Orthodox and secular holidays in Cyprus: what and how Cypriots celebrate. Holidays and events in Cyprus National holiday, day off

Exactly fifty days before Easter, the inhabitants of the island celebrate Green Monday. The morning begins with a thorough cleaning of the home. Then parents and children go to nature.

The Saturday preceding Holy Week is considered Lazarus. The Orthodox remember the miracle of the resurrection of Saint Lazarus by the Almighty. The islanders are engaged in the creation of decorations from flowers, namely, gladioli and daisies.

The main event of the Orthodox is Easter. From early morning, Cypriots eat special dishes, as they observe centuries-old traditions.

Kataklysmos is a holiday of water, in which the locals talk about the Flood and the salvation of Noah. Cypriots arrange maritime competitions, swims, at the end the winners are presented with gifts.

Holidays in Cyprus attract a large number of tourists. In addition to the main and religious commemorative dates, grandiose festivals and carnivals are held on the island. One of them, the Limassol Carnival, starts in early spring and lasts for a whole decade. During this period, those who wish take part in costumed parades, song contests and other events.

Anfestiria is a festival of flowers that celebrates the whole island, and flower fairs are held in every corner of Cyprus, and in Paphos, Limassol, Larnaca you can plunge into the festive atmosphere of the carnival.

High in the mountains, in the village of Agros, which produces products from rose petals, the Rose Festival takes place in mid-May. Guests will be able to take part in the harvest, get acquainted with the production of products from rose petals.

In July, Limassol hosts a beer festival for three days. On an impromptu stage, a concert is organized with the participation of famous musicians and DJs.

At the end of summer, local residents hold a wine festival, which attracts not only Cypriots, but also visitors. During the decade, the city hosts a free tasting of local wines. In addition, delicious food is offered, entertainment events are held.

There are also festivals of tulips, ice cream, ancient Greek drama, Shakespeare's nights.

Postponement of holidays

If the weekend in Cyprus coincided with any holiday date, the next Monday will still be a working one. It is not customary for Cypriots to postpone holidays and take extra days off.

The history of Cyprus has more than nine thousand years. And, despite some differences in the way of life and worldview, all the islanders are united by pride in their rich cultural traditions and historical heritage. For example, residents adhere to the traditions of neighboring Turkey: Turkish names are held in high esteem here, Turkish cuisine, and the dominant religion is Islam. Greek traditions, Greek national dishes, the Orthodox religion reign in South Cyprus. But, one way or another, the locals honor many traditions, customs, here from one holiday, a stone's throw to another. But, today, our article is dedicated to the calendar of holidays in Southern Cyprus.

First of January, as well as in Russia, in Cyprus they celebrate New Year. This is a very bright and cheerful holiday with obligatory fireworks, incendiary round dances. Instead of Santa Claus, Ayios Vasilis - St. Basil delivers gifts to children. This number, by the way, is the day of his memory. The prototype of this New Year's grandfather was the theologian and archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia, who died on January 1, 379. All his life this man helped the poor, raised money for the construction of schools, shelters, hospitals, even created a charitable village near Caesarea. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has become a real symbol of kindness, selflessness and mercy for local residents. After his death, he was canonized as a saint. Another tradition is connected with the name of St. Basil in Cyprus: on the eve of the holiday, local housewives bake a pie - vasilopita, with a coin inside. According to legend, during the time of the persecution of Christians, the inhabitants gave their savings to St. Basil so that the Romans would not get them, when the threat was over, he rolled coins into the dough and distributed the resulting buns to the poor. The right to cut the vasilopita belongs to the owner of the house, then he distributes a piece to each person under his roof, whether it be a relative or a tourist guest. The happiest minion of the New Year finds a baked coin in his piece. Another piece of the pie, the owner should take to the church to share among the poor: this is a great way to honor the memory of the saint and help those in need.

January sixth in Cyprus - Baptism. It is a public holiday and a public holiday. This day is also called - "". According to the Bible, these Magi came to worship the born Jesus Christ with gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Therefore, Epiphany for Cypriots is the main day of gifts for children, which are given to them by relatives, acquaintances, guests at home, and godparents give the most generous gifts. On the feast of Epiphany, the sacrament of blessing water is performed: a large cross is taken out of the church, and the faithful follow it in a procession to the shore of the reservoir. Then, under solemn hymns, the cross descends into the sea, and the priest reads a prayer, thus blessing the water. Since the old tradition, young people jump into the water, and whoever quickly catches up with the floating cross, and first takes it in his hands, will have a special blessing for the whole current year.

