Research work of students of Lake Linevo and Danilovo. Okunevo is a mysterious place in Russia - five lakes of the Omsk region

Lake Danilovo is one of the most famous small lakes in the Novosibirsk region. According to legend, it was formed as a result of a meteorite fall. Due to its origin, the lake has an amazing property: its purest water contains an abnormally large amount of silver. The legend led to the appearance of a second name near the reservoir - Silver. The lake is part of a group of mythical "Five Lakes", each of which contributes to good health and longevity.

The shape of the lake is an oval, while the length is 0.78 km and the width is 0.45 km. Area - 29 hectares. The depth of the reservoir increases towards the center according to the data of scuba divers. In 1975, the expedition of D.N. Fialkova in the center of the lake set a depth of 18 m.

From all sides the coast is surrounded by centuries-old pines, there are lonely bushes of bird cherry, mountain ash, viburnum and honeysuckle, aspen, in the Malokrasnoyarsk direction adjoins a birch forest. Thickets of marsh cinquefoil, reeds, reeds and cattails rise from the water along the shore.

The water is very transparent, at a depth of up to 3-5 m the bottom is visible, in shallow water schools of fish fry are visible. By mid-June, it warms up well, and favorable conditions are created not only for swimming, but also for scuba diving.

On the shore of the lake there is a deposit of green-bluish clay, which is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The water also has medicinal properties due to its high silver content. Infusions and decoctions prepared from Danilovskaya water are highly effective, and the water rejuvenates the body well. It helps not only in the treatment of skin diseases, but also in toothache. This water even cures cancer.

There is a recreation area next to the lake. Throughout the southern sandy coast there are tents and parking lots for vacationers. Tourists come from Omsk, Novosibirsk regions, as well as other regions of Siberia. You can also meet foreigners. After walking around the surroundings of Lake Danilovo, guests can take a steam bath in a real Russian bathhouse with birch brooms. The rental office provides tents for a different number of places. Fishing available. They catch pike, perch, rudd, tench.

Location: Novosibirsk region, Kyshtovsky district, land use area of ​​the village of Malokrasnoyarka, at a distance of 12 km from the village of Malokrasnoyarki, Kyshtovsky district and at a distance of about 1 km from the village of Kurganki, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region

How to get there: the distance from the village of Kyshtovka (regional center of the Kyshtovsky district) to Lake Danilovo is 64 km by car, from Novosibirsk to the lake - 660 km by car (to the village of Malokrasnoyarki, Kyshtovsky district and 10 km by forest road to the lake).
There is a bus service from the Novosibirsk bus station (Red Avenue, 4) to the village of Kyshtovki. There is also a bus from the village of Kyshtovka to the village of Malokrasnoyarka. From Malokrasnoyarka to Lake Danilovo you can take a taxi, in addition, there is also a taxi from the village of Kyshtovka to the lake.

