Observation deck in zhangjiajie china. Avatar mountains in zhangjiajie park

Zhangjiajie, (zhangjiajie national forest park), is a huge park area in the southwest of China (Hunan province). The breathtaking 479-square-kilometer geo-park has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. A unique corner of the PRC nature, the pearl of the Wulingshan mountain system, is called Zhangjiajie Avatar Park (China) in tourist guides and avenues. Some of the episodes of the famous film were filmed here.

The main attraction of the national reserve is rock massifs (weathered sandy and quartz pillars) soaring towards the sun and soaring in the clouds.

Zhangjiajie National Chinese Park is open to the public all year round. Experts recommend getting acquainted with the protected area from September to November.

Interesting! The mountainous autumn presents tourists with a comfortable temperature, the absence of low clouds and annoying rainy drizzle.

In winter, some of the routes in the park are closed, snowfalls and fogs obviously spoil the panoramic views, it is cold to walk through the "beauty". The only good reason for a winter visit is the reduced entrance ticket prices.

Spring and early summer flood the region with rain. Thick clouds and fogs envelop the valley, creating the effect of rocky spurs "soaring in the sky".

In order to "fluently" get acquainted with the beauties recognized by UNESCO, a traveler will need at least a week to visit all the places of worship and significant observation points of the geo-reserve and the surrounding area.

Zhangjiajie National Park how to get there?

To get in touch with the beauties of a natural location, you need to be in Zhangjiajie (this is the most convenient way to get to the natural massif).

By plane

  • from Beijing: $ 130;
  • from Shanghai: $ 115;
  • from Guangzhou: $ 80.

From the air harbor to the center of the settlement there is a shuttle bus and a taxi.


For sedate and leisurely tourists, the railroad is the best choice. There are a lot of train routes to the destination. The trip from Beijing lasts 26 hours, the price of a reserved seat train ticket is $ 60.

Zhangjiajie station is located at a strategically verified point: the center, nearby (within walking distance):

  • an airport;
  • the launch pad of the cable car to the Tianmen cliff;
  • bus station.

By bus

To get to Zhangjiajie, you can also use the bus. It is long and uncomfortable. Travel guides recommend this type of communication when traveling from nearby cities (Changsha, Fenghuang).

Where is the park?

The starting zones of the national reserve are small villages with hostels, hotels, restaurants at the entrance to the park. There travelers "take a breath", have a snack, solve the problems of accommodation and overnight stay. There are three official entrances on the territory:

  • the "start" closest to the city is located thirty kilometers away (the village of Zhangjiajie);
  • intrans in Wulingyuan area;
  • the most distant entrance to the observation area at the Tianzi mountain.

Accommodation options

Zhangjiajie offers travelers an excellent choice of hotels, but having settled in the city, you will have to spend time on the road to the walking and observation areas every day. Cost per night in a deluxe room in a central city hotel: RMB 869 (breakfast included).

Choosing a guesthouse in a starting village or a hostel inside a park can save a lot of money and personal time. Living conditions and the service provided are Spartan (real interruptions in water, electricity, Wi-Fi).

Work schedule and issue price

Park areas are hospitably open:

  • in summer from 6:30 (7:00) to 19:00;
  • in winter from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm;

Entrance ticket price

There are two variations:

  • for four days: 245 yuan;
  • for the week: 298.

A separate price list includes:

  • Baylong: 72 yuan;
  • funicular to Tianzi: 67;
  • funicular to Huangshichzhai: 70;
  • Funicular to Yangjiajie: 76;
  • walking narrow-gauge railway: 38.

The basic ticket price includes the use of buses within the park.

Local travel tips

The main tourist slogan of the forest park is: "He who gets up early, God gives to that (tourist)!" Early wake-ups and visits to the base locations will protect the "lark travelers" from the tedious waiting and the hustle and bustle of queues. The languor before loading into the coveted Baylong elevator (in the "high" season) can take up to four hours!

Long hiking trails strongly require appropriate footwear and sports equipment. Experts recommend the guides: to the top by funicular / down on foot.

Interesting! Absolutely all guides and reference books on the protected area warn tourists about the aggressiveness of the local monkeys.

Do not tease monkeys / watch the safety of valuables.

In walking equipment, the following will be appropriate: a map, a guidebook, a Chinese phrasebook, cash, water for drinking, dry rations. The prices "for food" in the park are mercilessly raised.

Object top of the national park

Zhangjiajie National Park (China) is conditionally divided into four platform-zones. In addition to funiculars and ski lifts, there are several bus routes in the "UNESCO heritage": purple cars run in the valleys, funny beige cars transport travelers along the tops of mountain ranges.

Each observation area is individual, exotic beautiful and stunningly picturesque.

Chinese Pandora: Yuanjiajie

The northwestern part of the park, the Yuanjiajie space, is the most visited territory of the geo-reserve. It is these landscapes that are compared to the heights of the movie "Avatar".

The sightseeing trail "3500 steps", in addition to long stepped ascents and breathtaking descents, includes a lot of well-equipped viewing platforms and points for photography.

You can get to the top of Yuanjiajie with the famous "transparent lift" Bailong.

This area is famous for the "Sky Bridge" and the majestic rock mass, which has recently been called "Hallelujah".

Creator - designer of the "transparent transition": engineer Dotan. Cloud Transition budget is US $ 3.5 million. Length of the crossing: 430 meters. The transparent viaduct can hold 800 people at a time.

The most beautiful place in the park is the unforgettable Avatar Hallelujah. Initially, the rock was called Jiankunzhu, which meant the Southern Heavenly Pillar.


The Yangjiajie Zone is the youngest tourist area of ​​the nature reserve. This is the northeast of Zhangjiajie. The observation platform connects the Xiangzhi watercourse, Longquan and Baihou valleys.

The real pearl of Yangjiajie is the breathtaking Dragon's Waterfall.


The mountain range adjoins the Suoxi tract, the central park zone of Zhangjiajie and the Sanzhi district. Tianji is the pearl of Wulingyuan. The peak of the rock formation hovers at around 1262.5 meters (Kunlun), and the lowest point is 534 meters above sea level (Shilan).

Tianji Park Reserve is a virgin natural area with protected forests and reservoirs of crystal clear water.

Interesting! The population of the province adores the saying: "He who did not climb Tianji, did not know the beautiful."

In the west of the platform, the so-called "Western Sea" is freely spread. It is a valley dotted with rocky formations covered with green jungle. This part of the park is also called the "forest ocean" or "picket fence".

