Bus operating hours in the new year. How public transport will work on New Year's holidays

Considering that in the New 2018, the bulk of entertainment cultural centers will meet and entertain guests until the morning, the city authorities have prudently revised public transport hours... Now, everyone can visit the most popular places in the capital without worrying about how to get home from there at night.


According to the mayor of the capital, who first mentioned the traffic on New Year's Eve back in 2016, we can say that the Moscow Metro on the upcoming New Year's Eve 2018, as on other public holidays, will work around the clock, without interruptions. The only comment from the transporters indicates that train intervals will vary from 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour. Starting at 05:30 on January 1, the Metro will operate as usual.

However, there is still no official data on the operation of underground transport, however, the townspeople hope that the words of the mayor will turn out to be truthful and nothing will prevent it. Moreover, in recent years, the reliability of the underground track communication has been significantly improved.

Land transport

The bulk of the townspeople can get home by land transport (trolleybuses, buses), which will run through the streets of the capital until 03:00, with an expected one and a half hour break. Public transport will move around all the most popular areas of the city. Those who do not make it in time can still get by taxi.

It will be somewhat more difficult to get there by your own transport. The main part of the roads near the New Year's entertainment events will be 90% closed (as usual), so the cars will have to be left, in principle, far away. Well, in order to get to the desired street, you often have to go around the restricted areas.


Guests of the capital can get home by commuter trains until 03:00. The operating mode of some electric trains may be changed, about which information will appear a little later. As a matter of fact, and the rest of the official information about the expected schedule of transport on New Year's Eve 2018, along the streets of our capital.

Despite the fact that at times many will not be able to get to the house itself by any particular type of transport, in principle, the work of the transport system for the New Year's holiday is quite convenient.

December 30th. site - On New Year's and Christmas nights, ground transport will operate in the capital longer than usual. This was reported on the official portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow.

Central Administrative District

Trams No. 9, 35 and 46, as well as buses of routes M1, M2, M3, M6, M10, M27, T3, T13, T79, No. 101, 158, 608 and 904 will operate in the Central Administrative District until 03:30.

And throughout the night, Muscovites and guests of the capital will be transported by trams No. 24, 26 and 50, trolleybuses No. 20, 28, 41, 54 and 56, as well as buses M5, T18 and T71. The operation of the night bus routes N1, H2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, B, T15, tram No. 3 is also preserved.

At the same time, some buses in the city center will change routes due to festive events.

North-Eastern Administrative District

Buses M2, M10, T3, T13, T79, No. 124, 185, 238 and 685, as well as tram No. 9 will help the residents of the North-Eastern Administrative District get to the holiday grounds. They will run until 03:30.

Eastern Administrative District

Until 03:30, the following routes will operate in VAO:

Buses М3, М27, No. 3, 21, 86, 133, 214, 223, 247, 645, 664, 792, 872;

Trolleybuses No. 64, 77;

Trams number 36, 46.

Trolleybus No. 41, trams No. 11, 24 and 50, buses No. 52, 716, 841 and 855 will run around the clock. Also, on the night of December 31 to January 1, it will be possible to use night buses H3 and H4.

South-Eastern Administrative District

In the southeast of the capital, until 03:30 you will be able to use:

By buses No. 29, 81, 89, 133, 242, 608, 623, 655, 669, 703 (to Kuryanov), 728, 749;

Trolleybuses No. 38;

Trams number 24, 50.

Routes will operate around the clock:

Buses No. 209, 670 (to the metro station "Kozhukhovskaya"), 841;

Trolleybus No. 74;

Trams number 24 and 50.

The operation of the night bus routes N4, N5 and N7 is also preserved.

Southern Administrative District

Tram No. 26, trolleybuses No. 11k, 52, 72, as well as buses M5, T71, No. 203 and 220 will operate all night in the Southern Administrative District. Bus No. 670 will run only to the Kozhukhovskaya metro station. Also, the townspeople will be able to use the services of night transport - buses Н1 and Н5, tram number 3.

Those who plan a trip before 03:30 can also leave for:

Buses М1, М6, No. 158, 192, 217, 274, 289, 296, 608, 623, 680, 682, 738, 765;

Trolleybus no. 40 or tram no. 35.