You can see the natural and other sights of the Novosibirsk region on

studies of water and silt of lakes Linevo and Danilovo
Omsk region
bioindication method on human cell culture HEP-2
The research was carried out by a group consisting of:
Mikhailova L.P., Doctor of Medicine Sci., Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Morphology and Cell Cultures of the Scientific Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences - head of work,
Ignatovich N.V. Senior Researcher, Ph.D.,
Akhromenko E.S. Researcher.
The above water was received by the laboratory of morphology and cell cultures to be studied for
1. toxicity,
2. activating properties of water that affect the growth of cell culture and increase its viability (SP),
3. cell division, i.e. mitotic activity of cell culture (MA%)
4. study of cellular protein synthesis
The research was carried out on cell culture Hep - 2.
After the formation of a cell monolayer, the culture medium was replaced with a nutrient medium containing the test water. Cell culture without water addition served as a control. Morphological preparations were prepared for 48, 72 and 120 hours according to the general accepted method, the total number of cells (Sp) and mitoses (cell division MA%) were counted under a microscope according to the method of S. B. Stefanov.
Lake water Danilovo
Exposure 48 hours. Water has even greater bioenergetic activity: there are 40% more cells in the monolayer than in the control (!), mitotic activity is high (control - 0.6%, experiment - 1.0%). Pathology of mitoses - no.
At an exposure of 72 hours, compared to 48 hours of exposure, cells grew by 28% more, high mitotic activity (cell division) (control - 0.9%, experience - 1.2%).
Studies of the bioenergetic activity of the waters of the surveyed lakes confirm that the water is of high quality and has a high bioenergetic activity, i.e. can increase the bioenergetics of not only the cell, but also the person.
Such water is unique in its properties and is suitable as high-quality drinking water and for the preparation of medicinal and other solutions.
The study of the water of the lake. Linevo, especially from the surface of the lake, and from the depth showed that the water is of good quality, it actively affects the growth of cells, and hence the person. Suitable as drinking water. It should be noted that water taken from the surface is more active. In our opinion, this is explained by the fact that the water surface is more exposed to solar and cosmic (interplanetary magnetic field, gravitation) influence, leading to structural rearrangements in water molecules. In previous experiments of our institute (IKEM SB RAMS), we studied these questions, and the answer was unambiguous.
As for the silt of the lake. Linevo, it also actively affects the cells, and hence the person. Both water and sludge, given the results of protein synthesis, cell monolayer, cell mitosis, active monolayer growth (SP) can have medicinal properties.
Lake water research Danilovo showed, as before (results of 2002), a high activity of the monolayer, which exceeds this parameter than in the lake. Linevo.
Cells grow well from 48 hours to 120 hours, they are healthy, shiny, with large nuclei, nucleoli, ready for synthesis (i.e., further growth, since a large amount of protein accumulates).
It has been established that the water and silt of the lake. Linevo and Danilovo, especially Danilovo, actively increase the viability of the biosystem: cells and, a priori, human beings, not only by their qualities - increased cell growth, an increase in the number of mitoses, an increase in cell protein synthesis, but also by the presence of bioenergetics.
When comparing the water quality of the lake. Linevo and Danilovo with another control monolayer of cells with the addition of tap water (see Tables 1 and 1a) clearly shows how active these water samples are in their effect on human cells: they increase viability (Sp), a greater number of dividing cells are observed, and that very important, a high synthesis of cellular protein is always recorded. The studied lake water has a bioenergetic activity (see Table 3) that exceeds that of tap water, depending on the exposure time, by 24–45%; the number of mitoses is also always much greater than that of tap water.
And according to this indicator, the water of the lakes is unique and suitable for a person with its high quality.
The water of Linevo and Danilovo lakes is of high quality. It is unique in its properties and is suitable as high-quality drinking water, as well as for the preparation of medicinal and other various solutions to improve human health.
Doctor of Medical Sciences,
Leading Researcher, Head of Works
Mikhailova L.P.

The purpose of this article is to summarize information from various sources about Lake Danilovo, its state and biological value, and to develop recommendations for further purposeful use.

The main attraction of the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region is Lake Danilovo, which is distinguished by soft, clean, clear water and, according to research by specialists, has healing properties. The water of Lake Danilovo is a natural oxygen cocktail: the lake has a large number of springs that enrich it with oxygen, which, according to scientists, gives healing properties to water, improving metabolic processes in the body and activating its immune systems. It is unique in its properties and is suitable as high-quality drinking water, as well as for the preparation of medicinal and other various solutions to improve human health.

Lake Danilovo is one of the most famous small lakes in the Novosibirsk region, it is located on the territory of the land use of the village of Malokrasnoyarka, Kyshtovsky district, Novosibirsk region. In the north-western direction, at a distance of about 1 km, there is the nearest settlement - the village of Kurganka, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region. According to the memoirs of old-timers, the area with the lake often moved from one area to another.

The shape of the lake is an oval, while the length is 0.8 km and the width is 0.5 km. The depth of the lake increases towards the center, according to scuba divers in some places it reaches up to 16-17 meters. The nearby lakes Mishukhinskoye, Linevo, Krivoe, Grunichkino, Yelnichnoye, Abramochkino, Lipovskoe, Glubokoe (within a radius of 5 km from the lake in the Kyshtovsky district) are significantly inferior to this lake in depth and size. The shores are gently sloping, the southeastern shore has a hard sandy sloping bottom, the opposite one is swampy, swampy. From all sides the coast is surrounded by centuries-old pines, there are lonely bushes of bird cherry, mountain ash, viburnum and honeysuckle, aspen. In the Malokrasnoyarsk direction, a birch forest adjoins.

