Set in Lyceum Vorobyovy Gory Yasenevo. Lyceum "Sparrow Hills"

My son has been dreaming of entering biochemistry at this lyceum for 2 years. He went to classes in the biological circles of the Palace of Pioneers and was looking forward to when he would grow up to the 8th grade in order to finally be in the coveted Lyceum.

And suddenly, in the summer of 2013, I saw a message on the website of the Lyceum that enrollment was underway in the 7th grade of a general orientation (without specialization). We were very happy and immediately applied for admission. Received. The son flew like on wings and was absolutely happy. He likes everything in the Lyceum: teachers, programs, additional classes, the opportunity to go to his favorite circle after school, to a meeting of one of the clubs, and events of the Palace. My family and I looked at his happy face and were glad that we have a Lyceum at Vorobyovy Gory.

Why is it in the past tense? Because there is no more Lyceum 1525 "Vorobyovy Gory". Lyceum 1525 separately, educational complex "Vorobyovy Gory" separately, because Lyceum staff under the direction of director E.P. Tregubova at a meeting of the labor collective decided to refuse to join the educational complex.On the basis of the Palace of Pioneers, the Vorobyovy Gory educational complex was created. It includes GBOU secondary school No. 22, GBOU secondary school No. 1260, GBOU kindergarten No. 2041, GBOU CDO "Dialogue of Sciences", GBOU TsUNTT "Istok", GBOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 2042, Moscow College of Professional Technologies, Palace with A.A. . Shashkov at the head.The Lyceum was provided with a building on Krasnoselskaya metro station, where it will start functioning from September 2014. Of course, he will lose the name "Vorobyovy Gory".

I will not assume what are the reasons for this sad event and give any assessment of the actions of the parties. I'll just post a chronicle of events on my blog.

27.02 Parent meeting 7A class

On the agenda: Results of attestation of a 7th grade student in the 3rd quarter. Organization of leisure activities during the holidays. Intermediate certification in the 7th grade. We discussed pressing issues, worried about transitional exams in the 8th grade. There was no talk about moving the Lyceum. But those who have not yet passed the "entry fee" in the form of a "voluntary" donation in the amount of 25,000 rubles were reminded of the need to do so. We were also informed that there would be 3 departments instead of 5 in the Lyceum - this is the requirement of the Palace.

28.02 A letter arrives in Elzhur from director Ye.P. Tregubova.

Dear parents! Today, in the Palace, in my opinion, the conditions for the development of the lyceum in the capital's educational space are deteriorating. I ask you to comment on this issue, since our conditions and subsequent repairs in the buildings of the Moscow State Children's and Children's Children's and Youth Theater complicate the office and laboratory system and teaching according to individual curricula at the senior level in accordance with FGOS. Parent Asset Meeting tomorrow (March 1) at 12:00 4:36 pm. All interested persons are also invited.

01.03 Asset meeting with director Tregubova

It was announced that the teaching staff was no longer satisfied with the working conditions in the Palace. That the Lyceum is actually being evicted to premises unsuitable for conducting the educational process and that the Lyceum will definitely find a way out of the current situation.

After that, there was a quiet period in our class.

1) The Lyceum has 2 development paths: join the educational complex with the Palace or move. There is no third.

2) The lyceum wants to move to Krasnoselskaya.

3) If the Lyceum moves, then EVERYONE must also solve this issue for himself.

4) On the basis of the remaining students within the walls of the Palace, together with the educational institutions participating in the association, lyceum classes are opened.

5) During the spring-summer, A.A. Shashkov recruits the missing teachers, and classes at the Palace continue. But Lyceum 1525 ceases to exist in the Palace.

6) A.A. Shashkov strives to support the Lyceum in every possible way and help him. However, the administration of the Lyceum does not try to solve the problems that arise (lack of classrooms, conflicts with services, etc.).

7) At the new location, the Lyceum is going to closely cooperate with only one university - the Higher School of Economics, which does not support, in particular, the direction of biology and chemistry.