South-Western Administrative District

Trolleybus No. 85 and bus routes M1, 108, 202, 213, 227, 295, 577, 611, 636, 642, 720, 737, 767 and 804 will operate in the southwest until midnight.

Trips throughout the night can be planned for:

By buses М5, № 130, 224, 531, 752, 895 and night route Н1;

Trolleybuses No. 28, 34, 52, 72;

Tram number 26.

Western Administrative District

Residents of the west of Moscow can use buses М1, М3, М27, № 11, 32, 42, 77, 103, 120, 157, 227, 507, 611, 642, 715, 720, 733, 767, 794, 810 until 03:30 and 830.

And throughout the night, passengers will be transported here by bus routes T19, No. 127, 130, 224, 688, 752, 950, H1 and H2, as well as trolleybuses No. 17, 28, 34, 54.

Northwestern Administrative District

In the North-West Administrative District buses T19, No. 2 and 652, trolleybuses No. 20, 43 and 59, as well as trams No. 6 and 28 operate all night.

By 03:30, buses M1, M6, No. 210, 266, 267, 268, 904, 400t, trolleybus No. 70 and trams No. 21, 30 will stop running.

Northern Administrative District

In this district, until 03:30 at night, the following routes will operate:

Buses M1, M6, M10, T3, T79, No. 65, 90, 101, 167, 677, 904;

Trolleybuses No. 57, 70;

Tram number 30.

At night, the operation of the route of the H1 bus is preserved, and during the day the following routes will be available:

Buses T19, No. 70, 149, 200, 400, 857, 774;

Trolleybuses No. 20, 43, 56, 58, 59;

Trams number 6, 27, 28.

Zelenograd Administrative District

The residents of Zelenograd will not be left without night transport. Until 01:30 passengers will be transported by buses No. 11, 15, until 03:30 buses No. 400t will run. And the bus routes No. 19 and 400 can be used throughout the whole New Year's Eve.

Troitsk and Novomoskovsk administrative districts

In the annexed territories, bus routes No. 531, 863, 895, 950 and 19z will operate throughout the night. And it will be possible to get to the holiday grounds by buses No. 32, 507,577, 611 and 804 until 03:30.

Private carriers

Carriers working under government contracts will also be trusted to transport passengers on New Year's Eve. Buses No. 112 Kapotnya - Metro Bratislavskaya (SEAD) and 714 Pavel Korchagin Street - Rizhsky Vokzal (SVAO) will run all night.

Until 03:30, the routes of bus number 88 "Planernaya Metro" - "Gidroproekt" (CAO and SZAO), 236 "Matveevsko" - "MKAD" (CJSC) and 259 "Ulitsa Korneychuka" - "Metro" Vladykino "will operate (SVAO).

The operating mode of the routes of ground transport in Moscow will change on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018, the press service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" reported.

“On the night of December 31, 2017, to January 1, 2018, the opening hours of urban ground transport routes will change. So, in the Central Administrative District until 3:30 am the routes of buses М1, М2, М3, "М6", М10, М27, Т3, Т13, Т79, №101, 158, 608, 904 and trams №9, 35, 46 will operate. Also, the routes of buses M5, T18, T71, trolleybuses No. 20, 28, 41, 54, 56, trams No. 24, 26, 50 will operate around the clock. At the same time, the night bus routes N1, H2, H3, H4 will continue to operate. , N5, N6, N7, "B", No. 15, tram No. 3, "the message says.

It is specified that in the North-East Administrative District during this period until 3:30 am the bus routes M2, M10, T3, T13, T79, No. 124, 185, 238, 685 and trams No. 9 will operate. The routes of buses T18, No. 605, 696, 774, 836, trolleybuses No. 56, 73, 76 and trams No. 11, 17 will operate round-the-clock. The night routes of the bus No. 6, No. 15 are also maintained.

In the HLW until 3:30 at night, the routes of buses M3, M27, No. 3, 21, 86, 133, 214, 223, 247, 645, 664, 792, 872, trolley buses No. 64, 77, trams No. 36, 46 will operate. Bus routes # 52, 716, 841, 855 will operate round the clock; trolleybuses # 41 and trams # 11, 24, 50. Night bus routes N3 and N4 are still in operation.