The water is very transparent, at a depth of up to 3-5 meters the bottom is visible, in shallow water schools of fish fry are visible. Thickets of reeds and cattails rise from the water along the shore. Swimming along the lake, you can meet rare water lilies…

Old-timers say that in the distant 20s of the last century, the merchant Danila, fleeing from Soviet power, fell through with a cart of silver, moving through this lake, from which the water in it became healing, and the lake was named after the merchant.

Sometimes the lake is called the "Pearl of Siberia" because of the unusual legends about the origin of the lake and the healing properties of its water. It is believed, according to legend, that Danilovo, like the lakes Urmannoye, Lenevo (often also called Linevo, like the neighboring lake in the Lesser Krasnoyarsk territory), Shaitan Lake and the unfound Hidden Lake, have the same origin - they were formed from the fall of five fragments of a large meteorite and all these 5 lakes are connected by the underground Shaitan River. Omsk researchers do not want to accept the opinion that Urmannoye, located in the east, 12 km from Malokrasnoyarka (behind the village of Malaya Skyrla), is one of the five lakes, they offer their own version - Lake Pike. The lakes are located approximately at an equal distance from each other in the form of the letter “G”, they have approximately the same shape and size, moreover, the water from all reservoirs does not deteriorate for a long time. According to clairvoyants Olga Gurbanovich, who lives in Nizhnevartovsk, and eight-year-old Lisa Podvysotskaya from the Komi Republic, people did not fully appreciate the peculiarity of water from all reservoirs: a swimmer in all lakes will acquire immortality. The local storyteller P. Ershov based this beautiful legend on the basis of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

There is also information that in the left part of the lake, using an echo sounder, a depression 67 meters deep was recorded. Such a depth allegedly indicates its meteorite origin. Local residents “saw” how eleven men caught a large stone, presumably of meteorite origin, located at the bottom of the lake and pulled it ashore. The next day they wanted to take him away, but he suddenly disappeared without a trace. There is an opinion that there are eyewitnesses not only of UFO flights, but also of visits to these places by aliens, which indicates that the lake seems to be under the scrutiny of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The fall of the meteorite is due to the amazing property of the lake - clear water, which supposedly contains an abnormally large amount of silver. For a long time, it was argued that due to the content of silver, the water of the lake has healing properties, so it is used by residents to treat various diseases. Currently, this legend has not yet received scientific confirmation, scientists suggest that the lake was formed by washing out soft sedimentary rocks with groundwater.

From the legends it appears that three lakes - Danilovo, Lenevo and Urmannoe - are connected by an underground river, the water in them is "holy" - it does not deteriorate for years, moreover, it can heal many diseases. The bottom of Lake Danilovo is triple!.. Scuba divers tested this legend. It turned out that there is some truth in this. Thick layers of algae are located in the water column in three floors, while each layer is, as it were, in limbo, and the roots of algae take everything they need for life directly from the water. The same divers found out that drowned people do not reach the bottom, but settle in the water. These effects in lake water at depth are created due to the high saturation with salts.

Water and mud have healing properties. Infusions and decoctions prepared from Danilovskaya water are highly effective, and the water rejuvenates the body well. It helps not only in the treatment of skin diseases, but also in toothache. Due to the high saturation of water with iodine in the Danilovo and Lenevo lakes, it is possible to heal patients with a thyroid gland. The healing properties of water were reported to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. N. Kosygin. In his book “Okunevsky Ark”, Muromtsev writer Mikhail Rechkin claims that the lake is energetically connected with a certain underground Temple near the village of Okunevo, located in the Omsk region, and that the healing power of the lake’s water lies not only in how much it contains certain microelements , but also in the still inexplicable energy-informational factor.

In the village of Malokrasnoyarka, this lake was first discussed in the 60s. Kuzma Kuzmich Mizgirev, the former chairman of the collective farm named after Lenin (that was the name of social production), wrote in his memoirs of that time in the regional newspaper Pravda Severa that the shepherd Sergei Fomich Frolov, who suffered from a skin disease, accidentally dropped his bald heads into the Danilov water. Putting them on his hands, he felt a decrease in pain in the palm of his hand, and by evening he found that the skin had become softer, the wounds were less painful. Soon after several “procedures”, the hands were cleansed and the shepherd, satisfied with the result, returned home and boasted of his healing. Soon the whole region started talking about the magical effect of water. (The fact that S. F. Frolov walked all summer in the golitsy is currently confirmed by other local old-timers).