Before the start of Great Lent, which is the strictest in the church calendar, there is a ten-day merry carnival - Apokria, which is a kind of analogue of our Russian Maslenitsa. Cypriots say that for a worthy meeting of the trials of Lent and Holy Week, you need to have plenty of fun "in reserve". During Apokria, noisy parties with music and dances are held everywhere, where relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors gather. In the first week of the carnival, Cypriot housewives prepare meat dishes: barbecue is a must, as well as stucco ravioli, burechia pies with meat. The meat week is replaced by cottage cheese and cheese week, the filling is replaced in flour products, and Maslenitsa is crowned with Cheese Sunday. In the morning, everyone goes to church, then the biggest festive procession begins, then a large-scale meal, in which it is necessary to finish all the cooked dishes.

The next morning comes the first day of Lent - " Green Monday". Women start this day with cleaning. After the household chores are done, the whole family gathers for a picnic. Lenten food is collected in the basket, most often it is vegetables and fruits of the new crop, which by that time are already ripening on the island. A meal is not complete without Lenten bread mixed with olive oil.

« Good Friday"- the strictest day of fasting, before the onset of Easter and the official day off on. This time, the local population uses for prayers and abstinence, but jokes, laughter and fun on this day are completely inappropriate. For lunch, they eat lentil soup with vinegar - this is a symbolic dish that reminds people of the sponge with vinegar, which was offered to Jesus crucified on the cross, instead of water.

Next comes Resurrection And Easter- the most favorite holiday of Orthodox Cypriots, which is celebrated with special solemnity. In addition, at this time, locals prefer to travel around their island. On the night before Sunday, smartly dressed citizens gather in churches for worship. In the squares and in private courtyards, men build large fires - for the symbolic burning of an effigy of Judas. After the mass, the parishioners return home with lit candles in their hands. On this day, the table is bursting with dishes: in the center is a solemn dish - a lamb fried on a spit, another traditional Easter dessert dish - dactyla. On Easter, it is customary to rejoice and have fun. In small Cypriot villages, this holiday is celebrated on the streets. Fun and wide festivities last from Sunday to Tuesday.

Of course, religious holidays occupy an important place in the life of Cypriots, but there are dates in their calendar that are not related to them, for example, Anfestiria. This stunning beauty, which means "Flower" in translation, is celebrated in early May, while everything is still green and blooming, and the hot sun has not burned the earth. The holiday is dedicated to simple wildflowers: tulips, irises, peonies and wild orchids that grow freely in Cyprus. The main city of these festivities is. Colorful parades are held here every year: carts decorated with bright flowers, platforms with flower arrangements are moving. But this day is also enjoyed in Limassol and Larnaca: flower fairs are held, people walk in national costumes, sing songs and dance, there are tables with refreshments everywhere, fireworks are thundering. On this day, it is customary to give a bouquet of flowers to your beautiful soul mate.

One of the Cypriots' favorite holiday dedicated to water - Cataclysmos. For our Russian hearing, it does not sound very festive, but in translation it means “flood”. Exactly fifty days after Easter, in Cyprus it is customary to remember the Flood and the miraculous salvation of Noah. In coastal cities parades of ships, regattas, swims with prizes for the winners are organized. On the streets, Cypriots pour water on everyone, and no one is offended, because this symbolizes the purification of the soul and body.

There are a lot of holidays in the calendar of Cyprus, and it is very difficult to talk about all of them, so we are talking about the most important and most beloved by the locals. The first of October is celebrated here independence Day. The fact is that Cyprus has an advantageous position in the Mediterranean Sea, so it has always been a profitable object for bargaining between great powers, the country many times passed from one hand of the invaders to another: either to the French, then to the Turks, then to the British. And only in 1960, after a long struggle for freedom, Cyprus became an independent and sovereign state. This anniversary is sacred on the island. On this day, a military parade is held in the capital - Nicosia, it attracts residents from all over the island.

These are the calendar holidays of Cyprus. The locals love fun and are happy to share their joy with others. So choose the holiday you like and come to join the fun. Here you will definitely feel like a welcome guest!

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In addition to the main ones, Cypriots celebrate about 40 more holidays a year, among them:

February: Carnival in Limassol, begins 50 days before Orthodox Easter (Apokria). Particularly colorful are the processions of mummers in Limassol.
This is a two-week celebration of fun and abundance of food, before the Easter fast. The first week (Creatini) is Meat Week because it is the last week you can eat meat before Easter. Second week (Tirini) - Cheese week, when cheese and other dairy products are eaten. Everyone can join the celebration where songs are sung and games are played. Many in masks and carnival costumes.

Shakespeare nights
They are held in the Kourion amphitheater, where one of Shakespeare's plays is staged.

Ancient Greek Drama Festival
Organized every year under the auspices of the Cyprus Theater Organization and the Cyprus Tourism Organization. Performances are held, as a rule, in the Curium amphitheater and in other open theaters throughout the summer.

Pafia Festival
The Municipality of Paphos organizes various performances (theater, music, dance) in June, August and September in the ancient Odeon and in the Paphos castle area.