The vale of the "Heavenly Abode" is a gorge with sheer cliffs around.

The lower part of the mystical place is shrouded in clouds. The descent is difficult and time consuming, there is a narrow staircase-trail.

An absolute decoration of the tourist route of the Tianzi zone is the Emperor's Shelter pagoda.

Knuth canyon

The Canyon of the Golden Knut stream is the easiest walking area. No stairs, no precipices, no cable cars: the tourist route runs along a flat valley, along a quiet, shady stream of water.

A real community with nature: bird noise, murmur of water, fantastic mountains and emerald greenery.


Huangshichzhai means "yellow stone village" or "yellow village". The Huangshichzhai cliffs are spread over seventeen park hectares. "Stone village" is a horizontal "patch" at an altitude of 1100 meters.

The three kilometers long mountain trail takes two hours to overcome and requires good physical fitness. On the way, tourists are delighted with equipped observation decks with romantic Chinese names:

You can get to the top by funicular, to which a bus takes you from Laomuvan.

In the Yellow Stone Village (on the top of the mountain) there is a restaurant where you can have a good meal.

Noteworthy surroundings

In addition to Zhangjiajie Park, Hunan Province offers tourists a lot of beauty, attractions and exotic natural areas.

Tianmen summit

The Tianmen skyscraper and the natural park of the same name are located on the far outskirts of Zhangjiajie. Within walking distance, the launch pad of the world's longest funicular, delivering thirsty people to the top of the mountain. Extreme tourists get to the reserve on foot, along the famous serpentine trail "99 bends".

A real hit of the mountain reserve is the Buddhist pantheon during the reign of the Ming dynasty. The Heavenly Gate Temple is hidden in a rocky cave.

The temple is ten thousand square meters. To get to the arch, you need to overcome a difficult climb of 999 steps.

An alternative answer to the famous glass bridge and the center of attraction for extreme lovers, adrenaline addicts from all over the world is the "cloud trail" along the edge of the cliff.

The cost of the park excursion (including the funicular or the shuttle bus service) is 258 RMB. For a defile along a transparent section of the track, you will have to pay 5-10 yuan.

Fenghuang Museum Settlement

Fenghuang is located on the water (city on stilts) and attracts tourists with the atmosphere of the Celestial Empire. Fragile structures, delicate bridges, winding, shady nooks and fishing nets drying in the sun.

At night, everything is illuminated by the lights of paper lanterns, which makes the city stylish and solid.

From Zhangjiajie to Fenghuang, travel 240 km (five hours of shaking on the bus). A visit to the city-museum is paid: 148 yuan.


Baofeng water body is a man-made object formed during the construction of the dam. Located high in the gorge, the reservoir of the purest water is surrounded by emerald wooded slopes.

From Wulingyuan Village, you can get to the World Heritage Site by taxi (RMB 10-15) or walk (leisurely forty minutes walk).

The entrance ticket will cost an adult traveler 96 yuan (includes a swim on the lake with songs and national costumes of rowers). Locals call the surface of the lake "the paradise of the bustling world."


Near the village of Wulingyuan is the "Burrow of the Golden Dragon". A river flows through the entire cave with meanders framed by illuminated stalactites.

It is easy to get there by bus or taxi for 20 RMB. Price: 100 RMB (with boat, underground walk).

What else is famous for the national natural park

Zhangjiajie invites tourists with unearthly beauty, surreal reliefs and landscapes.

The real "diamonds" of the national reserve are:

  • flying quartzite rocks over 800 meters high;
  • wooded peaks, overcoming the mark of 3000 meters above sea level;
  • caves, reservoirs, flora and fauna;
  • well-functioning tourist infrastructure (elevators, funiculars, walking and car routes).

China generously endows travelers with the wealth and delightful beauty of nature.


Zhangjiajie National Forest Park (zhāngjiājiè) is the pride and natural attraction of the country. The sensations from the trip, walks, excursions, contact with virgin nature will be remembered for a long time and will be called on the road more than once.

Would you like to see the floating Avatar mountains with your own eyes? Then head to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. The amazing cliffs of this unique park have become real prototypes of the world famous "soaring Hallelujah mountains". You can talk about this park endlessly. The beauty and uniqueness of nature is simply incredible. Mountains, streams and parks calm, inspire, delight and make you think about the eternal. No photographs can convey all the splendor and grandeur of this place.

Read also about other places in Zhangjiajie:

Formation of mountains

The world famous Zhangjiajie Park, or rather the wider area, the Wulingyuan Scenic Area, is the first Chinese park to receive the status of a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site.

As a result of weathering of sandstones and limestones, as well as soil leaching, about 3000 peaks and cliffs of the most bizarre outlines have been formed. The mountains are covered with dense vegetation, and they are separated by deep gorges with rivers, lakes and waterfalls. These distinctive mountain formations are a hallmark of the Chinese landscape, depicted in numerous ancient paintings.

Geography of Zhangjiajie Park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, known as Avatar Park, is located in the northwest of Hunan Province in China and is part of the huge nature reserve Wulingyuan(Wulingyuan Scenic Area). The nearest airport and train station are located in Zhangjiajie (张家界 市). But, the park is located 50 km from the city of Zhangjiajie, so it is not recommended to stay in city hotels to visit the park. Near the park there is Wulingyuan town, also known as Zhangjiajie village, with all the necessary infrastructure, including hotels and restaurants.

In China, names are always difficult. They are duplicated and embedded in each other like nesting dolls. I will try to explain a little how things are with the parks near Zhangjiajie.

Wulingyuan Nature Reserve(Wulingyuan Scenic Area, 武陵源) has four parts:

  • Zhangjiajie National Park(Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, 张家界 国家 森林 公园),
  • Tianji Mountain| Tianzi Mountain Natural Resource Reserve (天子山),
  • Yangjiajie Region(Yuanjiajie Scenic Area, 袁家界),
  • Suosi Valley(Suoxiyu Natural Resource Reserve, 索溪峪).

The Zhangjiajie Park ticket allows you to visit all of the above zones.

However, the Wulingyuan Scenic Area has attractions that require separate tickets:

  • Yellow Dragon Cave (黄龙 洞) - 100 RMB
  • Dragon King's Cave Longwang Dong (龙王 洞) - 81 RMB
  • Baofang artificial lake - 98 RMB
  • Museums, river rafting, etc.