If the Lyceum moves, then on the basis of the Palace there will be another (organizationally) lyceum, but a lyceum that continues the traditions laid down by the associate teachers of Lyceum 1525.

At this point, all the parents of our 7A class were alarmed and began to find out the details and think about options for the development of events. It turned out that some classes had decided to stay at the Palace in their entirety. The teachers of the biological and chemical department, headed by Tinatin Davidovna Egnatashvili, who has worked at the Palace for more than 35 years and is the head of the biological and chemical department of Lyceum 1525, remain at the Palace in full force. The biological and chemical department will be saved!

14.03 Correspondence
Concerned parents exchanged news by e-mail, each trying to find out at least some details through their own channels. They wrote that on March 15, a meeting is planned in a new building on Krasnoselskaya for teachers, to which activist parents can come. The meeting was scheduled at the Palace on the Sparrows.

15.03 Meeting on Krasnoselskaya
Parents by 11.30 were already near the monument to Malchish Kibalchish in the Palace. They waited for an hour for at least some news from the administration of the Lyceum, but did not wait, standing on the street for an hour. Was the meeting canceled or simply “forgotten” about the parents?

15.03 Message in Elzhur
Dear parents!
March 20 (Thursday) at 18:00 a meeting of the parents of our 7th grade with the leadership of the Palace on the issue of moving the Lyceum will take place. Please prepare your questions and suggestions on the current situation. Meeting at 17:40-17:45 in the lobby of the main entrance, then all together we will go to the Center for Environmental Education, where an office will be determined.

Information received the most contradictory. The administration and some teachers of the Lyceum said that the Palace was expelling the Lyceum, that there would be no lyceum classes in the Palace, that the entire teaching staff of the Lyceum was moving to Krasnoselskaya and all the classes too.

16.03 Letter from the teacher of the Lyceum
Unfortunately, neither the Lyceum nor the Faculty of Humanities stay at the Palace for the next year. We were faced with a very difficult choice. The management of the palace cannot place all the class of the lyceum on its territory. It was proposed to reduce the number of faculties to three. At the same time, the third building is entirely given over to the administration. The theatrical studio, the group of preschool education "Penguin" are returning to the fifth building after the repair, and the art studio is moving. We are offered several classrooms in building 8, where it is impossible to study. The building requires major repairs, does not have a proper ventilation system and the classrooms are poorly equipped for classes. We are deprived of the opportunity to conduct elective courses and electives in the afternoon, which has always been an integral part of the educational process at the lyceum level.

Our 7th grade has the hardest time: we have no specialization, no curator. It was planned that after the 7th grade, our children will go to the 8th grade with the chosen specialization. Those. we can’t even go to the Palace to study with the whole class, because some of the children planned to study at the biology and chemistry department, some at the humanitarian department, a few people at the physics and mathematics and socio-economic departments. I am creating a group on FB so that parents can exchange information more quickly. We invite Olga Achkasova, a member of the parent committee of the Palace, to the group. We are preparing for the meeting on March 20: we are discussing questions for the administration, the agenda and news.

17.03 Meeting with A.A. Shashkov
Taking into account the concern of the parents, the director of the Palace met our numerous requests and agreed to a meeting in the evening, at 17.45. Andrey Anatolyevich answered some questions. It was impossible to answer some of them due to the complete lack of information: it is not clear how many children want to stay to study at the Palace, how many are ready to move to Krasnoselskaya, which of the teachers stay and who leaves. Only the biochemist had clarity with the teachers - they all remain. Nevertheless, the director tried to reassure the parents and promised that all our appeals would be considered and the administration of the Palace would make every effort to ensure that children who wished to stay at the Palace could continue their education in lyceum programs.

Everyone who wants to stay from our class unanimously write applications. Information was received that the 8th grade of biochemistry will be created from the children of our class and those who entered on a competitive basis. Those wishing to study biochemistry at the Palace should contact Tinatin Davidovna Egnatashvili directly. Many children who attend clubs at the Palace want to enter the lyceum.