Until the 1990s, Lake Danilovo and the nature around it were fabulous and virgin, rarely a human foot set foot here. Years passed and the rumor about the picturesque lake, and even having healing properties, quickly spread. People in cars rushed to the lake in search of health and relaxation. In the 90s, in the month of July, it was no longer possible to find a parking place.

The lake began to die: women were washing clothes right in the lake, cattle were grazed on the shore. In 1991, a large number of dead fry were found. And only by the effort of common sense, in subsequent years, arbitrariness and disorder were stopped, some kind of balance with nature was established. But the flow of tourists increased. Rumors about the uniqueness of the natural reservoir also grew.

In 1985, after a big flood, full-flowing Tara entered the lake on its own, there were no vacationers on the lake that year. The anthropogenic factor, in order to enrich the shallowing lake with water and fish, led to clogging of the water in the lake: in 2002, a canal was dug that connected the lake with the local river Tara. The water from the river was coffee-colored, it significantly reduced the transparency of the water in the lake and was able to pass self-cleaning only after a year.

There are known cases of getting rid of skin cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, psoriasis, arthritis and arthrosis and many other intractable diseases with the help of Danilov Lake water, although the healing properties of water have not been fully studied. A lot of important advantage of water is that it prevents the development of diseases in the body and is a good prophylactic. On the shore of the lake there is a deposit of green-bluish clay, which is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Vacationers take clay and water from the lake in canisters, flasks and other containers.

There is a recreation area next to the lake. Along the entire southern sandy coast there are tents, and simply campsites for vacationers. It is crowded here: among the able-bodied population there are many children and pensioners. Tourists come to the lake from the Omsk, Novosibirsk regions, as well as other regions of Siberia. You can also meet foreigners here. In dry hot weather, the lake is surrounded by up to 200 cars. Entrance to the territory of the recreation area is paid, the collected funds are used for cleaning the territory and maintaining order ... Residents of the Malokrasnoyarsk village council have the right to free entry to the coast. Tourists are offered water activities (rental of catamarans, scuba gear, boats, etc.), there are a volleyball court, kiosks, and baths on the shore. You can also buy barbecue here.

On the day of Epiphany, i.e. On January 19, which has long been considered the patronal “congress” holiday, residents of Little Krasnoyarsk prepare several fonts on the lake. Every year, the priest of the Kyshtov Church blesses the water in the fonts, plunges himself, and after him the residents of the Kyshtov region, Omsk, who arrived. It is believed that the number of pilgrims exceeds 200 people, incl. "walruses" of them - more than half.

For a long time, there was an opinion among local residents that Danilovskaya water has a high concentration of silver, respectively, the second name of the lake was "Silver". And only in the last decade a complete analysis of water has been carried out.

In August 2003, an ecological expedition was held to study the water bodies of the Muromtsevsky region (the Tara River, small rivers, lakes, including Lake Danilovo), organized by the Omsk regional branches of the Russian Geographical and Russian Geological Societies, as well as the Federal State Institution "Territorial Fund of Geological Information on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia for the Omsk Region”. The expedition was led by the director of the Federal State Institution "TFGI for the Omsk Region", the scientific secretary of the Regional Directorate of the Russian Geographical Society and RosGeo I. A. Vyatkin and the Deputy Chairman of the Regional Directorate of RosGeo, Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation F. I. Novikov. During the expedition, hydrological, ecological and geobotanical studies were carried out.

The collected water samples were examined in the laboratory of the Omsk State Technical University. It was revealed that silver is contained in water in rather small amounts and does not exceed the usual norms. But on the other hand, a huge amount of free oxygen was discovered: the water in the lake is constantly changing due to the many underground sources and brings oxygen, this explains the healing properties of Danilov. Free oxygen improves metabolic processes in the body and activates its defense mechanisms.

In October 2008, an expedition organized by teachers from the Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports took place. The leader of the expedition is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, CMAS diving instructor, Vice-Rector of SibGUFK V. A. Aikin. The expedition studied the relief of the lake bottom and found that the lake has the shape of a funnel, reaching a maximum depth of 16.2 meters in the center of the lake. The bottom of the lake is flat and silty, the thermocline boundary was found at a depth of 6 meters. During the research, no abrupt changes in the bottom topography were revealed and no large foreign objects were found that could be meteorites. At the same time, a displacement of the deep part from the middle of the lake to the high shore with two ridges was established, which could have occurred from the fall of a meteorite at an angle to the earth's surface.

