Land of Brandenburg (German Brandenburg) in Germany

In ancient times, Slavic tribes lived on the territory of Brandenburg, one of which is the most famous - the Sorbs, whose tradition and culture have survived to this day. Brandenburg is one of the centers of the formation of German statehood. Already in 1157 Albrecht Medved began to call himself "Margrave of Brandenburg". In 1640, Frederick William the Great of the Hohenzollern dynasty became the ruler of the largest elector of Germany. Brandenburg remained until that time a sparsely populated and underdeveloped area, in order to raise the economy, Friedrich-Wilhelm invited immigrants from Holland, Czech Republic and France, most of whom were Protestants. Under the Potsdam Edict of 1685, they received freedom of religion. The heyday of Prussia is associated with the name of Frederick II, whose residence was Potsdam. Potsdam played an important role in the end of the Second World War.

Brandenburg is an important agricultural and forestry region in Germany. Forests cover 35% of the land. The main crops are wheat, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. The main industrial centers are Eisenhuettenstadt (steel industry), Cottbus (brown coal mining), Ludwigsfelde (production of Mercedes-Benz trucks), Frankfurt an der Oder (Frankfurt) instrumentation).

Cultural and nature tourism is well developed in Brandenburg. A large number of historical and architectural monuments are concentrated in Potsdam. Of greatest interest are the palaces and estates of Brandenburg, of which there are more than 350. In Branitz, you can visit the museum of Prince Pückler - Muskau. Many tourists are attracted by the Brandenburg's forest rivers, canals and lakes - an ideal destination for those who love water travel. There are many parks, nature reserves and biosphere reserves, including in the Elbe floodplain, Schorfheide, and Spreewald. On the Oder-Havel canal, you can find an interesting structure - the world's largest ship lift, with the help of which ships can rise to a height of 36 m.

Brandenburg is a small town that gave its name to the entire federal state. Population - 76, 2 thousand people (2003). Located on the highway Frankfurt an der Oder - Berlin - Magdeburg. Large industrial center. The main attraction of the city is the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Dom St. Peter und Paul), located on the cathedral island (Dominsel). The cathedral was built at the beginning of the 13th century as a late Romanesque three-aisled basilica, rebuilt in the second half of the 15th century in the Gothic style, restored in 1998. In the crypt of 1235 there is a memorial erected in memory of the clergy executed by the Nazis.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe New Town (Neuestadt), the Church of St. Catherine (Katharienenkirche), built of baked bricks in the 14-15th centuries, has been preserved. The church is rightfully considered one of the best examples of North German Gothic; the interior decoration is especially striking. Another monument of the 15th century is the Old Town Hall (Altstaedtisches Rathaus), in front of which there is a statue of Roland, almost 6 m high (1474). The town hall of the new town (Neustaedtisches Rathaus) was built in the 15th century, rebuilt in 1720.

Frankfurt an der Oder is located 70 km east of Berlin, on the border with Poland. Population - 77, 2 thousand people (2003). Tourists who travel to Germany from Russia by train usually pass Frankfurt an der Oder. The city was badly damaged during the Second World War, and was later rebuilt. Among the surviving monuments, the Church of Our Lady (Marienkirche), built in 1253-1524, should be noted. in the gothic style. This main temple of Frankfurt an der Oder was destroyed in 1945 and is currently being rebuilt.

Around 1300, the church of the Franciscan monastery was built - the Church of St. Nicholas (Nikolaikirche), after reconstruction in the 16th century, it received Renaissance features. Today the church houses a concert hall with an old organ. Among other sights of the city, the house of the writer Heinrich von Kleist (Kleist Gedenk und Forschungstaette), located in a baroque building from 1777, deserves attention.



city \u200b\u200bon IN. Germany. Mentioned in 948 g. like Brendanburg (Brendanburg) on behalf of Brendan and burg "fortified city", i.e. "brandan city"... Luzhitsk. The Slavs called him Branibof - Branibor or Branny Bor.

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST... Pospelov E.M. 2001.