Also near the city of Zhangjiajie there is (Tianmenshan National Forest Park, 天门山 森林 区). It is located in a completely different direction from Zhangjiajie and is not included in the Wulingyuan reserve zone. This is an absolutely beautiful, majestic and unique place. With a completely different atmosphere from Zhangjiajie Park.

Main Areas of Zhangjiajie Park


View from the elevator 100 dragons

The most picturesque, but touristy area of ​​the park. In this zone are located (the one that is the main attraction of the entire park and is renamed "Avatar Mountains" in honor of the well-known film), The first bridge under heaven(natural bridge between two rocks), Lost Souls Platform, Bailong elevator(the world's highest elevator).

Bailong Elevator - the world's tallest elevator

Bailong Elevator | Hundred Dragon Elevator

Hundred Dragons Elevatorthe tallest open lift in the world... It takes tourists to the top of a 330-meter steep slope in the heart of Zhangjiajie Park. A ride in the glass elevator will give you stunning views of the plain. The main thing is to get closer to the window, because 50 people can fit in the booth, and not everyone will be able to enjoy the beauty that opens from above.

Avatar Hallelujah Mountain

1080 meter mountain The Southern Sky Column has been renamed Avatar Hallelujah Mountain in honor of the landmark movie Avatar. The mountain is located in the Yuanjiajie region.

Natural Bridge No. 1 (The First Bridge under Heaven)

Natural bridge number 1 (The First Bridge under Heaven | Tianxia Diyi Qiao) or "Bridge over the sky" is a kind of unique in the world, unique natural creation. At an altitude of 357 meters it connects the peaks of two rocks... Its length is 50 meters, width - 4 meters, thickness - 5 meters. It is the tallest natural bridge in the world.

Tianzishan | Mountain of the Son of Heaven | Emperor's Mountain (Tianzi Mountain)

Rocks forest | Stone peaks forest

The main advantage of this area is its height. The height of 1182 meters gives a great opportunity to see the famous mountains in the clouds. Here the mountains really seem to be floating. The area is popular with photographers. In this area you can see Dian Jiang Tai, Yubi Feng, Ten-Li Gallery.

Emperor's Pavilion | Tianzi Pavilion

Gallery ten li | Ten-Li Gallery

Yellow Stone Village

Five Fingers Peak | Five fingers peak

The region is just north of the Zolotoy Khlyst stream. This part of the park is home to the famous Five-Fingers Peak... The area is just as picturesque, but less popular than Yuanjiajie. Many go to the main observation deck, which overlooks the Five-Fingers Peak on foot, without using expensive lifts.

Yangjiajie Scenic Area

it area for real explorers... Here you will have to walk not along paved paths, but along dangerous and slippery paths. No infrastructure, but no tourists or queues. Real nature.

Laowuchang Area

One of the wildest areas of the park. You will have to walk on muddy paths. But this is the best area for photographers. Here are the rice fields Paddies in the sky and Spirit Soldiers 'Gathering'.

Golden Whip Stream

A pleasant walk along a beautiful stream surrounded by incredible mountains is the most popular route in the park... The path is quite long - 7 km, but not at all difficult. All is well, except that there are always a lot of people here.

How much is a ticket to Zhangjiajie?

A ticket to the park costs 248 RMB for 4 days or 298 RMB for a week. For students, seniors and children, prices are 160 RMB and 193 RMB, respectively. Children up to 1.2 meters tall are free. The price is far from low, but it's definitely worth it! You will not regret a dime.

The ticket price includes all the zones and observation decks listed above, as well as all bus movements within the park. However, rides by funiculars, trams and elevators require a separate fee.

Price for lifts and trams:

  • Glass Elevator Bailong | Elevator 100 dragons (Bailong elevator) - 72 RMB.
  • Tianzishan Cable Car - 67 RMB one way / 134 RMB round trip.
  • Funicular Huangshi Zhai (Yellow Stone Village Cable Car) - 65 RMB one way / 118 RMB round trip.
  • Tram in the ten li gorge (Tenli Gallery's Mini Train) - 38 RMB one way / 52 RMB round trip.

The main entrances to the park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park has two main entrances. The park ticket allows you to visit all the attractions located inside.

  • Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Gate (on map A): Southwest entrance, convenient if you want to walk along the Gold Whip Stream.
  • Wulingyuan gate (on map B) : Closest to Wulingyuan Town Hotels. It is convenient to get to Bailong Elevator, Tianzi Mountain Cable Way and Ten-Li Gallery train.

How long does it take to visit the park?

We had only 3 days for everything, and even during the Chinese holidays. We walked quite a lot and in a day and a half managed to see all the most interesting in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. For half a day we went to the Yellow Dragon Cave, and on the last day we saw Tianmenshan National Forest Park.

When is the best time to visit Zhangjiajie Park?

  • Avoid Chinese Holidays(May 1-3, October 1-7) and the Chinese holiday period (July and August). There will be not just a lot of tourists, but a lot of horror. You may have to queue for hours for the lifts.
  • It's very cold in winter, and in February, the park may be closed for reconstruction.
  • April to June good time but high humidity and a high probability of rain and fog. But if this does not scare you (and I advise you not to be intimidated by small rains), then this time is great.
  • May to October high season... Accordingly, prices are higher, there are more tourists on average.
  • September and October - the best time to visit the park. It is still warm enough, but this is already a low season, and therefore there are no queues and prices do not bite.

Where to stay to eat?

The restaurants in the park are small and very authentic. The most European place is McDonald's on Tianzi Mountain. But on every corner there are street vendors with sausages, tofu, fruit, water and other snacks. Everything is quite expensive and not particularly tasty. So I recommend bringing sandwiches, nuts or fruit with you. You can have a full meal in Wulingyuan Township or near attractions outside the park, such as Yellow Dragon Cave.

Hotels in Zhangjiajie

I recommend staying in Wulingyuan Town, also called Zhangjiajie Village, or inside Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It is definitely not necessary to stop in Zhangjiajie city, because it is located quite far (50 km or an hour's drive) from the park.

Hotels in Wulingyuan

Walking distance to the entrance to the park. You can come early in the morning and return late at night. The infrastructure of the village is much better than inside the park. Restaurants, shops, everything is there. The level of hotels from hostels to 5 stars.