In SEAD until 3:30 at night, the routes of buses No. 29, 81, 89, 133, 242, 608, 623, 655, 669, 703 (to Kuryanovo), 728, 749, trolley buses No. 38 and trams No. 24, 50 will operate. Routes of buses No. 209, 670 (to the metro station "Kozhukhovskaya"), 841, trolleybuses No. 74 and trams No. 24, 50 will operate around the clock. Night bus routes No. H4, H5, H7 will continue to operate.

In the Southern Administrative District until 3:30 am the routes of buses M1, "M6", No. 158, 192, 217, 274, 289, 296, 608, 623, 680, 682, 738, 765, trolley buses No. 40, trams No. 35 will operate. Routes of buses М5, Т71, №203, 220, 670 (to the metro station "Kozhukhovskaya"), trolleybuses №11к, 52, 72, trams №26 will operate around the clock. The night route of buses N1, N5 and trams No. 3 is still in operation.

In the South-West Administrative District until 3:30 am the routes of buses M1, No. 103, 108, 202, 213, 227, 295, 577, 611, 636, 642, 720, 737, 767, 804, trolley buses No. 85 will operate. Routes of buses М5, №130, 224, 531, 752, 895, trolleybuses №28, 34, 52, 72, trams №26 will operate around the clock. The night bus route N1 is still in operation.

Bus routes M1, M3, M27, No. 11, 32, 42, 77, 103, 120, 157, 227, 507, 611, 642, 715, 720, 733, 767, 794 will operate in the CJSC until 3:30 am. 810, 830. Routes of buses Т19, №127, 130, 224, 688, 752, 950, trolley buses №17, 28, 34, 54 will operate around the clock. The night bus routes Н1 and Н2 will continue to operate.

In the North-West Administrative District until 3:30 am the routes of buses М1, "М6", №210, 266, 267, 268, 904, 400t, trolley buses №70 and trams №21, 30 will operate. Bus routes T19, № 2, 652, trolleybuses No. 20, 43, 59, trams No. 6, 28.

In the Northern Administrative District until 3:30 am the routes of buses M1, M6, M10, T3, T79, No. 65, 90, 101, 167, 677, 904, trolleybuses No. 57, 70, trams No. 30 will operate. The routes of buses T19, No. 70, 149, 200, 400, 857, 774, trolleybuses No. 20, 43, 56, 58, 59, trams No. 6, 27, 28 will operate around the clock. The night bus route N1 is still operating.

Bus routes No. 11, 15 will operate in ZielAO until 1:30 am. Bus routes No. 400t will operate until 3:30 am. Bus routes # 19, 400 will operate around the clock.

The routes of buses No. 32, 507,577, 611, 804 will operate in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative areas until 3:30 am. Bus routes No. 531, 863, 895, 950 will operate around the clock.

In our articles on the New Year's theme, we told you about how to spend the most long-awaited holiday and long winter holidays in a fun and interesting way. Is it worth staying at home, even if there is an elegant Christmas tree and many treats left over from the New Year's feast? Snow-covered parks, bright show programs, wide fairs await Muscovites, Petersburgers and residents of other cities of Russia. In order to have time to see everything, it will be useful to know how public transport works on New Year's and holidays.

Find your city in our article and learn about work public transport in the New Year and New Year's holidays.

Public transport in New Year 2017 in Moscow

According to the directorate of "Mosgortrans", buses, trolleybuses and trams in Moscow will run on New Year's Eve until 3:00... For the first time in the history of the metro and trains of the Moscow Central Ring will operate all night long, that is, around the clock.

During Christmas, public transport will also operate: ground - until 3:00, metro and MCC trains - until 2:00.

Public transport during the New Year holidays (from December 31 to January 8, 2017) will operate according to the weekend schedule - at increased intervals.

In honor of the holiday in the capital will be released holiday passes in the style of the ongoing winter events "Journey to Christmas" and "The Best City of Winter". Children will be given New Year's souvenirs on New Year's and transport topics.

In addition, they plan enhance safety in all transport areas, increase the number of units of transport equipment, including electric trains running from the Moscow region to the center of Moscow.

As for public parking in the center of Moscow, on New Year's Eve, as well as during New Year's 2017 holidays, it will be completely free.