July: Festival (beer) in Limassol (12/07/2009).
Folklore festival, as well as a film and theater festival, an art fair.
The Limassol Municipality organizes an annual festival. It includes various performances: theater, music and dance.

August: Festival in Larnaca
This festival takes place in the Medieval Fort of Larnaca and the Pattichion Amphitheater and lasts for a month. The program includes performances by local and international artists.

village festivals
They run from August to October. Folklore music, dances, fairs. PANIGIRIA - Cypriots celebrate the name day of the Saints, called Panigiria. Festivities, fairs.

Second half of August - lemon festival in Karavas.

September: Wine Festival - grape festival in Limassol from August 30 to September 08, 2019 .
Wine Festival in Limassol
Cyprus has been famous for its vineyards since ancient times. Limassol, as the center of winemaking, is famous for its annual wine festival. Only the very best wines are offered during the 12 day festival. Wine, delicious food, a varied program of performances.
For two weeks in the city park, the flow of visitors who want to taste Cypriot wine for free does not dry out.

September: Rally in Cyprus
It is considered one of the most difficult in Europe, due to difficult road conditions. Rally with a factor of 20 in the European Championships. Start and finish - in Nicosia.

Nicosia Ice Cream Festival - Last Saturday of September 24/09/2011 (25/09/2010)
The Scoop of Nicosia. Details on tel. 22 889600.

October: LEMESIA Sports Festival(triathlon, running, marathon, fencing, boxing, rhythmic gymnastics). October 14-23, 2011. http://www.limassolmunicipal.com.cy/amma_2011.pdf

Cyprus is an island of love and beauty, as well as interesting traditions that have been preserved since ancient times. And all the charm of legends and stories, of course, appears in the holidays of this state. If you are planning a trip to the island, then combine it with one of the Cypriot events - this will help you get to know the Cypriots better and soak up the atmosphere of exotic and ancient Cyprus.

Winter Events In Cyprus

December 25

Christmas is the most family holiday in Cyprus. Pork dishes and the local sweet delicacy christokulura are sure to be on the table. They try to celebrate the Christmas holiday in new clothes or put on at least one unworn element. Faithful Cypriots on Christmas go to the evening service in the church and then gather at the festive table. And in some villages, ancient traditions are still alive: do not lock the door on Christmas night, but leave a cake in the attic - a treat to appease the spirits.

1st of January

Like many other states, the Republic of Cyprus celebrates the New Year on the night of January 1st. At this time, music is booming everywhere, fireworks are flickering, and all people, young and old, are dancing. On the table is a steaming New Year's vasilopita cake, inside of which there is a surprise. On this holiday, St. Basil is revered - he is an analogue of our Santa Claus. They prepare treats for him and await his magical visit with gifts.

January 24

Memorial Day of St. Neophyte. The island even has a historical landmark associated with this person - a monastery. In Cyprus, St. Neophyte is greatly revered and on this feast they make a solemn procession to the cave where, according to legend, he lived.

Spring Events In Cyprus

11th of March

Green Monday. This day marks the start of Lent, when every Cypriot family cleans their house and then has a festive picnic or dinner.

April 1

The national holiday of Cyprus is a tribute to the events that are associated with the liberation struggle against the British colonizers. This is the day of freedom, unity and patriotism of the Cypriot people.

26 April

Good Friday. The government makes sure that believers can carefully prepare for Easter, and therefore this day is a day off in Cyprus. On Friday afternoon, Cypriots cook lentil soup with vinegar, all members of believing families spend time in prayer and fasting. Emotions are moderate, but everyone is in anticipation of great joy - the day of the resurrection of Christ.

April 28

Easter is the most important holiday for Orthodox Cypriots. On the night before Easter, a church service is held, and in the morning celebrations are held, where boiled eggs and Easter cakes are always present on the tables. At this time, a lot of fresh herbs are already growing in Cyprus, so feasts always include a variety of local vegetables.

May 01

Labor Day. This is the time for rallies and demonstrations of workers, as well as various entertainment events, concerts and shows. Live music sounds everywhere, and Cypriots weave and put on wreaths with wild herbs, garlic and wildflowers.

May 06

Anfestiria (flower day) is the most tender and beautiful holiday in Cyprus. This is a way to honor the island's incredible natural beauty. Flower fairs are held in Cyprus, everyone gives each other bouquets. The streets are filled with daisies, alpine violets, anemones, gladioli and wild tulips.

Summer events In Cyprus

June 16

Trinity Feast. This event for believers in Cyprus begins with a morning service in the church and is accompanied by prayers.

August 15

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a day off and a time when it seems that all Cypriots are getting a little kinder. On the night before the holiday, believers make a procession, which is accompanied by the removal of the shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos, and in the morning they go to the solemn service in the temple.

August 30

Wine Festival in Limassol. This is one of the most famous and beloved by travelers Cypriot events, which is a must-see for wine lovers, because this fair brings together the products of wineries from all over the island in one place. The festival is imbued with the spirit of Cyprus, there are a lot of national attributes and local folklore: the bouzouka (national stringed instrument) sounds, craftsmen sing folk songs and dance Cypriot dances. Various competitions are held at the wine fair and guests are fed with national dishes.

Autumn Events In Cyprus

September 14

The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is an event that is very significant in Cyprus. On this day, Orthodox Cypriots go to serve in the temple, pray for relatives and friends. During the celebration, the island becomes a gathering place for pilgrims visiting shrines.

October 01

Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus. This date is celebrated by the Cypriots on a very large scale! Throughout its existence, the island, which has a good strategic position, constantly fell under the possession of one or another country. But the national liberation struggle in 1960 finally led to the fact that Cyprus became a sovereign state. On Independence Day, parades are held on the island, and delicious treats are prepared in the houses and friends and relatives are invited to the feast. Mass festivities on the city streets last until the very night.

28 of October

Ohh Day. This event is connected with the Second World War, when Cyprus rejected Italy's ultimatum of neutrality in military operations and thus became part of the fight against the fascist invaders. This is the day of parades, demonstrations and festivities in Cyprus. Flags of the country are hung on administrative buildings.

The largest and most popular wine festival in Cyprus takes place annually from the end of the last week of August and throughout the first week of September in the Limassol Municipal Park.

Events dedicated to winemaking begin daily at 19:00 and end at 23:00 on weekdays and at 23:30 on weekends.

What is the uniqueness of the Limassol Wine Festival and why it is worth visiting

The festival presents the products of the main wineries of Cyprus. Having bought a wine glass, you can taste all the wines presented, as well as enjoy young wine, which is bottled in special bottles without restriction.

In addition to wine tasting, everyone can participate in the traditional pressure of grapes with their feet, have a bite of traditional Cypriot dishes and sweets, listen to songs and watch a variety of programs of creative teams.

How to get to the Limassol Wine Festival

If you are in, then you can come to the festival by city buses number 30. From , Larnaca, Nicosia and Ayia Napa The Cyprus Tourism Organization provides free bus transfers on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The village is considered a traditional place for the production of rose petals in Cyprus. Festival visitors have a unique opportunity to:

Where and when does it take place

Festival events take place in the village of Agros in mid-May on Saturdays and Sundays from morning until late evening. The village is located in the highlands of Troodos (Troodos), which can only be reached by car.

Anfestiria - flower parade and festival in Limassol

"Anthestiria" (Anthestiria) is a celebration of the awakening of nature and spring. The traditions of this celebration originated in Greece, where celebrations were held in honor of the god of wine and fertility, Dionysus.

The program of the festival "Anfestiria":

  • floral exhibition;
  • flower parade;
  • flower sale;
  • musical and dance performances.

Where and when is the flower festival

The Flower Festival takes place in the center of Limassol's tourist area on the first or second weekend in May.

The Faros Chamber Music Festival is one of the most important events in the world of classical music in Cyprus. Music festival events take place in May and June at The Shoe Factory concert hall and the royal manor of the ancient settlement of Kouklia (Royal Manor House), located near Paphos.

The magnificent performance of the musicians and the artistic innovations in the staging of the festival's concerts have earned international recognition and attract more than 2,000 visitors annually.

The Street Life Festival takes place in early May in the heart of the old town of Limassol on Saripolou Street.

Over the years, the Limassol Street Art Festival has gained immense popularity and gathers more than 10,000 people on the city streets. Everyone can take part in the event by taking paint in hand and creating their own masterpiece of street art!

In the program of the street art festival:

Medieval Festival in Ayia Napa

The medieval festival takes place in the historical center near the medieval monastery in the first or second week of October.

What to see at the festival:

  • theatrical performances in the natural setting of a medieval monastery;
  • music and dance concerts;
  • events using medieval costumes;
  • market-fair of traditional products, stylized as a medieval setting;
  • workshops stylized as the Middle Ages on making wickerwork, pottery and other interesting things;
  • exhibitions of medieval products.

Strawberry Festival in Derynia

The Strawberry Festival in Cyprus takes place every 2 years in the southeast of the island in the village of Derinya.

During the festival, everyone can enjoy strawberries, taste drinks and sweets made from strawberries, watch performances by dancers and musicians, and purchase strawberries and traditional products.

You can get to Derynia from Ayia Napa and by bus number 502.

Anogyra Pastel Festival

In early September, the village hosts a pastel festival, a traditional Cypriot dessert made with carob syrup. The village is located in the foothills of Troodos between Limassol and Paphos. You can only get to Anogyra by car.