  • An amazingly beautiful hotel with bright fully equipped rooms, a swimming pool, a terrace overlooking the mountains. And all this from $ 30.
  • 3 *, the best combination of price and quality and the highest rating of 9.6! Prices below $ 30.
  • Hotels inside Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

    Hotels inside Zhangjiajie Park are not comfortable and quality. But you do not need to stand in lines at the entrance and you can come to the most interesting places before others, as well as meet the sunrises and sunsets in the park. In terms of infrastructure, you will have to rely on the hotel and what you brought with you.

    How to get to the Avatar Mountains?

    Getting to the famous Avatar Park is not at all difficult:

    1. Fly to Hunan Airport. Aircraft to Zhangjiajie fly from any major city in China.
    2. Take a taxi or bus to the park or hotel.

    I recommend taxi since the way is not close, taxis in China are not expensive, and there are always a lot of cars near the airport. The price to the park and to the village of Wulingyuan will be asked for about 300 RMB, but in fact, they can be delivered for 100 (such prices are offered to the Chinese). They don't like to turn on the meters, especially at night, so bargain fiercely.

    If you want to get there to the park by bus then go to the bus station (next to the train station and McDonald’s). You need a bus that goes to the main entrance to the park. The stop is called Wulingyuan Menpiaozhan (武陵源 门票 站). The fare is 12 RMB and the controller takes the money during the trip.

    The entrance to the park is indicated by a huge pagoda, it can be seen from afar.

    • Queues... There are a lot of Chinese. And during the holidays there are even more of them. You can hang around (as we did on May 1) in the queue for the elevator for 2-4 hours or an hour in the queue for the bus. Therefore, more walks, less transport.
    • Come to the park early... Better then sleep off in the early evening. The majority of tourists arrive after 10, and the park opens at 7.
    • If you are traveling on your own, then learn the most important phrases in Chinese better... In China, almost no one speaks English.
    • You must be able to pronounce the hotel name and address, taxi drivers often do not know how to read and do not always know the area well.
    • Cash money (of course yuan) will save you always and everywhere. Currency and Visa, Master Card may not be accepted. Don't be surprised, China uses its own banking system.
    • If you take map park at the entrance, choose English-Chinese... It most closely resembles the truth.

    basic information

    • A place: Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, 张家界 国家 森林 公园.
    • Nearest town: Zhangjiajie, Hunan province, China.
    • Location: Wulingyuan Scenic Area (武陵源).
    • The size: 48 sq. km
    • Ticket price: 248/298 RMB
    • Opening hours: 7.00-18.00
    • Time for inspection: 2-4 days
    • Number of visitors: many
    • Best time to visit: September, October.
    • Must visit: areas of Yuanjiajie, Yellow Stone Village, Tianzi Mountain.
    • We were in Park: 1-2 May 2014
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    Zhangjiajie Park is a unique nature reserve. On its territory you can see a real miracle of nature - fantastic rocky landscapes, reminiscent of the soaring mountains from the movie "Avatar". It is said that it was the Zhangjiajie cliffs that inspired the filmmakers to depict the Pandora Mountains. Part of the wider Wulingyuan Conservation Area, Zhangjiajie Park is the first park in China to be designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    In the park, visitors can see thousands of stunning peaks and cliffs of bizarre shapes, dense vegetation, gorges, rivers and waterfalls. This place has become a kind of symbol of Chinese nature, and its unearthly beauty definitely deserves to be paid attention to.

    In order to avoid long queues, it is recommended to explore the sights of the park in the opposite direction, that is, not on the way with tourist groups.

    • Route 1: Entrance Wulingyuan - take the "Hundred Dragons" elevator to the top of Mount Avatar - Mount Avatar-Yuanjiajie - Mount Tianzi - Go down the funicular - exit from the park
    • Route 2: Entrance to the park - Mount Huangshichzhai (1-3 hours, it is better to go up and down the cable car) - Golden Whip Stream (1-4 hours) - exit

    To start the route, you should take a bus that goes to the Tianzishan area. A cable car leads to Tianzishan Mountain (also called Mountain of the Son of Heaven and Mountain of the Emperor). Such names are not given by chance - from a height of 1182 meters a gorgeous view of the famous, seemingly floating in the clouds, mountains opens up. The peaks of these mountains form the so-called Stone Forest. The central viewing platforms are always crowded, but if you go down a little further from the main tourist routes, you can find a place to stay alone and take a great photo. In the same places there is a beautiful pagoda - the Palace of the Emperor, which also offers beautiful views.

    Snackers will find various Chinese street food eateries along the route, as well as McDonald's. To walk through this part of the park, you should lay about an hour and a half.

    Next, you should take a bus to Yangjiajie. There are practically no people here, however, the natural views are also breathtaking. It is worth noting that this area is for true nature lovers. After all, you have to walk not along paved paths, but along paths, which in places can even be slippery and dangerous. The hiking trails, in turn, are marked with signs and the paths are neatly laid out. Also in this area is an ethnic village called Wu Long, where the locals are farming according to ancient traditions.

    If it will be difficult to climb the mountains, there is an opportunity to use the services of local Chinese, who will be taken to the heights in a special chair made of bamboo. You can spend 2-3 hours in this area.

    From Yangjiajie area, from the upper cable car station, take a bus to the Yuanjiajie Park Visitor Center. The landscapes of this park are most often compared to the mountains from the famous film. In this place is the most famous 1080-meter mountain Avatar Hallelujah, which is also called "Lonely standing stone pillar supporting the sky" or "Pillar in the southern sky." The name associated with the avatar was given to the mountain after the release of the cult film. Here you can also see the highest Natural Bridge in the world (Bridge over the Sky) - a unique natural creation that connects the peaks of two rocks. Its length is 50 meters. The bridge is easy to recognize by the red ribbon with the wishes and locks of lovers. 1.5-2 hours will be enough for these edges.

    From Yuanjiajie there is a descent to the Golden Stream. The path will take an hour and a half, and the road is not too difficult. It is also possible to take a bus to the popular Baylon Tourist Elevator. The queue for the elevator is always huge, it is easy to spend several hours in it, and the descent itself will take no more than one minute.

    This route is suitable for those who come to the park for one day.

    When is the best time to go

    The best time to visit the park is September and October. During these autumn months, the weather is still quite warm, however, the low season is approaching, and the queues are noticeably shorter.

    The high season is from May to September.

    April to July is also a good time to visit. The only negative is high humidity and the likelihood of rain (often light) and fog.

    It is not worth planning a visit during the Chinese holidays, as well as for the winter, as it can be very cold at this time.