Public transport in New Year 2017 in St. Petersburg

The St. Petersburg metro will operate on New Year's Eve, from December 31 to January 1 all night long, truth, from 1:00 to 5:00- at increased intervals. The metro will operate on the same schedule on Christmas night.

Ground transport of the "northern capital" (buses, trolleybuses, trams) will also work all night. The city authorities have ordered that all popular ground transportation routes will work in order to get all the townspeople home without any problems, no matter how long they finish celebrating the New Year. Popular routes include buses No. 8, 12, 56, 77, 80, 93, 106, 114, 130, 142, 154.

During the New Year holidays (from December 31 to January 8, 2017), public transport in St. Petersburg will operate according to the weekend schedule - at increased intervals. School bus routes No. 99ш and No. 134ш from December 29 to January 11 will be canceled.

Public transport for New Year 2017 in Kazan

According to official reports, on New Year's Eve and January 1st the operation of ground public transport will be extended. So, buses in Kazan at night from December 31 to January 1 will work until 2 hours.

At the same time, the Kazan metro will run as on ordinary days, that is until 0:00 o'clock.

Passengers will be served by 36 routes of ground transport and 65 units of rolling stock.

On January 1, public transport will start operating in 7 am... But it will go to 23-23:30 .

As for the subway, it will work on December 31 until 0:00 o'clock, and on January 1 it will open to passengers already in 6:00 .

6th January additional transport will also be launched during the Christmas service so that people can go home at night and early in the morning.

Public transport for New Year 2017 in Perm

Competition for the best was announced in Perm decoration public transport for the New Year 2017. Drivers, conductors can decorate the interiors of vehicles and send photos to a special email address.

Of course, it is forbidden to limit the visibility in the cabin for both the driver and passengers, as well as to reduce the space in the cabin.

Residents of Perm who visit the Esplanade on New Year's Eve will be able to use the following transport, which will work with 1:00 to 4:00.

  • buses No. 10, 14, 15, 32, 53, 68, 77
  • trolleybus no. 5
  • tram number 11

Public transport of Saransk for the New Year 2017

The authorities of the city of Saransk promised that transport for this New Year will work in a special, that is, in enhanced, mode.

Officials of Saransk do not go on New Year's holidays, but will monitor the situation in the city. The city authorities emphasize that the work of transport was taken under increased control on January 1, because hardly anyone after New Year's Eve will sit behind the wheel of their car.

To ensure the uninterrupted operation of public transport on New Year's Eve and the subsequent holidays, the Samara authorities will launch additional transport lines, both state and commercial carriers.

At night from December 31 to January 1, 2017 state trams, trolleybuses and buses of Samara will run to 2:00 o'clock... At the same time, the city's metro will be closed, as usual, already in 0:00 hours, but will only open in 6:00 o'clock January 1, 2017.

Commercial buses and minibuses of Samara will run to 4:00 o'clock.

The work of transport during the New Year holidays in Samara will be organized according to the schedule day off.

In total, until January 11, the city will run 59 units of transport for the carriage of passengers.

Public transport in New Year 2017 in Kursk

As in other cities of Russia, in Kursk will extend the work of buses, trolley buses, trams on New Year's Eve 2017. They will run until 4:00 o'clock.

Trolleybuses will operate on two routes: "Znamensky Cathedral - Aviation Center", "North-Western m / district - Znamensky Cathedral".

Commercial buses will run on the following routes: "North-West m / rn - Druzhby avenue - st. 50 years of October - st. Zapolnaya - st. Lenin - st. Dzerzhinsky - North-West m / rn "and" Ul. Kosukhina - st. Student - st. Zapolnaya - st. Lenin - st. Dzerzhinsky - st. Student - st. Kosukhina ".