The results of laboratory analyzes of the lake water showed higher alkalinity and lower metal content compared to standard drinking water. It is hypothesized that the high oxygen content in the water is caused by a large number of springs. It has also been suggested that the healing properties of the lake water are due to the unique combination of certain metals.

According to laboratory studies, samples of Danilovskaya water are active in their effect on human cells: they increase viability, a greater number of dividing cells are observed and, which is very important, a high synthesis of cellular protein is always recorded. The studied lake water has a bioenergetic activity that exceeds tap water by 24 - 45%.

The ecological state of Lake Danilovo during the summer seasons of 2010-2011 has noticeably deteriorated. This is due to the construction of two more small recreation centers on the coast. The device of one of the recreation centers was not without deforestation on the very shore. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to catch a small number of fish in the lake: pike, perch, chebak, bream. Ratan appeared in 2011.

Due to the large number of vacationers, the vegetation of the coast suffers significantly: glades are trampled, bushes of mountain ash, bird cherry are broken off, bonfires are observed all around, traces of picnics are the work of vacationers.

Currently, local authorities have decided not to allow the river flood to the lake, but, despite this, not only the water level is decreasing, but also its quality - a swampy taste of water has appeared.

Despite all these shortcomings, Lake Danilovo is still a mysterious mystery, a unique natural phenomenon and a wonderful place for rest and recovery.

During the summer period, the following experiment was carried out together with students: identical water samples were taken from the thickness of the reservoirs of lakes Danilovo and Mishukhinskoye, the local river Tara, which flows 1 km from the lakes and from a home well, respectively, 14 km. Samples were placed in identical vessels with lids. A swampy, stagnant smell after 2 weeks appeared in the water of Lake Mishukhinskoye, after a month - in river water, after 2 months it is slightly noticeable in domestic drinking water. The water from Lake Danilov has not lost its properties. As far as possible, it is planned to compare the properties of water from the "inhabited" lakes - Lenevo, Urmannoye and Danilovo.

It is necessary to create a sanatorium-resort zone on the shores of Lake Danilovo, which should lead to an economic, more complete, rational use of natural wealth for the health of people, including a large number of sick children.

At present, given the uniqueness of the lake, it is necessary to take the Danilov recreation area under strict control by state bodies for the protection of nature and sanitary control, conduct explanatory conversations with the population to maintain order on the lake, and apply administrative measures to malicious violators.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to additionally fill with crushed stone about 50-60 km of the Kyshtovka - Malokrasnoyarka highway. The costs invested in this project will quickly pay off, as people, having visited these wonderful life-giving places under improved conditions, will come here again, and others will follow them in the hope of resting and improving their health.

During the summer period, up to 500 people visit this lake every day in hot weather, huddling in tents, cars or near fires. Despite the living conditions, vacationers tend to come here even off-road for the weekend and even for the vacation period. This lake, like a magnet, attracts visitors, surprising with its beauty and healing. This lake is experiencing an excessive anthropogenic load, for the sake of the future it must be unloaded and reduced. The construction of a sanatorium in this area will enable all those in need to improve their health "just around the corner"...