    How many days does it take to visit Avatar mountains

    It is recommended to set aside two to five days to visit the park. Most of it is worth dedicating to Wulingyuan Nature Reserve, where you can leisurely explore the hiking trails. If you have more days to the route indicated above, you can add a visit to the Ten Mile Gallery in Tianzishan, visit the Yellow Cliffs Region, where the famous Five Fingers Peak is located, part of Huangshizhai, the "wild" Larvuchang, attractive for photographers, as well as stroll along the most popular tourist route along the Zolotoy Khlyst stream.

    Where are the flying mountains in China

    The Avatar Mountains are not fictional at all, but actually exist. The Flying Mountains are located in China's Zhangjiajie National Park, which is part of the huge Wulinyuan Nature Reserve. The park, now known as Avatar Park, is located in the northwest of the Chinese province of Hunan.

    The closest city is Zhangjiajie, although the distance to it is 50 kilometers. Nearby there is also the town of Wulingyuan with all the infrastructure necessary for tourists.

    How to get to Zhangjiajie

    Getting to the park and the famous Avatar mountains is easy enough.

    To do this, you need to fly to Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport, which accepts flights from many major cities in China.

    The train journey from Beijing or Shanghai will take more than 20 hours, so this option is considered not the most convenient.

    Park opening hours

    In summer, the park is open from 6.30 am to 6.30 pm, and in winter from 7.30 am to 5.30 pm.

    Visit cost

    The cost of a ticket to Zhangjiajie Park is 245 yuan - for 4 days. All tickets are personalized, and upon purchase you will need to show your passport and be fingerprinted. This price includes all areas of the park, visits to observation decks, as well as travel by bus.

    A separate fee is charged for trips by trams, funiculars and lifts. For example, for a ride on the Baylon elevator you will have to pay 72 yuan, and for the Tfnzishan funicular - 134 yuan (a round-trip ticket).

    Wulingyuan Nature Reserve includes four parts: Zhangjiajie National Park, Tianzishan Mountain, Yangjiajie Region, and Suoxi Valley. By purchasing a ticket to Zhangjiajie Park, a tourist gets the right to visit all four areas.

    Official site

    You can always find more information on the official website of the park - www.zhangjiajienationalforestpark.com. Information in English only.

    • It is better to come to the park early, as most of the tourists arrive after 10.00.
    • It is worthwhile to include more walking and less transportation as the lines are usually huge.
    • For long walks, you need comfortable shoes that do not slip.
    • All buses and cable cars in the park stop moving one hour before closing time.
    • In some parts of the park, there are many monkeys with which you need to be careful: animals can snatch food, as well as bags and phones.
    • It is recommended to bring cash with you, as cards may not be accepted everywhere.
    • It is better to have water, food, raincoat and sunscreen with you.

    Zhangjiajie National Park Map


    In China, in the north of the Hunan province, there is the Zhangjiajie National Park, which was one of the first in the country. It includes the protected natural areas of Tianzishan, Zhangjiajie, Sanzhi, Xuosiyu, Yangjiajie, as well as Lake Baofeng.

    You can visit Zhangjiajie National Park (Hunan Province) all year round. Spring gives this unique nature reserve aromas of tropical flowers and magnificent greenery, summer - stunning vegetation and mountain coolness, autumn fascinates with a riot of colors, winter wraps up with fluffy snow, turning the park into a fairy tale.

    Zhangjiajie: history

    Through several photographs in popular publications and paintings by artists that were painted in Wulingyuan, the world learned that a natural pearl is located in the mountains of China. The Chinese government has officially recognized the forest area of ​​the Wulingyuan region as Zhangjiajie National Park. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992.

    Ten years later, the Ministry significantly expanded the area, and in 2004, the huge Natural Geopark entered the global network of national parks.


    Zhangjiajie is a national forest park, the territory of which is divided into several large zones, each of which has its own characteristics and picturesque landscape. The park is a huge sandstone pillars located above the rainforest, a labyrinth of karst caves, majestic waterfalls, amazing travertines, a picturesque lake, powerful rivers.

    Tianmenshan Mountain

    Locals often call it Tianmen. Its height is one and a half thousand meters. This mountain is famous for its very high celestial gate cave. Its height is one hundred thirty-two meters, length - sixty meters, width - fifty-seven. The cave was created by erosion. During the collapse, a huge block of rock broke away from the mountain. Sometimes this cave is called a fairy cave due to the belief that it is connected with the sky.

    "Yellow Dragon"

    Zhangjiajie National Park, the photo of which you can see in this article, is famous for its caves. One of the most beautiful in the world is the four-level karst cave "Yellow Dragon". Its height is over 140 meters, and its depth is about fifteen kilometers.

    Inside there are thirteen halls, more than a hundred galleries, four waterfalls, two underground rivers and three lakes, thousands of stalagmites, stalactites, stalagmata. The rarest stalagmite reaches twenty meters in height and only ten centimeters in diameter.


    In the northeast, Zhangjiajie National Park is adjacent to this conservation area. It includes the Xiangzhi Stream, Longquan and Baihou Valleys. These places are known for steep cliffs and the Dragon Spring waterfall. He throws streams of water from a high cliff, which is very picturesquely entwined with ivy and amazingly beautiful flowers.

    Baylung Elevator

    Every year more and more tourists are interested in Zhangjiajie National Park. How to get here, we will tell you a little later, but for now we will continue to get acquainted with its sights.

    For tourists, the park has all the conditions for a comfortable tour of the unique reserve. Most of the tourist routes are connected by funiculars and cable cars, which greatly facilitate the ascent to the peaks.

    The glass elevator "One Hundred Dragons" (Bailong Elevator) was created to transport tourists to a three-hundred-meter mountain. It is located in the very center of the park and connects the upper and lower levels of the reserve. Before its appearance, tourists were forced to climb the stairs. The road was rather tiresome and long. Today, most travelers prefer to take the glass elevator quickly. If you're lucky, you can be in the front row of passengers, allowing you to admire the stunning views that open from the observation glass of the lift.

    It should be noted that this elevator is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest, highest, with an open view and, moreover, the most powerful - it is capable of lifting fifty people at the same time.

    Glass bridge

    This unique structure was opened in the park in August 2016. Zhangjiajie National Park, whose photos are mesmerizing, became the owner of the longest and highest glass bridge in the world. The author of the unusual project was the architect Haim Dotan. The cost of development, and then the implementation of the project was almost three and a half million dollars.