Minibuses on New Year's Eve they will work on the following routes: “st. Malysheva is a magician. "Flight", "Ul. Stepnaya - Magistralny pr-d - Triumphal arch "," North-western microdistrict - st. 3rd Aggregatnaya "," Fiber - Railway Station "," North-Western Microdistrict (stop "School No. 54", Kosukhina St.) - pl. Perekalsky - railway station (on Zapolnaya st.) "," Aviacenter - st. 2nd Aggregatnaya "," North-Western microdistrict - settlement. North "," M / district Fiber (st. Kryukova) - regional hospital - North-West m / rn "," st. Ilyich - regional hospital "," st. Svetlaya - regional hospital "," Pos. Mokva - Moscow Square "," Klykova Avenue - Friendship Avenue - st. Allied is a magician. "Flight", "Ul. Puchkovka - st. Caucasian - st. Radishcheva - st. Sumskaya - st. Puchkovka "," st. Malysheva (c / t "Assol") - Klykova avenue - CNC "," Magistralny pr-d (cancer center) - Klykova avenue - st. 50 years of October - the bus station ".

More transport units will operate during the New Year holidays, including an increase in the number of commercial buses and minibuses.

During the New Year holidays, all public transport will work as on weekends.

In the Old New Year, from 13 to 14 January 2017 the number of buses will also be increased by commercial ones. Buses will also go far after midnight.

Public transport operation for the New Year 2017 in Sochi, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don

The Sochi authorities officially announced that on New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1 public transport will run longer than usual, namely until 3:00 o'clock.

True, such a work schedule will apply only to those routes that travel around the city. The increased operating mode will not affect routes to Krasnaya Polyana or Lazarevskoye.

This mode of operation of public transport will allow Sochi residents to attend the New Year's concert on Flag Square, which will last from 23:00 to 2:00 hours.

Public transport in Rostov-on-Don during the New Year holidays will work according to the weekend schedule, that is, with increased intervals. And on the night of December 31 to January 1, popular routes of buses, trolleybuses and trams will run until 1:00 o'clock.

Public transport of Krasnodar on New Year's Eve will go until 1:30 hours, and on the days of the New Year holidays, it plans to work on weekends, with increased intervals.

Transport for the New Year 2017 in Saratov

Public transport in Saratov, according to the promises of local authorities, will run on New Year's Eve until 3:00, then - in the mode of transport on duty. Since the main influx of people is expected after the festive fireworks, buses, trams and minibuses with trolleybuses will be used around the clock. People will be able to leave for all regions of Saratov, even remote ones. At night, transport will run at increased intervals, and from 5:00- normally.

Public transport work for the New Year 2017 in Vladimir

On the night of December 31 to January 1, 22 buses and 10 trolleybuses of Vladimir will run on a special schedule. Wherein from 0:30 to 4:30 they will deliver passengers free of charge at intervals of about 15 minutes.

It is assumed that the transport will serve five popular routes:

  • 8-SW - st. N. Dubrova - pl. Victory - Golden Gate - st. Gagarin - st. Mira - Swimming pool - VHZ - st. Egorova - st. Komissarova - st. Bezymensky - st. Kuibyshev. 13 buses every 15 minutes.
  • st. Balakireva - Prospect Builders - st. Gorky - st. Gagarin - Golden Gate - pl. Victory - mn "1001 trifles". 10 trolleybuses every 10 minutes.
  • st. Balakireva - st. Krasnoarmeyskaya - Lenin Avenue - Golden Gate. 2 buses every 15 minutes.
  • Country Park - Cathedral Square - Central Park. 3 buses with an interval of 10 minutes.
  • md. Power engineer - mn "1001 trifle" - pl. Victory - pl. Sadovaya. 4 buses every 15 minutes.

Transport for the New Year 2017 in Vladivostok

Buses and trams will appear in Vladivostok, themed and with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka on board.

The New Year's tram and trolleybus will operate throughout the entire New Year holidays.

The authorities decided in this way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vladivostok trolleybus. In this regard, the passengers of smart transport will receive souvenirs, calendars and other gifts.

In addition, it was decided to extend the work of public transport on the night of December 31 to January 1. until 1:00 o'clock.

Public transport work for the New Year 2017 in Oryol

Public transport Oryol will deliver passengers on New Year's Eve until 4:00, so getting to the places of festivities and central streets will not be difficult. Lenin Square, Saltykov-Shchedrin streets, Polesskaya, Brestskaya, Proletarskaya Gora - it will be possible to drive through them on the night of December 31 to January 1.