(Brandenburg), 1) historical region on V. Germany... Wednesday centuries - one of the principalities that emerged during the conquest of the lands of the Polabian Slavs by the German feudal lords; the expansion of land continued until the 13th century. In 1356, the rights of the electors were assigned to the margraves of B., in 1415 the Hohenzollern dynasty was established here, and Berlin became their residence in 1486. At the beginning of the XVII century. new territories were annexed, incl. Prussia; in 1701 the Brandenburg-Prussian kingdom was formed, and the further history of Byelorussia merges with the history of Prussia;
2) city \u200b\u200bon V. Germany, 50 km west of Berlin; port on the banks of the river. Havel, a tributary of the Elbe. Founded ca. 1170 on the site of the destroyed in 927-928. Slavic town of Branibor. 76 thousand inhabitants (2002). Production of steel and rolling, machine, text., Sewing, food. and other prom-st. Gothic church of Katarina (XIV-XVI centuries). Here I.-S. Bach.

Dictionary of modern place names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


Brandenburg - federal state of Germany (cm. Germany), located in the northwest of the country. In the north, Brandenburg borders with Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, in the west - with Lower Saxony (cm. Lower Saxony) and Saxony-Anhalt (cm. Saxony-Anhalt), in the south - with Saxony (cm. Saxony), in the east - with Poland. Berlin is located on the territory of Brandenburg. The capital of Brandenburg is Potsdam. Population - 2.651 million people (2003). Land area - 29,479 sq. km.
In ancient times, Slavic tribes lived on the territory of Brandenburg, one of which is the most famous - the Sorbs, whose tradition and culture have survived to this day. Brandenburg is one of the centers of the formation of German statehood. Already in 1157 Albrecht Medved began to call himself "Margrave of Brandenburg". In 1640, Frederick William the Great of the Hohenzollern dynasty became the ruler of the largest elector of Germany. Brandenburg remained until that time a sparsely populated and underdeveloped area, in order to raise the economy, Friedrich-Wilhelm invited immigrants from Holland, Czech Republic and France, most of whom were Protestants. Under the Potsdam Edict of 1685, they received freedom of religion. The heyday of Prussia is associated with the name of Frederick II, whose residence was Potsdam. Potsdam played an important role in the end of the Second World War.

Brandenburg is an important agricultural and forestry region in Germany. Forests cover 35% of the land. The main crops are wheat, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. The main industrial centers are Eisenhuettenstadt (steel industry), Cottbus (brown coal mining), Ludwigsfelde (production of Mercedes-Benz trucks), Frankfurt an der Oder (Frankfurt) instrumentation).

Cultural and nature tourism is well developed in Brandenburg. A large number of historical and architectural monuments are concentrated in Potsdam. Of greatest interest are the palaces and estates of Brandenburg, of which there are more than 350. In Branitz, you can visit the museum of Prince Pückler - Muskau. Many tourists are attracted by the Brandenburg's forest rivers, canals and lakes - an ideal destination for those who love water travel. There are many parks, nature reserves and biosphere reserves, including in the Elbe floodplain, Schorfheide, and Spreewald. On the Oder-Havel canal, you can find an interesting structure - the world's largest ship lift, with the help of which ships can rise to a height of 36 m.

Brandenburg is a small town that gave its name to the entire federal state. Population - 76.2 thousand people (2003). Located on the highway Frankfurt an der Oder - Berlin - Magdeburg. Large industrial center. The main attraction of the city is the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Dom St. Peter und Paul), located on the cathedral island (Dominsel). The cathedral was built at the beginning of the 13th century as a late Romanesque three-aisled basilica, rebuilt in the second half of the 15th century in the Gothic style, restored in 1998. In the crypt of 1235 there is a memorial erected in memory of the clergy executed by the Nazis.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe New Town (Neuestadt), the Church of St. Catherine (Katharienenkirche), built of baked bricks in the 14-15th centuries, has been preserved. The church is rightfully considered one of the best examples of North German Gothic; the interior decoration is especially striking. Another monument of the 15th century is the Old Town Hall (Altstaedtisches Rathaus), in front of which there is a statue of Roland, almost 6 m high (1474). The town hall of the new town (Neustaedtisches Rathaus) was built in the 15th century, rebuilt in 1720.

Frankfurt an der Oder is located 70 km east of Berlin, on the border with Poland. Population - 77.2 thousand people (2003). Tourists who travel to Germany from Russia by train usually pass Frankfurt an der Oder. The city was badly damaged during the Second World War, and was later rebuilt. Among the surviving monuments, the Church of Our Lady (Marienkirche), built in 1253-1524, should be noted. in the gothic style. This main temple of Frankfurt an der Oder was destroyed in 1945 and is currently being rebuilt.
Around 1300, the church of the Franciscan monastery was built - the Church of St. Nicholas (Nikolaikirche), after reconstruction in the 16th century, it received Renaissance features. Today the church houses a concert hall with an old organ. Among other sights of the city, the house of the writer Heinrich von Kleist (Kleist Gedenk und Forschungstaette), located in a baroque building from 1777, deserves attention.