    The structure is located three hundred meters above a deep abyss. The bridge is four hundred thirty meters long and six meters wide. The glass bridge in Zhangjiajie National Park connects two cliffs and consists of heavy-duty steel structures and ninety-nine slabs of three-layer glass. This structure is capable of supporting eight hundred people at a time.

    It is interesting that on the day of its grand opening, the number of people wishing to see the structure with their own eyes was a record figure - eight thousand people. Everyone who was lucky enough to visit the Zhangjiajie National Park on this day, the reviews left enthusiastic. A walk over a bottomless abyss, which can be seen through glass slabs, cannot be compared to anything.

    Due to the huge influx of people interested, two weeks later, the park administration temporarily closed the bridge for reconstruction. However, the management assured that this was not associated with any damage. After carrying out preventive work to strengthen the structure, the bridge was reopened to the public.

    Stream "Golden whip"

    This area is recognized as the easiest to explore, as it is located at the foot of the mountains in the valley and does not have steep ascents. The hiking trail runs along the stream for almost eight kilometers. From this zone, you can climb to Yuanjiajie or walk to the Yellow Stone Village.

    Tourists note that the walk here is very pleasant - you can feel the much-desired unity with nature. Crowds of tourists are found only in some areas, so you can enjoy the sound of water in the stream, cheerful chirping of birds, picturesque views of the mountains.

    In this zone, at one of the stops, very insidious monkeys live. Tourists try to treat them with all sorts of sweets. Do not do that. These cute, at first glance, animals are very cunning and dexterous - they can completely imperceptibly leave you without wallets, phones and other valuable things. In addition, they often show aggression towards a person.


    Zhangjiajie China National Park amazes tourists with the diversity of flora and its beauty. Scientists believe that the tropical humid climate and varied terrain contributed to the emergence of dense forests in Wulingyuan. Vegetation develops here much faster than in the neighboring provinces of the country.

    More than seven hundred and seventy plant species grow on the territory of the park. There are very rare specimens among them. These include the gingko biloba, the softest chestnut (Chinese), the pigeon tree, and on the plains, travelers can see compact tangerine groves.

    But a special impression on visitors to the park is made by the large white stipules of a pigeon tree swaying in the wind, which resemble a huge flock of white doves.

    Animals in the park

    Zhangjiajie National Park has become home to more than five hundred species of different animals. Twenty-eight of them are rare, and therefore are under constant protection. These include:

    • gigantic salamander;
    • big panda;
    • a golden snub-nosed monkey;
    • leopard.
    • In the 20th century, a waterfall unexpectedly collapsed into the gorge from the top of Tianmen Mountain. This happened four times. The streams of water broke off for fifteen minutes, and then just as suddenly stopped.
    • A staircase with 999 wide steps leads to the Heavenly Gates Cave.
    • A pedestrian path is laid along the top of the massif, at an altitude of 1500 m. Above especially picturesque and steep cliffs, it was made of high-strength glass.

    China, Zhangjiajie National Park: how to get there?

    If you want to see extraordinarily beautiful landscapes, then you must visit this unique place. To see the Zhangjiajie National Park, you first need to get to the city of the same name, and then get to the small villages located at the entrances to the park. There are several ways to get to the city: plane, train, bus. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

    By plane

    If you plan to visit Zhangjiajie National Park and spend as little time as possible on the road, then this option is more suitable for you. You can fly by plane from other major cities in the country. The airport is located five kilometers from the city center. Every day, aircraft fly here from Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Tianjin and other cities of the country.

    You can get from the airport to the city by bus or taxi, which will take you to the park entrance for 100 yuan ($ 15).

    By train

    Zhangjiajie National Park is of great interest to all tourists who come to the country, so many trains leave here. We would like to warn you that this option is suitable for those who have a supply of free time and patience. A little background: the road from Beijing to the destination takes about twenty-six hours, and the ticket will cost sixty dollars (reserved seat) and one hundred (compartment). Zhangjiajie Railway Station is conveniently located close to the city center and airport.

    By bus

    There are several bus stations in the city. Flights from different cities in China arrive on them. Departure schedule, cost of travel, travel time must be checked at bus stations.

    When you arrive in the city in a way convenient for you, it remains to find the Zhangjiajie National Park (China). How to get to the territory of the reserve? It is necessary to go to one of the entrances, which have small villages. You can stay there for the night.

    The nearest entrance to the city is 32 km away and is called Zhangjiajie Village. Forty kilometers from the city is the entrance to the Wulingyuan area. The third is the most distant from the city. It is located near Tianzi Mountain and is not very popular with tourists.

    Where to stay?

    The city of Zhangjiajie offers a good selection of hotels, but settling here, you will have to spend money and time on the road every day. And that's about two hours a day. It is more expedient to stay in a village at the entrance to the park - you will save time on the road.

    Almost all of these villages have several comfortable hotels. If you wish, you can stay at a hotel in the park, unless, of course, you are afraid of the Spartan living conditions: there are frequent interruptions in electricity, water, and Internet disconnections. After the closure of the park, tourists cannot leave its territory, which, you see, is not very convenient.

    Opening hours and cost of attendance

    Zhangjiajie National Park can be visited throughout the year. Opening hours depend on the season:

    • in summer - from 7.00 to 19.00;
    • in winter - from 7.30 to 17.00.

    In summer it is not hot at all, and in winter there are no severe frosts.

    There are two types of entrance tickets:

    • for seven days - 298 yuan;
    • 4 days - RMB 245.
    • It is better to come to the park early, then you will have the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty in relative silence.
    • If you want to use the Bailong elevator, then it is also better to do it in the morning and go down before 16:00. Otherwise, you can spend about four hours in line.
    • You will have to walk a lot in the park, so prepare comfortable shoes to prevent chafing. The same can be said about clothes: they must be comfortable.
    • To conserve energy for exploring the park for a longer time, combine hiking with the cable cars and the lift.
    • When heading to the park, be sure to take a card (you can buy it at the entrance), sunscreen, cash, water and food. You can buy food on the territory of the park, but the prices for them are excessively high. The most available in these shops are fruits, corn, fried potatoes (about 10 yuan).
    • Chinese and international students studying in China can purchase tickets at half price. But this applies to young people under 24 years old. When buying discount tickets, you must show your passport.
    • Store purchased tickets separately from those of friends or family. The fact is that on each of them a number is stamped to which fingerprints are attached. If you take your husband's or friend's ticket, the system will refuse to let you through the turnstile.