Lake Danilovo is one of the most famous small lakes in the Novosibirsk region, it is located on the territory of the land use of the village of Malokrasnoyarka, Kyshtovsky district, Novosibirsk region. In the north-western direction, at a distance of about 1 km, there is the nearest settlement - the village of Kurganka, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region.
The shape of the lake is an oval, while the length is 0.78 km and the width is 0.45 km. The area of ​​the lake is 29 hectares, including the surface area of ​​the lake - 21 hectares. The depth of the lake increases towards the center according to the data of scuba divers. In 1975, the expedition of D.N. Fialkov in the center of the lake set a depth of 18 m.
The shores are gently sloping, the southeastern shore has a hard sandy sloping bottom, the opposite one is swampy, swampy with a belt up to 50 m wide of reed-reed vegetation, which makes it difficult to approach the shore. From all sides the coast is surrounded by centuries-old pines, there are lonely bushes of bird cherry, mountain ash, viburnum and honeysuckle, aspen, in the Malokrasnoyarsk direction adjoins a birch forest. More than 10 rare and endangered species of plants are found in the flora of the lake and the coastal zone: brilliant pondweed, common watercress, white water lily, yellow water lily ... Along the shore, thickets of marsh cinquefoil, reeds, reeds and cattails rise from the water.
The water is very transparent, at a depth of up to 3-5 meters the bottom is visible, in shallow water schools of fish fry are visible. The transparency of water along the Sekke disk reaches 4 meters, in the neighboring Tara River and neighboring lakes - from a few centimeters to 2 meters. A huge array of pine forests, like deep springs, ensures the purity of the waters entering the lake. Fresh water, according to GOST is considered drinking.
Local residents do not know exactly about the origin of the name of the lake. Old-timers say that in the distant 20s of the last century, the merchant Danila, fleeing from Soviet power, fell through with a cart of silver, moving through this lake, from which the water in it became healing, and the lake was named after the merchant.
Sometimes the lake is called the "Pearl of Siberia" because of the unusual legends about the origin of the lake and the healing properties of its water. According to the legend, Danilovo, like the lakes Urmannoe, Lenevo, Shaitan Lake and the unfound Potayonnoe, are of the same origin - they were formed from the fall of five fragments of a large meteorite and all these 5 lakes are connected by the underground Shaitan River. The lakes are located approximately at an equal distance from each other in the form of the letter “G”, they have approximately the same shape and size, moreover, the water from all reservoirs does not deteriorate for a long time. According to clairvoyants Olga Gurbanovich, who lives in Nizhnevartovsk, and eight-year-old Lisa Podvysotskaya from the Komi Republic, people did not fully appreciate the peculiarity of water from all reservoirs: a swimmer in all lakes will acquire immortality. The local storyteller P. Ershov based this beautiful legend on the basis of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
In 2003-2004, Omsk geophysicists established with the help of instruments that below the bottom of the lake, at a depth of about 45-50 meters, there is a powerful aquifer called an underground river. Inspection of a dozen pits, the study of cliffs on both banks of the Tara River showed the identity of alternating layers of clay and sand in all cases, as is usually the case with river and lake sediments. I. A. Vyatkin, director of the Federal State Institution “Territorial Information Fund for the Omsk Region”, offers his hypothesis of the creation of the lake: “More than 20-40 thousand years ago, when the north of Western Siberia was covered with a glacier, a lake already existed on the watershed plain. As a result of the melting of the glacier, a valley of ancient runoff was formed, which also covered the lake. Then there was a slow uplift of land. The melt water expanded the lake basin, the lake separated from the general flow (the Tara River), while the release of small particles of soil from the lower layers is quite likely.
From the legends it is clear that the bottom of Lake Danilovo is triple! .. Scuba divers tested this legend. It turned out that there is some truth in this. Thick layers of algae are located in the water column in three floors. Each layer is, as it were, in limbo. Algae roots take everything they need for life directly from the water.
Water and mud have healing properties. Infusions and decoctions prepared from Danilovskaya water are highly effective, and the water rejuvenates the body well. It helps not only in the treatment of skin diseases, but also in toothache. Due to the high saturation of water with iodine in the Danilovo and Lenevo lakes, it is possible to heal patients with a thyroid gland. There are known cases of getting rid of skin cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, psoriasis, arthritis and arthrosis and many other intractable diseases with the help of Danilov Lake water, although the healing properties of water have not been fully studied. On the shore of the lake there is a deposit of green-bluish clay, which is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Vacationers take clay and water from the lake in canisters, flasks and other containers. Since 2009, “local pilgrims”, having performed the Epiphany rite of bathing in the lake, “fill flasks and canisters with sacred water”.
There is a recreation area next to the lake. Along the entire southern sandy coast there are tents, and simply campsites for vacationers.
Ministry of Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region /

Russia is famous for its water resources, and is no exception: the famous “five lakes” of the Omsk region are located on its territory.

This is a mystical, according to many, a place surrounded by many rumors and conjectures.

In contact with

Description, geographical location, map

The Omsk region occupies less than 1% of the entire territory of Russia, its area exceeds 140 thousand km2. One of its attractions is the Five Lakes system.

It is located in the Muromtsevsky district on the border between the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions and includes five lakes.

The unifying factor is their common origin and all sorts of legends that are associated with them. Some believe that the lakes are also connected by an underground river.