Transport New Year 2017 in Ulyanovsk

The main public transport of Ulyanovsk will work on New Year's Eve until 2:00, with the exception of trams No. 2U and No. 4Р, which will run until 3-3: 30 o'clock at half hour intervals.

From January 1 to January 8, that is, during the New Year holidays, public transport will operate according to the weekend schedule. Only the schedule of the movement of the bus number 66 "Central Bank - Arskoye village" will change.

On Christmas Eve, from January 6 to January 7, public transport, as well as on New Year's Eve, will run until 2:00.

How transport will work New Year 2017 in Barnaul

Public transport in Barnaul on holidays and New Year's Eve will run strictly according to the schedule, that is, not more than usual. From 1 to 8 January, due to the reduction in passenger traffic during the New Year holidays, the number of rolling stock units on the streets of the city will also decrease. Transport will operate on weekends.

  • from St. Nicholas Church: by 2.00 two trolleybuses on routes 1, 6;
  • from the Intercession Cathedral: by 1.30 three carriages from Depot-1 along the routes No. 1, 7 to the station "Kordon" and along the route No. 12 "Intercession Cathedral -" Svoboda square "- Anatoly St. - Chelyuskintsev St. - A. Petrov - Popova str. - station "Dokuchaevo";
  • from the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral: by 1.15, two carriages from Depot-3 along routes No. 8, 9.

Transport New Year 2017 in Tula

Commercial city minibuses of Tula No. 4, 9, 12/15, 32, 35, 50, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. on the night of December 31 to January 1 will run until 3:00... In addition, on average, until 4:00 trams No. 3, 9, 12, 14 and trolleybuses No. 1, 2, 6, 10 will carry passengers.

During the New Year holidays, the city's passenger transport will operate according to the weekend schedule.

Transport work in Chelyabinsk on New Year's holidays 2017

In Chelyabinsk, on the contrary, the authorities decided cut the number of passenger transport units, as it was considered that during the New Year holidays, the demand for public transport will be less.

So, on December 31, transport will operate according to the working day (buses until 22:00, trolleybuses and trams - until 23:00).

Further, from January 1, 2017, the number of buses, trams and trolleybuses will be reduced by 25-60% depending on the popularity of the route and time of day. Some routes will be closed for the holidays.

From January 2, a special bus route “2017! 2nd Paveletskaya - pl. Revolution ”to the Ice Town.

The schedule of buses in Chelyabinsk to the airport, as well as information on which buses, trams and trolleybuses will be canceled during the New Year's holidays 2017, can be viewed on the official website.

The authorities of the city of Novosibirsk, working in the field of public transport, have made a number of changes in the operation of buses, trams and trolleybuses during the New Year's holidays 2017 and the New Year's Eve itself.

On the night of December 31 to January 1, public transport will run until 2:00... Ten additional trains will be launched on the Leninskaya line, as well as eight trains on the Dzerzhinskaya line.

During the New Year holidays, public transport in Novosibirsk will work as on weekends. True, the schedule will be adjusted in such a way that in the morning there are increased intervals, and, on the contrary, in the afternoon and in the evening, more transport runs.

On New Year's Eve from 21:00 31th of December until 4:00 On January 1, 2017, part of the roads in the central part of the city will be made pedestrianized.

During the 2017 New Year holidays, schoolchildren will use public transport for free.

Transport work for the New Year 2017 in Lipetsk

In Lipetsk from 1 to 11 January public transport in Lipetsk will operate on a weekend schedule. Some transport routes will be canceled due to lower passenger traffic, for example, route No. 26.

Lipetsk is one of the few cities that did not renew the transport operation on New Year's Eve. On the night of December 31 to January 1, buses and trolleybuses will operate according to their usual weekday schedule.

Transport work in the New Year 2017 in Tomsk

Like last year, municipal transport in Tomsk will work all night long... This year, one more alternative has been added - minibuses (No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32 , 53), which will walk in all directions. The fare will be higher than usual.

Transport work in Irkutsk on New Year 2017

Municipal buses, trolleybuses and trams of Novosibirsk will go to deto already at 21:00 31th of December. It will be possible to get late at night to visit or to the place of festivities only by commercial minibus or bus - they work until 23:00.

According to official reports, the first transport in Irkutsk will start operating in 6:30 January 1, 2017, that is, 2.5 hours later than the staffing table. True, the main stream will still go on the flight. at 9:00.