On the website of the Lyceum 1525 there was a message about the Open Doors Day on March 22. So far no address. There is no information on the website of the lyceum about the relocation or reduction in the number of departments, there are schedules for entrance exams and interviews for five departments, and not three, as we were told at the meeting on February 27.

18.03 Events are developing
Information about the relocation of the Lyceum began to spread among the parents like wildfire. Representatives of 9 classes are planning to come to our meeting on March 20. Parents decide to start a poll and collect signatures among students to understand how many people plan to stay to study at the Palace. The administration of the Lyceum has not yet made any official statements about the move for the parents. Everyone is very worried, as they are in limbo: in all specialized schools in March-April, children are enrolled for the next academic year.

In the afternoon, the parents took a letter to the secretariat of the Lyceum with an invitation to the administration of the lyceum for a meeting on March 20 at 18.00. In the evening, we all received a newsletter from Tregubova through Elzhur:
Dear parents! In connection with your appeals to the DogM and SWUOUO regarding the relocation of the lyceum and in order to ensure the continuity of the educational process, I ask you to send two representatives led by the chairman (attendance is required) of the parent committee of the class on March 20, 2014 at 18.00. The place of collection is the Winter Garden of MGDD (Yu) T.

She scheduled her meeting at the same time as ours!

19.03 Collection of signatures
From the very morning, parents began to be on duty at the Palace. They collected statements and signatures from those who would like to stay at the Palace. It turned out that some class teachers told the parents that the move of the Lyceum was a settled matter and no one could stay in the Palace, as there would be no classes, lyceums, etc. in the Palace. During the lessons, the teachers showed the children presentations of the new building of the Lyceum and told them what a good education the children would get there, and what a sad future awaits them in the Palace.

The administration of the Lyceum began to prevent parents from entering the Palace. Those who collected signatures and told other parents about the situation were tried to force them to leave the Palace. But the administration of the Lyceum cannot forbid parents to be in the Palace. Director of the Palace on behalf of Kalina I.I. took control of the situation: the parents had already managed to write to the Department and visit it.

Parents continue to prepare for the meeting: we discuss the agenda, find out how many people will be present. But this is precisely the most difficult thing to find out - the news is spreading quickly and it may turn out that a lot of people who are experiencing information hunger will come.

The chronicle will definitely be supplemented with new events!

In the lyceum "Vorobyovy Gory" at the level of secondary general education, the following profiles are implemented:
natural science;

Technology profile
Choosing a technological profile, a child can gain advanced knowledge in mathematics, physics, computer science.
In the Vorobyovy Gory Lyceum, early profiling is carried out at the level of primary general education by introducing variable courses, the purpose of which is to develop mathematical thinking. The implementation of federal state educational standards also allows, through extracurricular activities such as Visual Programming, Maly MekhMat, Chess, to increase interest in technical sciences, to promote the identification and development of children's talents.
As part of additional education, students in grades 1-4 are offered the programs "Initial technical modeling", "Fascinating science", "Robotics".
At the level of basic general education, classes are formed with a developing mathematical block (grades 5-7), pre-profile classes (grades 8-9), where courses in the choice of students in lesson activities become workshops in mathematics, physics, computer science, which allows prepare students for a conscious choice of specialized education, in extracurricular activities such courses as "Programming" (2-3 languages), "Special Physics", "Special Mathematics", "Technical English", allow you to navigate the world of professions, choose a specialization. As part of additional education, students in grades 5-6 are offered programming courses in the Scratch language, technical modeling and robotics. Schoolchildren in grades 7-9 study high-level programming languages ​​(C++, C#, Python), web design, 3D engineering and design modeling, the basics of analog and digital electronics, digital production technologies, and robotics as part of additional education. In the classroom, high school students learn to independently create websites, develop mobile applications, and program Arduino microprocessor devices. Students are also provided with programs to study computer 2D and 3D graphics, animation and digital media creativity using modern computer programs and systems. Classes are taught by qualified teachers - graduates of leading Russian universities.
Upon completion of basic general education, students of the Vorobyovy Gory State Budgetary Educational Institution continue their education at the level of secondary general education in technology profile classes. Since the 2016-2017 academic year, the educational organization has been implementing the project "Academic (scientific and technological) class in a Moscow school", within the framework of which GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" cooperates with the A.V. Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of General Physics named after A.M. .Prokhorov RAS.