This caused an assumption about the “heavenly” origin of the reservoirs: some researchers suggest that the largest meteorite then fell to the ground, the fragments of which “dug” several holes. They, in turn, filled with water during the Ice Age.

Danilovo lake

It is also called Silver. Perhaps the most famous of the Five Lakes group. Location - Kyshtovsky district, Novosibirsk region. In diameter, the reservoir reaches one km, the depth is 16 m, and the transparency reaches 5 m.

The latter greatly distinguishes Danilovo from its neighbors: the water is so clean that it can be compared with the mountain. A transparent reservoir with almost no vegetation.

Danilovo lake

The shores of the reservoir are gentle, overgrown with reeds and cattails. Birch, pine, and aspen stretched out there.

It's important to know: Danilovo Lake is a great vacation spot for a large number of tourists from all over Siberia. Hotels for tourists are located 2 km from it, the village of Kurganka is located on the very shore.

On the shore you can rent a catamaran and scuba gear, but the entrance to the lake is paid - you won’t be able to drive to the shore for free. Near the shores of the reservoir there are deposits of green-blue clay, which has healing and cosmetic functions.

Linevo Lake

The lake is located to the west of Danilov, near it flows the river Tara. Its dimensions are much more modest: it is almost 2 times smaller, but this does not prevent the lake from attracting tourists with the beauty of its landscapes.

The depth reaches 11 meters, the transparency is 2.5 meters. Water lilies grow on the surface of the water, a pine forest spreads on the shore with mushrooms, berries and many wild inhabitants: ducks, hedgehogs, squirrels. In the lake itself there is a large number of fish: pike, perch, roach, carp.

Among vacationers, Linevo Lake is the most popular: there are several tourist centers, places for sports recreation and fishing. For example, a wonderful recreation center "Kurshavelka", where you can rent a house, a tent or just a parking lot and enjoy the beauties of nature.

Although this is not a sanatorium, but thanks to the healing climate and the purest water, we can safely say that the effect of staying in this area will be comparable to treatment in an institution.

Note: Since 2014, the reservoir has been a nature reserve and is protected by the state.

It should not be confused: in the Kurgan region there is a lake with the same name - Linevo, which is famous for its fishing grounds and beautiful landscapes.

pike lake

Petropavlovka and the villages of Nadezhdinka. Its size is even more modest - 2 times smaller than that of Lake Lineva, the depth reaches only 6 meters.

pike lake

Unlike large "brothers", the reservoir is very quiet, almost deserted, best suited for fishing: pike, crucian carp, bream, and roach are found here.

For lovers of the latter, fishing and tourist bases have been built on the shore.

Satan Lake

The second name is Urmannoye, in translation, this name means "Damn". The reservoir is located near the villages of Inciss and Okunevo and is in great demand among tourists, despite some difficulties in reaching it.

It is surrounded by swamps, which makes it almost inaccessible. The only passage to the water is along a wooden deck. There are few fish in the reservoir, but there are quite a lot of mushrooms and berries in the neighboring forests. You can also swim in it, but due to problems with the passage, few people dare to do so.

Take note: however, the lake is known not only for the beauties of nature: its water is considered healing, and there are many rumors and legends among the people.

The system of five lakes is considered an anomalous zone, strange things happen here, magnetic and seismic fluctuations and other oddities. Most tourists come for mysteries, and locals, trying to expand the flow of visitors, are happy to share stories about ghosts, buried treasures and flying saucers.

hidden lake

The second named Crooked. The place is mysterious, little known. This lake is a quarter of a kilometer from the Tara River, on the left side is the village of Okunevo.

The lake is not distinguished by external beauty: it is small and located in a heavily overgrown region. However, in its waters there are twice as many fish as in the above-mentioned "neighbors".

hidden lake

Also, the Nameless Lake is sometimes included in the system - it is located near the village of Porechie. The water in this lake is saturated with oxygen, as in Danilovo.

Interesting fact: the legend also says that the reservoir has no bottom. Some scientists believe that it may be an exit from an underground tunnel, but research on this topic has not been conducted.

In the Omsk region there is Lake Skokovo in the Kolosovsky district, as well as others: Bakangul, Pyostroye, Swan, where many noble birds of the same name once lived. Or the inhabited lake, rich in crucian carp, in the village of Novosoldatka.

