, it is possible to obtain the largest balloon sizes with the longest possible balloon life. Balls inflated to a size that is more than optimal are considered over-inflated (they resemble a pear), and such balls also have strongly stretched walls. Overturned balls burst easily and deflate quickly. If the balloons are inflated to a size that is less than the optimal size, the balloons are too soft. If you use such balls in products (garlands, panels), then the consumption of such balls will increase due to the small size of the balls.

However, sometimes, when increased strength of the balls is required (thick walls are needed for the balls), balls inflated by a size less than optimal are used. As a rule, these are street decorations.

Balloons located on the street receive a lot of damaging effects from sunlight and wind, which cause oxidation of the latex of the balloons (white bloom on the balloons). Inflated balloons outside are covered with dust, and when they rub against each other under the influence of the wind, the dust scratches the balloons.

Ordinary balloons, inflated to their optimal size, will not live long in street conditions. Therefore, in order to increase the lifetime of the balls on the street, they use balls one size larger, and inflate them one size smaller. For example, for a street garland I use 12 "Sempertex balloons and inflate them to a diameter of 21 cm.

Balloon size control

The most convenient and simple way to provide a given size of the balloons being inflated is to use a caliber, or as they sometimes say "calibrator". Gauges represent the size of the ball. The balloon is inflated to a size exceeding the specified one, and then, releasing air from the balloon, pass it through the limiter, i.e. calibrate. As soon as the ball assumes a given diameter, air bleeding from the ball is stopped and the ball is tied. Thus, you can get balls of a given size in an unlimited number.

Independent calibers, as a rule, are made from large and durable cardboard boxes, on the walls of which holes (round or square) of the desired size are cut. With just a couple of boxes, you can get calibration holes suitable for all kinds of balls. Also, improvised calibers are used. For example, you can use a pair of chairs, the distance between which is set as needed. In any case, the ball to be calibrated must pass perpendicularly into the hole and not at an angle.

The material was written by Sergey Leshchanov.

The Magic Company is a wholesale supplier of balloons for aerodesign.

Our online balloon store:

The variety of balloons is amazing. When you decide to decorate the celebration with their help, you need to decide on the required size of products. In this article we will tell you some of the nuances of this issue.

Globally, the diameter of a helium balloon is measured in inches. This is a generally accepted value. Kindly Remind: 1inch \u003d 2.54cm. Measurements are carried out along the height of the product (from the top to the tail), since the balls may differ in width. Main dimensions: 5.9-10.12 inches. More rarely, 14- and 36-inch balls are used.

Small balls for us are 12 cm high. These are five-inch products. Arches, garlands are made from them, they are also convenient in the formation of frame structures. They create large hearts, numbers or letters.

This is followed by 9-inch products (22 cm). They are well suited as components for garlands or braids. Such balloons are filled with helium for mass launch. They can also be placed under the ceiling in small rooms.

Balls 12 "are equal to our 30cm. This is the standard size. Such products are inflated with air, helium. Application - creating shapes.

Balls of 14 inches are used to apply text or images. They are usually thematic. Mostly inflated with helium.

For a surprise balloon (when there is content inside), 36-inch balloons are most often used. To run upward, fill with helium.

In "Ball 33" you can buy balloons of large sizes and small ones at affordable prices, individually and in the form of ready-made figures, arches, fountains. We have any sizes and shapes of products, there are many colors. Details are in the catalog on the website.

Study the offers of our store and let your imagination run wild - we are able to implement any of your ideas!

Most often, aerodesigners use foreign-made balloons (Italy, Colombia, Mexico) in their work. Foreign companies indicate the size of the balls in inches, not centimeters, which causes a lot of difficulties for Russian customers. To calculate the diameter of the ball, you should know that an inch is equal to 2.5 centimeters.

The main dimensions of the balls and their application

1. Giant balloons with a diameter of 1 and 2 meters, large-diameter balloons of 90 and 60 cm. These big guys are used for spectacular decoration of a room, organizing photo sessions, as well as making a surprise balloon, which is a large ball filled with confetti, toys and small balls ... These are great decor items for a spacious room. Often giant balls are decorated with tassel garlands, which are tassels made of thin paper of bright colors.

2. 14 inches (35 cm). Balls are standard size. They are used for decoration of holidays, filled with helium. Not the most popular balloon size for aerodesigners, since their total cost with treatment and helium is significantly higher than that of 12-inch balloons, which practically do not differ in volume.

3. 12 inches (30 cm) is the most commonly used ball size. They are inflated with helium, used as an element of large figures or flowers, graceful arches. The flight time of such a balloon with Hi-float treatment and helium can be up to a month under favorable conditions.

4. 10 inches (25 cm). Balls of this size are used for special effects - dropping and launching a large number of balls. They also decorate the halls, distribute them on a stick during promotions, having decorated them with the necessary logo in advance. You can inflate such balloons with helium and air.

5. 9 inches (23 cm). Small balloons are best inflated with air. Helium-filled balloons of this size look more than modest and have a short flight time. They make luxurious large-sized flowers for decorating any events, framed arches, garlands.

6. 5 inches (13 cm). Balls of this size resemble a large apple or orange. Without them, it will not be possible to create figures of different characters, bright birthday numbers, romantic hearts for the design of the presidium. They are filled with air, since the "fives" filled with helium do not fly. However, helium is simply necessary to fill them when creating an explosion ball, because it is he who allows them to slowly and beautifully descend, creating a unique effect.