Cyril and Methodius Tourism Encyclopedia. 2008 .


See what "Brandenburg" is in other dictionaries:

    I (Brandenburg), land in the east of Germany. 29.5 thousand km2. Population 2.5 million (1995). Administrative center Potsdam. The capital of Germany, Berlin, is located in the center of Brandenburg, separated into a separate administrative unit with the rights ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A city in Germany, the land of Brandenburg, a port on the river. Havel. 95 thousand inhabitants (1988). Metallurgy, light industry, food industry, mechanical engineering. Founded ca. 1170. Buildings from the 13th to 15th centuries. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Brandenburg - (Brandenburg), germ, principality, core of the future kingdom of Prussia. From the 12th century. the Germans began to conquer the glories and tribes that lived here. The Margrave (founded about 1157) took its name. from B., located to 3. from Berlin. In 1356, according to the Golden Bull ... The World History

    Brandenburg, an officer of the Prussian army, the uncle of the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm, was known as a dull and narrow-minded aristocrat. Being an ardent reactionary, he took an active part in preparing the coup d'etat in 1848 on November 2 ... 1000 biographies

    Sush., Number of synonyms: 2 city (2765) land (106) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Brandenburg (disambiguation). Brandenburg Brandenburg Germany Flag ... Wikipedia

    I Brandenburg Nikolai Efimovich, Russian archaeologist and military historian, lieutenant general (1896). Member of the Russian Turkish War of 1877 78. From 1872 until the end of his life he was in charge of the Artillery ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Brandenburg - Count, officer of the Prussian army, uncle of the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm, was known as a stupid and limited aristocrat. Being an ardent reactionary, he took an active part in preparing the coup d'etat in 1848 on November 2, 1848 ... ... Historical reference book of the Russian Marxist

Land of Brandenburg (German Brandenburg) in Germany

Category: Brandenburg

Brandenburg is one of the most culturally, historically and economically important federal states of Germany. Located around Berlin (Berlin is a separate federal unit, city-state), it is famous for its amazing forests, which occupy more than 35% of the territory, and industrial enterprises - Brandenburg's share in the country's GDP is 44%.

Most of the territory of the federal state of Brandenburg is located in the west of the Oder Valley. The natural borders of the land are the Mecklenburg Lake in the north, the Fleming and Oberlausitz heights in the south. Administrative and state borders separate Brandenburg from Poland in the east, from Saxony on the south side, Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony in the west, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the north.

The city of Potsdam became the center of a large and developed land.

History of settlement and development of Brandenburg

The present region of Brandenburg in the early Middle Ages was inhabited by the tribes of the Polabian Slavs. At the end of the first millennium, in 929, the Eastern Franks, led by King Henry the First (Fowler), conquer the territory of the Havelians, or Hevels, the Polab Slavs who lived along the middle course of the Havel River. The center of Slavic settlements at that time was Brandenburg an der Havel. It still exists today, moreover: it is the oldest city in the federal state - and the largest of the cities under the state jurisdiction.

In order to spread (not always voluntarily) Christianity among the Slavs, the conquerors include two new archbishops in the Mecklenburg archbishopric - Havelberg and Brandenburg.

However, the Hevels, like other tribes, did not agree to uncomplainingly accept both alien power and Christianization. The Lyutich Union is gradually forming on the territory (Lyutichi is the common name of the allied Polab tribes). His activities lead to the victory of the Slavs in the uprising of 983: they were able to conquer and preserve their lands and freedom for more than a century.

In the XII century, the childless ruler of the Havelians, Pribislav-Heinrich, dies. A struggle for his inheritance flares up between Albrecht Medved and Jaksa from Kopanica. The result is the final victory of the Bear and the loss of freedom by the Slavs. Now 1157 - the year of the bloody battle between Albrecht and Jaxa - is considered the time of the founding of the Brandenburg Mark.

When Albrecht, the first margrave of Brandenburg and colonizer of eastern Germany (within its present borders), came to power, German and Flemish settlers flocked to the territory of the federal land. Until the 15th century, they lived side by side with the Slavs, living in separate villages, but the process of assimilation was inevitable.

At the beginning of the 15th century, the Brandenburg mark came under the control of the Hohenzollerns, who soon received the title of electors (imperial princes who had the right to elect an emperor). The dynasty greatly strengthens power, establishes order in the territory and ensures the sustainable development of the region.

For more than two centuries, from the beginning of the 18th to 1946, the land of Brandenburg is a key province of Prussia. In 1920 it loses its significant part - Berlin. On April 27, the Landtag adopts the "Greater Berlin Act" - Groß-Berlin-Gesetz, according to which the area pertaining to the city increases more than 10 times - up to 878 sq. km. Berlin is becoming the third most populous city on the planet, lagging only behind London and New York.

A significant change - both state and administrative - will take place in Brandenburg after the Second World War. It completely passes into the Soviet occupation zone, while some of the land - east of the Neisse and Oder - goes to Poland.

Only in October 1990, Brandenburg was restored within its borders and became part of Germany as a new federal state.

Brandenburg today

Today Brandenburg is inhabited by about two and a half million people. This is an extremely developed commercial, industrial and scientific center of Germany, which has, in addition, magnificent landscapes, richly decorated forests, lakes (more than 3 thousand), rivers (total length - more than 30 thousand kilometers), groves, green plains, which seem to be touched the person.

It also has its own "northern Tuscany" - Uckermark, and "little Venice" - Spreewald, and "Brandenburg Arcadia" - the palaces and parks of Potsdam, listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. On the territory of the federal land, the National Park "Flood meadows in the lower reaches of the Oder", 11 reserves, biosphere reserves under the protection of UNESCO have been opened. The resorts of Bad Zarow and Luckenwalde are very popular among guests and locals.

Brandenburg has preserved more than 500 palaces, palace complexes and estates from the former - royal - history. Interesting sights can be found even in the smallest town in the region.

In Oranienburg, travelers can see the baroque palace Oranienburg, built in the 17th century for Louise Henrietta of Orange, a Dutch princess. In Frankfurt an der Oder - the Catholic Church of St. Mary, which began to build in XIII and continued for 250 years, creating one of the characteristic monuments of the Gothic style with huge complex stained glass windows.

Another notable Gothic church is located in Werder. In Senftenberg there is a military fortress of the same name, which in the 18th century was the most powerful fortress in the territories of Brandenburg and Saxony. The entire old Brandenburg an der Havel can be safely called the historical pearl of the federal state.

In the capital of the land - Potsdam - the most famous palace of Frederick the Great - Sanssouci (translated from French - "no worries"), or "Prussian Versailles". The palace was built in the 18th century, and the author of the magnificent project was the king himself, who together with his friend - the architect Georg Wenceslaus von Knobelsdorff - created "an outstanding example of architectural creativity" (based on the rationale for UNESCO to include the palace and park complex in the World Heritage List).

In Brandenburg, products of the optical, chemical, electronic industries are produced, and coal is mined. Textile factories operate in the regional cities of Forst, Guben and Cottbus. However, economists and logisticians believe the potential of the land is far from being exhausted, and the economy is just developing.

In this article, you will learn:

Brandenburg is the land of Germany. It is a federal state located in the east of the country around Berlin. Most of it occupies the western part of the lowland of the Oder River. Currently, Potsdam is considered its capital.

History of origin

Until the seventh century AD, the territory of Brandenburg was occupied by Germanic settlements. Somewhat later, it was inhabited by Slavic tribes (Hevells), who were farmers, hunters and fishermen. But at the beginning of the tenth century, the Germans forced them to pay a tribute that was beyond their power. Uprising began, which were never crowned with success, and in 1157 the Margrave of Brandenburg was created. Albrecht Medved is the first margrave, whose reign was marked by the rapid development of the territory. At this time, the construction of new cities began, agriculture flourished, and new crafts were developing.

From 1356 Brandenburg became an Elector with more rights and opportunities. Since 1415, the Hohenzollern dynasty began to rule it, strengthening and elevating it. From the sixteenth century, Prussia was annexed to Brandenburg, and Berlin was proclaimed the capital. At this point, the time came for numerous wars, which caused enormous damage, from 1618 to 1648 the population decreased by more than ninety percent. The further reign of Friedrich Wilhelm made it possible to begin the revival of the earth. The French Huguenots, Dutch and Swiss moved here, which contributed to the restoration of the economy and the development of trade relations. Subsequent rulers continued this endeavor and by 1786 Prussia, of which Brandenburg was at that time, had acquired a large political power in Europe. By the nineteenth century, it became the center of all of Germany, which contributed to the active development of Berlin.