Legends and mysteries

There are many legends about the "five lakes" that attract tourists:

    1. The most famous legend is about the origin of reservoirs from a meteorite that broke into five pieces when it fell. Unfortunately, scientists cannot yet completely refute or prove this legend.
    2. The next legend is related to the first: the water in Danilovo is unusually clear, with a lot of silver. Hence the second name of the reservoir - Silver. The legend claims that silver was brought to the place of the reservoir by a meteorite.
    3. It is believed that Danilov's "silver" water is healing and can cure such severe skin diseases as psoriasis. Alas, but so far medicine has not confirmed this fact.
    4. But not only the first lake can boast of healing properties: the legend says that a person who plunges into all five lakes in turn will be completely cured of all diseases and become younger. The researcher of the water system Rechkin even connected this legend with Ershov’s fairy tale “About the Little Humpbacked Horse”: his Ivan the Fool also plunged into three cauldrons in turn and became prettier, and the tsar who rushed after him scalded.

  1. Popular rumor ascribes not the best fame to Shaitan Lake. They call him filthy, rotten. It is believed that horses do not drink water from it, since it contains dead water - this legend was reflected in fairy tales, where the hero was asked to bring "dead" and "living" water. Swimming in it is also not recommended. Most likely, the ban was due to swamps and the inability to get close.
  2. "Living" water is in the first three lakes. Alas, useful properties were found only in Danilov, although their strength has not been conclusively confirmed.
  3. The complete list of lakes does not always include the fifth, the Hidden, which has the shape of a regular circle. It is believed that it does not let everyone in, but only the chosen ones. Therefore, it was almost impossible to plunge into all five reservoirs to gain strength. It is worth noting that the shape of the Crooked Lake looks like an elongated horseshoe.

All the legends today can be easily heard from the locals, but to believe them or not, everyone decides for himself.

Scientific research

Since the beginning of the 21st century, about 9 expeditions of geophysicists and biophysicists have been organized to the “five lakes”, the first one took place in 2003.

In 2008, an expedition from the Siberian University of Physical Culture and Sports took place. She drew attention to Danilovo Lake and took a sample of water, and her tasks included studying the bottom to prove the fall of a meteorite.

And although both problems have not yet been solved, this gave impetus to the study of reservoirs. Today, those who wish can independently explore the reservoirs by renting a scuba gear. In addition, this made it possible to increase the interest of tourists in Pyatiozerye.

But the "five lakes" are famous not only for their secrets and beautiful legends:

  1. The writer Ershov, the author of The Little Humpbacked Horse, lived in the Omsk region and probably heard more than once about dipping into water bodies.
  2. The so-called Okunev anomaly is known and of great interest: in the photographs taken by tourists, extra incomprehensible objects are clearly visible, for example, fireballs, laser beams, paths of huge footprints similar to birds, taken from nowhere and much more.
  3. Indian myths say that it was in this place that the great battle between Rama and Evil took place. The victorious hero Hanuman received Siberia as a reward and set up a temple not far from Okunev, inside which the cosmic crystal of Wisdom was kept.
  4. It is believed that the temple mentioned above is located exactly on the site of Shaitan Lake. That is why at the end of the 20th century, Rajni, a follower of the Indian guru Shri Babaji, unofficially settled nearby. In summer, the Solstice festival takes place here.
  5. During the study of Danilov Lake, a depression was discovered, over which a "cornice" with old trees hung. Perhaps once its bottom was the surface of the earth, and then went down.
  6. To date, it is believed that the meteorite could crash into the ground at an angle. This is evidenced by the displacement of the earth at the bottom of Lake Danilov;
  7. In 2007, the Municipal State Institution "Five Lakes - Muromtsevo" was created, uniting all the tourist bases and youth camps of the region.

Places for rest

The "five lakes" area is located 200 km from Omsk and 800 km from Novosibirsk, that is, travelers can stay in large cities and get to the place.

It is also worth considering that local residents largely live off tourism. You can stop at them or choose one of the many recreation centers. They can be located right on the beach or a few kilometers away, rent only rooms or entire houses.

On the shores of several lakes, scuba and catamaran rentals are organized for tourists, and there are places for fishing. On the official website you can find detailed information of interest, for example, where to stay.

For interesting data on the five lakes of the Omsk region, see the following video: