How to get to the zhdnovichi market by train. Detailed weather forecast for Zhdanovichi

Zhdanovichi- a microdistrict of Minsk, belonging since 2004 to. It is located outside the Minsk ring road (1 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the direction of Brest).

Formally, the Zhdanovichi district is an agro-town on the territory of the Minsk region. It has its own village council, but at the same time it is considered part of the Central District of Minsk.

According to archaeologists, in the second half of the first millennium AD, a settlement of primitive people was located near the present Zhdanovichi. Most likely, the Bantser culture, to which these people belonged, best demonstrates how the process of settlement and resettlement of the Slavs in the Baltic area took place.

Zhdanovichi microdistrict map

The main streets of the area are:

  • st. Kolesnikova
  • st. Timiryazev

Transport links with the rest of the city are well thought out. Firstly, buses run in Zhdanovichi:

  • 101 (DS Druzhnaya - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 121 (DS Sukharevo-5 - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 125 (DS West-3 - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 140 (DS Sukharevo-5 - shopping center Zhdanovichi)

In addition to city buses, you can come to Zhdanovichi by taxi:

  • 1019 (Station - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1026 (Car market - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1051 (Komarovsky market - Zhdanovichi)
  • 1055 - (DS Serebryanka - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1073 (DS Serova - Zhdanovichi)
  • 1089 (DS Uruchye-2-6 - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1097 (Angarskaya - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1109 (DS Shabany - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1130 (DS Serova - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1183 (AS Avtozavodskaya - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1199 (DS Malinovka-4 - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1230 (DS Serova - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1233 (Expobel IEC - Zhdanovichi shopping center)
  • 1259 (Minskrybprom - shopping center Zhdanovichi)
  • 1507 (DS Odoevsky - shopping center Zhdanovichi)

In addition to personal vehicles, buses and fixed-route taxis, there is another option for how to get to Zhdanovichi in Minsk. There is a railway station very close to the Zhdanovichi shopping center and the market of the same name. Travel time from the central railway station is 15 minutes. Regional economy class lines and city lines in this direction run quite often. Thus, trains depart from Minsk-Passenger station at 00:30, 04:39, 05:00, 05:20, 05:45, 06:00, 06:10, 06:23, 06:40, 07:20 , 07:32, 08:20, 08:43, 08:57, 09:12, 09:22, 09:52, 10:32, 11:23, 11:33, 12:10, 12:35, 12 :48, 13:35, 14:40, 14:55, 15:10, 15:21, 15:36, 16:00, 16:12, 16:19, 16:35, 17:25, 17:35 , 17:47, 18:05, 18:15, 18:35, 19:14, 19:30, 20:18, 20:45, 22:16.

In general, despite the absence Metro stations in Zhdanovichi and specific neighborhood location, transport accessibility of the area is at a very high level.

Infrastructure Zhdanovichi

The road infrastructure of the area is very good - there are good arrivals and departures, the roadbed is of high quality. Well in Zhdanovichi and with the ecological situation. Proximity to the forest and the Minsk Sea make the area an excellent recreational area. The entertainment infrastructure is at a really high level - near the Minsk Sea, recreation centers, rental points for special equipment and inventory, a billiards club, and a yacht club have been built and are open to visitors. If some of the recreation centers are open only in a certain season, then the sanatoriums receive guests 365 days a year. There are also children's camps near Zhdanovich.

The entertainment infrastructure of the district is at the same time a whole complex attractions of interest to tourists.

The first sanatorium opened in this area was a boarding house built in the early years of the twentieth century by Dr. Zdanovich near the mineral spring he discovered. Over time, near the first boarding house, more and more health facilities began to be built and receive guests.

On the territory of the first sanatorium built by Dr. Zdanovich, the Church of the Ascension of the Lord was erected, which today with great difficulty accepts everyone. On Fridays, prayers are served in this temple for a cure for alcohol addiction.

As for the standard educational and healthcare infrastructure, Zhdanovichi has school, and a kindergarten, and a clinic.