During the Second World War, the territory of modern Brandenburg was badly damaged. In addition, the 1945 Potsdam agreement deprived him of almost one third of the area that was given to Poland. The rest of the land went to the German Democratic Republic, then was divided into three districts. Only forty-five years later, the connection of Potsdam, Cottbus and Frankfurt took place. October 3, 1990 is the date of the emergence of the new Brandenburg.

Coat of arms of the state of Brandenburg


Of greatest interest to guests who have come to Brandenburg land is its nature, most of which has been preserved in its original form. On its territory there are eleven nature reserves and three reserves (protected natural area), here is also one of the national parks.

Brandenburg is located in a flat area, a third of which is occupied by very well-groomed pine forests with frequent birch plantings and the cleanest air. Here you can see wild animals, as well as a huge amount of mushrooms, because the Germans do not collect them.

Another value of the land is a huge number of crystal clear rivers, magnificent lakes and reservoirs. Locals and guests of Brandenburg make many exciting excursions every day on a variety of types of water transport (yachts, motor ships, kayaks and pedal boats). The Spreewald, which is a conservation area near Berlin, is especially popular with tourists. More than two million guests come to this picturesque place every year.



The most famous cities in the land include:

  • Potsdam, which is its capital. Here you can visit the Sanssouci Park with a huge botanical garden and a number of historical sites. A visit to the Orangery Palace or the Roman Baths will be interesting. Among the architectural monuments of ancient architecture are the Nauen and Brandenburg gates, which adorn the entrances to the city from the north and east. You should also take a walk along the Gliniki Bridge;
  • Frankfurt an der Oder is a small city that was badly damaged during the Second World War and was practically rebuilt. Nevertheless, several famous architectural monuments have been preserved here, which are represented by the Eastern University, the Church of St. Mary, the Church of St. Nicholas and the three-dimensional house;
  • Eberswalde is known for a number of interesting bronze sculptures and unusual museums;
  • Cottbus is one of the largest cities in Brandenburg and has a huge number of attractions. These include city squares, Gothic churches (eg Wendenkirche), palaces, theaters, museums. The most beautiful and one of the most famous places in the city is the park area, which was designed by Prince Pückler-Muskau. It is decorated with a magnificent lake on which an island with an Egyptian-like pyramid is located. It is the burial place of the prince;
  • Leipzig is the main musical city of Brandenburg with excellent opera and interesting museums highlighting the work of the greatest composers.

City of Cottbus

Popular tourist destinations

In addition to contemplating the natural splendor of Brandenburg and catching gorgeous fish, the attention of tourists is attracted by the objects of historical and cultural value. They are represented by ancient palaces and manors, which were designed by the architects of Prussia, ancient churches and town halls, decorated with intricate towers. Most of them are located in Cottbus.

City of Potsdam

It will be interesting to visit local parks, for example, the Babelsberg cinema park, which is considered to be the local Holiwood, or the Biosphere tropical park.

At the Babelsberg cinema

A porcelain exhibition located in an eighteenth-century Chinese teahouse in Potsdam will be a delight. Dresden is famous for the most beautiful dairy shop in the world, a magnificent zoo and a huge number of historical values.

Brandenburg hosts a variety of music festivals and cultural events that attract many tourists. Reinsberg and Sanssouci are leaders in their implementation.

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Brandenburg is one of the regions with the lowest population density in the country (82 people per sq. Km).

Potsdam is a world famous city located 30 km southwest of Berlin on the Havel River (Havel). The rivers Spree and Havel, as well as a whole system of lakes (the largest of which is Lake Wannsee, create a unique enchanting landscape in which about forty palaces and pavilions are located, together with a huge park and garden complex.

Potsdam is called the chamber capital of Prussia, another name is a picture book on Prussian history.

The first mention of Potsdam as a Slavic settlement - the village of Slavik, occurs in 993. The city becomes German only in the middle of the 12th century. B XIII century. Potsdam received city rights. From the 17th century. to the beginning of the XX century. each Prussian king erected several buildings here. All prominent Prussian architects worked in these places. The city was the hunting residence of Friedrich Wilhelm I, Prince of Brandenburg, who in 1660 located Prussian barracks in Potsdam.

Potsdam is associated not only with the name of Frederick the Great, but also with the name of the great Voltaire.