    Zhangjiajie National Park in China is considered one of the most beautiful places in the Middle Kingdom. The well-known film Avatar originates from here, and the landscapes of Zhangjiajie Park became the prototype of the soaring mountains in the film. I would like to add that this is not just a publicized place. Zhangjiajie Park is truly beautiful and is worth going here for inspiration and photos.

    Today in the article we will analyze in detail the routes in the park, we will understand how to get to it and how much it will cost in total. Since I already visited Zhangjiajie Park several years ago during the winter season, today there will be a mix of "summer" and winter photographs. This is due to the fact that being in Zhangjiajie in October 2017 was caught in a typhoon and visibility was almost zero. Accordingly, only a few photographs were taken. Therefore, do not be surprised at snowy photographs and their almost complete absence. More practical information today

    How to get to Zhangjiajie

    There are several ways to get to Zhangjiajie Park. You can fly by plane, take a bus or train. We will consider the option with a train, I see it as the most budgetary and convenient. After a while I will write a separate article on how to book trains online in China, it's pretty simple. In a nutshell, just install the ctrip application on your phone, which has, among other things, a Russian interface. Choose the name of the city you are leaving from (the names of cities can be written in Russian) and the city of arrival - the city of Zhangjiajie. You book, pay, at the railway ticket office with your passport, you get a ticket in your hands and calmly get on the train. Just in case, here is the name of the city of Zhangjiajie in Chinese (in pinyin brackets) - 张家界 (Zhāngjiājiè)

    So, we need to get to Zhangjiajie National Park in China. To do this, first we reach the city of the same name Zhangjiajie. Next, we have two options. Stop for a few days in Zhangjiajie city or get a little closer to the park by taking a bus to Wulinyuan town. I highly recommend the second option as Wulinyuan is located right next to the entrance to Zhangjiajie Park.

    In order to get to Wulinyuan, you need to take a mini bus that departs from the bus station of Zhangjiajie city. The bus station is a five-minute walk from the railway station. Enter the bus station building, bypassing the ticket office, immediately go to the waiting room. To your left will be exit number 1. Feel free to go to this exit, exit to the parking lot and then you need to take a bus to Wulinyuan. All foreigners travel in this direction and the Chinese know perfectly well where you need to go, so you will hardly be able to get on the wrong bus. Just in case, here is the name of the bus station in Wulinyuan town - 武陵源 (Wǔlíngyuán).

    From the city of Zhangjiajie to Wulinyuan, it will take about an hour and a half by bus, the ticket price is 20 yuan per person.

    Where to stay in Zhangjiajie

    I can recommend a hostel in which I myself spent several days. The hostel is called Wulingyuantuniu Youth Hostel, is located just five minutes from the entrance to Zhangjiajie National Park. The road on foot from Wulinyuan Bus Station will take about 15 minutes, no more.

    Entrance gate to the park from Wulinyuan side

    We figured out how to get to the park and where to stay for the night. Let's talk about how much the entrance ticket to Zhangjiajie Park and movement inside the park cost, and then let's move on to the route options.

    Prices in Zhangjiajie Park

    Below you can see a photo with the prices for the entrance to the park (photo for October 2017). Also, it will not be superfluous to indicate the prices for cable cars and an elevator inside the park. Prices are in RMB. The ticket is valid for 4 days. You can also buy a ticket that will be valid for a year (I don't know if it is valid for 12 months after purchase or only until the end of the current year).

      Entrance ticket to Zhangjiajie National Park during high season is 245 per adult, 160 discounted (most likely discounted for children, students and seniors).

      Low season admission ticket 136 per adult and 82 discounted.

      Cable cars in the park from RMB 65 to RMB 72

      Baylong elevator 71 yuan

    Below are two parts of the same map. The first image is the eastern part of the park, from where we enter Zhangjiajie Park. The second image, the western part, is where most of the points of interest are located. On the map, I numbered the areas and points of the park to make it easier for you to navigate. Detailed route descriptions follow immediately behind the maps of Zhangjiajie Park.

      Place with good hostels in Wulinyuan

      Entrance to the park. Here they buy a ticket and take buses

      Lower cable car station

      Upper cable car station

      Observation deck

      The beginning of the walking path along the lower part of the park. From the entrance to the park by bus you get to this point in 20 minutes. Walking distance to the beginning of the ascent to Avatar (point 12) will take 30 minutes. It will take about 1 hour to reach another entrance to the park (point 10).

      Baylong elevator

      Hiking to the site with Avatar (takes about an hour).

      Turn to a deserted path. It will take about one hour to walk the trail and return (the end of the trail is marked with number 11 on the map).

      The beginning of the ascent to the mountain. Ascent and descent takes about 3 hours. Alternatively, you can go down by cable car.

      End of the trail. The map shows that there is no passage. In fact, the road is split into two more. One leads to the cable car (about 10 kilometers), the second uphill with access to the road with buses (you can go up in 1 hour).

      Observation platform with Avatar.

      Lower cable car station leading to the Yangjiajie area.

      The beginning of the Yangjiajie route. The passage of the selected area takes about 3 hours.

      An asphalt road with no buses running. The road in both directions will take about 3 hours at a brisk pace.

      * Pay attention to the map. There are numbers next to the bus icons. They indicate how many minutes the bus takes from one station to another.

    Zhangjiajie itinerary for 1 day

    No matter how many days you have to visit the park, my advice is to always come to the opening. The park opens at 7 am. There are about a dozen routes in the park, and they all have the right to life. It depends how much you want to rush to see everything or you need a leisurely pace, whether you will use cable cars and an elevator, or prefer walking ascents. I will offer one of the options, and you will edit it yourself to your liking.

    For the first day, the Zhangjiajie route can be constructed as follows. We arrive at seven in the morning, when the park is just opening. There will already be many tourists, but still not crowds. We pass the turnstile, get on the bus and reach the Baylong elevator (marked with number 7 on the map). We rise on the elevator and go to the observation deck with the Avatar (12). The option with a morning arrival and an elevator is the only one when you can really be alone on this observation deck. It is very crowded and noisy all day long. If the crowds of people do not bother you, you can take a bus from the entrance to the beginning of the hiking route (6), walk alone half an hour before the ascent to Avatar (8) and go directly to the observation deck (12). It will take you about two hours on the way from the entrance to the Avatar at an average pace.