Transport will work from January 2 from 6:00 to 23:00, normally. Details can be found on the official website. On January 1, 2 and 7, buses No. 9, 10, 13, 31, 32 and 34 will be canceled.

How public transport in Orenburg will work in the New Year 2017

On the night of December 31 to January 1, transport will work until 6:00... On the night before Christmas, buses and trolleybuses will run until 0:00 o'clock.

The following bus routes will be provided with two or more vehicles:

  • №20 "Garankin street - 24 microdistrict"
  • №21 "10 microdistrict - 24 microdistrict"

Trolleybus routes:

  • №2 "street Marshal Zhukov - RTI"
  • No. 4 "24 microdistrict - gas station"
  • No. 6 "Volgogradskaya - Drama Theater"
  • №7 "24 microdistrict - Railway station"
  • No. 10 "st. Rybakovskaya - the village of Karachi "
  • No. 12 "Rodimtseva - Jalil"

Public transport serving other routes will operate until midnight.

Transport work in Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk in the New Year 2017

In both cities, public transport will allow you to get home in any direction. Buses and trolleybuses will operate until the morning.

Of course, transport will run at extended intervals.

Public transport will go to Kemerovo until 4:00... How to get from the city center in the direction of the FPK, d / p "Shalgotaryan", Rudnichny district and the Yuzhny microdistrict after the festive fireworks in the city center, read on the official website.

In Novokuznetsk on the night of December 31 to January 1, they will work until 6:00 routes no. 64b, no. 5 and no. 7. One transport unit per route.

We told you about the work of public transport in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Saransk, Perm and other Russian cities on New Year's Eve and New Year's holidays 2017. Have a great rest!

Photo: Agency "Moscow" / Kiselev Sergey

During the New Year holidays in the center of the capital the festival "Journey to Christmas" will be in full swing, in connection with this, some public transport routes will change, and some streets will be inaccessible to motorists. And the metro and the MCC, like last year, will work all New Year's Eve. Read more about everything in the material of the Moscow 24 portal.

Metro and MCC

The metro will be open all night from December 31 to January 1. Trains will run at intervals of 3.5 to 15 minutes. By the way, they launched it for the holiday.

Photo: Agency Moscow / Sergey Kiselev

The Moscow Central Circle (MCC) will also operate without interruption for the New Year. The intervals of movement, as well as for the metro, will be from 3.5 to 15 minutes. As always, within 90 minutes from the moment of the first pass, passengers will be able to transfer free of charge from the metro to the MCC and vice versa.

In addition, on Christmas Eve - on the night of January 7 - the Moscow metro and the MCC will be open to passengers an hour longer - until 2 am.

Land transport

On New Year's Eve, all night and most popular ground transport routes will be available to passengers. 59 routes and 11 night buses will operate around the clock, 98 routes - until 3:30 am. Buses will run every 25-30 minutes.

In addition, on Christmas night, 163 buses and trolleybuses will carry people until three in the morning. There will also be 11 night routes.

From December 29 to January 3, the routes of 16 buses will change due to the “Journey to Christmas” festival: А, М1, М2, М3, М5, М6, М10, М27, No. 15, No. 38, No. 101, No. 144, No. 158, no. 904, H1 and H2.