Natural Science Profile
Children who choose a natural science profile receive advanced knowledge in such disciplines as biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. The implementation of federal state educational standards also makes it possible, through extracurricular activities such as Astronomy, Microbiology, We and the Biosphere, Young Medic, to increase interest in the natural sciences, to promote the identification and development of children's talents.
The children have biological workshops, additional classes on the study of subtropical nature, astronomy and astrophysics. Classes for students are held in the greenhouse, winter garden, living corner, zoological museum, botanical garden, collection and experimental areas of open ground, as well as in the planetarium and observatory of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. Children go to laboratory work at the Polytechnic Museum, and also get acquainted with various interesting people - representatives of the natural science environment.
Within the framework of the project "Academic (scientific and technological) class in a Moscow school", GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" cooperates with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Microbiology named after S. N. Vinogradsky RAS.
Humanitarian profile
Children who choose this profile can get in-depth knowledge of the humanities: Russian, social science, English, a second foreign language.
Particular attention in the study of the humanities is given to a foreign language. In addition to English, children can choose to study French, German or Spanish. Such extracurricular activities as "Economics in English", "Country Studies", "Foreign Literature" allow not only to deepen the knowledge of the language, teach to operate with specialized terms and take part in international competitions and olympiads, but also broaden the horizons of students. There are courses “Traveling around English-speaking countries”, where in the classroom children can virtually visit different countries, go to a cafe, shop or ask for directions. Thus, they work out the practical application of the acquired skills, which increases interest in learning the language, and also allows them to overcome the speech barrier. Theater in English (French, German, Spanish) allows you to show the full creative potential of lyceum students, at the same time increasing the motivation of students. Students demonstrate their knowledge of languages ​​from the big stage of the Palace of Pioneers, delighting with excellent theatrical performances in a foreign language, defending various research projects in a foreign language, which develops their scientific work skills, since any project is primarily a scientific research activity, and such work in a foreign language deserves special attention.

Socio-economic profile
The choice of this profile ensures the formation of a new economic thinking among students, the formation of the ability to independently acquire and apply economic knowledge, the development of an active life position in students in relation to the economic processes taking place in society.
Particular attention within the socio-economic profile is given to social science, mathematics and English. In addition to these disciplines, classes are held here in rhetoric, the basics of economics, and law.
Such extracurricular activities as "Economics in English", "Consumer Economics", "Mathematics in English", "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy", allow the student not only to expand their knowledge in economic disciplines, but also develop erudition and professional thinking skills, help understand the economic and political problems of our time, prepare well for admission to the chosen university.
Additional education is part of the educational program of the socio-economic class and provides students with additional opportunities for mastering special skills. Additional education programs are aimed at preparing for Olympiads in special subjects, organizing research and scientific and practical activities of students, and play an important role in realizing entrepreneurial potential.
In teaching, along with traditional methods, visiting seminars, trainings, defense of creative projects, participation in sociological research are used.

Participation in city projects of the Moscow Department of Education
In the 2016-2017 academic year, Vorobyovy Gory launched the following city projects of the Moscow Department of Education:
"Moscow Electronic School";
"Academic class in a Moscow school";
"Development of a convergent basic educational program for all levels of education."
In the 2017-2018 academic year, it is planned to participate in the implementation of the DOGM programs:
"Cadet class in a Moscow school";
"Medical class in a Moscow school".
The Lyceum cooperates with leading universities: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, RANEPA, MAI, HSE, RUDN and others.