    Bridge near the observation deck with Avatar

    Anyway, we are at the observation deck marked on the map at number 12. Then you can take a bus and get to the beginning of the western part of Zhangjiajie Park called Yuanjiajie. Inspection of this area of ​​the park takes from 3 to 5 hours. Depends on your fitness and free time. First, it is better to inspect the right side (on the map, the end point of the right side of Yuanjiajie is marked as Tianbo Mansion), since there is a chance that it will not be as crowded as in the afternoon. Then the left side, which will take more of your time. On the map of Zhangjiajie Park, the left side of this area ends with a place called Corridor the Cliffs.

    One of the typical species in the Yuanjiajie area

    Would highly recommend Yuanjiajie. Especially, on the left side of Yuanjiajie you practically will not meet people, the views are sometimes very beautiful, and at the end of the path you will find a fenced cliff, where you can fully enjoy what we came here for - the views of Zhangjiajie National Park with its hills and fogs.

    After visiting Yuanjiajie, we take a bus and go to point 5, the next observation deck. The views are beautiful, but be prepared that there will be no crowds of tourists. You can return to the entrance to the park either by going down the cable car or walking down the stairs. Alternatively, you can spend 3 hours exploring a completely deserted area (15). If in general Zhangjiajie is a lot of steps, then this area is an ordinary asphalt road with practically no cars. It's hard for me to judge how beautiful the views are. When I was there, everything was in a fog, like milk. But if you have time, why not take a walk.

    On this route for 1 day in Zhangjiajie Park is over. We return to the hostel, rest and gain strength for tomorrow.

    Zhangjiajie itinerary for 2 days

    If you want to build a route for 2 days in Zhangjiajie Park, on the second day you can also come to the opening, take a bus and get to the beginning of the walking route along the lower path of the park (6). In this case, you have a great chance to stroll under the quaint hills almost alone, enjoying the nature of Zhangjiajie. The road from the beginning of the hiking trail (6) to the turn to the right, onto a completely deserted path (9), will take about 30 minutes. I highly recommend walking along the trail marked on the map at number 9. The way back there will take about an hour. Along the way, you can contemplate the nature of Zhangjiajie alone and most likely meet the local inhabitants - monkeys. In this park, monkeys are not at all aggressive and you should not be afraid of them. Photos of our smaller brothers are below in the article.

    After passing the secondary trail and returning to the main trail, you can continue along the lower part of the park, reaching the other Zhangjiajie gate (10). Here you will have the opportunity to climb one of the observation platforms. A pretty temple awaits you at the top. The walk up and down on foot at a calm pace will take about three hours. Alternatively, you can go down the cable car.

    Temple at the top of the mountain

    Panorama from the temple

    If you only have two full days to explore Zhangjiajie Park, after lunch on the second day, you can drive to a cave located near Wulinyuan. Or spend more time in the park itself. There are many options, all the information is in front of your eyes.

    If planning for Zhangjiajie Park seems a difficult task to you, you do not want to waste your time on it, and there is also a desire to combine Zhangjiajie National Park with other equally beautiful places in China, my first program in China will be organized in May 2018. All the details are in a separate article. In a nutshell, in 11 full days we will travel from Shanghai to Guilin and see a lot.

    Pictures of monkeys in Zhangjiajie park

    Since I had a chance to take photos of the park as many as I would like, below you can see photos of monkeys, which are very numerous in the park. After the photos, the article will tell you what you can see in the vicinity of Zhangjiajie.

    Places around Zhangjiajie Park

    In addition to the park, there are several places that can be visited at once. But you need to think a hundred times before going to them. Any entrances to the natural attractions of China are not cheap. Below I will tell you about three popular places located in the vicinity of Zhangjiajie National Park.

    Glass bridge

    A highly advertised place, just under an hour by bus from Wulinyuan. As for me, a waste of time and money. It will take you about four hours to get to the bridge, check tickets, inspect the bridge and return. And it will take about an hour to stand in lines with hordes of Chinese. When you get to the bridge, respectively, those Chinese people with whom you stood in line will be on the bridge with you. The pleasure is doubtful.

    In addition, the bridge is not entirely glass. In the pictures below, you can see that on the bridge just made rectangular transparent areas in which you can see the canyon below. The views from the bridge are the most common, especially, they are not impressive after visiting the park itself. You will walk across a bridge through a hundred Chinese tourists jumping in place or lying with selfie sticks. I understand everyone has their own tastes and preferences, but I was not impressed by this place at all.

    If you are going to the glass bridge, the entrance price is about 260 yuan. You need to book a ticket at least one day before arrival. This can be done at the hostel. By the way, in the hostel where I stayed ( Wulingyuantuniu Youth Hostel), you may be helped to buy a ticket with a discount of about 80 RMB. The name of the glass bridge in Chinese is 玻璃 桥 (Bōlí zhàndào / Bōlí qiáo)... You can get there from Wulinyuan Bus Station in 40-50 minutes. You cannot bring cameras with you; you will have to leave them in the storage room next to the first checkpoint upon arrival at the bridge. Your ticket will indicate that you need to arrive before 10 am. If you are late, you will have to pay an extra 20 RMB on top. The bridge is open for visits from 7 am to 3:30 pm.

    Unlike the glass bridge, I would recommend going to the cave. You can get from Wulinyuan in 20 minutes by taxi or bus, the entrance ticket costs 100 yuan. Plus 15 yuan can be paid to enter a separate small area while already in the cave. Yes, you will not be alone in the cave, you will also have to fight your way through the crowds of Chinese tourists, led by guides with loudspeakers. However, the main feature of the cave is its river. More precisely, the opportunity to ride a small boat along the water channel of the cave. It's really worth the time.

    In Chinese, the name of the cave will be 黄龙 洞 (Huánglóng dòng)... The cave is open from 7 to 15.30. It is better to lay the inspection for about two hours.

    boat trip through the cave

    Tianmen Mountain

    To tell the truth, I don’t know whether to recommend this mountain or not. When I happened to be there, it rained all day, a stormy wind blew and everything was in fog. Judging by the photos from the Internet, the place is quite interesting. If you've seen pictures with a huge hole in the mountain and a staircase leading there, this is the place. Most importantly, remember that when you buy a ticket you have two options. Or first go up the cable car and then, having completed the walking route, going down, go back by bus. Or take the bus and return to the cable car. This is a prerequisite. You won't be able to go back and forth only by bus or just by cable car. Heard many recommendations that the best option is to take the cable car and then return by bus.

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