  • M1 - from Kravchenko street to the Lenin Library metro station, then along the M27 route to the Park Pobedy metro station;
  • M2 - from the Fili stop to the Lenin Library metro station, then along the M3 bus route to the Luzhniki sports complex;
  • M27 - on the section from the Karacharovsky overpass to the Lubyanka metro station and from the Park Pobedy metro station to the Lenin Library metro station, then along the M1 route to Kravchenko street;
  • M3 - on the section from the Semenovskaya metro station to the Lubyanka metro station, as well as from the Luzhniki sports complex to the Lenin Library metro station, and then along the M2 route to the Fili stop;
  • A - from Luzhniki to the Kropotkinskaya metro station instead of the Komsomolskaya metro station;
  • No. 15 - when traveling from the southern vestibule of VDNKh, the route will shorten to Strastnoy Boulevard. At other times, it stretches to the Novodevichy Convent;
  • M6 - to the metro station "Nagatinskaya" will follow through Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Mokhovaya streets along Nikitsky boulevard and Znamenka street. In the direction of the Silikatny Zavod, buses from the Lenin Library metro station will go along Vozdvizhenka and Novy Arbat streets, then along the Garden Ring to Kudrinskaya Square and then on their own route;
  • M10 - instead of the Kitay-Gorod metro station, they will follow to the Mayakovskaya metro station;
  • No. 101 - from the Megasport Sports Palace to Tverskaya Zastava;
  • No. 904 - from the 4th microdistrict of Mitin to Tverskaya Zastava;
  • No. 144 - from the Teply Stan metro station to the Udarnik cinema.
From December 31 to January 3, buses will run:
  • М5 and № 158 - to Balchug street instead of Lubyanka metro station;
  • No. 38 - from the Rizhsky railway station to the Trubnaya metro station instead of Kitay-gorod.
From December 29 to 30 until the night of January 3, night buses will run:
  • Н1 - in the sections from Ozernaya Street to the Udarnik cinema and from Sheremetyevo airport to Tverskaya Zastava;
  • H2 - from Belovezhskaya Street to the Lenin Library metro station with a U-turn through Znamenka and Mokhovaya Vozdvizhenka streets.

Personal cars

On New Year's holidays, part of the streets in the center of Moscow will be closed for motorists and made pedestrianized because of the Journey to Christmas festival. The restrictions will be in effect for five days - from December 30 to January 3. These days, Tverskaya Street from Mayakovskaya to Okhotny Ryad, Mokhovaya Street from Vozdvizhenka to Tverskaya and Okhotny Ryad Street will be closed completely.

Also, because of the festival, Petrovskie Lines Street, Rakhmanovsky Lane, Neglinnaya Street, Krapivensky Lane, Ilyinka, Varvarka and Moskvoretskaya Streets, Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge and Vasilyevsky Spusk Square will be completely blocked.

In addition, sections of the following streets will be closed:

  • Strastnoy Boulevard from Tverskaya Street to Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street;
  • Bolshoi Gnezdnikovsky lane from Tverskaya street to house 7;
  • Maly Gnezdnikovsky lane from Tverskaya street to Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky lane;
  • Leontievsky lane from Tverskaya street to Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky lane;
  • Tverskoy passage in the area of ​​house 8, building 1, along Tverskaya street;
  • Bryusov lane from Tverskaya street to house 21;
  • Newspaper lane from Tverskaya street to 5;
  • Nikitsky lane from Tverskaya street to house 7, building 1;
  • Georgievsky lane from Tverskaya street to house 1, building 1;
  • Mokhovaya street from Tverskaya street to house 1, building 1, and from Vozdvizhenka street to Bolshaya Nikitskaya street;
  • Bolshaya Dmitrovka street near the house 1/30;
  • Theatrical passage from Bolshaya Dmitrovka street to Neglinnaya street;
  • Petrovka street from Teatralny proezd to Dmitrovsky lane.
At the same time, all paid parking lots will be free for motorists. You will have to pay for your stay only at those where there are barriers. There are about 80 of them in the city, the cost varies from 50 to 200 rubles per hour or at the price of a monthly subscription. However, do not violate the parking rules, as the evacuation service will not rest on these days.

Electric trains

Photo: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow

During the New Year holidays, the schedule of commuter trains will also change. The time of movement of suburban trains on New Year's and Christmas nights will be extended until 2:00 am. Aeroexpress trains will operate as usual.

From December 30 to January 7, commuter trains will run on Saturday's schedule, January 8 - on Sunday's schedule. And on January 9, trains will return to their regular working hours.

In total, 24 TsPPK trains will be canceled, and 15 of the company's electric trains will depart later at night on January 1 and 7. Most of the changes will take place in the schedule of express trains of the Yaroslavl direction of the railway.

For example, the daily train No. 6059 Pushkino - Moscow at night on January 1 will depart 40 minutes later (at 0:27). And the train No. 6676 Moscow - Monino on January 1 and 7 - 1 hour 40 minutes later (at 1:50). Express number 6677 Monino - Moscow on New Year's Eve will be released at 0:09 - 58 minutes later than on other days.