In general, Zhdanovichi (Minsk) is a very popular area, and it owes its popularity and attendance to the market of the same name and trading houses. In the near future, it is planned to restructure the market and partially move it to other points. Thus, the Field of Miracles and the Lebyazhy market will be relocated to the village of Tabory (Minsk region). Of course, many regular customers are not satisfied with this state of affairs, since the strong dispersion of shopping facilities complicates the process of making purchases.

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All the details of the road route from Minsk (, Minsk, Belarus) on the way to Zhdanovichi (, Minsk region, Belarus), indicating all intermediate points, settlements, distances and travel times between them.

Plan your route by points in advance using our free online navigator.

Waypoint of the route
Minsk - Zhdanovichi
Time and distance
to the next point
from the start of the route
from the beginning of the route
The starting point of your journey is Minsk
, Minsk, Belarus
Less than 1 minute
(0 km.)
Less than 1 minute 0 km
Stone Hill
Minsk region, Belarus
Less than 1 minute
(0.4 km.)
Less than 1 minute 0.4 km
Minsk region, Belarus
13 minutes
(8.7 km.)
14 minutes 9.1 km
Stone Hill
Minsk region, Belarus
Less than 1 minute
(0.3 km.)
14 minutes 9.3 km
Minsk region, Belarus
8 minutes
(5 km.)
23 minutes 14.4 km
The end point of your journey is Zhdanovichi
, Minsk region, Belarus
We've arrived!

Weather for today (07-05-2019) in Minsk

Weather forecast for 07-05-2019 in Minsk, Minsk, Belarus

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Detailed weather forecast for Zhdanovichi

Weather in Zhdanovichi, Minsk region, Belarus today, 07-05-2019

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Closest airports to Zhdanovichi

The following airports and airfields are located near Zhdanovichi, Minsk Oblast, Belarus:

  • Minsk, Belarus);
  • Riga, Latvia);
  • Kiev, Ukraine);

Specify the price and Buy a ticket there

Closest airports to Minsk

Airports and airfields located near Minsk, Minsk, Belarus:

  • Minsk, Belarus);
  • Riga, Latvia);
  • Kiev, Ukraine);
  • Pskov (city district of Pskov, Pskov region, Russia);

Check the price and Buy a return ticket

General information

  • Distance by plane between Minsk and Zhdanovichi is 10.1 kilometers.
  • The flight time to Zhdanovichi from Minsk is 1 minute (and by train 4 minutes).
  • The cheapest flight ticket from Minsk to Zhdanovichi found by our users today (07-05-2019) costs 131 euros.

Cheap flight tickets from Minsk to Zhdanovichi

In order to get to Zhdanovichi (, Minsk region, Belarus) from Minsk (, Minsk, Belarus) by plane, you can choose the flight that suits you and buy a cheap air ticket.

The site has found the cheapest airfare for Minsk - Zhdanovichi for you by comparing the cost of an air ticket to Zhdanovichi using 68 agencies, 17 booking systems, and 728 airlines. Where exactly to buy plane tickets from Minsk - the choice is yours.