B XVIII-XIX centuries. Potsdam is the summer residence of the Prussian ruling dynasty of the Hohenzollerns, a place for military parades and reviews.

Until 1918 Potsdam was actually the second capital of Prussia and the German Empire.

The city of Potsdam is the site of the famous Potsdam Conference.

Potsdam is associated with a fascinating history of the preservation of Sans Souci by Soviet troops. This is the city of the last German Kaiser and the transfer of power over Germany to Hitler.

In the city itself, tourists are shown interesting sights.

The old city took shape like a mosaic. These are Prussian 2- and 3-storey mansions of the 18th-19th centuries. and restaurants in the old German style. Interesting is the Dutch quarter (Hollandisches Viertel), neat, red brick. The modern Dutch Quarter is like the Latin Quarter in Paris. Tourists are also shown the Tkachi quarter.

Dutch Quarter

Among the architectural sights: firstly, the powerful neo-Gothic city gates of the 16th century. Nauener Tor, which testify to the former military power of the city, but today are romantic elements of urban architecture. Interesting is the Old Brandenburg Gate (1770), which is older than the Berlin Gate. The luxurious houses of the townspeople of the Grunder era were put in order and restored, demonstrating the high level of prosperity at the beginning of the 19th century.

Nauen gate
Brandenburg Gate

The city is famous for its historical and cultural attractions, which include palaces and palace and park ensembles: the City Palace (1745-1781) and several former royal palaces of the 18th-19th centuries.

The palace and park ensemble of Sanssouci (Without worries) is especially famous, thanks to which Potsdam gained worldwide fame. It consists of a regular French park and a masterpiece of Germanic Rococo, the Sanssouci Palace, which was built in 1744-47. to the Prussian king Frederick II (the Great). This king played the flute for the entertainment of his courtiers. In memory of this, in any weather, a flutist plays in front of Sanssouci. The great Voltaire worked in Sanssouci.

Sanssouci Palace

Frederick II died in the palace and is buried nearby. Fresh flowers and potato tubers are constantly lying on his grave, since it was this king who introduced this vegetable into use in Germany. And near his grave are the graves of his favorite dogs.

Frederick II plays the flute

The palace is located above six terraces of a stepped green parterre with grape greenhouses. It is separated by three steps from the green area, to which the solid front of the glazed doors faces. The facade of the palace is connected with the park by figures of nymphs, satyrs and caryatids. The interior of the palace is decorated in the Rococo and Classicism styles. In 1990, UNESCO included this architectural ensemble in the List of Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Numerous tourists tend to visit Sanssouci. Some of them arrive on pleasure boats from Berlin.

As in the time of Frederick the Great, in the summer, tubs of orange trees from greenhouses are displayed in front of Sanssouci.

The palace is surrounded by a beautiful park, in which, along with Sanssouci, you can see more than a dozen palaces and garden pavilions from different eras.

Sanssouci is a national German shrine.

Potsdam has many attractions for tourists.

Aleksandrovka is a Russian village, in which the descendants of Russian serf singers, whom the Prussian court received as a gift at the beginning of the 17th century, still live in it. Tourists are shown houses that look like Russian log huts, but inside are now modern brick houses with all the amenities.

Russian colony Aleksandrovka

Potsdam is closely linked to the history of German cinematography. In the film studios of the country palace with the Babelsberg park, Fritz Lang and Fritz Murnau created the films Nibelungen and Faust, which were landmarks in the history of cinema in the 1920s. last century. It was at this studio that the great Marlene Dietrich was filmed in the movie "Blue Angel". For those who wish, a tour of the Babelsberg Film Studio is organized. The Museum of the History of Cinema, contains the scenery used in the legendary German films. It is possible to visit the Babelsberg cinema park and watch the work of stuntmen or the shooting of scenes of new films. In fact, Babelsberg today is the Hollywood of Germany.

Film studio "Babelsberg"

Certainly a must-see is the New Garden, which includes two smaller palaces, one of which is the Cecilienhof Palace. This is Potsdam's most modern palace. It was built for the crown prince and his bride Cecilia at the beginning of the 20th century. It was here that the famous “Potsdam Conference” was held. The view of the premises in which the conference was held was preserved unchanged, as well as the flowerbed in the shape of a five-pointed star at the main entrance to the palace.

Cecilienhof Palace

The Potsdam conference was held from July 17 to August 2, 1945. The leaders of the 3 largest powers of the anti-Hitler coalition in World War II took part in it, they determined further steps in the post-war structure of Europe.