flying out
we arrive
and fly
Minsk (MSQ) Riga (RIX) direct BT413 AirBaltic 131 € Let's fly!
Riga (RIX) Minsk (MSQ) direct B2 842 Belavia Belarusian Airlines 147 € Let's fly!
Minsk (MSQ) Kiev (IEV) direct B2 845 Belavia Belarusian Airlines 158 € Let's fly!
Kiev (IEV) Minsk (MSQ) direct B2 844 Belavia Belarusian Airlines 167 € Let's fly!
Kiev (IEV) Minsk (MSQ) 1 stop BT407 AirBaltic 176 € Let's fly!
Kiev (IEV) Riga (RIX) 1 stop PS 845 Ukraine International Airlines 199 € Let's fly!
Riga (RIX) Kiev (IEV) 1 stop T.K. 1758 Turkish Airlines 207 € Let's fly!
Minsk (MSQ) Riga (RIX) 1 stop OS 688 Austrian Airlines 215 € Let's fly!
Minsk (MSQ) Kiev (IEV) 1 stop OS 690 Austrian Airlines 216 € Let's fly!
Riga (RIX) Minsk (MSQ) 1 stop LH 891 Lufthansa Cargo 243 € Let's fly!
Minsk (MSQ) Kiev (IEV) 2 stops B2 803 Belavia Belarusian Airlines 246 € Let's fly!
Kiev (IEV) Riga (RIX) 2 stops LH 2547 Lufthansa Cargo 260 € Let's fly!
Kiev (IEV) Minsk (MSQ) 2 stops LH 2545 Lufthansa Cargo 262 € Let's fly!
Kiev (IEV) Riga (RIX) direct BT405 AirBaltic 274 € Let's fly!
Riga (RIX) Kiev (IEV) 2 stops LH 893 Lufthansa Cargo 300 € Let's fly!
Riga (RIX) Kiev (IEV) direct B2 842 Belavia Belarusian Airlines 309 € Let's fly!
Minsk (MSQ) Riga (RIX) 2 stops S.U. 1835 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 366 € Let's fly!
Riga (RIX) Minsk (MSQ) 2 stops BT4421 AirBaltic 494 € Let's fly!

Olga gives the wrong answer. There are no such buses anymore. There is a bus number 101, Station - etc. Zhdanovichi"
The guys will briefly explain how to get to the car market, Zhdanovichi "
1. Exit the main entrance of the railway station and turn left, and go to the end of the railway station building - there are two trains, Minsk-Molodechno "" they both go there. I advise you to get into an imported train. Approach it, press the button at the door and go in. There is a conductor walking - it costs 4,000 Belarusian rubles ($ 0.5) You can also buy a ticket at the box office, it is located near that minibus 100 meters away. And go to the station, Lebyazhy "" and that's it. The road is about 15 minutes - enter the underground passage and exit to the vegetable market - then through the underground passage and exit to the parking lot and the market itself will be to the right, Zhdanovichi "" used cars. And you don’t need these buses to go through the whole city. You can also go back on this platform only in the opposite direction by train. You can also go by minibus to the railway station, you will see them near the road. to the stop. bus number 101, Station-Zhdanovichi ""
2. Just in case, take Loperamide with you, as there is one paid sart for 2000 cars.))) Money for a car is in dollars, you can also in euros, but the price tags are in $.

Marked by a user on Aug 12, 2012 01:50 PM

| Estimate:

On Zhdanovichi, they put up older cars, on Malinovka, younger and, accordingly, more expensive (usually more than $10,000). Cars of 2002 are better to look at Zhdanovichi or from ads on the Internet (,

From Leningradskaya station (if you stand with your back to the station, it is located on the opposite side of the station, a little 50 meters to the left):
1010 - Station - Car market
1074 Car Market - Station
1110 - AS "Avtozavodskaya" - Car market

From DS Druzhnaya (located behind the back of the station, along the underpass)
1181 - Druzhnaya - Car Market
I think it will take at least half an hour to travel by transport.
Also at the Leningradskaya stop, look at the schedule, ask for the numbers of the minibuses that go there - it will be faster.:

How to get to the car market Zhdanovichi from the railway station
From Leningradskaya station (if you stand with your back to the station, located on the opposite side of the station, a little 50 meters to the left) to Polevaya station:
Trolleybuses 1019, 1056, 1109, 1117
or Bus 555

How to get from between markets.
Both markets are located near the Moscow Ring Road, 15 minutes away from each other by car.
By public transport - around the city and longer:
Trolleybus 1026
or Bus 583
from the Zhdanovichi shopping center station (located on the other side of the railway running parallel to Timiryazev Street through the crossing) to the Avtorynok station.

Download CityInfo 2.7 or 2.8 - there you can lay public transport routes around Minsk.

Marked by a user on May 5, 2011 05:24 PM

| Estimate:

We bring to your attention a photo report and a map-scheme of the market "Zhdanovichi" in Minsk. On the territory of the shopping center "Zhdanovichi" is the largest car market in Belarus for the sale of used cars. There is also a radio market, construction, clothing, food markets, shopping centers "World of Fashion", "Grad" ... Well, the "field of miracles", how could it be without it;)

The largest car market in Belarus "Zhdanovichi"More than 3,500 cars are put up for sale at the car market on weekends.

In the market "Zhdanovichi" you can also buy auto parts

There are several routes to get to the Zhdanovichi market. By buses No. 555, No. 130, No. 60 from the 2nd RING along Timiryazev Street. By buses No. 576 and No. 589 along Orlovskaya street - Pobediteley avenue - Timiryazev street. You can get off at the stop of the shopping center "Grad" (if necessary, to the construction or automobile market), or drive a little further to the clothing and food markets.
Second option: Get to the Kamennaya Gorka metro station, take bus No. 125, No. 140 and in 10-15 minutes you will be at the terminal called "Trading house" Zhdanovichi ". Then dive into the underpass under the railway tracks, emerge in second-hand and further - in free swimming along Zhdany.
Option three - for those who go to the Zhdanovichi market by train. You need to take an electric train at the railway station in Minsk in the direction of Molodechno and get off at the Lebyazhy stop. (Minsk-Radiatorny-Masyukovshchina-Lebyazhy).

Map-scheme of the market "Zhdanovichi"

Trade and Exhibition Center "Grad" (Timiryazev Street, 123/2). View from the building market.

Construction market in Zhdanovichi: always a large selection of building materials at relatively low prices.

And nearby - Belarusian entrepreneurs offer services for the manufacture of custom-made furniture. Upholstered furniture, computer tables, chests of drawers, bedside tables, kitchens - private traders take on any size and configuration. Samples can be viewed immediately "live" on the site or picked up from photographs. As a rule, orders are executed very quickly, within a few working days. In addition, for a small fee, your new sofa or table will be delivered to your home.

The clothing market in Zhdanovichi is similar to many other similar markets: tents, tents...

In the shopping centers "World of Fashion" you can buy women's and men's clothing, shoes, children's goods, household appliances.

Shopping centers "World of Fashion" on weekdays are open from 10.00 to 18.00, and on Saturday-Sunday and public holidays - from 10.00 to 19.00. Day off - Monday.

Between the World of Fashion-4 shopping center and the food market there is a radio market (radio market). Here they offer to buy radio products, disks, flash cards, batteries. Large selection of games, music, movies, software on DVD-CD.

Parking on Timiryazev street next to the shopping town "Lebyazhy".

In the shopping town "Lebyazhy" you can look for cheaper goods. Minsk residents go here to buy tea and coffee, groceries, washing powders, baby diapers and the like. Here, the shopping malls with clothes are a bit crowded, but the prices are relatively low. Nearby, at the fruit and vegetable market, you can buy fresh vegetables and fruits; during the season, trade is carried out directly from trucks.

The territory of the lowest prices is a flea market in Zhdanovichi, aptly nicknamed the "Field of Miracles". Would you like to see the flea market in Minsk? Go deep into the town "Lebyazhy", exactly get on it.

According to the map, the distance between Moscow and the village of Zhdanovichi is 588 km. In order to get from Moscow to the village of Zhdanovichi as quickly and safely as possible, you need to correctly determine the route. Our map will help you understand what the road from Moscow to the village of Zhdanovichi is like. The map shows transit points along the route. You can build a traffic scheme yourself by choosing the points you need to call. Use the zoom feature on the map to get a closer look at the features of your chosen path. Thanks to information about cities, towns, etc., located on the highway Moscow - Zhdanovichi village, you can quickly navigate in unfamiliar areas. The map of Moscow-settlement Zhdanovichi presented here can be printed out for your convenience. Having information about how many km. from Moscow to the village of Zhdanovichi, you can accurately determine the travel time. Using the average speed of the vehicle, it is possible to obtain, with a small error, the time taken to move from point A to point B. In this particular case, to travel from Moscow to the village of Zhdanovichi, 588 km. , it will take 7 hours 4 minutes.